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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies==

    NM Perfect name for our DOTD, Well I know u know u'r body better than anyone so u know wht to do nd when to do it. But I have to say u are devoted to u'r patients, they are the blessed ones for having you.

    Lori all of it seems like so much work, bt I do know it's so enjoyable for u in the winter time. Of course I'm no nurse but they do have oxygen packs that u can carry under u'r arm link a big purse--well I don't know how heavy they are but they are so manageable to travel or just to go out with. And yes wacko is so not working now--they must think she is wacko--she always has something going on and it gets stranger and stranger.

    Lara I hope u'r doing OK, we haven't heard anything from Undie even.

    Again I watched Botched where the plastic surgeons fix so many mistakes mad, they are fantastic and they show the actual operations and how they do it---Hope plastic surgeons watch this show, I've learned so much in how mistakes are made, inbelievable--- It's on the E channel.

    Joey's been asking about my drink ladies and Lori I didn't tell him about his blond bombshell, or Lara either but I did tell him Erin and just an infection in the eye, doesn't sound so bad. cuz I made it not sound so bad., and I Sue I don't talk about what u have. he's just so interested in al of u so I make up a few things and it makes him happy that u'r all doing OK.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhhLinKs!!

    NM - That is one headache!  I hate puking.  Glad it was something you knew how to handle and not a flu bug or something.  Hugs for all the stress with work and your yard work. ((NM))

    Cami - Sounds like a wonderful plan.  And I can just picture Joey helping you accessorize!  Have him take a pic of you all dolled up and post for us K?

    Hi Julie - I love your poster pic.  I feel that way goils are always close to my heart and in my prayers.

    Genny - I agree with Lowee....using your phone...that is a long post.  Mese fingers are big, like mese boats for feetz, and I make so many mistakes it frustrates de hail outta Kudos to you.   So glad you are feeling so much better.  I had to LOL about the golf, I tried in my younger days (40's), found it too frustrating as did my dh.  Rather that jes enjoy, we tried too hard to improve...oh well. 

    Lowee - chopping the add-in's for your salsa and sketti do have a processor right?  I mean you not doing all that chopping by hand are ya?  I am so pwoud of back, especially between mese shoulder blades, get to screaming at me if I standing too long in da kitchen making sumpin.  I am now limiting myself to jes 15 mins at a time, then sit and rest for 15.  I can get pretty cranky if I don't rest in spells.  If da nurses can't help with the oxygen, lemme kno, I'll check with my cousin who brought my 90 yoa aunt to OR.  The one that drove the Kabota all over, her's is some kind of portable contraption and I don't think she pays for it.

    Er-Wacko - yes, non-genital herpes is common.  I've had it since my early teens only it rears it's ugly head on my mouth in the form of coldsores.  Stress is the biggest reason for an outbreak...sunburn is the other.  Acyclivir (sp) is an oral pill given to me by me doc for flareups.  Might ask about that to supplement the eye drops?  Hope you get better soon. 

    Missing PRN, Lara, 4sew, CyndieLou, Aly, ED....where de be???  I jes pray all are A-OK!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014


    "I have outlived my pecker."A Poem - by Willie Nelson

    My nookie days are over, My pilot light is out.What used to be my pride and joy, Is now my water spout.Time was when, on its own accord, From my trousers it would spring.But now I've got a full time job, To find the friggin thing.It used to be embarrassing, The way it would behave.For every single morning, It would stand and watch me shave.Now as old age approaches, It sure gives me the blues.To see it hang its little head, And watch me tie my shoes!!
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Hiya Girls!!

    So sorry I have been AWOL.  That Wabbit Hole has had a lot of traffic lately. Things here have been kinda cray cray.  And I been dealing with some stuff what made me grumpy and I didn't want to spread that chit!!

    I have been reading with email alerts and trying to keep up, but foygibs me if I miss anyting!

    NM, I too LUBS a good storm!  We have had a ton of rain but missing the thunder and lightning that goes with.  Sorry you have had some headaches lately, they suck.  Sadie is SO precious.  Makes me miss my old sheepdog!  Great drinks of the day!  And how is the garden coming??  Mine never made it into reality this year.

    Julie, I haven't seen the pics yet, but I bet the wedding and cake are bootiful!  Sounds like you had a great time and it's always hard to go back to work.  And to the gym!!  Bummer about your tablet.

    Genny, you sound like you are having a Mahvalous time.  Sorry the pushed your surgery out.  The waiting stinks and so does messing with your schedule for work.

    Erin, OH NO!!  I agree with the innocent one.  The tings you do to get out of work!!  Be really careful with your eye puleeze!!  Good luck with the job hunt.  I hope someting goot turns up soonliest!  I tink you daddy is doing good, but how are tings for your mom?  UTI under control and is she settled someplace?  I want your pool  I jailous every time you talk about it!

    Princess!  your trip sounded wonnerful!  OUr plans got FUBARed but we are hoping to take a trip when the kids have a break for a week in September.  When do your boys go back to school?  Mine all start the 4th!  I think your guys are similar ages to a couple of mine.  Glad you got that quality time with DH.  Good luck with the rads.  I made it to 25th before anything was even pink and I didn't use anything to speak of on my skin.  You will do great!! And it will be over before you know it.

    Lori!  Your canning is awesome!!  And I bet your garden is bootiful too.  I'm sorry about the confusion wif your meds.  I hope they get it straightened out so you don't have to drive so far or worry if the stuff got shipped!  Hoping for limited SEs too.  You a tough cookie though!!   We are all beating on FURB much worse than he is beating on us!!  So you keep kicking him in de tale, K?

    Cami, you are always the sweet one!  Loved the story about Joey and his "date" to the zoo!  And yes 10 seems young but the kids start that "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" stuff early these days.  Couple of mine were married off in preschool!  One use to tell me he played  Run for Kisses at recess.  Girls were running FOR the kisses  boys were running FROM them!!!  I hope you are well and feeling good.  I know you smell good!  GReat news about your sister too.  HOw is the SIL doing??  And have fun at your party with the fireworks!!  I know you will be all glammed up!!!

    LaLa, I have worried and prayed for you!  All the girls actually, but I know you are going through some really chitty stuff right now.  Pop in and let us know you are k, K?  I can only imagine that the emotional stuff is just as hard as the physical stuff.  When I lost my Fin to dat frikkin' infuction it was the most down I had been through everything.  FURB finally had stolen something I wasn't willing to give.  We are gonna kick his ass again though and he might have won the battle, but certainly not the war!!  Hope the pain is bearable and that you are doing well in spite of it all.   (((LaLa)))))

    Mema-Su-Zee-Cu-Tee!!!  So glad you had fun on your trip.  Sorry SH is being a douch and going to disappoint you again for the next trip ;0(  I gonna go look for dat pic of yur Maddy.  My Madolyn turned 10 and had a fancy schmancy Spa party!!!  I'll put up a pic!  Hope you are feeling goot and the docs have good news from the latest scans.  you always smilin though and I LUBS that about you!

    Undie, I so relate to de foot trouble!  Crutches suck.  I had a 5 inch plate and 10 screws put up the outside of my ankle and a 3 inch screw and another screw put into the inside ankle bone when I shattered and dislocated it.  I spent over 4 weeks with NO weight on it what so ever then very limited and only with compression boot and crutches.  It was doing well then chemo and neuropathy screwed it up and it is pissing me off sumptin fierce cuz it just doesn't work right.  I get up and limp across the room cuz it's so stiff.  Once I get going I'm ok iffin I don't stop!  Have to have hardware taken out now!! if I want it to get any better range of motion but then back in the boot 4-6 weeks so I'm waiting or cold weather.  Plus now he says cus of effing Tamoxifen I will have to go on Lovanox too.  WTF??  So I really feel your pain and know what a biotch foot problems can be.  I hope all is well for you!

    Beans, aren't they done probing you yet so you can drop in and say hi??  We need the UFO so we can stock it for Genny's soigery!!

    Cyn, I hope all is well.  I hope I is not the reason you don't stop by here much anymore?  How goes the house hunt?  if you haven't already, you will find sumptin poyfect!

    Aly!!  Sorry about your MIL I tink it is??  And de boys across the road sound lovely!  Keep warm.  

    And ED!!  Get off dat pole and come in for a drink.  I will put up some nekkid men pics and see iffin I can't lure her in here!!!

    Am I missing anyone???  This is all I can member from reading emails last few days.  I'm on page 1442 so I should mix a pitcher of sumptin and git reading!!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    ED, come out come out wherever you are!!!





  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    I tink de Lounge needed a steam room!


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    oh yea we do!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    i second that

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Hello ladies...

    Its Friday!  woohoo.  Off for two.  So nice.  Ihave worked each night this week on the landscaping and I will finish tonight.  Caught up and weeded and sprayed.

    4-  thanks as always for the eyecandy.  Hope you are feeling better, toe wasnt it?

    Erin...herpes is generally no identified as 1 or 2 anymore.  Just herpes and treated. I hope it gets better soon.  WE all miss you bunches!  Hi to your dad.

    Lori...I haven't had a garden in a few years but I think next year I will again. I have really gone organic and I will know for absolute in my own darn yard.  Glad you got your med hook up.  Rads is going okay.

    NM..we got some mild weather coming your way.  It is by me now.  I will be back your area next weekend, White Mountains NH, for my first hiking excursion.

    Mema...thanks for thinking of me.  I am pretty perked up from the draino.  Work is going along and the Herceptin seems to be going ok. I have another MUGA soon so we will see how I am tolerating it.

    I started radiation on Monday.  A CT scan and markings. Then I came back Wednesday and they moved some of the sharpie marks and put "cute" stickers on them to save then in the shower and such.  So I look down and there is one about haldf on my nipple.  I said,"what don't you think I might want to have sex?"  I thought the techs were gonna pee on themselves they were trying no to laugh.  I was serious!  I didn't think the one on half of my nipple was so cute!  I want to have sex, I'm a newlywed and next week is my anniversary.  So, anyway, just like all the other chit, I got over it.  But the assumption that you know, it doesn't even matter to me, pissed me the hell off!! t

    Oh and you know they take the xray with you breathing and with you holding your breath?  I have to hold my breath through 4 treatments each time.  "That's doesn't happen too often!"  LOL ..  So 3 down of 30.  23 whole breast and 7 at tumor bed.  I am hopeful to have my skin hold out.  I will keep you informed.

    Genny, Lara, Julie...hi and thinking of ya.

    Also, for those taking tamoxifen.  There was news today that its effectiveness is influenced by light.  It works best at night with melatonin we make as we sleep.  Please ask if you should be taking a supplement. Here's the link!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Hiya goils, I'm home from vacay but it's kinda nice gettin home on a Friday cause we still have the weekend together. DH's son here tonight, haven't seen him since Ive been bald he says so I guess it's been awhile. He's a great kid, 25, lives in Columbus and becoming very ambitious. Anyway, he and DH having some father son time so I thought I'd try and catch up. Drinking my wine, Junior back on his pillow next to me and Emma at the foot of the bed with the box fan on, Moose making his household rounds, all is back to normal. I can't ever remember having a more relaxing vacation, I got more sleep than I've had in years, like 8-10 hours/night. There was just no place to be and nothing I had to do. My DH got up every morning at 6 or so and went and golfed 18 holes so I just slept...very nice. Didn't get the letter from my MO about the insurance mess, not that I really expected to so I have to work on my next step over the weekend. Computer charger in the mail, $70 at Apple store, I found one on ebay, brand new with free shipping for $16.. woohoo!

    Lori, I think you asked me about the family pic, my son and DIL are standing on the far right and yes that's my DH in the tank top. I got home to my little condo garden today and harvested 1 big tomato and 7 cherry tomatoes and 10 snap peas and a pepper. I have enough lettuce for 4 salads and that's about it. I think it's great that you can make sauce and salsa for the winter, a lot of work now but it sure will be a treat in January. So glad your tx is going ok, hope it's all goes smoothly from here on.Hope your truck gets fixed soon and doesn't cost too much. When r you going to Michigan?

    PRN, glad the rads are going ok so far. Funny story about the cutie even if not so funny for you. Hope you get to have lots and lotsa whoopee for your anniversary... just use the other boob.

    NM, glad the H/A went away, sucks that you have to have those. So easy to say don't get stressed and so much harder to do. Hope you get some good Sadie time this weekend, try to look more at what you get done instead of what you don't get done... I'll bet it's more than u think!

    Erin, oh so sorry about your eye.. that sucks, I hope it clears up soon and then stays the hell away for good. What's going on with your mom? Have you been able to get in your pool?

    4.. so good to have u back! Glad u came out of that dang wabbit hole. Hope u stay out for a long time, too crowded down there anyway. Thanks Juliet, I had a great time with the family. Thanks for calling on beans for the UFO, I have 13 days.

    Sooo ladies I am officially out of steam, eyelids gettin' heavy, I'm gonna post this and then I'll finish in the ayem... sweet dreams all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    I am pooping in for a night cap.  I just read that FURB has stolen another of my friends and I need a drink.

    Just want to say the I LUBS and pray for all the girls of the lounge.

    Princess, thanks for that link.  I'm gonna check it out!  I take mine at night so maybe I've been doing a good thing and didn't even know it!!  I don't know about the holding of the breath thing, but I have heard that when they are radiating the left they have you hold your breath cuz your heart is so close.  I also think they are starting to do more rads with the ladies laying on their bellies for the same reason.  Mine was right side so I don't know.  I can tell you that my fat grafting has made a world of difference in my radiated side.  It is much softer and not near so tight anymore.  I am really impressed with the difference since the fat graft.  And yes, it was my toe, but that has been the least of my worries.  Had to have pelvic US then endo biopsies.  Then they put me on progesterone and in 2 weeks I get to do it all again.  Plus I found a damn lump on my "good" side.  But I had a MX and have an implant so WTF.  They say subcutaneous cyst, but come back in 3 months so we can US again.  I'm pretty tired of it all!  Jump through one hoop and they put out 3 more!!  FURB!!!

    OK, I said I wasn't going to do dat chit!  I don't mean to complain I know so many people are dealing with much worse.  It's just that I hate it for ALL of us.

    Genny, you sound like you had a great time Now get some rest!!

    Erin, hope the eye is feeling better!

    NM have good Sadie time this weekend!

    Lori, don't work too hard!  I hear you about having all the yummy organic home grown stuff for the winter!!

    LaLa, Please feel better and let us know how you are doing!

    I can't believe those boys didn't bring ED out to play!  

    Mema, Julie, Aly, Beans, Undie, Cami, Cyn, ...  have a great weekend! For those of you working, don't work too hard.!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely
    sleep in this ayem.

    Goldie--by the time
    work time came around I was feeling fine, that's why I went to work!Not to mention that I had patients who needed
    to get tucked in for the weekend, and a new patient on my case load to meet.Truly, once the headache breaks I am
    fine!Otherwise I can't see straight to
    drive and would have called in sick.Talk to the company that is providing your Mom's oxygen equipment, they
    should be providing tanks for power failures and you can get small, easily
    carried tanks for going out.There are
    small, portable concentrators, too, but I think they are more $$ and not all
    insurances will cover them.The trade
    off with the smaller tanks is that they don't last long, maybe only a couple of
    hours depending on what oxygen flow rateyour Mom is using.

    Cammy--That show
    sounds interesting, I'll have to see if I can find it! I'm glad you filter
    things for Joey, he is so sweet and needs to hold on to that innocence as long
    as possible.

    Mema--good point
    about non-genital herpes.It is very
    common.I have to do the work and rest
    thing, too, or I totally wipe myself out.My problem is getting started.I'd much rather play on the computer!


    4--the garden is
    coming, got some nice tomatoes coming on, gonna get a good crop of peas
    eventually.Small this year, maybe
    bigger next year!Wow you can remember a
    lot!Wish I was that good!

    Oh, Yum!

    PRN--You have got a
    great weekend for hiking in the White Mountains!Have agreat time.Interesting article,
    thanks for sharing.

    Genny--It's amazing
    what you can find on ebay, isn't it?A
    lot of times I research stuff on Amazon, then go to ebay and see if I can get
    it cheaper, usually can, too!Good point
    about looking at what I get done more than what I don't.Time to get out the old "To Do"
    list so I can see things crossed off and see the progress. That trick often
    works for me.

    4--so sorry about
    your friend.So not fair.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz (ice cold)

    4 oz (ice cold)

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Add all ingredients
    to glass and enjoy!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited July 2014

    Good morning ladies, beautiful sunny day here, going to go out for a nice long walk here in a little while. Oops, weather man on now says maybe severe weather this afternoon, need to get pooches out this ayem. They still seem a bit hungover from vacay so it shouldn't take too long. Got too tired to finish my post last night so where was I.

    Erin, how's the eye? Do u have to go back to work on Monday? 

    4 so sorry to hear about all the chit you're going thru, and if u can't vent about it here then where? Don't apologize for it, FURB sucks! There are days when I still can't believe I have it and just wish I could go back to January before I knew and life was normal. But here we all are, this IS the place to talk about it. 

    Sue, when do you get to see Maddy again? I'm gonna babysit Tuesday and then I get to keep Nora overnight next Sunday and then my surgery so it'll be awhile after that. Hope yer feeling good and have a good weekend. I forgot, when do u go on your trip?

    Lala, where are u? I hope you're resting and feeling better everyday.

    Well goils, time to take the pooches out squirrel chasing, hope you all have the weekend off and have a good one, Lubs to all, bye for now

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, those O2 tanks that you are talking about only last like a couple of hours, mom needs to sleep all night with one, and then during day when she needs it. She's SUPPOSE to be on it 24/7, but doesn't. Tell Joey that we all send him a hug, and that we love to hear about and what he is up to.

    LDB, I do have a food processor, a small one. But it amost purifies the stuff. So YES, I hand chop it all! I need one of those slap chops, or whatever their called.

    Thanks for the morning laff there Wacko, poor Willie! I miss you girl. Are you enjoying your pool and what's the news on the drama wif your DD and baby daddy?

    4, really sorry to hear you been down in that wabbit hole. But I MOOsta say, you gots some goot company, das fo sho. You can come here and spread all the grumpy stuff you what's the deal? And then to have to deal with your ankle? And the lost fin? What an ordeal. Perhaps all of that is what had you down the hole? Was hoping you could entice ED to stop in too.

    PRN, glad the rads are going ok, hoping it stays that way! So you used to garden then? I'm a little limited as to what I can grow, cuz it gets so hot, so leafy things are almost unheard of. Altho chard and kale do ok. Sorry about the NOT SO FUNNy sticker on the nipple. Want to see pictures of your hike when you get out there. Where I live, it's also called the White Mountains.

    Genny it amazes me how expensive things can be, and then you can find them (usually on Amazon) for a steal! Your vacation sounds like it was exzackery what you needed and perfect timing being right after chemo and before surgery. You have a lovely family! I am going to MI Sept 6-17. A harvest is a harvest, no matter how small. It feels good to be able to pick something you've grown and eat it.

    Oh 4, I'm so sorry to hear that we have lost another sister. (huge sigh) I sure wish the hell they could find a cure. Way too many women dying from this F'ing disease. FURB! And sorry for all of those hoops you are jumping through. Hoping it will turn out to be nuttin but a good work out. And you can put your chit out there girl. If you can't do it here, then where??? At least that's how I feel. I don't know what I would do, or where I would be, iffin I didn't have you all!

    NM, I LOVE IT! 9 (the work virus). I don't know how often the O2 peeps come out to my moms. I'm not thinking very often, as her machine doesn't use a tank and she doesn't go out. Or if she does, it's just to a doctor appointment and she doesn't take O2 with her. And she can not afford to pay for anything. Hmmmmm, coffee and Jager. Not sure about that one, but maybe. Kinda like a licorice coffee?

    Lala, oh Lala.....where are thou? And Unde????

    Getting our truck back today (hopefully) and out to lunch with some friends and groceries. It's been very hot here, so just staying in. Hoping you all have an awesome weekend. I'm certainly going to try!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Uppin the music, downin the cocktails ................ grabbing NM, giving her a big ole bear hug as we fall into the pool together!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I can't believe I'm so far behind--that's what I get when I talk to these people I live in this house with. Not Joey my DD and SIL--I can't shut them up sometimes. Oh well.

    Funny poem Erin--keep off the computer tho.

    4444 Glad to see you and of course the eyecandy but sorry u've been having so much going on. And when the kids are home I don't know if that's a help or just more work. Just hope u'r feeling better and I know how u feel when we loose someone off the boards.

    Genny I'm glad u have a little extra time after u'r vacay---which BTW sounded wonderful and relazing, just what u need.

    NM I hope u can get to u'r yard today, I know that's bothering u, so if u get it done u'll be able to relax better with Sadie.

    Lara Oh Lara it's been to long now---has anyone talked to her?

    Where's Lori--did she go somewhere or mybe we' re bumping each other.

    SusyQ U hve that stupid virus too. WTF and cold sores get so sore and everyone sees them, u look infected with some crzy thing too.

    Well we'll see how the weather goes today, hope it clears up--it's supposed to--Joey already took his shower. It's scary movie day, and I have to take a nap soon and I'm drinking coffee now. WTF


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    OK I had to check---I bumped Lori just glad to see u.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2014

    And if you don't grow up by the time you are 40, you don't have to!!!!

    Hello everybody, I am so sorry I have missed so much with you girls. I tried to read all the posts, honestly I did, but then, there were so darned many of them that I have missed, I gave up and decided to just jump back in.

    Had my dad down for 4 days. He is sinking fast into Alzheimers and telling the same stories back to back. I'm really glad I did it though. Took him to the Rib'n'Beer Fest and he got a little bit loaded. Believe it or not, the one booth we both went back to for seconds was the Grapefruit Beer. It was yummy, but I've read that grapefruit isn't good for us, so I guess it won't be gracing my fridge any time soon.

    My mom is finally back in her old place after the flood. But they had to tear up her front lawn in order to fix the water main, then did a very poor job of repairing the lawn. So after we dropped off dad, we weeded, seeded and watered her lawn for her. Now all she has to do is to remember to water it.

    I'm good, except for my hands. SE of Tamoxifen is hands that don't want to work. Can't make a fist anymore, no swelling, but typing and phones and such are becoming a bigger problem for me.

    My DD finally got a car, so after 4 years of Mom's Taxi service, I can step down from that duty! Yay me! Downside is she lost 2 grandparents to get the inheritance that paid for the car.

    Well, that's about it for me. Hope everyone is ok, sorry for those who aren't - you have my prayers.



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Love it Juliet!  I totally agree!!

    Hey Red, great to see you!  Sorry about the hands.  I have swelling in my right hand and arm, but that is from node removal.  I do have some general overall puffyness now you have me wondering if it is from Tammy.  Sounds like the festival was fun!  Hope mom remembers to water too!  That was a lot of work.

    HOpe the weekend is off to a great start for all!!  I found a guardian angel for the lounge..............


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • slappy-squirrel
    slappy-squirrel Member Posts: 199
    edited July 2014

    so funny!!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning ...OK...Afternoon DahhhhLinKs!

    Er-Wacko ...LMAO on da Willie poem...too f'n funny!

    4Sew - WooHoo, you back!!  Not happy you going thru so much chit thos.  I hope my DH will not disappoint me this trip, so far all indications are good.  But like I say...not getting too excited til we actually drive off.   My last scans were all very good.  Staying the course with the TDM1 every 3 weeks and Xgeva every 6 weeks.  My foobies have been very tender.  Only thing I can think of is not being on the Aromisin, but I really don't kno.  Also nausea and extreme dry mouth.  Had been taking the Compazine, switch 2 weeks ago to will only give me 6 pills for the month...frickin cray cray as you say. So told em to stuff it and I'll stick to the Compazine.  When I finish with my girls, am gonna go willie shopping online.  LOL...will let ya all kno how that goes.  Thanks for the eye candy...jes lubslubs dem all!!    DAMN FURB, so sorry to hear about it taking a sister.  Another Angel to watch over the rest of us.  And I'm saying extra prayers that things turn out OK on the endo and the cyst.  Not gonna call it a lump...sticking with cyst.  (((Lynn)))

    Hey Prn - U sound good!  I too have a MUGA due next month.  Will b 1st since starting TDM1, so I'm curious.  Get little pains in my chest, but they don't last, so think I'm OK.  Sawwweeee, but was cwacking up about the 'sticker on ur nipper'.  I forget what sex and that lots of mese bwesties prolly still enjoy.   Hope you can still have sex and lots of it especially next week....Happy Anniversary!  Praying your skin holds out too...the stories I've heard, would not want you or anyone else to go thru that chit!

    Genny - Welcome back!  Glad to hear you got lots n lots of good sleep.  That's what vacay to me is all about.  I used to wanna go go go, but not anymore...lemme sleep, eat, read, sleep,etc.  WOW great find on the charger.  I love finding bargains.  I get Maddy again on Aug 2...for NINE SLEEPOVERS.  LOL...thats what she calls them.  I went shopping for nail polish.  She likes glitter and mema didn't have I do.  Can't wait!  Then she goes home and 2 days later we leave for our trip (8-14).  Am so looking forward to lots n lots of good sleep too.  What date is ur surgery again?  We should b getting the UFO ready eh?

    NM - loving the posts.  Think I'm about ready to 'down' the 'vaccine official depression killing antigen'!!!  I too wud really rather nap, puter, or a good movie, but good ol catholic guilt gets me moving most of the time.  I almost always have a 'to-do' list on my desk, one by my bed, and fav chair.  If I don't write something down when I think of it....well, not likely to get done...LOL.

    Lowee - no wonder your back is killing you.  Being tall like you and I, countertops are not conducive to bending and chopping.  Must look into the 'chop-chop' or whatever it's called.  Glad you getting ur truck back and hope u enjoy lunch.  My new car has the feature where you can start it from 50 or more feet away.  It stays locked and if someone were to break a window to steal, they won't be able to get the gear to shift out of park.  Love it for quick pop-ins at quickie-marts when I have mese pooches with me.  And to have it cooled off  before I get to it after grocery shopping in this fricken heat.

    Cami - yes I have it, doesn't crop up like it used to when I was younger and a huge worry-wort.  One time before going to Phx to see my teenaged boyfriend, I broke out in 2 places.  Huge pussy blisters...can u say...'ugly'!  Suffice to say, no necking went on that weekend.  LOL.

    Julie - LMAO...too cute.  Lubs the 50 shades too.

    Hey Red - Dang...had no idea Tammy was so damaging.  FURB...will it ever end!  Glad DD finally got a car and u can retire as taxi, but sawweee to hear the reason she could get it.  I heard, several times and different sources about the grapfruit...bummer!!  Glad your mom back in her house sawweee to hear about your dad tho. 

    4 - me no like da hairy arse of dat angel.  shame on me for being so picky eh?  LOL!

    Gotta run girls...took me since noon to get this far.  Happy Fried-Ay to all and hope all who can DO get fried!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,003
    edited July 2014

    oh good Lord, have mercy ~hicccup~~~~ 

    i has so much to communicate but jest too dwunk to do de job. uhghhh, sorry.

    Mema, I tink de day is saturdey, not friday well now it sundey not saturdey so I tink wese both be even more funcused than ever. your car sounds ubber cool.. i musta miss dat, what did you git? why I wanna car that can be cooled before I put my ewwa in there. cuz I tired of burning mese ewwa on de hot leather. which bdw, leather seats are not all they are cwacked up to bese! 

    and hail yeah to gitting de UFO ready for our goil Ginny.  I wishin that Beanie woud come and help me. De two of us work so well togehter on stocking dat big arse UFO with all de likker ever needed. 

    I so sorry  i cant talk to ye all. I jest being cellfish cuz I dont have it in mese to do so. and mese jest overwhelmed with life in general. did you eber notice that I dont talk about tings that are bothering me? NOpe, I flucking stuff dem tings deep deep inside me and portend that a dwink will cure all and eberyting ~ hic. 

    hey, shirley, it is Shirely, a real goil with that spayshall name. Hi SHIRLEY, surely you are de real shirley. welcome goil and please come back. cuz I lubs all goils names shirley, surely I do shirley. 

    mema, missed your call. me wuz deep in de rabbit hole, well sleeoping in mese bed in de middle of de day and did not bwing mese phone with me cuz I wuz being a biotch and not talking to ennyone. but den I listen to yer message x and mese fart jest about melted. and it did not stank when de melt down happened fyi. ok then. I wuz gonna try to call you back at   pee em my time but tinking late for you dere in vegas, Ms go to bed early early early. you and LOri both up at de crack of mese ass, arrrr I mean crack pipe...i mean crack of dawn. where is dawn anyway? and delta dawn, what dat flower ye have on? I been wondering dat my dern self all dese year BURP_____ oooops so sorrry for mese piggyness. 

    I should go  now but before I do, I say I read ebery word you all write here and mese has too much to say but it sorta oberwhelming like work or sumting. right? shame on me. I go to de dunce corner with mese jackk and be sorry. 

    peace out goil scouts, I lovee each of you and de persons ye are. I feeel each of you but cant hespress it cuz mese dwinking way too much dese days. and nights too. 

    and bdw, me not going back to work, mighten get flired but I do not care. hah, take that biotches and millionaires, take dat! ha! 


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Cami, I pulled you right into the pool with NM and I when you bumped me. I know how much you like the pool.

    You are right Julie, but I also refuse to be old. Any time my husband says we're old, I tell him "you can be old if you want to, not me".

    Hey Red....good to see you girl! "Grapefruit is not good for us"....what the hell is??? I don't imagine that beer had too much grapefruit in it. But what a fun way to spend it with your dear daddy. Congrats on retiring the taxi service, but sorry to hear of the circumstances. How is little Gage doing?

    4, that guardian angel wouldn't be trying to escape, would he???? LOL!

    Hello and welcome Slappy. Fun place to hang around if you decide to stay.

    LDB, I din't know you shop for Willie online, wowsa! And mese wish you din't have that nausea. Dry mouth a little easier to deal wif. My back gets to me just from standing for so long. The counters are high enough, I don't have to bend over. Nice feature on your new car and Bella and Bax can stay cool too. Just hope they don't decide to dwive off wifout ya!!! And we can get that ass waxed for ye, k?

    Wacko, I wuz gonna call Mema on da day ting, but you got dat covered. Never had leather seats, but don't think I would care for them. And it's not good to keep those things buried deeeeeeeep inside, please don't do that. Now the Jack, das ok! Sending you some big hugs and lots of love.

    Poyfect foy da wabbit hole, don't ya think? WHOA..............THAT's BIG!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    NM, hopefully you and Sadie are sleeping in. I got the DOTD!

    Rabbit Punch

    •1 whole orange, plus 1 orange cut into thin slices for garnish
    •1 lemon
    •1 cup sugar
    •1 cup lemon juice
    •1 cup pineapple juice
    •1 (750 milliliter) bottle bourbon, at least 100 proof
    •1 cup Champagne or sparkling wine
    •1 cup fresh pineapple chunks



    I need to head out to my garden and pick maters. I gots another ton of em!!! Picked beans yesterday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,859
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another lovely day shaping
    up here, even though there may be some rain in the evening, apparently.So gottaget the laundry out on the line and dry and back in fairly efficiently
    today.The sheets and duvet are in the
    washer as I type. . .


    Goldie--There should
    be a sticker on your Mom's oxygen machine, with a phone number.Call them and ask what the plan is for a
    power failure. They have to provide some tanks for when the electricity is out.You can talk with them, usually insurance will cover at least some
    portable tanks for going to appointments and such.At any rate, there needs to be something in
    the home to use when the power is out.The company has to check the machine periodically (once a month, I
    think, but I could be wrong).Hope you
    get the truck back and get to have some fun!


    SPLASH!Goldie and I hit the pool!Yeah!


    Cammy--Have fun with
    Joey and the scary movies!


    Julie--I've been
    quoting that one forYEARS!One of my favs!


    RedRH--Good to hear
    from you!I bet the visit with your Dad
    was bittersweet, but what a great memory to have!Sorry to hear that your Mom's yard didn't get
    put back like it should have, but happy to hear you can give up on Mom's Taxi
    service.And it sucks that the tammie is
    messing with your hands.So not


    4--Not how I imagine
    angels looking, but I seem to keep looking!


    Welcome, squirrelly!


    Mema--I hear about
    needing to write things down.My brain
    has a memory like a steel sieve.If I
    don't write it down, it goes away, far, far away. . .


    Erin--You and me
    both need to get outta this wabbit hole.How we gonna get this done?


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Hole in the Head

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Sambuca

    3 drops Tabasco


    Fill half of a shot
    glass with Sambuca. Slowly fill the other half with vodka (to get layer
    effect). Add 3 drops of Tabasco sauce (it should swim in between the two
    layers) and serve.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Erin u sound so sad and to much going on for u now. U'r just going thru so much, please know it will be better. I hope u'r eye is better at least, and other things will start falling  into place.

    SuzyQ sorry for the reason u'r DD got the car but it's nice to have for remembering too, and u can quit u'r taxi service. U always sound like u'r doing good--so I don't know---


    Oh u guys know I'm like a vegetable after the party last nite, not used to this nite life thing---but we all had  a great time, got home around 1am and my cat woke me up about 5 So I'm useless today, well more than usual--so I'll try getting back later.. Just wanted to stop by and say====

    I lubs u all and welcome Shirley, unless I've welcomed u before tha I'll say HI.