how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Thanks girls for calling me on the floor for not knowing what damn day it is!!!  Did get me cwacking up dis morning tho.

    Er-Wacko - so-K you were resting and yes, I am in bed 7p, But I don't shut my phone down til about 8p.  Jes need that hour to unwind in da bed.  Jes wanted you to kno how much I lubs ya and that u can call whenever.  (((ER))) 

    Lowee - Wax his ass...phunny...and I thot same thing, mayb he running away from all us dwunken goils...heehee.  That White Rabbit GR8 for our Wacko...too cool.  Lubs dat DOTD too.  Yes, I can order on line.  They'll want some scans and my 'prescription' but that is doable. Now just need to find the right one.

    NM - Lubslubs all da pic posts especially da wabbit hole one.  I'll say extra prayers for you too to git outta dat hole.  Hole in the Head DOTD is appropriate and something I'd enjoy, cept mayb take it easy on da tabasco.  (((NM)))

    Cami - Sounds like a bit of a hangover? Or jes too much fun and a late night?  In anycase, hope you get some more rest today and git back to ur ol self!

    Shirley - jes one pop in, or as we say 'poop' in?  Come back so wese can welcome u proper!

    Missing some, but gotta run...lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs to all ya'll!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Happy Sunday Funday Girls!!

    The Wabbit Hole is WAY too crowded!!  I will come out iffin The rest of the girls join me.  We needs a party!  Nuttin good happens down there and I don't know about you, but when I spend too much time there my brain takes me ugly places.  


    Lori, he's not running from us trying to escape, apparently he is running from the lady with the wax!!!  I jailous of your garden!  I hope to be organized as you when I grow up one day!

    Shirley!  Welcome.  Please stay a while and enjoy the support and the cray cray fun!!

    Erin, seriously, I git the wabbit hole, that's where I was for so long, but trying really hard not to spend much time there.  I hope things start looking up for you.  How's the pukas??  You don't have something else going on serious and just don't want to scare Cammi?  Have you heard from LaLa???  We is worried muchly for her.  Also, how is Cyn doing?  And her DD had a lumpy didn't she???

    Mema!  your new car sounds great.  I am loving mine.  All the teenagers are too, cuz we always seem to be the ones driving.  My second turns 15 on Wednesday and we are having a permit party.  Taking 5-6 boys all to get their permits.  Glad you are driving again.  And SO happy your scans came back good.  You and Lori in particular are my inspirations cuz of that damn ILC thing and I don't like it when you guys have trubbelz!!  I don't like when anyone has trubbelz!  That lady I told you what is an angel now, well that was the lady I asked you to reach out to.  It still has me stunned and another lady I know just got the bone mets dx.  FURB MUST BE SHOT DEAD IN HIS TRACKS ASAPLIEST!

    Julie, as always love the funnies!!  Hope you are not working too hard.  I has so much respect for you nurses!  You deal with some chit, dats fo shoah!

    NM, why you in da wabbit hole wif us?  Tell Sadie to throw her leash in and pull you up!!!  Hope you are having a good weekend though!

    Prin!  Funny (not) about the sticker.  At my first chemo they sent me home with sheets of paper to read.  Stuff like close the toilet lid, wash your hands a lot, etc...  Well it also listed SEs.  One of them was something about how it could change your interest level for sex, but it didn't specify how, and to contact the nurses if you had any questions/problems.  So at my next infusion with my husband there, we asked them what to do if you just can't stop thinking/doing it???  They didn't have an answer and to this day the nurse still asks if there is a "problem"'!!  But then when my Onc asked if I was having any problems  I told him I would like to register a complaint about the quality of the complimentary Brazilian that came with the chemo.  They never know what I will say anymore!

    Genny, hope it's a good weekend and you are getting some rest.  Enjoy Nora tonight!!

    Red, Beans, Undie, Aly, hope the weekend is treating you well. I hope I didn't miss anyone, I'm still on my first cup of coffee!

    LaLa we putting an APB out on you............I hope you are ok.  I didn't see you in the wabbit hole, I hope you aren't hiding in the basement down there.  Please let us know you are ok. K??

    Well it is back to school week and I have a ton of catering I don't want to do but will enjoy having the money in the bank when the work is done.  Sigh..................gotta get off my EWWA and get moving

    LUBZ and HUGZ for all de girls

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2014

    awww. NM, you in the rabbit hole TOO? Jesus Louise sez, not good. Like 4 sez, Sadie will def help u outta there cuz you know she can't live without you and she too happy go lucky for dat dag gone rabbit hole, de SOB. So let's climb out together. Ugh, we will see how that goes.  I hope your work week is better and no migraines. They are so vicious, I used to get them before pregnancy, then they stopped. It is phunny how tings change from pregnancy. My hair went from super duper curly to jest plain curly. I nearly needed a perm to keep the 80's big hair look. I hope you had a good weekend.

    4. howdy hay. So nice to see your face. your cwack me de hail up with yer posts. I have not heard from Lara but have not bothered her. SHould I? I jest have to keep praying for her. and good God, school is starting already there? yikes, I hate buses on the highways. Why I wanna pass them but that is not nice, eh? hehe. nice cleaning boy d it was true.  Hugs to you, de biggest and fattest DorKy hugs ever (((((((Sue)))))). 

    Lori dahlling, tanks for de rabbit punch ~hiccup, it shirley good as a punch gits hehe hiccup! and fyi, do not eat too menny of those dere beans ya picked cuz we all know that beans give you de most wicked stanky gas. or is dat sumone else I tinking about? 

    Cam,hoping you are gitting a good night of sleep. Hate that you were awoken so early after partaying de night away. And I hope you let yer bidness calls go to voice mail so you can sleep in and snuggle with Kitty Kat the cat. Please tail Erin yer newest scent. cuz when I grow up, I wanna smell like you. MUAH! and some hugs while I am gitting all kinds a mushy. I love ye Cam, my PHD, my bff, my mentor and my shadow, well I wish you was mese shadow cuz I could see you and hug you in person live, as in real time. Oh a goil can dream, eh? 

    Red, good to see you, sorry about your parents, I can sure relate to that vicious disease of alzheimers. It is so mean, sorta like de RB. I hope tings git better. Glad you can retire from being taxi mom.

    Well I should text Lara, it is late now as I know she retires early in the night. Will try to remember to check on her tomorree. and shame on me if I foyget. I miss her and worry cuz she mese widdlest seester. 

    Hi to Julie, Ginny and Princess and to anybody I may have missed, sorrry, mese jest a dwunk. A sad lonely dwunk. oh mise oh mese, it is Jack here to partay with me. No longer lonely but still dwunk. 

    titties up and lots of love and mostly, CheeRS ma dearS! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited July 2014

    OK girls out of dat rabbit hole. 

    Ise really need a dwink but think if I has one I be down hole wid you all -- well we could has a party in the rebbit hole. Wese could has madhatter's tea party and whose to say what's we has for tea!!!

    Its cold here and can't get warm, joints shocking and head somewhere else but dats long story.

    Hope it was good weekend

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Froggy this ayem, got a
    little rain last evening.Got a heads up
    call from the weekend nurse last evening, gonna be a busy and probably difficult day today.We'll see, I guess. Makin' sure I get at
    least one cup of coffee in before I leave the house!


    Cammy--Sounds like
    you had a great time, and now you need some recovery time! Rest up today.


    Mema--I'd leave out
    the tabasco entirely, myself, but other people like it, so I left it in the
    recipe.Working on getting out of the
    hole, need a refill of my antidepressant, my records didn't get moved to my
    choice of Primary doc when the office closed, the office that bought out the
    old office is a department of the local medical center so they can't find
    anything, are slow as molasses, and not being helpful. I've got the mail order
    pharmacy helping me now. May just have to go to the old doc as a new patient if
    all else fails.Such a pain in the


    4--LOL! Sadie is keeping me from going too far into
    the wabbit hole, and I'm holding on to the leash with everything I've got.Just need to get my pills and I'll be ok


    Julie--can I hire

    Erin--I'm working on
    getting my pills back, then I'll be ok in about a week or so.That will probably stop the headaches,
    too.If not, I'll schedule a massage or


    Aly--Mad Hatter's
    Tea Party is just what we need!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles DOTD:

    Mad Hatter

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Peach Schnapps

    1 oz Lemonade

    1 oz Coca Cola


    Shake and strain,
    serving straight up in a shot glass.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM I knew it was u'r meds, remember when I said are u taking u'r meds. I'm so glad u'll get them taken care of them. That rabbit hole  is adorable but it's for rabbits only, that's why it's called a rabbit hole, so please stay out and feel better. I know too u'r work is very personal for you and it's the kindness in u'r heart that it does get to, So u need to take care of u'rself first--then it will make u'r life the best it can be for Sadie too.

    The party was so fun but boy did it take me to another zone and I'm still there. LOL

    Lori I'm hoping u'r doing OK.

    Erin tell us how u'r eye is doing, wht's the Dr.. saying about this goofy thing.


    I need my coffee now and get moving around to activate my body.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    NM, I'll have to check with my mom on her O2 machine. I  think I remember her saying something about the fact that she has had it for so long, that she now owns it? I don't recall her saying anything at all about anyone coming out to check the machine. Nice to have 2 DOTD's yesterday. I hope your day was productive and you were happy with the productivity! I do hope today isn't too hectic. Hoping you can get those Anti D's soon. I always thought those were one drug that you were NOT suppose to just stop taking?

    Cami, glad you had a nice time at the party. Veggin and recouping the day after is just fine, especially iffin you had an awesome time. Funny you are still trying to recoup!

    LDB, we are both early to bed, early to rise. You'll have to let us know if that Willie you get helps. I hope you can get it soon.

    4, I hear ya on getting out of the rabbit hole and it being too crowded. I'm crawling out wif ya! LOL@ the guardian angel dude running from the wax lady! I second that the F'ing RB be shot and stopped in is tracks. Gosh, kids back to school this week? It's only July!

    Julie, nice cleaning person ya got there! I like how he is kneeling on a towel!!! Did you get your tablet back?

    LOL Wacko, getting a perm to have even bigger hair! I don't think the green beans make you gassy like some others. I'll make some tonight to go with the roast I'm gonna make. As for the alzeimhers, I was talking to my dad yesterday, and when we were saying our good bye's, he says to me "tell papa I said hi". Have no idea who he was referring to. My kids called him papa, but I don't know if he ever called someone that.

    Alyson, it's good to see you, you need a hot Tender to cuddle up to and keep warm. And where be that head of yours???

    I sure hope someone hears from Lara or she checks in.

    I'll have me some Mad Hatter for breakfast. DH is planning a little get away for us for my b-day, which isn't until the end of August, but anyways we are heading up to Utah, and on Aug 9, DH is driving me to Mema's house and her and I get to hang out for the day! AND, I get to meet her sweet little Maddy. Well, back to the grind stone Monkey Day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    OK hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii missed u all I have been through a rough 2 weeks since surgery I could not post

    stitches r out but one little thing is open and it bleeds she didnt stitch it yet see her tomm still not in the clear but closer to something

    before my surgery it was a big thing about the pain pills I felt my life revolved around these nasty pills so I withdrew at home call me crazy after surgery no less I basically flipped out and threw them out... I went through hell detox was horrid called primary doc he gave me clondine off label for opiate withdraw im in the clear I hope 10 days done with withdraw

    My mind is back im sharp and clear, yes I have real pain but I am going to try to deal with it I do not want those nasty pills. If I need them again I will be on the lowest dose and as needed.I can not get injections yet. So I am proud of myself and now can say I am a strong biotchhhhhhhhhhh

    So I see PS tomm after what happened with saying I am ok and letting me go that long with the puks she checks me every wweek and returns calls

    We still have no idea why this happened.She sent test out for everything there are some fungual cultures stilll out but I need to get the answers so this does not happen again.Her partner who I recieved the second opionion from said the pink in tat color has metallics that u can be allergic to and he has seen this before . she said she has never seen this find this hard to belive.missed u all staying strong



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Lara - so good to hear from you.  We were all so worried, knew you must be going thru something.  Detox was not something I considered you'd b going thru.  I am pwoud of you...takes a ton of strength to do that on your own.  I have family propensity for addiction, so I am always afraid to take them.  Kudos to you!!  Glad you mind is clearer and your attitude more positive.  Praying things go well with your PS tomorrow....U ROCK Biotchhhhh!!!

    YAY Loweee - u comin to see me in my humble abode.  WooHoo...I can't wait!!

    Cami - hope you've gotten some coffee down.  What kinda 'zone' u talking about?  Where you at??  Cami Cami...come out come out wherever you are!!  LOL

    NM - Mad Hatter sounds pretty good.  I can't imagine not having my Xanax...think I wud flip out, not really but the thought of it disturbs me.  Hope they can get their fannies moving a bit faster so you don't have to visit another doc.  Gotta do all we can to stay outta dat wabbit hole.  Hope not toooo busy/stressful day for you today.  ((NM))

    Aly - sooo good to see you, been wondering whachu up too lately.  Hope you warm up and can find your head too....gonna need it for our Mad Hatter's ParTay!!

    ER-Wacko - you talking to 4sew and give me hugz?  LOL...jes couldn't hailp it...payback for calling me on my Fried-ay dat was really Sa-turd-ay.  Mese lubs mese seeester ...muah muah muah!!

    4sew - I hate to say, but I vaguely remember u asking me to reach out for her, but for life of me can't remember her name.  I am soo sorry and want to gibs u BIGGEST HUGZ.  So you be da carpool mama?  You are gonna take dem boyz to test b4 ya hab da party right?!?! j/k I kno u will and dey too young to dwink likker anyway.  Sounds like fun tho!

    Gotta run....LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS and BIG HUGZ to all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Lara so glad to hear from u---wow what u've been thru and without pain meds, whew tht had to really be tough, and u are a strong biotch and I'm glad u doing better and yea find out how this whole thing strted, I do hope u do.

    SuzyQ when I go out and between getting ready and being out til IDK about 12, or 1am--I'm in between Zombieland and Twilight Zone for like 2 days, I'm more useless than usual and can barely move LOL, the days of being a party animal are over--had a little to drink, but my sister made up for it-she did a good 2 nites of drinking, then she fell apart hahaha

    Phones are going BBL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    Thanks mema and cam

    I need to ket chup

    I think as the nurses know u need to get off them and see if its real pain whats going on etc and when u have a bunch of surgeries this happens. I was reading even if u r on the pills for three days your body can have flu like symptoms I was on norco for 2 years nasty pill DH wanted to kill me no he was truely a trooper though it all. I was the exorcist at times believe me.... Plus all the crap u have to pee every month one things off they flip out it just got so annoyong over it so after surgery I said F this got rid of them done nothing in this house

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    lol I woke up awful this time DH said I was swearing like a truck driver

    told the anthesologist I was going to marry him

    went off on the nurse all hazy but I was crazy this time waking up

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014

    Hey LaLa, So good to see you and I am so proud of you for being such a tough BIOTCH!!!!!  That took guts and balls :0)


    Suzi-Cut-E  I have to get someone else in the house driving!!  Then I can be the drinker, not the driver!!  I LUBS being the car pool mom though cuz the boys are all great and treat me like one of the gang.  I get all the dirt that way!!!

    News alert!!! Fin surgery has been scheduled!!!  So the fat cells from my hips or somewhere are going to join their friends from my thighs and move to more impressive real estate on 8/29!!  I was holding my breath waiting to see if doc would give on his time frame!  This way maybe by nov/dec I can get my expander back.  I'm tired of rolling to one side or swimming in circles in de pool!!  

    I'm also scheduled for a consult about node transplants so I will keep you all posted!!  Compression garments don't help me. Actually make my hand worse!  Wrapping is out of the question cuz how do you do dishes, or cook, or wipe...............................  My night tribute is great but jus not enuf so I'm going to see what this lady has to say.  She takes 2-3 from the neck and moves them to the pit.

    OK, busy week.  I'm a cooking fool like Lori, only she gets to eat hers!!  I can nap Tuesday, until then, back to the grind!!  I need Julie's guy to come do my dishes!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014



  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    Julie and 4 I am already having hot flashes, but those boys are making me sweat!  Sheesh

    Lara...brava!  It is tough stuff, detoxing.  I work in Behavioral Health, the psych floors and detox. Keep your chin up!!!

    I went to a great 5 years Cancerversary party.  The chick is from England so she had a English Tea party.  We had finger foods, and cucumber sandwiches, quiche and cream puffs and tea.  We had PIMMS which is tea with Gin, mighty tasty.  She sold tickets for 20$ and the money goes to a local cancer resource center.  It was nice.


    Rads is going okay.  Fourth today.  Skin is fine.  Really tired already for crap sakes.

    Erin...glad you are back.  Tough days in a tiny hole.  Understandable.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014

    Damn,it's getting hot in here. Here's something to cool you all off. Cheers.

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited July 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Got a couple of good
    downpours yesterday, 1.48 inches of rain in total.And talk about the fog! Ran the AC in the
    bedroom just b/c of the humidity, not the heat.But slept good!

    Cammy--you are
    right, you are always right.I'm
    watching the email for updates, should get them in pretty soon.I'll join you for a cup of coffee.

    Goldie--It is
    possible your Mom owns the machine if she's had it for a while.The company that originally managed it can
    still help you with getting something portable for her, though.And no, not supposed to stop taking anti-d's
    but I was on an automatic delivery system, didn't notice that the delivery
    didn't come, then when I ran out I discovered my records didn't get transferred
    so the pharmacy couldn't get new scripts, then had to track down my records
    (original doc's office was sold and then closed, now my records are in a big
    hospital system somewhere), get that info to the pharmacy and left a message on
    the prescription refill line, now to see what happens and find out who my doc
    is now.Very annoying.Nice trip you have planned for your

    ORLA--oh, my, you
    have been through he##!You certainly
    are a strong biotch!!!!!!!!!!So glad you are feeling clear and sharp.Push that PS for an answer, girl.Good for you!

    Mema--yesterday was
    long and eventful, but essentially good.Lots of coffee, though!

    ORLA--crazy what the
    drugs can do to you!

    4--Wow, node
    transplants!Praying that works for
    you.And hooray for a surgery date!

    Julie--way to make
    my monitor screen steam up!

    PRN--The Tea Party
    sounds like a blast!Never thought of
    putting gin in tea, may have to try that sometime soon.

    Undy--hmm, I
    suddenly need to take a swim. . .

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Boston Ice Tea

    1 cl Vodka

    1 cl Coffee Liqueur

    1 cl Grand Marnier

    1 cl Gin

    1 cl Rum

    Sweet and Sour Mix

    4 oz Coca Cola

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    Build over ice.
    Stir. Garnish with lemon slice and a straw.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Oh gosh Lara, you've sure been through it. Couldn't you wean off of the drugs? wow, I can't even imagine. Glad you are off and feeling better, at least mentally. But you can't live in pain. Good luck today.

    Yes Suzi QT, I comin your way. Me n you girl, in less than 2 weeks!

    LOL Cami, being betweet the Twighlight zone and Zombie Land.

    4, we know you rock, being the "cool" mom. And glad you got a date now for surgery. But holy the cow, seems like a lot of steps to go through. And I'll bet your fat is happy it's moving higher up! Node transplant? Never heard of it. Dat dude looks like him gots a hairy arse too! Do you like hairy men?

    Ahhhhhh, and Julie brought some more eye candy to the party. Oh yeah! And I'll take some wine and love too, thank you!

    Beautiful pic PRN. Is this someone from the boards? Great idea for her to have a tea party. Yep, rads will wear you down, hang in there. I was always able to recoup on the weekends.

    Shannon, I don't think they are gonna cool anyone down!

    NM, annoying at the very least, in getting your meds. I'll see if I can have my son check on my mom's O2 machine. Thanks for all of your help. Boston Ice Tea......sounds interesting.

    Looks like our truck and quad are both ready to be picked up, so that's what we are doing today. Will have lunch with some friends too.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Wow I too had to wipe off the steam on my screen, Good eye candy ladies---u noze what we likes---but I didn't notice any cool down Undie. Julie and 4 got s started.

    44444 I am so glad u are now on a schedule for u'r surgery, I never heard of nodes moving tho--wow they do so much more. U'r already a cool mom. but smart to keep up on things too.

    Princess how nice to have that party and u look gorgeous and when u'r tired try to rest.

    Lara I think what u did was unreal, but when u do have pain what do u do now? I hope u get some relief. And never worry about what u say when u'r involved with surgery. I know I told my BS if I was 20 yrs younger he's leave his wife for me, didn't know  at the time he was leaving his wife. And that was probably the best thing I said.

    Lori u'r busy as usual, u are a trooper and I lub u girl.

    NM quite a tea we're all going to drink. I hope u start feeling better, that's a terrible feeling I know.

    Erin, SuzyQ, genny I'm sending huge HUGS ----did I miss anyone? I hope not

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    some hot men here

    I can see people going loony Princess love the pic!!!!!! I broke reality at times

    Nm yes and goldie yes it was hard core but I had to do it anyway still resting no bending , lifting yet so this surgery knocked me I am tired and the detox

    4 your legs going where? and your skin on top lol jking wish u well for surgery

    cam thats funny u said that u almost had a witch vibe going on after u woke up

    The Dammed or something really scary half in spanish I never get scared this was freaky

    so I am just hanging out wtching movies, I do adult paint by numbers and I am making an owl pillow all good stuff. You get crafty when recovering, oh and reading Dr. Sleep steven kings book its good so far.

    pop in later


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Gotta b quick, dh off and we have lots planned...ugh.

    Lara - I did same thing coming outta surgery, but many years ago, they used something diff back then and I was fighting like a banshee when I came to.  Hope you doing better, and glad your dh is a trooper...(((Lara)))

    4 - Yay on the date for fin surg and some fat 'moving on up' to higher ground.  Gotcha on mese calendar so's we won't forgit to get da UFO ready.  And I am with flashes or is it jes looking at dem boys you, Unde,  and Julie a postin!  Come to mama, is all I can say!  I too have never heard of node transplants.  Please keep us posted on that new venture.

    Lowee-  counting the days.

    Julie - love, wine, chocolate and a nap....POYFECT!!  My car is being washed now, and trust me, the guy doing it doesn't come close to your guys.  But at least he's doing it, actually he always takes care of my car, so I'll keep him.Smile

    Cami - LOL 'steam on your screen'.  I get it now, the zone you were in.  When I overdo like that it takes me a couple of days to recoup too!

    NM - glad it was good day even tho busy.  That DOTD sounds like it would have been poyfect for the party PRN went to.

    PRN - You're gorgeous!!  What a gr8 picture!!!  The party is a wonderful idea for raising funds for local cancer center.  I spent last 2 years running around my widdle town pushing pink ribbon donations.  Was tiring but turned out good.  The gals on this thread kept the DOTD going for October and the bar I used to work for posted them and gave most of the cost to the cause.  Won't do it this year tho, don't have the energy, but might think about a fund raiser party.  I could get lots of help and thus easier on me.  Thanks for sharing.  Glad no burning or discomfort with the rads so far.  Fatigue is a side effect, am sure you kno, hits diff women at diff times, so rest rest rest when you're feeling the need.

    Unde - sooo good to see some pic posts from you, of course we love them.  Hope you are feeling ok!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS to all mese are all in my prayers, thoughts, and mese fart!!Happy