how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    good afternoon all,

    kudos lara, its hard to come off narcotics but don't live in pain ,explore all other options with the docs,  pain meds are supposed to improve the quality of our lives ,not run it

    irony time, just came back from the docs with a prescription for nexium  for the side effects from the mobic i take for the side effects of furbBawling

    prn -you look great,hope you enjoyed the tea party,i did get a cream tea while i was homeHappy

    i'll second wacko,what you smelling of today cammi?

    4 good news on having a date!  out of curosity where do they take the donor nodes from?  the ot was telling me that they will be reccomending  anybody who had nodes removed wear a compression garment when flying so where are the redundant nodes

    your not allowed down the rabbit hole nm

    lori and sue  you make my head spin with all your activities!Happy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited July 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, yesterday turned out
    to be a roller coaster day at work.Got
    a call from the wife of a patient that I have been working really hard with, he
    was comfortable in her eyes, which was a major accomplishment, anddidn't need me to make a visit.In the afternoon I got a call from the boss
    that the wife had requested to change nurses, she wants the weekend nurse to be
    the regular nurse because the weekend nurse is compassionate and caring, and I
    am a very good nurse but not compassionate and caring.I know she is really angry, and what she
    wants no one can give her, and I've been sort of expecting this for a while
    now, but it still hurts a little.Sigh.Gotta let this one go, got
    4 other patients/families that love me and don't want to see anyone else, so I
    must be doing something right.

    Julie--I keep
    waiting for that chair to collapse or tip over!

    Goldie--have fun
    picking up the truck and quad!And then
    playing with them!

    Cammy--I think the
    universe is conspiring against me, I was having a good day yesterday until the
    afternoon. . .

    ORLA--sounds like
    sleeping, watching movies, crafty stuff, sounds like a good day to me!

    Mema--I remember the
    DOTD thing for the bar, it was fun!There was lots of fun competition to come up with good dwinkies for

    Julie--a pill to
    manage the side effects of a pill that manages the side effects of another
    pill. . . . It can go on for ever and ever!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Stoli Fruitini

    1/2 oz Lemon Vodka

    1/2 oz Orange Vodka

    1/2 oz Raspberry

    1/2 oz Strawberry

    oz (squeezed wedge)

    oz Cranberry Juice

    oz Orange Juice

    oz Pine Apple Juice


    In shaker add
    vodka's and splashes of each juice over ice. Cover and shake until outside of
    shaker is frosted over.

    Strain into chilled
    martini glass and squeeze piece of lime into glass.

    Serve shaken and

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    NM she is wrong u r so caring, cant please eveyone. I can understand how that stung a bit

    Juliet you are right about the meds. I was taking mobic. I have pain  now its in my chest. I swear somethings wrong I am seeing thois other doc I think I need a smaller impalnt they r just to big.I just got very frustrated I needed a pill every day to function. I will talk to pain doc when I see her. I know I want a low dose I can not get injections yet. dH WROTE A LETTER ABOUT HOW i GOT DOIS APPROVED TWICE FOR lYDODERM PATCHES BUT THEY WILL GIVE ME A NARCOTIC THAT IS AWFUL TO GET OFF OF.


    PRN you are so pretty

    Mema u crack mese up now r u wking? I forget

    Cam im watching childern of the corn 6 did not know it went so high lol

    pop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    "I am all about 'Who Cares'!"  or about I don't want to know...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM I actually felt sick to my stomach when I read that, people are so goofy sometimes, there is no way u are not compassionate, no way, please don't take that personally that's just not right.

    Wow a great DOTD today let's get going on it.

    Lara it's so nice to see u post---but I'm sorry u'r facing this pain and just not right yet. But I'm glad u'r watching scary movies with me. LOL

    I want everyone's day today to be a good one. How's that thought. But I want that tho. I'm going to take a shower today when I get the oomph to do it, why the hell do I need energy to do that, makes me so mad, LOL


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Well Cam, have you recouped from the big party? I lub you too girl! When doesn't Joey go back to school? A shower today, eh? Well, the girls all want to know the flavor of the day?

    Lala, you said you were doing adult paint by numbers, I see you painting porn!!! Love the wine glass!

    LDB, what all did you and DH do yesterday? DOTD fund raiser was fun for us, and you did such a great job. Can't blame ya for not doing now. Hope you can come up with another fun idea. A car wash with those guys above would be poyfect!

    Julie, those domino SE's are the pits. A pill because of this one, and another for that one, and so on and so on.

    NM, I am flabergasted that someone thought you are not compassionate. There must just be something else about the weekend nurse that she liked better, and she was only saying that so she could get her way. You are one of the most compassionate people I know! Please don't take it to heart. And like you said, there are others that want only you. LOVE the DOTD, lots of fruit............AND VODKA!

    Missing lots of girls here, makes me sad.

    We did get the truck and quad picked up, but no plans to go anywhere. Mom went to the doctors yesterday and to get her hair cut. Said she will never go out again, too hard on her. All she had to do was to walk into both places, unreal. I told her that is why her PT is so important. Anyways, while at the docs, the gal there that helps with stuff called the oxygen place and they "loan" out machines for free for traveling and no cost. Maximum time is for a week. So looks like that is doable. SOOOOOO Baby Girl, things are looking up for me to drive out your way! Well, my meds made it to the doctors, well one of them anyways. I forgot to ask about the other one. So I have to go in today for injections, then after that I'll be on monthly. Guess my maters will have to wait until tomorrow.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    great news on your mums o2, as i back up i'm sure there must be a reciprical arrangement with a company  in the area you travel to so there is emergency back up,they let my mum know  when she goes away  where she  needs to call if there are any problems


    nm- you are the most compassionate nurse i know,  you are right in that that lady wants what nobdy can give her , a well husband.

    going to try and get some housework done today,have done minimum since i came back

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


    this is me

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Julie - LOL on ur pics, especially da alkamahol  I do got put on nexium.  Got scolded cuz I wasn't taking it right.  So I tried for 4 or 5 days to take 1st thing in ayem, b4 my coffee mind u.  Then nothing but water for an hour.  Still had some GIRD on one or two of those nights so I went back to taking it about 2 hours after my morning meds and coffee.  So far so good.  And the cost...sheesh, told pharmacy to switch me back to generic previcid, works just as well.  ((Julie))

    NM - I fully agree with the other girls, she just wanted what she couldn't have.  Hope you've let it go.  Love the Stoli Frutini.  That wud b a good one if I was doing the fund raiser this year.

    Lara - cwacking up on ur pics!!  No I am not working, cept my sons bookkeeping here at home, amounts to mayb 20 hours a week is all.  That is crazy they refusing you the patches but will OK the narcotics.  My ins denied my scrip for Zofran for my nausea, well, kinda, they decided I could only have 6 pills a month.  How does that work when scrip says one pill a day.  I scrapped those too and back on my Compazine.  Such a hassle!!  Hope you find something that helps ease your pain.  ((Lara))

    Lowee - DH and I had a talk Sunday, yep sure did!  He said he was feeling lost and wasn't sure what to do or how to act, he re-acted based on my body language.  He sure hasn't been getting any 'positive vibes' from me lately.  Anyway, Tues was date night.  Did doggie park, washed my new car, napped, then went to diff place for dinner and 'oldies' karaoke.  I say 'oldies' cuz it caters to our age group, you kno, over 40...LOL.  Did stay to long but it was a nice time.  Something wrong with my e-mail, been trying to answer you.  We'll be up by 7ayem, so whatever time you get here, let the party begin. Loopy  Hope the meds for both shots is there when you go today.  And praying the Xgeva doesn't sting to much.  Muah!

    Cami - Yes, let's all have a wonderful day today.  If we mixed up a batch of the DOTD, I'm sure we'd all have a GR8 day!  Now what smell pretty flavor you doing today?

    Hi to unde, 4sew, aly, ed, and what happened to the new girl?  Where is Er-Wacko and CynDlou?

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll to the moon and back!!!  MUAH MUAH MUAH!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2014

    good day girls! that wodka DOTD wheeled my sorry ass in here.

    NM, OMG, the nerve of some people. I concur with the other goils and everyone who knows your work ethic. The person that said you lack compasion is either delusional or on crack or someting of the like.  I hope you are still not hurting over that, I am sorry that happened. 

    Sue, thanks for calling on me. I wuz jest reading and not planning on coming in. I still having eye issues or should I say they are back, crudly indeed. And talk about RX's, the hoops I had to jump through to get my RX steriod of my eye refilled cuz they said I used it too fast while I was using as effing directed. Glad you had a talk with the DH. Muah.

    I try to come back, gotta get mese Daddy lunch. Just got back from a family care meeting at Mom's place, all is well as can be.

    Hiya Lara, hang tough girl. You can kick some ass whenever needed, just say YES I CAN cuz you can.

    PRN, you are gorgeous, very purdy pic. 

    Julie, I like your taste hot men, yummmy!

    Hi Ally, hope you are having a good night an dwinking lots of those dere wodka dwinks, they are yummy good ~burp, oops, scuze mese. Miss you around here. and that Chrissy, tell her to come out, me calling for her. She come, I will come, dats it. take that. hah! 

    Lori, also hope the injection is not painful and NO to side effects.  I will be with you in spirit then back to my hole. 

    Hi to everyboddy else, Ive gotta fly. But where is Beanie??? ok, flying now for realsies. Cheers! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited July 2014


    Hi 4, I like your taste in men too.

    Can someone essplain this to me?


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Erin --hahaha u of all people would unnerstan dat pic. Isn't u'r eye healing properly? I didn't unnerstand dt prt. Oh Jeez it better.

    Love all da pics, for sure.

    And Lara hope u'r comfortable today and LORI I hope u'r shots are taken well.

    SuzyQ I think it's gret to have a date night with u'r DH and just be close and talk,,It must help him too. I hope u keep it up.

    Julie don't worry about the housework it will always be there, U rushed back to work too soon anyway.

    Well if I don't get fired today, I will never get fired.A business emailed us and somehow I thought I was sending it on with a message to my boss, but instead I replied to it. I really didn't realize what I did. Well of course my note to my boss was stupid--cuz I wrote (which is true) Bananas have 50% of our DNA so when my brain is mushy blame the banana, not me. didn't mean for that to get around. Oh well he knew from the beginning I'm goofy--I really didn't mean to send it to this company. Sounds really professional. Oh well.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2014

    Cami, rofl. O my gosh. Bahahaha! That is priceless - I wish I'd done that. Can I borrow it? Don't feel bad, I don't know how many times I've hit send without the attachment or without any address at all. Your boss will probably think it's funny. Did you fess up to him?

    Erin, your poor eyes now too? O dear. No! Its just not allowed. Oh, and I don't get that picture of poor Al's joints either. Nice that you are taking such good care of your parents. That's

    Lara, woman of steel! I know exactly how hard detox is and I am so sad you needed to go through that. I like crafts too, but I'm not very good at them. {{{Lala}}}

    Julie, I like your pics, Oh and not cooling at all. Nope, not at all.although that one young man's pants are falling down a bit. Oh and not cooling at all. Nope, not at all. And yes, that coffee cup's saying has Sadie all over it. My dog eats at dinner time with just a little snack in the morning, so she isn't too pushy. Her snout is the first thing I see in the morning though.

    NM, you're not caring and compassionate??????? grrrr where are they, let me at 'em. Bad people, bad. You are very caring and compassionate! As evidenced by the rest of your patient's happiness with you. Thanks for the DOTD, looks good.

    Lori, you got a quad and a truck? And can't play cuz you need to take your mom to appointments. You are a great daughter. You get to meet up with SuzieQT? Lucky you. I want to meet her too.

    Mema, you sounded pretty good in your last post. Are things a bit more relaxed now? You get your Maddy soon for 9 days don't you? Or is that my bad memory kicking in again?

    Undie, hey you. Nice to see you here with those lovely pics. Although that one young man's pants are falling down a bit. Should probably go in person and request he tug them up, eh?

    Aly, stay warm and take good care of yourself.

    I'm forgetting people. I know I am. Sorry to those I missed. (((((hugs))))) Lubs you all.
  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited July 2014

    Oh, shoot. Forgot to tells you mese mixed up mese meds last night. Instead of 2x Tamoxifen, mese took 2 sleeping pills. I never take sleeping pills unless mese in beaucoup pain. Off work today cuz I couldn't get mese lazy EWWA out of bed.

    Ok that's really it. I'm going again. Lubslubslubs ya!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2014

    red..nice to see you back!  Ha!  Watch the meds there..I overslept this am too, no excuse.

    Erin..thank you!  I will send pics as I get me hair back and my nails too for that matter.  The picture, Al is rolling a joint,pot to smoke..but not doing a very good job..he's having "trouble" with his joints...LOL  Missed you.  Hope mom and dad are better.  the eye long did they say to improve 2-3 weeks?  Acyclovir by mouth afterwards?  Just curious..

    NM..on my way your way tomorrow..I saved my drink coupons for the flight but they wont be cool drinks like you make!

    4....JMJ  those are some serious hotties!!  Thank you

    Lara...hope today is a good day.

    Lori....I hope you are making some zucchini bread.  I loved have fresh zukes and making breads and freezing them.

    Ok, day 5 of rads.  I smell.  Crap, that whole no washing no soap no deodorant thing STINKS, literally!  LOL.  I am using scented cornstarch, a sin I am sure but gah..I am not used to this.  I am feeling ok.  Packed and ready to go to Boston tomorrow.  I have a late flight and get in at 1am there.  Then we have some dinners and camping and hiking in the mountains in New Hampshire.  This will be my first time to hike.  And we will celebrate our 1st anniversary. First year is paper for the anniversary and I got my DH, custom stationary that is cream with navy blue ink.  The inside of the envelopes are so cool, they are navy striped. 

    Funny thing, I tried on dresses and everything fits after losing weight.  That tea picture made me lot really big!  POOP!  Anyway, all my old dresses fit but I had to be picking since I have a giant sharpie X in the middle of my chest! much for dressing sexy for the anniversary...LOL.. It's alright, ya just gotta laugh at the irony of being able to fit in the dresses finally but not being able to wear them due to the attack of the black sharpie X!  LOL

    Oh and I started going to work wigless this week.  It was itching me and gah, who likes them.  I was so surprised at how many people said that they like it short..funny.  It is straight so far and dark with sparkles as my littlest says.

    I will take pictures and post them when we get back!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    Hi REd good to see you I missed u. A lot of my pills look alike so I need a pill holder to seperate by day.

    princess rock the bald head FKKKKKKKKKKK it  your so pretty, I remember I was in my 20s when my mom had breast cancer I took her to chemo it was hard but I did and I saw this women walk in dressed to a T with a bald head and I thought she is power.Weird what I remember it was all scary to me because I was so young, my mom kept everything a bay to not scare us. I love my mom so much she is so strong I think thats where I get it from.

    Mema date night thats a great thing to do.

    Cam lol on the email. When I am working I multi task a lot. I have to delete text etc. because when I am in the car I could send something so off to someone.

    Hi big sis I forgot that pic of your dad was great. I love your dad so sweet glad hes getting better. The pool is open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Goldie dirty mind u. They call them adult paint by number because well they are not kid paintings. They are very detailed and I add differnt things on my own. I just finished a pic of a cafe in Italy. Need a new one now.

    Juliet u r right quality of life yes, I get that love the funny pics

    If I am missing someone hugs

    love u all




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    and cat.

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  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    Omg I can't wait

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited July 2014

    Good Morning, I feel like I'm late but Lara beat me here. I hope u'r doing better, one thing u sound better.

    And I agree it's nice to see Red coming in too.

    Well Princess u seem like u'r all ready to go and of course we need pics this way we can enjoy  a little bit of a vacation. U can't take a shower? for how long?. Well I'm not taking one today too tired. But yesterday I went to Pink Sugar, I don't smell so sweet today, but not to bad.

    OK I'll BBL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    Julie, I would not have thought to ask about back up to the place of where we travel for mom's o2. Thanks! Ha ha, brown circles could be chocolate too!

    LDB, I'm sorry you have to take anything for nausea. How long does it last? Glad your DH is noticing that you are not too happy and that ya got to have date night. Both drugs made it to the docs, Xgeva doesn't sting at all, given in that flabby part of the upper arm. However, the other drug, which she gives almost in the side hip, had the center of one butt cheek hurting like crazy. Almost like how when that sciatic nerve acts up. I guess cuz it's given in the muscle. I'll let you know what time I'll be there, but not quite that early (7 am).

    Wacko, sorry you was having trouble and had to jump through hoops for meds. I would have liked to have seen that! Why is this not getting better??? Glad that all is good as can be for mom, is she still at the same place and doesn't have to move somewhere else?

    My dearest Cami, that is too funny about you sending that email to a customer/business. I hope they got a laff outta it, and maybe your boss won't find out?

    Red yes, we have a truck and a quad, but just don't have any plans to go riding. No, I don't have to take my mom to any appointments, she is in MI and I am AZ. I'm considering taking her on a road trip with me, when I visit in Sept, to Chicago for an over nighter, to meet up with Cami. OMG, 2 sleeping pills? That moosta knocked you out cold!

    PRN, hmmmmm trying to figure out JMJ. I got the joke about the dude having trouble with his joints, and like Cami said, of all people to NOT get it! I do make zucchini bread on occasion, but not too often as I am not really a sweets eater and DH is on a diet. I do have some frozen shredded zucchini to do that with. I also can a zucchini sweet relish. No washing at all? That's odd! And you only have sharpie marks, no tats? I am confused, are you still with your DH, or did you go home and now are heading back again to see him? Regardless, ENJOY!!! Your hair might be straight right now, but it could curl right up! And the color will come later.

    Lala, I'm sure your painting turned out beautiful, but sorry, that is just what it sounded like to me. How big is the painting? Can you frame it and hang it. Oh no, summer can't be over yet! Pumpkin everything and then Christmas for 4 months.

    Don't go there Julie!!

    Gonna get those maters done today!

    Banana Coctail for Cami's mushy brain.
    Banana Split



    1 oz. Strawberry Schnapps

    1 oz. Pineapple Rum

    1 oz. Banana Schnapps

    1 oz. Creme de Cacao (clear)

    .5 oz. Frangelico (or any nut liqueur)

    1.5 oz Half & Half

    Dollop of Whipped Cream

    Cherry for garnish


    Combine the liquid ingredients into an ice filled cocktail shaker.  Cover, shake well, and strain into your favorite Cocktail glass.  Add the whipped cream, top with a cherry, and you've got a tasty Banana Split Cocktail.  Enjoy!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014

    good morning all, me on a countdown to christmasThumbsUp don't know where you get that from,i'm innocent

    prn-why can't you shower!   but have a busy anniversaryWinking

    red lovely to hear from you,how you doing?

    lara-hope you have a good day,mind i had the same mental pic when you said paint by numbers!   does anybody else remember the velvet ones? 

    wacko-hows your eye?

    nm   have a good day

    sue-enjoy your date 

    cammi-don't work too hard

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014
