how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2014

    LOL, we have 2 "Inncoent Ones" now!

    Forgot to tell my story at the doctors office yesterday. I'm sitting there waiting and the office gal says, "ya know, for what your going through, you don't look sick". Without even thinking, I say "I'm not sick". Kind of threw me for a loop, then she said she had thyroid cancer 3 years ago. Also, she said to me "Laura (the nurse) will be with you shortly, she's on the phone". Well, about 5-10 minutes later, here she comes through the front door! Why didn't she just say to me that she wasn't there yet???

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited July 2014

    Morning DahhhLinkS!

    Crap crap crap, lost entire post...Devil

    'Er-Wacko - LOL LMAO ROTF...guess you kno what that picture about now.  Sometimes I get really po'd at the insurance comps...saying a prayer you get your meds for that eye.  Are you still seeing the eye doc everyday like you supposed to?  Thanks for update on mom and dad...they are always in my prayers.  Have you seen/called anyone about SSDI?  Praying for you girlfwend!!  Muah!

    Julie - Those 3 doggie pics remind me of NM's Sadie too...LOL.  I think PRN only has to forgo the showers on rad days.  Since no rads on the weekend, she'll be able to shower and be smelling nice for her DH.

    PRN - Happy 1st Anniversary.  That stationary sounds very nice, he will love it I'm sure.  Am sure too, he will not be at all concerned about the big X nor what dress you're wearing.  Good for you for going in bare headed, you do look good.  I never wore wigs, still don't, but I will wear at hat when shopping/banking.  But at the bar, it's off.  My hot flashes so bad sometimes the bartender gives me a cool wet bar towel and I hang it on my head.  Mental pic cwacking you up yet?  LOL  WOW, pwoud of you that you fit back into your dresses, I jes keep getting bigger, if I don't get serious, gonna have to move up a size...ugh.  Have a fabulous time this weekend and yes post pics when you can! 

    Red - woohoo, good to hear from you again.  Just love your posts, too funny!  Wow, you musta slept good. I wud do same thing if I didn't use a daily pill box.  Glad you're OK.  Yes, I am outta dat wabbit hole, finally!  No your mind is sharp as ever, I do get Maddy for 9 sleepovers this Saturday.  Might get gs Andrew the next day but only for 3 sleepovers.  DH worries I take too much on.  I tell him 'time with my grandkids does wear me out but it is very important to me, it makes me happy'!

    Lowee - Shot in flab of upper arm...hmmm.  I get mine in my belly, stings only with some nurses.  During my 1st chemo I got Neulasta in flab of upper arm.  Wonder what the diff is???  Nurses??  How crazy that receptionist saying that!  Glad you say you are NOT ROCK!  And if nurse Laura used diff door mayb her receptionist not look bad, bet they had a talk later.  JMJ = JesusMaryJoseph.  Love that DOTD, sounds really delish!

    Lara - Nice story of your mom and the lady that rocked the bald head.  My onco's scheduler shaves her head every October in support of all who come to the Center.  She rocks too!  Paint by number, like it, might try it, is only way I could do it as I am talentless in that department. 

    Cami - Pink Sugar, sounds good, smells good too huh!  Tomorrow will Joey help you pick out your scent?  DH and I trying to re-connect.  Looking for actions, not words, so this date a good start.  AND goils, I found out he has got approval for the vacay days from work he will need...looking most positive now...woohoo.

    gonna post b4 gremlin gits it...sawees to anyone I didn't get to.

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs all of you to da moon and back!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited July 2014

    Goldie punch to that women she is swamped damn right u r not sick people ggod.......................

    saw PS today I have contact dermetitis she gave me zero cream find this odd

    u can get that from a tat my tat is still on my skin......................................

    ahhh thats going to b an issue no?

    velvet paintings that sounds interesting yes u can hang it goldie I knew u were jking

    Did everyone see are bar?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited July 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi goils, I"ve been absent lately but yer all on my mind. I been sittin here for 2 hours reading everything I missed. Going to bed soon so this'll be quick. Been real busy trying to pack as much in as I can before surgery which is a week from today. DH asked if i was getting skerred, I told him I was feeling more dread than fear. I'm feeling back to my old self, been doing some jogging and I had my best golf game ever today.  Woohoo! Went with my bff and her sister, I do so much better with them than my DH. No pressure cause they both suck even worse than me so they're not telling me what I'm doing wrong. I got to see Nora Tuesday, she is sitting up now. I'm going to have her on Sat and Sun overnight. My surgery is a week from today. I will do more catching up with all of you tomorrow, gotta go to bed. BTW, slappy and I go back a ways, we both ended up on the same site when we were waiting to find out if we had FURB. I got dx first and she even made me some chemo caps and sent em' to me... anyway if you get back on here..Hi Shirley! Sweet dreams all, see ya tomorrow. Hope yer not sick of them but I'm gonna post a pic of my girl sitting up. Not as much fun as the eye candy I've been seeing I know but cute.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Genny OMG that face and hair is just to cute. Oh we all get to enjoy watching her get bigger, thank u for sharing.

    See Lori u are the innocent one, what u said was great, and what she said was really stooped--see how kind u are to people, I would have said something totally different. but that's me.

    Lara another skin problem? Why didn't they give you something. But u do sound better.

    SuzyQ, Red got a fantastic memory about Maddy==u'll have a great time and I bet u'll be sleeping good.

    Genny u'll be so glad when this operation is over----

    Julie u r so damn adorable.

    I hope Erin's eye is better.

    BTW I forgot, Joey told me about the banana DNA when he was eating one and said this could have been my cousin, then he explained the whole story--so it's really true. 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Too true.

    Too true.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Mona Lisa smiles on America.

    Mona Lisa smiles on America.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes! I am so glad to day I Friday.So TGIF!Got a call from the
    doc's office that has my records, can't refill any prescriptions 'cuz they
    haven't seen me in over a year.They
    won't transfer my records until I go in for an appointment, no openings for a
    new patient for a couple of months, and I will get charged the higher new
    patient fee for the visit, which will only be 15minutes since all I need is some prescription
    refills.I'm still shaking my head over
    that one.

    ORLA-- no one is
    going to be able to please that patient's wife, unless someone can arrange for
    a miracle.I hope the new nurse can
    connect with her better.

    Julie--who cares how
    many calories is right!

    Cammy--I'm trying
    really hard not to take what happened personally. It's hard seeing the other
    nurse and the clinical manager struggling to help this lady.The clinical manager was on the phone with
    her for over an hour yesterday on one of her calls.

    Goldie--that poor
    woman is just miserable and isn't going to let anyone help her.All I can do now is support the nurse who is
    trying to help her now.Great that your
    mom can get a portable oxygen machine loaner!

    Julie--I wake up to
    a dog who loves me every ayem, too, but usually I get to see the OTHER end
    first thing. . . .

    Mema--I'm working on
    letting it go, literally biting my tongue when that case is being discussed in
    the office.It's crazy the way insurance
    can decide how many pills you can have while totally ignoring the actual prescription.Just crazy.

    Erin--I'm doing well
    letting that one go now.I'm worried
    about how she will cope after her husband dies, but if she won't let anyone
    help her, there's not much to be done.Glad things are going as well as possible for your Mom.Really, youneed someone to explain a willie joke to you?I don’t believe that for one second!

    Julie--So true about
    dogs and snooze buttons!

    Cammy--what an oops
    with the e-mail!

    Red RH--the
    consensus around the office is that the lady is crazy, in addition to
    grieving.All I can do now is pray for

    PRN--you've got a
    big sharpie mark?I'd have rather had
    that then the permanent tattoos that cost so much to get removed after.Was told that there was no other option,
    tattoos or no treatment.At least you
    won't have a permanent brand to remind you of the rads!Have a great trip!


    LOVE the Banana
    Split drink!

    Goldie--maybe the
    nurse was on the phone with the office when the receptionist said that?Talk about insensitive, though!

    Mema--LOL at the
    mental pic of you sitting at a bar with a dripping towel draped over your

    adorable!And sitting so pretty!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Ruptured Duck

    2 oz Creme de Noyaux

    1 oz Creme de

    1 1/2 oz Cream


    Pour ingredients
    into a medium-sized cocktail glass, stir gently and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    LDB, I did not mention anything to anyone about the comment of the nurse being on the phone, just left it alone. And I am NOT sick, at least not yet. JMJ, one of these days I might remember that. I think it's been explained to me before! I had gotten some of my nuelasta in the tummy, towards the end. I think my last 2, I was chicken to try it there. But after I did, I was sorry I hadn't tried earlier. You need one of those cooling towels for your hot flashes.

    Lala, now you have dermititis? I think you are in competition with Wacko. Who can have the most chit happen to them!!! Zero cream, is that the name of the cream or did you mean you didn't any at all? LOL at the duck and vodka.

    Lovin those Calvin Klein's. Hmmmm...........perhaps someone's hubby??

    Genny, one more week! We will ALL be there with you girl. Do you have everything at home ready? Are you doing both or just one breast? Glad you got some golfing in, as it will be awhile before you get back to that. And Nora is some eye candy too, just a different kind of candy! And we love seeing pictures of her.

    Cami, I am not a witty person. When I told that gal I wasn't sick, it just came out of my mouth. It wasn't like I thought about it for a minute. That Joey is a smart one!

    NM, sometimes doctor offices are as bad as politics. I had to make an appointment before they would do my injections, as it had been almost 2 years since they had seen me. They don't care that you need meds. Huge PITA for sure. And getting a new doc is also PITA. LOL @ waking up to the "other" end of Sadie! I doubt the nurse was on the phone, as she was at the elementary school doing eye tests with the kindergarten kids and she came over to do my shots on her break.

    Off to town, duh! As most of you know, I did some canning yesterday, so posting for the girls who are not on Face Book. Took me 5 hours to do this, 20 lbs of tomatoes, 3 lbs green peppers and 3 cups onions all from the garden! 7 hours total, from start to finish, not counting the actual processing time. I got 7 quarts, which is all that will fit in the canner, and a huge bowl left over that is sitting in the fridge, at least 2-3 more quarts!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    nm so let me get this right,your px are not changing but you have to go through all this hoopla !!!!!!!!!!!wtf.  and they caused this problem by not transferring your records when the office was sold.  so giving you a px until you can be seen is cheaper than a er visit Shockeddid you see the pic on fb , where people thought their dogs butt looked like jesus, 


    genny,nora is  an angel,love to see her growing up!

    cammi-related to a banana huh 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    right she gace me no cream. why not? she wants zero liability with me seeing as they ignored my calls and I opened thus surgery

    Im pissed and she goes mybe ill send u to dermatology

    noooooooooooo u gave me surgery I want cream BS

    I really cant fathom what else could happen not even going to go there

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, I'm well rested now and ready to catch up. DH out with pooches , then has a Dr appt then taking Emmy to hospital to visit.I'm still trying to get my ducks in a row before surgery. I went and bought a housecoat (ugh) at Walmart yesterday. I have button down pajamas but I got thinking that at first I probably won't want to mess with pulling the bottoms on and off to pee. Am I right? And I cleared off a waist level shelf to put stuff on that I might want. I just feel so darn good after all that chemo crap, to bad I still have that pesky BMX to deal with. Oh well, hopefully I'll have no complications like so many of you girls have had. I read this stuff and I fell so bad for some of you. It's all hard enough to go through all this without having to deal with complications and multiple surgeries and pukas and skin falling off and little fins and chronic pain not to mention mets. Oh this FURB is so mean! I'm still dealing this insurance chit. I wrote another letter to my MO and 1 to
    her office manager asking them to explain why I had to go to the main
    campus so I can get this appeals process started but still haven't heard
    from them. Sent it registered, I might call again today or wait till
    Monday, I'd like to get it filed before surgery. I mean $6700!! Can't wait to dump her and find a new MO but I don't want to piss her off at this point, I need her help.

    Laura, I loved the vodka poem, haha, gave me a good chuckle this morning. Glad yer back and feeling a bit better. I hope they find the cause for the whole thing. That detoxing sounds like a very brave and horrible thing to go thru. I hope your pain lessens and you'll be able to start living your life again, you've been thru enough already! You do sound in better spirits tho, so good to see.

    NM, you are a kind and caring nurse, it's so obvious on this thread everyday. I've had times when I used to work in a regular shop and I looked over to see one of my customers in someone else's chair and my feelings would get hurt. We can't connect with everyone and some people can't connect with anyone. Anywho, glad yer getting out of dat wabbit hole cause it was getting way too crowded down there. I assume you have the weekend off since you said TGIF?? hope so and I hope you and Sadie have a great weekend an no more H/A's and good spirits... both the emotional and the liquid kind.

    Lori, glad to hear your doing ok and I loved your comeback about being sick. I have had so many people say that to me, I run into someone that knows about the furb but haven't seen me and they say "well you don't look sick!, if it wasn't for the bald thing I'd never know" I don't know what people expect, I think TV makes them think we're all leaning over toilets and skinny and emaciated looking when in reality we're working and raising kids and canning our garden harvests. Anyway, your upcoming trip with your DH sounds nice, can't remember the occasion, I had so many pages to catch up on, was it birthday? I forget but glad to hear your tolerating your tx's well and staying out of the rabbit hole.

    PRN, the anniversary trip sounds nice and so does the stationary. Sounds like you're tolerating the rads ok, you're in the homestretch and hopefully FURB will be out of your life forever and you'll have lots of hair, lots of sex, and be running lots of marathons. Love the pic of u at the benefit, very pretty. 

    Erin, so sorry to hear all your woes, it just sucks. 2 parents to see after, a job you hate, puka and now this damn eye chit. Not fair,not fair. And then to have insurance issues just to get your meds! It's all just too much. Just promise not to go too far down the rabbit hole and pop your head up frequently and check in. K?

    4, congrats on your fin date! So glad to hear, hope it all goes smoothly, glad your fat cells are going to better use. I never heard of node transplanting either, very interesting, hope it goes your way and you get relief from the LE. Kids gonna be back in school in no time I'm sure you're super busy, I only had 1 and I remember that being a hectic time. 

    Cami, Love the banana/brain reference. That Joey sure does come up with some doozies. So glad you had fun at your party, hopefully the activity hangover is fading fast and your feeling better, and smelling pretty too. I hope I don't post too many pics of Nora but the little milestones come so fast at this age, I just love to share. Still would love to see a pic of you all sparkeled and jeweled up from the party. Did u get one?

    Julie, love all the fun captions and the eyecandy too. How's the workouts going? And the foot?

    Sue, Wow, Maddy for 9 days, and Andrew for 3! Sounds fun and exhausting. I'm getting Nora Sat and Sun night and I'll be plenty tired on Monday. She cries now if you just walk out of the room and leave her alone for a second. She is a really good baby but you can tell she's the 1st and only. Expects lots of attention...and gets it. Glad your DH opened up to u. When is your trip, is he going?

    Red, Glad to see you back, sounds like you got quite a restfull night. I remember one time I took 3 advil pm cause I was sore. Drove an hour to work and worked all day and then about 6 hours later got them out of my purse to take more and realized what I had done. Only time I ever tried them, guess they don't work for me. I never even felt tired. Anyway, hope you had a good day off cause of it. When do u come to Cleveland again?

    Well time to start my day, got lots to do and I want to try golfing with my DH today and see if I can hit it like yesterday. I always suck when I play with him.... hmmm maybe I shoulda put that a different way, lots could be read into that line. That's what she said.....for all the office watchers. Love to all, bye for now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Lara - wtf is going on???  Why another doc, she has to have seen this kinda thing happen before...(((Lara)))  But a am cwacking up bout the wodka and da duck!

    Julie - now that is a 'come to mama' manly man!  Glad I can open my wodka bottles, and I'll have my happy feet on tomorrow when I get Maddy. 

    NM - seems like many of us are having trouble with our docs and getting scrips filled properly.  Just doesn't seem right that you wud be considered a new pt, just cuz the other doc ofc closed up.  idk, think I'd be doing da tap dance on someones head.  And really, tats back then as markers...outrageous!!

    Cami - what banana u talking about...related?  I've missed something, please splain.

    Genny - One week to go, woo hoo.  Don't be skeerd, it will b fine.  We will git the ufo and all us be widdle teeny and in da pockets of da surgeon, we'll make sure he does it right.  I haven't had a BMX, but no doubt you will be down for a bit.  You don't live alone do ya?  Someone will be there to hailp ya right?  I've heard girls talk about lowering things they reach for everyday, cuz after surg, it can b hard to get at things.  Nora is adorable, glad you shared.  Get to pick up my Maddy tomorrow...yippee!!  Boo Hoo, wanted Andrew Michael, but he is in CA for the summer.  His dad said he'd try to work something out, but it doesn't look good.  Our trip is Aug 14-20 and all indications point to 'Yes, he is going'.

    Ooopps, see ur latest post you already kno about lowering stuff. 

    Lowee - I've had a few of those cooler things...don't last very long and besides, I forgot to take them with me most of the time.  Sometimes I put my bb cap on and I look like a construction/road worker..LOL.  You definately need a does your back feel, I'd be on the heat pad for sure.

    LubsLUBSlubsLUBSlubsLUBS all my beautiful bwesties...have a GR8 Fried-day.  MUAH!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Late Morning ladies.

    Genny I love how u relly get to everyone, well come to think of I most of u do, I can only retain so much then I forget--u know the banana thing. And please don't ever say u put to many pics of Nora I really love sharing them and watching her grow, and I love to see pics of everyone I feel like I know u all better, and better. Are u done with chemo now or have to restart after?

    Lara I still don't understand this whole infection, WTF u'r under a Dr. care, why don't they care enough to help you.

    NM please enjoy u'r weekend with Sadie and don't give what happened another thought we all know u and so do the people u work with so we know it is not you, I just want u to put it to rest in the back of u'r head so u forget it completely.

    Lori u re to much, what can I say--that is so time consuming and hard work u amaze me and u r witty nd so funny. U'r just to kind that's all.

    Julie u lways come up with something that's funny to get the day going and it's so nice to see u back in action--u were missed.

    OK I jut got a cll, so I'm going to take my banana brain and translate the message somehow.

    ERIN where are u. And Red I'm glad u'r posting again.

    Oh one more thing I have a huge party to go to Sunday so again I'll be knocked out fr a couple of day next week, I'm such a wimp but I smell like cocoanut cream today so it's not all bad. It makes me want a macaroon.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    coconut huh,pina colada time i thinkHappy

    lara they told me to take clariten for my contact dermatitis(can't take benadryl on the lovely tamoxifen) but i also had a dose of steroids and told to use the cream if it itched too bad, but if your allergic to tat they going to remedy that

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Thats the thing I have no idea.....Juliet

    ok illl take claritan that should be very helpful thank uHappy

    I might need to get the tat somehow cultured IDK to see if thats the allergy my geez that would b a total mess

    Her partner said in the pinks they use there are metallics prople have  allergies to, I saw him in ER he left the practice and was amazed she did not know about this reaction. He said I could call him he does like facial revjuv and such now

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    haha too true! lol

    haha too true! lol

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Ahhh, yes.

    Ahhh, yes.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara u sound good tho.

    SyFy had movies on all day so during this day somehow I thought it was Sat. and I was going out tomorrow, cuz I also talked to my GF about the time was picking me up--so I really went til a little while ago thinking it was Sat. My brain is so screwed up some days. I was getting calls today thinkin wow this is a lot for Sat. I usually only get some in the morning.So I have another day to do NOTHING. But I did wash my clothes and vacuumed my room and worked so I did something.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Best computer ever...

    Best computer ever...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Lara I love u'r sense of humor, u'r so cute.

    So far it's nice out, we're not getting really hot hot weather, which is fine with me

    I hope everyone has a super Saturday---Lara scary movies on today. Joey slept over by his grandma's and we missed Fashion Police last night. That kid is like my own but with benefits--I miss him.

    Has anyone heard from Erin the Wacko, ? she's been on my mind. I really don't want to write cus I don't want her to red til she tells us she's doing better.

    OK I'll BB 


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

     I know where is she?

    Thanks cam

    scary movies today on chiller

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Lara, a dermatologist, really?

    Julie, we sure need to get our happy on, that's for sure.

    Lovely post Genny! And of course the new avatar is adorable, with sweet little Nora in it. As for what other people think, I really think it's as simple as they just don't know what to say, and sometimes it sounds REALLY stoopid. But this gal HAD cancer, she should know that one doesn't necessarily "look" sick. Praying you have an easy peasy surgery and NO COMPLICATIONS! What other kind of goodie (libation) would you like in your IV?

    LDB, mese back feels fine. Just the same problems I've had since I herniated 2 discs, back when I was in my mid 30's. I don't have a heating pad, but doubt I would use it anyways, can we say instant hot flash! As for the cooling towels, mine last a long time. Sorry you don't get AM, but you will another time. I'll bet Maddy would have liked to see him.

    Dang Cami, another party? You have a wild family, that's for sure. And smelling like coconut cream and feeling like a are so funny. It is a lot of work doing the canning, but I so love having all of that to cook with and eat, and it makes me proud of myself too.

    NM, hoping you and Sadie are having a pleasant morning!

    I'm going to head out and look for a right back.......maybe someting with a little Jack in it, to lure our Wacko one back in.