how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Ok, we have JACK THE RIPPER

    JD for Wacko and the name for Lala and Cami and your scary movies! These are shots, so grab and few and throw em back!


    1 oz. Jack Daniel's Whiskey
    1/2 oz. Amaretto
    3 oz. Cranberry Juice


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    hi girls, I heard you calling for me. 

    I am just beside myself over my DD and her BF. They are still fighting like crazy and it looks like they might be breaking up. WTF, how could this happen? She is having his baby. And he is supposed to be paying half of the rent. Oh my nerves. I have been sleeping alot out of boredom and frustration. I am taking a leave for medical yet again and wondering if that is a mistake. I have no energy and no fun. I tried dwinking last night and it made me feel sick. Sorry to be a dotty downer but this is my life right now. They eye is still a little messed up, one more week before I can even think about wearing contacts again. So I just stay home and live life half blind. I do not even have glasses for far away. 

    Genny, love your avatar and trust me, we can't get enough pics of your little sweetie. And sitting is a big milestone, wooo hoo. 

    PRN, I feel your mental anguish, although coming up on four years for me, it seems like yesterday that I was in your shoes waiting for that big day. trust me, this is the worst part, you will get through it. And you are in such great shape physically, you eat right, hoping you have zero complications. Don't think about Lara and me, we are not the majority.  Hugs to you.

    Hello to eberyboddy else. I have to go drop the kids off at the pool. They have been swimming on and off all day long for several days aka IBS. My nerves are shot. I had a valium last night but still slept very poorly. And had a dream that I got a new job in NYC and could not find the bus back to Kansas. Whew was I glad to be home when me woke up after tossing and turning for hours on end. Tings will get better, they alwas do.

    Love you all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Erin I'm so glad u posted, but so sorry what's going on--to much confusion and fighting--so not good for u'r DD too, but it might pass, hopefully--This is so hard to go thru, when u'r going to have a grandchild it should be all happy and fun. This is not right. And u'r eye is taking a while too. Oh erin please try to think of this as some type of phase that maybe they are going thru cuz being pregnant is not easy on either parent to be, guys are more afraid than girls. And maybe that's where this is coming from. We're all with u for u and u'r family, u've been thru enough upheaval for to long and to much. It has to get better--I'm sending prayers to u and (((HUGS))) too,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!Ah, Saturday, sleeping in
    and cuddling with Sadie, a leisurely cup of coffee.Time to put a difficult week behind me, rest
    up, and get ready for a better week to come.A steak to grill for dinner tonight, some of a local bakeries specialty
    tarts for dessert--one each blackberry, raspberry, strawberry, yum!This is going to be a good weekend no
    matter what!

    Hmm, all of a sudden
    this thread is opening up at the top of the last page, and not where I stopped
    reading.Wonder what's up with

    harvest, nice batch of goodies for the pantry!You are so right about thepolitics at the doc's office.Monday I'm going to call the office where my primary provider works now
    and make a new patient appointment there.Probably get in quicker that way than trying to jump through the hoops
    that I'm running into.In the meantime
    I'm going to try to get some antidepressant meds online.It's amazing what you can get with a little
    time and searching online these days.Yes, I know the risks, and Yes I am careful, and Yes I can identify the
    drugs for the most part when they arrive.Right now the risk is worth taking to stop feeling as dragged out as I
    do right now.

    Julie--Yup, they
    didn't transfer my records at the time of the merger (my first request) or a
    few months later when I double checked and the new office didn't have them (my
    second request), nor will they transfer them now without my making an
    appointment (my third request) AND I have to make a "new" patient
    appointment and pay the extra "new" patient fee to "get into the
    system" so that I can get refills of maintenance meds that haven't changed
    in 3 years or more.Heaven only knows
    how long the process will take, especially since I've all ready told theoffice that I will NOT pay a new patient fee
    when being forced to change providers.Since they are now a department of the local medical center they are all
    about the money more than anything else, so, stalemate.Yes, I did see the pics of Jesus in doggy
    butts!Irreverent, but so funny!

    ORLA-- are you
    keeping a record of all your interactions with this nutcase?Can you pull out a notebook and write the
    date and time, then look up and say, "I'm noting that you are declining to
    treat this rash, is that correct?"and watch her face.

    Genny--I am praying
    that your surgery goes smoothly and you heal without complications.Sounds like you've done everything you can to
    start the appeal process, the insurance company will drag it out as long as
    they can, don’t give in and pay any part of it.It has to be marked as disputed now, but not many people know that.
    Thank you for the kind words, that lady is still just as desperately unhappy as
    before, and now is angry with her husband for not dying on schedule.The whole office is in an uproar trying to
    work with her.So, it wasn't me, it's
    her.And yes, got the weekend off, and
    looking forward to it! Enjoy your "golfing" with the hubby!Now I understand why you "go play
    golf" so often!Tee hee! Before my
    recon I called the PS office and got the after surgery restrictions so I could
    set up the house.I couldn't lift more
    than 5#, couldn't lift my arms over shoulder high, no pushing or pulling with
    my arms, no sleeping on my side for 6 weeks.I found that a recliner was my best friend, slept in it for most of that
    time, used pillows and such in the bed.Love the pics of Nora, keep them coming!

    Julie--I look like
    that before coffee, I'm sure!

    Mema--Yup, the place
    I got rads only did tatts 'cuz "touching up" marker marks was
    "too time consuming" and "slowed down" then getting through
    all the appointments in a day 'cuz it would be an "extra step" that
    patients wouldn't like.I would have at
    least liked to have the choice. . . .

    Cammy--I am well on
    my way to putting this entire week behind me, thanks for the reminder to do
    that.Have great time at the party

    Julie--good question
    about allergy to tatt dye.What can be
    done except removing the tissue? And that would not be good.Steroid injections maybe?This is one time I think I'd rather hear that
    it's an infection, that's way more easily treated!

    ORLA--YES!That's what I have done for this
    weekend!Love it!And MY fav F-work, too!

    GREAT computer!

    Goldie--I am
    alternating reading and responding and playing fetch or rump roast with Sadie,
    so this is taking me a very, very long time and I DON'T CARE!

    Oh, Wow, look at
    that Jack the Ripper!Serve 'em up,
    Pants, Jock, Skates, Kandy!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Woo Hoo today, like in 2 hours, I meet her daddy 1/2 way and get my Maddy.  U can tell I'm not the least bit excited huh?  LOL

    Lara - I love love the idea NM has about a note pad when you go to the doc.  Hoping you get to the bottom of it soon.  I just love all you funny posts tho.  Thanks for the laughs.  (((Lara )))

    Genny - Love the avatar!

    NM - yeah, a weekend off for you and Sadie and your dinner menu sounds x c lent.  This site always opens up where I first posted over 2 years ago.  I always have to click on the last page.  Strange indeed.

    Er -Wacko - So sad and Jess and the baby daddy.  Not good for her or the baby to have that much stress.  I'll pray they make-up and start being nicer to each other for the babies sake.  I'm praying for you too...u don't sound so good even tho you make jokes of things.  Please take care girlfriend!!  Muah!!

    Lowee - besides my mets in the spine (starting at the shoulder blades to S2 or something) I also have discs bulging, deteriorating and pinching nerves, etc.  Overdid with the shopping, lower back killing me.  But I'll get thru it.  Still have some flexoril if I really need it.  7 mores days til Face Time...yippee!!

    Cami - the smell of dat.  Jes gotta tail ya how sweet you are to address so poignantly all of us having troubles.  You once fantastic woman and I lubslubslubs ya!  Have tons o fun on Sunday at the partay K?

    Helloooo to all the goils I am missing.  Will try and post when I can while Maddy is here.  Everyone have a FanTabulous weekend!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    yeahhh maddie mema

    NM sounds like a great relaxing day. You are getting pills on-line

    yes genny we will b there for u .And yes wacko and I r not the norm

    Has anyone caught  botched???? Its a new show they helped a cancer patient fixed her all up she had bad news surgeriessssssssss like whacko and I . I want to see these docs I feel they could help

    I had a calm come over me before my BMX it came on ten min before they brought me in surgery it was a warm calm feeling really weird. I was under 9 hours, 2 days in hospital

    Goldie lol put whatttt in her IV. People can b so stupid sometimes makes u think????

    well thats BS big sis breaking up?? Looks like she will be living with U?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning ladies! Just thought I'd pop in while I have a chance. I got Nora last night, keeping her till tomorrow. She was wide awake at 5, changed, fed and watched the first half hour of frozen, now she's sleeping. DH walked dogs and went to golf and it's only 6:30. Have a felling it's gonna be a long day, she's not much of a napper but we'll see. Anyway, last time with her for awhile so I'm going to make the most of it. DH having a colonoscopy on Wednesday and then my surgery on Thursday. We do know how to have a good time, don't we?

    Goldie… in my IV…hmmm, probably wine, cheese and chocolate, all my favorite things. And maybe a little percocet, that should do it. My Dha had to plant my mators in the ground yesterday. They outgrew the containers, a storm blew them over and we lost quite a few, not to mention my upside-down tomato cage. I never did claim to have a green thumb, we'll see how they do now. It's only 2 plants. Next year I should probably stick to lettuce and herbs. I can't imagine using a heating pad either, what kind of cooling towels do u use? I bought a cheap knock off on at Walgreens but it dries out pretty quickly. Thanks for the prayers.

    NM, I don't have much hope with winning the appeals process.  I've talked to so many people that have had cases that sound more compelling than mine and had so much proof as to why it should be paid but still couldn't win. When it's us against them I think there's not much we can do. I will fight is as long as possible but if I can't win they'll just get $50/ month until I'm dead or they give up whichever comes first. My SIL owes $20,000 for a claim she shouldn't have to pay and she pays $75.00/month. She wrote to everybody trying to fight it, even the president but in the end she gave up. I'm trying not to think about it too much now, got other things to concentrate on now. Hope you get your pills and start feeling better. That is so crazy that u can't get that script filled for a med you've been on for years. You'd think they could call in enough till you can get in for the appt. Our medical system is a mess! Hope u get some good Sadie time today. Rump roast with Sadie????

    I'm gonna post this and pop in later if I can, need to eat breakfast and shower before the boss wakes up, don't know how long she'll sleep. Maybe see ya in a little while.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh SuzyQ don't worry about us u'r going to be busy having a wonnnerful time with Maddy, just enjoy  and if u can pop in with pics.---Just take it a little easy sometime so u feel OK.

    Genny u and u'r DH sure know how to have a good week with hospitals, but it will all soon be over. So enjoy Nora and just be happy, u'll be fine.

    Lara I don't believe u, I watch that show and so does my sister, the other time was the first cancer patient I had seen and who did I think of? and she looked great when she was done. And she was young. I love this show cuz they do turn people away if they have to much surgery but all the results I see have really been good. I think this show will be on for a while and I mentioned before u and if Erin wanted to write to  them and chit they pay for everything (I think) as  far as travel---In fact the one that does the breast was on House wives of Beverly hills but I think they are divorced now, not sure. I get so excited with this show, cuz people are so happy and look so good after and they take such pride in their work and they're funny too. Sometimes it's a little hard watching the operations but I do.

    Well today is Sunday-Funday and I might just drink this afternoon, I told u about the baptism I'm going to that's like a wedding (Italians) My GF is picking me up early afternoon so I'm so slow with everything so I might not be back til later or tomorrow. NM I hope u'r relaxing and everyone have a good day and slow down today and don't have any difficult thought--rest u'r brains and then u'r body will rest.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    You are not a Dotty Downer! You have a lot on your plate and just way to much going on. The relationship between your DD and BF is not sounding good at all. I am so very sorry about all of this. Have they moved in to their house yet? Any chance the owner will let you out of the lease, if you explain what is going on, and of course play the cancer card.

    Cami, you shed a different light on Wacko's DD and her relationship. I sure hope you are right, and in the end everyone will be happy. You have your party today, you party animal you! Oh, I didn't know it was a babtism. ENJOY! Good thing I refreshed, or I would have knocked you in the pool. And that wouldn't be too nice, right before you have to get ready to go out!

    NM, I knew you and Sadie had to be sleeping in yesterday morning. Glad you can put the week behind you and good luck on getting your pills online. We used to do that for my DH, used a company in Mexico. Oh, I love your advice to Lara. I want to be there when she asks that question! How does one play "rump roast"?

    Hmmmmm, my pages always open up where I left off, which I like very much, cuz then I know I don't miss anything. And it will open in the middle of the page, if that is where I was.

    Well LDB, you should have you little girl by now. I know you are having some fun with her. 6 days now! We'll prolly head out some what early, to maybe get to your house by about 9. I don't want to come too early, so would 9ish be ok?

    Wow Lara, 9 hours in surgery.  How long were some of you other girls under for?

    Genny, glad you will make the most of your time with Nora. It will be awhile before you will be able to lift her. And please, don't chance it! DH having the heiny scope, just routine I hope. Wine, cheese and chocolate in the got it! I hope the cheese and chocolate don't clog it up! Frogg Toggs are the cool towels we have. They sell them at Wal Mart in the camping section. I love them. OMG, your SIL owes 20K! It's terrible how they do people like that. Still keeping my fingers crossed that you win. Sorry about your tomatoes. Maybe next year you could just put them straight into the ground and not in containers?

    I made BLT's for dinner last night. OMG, so yummy with fresh tomatoes from the garden and I also added some fresh basil and avocado.

    Let's have some wine, cheese and chocolate today for Genny. Are you getting tissue expanders put in too?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls,

    Thanks a lot all for the kind words of support, I am just sick over this. The kids are getting along better but in all honestly, I think that Danny, the baby daddy, is manic depressive and in need of meds. He just blows up so easily. My Dad was very much like him, my sister pointed that out. Camille, I just love you, I hope you are right and this will all blow over.  

    Lori, your harvest continues to amaze me. I have only grown strawberries, not my thing except flowers. Making food must really be fulfilling, I remember eating my one strawberry lol. Thank you for being so sweet and understanding. I just hate coming on here and biotching as this is a fun forum. If I do not feel like being funny, which is very unusual, I typically just read and don't write. And thanks for the Willie post, that made me smile ear to ear.  

    Genny, I can't get enough pics of Nora so keep em coming please. Seeing her makes me smile. And it also brings out my excitement in becoming a first time grand mother. You better believe I will be posting pics here as I am ready to brag.  My DD had another ultra sound this week and it is definitely a boy. The name will be Logan Jay, the Jay is after my Dad and is also my middle name but spelled with an E on the end. Yep, Erin Jaye hehe! I am glad you are preparing for your surgery. And do yourself a favor, that is IF you feel safe doing so, call your pharmacy and have them put your pills in non child proof bottles, they are nearly impossible to open. Your hands and arms will be very weak. I learned to use my foot to press but kept kicking mysellf for not changing it with my pharmacy. I have got to call Jeanie Beanie in here to start loading the UFO, wese gonna needs lots n lots of likker, cheese and chocolate. Good point from Lori, mighten not all go through the IV. We will also have the tenders load up the percotini fountain and put a nice recliner chair there for you and only you. Gentle hugs to you darling, I have been in your shoes and know the anguish of not knowing and also bathing, touching, feeling and just plain knowing you will be losing part of your body. We will all be here for you to help you through any tough times. Girl, I did not find this place until the months following my BMX and wished I had these goils by my side. My four years is coming up on   crud, was going to write Aug 22 but thought about it and just realized that was the date of my DIEP last year, my four years just passed on July 21st and I did not even remember. I remembered the day of my DX but not the BMX. I guess that is a good thing that the date slipped by. WOO Hooo to that! If you ever need anyone to talk to, I am here for me. I can PM you my phone number. BTW, what do you call yourself to sweet Nora? Grandmom, Mema, Nana etc. I am curious. 

    Dr. Cammy G, I really love the way you look at things. You would make a great shrink, yessiree bop. I hope you have fun at the baptimn and after partay but are not too whipped from being out. So proud of you for even getting out. I just love ya so much lady. ~ disclaimer, I lubs all my girls.

    Sue, I know you are biddy with little Maddie. Enjoy every minute. I can't wait, this time next year, I will be a Nana, well that is it for now. I do also like Mema, sounds very cute. You enjoy but do not overdo it. I really look up to you and how you just keep rolling with the punches life gives you with a smile. You are my hero as is Lori. I still am having a hard time wrapping my arms around Lori's new DX. So much that it makes me feel ill when I think about it. 

    Back to Lori, I wish I could just wrap my arms around you right now. Same goes for you Genny. I have a heart so big at times I think it will blow up. You asked about the kids, they are not moving in until a week or so as Danny is working a job from 4am thorugh 4pm for the next ten days solid with no days off. I just set up the electric in my name to avoid them having to come up with a deposit. I am crazy, I know. And there will be no escaping the lease. If Danny can't contribute or if they break up, Ron and I will pay the FN rent as I have too much going on here to have the baby live here and it would be worth my sanity to keep my DD and her lil Logan living a few miles away. 

    WHERE is my NM today? Hopefully resting but I am always uneasy when I do not see her in the aye ems. I said a pray to the pill fairy that you are able to quickly get your meds. I also sent you a PM to see if I can possibly help you. Your situation angers me so much. 

    Julie, do you have a dog now? I have seen a lot of posts with pics but always thought it was a relative at home's dog. and I recall you saying you can't have a dog where you live. I have been meaning to ask you this. 

    Well I keep hitting buttons as I can't see too well and afraid I will lose this. Will try to write more, ok? I love you all and do not know how I would live without you all. 

    Get those titty's up, if ya gots em! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I created another photo bucket account without my real name (duh). Now I can post pics. Here is a pic of Logan Jay...he amazingly looks like a clone of my deceased father in law (well EX FIL to be precise. I was trying to find a pic of my Poppy Soo (ol) but think I lost em all with last computer that I had a JD spill. which bdw, I bought that pricey warranty that would cover spills, it cost me about 20000 on a 500.00 machine but murphy's law, i have the warranty so will not need it. and bdw again, I had a spill on my prior computer that I loved, the one with windows 7 and I spilled about one week after the warranty expired. My dumb luck. Can you all see the facce? This amazes me. 

    Lori, guess what? I cropped my DD's name of it all by my dernsself, go me! image

    sorry so big,

    Hello to Red, 4sew, Julie and anyone I might be missing. Time to get dinner ready for mese Papa. Hugs n love to all. and more, let there be peace in your hearts 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I'm just poppin in for a minute, just got home---I told u it was just like a wedding open bar,music, dancing, wine on the tables and I had a Bailey's on the rocks--tell u more tomorrow.

    Erin I can no believe that picture, explain it to me--it looks way to clear how did u do that? Amazing. Good name BTW.

    just sending my love to all of u,  ERIN do not ever say u'r a Debbie downer just post whatever u want u know u'r loved so much and I we can help at all we want to. Hope u'r eye is healing.--OK talk in the morning now my eyes are burning. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!At least this morning is a
    good one, yesterday woke up with a migraine.First time in years.Lost the
    whole damn day.Poor Sadie had to fend
    for herself, which make me feel guilty, even though she cuddled up to me last
    night (as much as I could take) and is very happy to get extra pets and fetches
    this morning.She is so forgiving, I
    don't deserve her.So glad to feel
    better this morning, that's for sure!

    Mema--Hooray for
    getting Maddy time!Hmm,I guess there is a glitch with the opening
    up where you left off function, could be worse, I suppose.

    ORLA--I had a great
    day Saturday, paid for it Sunday.I keep
    telling myself it could be worse.I've
    heard of people getting that calm, warm feeling just before surgery, and I am
    so jealous!But so glad for you,
    too.Long surgery, glad it's behind

    Genny--You know you
    don't have to come here when you have Nora!The Lounge is the center of the universe EXCEPT for grandbabies.DH colonoscopy the day before your surgery?
    Wow, one what to keep from getting nervous! Praying all goes well for both of
    you!If the appeal doesn't go through,
    and you are right the odds are stocked against us mere humans, pay only $5 a
    month. Then call all 3 credit reporting companies and make sure that this entry
    is flagged as "in dispute" .And yes, they will report it to credit even if it is being paid. Another
    secret is to file a complaint with the state insurance regulatory agency.Go to your state's web page, or call the
    governor's office number and ask how to reach that group and file a complaint,
    it's surprisingly easy but lots of people don't know they can do that.The state regulatory agency is who gives an
    insurance company permission to operate in your state, and the insurance
    companies do want to keep them happy.Your sister should do the same for her case.Rump roast with Sadie means
    scratching/rubbing her bum, just above the tail.You know, ear scratches, tummy tickles, rump
    roast, front to back.

    Cammy--Sounds like a
    great show, I'll have to see if I can find it!Have fun at the baptism!

    Goldie--I'm glad I
    had a really good Saturday, 'cuz Sunday was a loss, butgiven the emotional intensity of last week I
    probablyshould have been expecting it.Playing rump roast with Sadie is just my way
    of referring to giving scratches and rubbing her back just where the tail
    attaches to the body, what would be the rump when she is sitting down.She loves it, stands there and wiggles back
    and forth under my fingers so I get the whole area equally!Up until just a few days ago my pages opened
    up where I left off, even if it was in the middle of the page, now it opens at
    the bottom of the last page.No real
    issue, but I liked the convenience.

    Nice pairings, great
    idea to put it on a chalk board!

    Erin--Now you have
    been here long enough to know that we like to have fun but we are here for
    support and listening to the issues, problems and difficulties, as well!So don't stay away when you can come in and
    get a drink or two bought for you!Good
    advice about the non-child proof pill bottles, too!Also, many pharmacies use bottle caps that
    you can turn over and they become non-child-proof.Some caps have a center you can push down and
    make them non-child proof.Ask at the
    pharmacy and they will show you!I was
    so surprised to find out how many ways there are to convert child-proof
    caps.Logan Jay, that's a really nice
    name for grandson #1!Can't wait to see
    pics!Got your PM, sent you a response,
    and thank you very much!

    Erin--I hear you
    about spilling things. You can also get an online automatic back up,I use
    Carbonite. When I got my new computer I could just download from the Carbonite
    site and had everything just the way it was before in a couple of days (I have
    HUGE amounts of data backed up, pics, videos, documents, all sorts of stuff, so
    it took a bit over 24 hrs to download everything) including my desktop the way
    I had it set up.Very worth the $70 a
    year I pay for it.Also, I can get at
    any file on my computer from any other computer just by going to the site and
    downloading it.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles' DOTD:

    Shakin' Blue Monday

    1 tsp Brandy

    1/2 oz Blush Wine

    1 1/2 oz Canadian

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Superfine


    Add the whisky,
    blueberry brandy, brandy, lemon juice and sugar to a cocktail shaker
    half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well and strain into an old-fashioned glass
    almost filled with ice cubes. Garnish with a slice of orange and a maraschino
    cherry. M

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    I'm awake or now.

    NM sorry about the Migraine, I've always heard they are awful--but maybe the strain o this last week just got to u physically but I'm glad u got rid o it and u know I'm sure Sadie understands.

    I know I pooped in for a minute last night just to say hi and o course tell Erin we're always here.

    Well our ride was about 45 min rom here and the place was beautiful--Of course we got lost going there, we were so close to the airport the planes were going right over us --we knew we were lost, bt that 's no surprise every single time we've gone anywhere where we've never been for the last 25 yrs, we get lost. And of course on the way home too, We have the map directions everything u need not to get lost, but somehow none of us have a sense of direction. And o course the three of us had the best time there cuz we enjoy each other so much, our 4th is the new GM so she had limited time with us and had to  talk to everyone but everytime she came to sit with us, she wanted to just stay, but couldn't.  Lots o music LOUD mostly Italian, and some were dancing but it was moving fast. And my goofy GF (the driver) told me she was picking me up at 2PM she was here at noon, cuz she was bored--I told her she's putting to much pressur on me--she could care less and talked with Leslie, Marty and Joey who she used to hold when she'd help me take care of him years ago and he was kissing her and hugging her---She just dyed her hir blonde so he was impressed. sometimes when I worked and my DD had a Drs. app'tment she'd leave him with me at work--he knew then he had to stay in the back but he got to know my friends well, cuz they'd let him play with the computer, hell it wasn't ours so we didn't care and he was so good, he never bothered anybody.I told u where we worked it wsn't run in the conventional State way. she was the Mgr. LOL

    All in all in was a great day but knocked the hell out of me and them too hahaha

    OK I'll BBL

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Oh what a nice post Wacko, and you don't always have to be funny girl. That little Logan may have his own name for you, or his version of what ever you decide to call yourself. Is that ultra sound of his little face? That is what I see. And I sure hope if he is manic, that he gets to the doctors. Have you suggested that to them? I too have a hard time wrapping my mind around the new diagnosis, for sure.

    NM, you absolutely deserve Sadie and visa versa. I kind of figure what the "rump roast" was. So sorry about the migraine, and to take your whole day away, not fair! I'm sure it was from the stress last week and then no meds for you either.

    Cami, so glad you were feeling well for your party and had such a great time. Joey is such a little love bug. I hope I can get a hug from him!

    It's quiet in here again, me no likey when that happens.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    wow, very quiet in here today. somebuddy come and partay with me. I has news to sailabrate. Ize gitting a new addition to mese family. I have for awhile been on a hunt for a companion for my Bella dog. The gals that knew me when I joined here knew that at that time I had three widdle dachshunds. I lost Mocha at age 14, then my Mandi at age 13 just last August 13th so I just have my approx ten year old Bella. She has been telling me she wants a friend so I found her one. Tonight, Bella and I are going to meet this little guy that I found on Craig's list.

    this is my fav pic of her. image 2

    She is chocolate and tan just like my Mocha. I might call her Mochalina lol. I will not take her until school starts so that the children of the house can have more time to play with her. The owners are moving to AZ in October and can't take her. Assuming our meeting goes well tonight, she will be ours ♥

    That put a jump in my step fo shoah. Cheers girls. I will take more pics too!! 

    I had an appointment with my PS today and my puka is doing really good. It just might be fully closed come 8/22 which is the anniversary of the surgery.  

    The kids are doing better the last few days. 

    Will try to come back latah! Cheers!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    imagefor the new furbaby

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    It has been an awful few days my best friend of 20n years her three year old was attacked by a pitbull

    He is pulling through in ped ICU major skull fractures

    She said it was like a horror movie she turned and saw the dog just whipping her child around they finally got the dog off him it would not let go

    I brought her clothes yesterday she has not been home or showered.

    Please pray for the family

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good foggy morning,
    Loungettes!Wouldn't you know, after a
    mostly sunny day I had a load of laundry on the line after getting home from
    work.No sooner got settled down with dinner
    after that little chore and what happens but the sky opens up and dumps buckets
    of rain!That batch of uniforms is
    getting some extra fabric softening.Some days I should NOT listen to the news.You know the doc with ebola that was flown to
    the US recently?And the one being flown
    back now?Both stop at the Bangor
    International Airport, right in the middle of town where I work.We're pretty used to international flights
    making emergency stops due to medical issues, people going bonkers, and the
    occasional mechanical problems, but ebola?I know no one gets on or off the plane, they just put fuel in the tank,
    but still.Bangor does not have that
    level of isolation capability if they can't take off again.

    Cammy--Migraines are
    NOT fun, at least this one wasn't as bad as the ones I used to get.Emotional upset is a trigger, and last week
    was enough emotional upset to trigger all sorts of reactions.Poor Sadie, she is so sweet, just sticks her
    nose by my face every so often, gives me a lick then goes and does her
    thing.Mostly she lays on my feet so I
    know she's there.God bless doggies,
    right?No sense of direction, hmmm?Sounds like a great time anyway!Good for you!

    Erin--Mondays, do,
    indeed, suck, many times.But this last
    Monday had a gem, one of the women I work with is a foster Mom who has adopted
    the 2 boys she and her husband have fostered, brothers.Last Friday she got a call from DHHS, the 2
    boys mom had another little boy on Tuesday, he was placed in my co-worker's
    care on Friday!She brought him in on
    Monday morning, and he is adorable.So I
    got a baby cuddle fix for a few minutes.Oh, my, Mochalina is ADORABLE!Bella will just love having a buddy.How old is Mochalina?Sad that
    the family can't take her with them, but you'll give her a great home.And the puka may be closed after a year?YEAH!

    ORLA--oh good Lord
    above, that poor baby!

    Good morning, Lord,
    it's me, again.I'm sure you know about
    little 3 year old baby of ORLA's friend.Please heal him up really quickly, and really completely.And be withhis parents, and the rest of his family.Please also be with the owner of that dog, they must feel terrible.Help them realize that a dog that has
    attacked a human can never be trusted again and should be humanely destroyed,
    and quickly. Thanks, Lord, for taking care of this.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Foggy Morning

    3 shots Vodka

    1 dash Vermouth

    1 twist Lemon

    Peach Juice


    Serve on ice - peach
    juice to taste.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    good morning all,just finished 3 days work stretchHappy

    orla-prayers for the little one,

    wacko=a new fur babyHappy

    genny,hope your prep work for or is going well,dh has his own prepShockedhpe his colonscopy is b9,

    bbl ladies need to do some housework

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, up drinking my coffee, DH still sleeping. Dogs woke me up but now that they've accomplished that , they went back to bed. Got Nora back to mom and dad safe and sound. It was hard saying goodbye this time knowing it will be quite awhile before I can hold her or pick her up again. She is the most active baby I have ever seen, even the pediatrician mentioned it and says she'll probably walk early. She already pulls herself up and will stand on her own and then boom down she goes, so you have to be there every second. We have hard wood floors, she did fall and hit her head on them once but shook it off after a minute or so. She does an army crawl to get around and boy is she fast! I was so exhausted by the second night. She was up at 5, and only takes half hour cat naps and didn't go down for bed till 10. Thankfully she sleeps thru the night but then she wakes up each morning ready to go. She is 7 months old tomorrow. Whew! I will miss her terribly but I was ready to give her back to her 30 yr old parents. DH and I might go golfing this ahem, his alarm is going off now, then he starts his bowel prep this afternoon. Then I'll come home and put my clubs in the basement so I don't have to look at them. His colonoscopy is routine but his dad died from colon CA at 53 so it's always a relief to get it over with and get a good report. I'm going to try and make the most of today, I'm really getting scared. My administrator at work if you all remember had FURB 3 years ago and yesterday she had the maintenance guys deliver the electric lift recliner that she used to my house. It's really comfy and going to be a huge help I'm sure Im setting up everything I think I'll want around me and put it by the window where my bird feeder is so that's where I'll be living for awhile. DH is going to work from home for 2 weeks then My friend Molly (the one where we vacationed) is a nurse and she works 12 hour shifts on Sat-Sun's so she is available during the week. My brother's wife is retiring from nursing the end of this month and she can help after that if need be but I'm hoping by then I'll be fine alone. OK, so enough about me.

    NM, so sorry about the migraine, I've had only 2 in my life and they were horrible, I hope you can get your pills and get pass this stressful time and you don't get another for years or never would be better. UGH, I wish you weren't having such difficulty lately. Glad Sat was good and now that you explain it I totally get rump roast. It is a favorite place for a lot of dogs. My brother had a dog once that would bug him to put the foot up on his recliner and then give herself rump roast scratches on the metal part under to foot thing. Back and forth with the tongue just a going. It was funny to watch.

    Lori I think you asked, I am getting TE's and then radiation. I will be getting some FroggToggs, they sound like what I need. Thanks for helping with my IV and stocking the spaceship. My SIL had a brain aneurysm and was in critical condition in ICU at mayo clinic. The Dr's decided to put in a shunt which she still has and it worked and saved her life. (This is the one with the triplets, they were about 10) Anyway her ins. company said that that particular shunt wasn't approved for tx of aneurysm's so they wouldn't cover it. She tried everything to fight it, that's how she wound up with a $20,000 bill. She said they just wear you down till you give up. Next year we will put the tomatoes in the ground, they are much happier since my DH transplanted them. I love BLT's,, gonna have to have my DH make me some while recouping. And hiney scope cracked my up, I'll call it that from now on.

    Cami, your party sounds wonderful, glad you had so much fun. And Joey stories just melt my heart, what a boy.

    Erin, that US pic is amazing! Nora's were not quite that clear, Logan is going to change your life for sure. Everything you've heard about being a grandma is true, all the fun without the stress of being the one in charge. I'm so sorry about what your DD and BF are going thru. Whatever happens it will work out one way or another. I was pretty much a single parent by the time my son was 4 and thanks to my wonderful mother we made it thru. Hopefully they will patch things up, once they get Logan in their arms the petty stuff hopefully will melt away. Thanks for the PM and your thoughtfulness, you are a sweetie.

    Lala, Hoping you're not in pain, one of our local news channels in cleveland yesterday had an anchorwoman who'd had FURB and she went to Vinnie for her tats and they had it on the air. It was really interesting and I kept thinking about you. Hope it's healing up now. Love all your posts.

    Well this has gotten really long and the dogs are getting restless so I'm just going to give a group hi to everyone else… Love you girls! Bye for now.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    OH girls, I missed this last page…Laura, that's so horrible! I will be praying for that poor little boy. I'm so sorry…

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Oh and Erin, he is adorable, I'm sure he and Bella will be best buds in no time.

    Julie, thanks

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


    to commemerate 100 years since ww1 begun

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


    the tower of london ,each poppy represents a casuality

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning,

    Oh Lara what a tragic horror tht happened to that little one. NM what a nice prayer for him. Keep us posted Lara Poor Baby.

    NM I'm glad u feel better tho---I remember my SIL whenever she had a baby she would get migraines like crazy, and I would stay with her for the baby, cuz she couldn't leave her bedroom.

    Lori are u done canning or is u'r garden stil  growing?

    Julie are u off now a little--u work so hard so many hours--how do u do it-- u gals all work so hard I don't know how u do it at all?

    I hope everyone has a good day, it's cloudy here but it's not hot or humid so it's fine.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    just saw joey's photo at the zoo,he looks great,glad he had a good time

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    What a sweet puppy Wacko. And I'll bet Bella will be happy too. What is his name and how old is he? Can you bring him to your house for a visit with Bella, or visa versa, to see how they will get along? Glad to hear the puka may finally be closed. A year to heal???

    Oh Lara, how awful for your friend. We had a little girl out here killed by a pit bull. I do hope the little guy pulls through. Sending prayers for him.

    That's pretty scary stuff there NM, having ebola so close. Baby cuddles, yay for you. But what is wrong with that lady, why does she continue to have babies if she is just going to give them away??? Glad your friend is there to take care of the boys. Extra fabric softner is the best. You get that quite often!

    Julie, it's too early for house cleaning! Too many poppies, for sure. OMG, that premature ejaculation....ewwwww!

    Genny, sorry about your FIL, 53 is much too young. How often does you DH get checked? Have fun golfing, sorry you have to put the clubs up for a bit, but you will have them out again soon. Babies can brush those little bumps off much easier when others don't make such a fuss over it. If you make a big deal out of it, so will they! So nice you have all of those people to help you. Put some avocado on the BLT, it was really good. Wow, bad enough what your SIL had to deal with, with the aneurysm, but then the insurance company. They just don't care about us. Do you have anything to take to help with the anxiety?

    Cami, my garden is still growing! I don't have anything to can right now. I did have some banana peppers, but I had DH try the first batch I made, and he didn't care for them, not crunchy enough. So not going to waste my time. Nor will we grow them again.

    Leaving early Thursday morning. Heading to UT, Mt. Zion and then to Mesquite on Saturday to visit Lil Doyty Butt! So if I'm not here for a few days, you'll know why! Been to Zion before, it's freaking gorgeous!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    nm we have a big international  population in this area  but its a vacation spot so very scary when we get the alert on a new threat, the young man with ebola is supposed to be improving, the lady is due to arrive back today, i would hope the airport has a con tingency plan and wouldn;t it be a good idea to inform the public of that they are prepared if any plane can't take off again.. hope your feeling better now. 

    lori-housework has consisted of loading dishwasher and turning it on