how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, just sitting here drinking my wine, just took a 0.25 Xanax to take the edge off, haven't needed it in awhile but I'm starting to freak out a bit. Fixed my dinner but so far don't want it… so unlike me. Meanwhile my DH is on clear liquids and would love to eat it. I'm thinking more of a liquid dinner tonight… no drinking tomorrow or for quite awhile I'm sure so might as well enjoy. I just cut my DH's hair, hopefully it'll last till I can cut it again. If not he'll just have to go somewhere. My BF Molly is coming tomorrow night and going with us on Thursday. I'm going to cut and color hers so hopefully that'll last too. Anyway, I'm kind of ready to crawl outta my skin so I thought I'd get on here with you girls that understand.

    NM you sound much better today, so glad to hear. I see the ebola patients got to their destinations so that's good. I personally feel that these women who keep having babies and don't take care of them or abuse them should have a choice of sterilization or a few years in jail. I'll bet most of em' would pick the sterilization, that would help. But I guess it's not politically correct and violates the abusers rights and blah blah, yada, yada. Just my opinion. Oh and a lovely prayer.

    Erin, glad to hear the kids are doing better. I forgot, when is she due? Love the new furbaby, when will you get him? Oh and so happy to hear the puka is healed…woohoo!! Bring out the Jack.

    Juliet loved the cat with the crocheted thing, very cute.

    Lori, DH gets his hiney-scope every 5 years. So far so good, and hopefully same thing tomorrow (Oh Lord, please don't let anything be wrong!) My tomatoes look much happier, next year they definitely will go in the ground. So happy you get to go on your vacation, have so much fun with lil' doyty butt, wish I could jump in the spaceship and join you. So fun!!

    Sue must be having fun with Maddy.. if you pop in to read I want pics!

    Lara please keep us posted on your friends little boy.

    Cami, hope you're getting your rest.

    Anyway thanks for taking my mind off of things a bit… tomorrow is hiney-scope day but I'll try and pop in…love ya all

    Where's beans with my UFO???

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    WTF I missed so much---I can't believe it--I've been busy with personal chit and work chit today

    Genny I'm glad u DH is taking care of needs o be done and always hoping everything is good. Wow are u ready and have so much help on hand--u'll be fine and let everyone do what they can for you. That chair sounds great too. U'll be taken care of in comfort. We're all with u.

    Julie u[r pics are so smiley for us and the top ones very interesting.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls!

    I am feeling pretty good tonight. I am not quite sure where I left off as I have been reading. Forgive me if I am repetitive. My Dad, Bella and I went to meet the little doxie that is for sale and we are all in love. There were a few times where puppy would snarl at my Bella. But in talking with the owner, they had two other dogs and my puppy took third position meaning she was NOT the alpha dog. I think puppy Mochalina (will refer to her as puppy for now) was upset that another weiner dog was on HER turf. Other than the few snarls, the two seems to get along well. Funny thing, a bit off subject but you will get it in a of the little gifts my DD got me for Mother's Day was a sweet little magnet. It had two doxies, with one smelling the others butt, and the caption read FRIEND REQUEST. Back to the point, the two doggies were doing the friend request thing last night. I held the puppy as did my Dad. She was very sweet and docile as the owner describes her. I am going to take her, prob not until Mid Sept though. It was hard to tell the owner that I will wait so that her two little ones would have more time with her before they move to AZ. All in all, I think she will be a perfect fit to our family and I can't wait to get her.  Here are a few pics I took last night. 

    This first one is with one of the two small children and puppy. I could tell right away that the pup is good with small children. 


    This next pic is sweet, my Dad was talking to her and she was paying attention:


    This next one is a pic of my friend Dorky with the puppy 


    BTW, Lori asked, the puppy will be two in November. She still looks like a puppy but is over the "PHS" as I call Puppy Hell Syndrome lol. 

    I took so much time doing the pics that I have to come back in a bit as it is Pop's icecream time. Which btw goils, I found the most delish sugar free caramel topping, it is made by Kraft. I cut back on carbs when I can and this stuff is the bomb. I have been joining him these past few days with ice cream but will refrain tonight. I used to be a major ice cream addict back in the early 80's and I packed on way too many pounds. So I just eat it when I am super distraught and it does help. Ok, will be back to talk about anything other than Erin Soo hehe. Cheers girls and lots of love always.

    And Genny, I am thinking of you around the clock girl, you gonna do well and wese gonna keep you feeling mighten good, thanks to our teeny tiny IV that we sneak in. And wese all will be teeny tiny and in de pockets of de doctors. And I claim the foxiest doctors front pocket, me wanna play pocket pool with him when dere is down time. OK will be back. More cheers!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    ok already for the ufo pickup

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Lori, the ultra sound pic does show the face. It is hard to ID with the US pics but once I found it, I zoomed in on the face. Isn't it amazing how well it can be seen? The US's sure have evolved since our days of being preggers. Are you essited bout your trip? I just KNOW you are essited about having more facetime with our SuzBeeHoney. Give her a kiss and a tight squeeze from me. Oh hell, throw in a few wet eyeball kisses too lol. I just know you girls will have a blast. Mese jealous you gonna be together. And what is this talk about meeting Dr. Cam? Hmm, I sorta recall but can you refresh my warped mind on that? Have a fanfuggingtastic time away, you deserve the R&R and also the facetime with Sue.

    Lara, OMG, how very tragic. I have also said a prayer for the little tike that he is able to fully recover. I can not begin to imagine the mental anguish of your friend witnessing that attack. (((((Lara)))). How are you doing otherwise? Are you feeling any better?

    Julie, love your funnies as always. And I am very humored by the guy at the "dick" doctor, that is funny. Maybe a little eww but more funny. Tanks for sharing the laughs and love. and lol on your housework consisting of loading and running the dishwasher. I can sort of relate to that. And the pic of those poppies made me take a moment and pray for all those affected by that horrible war. Of anyone I know, I hate war the most. Girl, I just want peace on earth and nothing is more important to me, well essept maybe my JD hehe. How are the work outs coming along? and the guy with the ebola, was he in the same hospital as you? I am funcused as he was also in ME near our NM right? Geeze, mese pea brain is farting up a storm. Hey,thanks for directing me to the pic of Joey at the zoo. That is just such a sweet set of pics. The girl is cute as well. I will see you on Thursday, I tink you git picked up first. Hey, have you seen Stella lately? Jest curious. 

    Genny, glad your DH is having the colonoscopy. I know they are not fun. And how awful that your DH lost his father so young. Yikes, I am 53 and it is waaaay too young to die. Girl, you are heavy on my mind and in my heart. As I said before, just breathe, in and out in and out when you start thinking of Thursday. Try hard not to let it consume your mind although I know it is hard not to think about it.And a simple suggestion.....have your fav pic of sweet Nora nearby your chair so that you can look at her when you are feeling poorly. I'd bet that would always make you feel better. ((((Genny)))))

    NM, I hope you had a good day today and that you were able to come home feeling well and find time to have a love-fest and lots of fun with baby girl Sadie. She is such a sweetie. Dogs know when their masters are sick or just down. My Bella gets clingy when I go out of my mind. I hope your uniforms are soft and dry. I hate when I have laundry hanging out and it rains on it. Or when birds chit on it, that worse yet hehe. I sent you a PM, expect a care package to arrive soonlyest.

    Cam, you always talking about us goils working so hard but I tink you work as many hours, if not more, than all of us worker bees. Give yourself a pat on the back for doing that. YOU must be exhausted. So glad you had a great time with your people. I am always glad to hear when you get out and have a great time. I am just sorry that it beats de hail outta you. I met to mention about that show botched. I might be interested in writing them. Just not sure if I have the balls to be in front of a camera through it all.

    Speaking of, I told you goils that I saw my Kansas PS yesterday. He is suggesting that when I go to git my right foob bixed that I add some implants. I told him that my body has rejected them but he said body's do not reject them, it is infection that causes them to have to come out. This doctor is so nice and complimentary. He tells me often that I am young and should not stop with getting a nice set of foobs. He thinks I should keep trying. I told him that I refuse to go to Dr. Prick again and he suggested that I see another doctor there, a female. He thought that she might be very anxious to "top" the top doc and make tings right. Well today, I had to drop hospital records off to my attorney and asked him the question of seeing another associate at the same hospital, I was pretty sure his answer would be no in light of the pending law suit. He said that he is going to talk to some doctor friends he has in NYC, at Cedar Sanai hospital. He also said that it is BS that no one other than Dr. Prick can bix me. It has to be on record where the transplanted arteries are OR a way to find them with some kind of scan/xray. And really, it is just over an hour away so I am going to consider it. You all might think I am crazy but I just hate my results and do deserve better. Maybe surgery # 19 will be the charm lol. We will see. Well hello to the MIA girls. I am missing PRN and 4sew, Allyson and others who have gone quite, hoping everyone is doing well and having a great week. well it is time for me to git my dwink on, just got Dad to bed so it is DorkY time for Erin! Have a good night all and sorry if I missed anyone. CheerS, and sweet dreams.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Erin I luv the puppy pics, looks so adorable and u'r friend --who BTW is beautiful, I did forget her name, but she's lovely with the puppy. I think this is a great addition to u'r family for everyone. And especially knowing the puppy is good with children, it's great

    I hope Lori and I get face time too. I'm waiting to hear for sure.

    Still a lot going on for u ERIN but I hope things settle down.

    Genny we're getting ready so just think of us in u'r pocket,

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Lil miss draggy butt hit the
    snooze button once before getting out of bed this ayem, need coffee, need
    coffee, need coffee!

    Julie--ah, the end
    of a work stretch, such a relief!

    Genny--Gotta love
    the babies, skulls made of rubber until they are 5!Boom on the butt onto floor will get old
    fast, she'll walk soon just to save her behind!Sounds like you've got everything pretty well set up for recovery, I'm
    sure you will be fine.And all that
    attention!You are going to be living
    like a queen for a while!Of course you
    are scared, this is a scary thing, scared is normal.Try not to worry about me, last week is
    passing into history, will get a chance to talk about it later today and we all
    need that, it was a difficult case for everybody.Yup, lots of doggies like rump roasts, you
    should see Sadie wiggling back and forth with the tail going, and I can just
    picture your brother's dog, too!

    Julie--amazing pics!

    Cammy--Yikes, your
    poor SIL!Migraines can be hormonally
    triggered, she must have been miserable.

    Goldie--In Maine,
    once you have had a child taken from you, every child you have after that is
    taken away at birth, unless the mother has met all the conditions the DHHS sets
    to get the child back.One of the conditions
    is usually not getting pregnant again while trying to get the child back.So, automatic failure to meet conditions, and
    the new baby is placed in foster care from the nursery when the mom is
    discharged from the hospital.Since
    these women are given free contraceptives of their choice (except
    sterilization), why they keep getting preggers is just a head shaking
    situation.Of course, most of these
    babies are born with some level of drug exposure.Just a crazy situation.And the extra fabric softener didn't work
    just right this last time, the uniforms smell wonderful but the collars of the
    polo shirts are VERY stiff!

    Juliet--they didn't
    even notify the airport public relations person about the first planewith the first doc, wasn't going to have any
    effect on the public was the reason given.Yeah, right.There was an article
    in Medscape for Nurses about how ebola is contagious but not if you use
    universal precautions, but public toilets need to be carefully sanitized due to
    spread of the virus through poop. . . Very mixed message to my mind.Not to mention that it referred to a person
    who flew out of that area and developed ebola symptoms a few days later. .
    .Everything is really only one plane
    flight away from the rest of the world these days.

    Genny--you are
    right, most want sterilization, but can't get it, too young, might change their
    minds (and life styles, yeah, right).Xanax is good stuff, got me through the migraine and through lots of
    other stuff.Keep going on with it as
    much as you need it!

    puppy, looks like she will fit right in with your family!And the time will fly by until you take her
    home.The sugar free caramel topping
    sounds wonderful, I'll have to look for it, I love caramel on apples and

    candles?Have to look for some!

    Erin--The docs with
    ebola stopped at the airport near me to refuel before going on to Atlanta.So they've been all over the East coast.Looking for the care package, with thanks!
    And yes, you DO have the right to a nice set of foobs, and yes, there are ways
    to find where what was moved to, and what is going on is that no other PS wants
    to try to fix what Dr Prick screwed up b/c he screwed it up so royally that
    it's going to take a lot of work.Do the
    research.Just 'cuz you do the research
    doesn't mean you have to have the surgery, but you have to have the information
    to make a good choice for yourself.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dog Biscuit

    1/2 oz Beer

    1/2 oz Cinnamon

    1/2 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz 7 Up


    Pour all ingredients
    on the rocks. Stir.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Julie, did you get your housework

    Awwww Genny, I see where you were getting ready to crawl outta your skin last night, and came here for support. I hope it helped. I am usually only here in the mornings. I've never had much luck growing anything in containers, except for flowers. Hoping all is good wif DH today and his heiny scope. So nice of your BF to go with you. And when others ask if you need help.....say YES! And take them up on it.

    Love all the photos of the new puppy, and so glad that Bella approves. I guess it doesn't really matter, but is it a he or a she? I've you call it both. And will you change the name of the puppy? Puppy's birfday month is same as Logan's. As for seeing Cami, when I go to MI, if I think my mom is up to it, we will drive out to Cami's, I'll get a hotel, so will only have a short time, but it will be worth it. I think at most, it's a 5 hour drive. My son might go too. And YES, I beery essited to see Lil Doyty Butt. Gosh, we haven't heard from Stella in LOOOOOOOOONG time. So sweet of you to send the care package. And just how are things going with the attorney. OMG and more surgery...oy vey! How long are you off work and how is the eye???? I pray you get some nice foobies some day, you so deserve them.

    NM, we have friends that take in foster children. And like you said, there is usually some sort of drugs involved, or alcohol. They even adopted the first girl they had. She has some mental issues but very sweet child. She must be getting close to becoming a teen by now. And the friends of ours, my gosh, they do this and they are in their 60's! Oh my, not sure about the "Dog Biscuit", intersting lot of ingredients! Woof Woof!

    Well, DH wants to be on the road by this time tomorrow morning, so I will not have time to check in. Genny, know that I will be with you tho. Hoping you will be able to check in and let us know how you are doing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    LOve the new puppy big sis

    I feel good have a cold got the z pack

    The baby is off morphine down to percocets. He is autistic as well, but hes so cute in his little scrubs. Big bandages when it hurts he says " Mommy" or "Head".

    See it was het step-bros dog and he was asleep the dog attacked her son on her moms property. He is trying to keep the damn dog alive. Animal control said zero chance its going to b put down

    The dog got in a car accident 2 weeks ago it has brain damage or something it killed 2 skunks in the driveway since the accident then attacked her son who the dog has known since it was a baby, and later that day she found out through her mom it attacked another person!!!!!

    The step-bro was trying to hide the dog they pked it up at the human society then it goes to animal control. So hopefullly it will b put down. IN NYS there is a bite law but a lot of states have midified it since pit-bulls aggressive nature even if brough up properly and not mistreated to fight.NYS has not yet.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin it


    Hahaha, Im totally gonna have too

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning girls! 

    Thanks all for the compliments on the puppy, I just love her already. 

    Lori, I have goofed and called her a "he" because I am thinking the name Mocha and my prior Mocha was a boy. I hope you have a wonderful time away. You deserve it. And I really really hope you get to see Cammy. Five hours is a long drive but I would do the same thing to meet her, she a berry special goil eh? 

    Lil sis, glad to hear the little guy is holding on strong. I had a friend that had a pitbull who was very docile. Despite that, I was still afraid to bring my DD to his home when I visited. The dog lived a long healthy life and was a very good pet. It is a matter of choice. My cousin has rottweilers and I know her home owners insurance is very inflated because of it. I will stick to my little weiner dogs thank you lol. I hope you can come back and meet my new addition when she comes. And Lara, the pizza man story was funny, saying "pizza's here to an empty house" lmao. I enjoy your funnies too girl. You sound good btw. I hope you are feeling better. How is the healing going?

    NM, I am so glad to help you out. And I am glad to hear you will be having what I'd call a debriefing session today over the agg that client caused you. It is not easy not to take it personally or be hurt. I have had clients ask for a different processor over my career and each time I did take it personally. I hope today is a good day for you and that you get home early to spend some quality time with that silly puppy of yours. 

    Cam, thanks for the complements on the puppy and my friend too. lol that you forgot her name. I crack myself up with all the names I have had. I went to sign onto BCO from my cell phone and had a laugh at the name Erin Black as a default. then I tried to log in from a doctors office waiting room and could not remember my actual name. Well I knew it but foygot about the underscore tingy hehe. How are you feeling today? And how is bidness, hoping not too biddy for you. 

    I had a scare, went into the disability company website and saw the verbiage " claim denied". This was last night so needless to say I went to sleep in a panic mode. But I called this morning and the disability guy said that section was referring to the FMLA which I already know I have exhausted. I really am living on the edge here. Anyway, the case manager said that he is still waiting on documentation from my doctor. The thing that concerns me is that the first week I was out, the reason was my eye ball. The stress leave was a result of losing all that time at work making me seriously overwhelmed enough to make me feel ill. Yep, that's my story. Although I am already starting to get terribly bored. My game I play is getting old, been playing for a few years every day. I need a new game to play, afraid to start with Candy Crush as I hear you run out of lives very quickly and have to wait to get more OR buy more. wtf, I do not want to be tempted. I had bought chips on my vegas game whilel under the influence of morphine, remember that? I can't believe that on the 22nd, it will be one year since my DIEP procedure AND I am still healing. that is so effed up. 

    Thanks all of you for supporting my decision to eventually move forward with trying again to get a nice pair of foobs. Mine are no doubt the ugliest ones I have ever seen. Besides the large divit (which looks likes a mini vagina hehe), I have a large split across the one that drooped. My primary care DR said he will not sign off on more surgery for a year and now look, it HAS been a year, not counting the four debridements and the wound vac surgery. Ugh, I could not havce gotten through it all without all of you girls. which is why mese lubs de hail outta all of you. 

    Julie, funny pics. I like when you post pics, it tells me you are here and I know that you do not always have time to write so thanks for the funny stuff. The UFO will be fetching you at approx T minus 400, be ready ok? (no idea what that T minus stuff means lol, jest being silly). I expect to get picked up at 6am, then the UFO will head North from here then West to pic up the rest of the girls. And I ain't gonna lie to you all, I just love when I turn tiny as I can wear my size zero jeans, they fit perfectly. 

    Darling Genny my love, said a prayer for you again today, hope you are ready as can be. If you are anxious, once they get that  IV in, do ask for something to calm you. I recall them giving me something pretty good as I remember making funnies while being rolled into the OR.  Genny, picture this..... See the surgeon waking up rested and refreshed, see the operating room, all the nurses, doctors, all smiling, radiating positive energy. See the surgery going so well that during it the surgeon comments on how he got every bit of negative tissue out of you and he is so happy that it went so well. Picture yourself waking up feeling happy, rested, comfortable and in perfect health. Hear nurses and doctors say to you and your family they are amazed at how well you look. Hear them express that in all their experience they have never seen a patient recover so quickly and effortlessly. See the happy, relieved, smiling faces of your family all because they know you are now perfectly healthy and you have a long, bright love filled health filled future ahead of you. Everyday say these things to yourself and everyday say "thank you thank you thank you God for I am now in perfect health and my body is a miraculous healer. Tell God t,,hank you thank you for my ability to heal at lightning speed, I am soo happy and grateful to have this behind me. And This Is So". Love ya Genny, try to see this and create this in your mind. You can do it, really and I know you will do just great. 

    Love you girls!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    ((((((((((((genny and family))))))))))))) your in my thoughts and prayers

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---I'm just strting to move round in my pink sugar fragrance cuz I took my shower at 4AM this morning and went back to sleep. Which is more tiring than if I stayed up.

    OK NM u still feel bad about last week, I wish I could wish it way, I know u will feel better about this very soon, u'r so sensitive and that 's what makes u you. So kind.

    Genny do what Erin said, I would just think when I wake up I can order anything I want so I was always OK for that. I pretended I was going to a hotel that would take care of my every need, including my sarcasm. And everyone is always so nice--so just think whatever u want, it's all going to be fine. We're there right with you. I hope all the DH thing is over now and he's doing fine.

    Julie Erin is right I love u'r smiley feelings in the morning.

    Lori is busy and I'm glad about that.

    Lara u do sound better physically.

    Erin I'm so glad u'r getting another addition, for u'r home, it's going to be so much fun for u and u'r dad.--And I truly hope u'r DD and BF is doing well.

    LUBS to all of u.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Hiya gals!

    Been reading and praying everyday. Too much to do not enuf hours to do them. I will ketchup soon. 

    But I did want to poop in with extra hugs and prayers for Genny. I will be thinking about you in the ayem. Best of luck and do follow Erin's sage advice. What she said was bootiful. 

    Up working late again tonight then off to onc in morning, but I will be on de UFO and in the pocket for the Partay. 

    LUBS and HUGZ. I miss poopin in for a drink. Hopefully things will settle soon and I can stop in more regular.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Genny. In your pocket tomorrow. I know it will all be perfect. Nora is so sweet. Love her from her and hope DH did okay today too! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi Ladies, it's 3 in the morning and I'm wide awake, guess the Xanax wore off. My surgery instruction paper says I'm supposed to be at the hospital at 6am for 7:30 surgery. The scheduler called my at 4:30 yesterday to remind me not to eat after midnight, etc, and said "we'll see u at 11:30." So I told her my paper says 6:00 and she said, Oh, I guess they changed it, your surgery isn't till 1:00.... WTF?? I want to get this over with! SO my friend Molly called the nursing supervisor pretending to be me to double check and she said yes it's at 1:00. I wish they'd quit screwing with me! Well, it is what it is. Anyway, I took a half a Xanax a little while ago since I have the extra time so hopefully I'll fall back to sleep. And if not, I'm gonna be sleeping all afternoon anyway. I'm not so much scared as anxious about just wanting to get it over with.

    Lara, so glad to hear your friends little boy is improving, that is great news, and you do sound so much better. 

    Erin, thanks so much for the advice, I'm going to follow it as best I can and try to have nothing but positive thoughts. When this is all over the FURB will be gone forever. By Xmas, I'll be done with the rads, and hopefully the exchange and I'll have hair and I can celebrate a new and healthy year. Oh, and I'll win the appeal. Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself...just positive thoughts for the surgery, especially with of of you in the DR's pockets. And by the way, I love the pic of your friend and her dad and the new pup. Very cute. I'm sure she"ll fit into your household beautifully. Love ya girl, hope your have sweet dreams and you get all the other stuff taken care of and going your way.

    And PRN, NM, 4,Cami,Juliet, Lala, Lori, sue and everbody else...thanks so much for all the well wishes, love u girls, probably see ya in a few days. Gonna try and grab a few more hours now, xanax kicking in again...Love ya all, don't know how I'd do this without you.

    Oh and by the way, DH is fine, colon as clean as a whistle, next one in 5 years.

    And 1 more thing, have any of you heard of IP6? Just found out about it and have a lot more reading to do, NM maybe? are you familiar with it. Sounds interesting and maybe promising? Supposed to suppress CA, shrink tumors amongst a whole host of other thing. Kinda sounds like another too good to be true pill but just wondered if any of you knew about it.

    Later ladies XXOO

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!This ayem the page opened up
    at the first new post again, not sure what changed, but happy about it!

    Goldie--I got to
    hold and feed the new little guy at the office yesterday, found out that he was
    born with willie and narcotics in his system, was in the hospital for 5 days
    detoxing, fortunately very mild for him.He is just adorable, even when he does the simultaneous burp and poop,
    loudly, in the middle of a meeting!Have
    a good trip this morning!

    Julie--One step at a
    time, indeed!Love the quizzical

    ORLA--that dog needs
    to be put down.I am a big dog lover,
    but once a dog attacks, unprovoked, it cannot be trusted not to attack
    again.It's sad, but there it is.That dog must be very strictly controlled and
    contained, and NOT in a home setting, or destroyed.This dog has attacked 3 people now, clearly
    the brain damage has made it dangerous to be around people.If this had been done after the first human
    attack, that baby would not be in the hospital.Irresponsible dog ownership at work.

    YEAH Pizza!

    Erin--It was a good
    meeting yesterday, did get to talk out some of the difficulty of last
    week.It got worse after I was pulled
    off.But this week has been good, and
    that is helping.So is Sadie, who has
    found out that one of her fetch toys gets wet when it rains and she can get a
    real rise out of me by dropping the cold wet thing in my lap when I'm not
    expecting it!Great words for

    Cammy--last week is
    fading into history, life is moving on, thanks to everyone here who listened to
    me whine and moan!

    Genny--No fun when
    they change times, even crazier when they don't call and tell you.Try to do something fun while you are
    waiting, like reading or gardening or something if you can't get back to sleep.Will be praying for you, be sure to poop in
    when you get up to it and let us know how everything goes, which will be just
    fine, I am sure!


    Inositol Hexaphosphate

    Other common name(s): IP6, IP-6, InsP-6,
    inositol, phytic acid, phytate, myo-inositol hexaphosphate

    Scientific/medical name(s):


    hexaphosphate (IP6) is a chemical found in beans, brown rice, corn, sesame
    seeds, wheat bran, and other high-fiber foods. It is converted into compounds
    in the body that are used by cells to relay outside messages to the cell
    nucleus. IP6 also aids the body in its use, or metabolism, of calcium and other


    It's been studied
    for years now, in the lab setting, no human research as yet except as a dietary
    supplement and in small groups.It's
    pretty much in the 'can't hurt, could help' category.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Red Blue & Lemon

    3 oz Blueberry Vodka

    oz Ice

    oz Lemonade

    1 oz Grenadine


    Fill Pint glass with
    Ice. Add 2 shots (3oz) Blueberry Vodka. Fill to top with Lemonade. Add 1oz
    Grenadine along side of glass so it sinks.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Went back to sleep, up and rested now. talk to you all in a few days...maybe sooner...NPO..want my coffee!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Genny I feel so bad for the time change that stinks. But it will be fine and u might be surprised how u can tell us about it sooner than u think, but it's up to you just relax and come on when u'r really up for it. We're all waiting. (((HUGS)))

    NM I'm so relieved u feel better and u'r putting last week behind u. U know I never thought that u would be with babies, it just never occurred to me--poor baby, but u'll take care of him really well. DOTD sounds good again and pretty.

    444444 U must really be busy with schoo and all u do--u'r amazing.

    Back to school picture==perfect.

    OK remind me where did Lori and her DH go this week. u know I'm to lazy to backtrack.

    My boss forgot to pay the phone--if u knew him u'd know as much as I love him and as good as he is working his 20 things on his mind goes crazy sometimes, he was just here last nite and said Oh I'll do it when I get home. Ooohhh

    Today is my BIL's BD and boy I'd better remember to call him later or I hear about it ALL year.

    OK I might as well catch up with things as long as I don't have a phone.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    genny I'm with u today it is!! N

    Time change wtf!!!!

    They will calm u down before in IV just tell them u r anxious

    R u having Immediate recon?

    Prayers for genny please have someone post for u

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Just quick poop in,...been reading when I can.  Maddy demands lots of attention.  If I had been able to get Andrew Michael, I'd have more alone time to post.  Anyway, 1st morning she is still asleep...woohoo.  But we have appts starting at 8:30 this ayem, so not a lot of time here.  Been feeling ok too.

    Sending prayers out to everyone and a Special Prayer to Genny.  I'm gonna sneak off in dat UFO for the pocket party so don't count me out.  And you WILL be fine by Christmas...I jes kno it.

    I lubslubslubslubs all my goils and I'll be back soon!!   MUAH MUAH MUAH and WEBKs!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hey girls, 

    Just checking in to see what is happening. Poor Genny having the change of surgery time, that stinks. It is especially hard with not eating for so long. I would have eaten again by 6am as that still gives 7 hours with an empty stomach. Ha, I can rationalize just about anything. Anyway, it is 1:25pm and Genny is heavily on my mind. I woke up thinking she was in surgery but that is before reading about the delay. Funny that she got a friend to call and portend it was her, something I would do. 

    Well I am here in de doctors pocket and trying hard to refrain from pinching his cute ass. I see the OR through a little hole and see that everything is going perfectly. And I hear the doctors saying that our girl Genny is doing great. I just snuck some liquid chocolate into that IV along with a few bottles of wine and see that Genny is smiling while she is under. lol. I do wish we had thought to have someone in her family contact one of us just to let us know that all went well. But I suspect we will hear from Genny sooner than a few days. I am guessing she will stay in the hospital overnight and be home in the aye em. And hopefully we will have an update before then.

    Camille, you make me laugh. I cracked up when you said that they will wait on Genny hand and foot and satisfy her every need then you mentioned including sarcasm hehe. You are so cute.  Lori, to the best of my knowledge, is heading to Utah, then visiting I think Mt Zion (which I thought was in Jerusalem, hmmmm). Then she is heading to Mesquite NV to have facetime with our Mema Sue. I am so furcited for her and for Sue too. They will have a blast, this I know. 

    Lynne, (4), nice to see you. I hope you find some time to come in and have some dwinks with me. 

    Lori, I hope you have a fab time but know you will. But we will sure miss your aye em posts here.

    Mema, thanks for checking in. Glad Maddie slept in for you to give you a minute to dwink with me. I bet you getting so furcited to be seeing our own Little Miss Innocent one again. Enjoy your grand baby, I know she will enjjoy being with her Mema ((((Sue))))

    NM, thanks for essplaining the IP6, sounds interesting. I had not heard of it but I am hopeful that it will someday help the cause and keep people from getting the FNRB. Glad that you are over the hump of last week. You sound good, espcially considering you are without your meds. I am still pissed off over what that doctors office is putting you through to get much needed maintenance drugs. God, why and how COULD they make it so difficult? It is not like you are needing narcotics, you need the meds to keep you alive and well. I would be pissed off and crazy nuts if that happened to me. Hang in there girl, help is coming. and a thanks to you for everything you do for us. Between you and Julie, we are never without sound info whenever needed. It is almost as good as having a doctor in the house around the clock. I know I can always count on you girls. 

    Julie, what's happening in your life? Did you get a dog? I am still funcused about that. I hope you are having a good week. 

    Lara, nice to see you. How are you feeling? I hope you are fully detoxed, that sucks oh how well I know. I am so proud of ya lil sis, keep up the great work. I've been praying that things go better with your foobs and that everything heals up perfectly for you. Living with pukas is never fun and I so feel your pain and mental anguish. I love ya girl.

    Princess, how are you doing? I hope you are feeling well and getting back to the good life. I miss ya around here, I like dwinking with all mese goils. I jest happen to be dwinking now, having an entire pitcher of the DOTD.

    Well I have to run, my lawn people are here and i Have to prep the back yard, ie roll up hose and get poop scooped hehe. Will try to pop back later. love you girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh Erin I always miss the morning line-up wen someone isn't here--I poop in and out so it's not a time, but our "regulars" always worry me and I shouldn't feel worried I just think (or try) that they are running late. Tht soothes me. But I knew Lori was leaving I just couldn't remember where--I still don't remember that it's that long of a trip. Oh I hope she really enjoys herself.

    OK it's 2PM here now so where are they with Genny. I know she was nervous and I understand-the only thing I was every nervous about was being put out...for some reason I always wanted to be awake--which they didn't allow just with having babies I was allowed not to get anything.

    Erin finally u'r puka is starting to heal, I still remember what it looked like that will always be imprinted in my mind, it was so awful, I had never seen anything like that in my whole entire life, what u went thru with that was worse than anything I could ever go thru. That's a long time for anyone's puka. It's kind of funny (not haha) but my sister was so hoping her DD would have recon, cuz she was in her forties and married and her DD said absolutely not, she talked it over with her own DH and he didn't want her to go thru anything more than she had to. He just didn't care if she had boobs or not. Now my sister has heard a lot of stories nd she's happy her DD did not go thru with it. I told her to shut her mouth, it was between her and her DH no my sister--so It's an I told u so time for me to tell my sister.

    Lara I hope u'r doing OK--u've been doing well so far and doing a hard thing too.

    Al right I don't understand being addicted to pain meds, I mean if u'r in pain should u not take them??? I take mine as soon as I feel pain coming on and if I have a good day I don't take any, but I still take them a lot. I don't have an automatic renewal so the Dr. has to be called each time and I get 100 at a time witch lasts appr. over 2 months--I don't know if that's overdue or not but so far she hasn't said anything. So does that men cuz I take them all the time I'm addicted??? I do tale Tyleno 4 which BTW isn't that strong I can't take any other ones. OH well just my thinking.

    OK check back later. BTW Genny's getting some kind of recon right. Does that take longer?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Your body becomes physically dependent after 3 days. I was not addicted!!!! I decided to go off them aND NO BIG DEAL IM FINE. I DO HAVE PAIN BUT NOT FOR 10 MGS 4 X DAY. iF i NEED THEM AS NEEDED ILL GO ON .5 LORITABS

    WE ALL HAVE BEEN ON PAIN MEDS WELL SOME ON A CONSISTENT BASIS . If any of you went off them u would have withdraw and need detox meds any one on oxy or percos need subozone to withdraw.

    Does anyone know if gennty is having imm recon?

    Erin u r getting another surgery?

    I have really bad bronchtis I just had a breathing treatment, I am on predisone ,inhaler, z pack and cough syrup

    sorry about the caps my computer was hit by gremlins