how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh Lara I'm so sorry, I didn't mean u were like an addicted person, I was thinking in general and thought geze I take more than u have for longer, Please don't misinterpret what I said, u know I don't say things right anyway. OK And now u have bronchitis? WTF u poor thing try not to lay down, stuff a lot of pillows under u'r head or sit in a comfortable chair, it helps a little. Sad

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    oh Lara, what next? You just can't get a break, it ain't fair girl. for me, going off the oxy's was not that bad but I think because I weaned slowly the last few times. I do recall initially going cold turkey and omg, my brain just craved them so much and would try to conjure up ways in my head to get more, it was def a psychological battle. That feeling took a good month or so to go away. And I would get diarrhea and a bit shaky coming off them quickly. I still medicate now and then but not daily as I used to. My doctor has cut me way back. I was getting 180 pills a month for the longest time, he cut it in half then cut me down to 5ml from 10ml. And I am not going to lie to you, I have taken them recreationally but tell myself i need them. It helps with mental pain too. I know that is bad and that is what I am trying to refrain from doing. I can see how easy it is to become dependant on the drugs, many days I feel like popping a pill for fun but refrain. And I never would do such a thing before the FNRB. 

    Cam, you do not take a lot of pain pills at all. I did not realize you could go days without them. You are not addicted if that is the case. Some people are just more likely to become addicted due to personality. And you, you always feel so sorry for others but I think you have it much worse than I have ever had. My puka got better, it WAS the most horrible experience of my life but as they say, what does not kill us makes us stronger.  I saw something on facebook, wish I could find it but it said something like "God will only give you what you can handle, He must think I am a bad-ass". It was cute and I could relate. And you are right, as soon as NM or Lori do not post, unless they tell us in advance, human nature is that we immediately thing something is wrong. And most of the time, that holds true. I was missing NM the other morning, turned out she had that migraine. When someone goes MIA, I always hope it is a computer issue vs a personal or health or mental health issue. I do not go into the rabbit hole often or stay long but when I do, I go MIA too. It is hard to explain but i just do not feel like talking. I do always read though. And heck, we can't help but worry about each other as the relationships we have here are so loving and caring. I say it often but agree with Genny that I could have never come this far and kept smiling through it all if I did not have you girls to vent to and keep me upbeat. There is something about relating to those who are going through the same illness present or past and no one could know how we feel wihtout stepping in our shoes. I recall being on the other side of cancer and the perspective i had on those who were diagnosed past and present. For me, it is not nearly as bad as I thought but then again, everyone's cancer battle is their own and unlike anyone elses.  Ok, off my soapbox lol.

    Genny is getting TE's today. I gave her a few suggestions as far as pain relief for the fills. I actually loved my TE's, well I loved how they looked, that was a pretty as my foobs ever got, been down hill since then. My NJ Kansas doctor has given confidence that I can still have a nice outcome which is why I am thinking I will try it again. I am not ready yet, my life is too much of a challenge right now. I am out of work again on a stress leave, that was because of missing a week of work with the Iritis which by the way, I am still taking meds for that, will finally be able to wear contact lenses on Monday after four weeks of being half blind. I can wear one but that screws up the glasses I wear on top with the computer so I just have been living life mosty blind lol. If I drive somewhere that I am not familiar with, I do put in a contact. I just do not own glasses for my near-sidedness. 

    Lori asked about my court case. I received a letter in response to the attorney letter to the hospital. As expected, they said they investigated and found no wrong doing. The biggest reason I have a case is not that the infection happened, it was the way it was totally dismissed for weeks, if not a month before the PS admitted there was a serious infection. The infection showed before I even left the hospital yet the doctor never even told me that I had acquired a hospital borne infection. I found out when I got a letter of apology in the mail. And had I not told you girls about it or shared pics, I would probably have died from it. Those who know me know that I am very good at ignoring issues and hoping they will go away without a doctors care. It was Beckers who called me on the phone and demanded that I go to the ER immediately. I still did not go immediately, I waited until early AM when things were calmer in the ER, I kept calling and asking about wait time. They must have thought I was nuts for not showing up sooner when I showed up and they saw what I was hiding under my bandages. And Cam, I do not think I shared the ugliest pics with you. I think I showed you after they cleaned up the would and put the wound vac in. 

    Well I have got to go, my DD just showed up, she is taking her belongings out of here slowly. And thinks are good with her and the BF, this week anyway ~ sigh~.

    Well still thinking about our dear Genny and sending her prayers and wishes for a speedy recovery. love you girls, each and every one of you have something unique to offer each of us and that just can't be understood by "outsiders"....

    gotta fly, cheErS my fav-o-late goils, cheers! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Sorry cam I know u did not mean that im just bitchy from being sick

    NO thats good big sis I was taking them daily and it does help u forget this bullshit

    But I was like this has to end , so yes I will go bk on but not take daily or one a day not for 10mgs. I had immediate withdraw the shakes, everything I freaking mentally broke so I calle dmy doc and got that med. I mean I would pop two 10s with my coffee. I think it was fear of pain to. I have ptsd from the pain my pysch says, some days I cant leave my bed its like I get the chills thking about what I went through. Might happen to you to? IDK? but I get weird.

    Love u all (Hugs)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara I know u have had a lot of pain thru all this crap and u've been thru way to much, like ErIN, it's just so sad and complicated. Like now u get another infection u'r poor body is just beat up with all of this. and I hate that for u, it just keeps on going.

    Erin u mean I saw that puka better thn it was OMG I'm glad u took pics. U have to keep going with this--u''r a smart woman now u have to really explain all u'r circumstances it never should have gotten that bad, Never

    I hope Genny's doing OK

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


    worked todayBawlingbut now got 3 days offHappy

    see you all in the morning

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Yay for Julie.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    For Lara

    Photo: Love you and thanks for always being the sister i never had, best friend n cousin Erika Chabala Shaun Basso and Carissa LaGuarina Ziegler

    I am sorry you are having such a hard time but things will get better. You are doing the best you can and considering what you have been through, you are doing GREAT and don't forget it, ok? Love you. 

    Oh Cam, the pics I have not shown are really gross. I have this yellow sloth stuff along with black necrotic tissue which was present before I was discharged after four days in the hospital. And I spent two more separate weeks in the hospital. I am a warrior as we all are and that means YOU. You are the biggest warrior I know girl. I love you too. Well I love all mese goils, jest for de record.

    So I wanna tell you all something sorta funny yet scary. The other day while having lunch with Dad and my sister, we started talking about this woman that my Mom was competing with FOR my Dad, back in the 50's. My Mom won the prize but my Dad said that this woman has always "wanted him" even when they were both happily married. So my sister and I did some research and found her on Facebook then found a phone number. Mind you, this woman is now 83 years old and Dad is 79 years old. My sister and I did not know that she was that much older than my Dad and are blown away, especially considering Dad married at 19. This woman would have been 23 at the time. So today, Dad tells me that he called this woman and they talked.  Her husband of nearly 60 years is still alive but Dad states that she was never happy with him in the "bed department". I lmao at him. Anyway, he told me he is going to call her again tomorrow. I have asked if they made plans to hook up and he says no. But he has a shitty grin on his face then later told me that he just knows that she still has a "hot spot" for him. OMG, I told him TMI Dad, OMG again, I could not believe what I was hearing. I am hoping that he does not embarrass himself and IF they get together and IF something happens, they do not get caught lol.  

    Dad and I went out to dinner tonight, he is doing quite well. Today is the last day that he can legally drive. I have let him borrow my car as his insurance stopped on Aug 1. I have full coverage so thought what the heck, why not. He would only be driving back roads at a max speed of 35 mph. So I rationalized that it was safer for him to drive than for me to drive him. And I was a nervous wreck letting him take my car but at the time he asked me, I had more than two drinks so let him take my car to visit Mommy. It is so sad that he can't continue driving but he is taking it like a man and I am very proud. He has his moments but overall, he is really handling it well. I keep reminding him that everything happens for a reason which he will never know. But I tell him the what if's that could have or would have happened should he continue driving and he seems to understand. I could not be more proud of him. He is very spoiled by all of his children yet very appreciative of everything we do for him. And he actually is being good with his diabetes and with using his cane. There were so many years were he was the boss of himself and would not listen to my Mom when it came to his diet. The home is having a urologist check out my MOm, duh, they should have done that at the Lutheran home, were she was before and should have done it before now. We are still loving the new place, just the fact that they believe us when we tell them that Mom only acts out with the biting/spitting etc when she feels threatened AND when she has a UTI. We are hopeful that she can stay where she is. Another little story about Dad....there is an old grandmother clock at Mom's place II that was not working. My Dad and my nephew have spent countless hours working on it. They had to get the key to wind it from ebay and bought a set of six as they did not know the size of this particular clock. Well today he is thrilled as it is not only running but the chimes are working again.  My Dad has built grandmother clocks along with rebuilding player pianos. Seeing his spirit so high after fixing the clock makes me think that we should buy an old player piano for him to fix up and resell. He has done that several times before. It used to be a family thing where my sister and I would glue all of the bellows. and in my Dad's day, he was considered an effing genius. Yep, I am so proud of my Dad, sorry for bragging but I could not be more happy with his progress here.  

    It is time for the news, I am going to check it out for a change. I am hoping to hear that there is a string of beautiful weather days coming up as forecasted on the Yee haw!

    Love you girls, thanks for listening and if you skipped, I do not mind cuz I know I talk alot....well that is WHEN I feel like talking.

    Still thinking about our Genny and praying that she is comfortable, content and RB free! 

    Good night goils and happy Fried dey, cheers! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OMG I can't believe this---This is such a story ERIN, u father sounds adorable and fixing all of those things is genius because they are very tricky. But, yes but I can't believe u and ur sister finding this woman and u'r dad called her. What a blast. And from his past. Wow u have to keep us up on this one. This is some excitement here

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    thanks big sis

    I love those stories about your dad

    Cam I know! The thing is I just keep going

    Genny ???? 

    You should get him pianos and clicks he would b busy all day!!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh little one I just want u to be better and feel good.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Cammy for enjoying the story of my Dad and "days of his life" lol. Makes me wonder if YOU were closer, you could be a match for him. He really just NEEDS companionship and WANTS sex hehe! He is just so precious to me despite often being a brat. Whenever I ask him to test his sugar, his response is "IF I must" lol. He is reluctant but does it. And I give him a dirty look when he is being particularly bratty and it sets him straight. 

    And Lara, I often wonder if my Dad would still be alive and well without YOU. Seriously, things happen for a reason and there was a reason that you were at my house and that Dad "hid" your keys. I recall so well the stress of you "losing" your keys, ooops. Which btw, Dad is still sorry that he put them in the drawer yet I tell him he should not be sorry as that likely saved his life. Girl, you have no clue how grateful I am that you were there that day and HEARD him fall. I was so out of it from being up so late and did not hear a sound when he crash landed in my hallway ~ goosebumps~! Girl, give yourself yet another pat on the back for being here and for acting quickly. I shall forever be grateful. 

    So I watch news and WTF did I bother? the weather, yes. We are going to have three straight beautiful days, highs in the low 80's with low humidity. But then I hear a story about a horrific murder/suicide in PA where the father killed his wife in front of two small children. Then I hear about our president starting more chit with war. I HATE war and jest want peace. Peace on earth, peace in the US and peace between all mankind. Chit, so depressing to watch news. I tank GOd that the weather forecast is good. Otherwise, I would not be able to cope. I am half kidding but half not. I find the news very disturbing and as little as four years ago, I was a news junkee, listened to news on TV or online morning, noon, evening and bed time. ugh. ooops, sorry for the rant. geeze, mese talks a lot.

    I really need to hear from Ginny and/or her people. Does ANYONE here have an email addy or phone number for her or a family member? I am sure she did well but would like to be POSITIVELY sure she is doing well. And I am praying my head off for her, praying for a speedy and quick recovery with littlest pain. I know it will hurt but hoping that she has a pain pump and some good dwugs. I used both valium and dilaudid around the clock and that helped so much. Yah, it hurt but not as much as I thought it would. And that is tanks for good dwugs and likker. Oh and Willie too (don't judge me lol). 

    Soooo, is anyone partaying with me? I am up late, jest like the good old days which means I feeling oh so much better. Oh cept for one widdle ting which I am "stuffing inside" for now. And that is the fact that my DD's rental property appears to be in effing foreclosure, WTF?????? uh, I worry about dat tomorree, I tink she has rights as a tenant but not sure. waiting for response from realtor. 

    cheers to all and lots of love from uh Erin Soo, pronouced SUE yeah yeah yeah whatever you all say hehe. Love you girls and I thank you for reading. and again, I completely understand if ye goils chose to bypass my novels here. I loves ya ennyway. 

    so again I ask and sorry to be a ... a.... a (as NM would say, a PIA which means pain in de anatomy aka arse ake mese EWWA which is anuuder story in itself.

    i go now. sweet dreams to all mese goils and know I lubs each of you. ebery one of ye has a piece of mese heart. so now I bid ye all ahhhh-dooo. and I fart ye and in sailabration of farting ye, oops I mean hearting ye (loving), I fart for ye. mese promise to al ye.....

    I fart,



    ps whose dwinking with me now??? I can shut up n dwink at de same time, yeeee hawwwww! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I'm still here------------ See about Genny that's why I asked about recon cuz u guys know all abut that and know how it feels. I  just had everything taken  out and nothing put in and I didn't feel any pain whatsoever. So there is a big difference. And I know I wish someone knew how she was doing.

    U know ERIN SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEE u'r dad has gotten so much better and how great Lara was there that day I member that. She took over like a trooper. Not a State trooper just a trooper. I would actually have a beer right now, but I took some meds, I should have had the beer. We always have beer and vodka in this house

    Sat I'm going to my Jodie's hous for my SILs BD (ick) I'm bring him some beer, tht all he likes anyway. And I want to leave as early as possible on Sunday morning --my DD is getting just like him selfish and stupid OH well nothing I can do. but Joey likes to go usually so I go for him. Tht lil shit came home t 10:15 tonite but he went to bible class so I was still waiting my DD and SIL fell asleep, but Les took a pain pill for a tooth pulled--she's so funny. Oh the commercial applewood pulled pork at ubway looks so good right now. I had graham crackers today--nothing looked good to me. I should e so thin, but U can roll me downhill when I fall.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    okey, mese trying to sober up some so I can put up some sweetliest posts up her for Genny. and other goils, feel free to add yer own, our goils is gonna need our support and love...NOW more than ever. It is not easy having the you know what and I am hurting for Genny. I feel her pain in mese fart (in that contexxt, fart means heart...duh but mabye all goils do not know dis) 

    Genny, love, I hope that you are sleeping at this moment. These first few hours are quite difficult but remember that each day will get a little better for ya. 


    Hoping you are comfortable at this very moment and moments to come....

    From all of ye goils ---


    Also praying for you to heal at miraculous speed! 


    De bunch of us goils pulled together and got ye an order of happy pills, an anonymous person (Sue) put a ton of these into yer IV 


    and one more ting, for now ennyway. 


    Today and always, girl. It is my prayer and wish that you recover very quickly and painlessly as possible. and prayers for perfect results.

    I love you and matter o fact, lubs lubs lubs all mese goils here. God bless each of ye. I dwink now ~hicccupppppp

    BURP oops zeeeeeeeeeeze 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Genny we couldn't have said it better than ERIN SUUUEEE--we all want minimal pain and quick healing. I know Erin and Lara know what u are going thru and I pray it's easy for u.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a lovely evening
    watching the lightening and listening to the thunder as the storms rolled
    around.Then a night of cuddles with
    Sadie.Slept so hard that I was dreaming
    about having to get up and pee when I had to get up and pee!I think I almost peed the bed dreaming that I
    was in the bathroom, very odd sensation to be up in the bathroom and wondering
    if I was awake or still dreaming.The
    human mind is such an odd thing at times!

    Genny--my idea of
    back to school, too!So not fair to be
    deprived of caffeine at such a time!Praying for you, girly.

    Cammy--Yup, I
    started my professional career taking care of preemies.Still love the babies!Happy B-day to your brother!

    ORLA--prayer indeed
    for Genny!

    Mema--Morning, and
    have fun with Maddy!

    Erin--IP6 has been
    making the rounds, inositol made the rounds a few years back, the 2 are related
    chemicals.It will be years and years
    before there is enough research to determine if this is something that will help
    in human beings.Going to spend some
    time on the phone harassing doctor's offices today, since it's Friday and not
    the day they want to be dealing with people like me.So I plan to be just as irritating to them as
    they have been PITAs to me.Sigh.

    Cammy--No, you are
    not addicted to pain meds.Addiction is
    a psychiatric problem, characterized by a person taking a chemical for the
    "high" or euphoria it produces and not for the reason the chemical is
    intended to be used (for instance, pain meds for pain).Taking pain meds the way you are is taking
    the chemical for the reason it isintended to be used.There is a
    lot of confusion about the phenomenon of tolerance, and many people mistake
    tolerance for addiction, but that is not the case.Tolerance is a physical response by the body
    to a chemical taken over time.The body
    gets used to the chemical being taken in, and begins to stop making endorphins,
    so that more pain med is needed to stop the pain after a while.Also, if the pain med is stopped abruptly, it
    takes time for the body to restart making enough endorphins, and during that
    time people have unpleasant symptoms, called withdrawal.People who are NOT addicted WILL have
    withdrawal symptoms when pain meds taken for a long time are stopped suddenly
    and that does not mean they are addicted.That's why we take people of pain meds gradually.People who are addicted do not have a
    legitimate reason for getting pain meds, and so end up without them at times
    and go into withdrawal until they can get more.So many people equate withdrawal with addiction, which is not
    correct.So yes, if you have pain you
    should have the option of taking pain meds.People with addiction who also have pain should have the option of
    taking pain meds.Addiction is when
    people without pain take pain meds for the "high" and not for
    pain.Another fine point of medical
    jargon, people with addiction go through detox to get the unneeded drug out of
    their system, generally needed other drugs such as sedatives, anti-nausea meds,
    or anti-seizure meds to prevent or manage serious symptoms (vomiting until the
    esophagus bleeds, seizures, dehydration, self-injury, fevers, cramps, diarrhea,
    psychotic break) people who are not addicted, who have been on a pain med for
    some time are weaned off or tapered off the recently neededdrug and rarely need hospitalization or other
    drugs as withdrawal symptoms are managed by gradual reduction of the dose,
    allowing the body to take over normal functioning again.

    ORLA--No, you are
    not addicted.Hope the bronchitisis clearing up, that is such a pain to have
    to work through!

    Erin--If only we had
    a perfect drug that would take care of physical AND mental pain!I, too, have taken pain meds for the mental
    effect a few times, but I am blessed to not have ongoing physical pain and so
    do not have pain meds in the house anymore, so that takes care of that
    temptation.And I, too, could never have
    gotten through the Rat Ba$#ard "journey" without the friends and
    support on the boards here.I'm glad the
    iriitis is clearing up.Iwould be half blind without my contact, and
    my bifocals are a royal pain for anything other than the few minutes I need to
    see clearly when cleaning my contacts.I
    probably should have a more workable pair for emergencies. . . Keep going with
    the lawyers, of course the hospital says nothing wrong happened, but they
    always say that hoping people won't know to keep pushing.

    ORLA-- I hear you
    about the fear of the pain.That fear is
    a very strong element to deal with, and I firmly believe is proof of PTSD all
    by itself.

    Julie--have a good

    Erin--Your Dad is so
    funny!God bless them both if they do
    hook up, and who cares if they get caught, none of them will remember 10
    minutes later!Wow, that is great about
    the clock, and a wonderful idea about the player piano!

    Genny--praying for
    you, and TAKE THE MEDS, don't wait for things to get "too much" just
    take them and sleep through the next few days.Your body will thank you for it later!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    3 oz Blueberry Vodka

    glass Ice
    Other Food

    oz Lemonade


    Fill Pint glass with
    Ice. Add 2 shots (3oz) of Blueberry Vodka. Fill to top with Lemonade

    Blueberries are in
    season here in Maine!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    Again thank u NM for taking the time to answer my question, like I said I don't take anything until I feel it coming on and I don't wait like I used to ---it was just harder than to get rid of it. But I've been on them since my back got all messed up and since it cant be fixed really WTF I decided I'm not going to be a martyr with pain a while ago. But I and all of us always appreciate how well u explain things in our language it actually relieved me. I hope u have this weekend off, cuz I knw u'r on call sometimes.

    And Julie u have some time off and that's good for u, u work kind of odd hrs sometimes so u must really get tired.

    I hope Genny is resting comfortably, like I said u gals with recon know about this, I haven't a clue.

    I woke up early, not unusual but then I go back to sleep after my coffee, obviously it doesn''t help but I enjoy coffee a  lot.

    Erin I might have asked this but how long are u off work now?

    Lara I hope u have a good day today.

    In fact I hope all of us have a good day and enjoy the whole weekend. And everyone's weather cooperates too.

    U know I LUBS U ALL

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies! Posting from my cell phone so it won't be too long. I am sitting up in a chair, already had my sponge bath and am waiting on breakfast, I'm starving! So everything went fine so far feeling much better than I expected. Surgery dept was way behind so I never got started till 3 and it took about 3 1/2 hrs. She took all my axillary nodes which was 12. Said they were hard which indicated they probably had cancer but she thought the chemo had gotten it all. She said she couldn't see any signs of living cancer in the breast. Path report expected on Wednesday. TE's in place. I had a pretty bad reaction to the morphine, just really made me feel sick so I only had it once. Then the Percocet made me nauseous probably cause of my empty stomach. So we've settled on dilaudid and that is working fine. My DH stayed here with me all night and was such a great help. And my friend Molly was here till 10 and then stayed at our house with the dogs. My husband says it was nice to have her here, they went out to dinner while I was in recovery. Anyway, I wanted to pop in and let you all know it's over and I'm fine. Breakfast just got here then I'm getting more pain meds and going to sleep. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers, they were heard! Love you girls!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Yay we heard from Genny and she's doing good. How sweet her DH stayed and her friend took care of the dogs too. It's wonderful when u have a good support system backing u up, it eases worries I think. Just giving an opinion, not a fact. I love when u guys have something done and tell us as soon as u can how u r doing. Thank u Genny and enjoy u'r breakfast. It must hurt tho cuz she has to take something. I feel bad about that.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    genny lovely to hear from you, so here's my nurses voice, do the deep breathing and leg exercises ,take pain meds when the pain starts ,don't let it get out of control ,it takes longer to control then,  and i'm glad molly will be there for you. 

    cammi-i will repeat my statement to lara, pain meds are there to improve the quality of our lives ,so your doing a good thing by taking them as needed  

    have an appointmnt to keep so bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Julie u r so sweet and funny, xxxoooxxx

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Thank goodness genny wow you get a sponge in the hospital, now I think u had imm recon???? Expanders in

    You sound great and dilauded is a lovely drug for exterme pain, I was on it before

    Morphine made me itch so they gave me benadryl for the itch

    lol I was starving when I got home I inhaled like ten tacos then slept, I was in a awful pain but sound great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank yopu NM for explanation, they kept upping it and I was saying nothingIDK they r the docs right any way I was given this cherrytussin for my cough has codeine in it, but I needed it for my chest it hurts so bad.

    But also nurses I find this interesting they gave me predizone and I feel like a superhero like I can sleep on my side , stretch my arms and back whats going on???? I feel this is helping my pain and movement? I thinkI need this?????What do u think nurses.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Oh yes keep your arm up on a pillow when pou get home i still have my baby pillow to this day I keep under my arm. The one with the nodes thank god they took those fuckers sorry out I only had 4 out.

    I had to wait for path report to ......

    Oh yes and let every one tend to u its lovely


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    This elephant has a cat on its butt

    This elephant has a cat on its butt

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    Prednisone is a corticosteroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It also suppresses the immune system. it will help with your lungs but no you haven't turned into super woman its just reducing the inflammation in your body so you feel better,just remember your sick and take it as prescibed,it is a very good drug  but does have side effects

    wacko-your dad stories made me laugh,  for those on fb know this morning i posted  for someone to put my parents phone back on the hook, it gets knocked just a little not enough to notice its off the hook  but gives you the busy signal . the first time it happened i was so concerned after an hour i called my sister and my bil went to check on them,they were watching tvShocked now i just put it on fb Happy

    genny hope your resting comfitebly tonight

    lara-hope the little boy recovers but agree with nm, the poor dog needs to be put down even though it suffered a head  injury. did the owner take him to the vet after the accident? 

    mema -hope your enjoying your maddy time

    lori,enjoy your trip

    cammi -keep smelling nice!

    nm hope your having a good day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Just popping in to say hello. I was very relieved to hear that all went well for Genny and it is now behind her. wooo hoooo! 

    Lara, the cat with the elephant ass or we can say the elephant with the cat ass was really funny and cute too. And girl, listen to Julie, she knows what she is talking about. You are not super woman despite being a super gal. 

    Julie, funny story about your parents phone but glad they were okay, sorry for your worry. I guess they have those old fashioned phones, I remember doing that to the phone on purpose thinking the school might be calling my parents lol. Glad ya liked my silly story. Love the dog creeping the shower hehe. Your map cracked me up. 

    NM, hope you are able to have a restful weekend. 

    Hello Camille, hope you had a good day.

    Genny, am thinking of you now. I remember my first night at home, it was the worst of all. But it got a little better every day. Hang in there and embrace the fact that you got through another big deal. Allow your people to pamper you girl, you 've got the cancer card. 

    I go now, cheers ladies and lassies and tanks for being mese dwunken fwends! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh chit I fell asleep at 7PM, now I'm up-----Oh well

    Lara please don't be overconfident with wht u do--listen to Julie cuz she know--It's so nice having nurses here, not just great ones but fun too.

    Funny pics, make me smile.

    Erin that's one thing about going to Ctholic school, no one called u'r parents they just dealt with it any way they wanted and u didn't dare tell u'r parents or u had another problem on u'r hands.

    I'm hoping Genny is resting comfortably and hopefully coming or is home, I don't remember how long u stay in when u have extra work done. I remember being told uthat I would just be in for 24 hrs. and I thought are they crazy? hahaha Well of course  I was there 10 days but that's how much fun I was having. How is it u don't forget how long u were in the hospital, that's strange--and I do remember being in there with like 102-104 temps and everyday I'd ask the Dr. can I go home today, u promised-- I think I called him a liar liar pants on fire dr.too. Oh the good old days====right.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    lol cam !!! They realesed me the next day I said I want out!!!!

    Yes ok, I take 2 a day for 5 days then 1 a day for 5 days.I see yes I need to be careful, but it helps my boobs that bone in the middle. I can move in ways I neber have beem able to

    Genny hopefully is in dialuded land, I know when u wake up sometimes u feel great that surgery no way for me.

    That dog was supppossed to be put down, she had court yesterday. When she talked to animal control they said the dog had zero chance. The baby was suppossed to be relaesed yesterday to. 150 stitches in head alone. Going home with IV for antibiotics and pain meds a nurse will be coming to the home to show her how to administer but she will come every day for a week

    After BMX I had a nurse she thought I was a wacko noodle.