how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin it



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara u do have energy. Wow. But I'm so glad u feel better now. It's been so long for u. Does u'r chest hurt a lot still?

    That poor baby, Once a pet is damaged like tht it's a shame but it's the only wy to stop him from hurting anyone and maybe the dog is in some kind of pain too. All those stitches on such a little head, so happy he will be released but lot of care has to be given. I can't imagine ever wanting to be around any kind of dog again.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, I'm still in the hospital bot going home this morning. I slept really well thanks to the Percocet and toradol. It truly has not been nearly as bad as I expected. I have a lot more range of motion than I anticipated, in fact I have to keep reminding myself not to do certain things. I can get in and out of bed and chair with no problems and have been walking around in the halls. I don't think I even need the lift chair that my boss sent over but it's comfortable and I may sleep in it for awhile. Emma is approved to come to this hospital so my DH brought her up to see me yesterday, that was nice, although I think it really confused her. 

    Lara, I'm so glad your friends son is coming home and is on the mend, that is great news. And listen to Julie's advice, prednisone takes away all the aches and pains so be careful not to overdo it. Oh and I loved the cat/elephant pic and the nurse one too.

    Sue I hope you and Maddy are just having a blast.

    And Lori I think yer on your getaway so I hope you're having a great time.

    Julie, I'm doing well, been using my incentive spirometer and up and walking. The lady from the breast health center came and gave me the little pillows and they helped me get comfortable last night. Drains are working, I have 3. I go see my PS in Wed and I'm hoping he'll have the path report by then. Funny about your parents phone. 

    NM hopefully you're off and spending the day with Sadie.

    Erin hope your eyes are all healed now and thanks for your concern. And everyone else too, I just love you girls!

    Well my breakfast just got here, I'll see ya all when I get home to my computer. Lubs, Lubs as sue would say!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie and I are indeed
    loungy today, taking very easy and laid back approach to life.Moving slowly, getting to things gradually,
    enjoying the sunshine.

    Cammy--I do have
    this weekend off, and you are welcome for the info.

    Genny--Hooray for
    being on the other side of surgery and doing well!Enjoy your breakfast, take a nice nap, and
    keep on healing.Have your friend get
    you a small, soft pillow, heart shaped works really well, to put under your arm
    where the nodes were taken, that area will be sore for a while. I had one after
    my first mastectomy, it was a life saver.

    Juilie--good advice
    for Genny, and for Lara.


    ORLA--prednisone is
    a steroid, which makes lot of people feel pretty terrific and makes some people
    feel pretty crazy.When I take it for
    an asthma flare up I don't sleep, feel wired and can't concentrate.But I feel terrific at the same time!

    Animals do the
    darndest things!

    Julie--I am having a
    good day, and yesterday was ok for a Friday, thanks, and I hope you have the
    weekend off!

    Erin--Good morning,
    hope you are having a good weekend, too!

    Cammy--It is funny
    how you don't forget how long you are in the hospital, even ifI don't remember much of the time or
    happenings.Maybe better that way?

    ORLA-- glad to hear
    the little guy is well enough to go home, even if lots of help and care still
    needed.Part of the fun of seeing people
    in their homes is seeing how nutty they are!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Nutty Bitch

    1/2 oz Frangelico
    Hazelnut Liqueur

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Peppermint

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1/2 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Cream


    Pour first 5
    ingredients into a stainless steel container over ice and shake until
    completely cold. Strain into a large rocks or old-fashioned glass filled with
    ice. Top with frangelico and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning

    Julie LOl so true.

    Genny u sound great and sure hope it continues but just don't overdo. Take this time to heal properly and I'm glad u'r going home.

    I of course don't know about how when u take nodes out if it feels different or what, that actually means, I just know I thought I had a lot out and I felt fine--so listen to the nurses on how u do things. OK, cuz I wasn't here then and I don't remember much about the node things.

    NM u sound relieved and more relaxed and that makes me happy. And I think Julie has a couple of says off too.

    I hope Lori is having a good time, and isn't princess on vacay too. I hope so.

    Lara I hope u'r resting now and Erin too. SuzyQ I forgot but I know something is going on with you.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!

    Gotta be quick, Lori going to be here soon, so much to do. 

    Genny & Lara  -  Woohoo...such great great great news.  Love the pics and funny posts too!  Now you both get lots of rest and try not to overdo-do.  Big hugZ to you both!!!

    Erin - wonderful story about your dad.  Such a sweet man.  And glad to hear you are going forward with the law suit.  Sounds like you have your ducks in a row.

    Julie and NM - both so sweet for giving the Best Bestest advice to our girls. 

    Missing some, but as I say....lubslubslubslubslubslubslubs ya all!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Oh genny this is amazing do you did get imm recon this is so great

    3 drains hmmm

    keep resting

    yes I feel I bit nutty better calm down lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning girls, happy Saturdey! woop woop.

    Genny, so glad to hear from you again. Ya see, we told you that the worst part of all was the waiting. And girl, you are doing amazingly well. I could not lift myself out of bed or a chair without help for a good week. And to have range of motion is simply incredible. And to have slept through the night, in a hospital for that matter, is also great. You are going to do just wonderful in healing, I know it.  When I had my BMX, it was evident even before I left the hospital that I was getting infected. I could not be more happy for you. And I will keep praying that the path report is good and that all cancer is GONE, good riddance FNRB. FURB! and crud, when you mentioned little Nora being funcused, that made me sad. She loves you a lot and her little mind is smart enough to know that this was not the norm. It will be no time at all when you can lift her again and carry on with life as you knew it. My perspective on the whole mess is that we take our health for granted. Once we go through such a traumatic event, such as the BMX, and heal from it, I think we tend to appreciate feeling good SOOOO much more than IF it had never happened. Keep up the great work girl, I feel some great vibes from you and could not be more happy.

    Cammy, I am pretty sure that today is the day that Lori and Mema Sue have facetime, wooo hooo. And I will be patiently waiting for pics of two of my favorite goils. (you are all my favorites why of course hehe). I love when you talk about the days in Catholic school. I am glad that I was able to pull my daughter out by 2nd grade. I have several other friends who went through the Catholic school system and the stories i hear are frightful. I feel bad for anyone that is Catholic these days. the darn scandals seem to give the religion a bad name which is not warranted. Sad that some bad priests are chasing Catholics away. I have a friend who refers to herself as a "recovering Catholic", she converted to Episcopalian which is my religion. Not that Episcopalians are without their own scandalous stories.  One good thing I can say about my friends who went through Catholic school, they all turned out to be very respectful and caring people so the Nuns must have done something right lol. I hope I do not offend you or anyone else with stating my opinion. For me, God is God and it does not matter what religion you are as long as you believe. I was going to a non-denominational church for the longest while, remember that? I got my fix there but also found that a little too nontraditional. So I just worship from my little chapel in my cottage. Anywho....rant over, aren't you going to another partay today? 

    Lil sis, you just crack me up. I laughed when you said your home nurse must have thought you were a wacko noodle, is that what you said? lmao, you are too cute. I fired my first home nurse, I knew more than she did or so I thought at the time. Anyway, there is something to be said about the steroids helping with the foob pain. I would def mention that to your PS. Maybe there is another type of anti-inflamnatory you can take. Do you take advil/ibuprofen?  I have found that to be the best pain killer that is non narcotic.

    Brings me back to Genny, just had another thought to share. You can add advil to your pain meds. My PS had me alternate between percocet and 30 ml of advil and it was pretty amazing how pain at a scale of 10 of 10 would drop to about 6. Ask your PS about that when you see him. 

    Julie, I bet you and NM both loved Lara's funny about the nurse. You and Lara fiind the cutest funny stuff. How are you doing, still working out? And do you have a dog? I am starting to think you do not read my posts lmao. I have asked three times now. Hmm, well I guess I do just rant on and on at times such as today lol. I am just kidding ya.

    oops, gotta fly. Dad is looking for lunch. It is 12:01 and that man insists on eating "on time", he is a pain in my arse but I love him so much. Will come back and finish my novel latah hehe. Cheers girls and lotsa love to each of you wonderful bwesties!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Hello Ladies...

    Genny!...Sooo glad that you are doing absolutely terrific!  Hard ass shit and you sound so goo.  Please take it easy, continue with the incentive spirometer and coughing too.  Take it east just cuz you are feeling good, don't do too much.  Nora and the dog are too cute. We're still in your pockets.

    Erin...What a great story about dad the hottie! I love the pictures too.  The pup is so cute.  We are a fish only family for the moment since I am not ready for a new baby, as it will be mine for sure...LOL.  Also I really like the picture of your friend Dorky, she is really pretty and looks nice!  Glad you are out of the rabbit hole, I miss you.  Hope that things smooth out for your DD.

    Cami...You are too funny.  And I think we need to hook that phone on to you with a are getting calls all the time!  Say hello to Joey.  What is going party this weekend?!  You have the best party schedule!  I am jealous.

    NM...hope you and Sadie are resting well.  Nursing is hard work. And people are just not nice sometimes.

    Lara...You sound so good.  I hope you are feeling better each day.  What's up with the tattoo area skin?  Healing or not?

    LOri...missing you.

    Mema....All those days with Maddie?!  So lucky.  I hope it is all too much fun and you are worn out for a really great reason.  Enjoy your facetime with Lori.

    Julie..I hope you are enjoying your days off and sooo love your jokes.  I send them to my DH.

    Beans, 4....hiya.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Okay, I split my post so I would not lose anything...dumbputer.

    I am back from vacation.  I flew in Tuesday am and took the bus to home to the van to work!  So I have been tired and catching up. I had a great time.  We had dinner on last Friday at the place that we had our rehearsal dinner at one year ago.  Super nice food and a 500 year old restaurant on the East Coast. Then we went up to Manchester New Hampshire and stayed the night and then onto Carrol, NH for camping and mountain hiking.  We hiked a mountain, Mt. Avalon, about 3650 elevation.  That is a lot for me e flat lander! I was huffing and puffing but so were the healthy, may I add younger, men too!  It was great and we got to the summit and sat and ate some lunch.


    We stayed over night with the best man and his daughter, who was our flower girl, in their camper.  We played Bocce ball and cooked out, it was great fun.  We came back to Boston on Sunday, our actual anniversary and went to dinner at the highest restaurant in Boston, The Top of the Hub.


    WE then had a nice Monday lounging about and then I flew home on Tuesday. 

    I finished 10th rad treatment on Friday.  So 20 more.  A little pink and some swelling noted. Occasional shot of pain to  breast but not too bad. Today I am walking a charity thing, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.  It is one mile, in heels.  The entry goes to charity and I listed the Pink Ribbon Society as my charity.  They had given me the money towards my wig.

    Anyway, that's my update.  Hope everyone is having a great day!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2014


    hi alls. Would love a wittle dwrink but can't. Will explain later.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Sunday Morning,
    Loungettes! I woke up with some energy today, thinking I may get some housework
    done today.Played couch potato and
    Sadie amuser yesterday and not much else.It was a good day, though!

    Julie--Love the dog
    rules, so true!

    Cammy-yup, more
    relaxed, enjoying the weekend.

    Mema--have fun with

    ORLA--Morning to

    Cammy--LOL, you got

    Erin--There must be
    something about the way that our parents' generation was raised, I hear about
    needing to eat "on time" frequently!My Mom is a bit that way, too.Easiest
    to just roll with it, sometimes.

    Julie--LOL!Is that a new Hello Kitty pillow that puppy

    people are just not nice, that is true.But every day last week family members or patients made a point of
    thanking me or expressing appreciation to me.It really has helped me put the other week's events into perspective,
    and behind me.I have some wonderful
    patients and families to focus on going forward, and am happy to do so!

    PRN--Terrific vacay
    report and pics!What a great time you
    had!Love Top of the Hub, great place to
    eat, great views.Walk a mile in heels?I don't think I would walk a mile at all
    right now, I am so out of shape! You go, Lady!

    dwinking always allowed here!Whats up?

    Dorito juice?Hmmmmmm………

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Summer Fruit Sangria

    6 cups assorted fruits (such as mango,
    pineapple, cantaloupe, and apricot), sliced or cut into chunks

    1/4 cup thinly sliced peeled fresh ginger

    1 to 1 1/2 cups fresh basil or mint leaves

    1/2 cup orange liqueur, such as Cointreau

    1 bottle crisp white wine, such as
    Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio

    3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (from 1


    In a large bowl or
    pitcher, combine fruit, ginger, basil or mint, and orange liqueur. Mash gently
    with the back of a wooden spoon until basil is bruised and fruit releases
    juices. Add wine and lemon juice and stir to combine. Refrigerate 1 hour (or up
    to 1 day). To serve, fill eight glasses with ice and top with sangria.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Princess love the pics u look amazing,few thats a great climb

    Yup all closed up!! I was after a week but still had to b careful for another week. I drink kale, spinich shakes when healing really helps and lots of protein fish, broccoli etc. The tat is still there the dermetitis looks better but then some days not sure my dad told his dermatogolist he said he has seen women get this from the tat and he gives a cream. Well around here it takes months to see a dermatologist!! She should just give m ethe cream. So I am bringing dad tuesday to tell her the story. When I am with her I bring someone always to my PS

    Genny u do have movement getting up etc this is great... Big sis and I were not the norm

    Cam good pic lol a lamp


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    And I don't drink water...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


    Jillian Jordan

    Dirt daubers. Totally harmless



    Sorry Jill. Dirt Daubers make little dirt, sort of adobe apartment buildings. And yes, dirt daubers are harmless, actually helpful: they kill black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders. As a Texan, I pretty much know my wasps. I've had, er, personal, painful experiences. Also, I know my ants.

    See all 9 comments

    yes...I think I do.....#humor

    Everything Funny —

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    good morning all

    prn-you look fantastic,glad you had a good anniversary,here;s to many more!   plus your exercising,well done you

    lara-glad things are closed up,you sound better too,so is your chest better too?

    nm-so glad people told you what a wonderful nurse and person you are, enjoy your sadie time

    lori and sue ,hope you had a wonderful time together.

    hello beans,wacko and sweet smelling cammi

    genny cont to heal and feel better that's an order

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies, happy sundey fundey! 

    Princess, I love the pics of you and your hubby. You are a great looking couple and girl, you are rocking that short hair. Good for you in losing the wig and hats etc. Happy belated anniversary. And it sounds like you and DH had a real blast. I am envious as I am a camper at heart, it is just that none of my people like camping. I would so own a camper if my people enjoyed it as I do. I just settle for camping out in my back yard lol. Welcome home, glad you had a well deserved good time.

    NM, so glad that the client from hell is behind you and that you are received the deserved appreciation from your current clients. 

    Lil sis, so glad to hear that your wounds are all closed. Does this mean that your implants are no longer in jeopardy? I sure hope so. You are sounding so good, glad you are feeling better. I hate having bronchitis and I usually end up pulling a muscle in my rib cage which makes it worse yet. And how sweet that your Dad goes with you to your appointments. I crack up at your funnies, loved the woke up for a drink of water and ate the pizza and whole cheese cake. Sounds like something I could do while under de influence of alkamahol. Last night, I opened a pack of Cracker Barrel sharp cheese and keebler club crackers, my fav. I sure did some damage and today I regret it. Chit happens lol.

    Julie, do you have a dog? Are you mad at me, ignoring me or just too cool for me? lol. Good job keeping the girls in line ie Ginny and Lara. I like when you boss others around for their own good. If only I had listened to you when the time was right ooops. I miss you and wish we could have more facetime. Speaking of, where is Lori and Sue, I thought they were getting together yesturdey?? I guess they too biddy to share their facetime with us goils. Snobs! lmao, just kiddiing. 

    Genny, how are you feeling? Did you have a good sleep on your first night back home? I am still praying for you and it seems you are healing must quicker than expected. Keep up the great work girl. Sending you gentle hugs ((((Genny)))))

    Here is my girl Dr. Cam? She partaying again I guess and no time for us. :/  Just kidding, breaking yer non balls hehe. I miss each of you when you go MIA. 

    And where is our Beanie? Paging Beanie, please report to the HTL ASAP.

    And Alyson, what is up with you? YOu have some 'splaining to do girl.

    Lynne, please check i when you can. Hoping the fin is feeling alright. which btw, that term really cracks me up. Everytime I see your avatar or thing of your fin, I have to smile. I miss ya. I guess your kids are nearing back to school if not back already? We do not start school in this area until just after Labor Day. Oh this summer is going by way too fast! 

    My sister just picked up my Dad to take him to lunch, to visit Mom then to run errands with her. She did the same thing last Sunday to give me a break. I should be working inside my house OR pulling weeds OR vacuuming the pool. But no, just decided that I am going to make a dwink and get on my float in the pool, turn on my iTunes and just chill. I can be so lazy. I think Camille would have some tough competition in the lazy department.

    My former MIL was here this morning to pic up my DD, they are having a lunch at a fancy place for my former BIL's 60th birthday. She said that she could not believe she has a baby that is 60. It blows me away too. She is in her mid 80's and she was about 60 when I met her 24 years ago. I would be coming up on my 24th wedding anniversary to my DH1. And for the record, I have not seen DH2 for over a month now. My life is so much less stressful without him around. He is good for one thing and one thing only. Well maybe two, he has muscles that I need every so often. We have the most peculiar relationship and had a very odd/short marriage. It was one of those "I should not dwink so much when making big decisions". ooops. lol.Back to my MIL, my DD asked me this morning if I knew she was coming. I asked Jessica if it looks like I knew she was coming and she said no. The reason is that I did not break my arse cleaning, ooops. My MIL is prolly appalled by my house, I have Dad's stuff all over my living room which is typically one of those room that are for show anyway. And my pool is a mess. Do I look like I care? Well yes, I do, I am embarrased that she saw my home and yard such  mess, espcially considering I am not working. I am just so lazy and can't push myself to do the required house/yard work that is needed.

    Well I hope I did not miss anyone. If so, drinks on me. You all have a great Saturdey night. And lemme know if there will be a partay in de lounge, it has been a long time since we have had a lamp shade party or any partay for that matter.

    Be well girls and be happy. I loves ya all berry much and am so grateful for each of your friendships. Peace girls and chEErs!! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    yea feeling better in the chest Juliet thanks

    Im in the pool with ya sis!!!!

    Fun in the sun

    I went out today its to humid for me so just being lazy to

    I love cooking and just can not do it in the summer like my winter comfy foods.

    we r wtching shark week lol scary

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    no wacko not ignoring you just a poor memoryHappylove dogs but don't have one,apt too small for a labrador and i would be gone 14hrs a day 3 times a week.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014


    Hi DahhhhLinKs!!   Had a wonderful wonderful time with Lowee yesterday.  We tossed a few after a couple of errands.  And of course we talked and talked.  I think she even had a good time with my Maddy!!


    Today last day with my girl, so this is short. 

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and XOXOXOXOOOOOOOOOOOOOO's to everyone!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    sue and loriThumbsUp

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    911G, l love love love the pics of the goils including widdle Maddie, Maddy's a doll. And you two look beautiful too. I wish I was there with you girls, I am so envious. But so happy that you two had a chance to be together, nothing more spayshall den facetime, nothing! 

    Julie, thanks for answering. I guess what I saw on facebook were your relatives doggies back home in Whales? I do recall you saying you could not have a dog but time changes things. I hope that someday you will get to experience the joy of having a furbaby of your own. It is love unlike no other. And it is unconditional love and more, we never have to worry about them telling us what they really think of us lol. Dogs rule, I could not live without one. Or two or six. Here is a dwink for ya and a huge chunk of Godiva chocolate. 

    Today got a little crazy. While taking MIL to see DD's new house, her BF had a fire ignite in his face. I feel bad as he borrowed a can of gasoline from me. I thought it was for the edger but that is still in my shed. He as using it to burn a lot of brush he took out in their back yard. He put the gas in but it did not ignite since the brush was still quite green. He lit it again and had his face over the area when the flame just blew in his face. Ugh, he should know better. I am just glad he is ok. 

    It took all of my might to talk them into going to the hospital. I told my DD either you take him or I call 911. He was just discharged, 2nd or 3rd degree burns, I forgot to ask. The cream, I think silvadene, some dilaudid and some oxi for the road and he is feeling a lot better. He gave the oxi's to me, he won't take them.  he is again being mean to my DD. That is her side of the story. Ugh, Calgon, take me away.  make that JD take me away (hehe, that cross out feature is FUN... admitting

    that means to me that I need to get a life). In the meantime, my ex (mese baby daddy) is all groggy and falling asleep after a horrible night with a toothache. They had the luncheon for my BIL's bday, then came back here. Ron slept for an hour then took off for a 90 minute drive. Oh, I foygot to mention that he had the tooth pulled today as an emergency. Ugh, my nerves. MIL was upset for both her son and her my DD's bf. And she is clueless as to the arguments they are having. Oye vay, my nerves are shot. And I am afraid to take a valium, last week when I took one, it knocked me right out but then I had a hard time getting back to sleep and spent most of the night tossing and turning. I will stick with my friends JackSillyHeart n Willie ThumbsUp

    You girls all have a great night and an awesome week. Huggles (as our Lori would say) and WEBK (as Mema Sue would say). Thanks girls for sharing the pics, lubs lubs lubs pics of mese goil.

    cheers, *CLINK CLINK*

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good evening ladies, thought I'd pop in for a bit before my next dose of Percocet. I am doing really well, have to keep reminding myself not to do stuff and my DH gets really frustrated with me cause I keep trying to help out around here. I even gave myself a pedicure today without any problem at all. Yep, toenails cut, filed and polished. I do have some hives from the opsite on my foobs and around the drains. You can see a line down my side where the drains were on my skin too long and I have a big long hive. I'm gonna take a couple of benadryl tonight, hopefully that'll fix it up. I have really sensitive skin so it doesn't surprise me. Little miss sunshine (my MIL) came for dinner tonight. My DH was gonna cook but his golf buddies wife sent us a bunch of food! Lasagna, stuffed peppers, creamed cucumbers and mashed potatoes!. That was so nice, and delicious. Anyway LMS as I call her came over and I have a terrible time getting her to talk about anything but cancer! Her neighbors daughter and the lady at church's son and the bank tellers husband and blah, blah, blah. So I just kept changing the subject and she'd stay off it for awhile and then work her way back around. Luckily she didn't stay long, we always have her drive herself over now cause she won't drive in the dark so she doesn't stay too long. I am taking the percocet but I could probably get by with ibuprofen in a day or two. I go to the PS on Wed and hopefully he'll have my path report. I also got the name of an oncologist I think I'd like to try from one of my nurses while in the hospital. Anyway, I'm very optimistic about the rest of my recovery cause so far it's been no big deal, so much easier than chemo. 

    Erin, sorry about your DD and her BF. I wish he wasn't mean to her, that's an awful way to live. Sounds like they need to either grow up or break up, I hope he won't talk down to her in front of Logan. I'm sorry to hear about the fire and so glad it wasn't any worse than it was. And for your nerves, I'd go with what works, Jack and Willie sound like great sleeping buddies for you. Hope you had a good day relaxing in yer pool. Thanks for your PM's and prayers and well wishes.

    Lori and Sue!!! Great pictures! I'm so glad you two had a good time, and Maddie is beautiful, as are the 2 of you. Lori, I hope you continue to have a great vacay, and Sue enjoy your last day with Maddie.

    NM, glad you had a good weekend with you Sadie girl, hope your work week ahead is good.

    PRN, so glad you had a good time and that your energy is back and you could do the hiking. Sounds wonderful. Your hair is getting thicker, you look great. Mine is really starting to come back now. Have you gotten your eyelashes and eyebrows back? Your kids are starting school soon, does your DH have kids? Do you go back to work tomorrow?

    Laura, so glad you are feeling better, I can see it in your words. Glad you're all healed up and the tats are still there. Are you all done withe surgeries now?... I mean totally done? Hope you enjoyed your scary shark movies.

    Cami,Hope you had a good weekend and Joey too. And I hope you're nice and clean and smellin' purdy. I got in the shower today and washed good from the waist down and washed my head and put lotion on and it felt so good so I'm smellin good and my feet are purdy.

    Love the jokes and cartoons Juliet, very cute, and thanks for the well wishes.

    Hi Allie, and 4 and Red and whoever else I missed, time for my Benadryl, so I will be in lala land soon. Sweet dreams all!