how about drinking?



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2014

    Hi all

    Feeling better today as new meds working. I have had several weeks where I felt total crap. RA and Fibro doing their stuff big time. I was a very sad pixie with no get up and go cause it had got up and gone.

    Ise can have wittle dwinkie but not much so saving iot for special tings. hehehe

    Must tells you all about MiL's adventures!!!!She is driving us silly and wese know she needs extra help.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monday!If I say that often enough it will come true,

    ORLA--Good for you
    for taking someone with you when you see your PS!

    Good morning, Julie!

    Erin--a drink, some
    tunes, a pool floatie, sounds like a marvelous way to spend an afternoon!Hope your Dad has a good time, too.Energy and ambition to do housework can be
    hard to find, can't they?Hope DD had a
    good time at the fancy dinner.

    ORLA--comfort foods
    are better in the winter, aren't they?

    OK, just heard an
    item on the news, eating healthy is bad for our teeth.Eating fruits, veggies, nuts, all the stuff
    that we're supposed to eat more of, can get caught between teeth and cause
    decay, can chip or break teeth, and erode veneers.We truly live in a no-win dietary world,
    don’t we?

    Mema--YEAH!Great pics!

    Erin--sounds like
    the BF is a total idiot.Using gas to
    start a brush fire is stupid to start with, but to pour and then give it time
    to vaporize before lighting it, AND putting your face over where you are
    lighting it, well.It's as smart as
    smoking with oxygen on.You get the same
    effect.If he had a mustache I bet it's
    gone now!Time to welcome ex MIL to your

    Genny--So glad you
    are recovering so well!LMS sounds like
    someone to take in very small doses, sounds like you have her number,
    though.Good for you!And all that food from thegolf wives, how thoughtful!Hope the benadryl clears up the sensitive

    Aly--can't wait to
    hear about MIL's adventures!Glad the
    new meds are working.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Brush Fire

    2/3 oz Cinnamon

    1/4 oz Tabasco Sauce


    Pour 1/3 ounce
    tabasco sauce into a one ounce shot glass. Fill the rest of the shot glass with
    either HOT 100 or if you prefer you can use a regular cinnamon schnapps. Drink
    immediately after making. This drink will lose flavor quickly.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning everyone---So much going on.

    Prn u had a wonderful time and u and u'r  DH look beautiful together. Walk a mile in HEELS did u say? But so much energy It's great to hear such happy feelings coming thru the computer.

    FACETIME----U ladies look fantastic and what a  great addition Maddy is, just looking at the 3 of u just made me smile from ear to ear and  I have a big head so that a big smile.

    Genny another good report  but please listen to u'r Dr. I'm so happy this is going so well,, but do not overdo please. Of course now that u have a pedicure u might wnt to go dancing in bare feet BUT DON'T LOL

    Lara I'm so glad u'r feeling better It makes me feel good for you.

    Julie u'r such a ray of sunshine it's always good to see u'r posts, and I know how hard u work too.

    NM u'r another one hard working woman so u need total rest time, when u really feel like it ull do what u have to do--and work sounds better and it's great to hear how u and side have fun. I just love it.

    ly I'm so sorry u'r having a bad time right now--but u said the meds are helping some and I hope they help a lot. Keep us posted--we miss u.

    Erin what can I say, U'r DD is one busy girl and her BF is one lucky fellow, even tho he did get burned it could have been so much worse. I can see why u just relaxed in the pool and enjoyed some down time. To much going on AGAIN--How u keep up with everything is a mystery to me u have so much patience and u care so much. I hope u'r DD and her BF calm things down there is so much responsibility coming and hopefully they can get it straightened out. But on a happy note u'r dad sounds pretty good and that's cuz of u so know u are doing good things there.

    Some beautifully happy posts and pictures this morning, it's good to see.

    Before I llose this I'm sending it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OK I'm back --what a weekend--Joey and I left here at noon Sat Morning and got back around 11am Sunday morning with a total of 4 hrs. sleep. Holy chit--I was in the water for hrs. hardly ever drowning and I wanted to get some sum it was so bright and nothing not even pink cheeks either way, and no sun blocking stuff. Damn but I had noodles which made me have a taste for pasta salad but my DD didn't have any==I kept moving my arms and legs with such little effort for hrs. and going all over but my DD had someone watching me t all times LOL the water was so warm and felt so good, then getting in and out is a riot. and it ended up being so nice out we st around and just talked for hrs. but I didn't at and then I didn't feel so well and started shaking and I went inside and Joey came with me and we relaxed for a while after Joey fell aleep I was feeling better went outside bout midnite and Willie was there--stay up til 4ayem, not like me at a party that's for sure, Nicky (my cousin) was staying over too and we had some chicken about 3 ayem---I just saw Willie a little, had my special iced coffe in the morning came home and could hardly move, I can hardly walk to begin with but water gives me false feelings and I'm still so sore, arms and legs LOL So I didn't do anything yesterday Nothing Oh wait I did wash a load of clothes. Slowly oh But I did get a recipe for excellent brownies, I mean Willie would even love them--but u know I'll never make them--The only thing is my SIL who knows the theory of everything (yea right) when he drinks he know more and he really drinks and me I have to debate him sometimes and Nicky just sits and laughs. What is funny to me is supposedly I amaze him with all my knowledge of things that he thinks he knows everything and I know more and I can't help it I egg him on. Now I know nothing that's how little he really knows. I can only do it for so long then I want to say shut up u stupid as*hole but cuz of my DD I don't----

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    cam swimming is good

    I am still on the predisone going to walk today. IDK my chest is still tight see stupid PS tomm

    I was up in the middle of the night I could not breathe and I am having a bit of pain so took alleve

    NM I agree cant wait for the winter comfy food. Can we eat anything???? these days

    Alyson (hugs)



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Amen to that

    Amen to that

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Lara, sounds like your friends little boy is going to be ok, so glad for that. I won't he won't be terrified of dogs for the rest of his life. My DH has to take predisone on occasion for his RA, so does his mom, but it is very hard on the liver, so you don't want to always take it. That is also the drug that the athletes get in trouble for taking, cuz it allows them to push harder and do more.

    NM, so glad that newborn had a fairly easy detox. Makes my blood boil!!!!

    Genny, glad your DH had a clean heiny scope and goot for 5 years. And you are doing soooooo good and the picture of Nora and Emma is just way too adorable!!! I love it!

    Wacko, I did say Mt. Zion, but it's really just Zion National Park. You mentioned earlier about how important we are to each other and how you couldn' not have gotten through it all without us. I did not come here until I was done with all of my treatments and did not have MX and recon, but still can't imagine my life without you girls. And welcome the new friends I make. And now with the new diagnosis, I know I need you all to help me get through. Our bond is so special, I could never ever leave. LOVED all of the stories about your your sweet daddy.

    NM, I'm cracking up and you tryng to annoy the folks at the doctors office on Friday!!!

    PRN, I see your pictures (just scrolling to the bottom of the page to post) Beautiful and looks like you are having such a great time!

    LDB and I had an awesome time. I took make up with me, as I thought we would spend half of the day bawling our eyes out, but we did beery goot and only got a lil teary eyed a couple times. Lots and lots of hugs though and her little Maddy is an absolute doll and sooooo good. I could take her home with me! I see LDB posted a couple of the pictures, the one of her and I was taken by Maddy. DH and I had a wonderful time. My biggest surprise was being taken on an hour helicopter ride over Zion, just beautiful! The following day we headed to Bryce Canyon as Zion was too hot, 100+ in temps, where Bryce was in the 60's and 70's depending on the elevation. DH went to the library and saw 2 movies while Sue and I hung out. Then on Sunday we went to pick up our toy hauler. I am still a page behind in reading, will catch up tomorrow. Friends are bring the toy hauler out here to us next Friday. I have a ton of cleaning to do, they have never been here before.

    It was asked earlier (I think by Cami) if anyone had contact information for Genny, since she was in for surgery. I want to ask both Genny and PRN, if they don't mind, to give someone some sort of personal contact information. Ya see, we get rather close to one another, and sometimes girls disappear and we never hear from them again, so we don't know if they are ok or not. That really bothers me. I would feel better if they just said something like "hey, I've had enough here, I want to move on with my life, I'm good and thanks for being my friend". Or something like that, ya know?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014


    sharing this photo of my Jessica Soo and her two cousins from her Dad's side. I love these kids! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I love it--is he super tall or are they super short, such pretty faces too.

    YYYAAAAYYYY Lori's back and Lori Maddy took that picture it was perdect u both look bootiful and I'm so glad u had facetime and Maddy is as cut as a button. I so hope u can come here and I can't wait. fingers toes arms and eyes crossed , ooh that hurt.

    U have adventur in u --a helicopter  did u get dizzy, I get dizzy when I see it in a movie from the view. U sound like u an u'r DH had a great time--he's a good man Lori an u so deserve that. You all deserve the best of any and everything and like u I didn't start til after I was done with all the chit but now I'm here and it helps so so much and means so much to me. Now if u get tired cuz u've been running all over the place give u'rself a break and relax.Winking

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Omg Robin williams is dead sucide unreal............................This is so sad

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited August 2014

    My husband and kids just told me, so sad!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    I'm so so sad. What a loss

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014
    oh my, I did not know either. I am going to google.
    God Bless his family and his sad soul. This is horrific news.

    will try to come back, it is ice cream time for my dad.
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    it often seems that those that appear so happy and so very funny are the ones that are the most depressed. RIP Robin. In my heart, you will always be Mrs. Doubtfire. So sad, so shocking. I do believe that he struggled with alcoholism and drug addition. What a sad soul he must have been. I bow my head in a moment of silence and also take a moment to thank God for all of my blessings. And each of you are one. 

    which btw, when I first read it, I was thinking it was Robin Roberts for a moment. I am glad it was not her, I thought she lost her battle ~whew! still sad. let's dwink in remembrance.....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2014

    Such talent lost.


    RIP Robin Williams

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I was just reading about it, so sad, when u think people should be happy, they seem to be on top of the world their is somethings that just kill their spirit an it's just a shame. Poor man--May he RIP,  his suffering is over in this world

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    thank you for the smiles robin,  rest in peace now

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Lori and Mema...what great pictures!  It looks like you had a great visit.

    Genny...I'm so glad you are feeling so good!  Please be gentle with yourself.  My people start school 8-21.  No, DH does not have any kids. I went back to work last Tuesday.  I flew in at 7:30am and was working by 9:30.  POO!!

    Erin..what the heck with DD BF?  I mean geez.

    NM...?  I am 11/30 rads.  They gave me a cream to get Purtect?  Ever hear of it?  I am getting a tan line but still seem ok.  We will see how I  hold up. Mostly I notice the swelling.  Yep, that's the one, the "that rarely happens" one.  My body just does not like anything messing with the girls it seems.

    Saw my PCP today.  He's been my guy for 25 years and a colleague on the floors for almost as long.  My labs were good.  But TSH low, out of normal range.  I complained of pain, but don't want narcs so I am going to try Tramadol also known as Ultram.  I need to be physically active.  It is my antidepressant.  I am struggling without running and biking but my hips, knees and shoulders are painful.  So I said f**k it and biked this am.  I will try to run some tomorrow.  I guess it does not matter it hurts either way.  At least I will be happy and in pain...LOL.

    Erin said it so well...we have to count each of our blessings.  

    Oh and who wants my email or something to keep track of me if I fall of the face of the earth???

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    ultrams a narcotic now, that was what I was on through my masectomy. You biked good for you proncess sometimes you just have to push your self.I think thats what screwed me up I started doing kettleballs, biking etc after implants loollll I went nuts

    I loved mork and mindy Robin williams was a genius, I think his mind worked fast and then when he was calm he was calm. I was reading about it.

    seeing PS today ck the dermetitis

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It's Two-fer-Tuesdy!Let's keep Jock and Pants and Kandi and
    Skates busy today!

    Cammy--Sadie does
    keep me balanced, I have learned the art of one handed typing, thanks to her
    insistence that she get petting while I'm on the computer.Dogs just seem to know what is important!What a wonderful weekend you had!Even if you didn't get much sleep, sounds
    like you got more relaxation, which is very important.Floating in the water does feel so good, and
    is deceptive how much you are actually doing with the muscles.Sounds like debating the SIL was fun and
    entertaining, too.

    ORLA--I've always
    used the excuse of it being cold and I need more calories to generate body heat
    in the winter, so I can eat more in the winter.Somehow that seems to correlate with weight gain in the winter, not sure
    where the logic breaks down. . . .

    LOL Starbucks vs.
    Victoria's Secret!

    Goldie--The little
    guy is lucky, and he has become the "office baby".My co-worker works part time, mostly phone
    work, and brings him in with her.Funny
    thing is, she's the most productive and efficient worker in the office when
    she's in!The new office game is
    "Find Little Daniel"--looking to see who's got the baby in their lap
    while working!Annoying the doc's office
    on Friday didn't work. My request to transfer my records got lost, again.

    Erin--great pic!

    ORLA--I just heard
    the news about Robin Williams, so sad, so very sad.Love his work, Mork and Mindy was a big show
    when I was in college.Nanu, Nanu!

    swelling is very common according to the research I did after the fact, and too
    late to help me.The radiated breast
    will get swollen and hard, then soften up again over time.It's the nerve damage and chronic pain that
    supposedly "almost never happens."The swelling typically continues to increase until about a month after
    the end of rads and takes 6 months to a year to resolve, if it resolves at
    all.I haven't heard of Purtect, but
    where I got rads they didn't do any preventive care.When the burn started blistering they gave me
    steroid cream, when it started peeling they gave me silvadene.By the time it came to the boost I didn't
    have any intact skin anywhere on the breast and it was twice a big as before
    treatment.Add to that the abd's I
    needed to keep in the bra to sop up the drainage and I looked very odd and was
    perpetually dehydrated.There was a
    Loungette that continued to bike and run, as in marathon distances, throughout
    treatment.I don’t remember if she
    posted here or on one of the other threads I visit regularly.She kept going no matter what and did great
    as far as side effects.I don't have the
    physical or mental ability to do that when I am hurting, but maybe you do?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    The Two

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cherry Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Just simply pour
    into a shot glass or any glass of small size will work. Pour the ingredients in
    any order that you wish.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    NM u sound good today and it's only Tuesday, oh maybe cuz it 2 fir day==that makes sense. And I love hearing about Sadie, well of course i'm a fool for pets but that's the kin of furbaby everyone wants. Dogs are so appreciative, ats an be very loving but they have more moods, I'm lucky I have a loving cat--all I say is where is my baby and she comes, of course Joey comes too so it gets confusing sometimes. 

    Lara tell us what u'r Dr. said when u get home.

    Prn u'r back to work all ready? Did I read that right? OMG.

    Lori looks amazing, she's so beautiful --Oh I can say that right to u Lori, I'm the wacko one today.

    My wish for today is everyone has a good day and feels well.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    Poignant tweet: Zelda Williams posted an Antoine De Saint-Exupery quote from The Little Prince on Monday after news broke of her father Robin Williams's deathhow apt is this 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    He he PRN, I had to laff at your huffin and puffin at 3650' elevation. I live at 6000' and went on some small hikes out in Utah, elevation was over 10,000'! Talk about huffin and a puffin! You took trip in the middle of your radiation treatments? Happy Anniversary! I'll take a phone number and/or email, but only if you are ok with it. TSH, isn't that thyroid?

    LOL Julie, juicing Dorito's!

    Hi Alyson! Hope all is ok girl. Sorry about the RA and Fibro, but hopefully something speshull will come up soon so you can libate!

    Lala, good to take someone with you to your appointments, especially since you are having troubles. Are there any other plans for you? Or are you just trying to heal? Good luck today. Are things good with your hubby?

    NM, glad to hear of all the nice things that people were saying to you last week and that it helped to put those other issues right in the swamp. Living in a no win world with the foods we eat is an understatement for sure. Sounds like "Little Daniel" is getting lots of love and attention. OMG, your records are lost AGAIN? No, the request to transfer them. Unreal!

    Geeze Loweeze Wacko.....calling Julie out on being bossy, callin Sue and I snobby, telling Cami she ignoring us. Boy oh boy, you on a roll! I hope your DD had a nice visit with her g'ma. And you and DH2 do indeed have an odd relationship. And don't worry about your house or yard, you are not working for a reason! And floating in the pool sounds like much more fun! OMG, glad your DD's boyfriend is ok. DUMB DUMB DUMB thing to do! Oh, I love the pic of your DD, but can't see the baby bump. She sure looks like her mommy, beautiful!

    Genny, it's awesome  how well you are doing. I love the LMS, very cute. I assume you have a good relationship with her? I think anything is easier than chemo. Chemo blows!

    LOL Cami, wif you big head and you big smile. Sounds like you had a nice time at your DD's, in the pewl AND wif Willie! And staying up all night? I knew you wuz a party animal! No I don't get dizzy in the helicopters, I love it. We took a 2 hour ride in Hawaii, it was awesome. And don't be hurtin yerself crossing everything. I think I might come regardless if my mom can make it or not. You are too sweet to me!

    Ok, I'm all caught up! WHEW! Tomorrow I'll try to post some pictures for the girls that are not on FB. So those of you that are, can just blow by them! Still have a ton of cleaning to do for my guests on Friday.....later taters!

    RIP ROBIN very sad.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    everythings great

    PS said still no lifting, vacumn I have a scab from that little part but all closed shes being x tra careful. Thinks the rash has cleared. My dad said you know we were not sure how we were going to tell you, after the surgery PS did not think I would hold tgther. But I did!!!!!!!! So I go its been a tough month she goes a tough year true but onward.So I am not having anyone touch me for at least 6 months she agrees need to heal before touching things again.She also said the predisone is making me feel good so be careful.I am,she said being sick detox off meds its a lot so even though I feel good stay rested.This is what I hate the sitting but shes right I had a bad month and should rest.Your mind makes u forget just what 3 weeks ago I thought these suckers were coming out.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    oh NM when I was little I would watch Mork and mindy and practice the hand shake lol you know make your fingers seperate I was a dork

    I guess when I was little while wtching cookie monster(Seaseme Street) I had to have cookies lol

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Genny hahahahaha

    I hope u'r doing well.

    I'm a bit floopy today, I had so many crazy calls today or it was me I don't even know. But I did email my boss I wasn't taking anymore phone calls, well unless the phone rings and I meant it.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good evening girls, just a quick pop-in. Sitting on my back porch with my bf Molly but she's looking at facebook so I thought I'd jump on here real quick. Dh going out of town for the day tomorrow and I have a PS appt so she came to take me. My path report was on the BS desk today per her nurse but she never called me so I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'll be surprised if I'm not stage 3 but at least I'm prepared. BTW I'd love to join your face book stuff, I think I'm missing a lot of fun pictures. Gonna send my info to Erin since she been PSin me so if I drop off the earth maybe you'll know why. Everyone sounds good..Lala so happy for you. Have a good night all, catch ya tomorrow night (I'll be home alone till 8) Whoop whoop!! Not very good at having people hovering over me! Need some alone time! Bye for you girls!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

