how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Hiya Girls!

    Just checking in!  So much ketchup I need to do.  So much to say and tell too!  Migraine for second day in a row though :0( it's the dang progesterone they made me take for the second time. 

    Mema, have a great trip!  Glad you had Maddie time and face time wif Lori!

    Lori happy late Birfday! No I don't necessarily like hairy men but when I posted pics on another thread the ladies used to complain that the hairless guys looked too young or too gay!!  One lady PMd me and said she usually "tolerated" my pictures, but she would NOT stand for the butts!

    Princess, glad you had a good vacay. Kids back to school for you soon. That in itself is work though!  We are two weeks in and it is just starting to settle into a rhythm. 

    NM, we finally got good storms with thunder and lightning!  Sounds like you did too!  Sadie sound so special I know you must cunt hours until you can get back to her each nite.

    Juliet, hope you had a great 3 days off!  I will get back to you on the node transplant question. I met with her Monday and it was very interesting.

    Aly, sorry you are not feeling well.  I'm sure the cold weather for you right now is not helping.  Feel better!

    Erin, I loved the story about your dad and the lady what has the hits for him. I know where Stella gets it now :0). Glad e eye is better sorry about the scarring.

    Cami, sounds like you had a very nice time on your outing and I agree, way to stand up for yourself and only answer when it rings!  I always love your posts no matter what you are rambling, oops, I mean talking Bout :0)

    Lara, you deserve a break for 6 months!  I am so happy for you and proud of how you have handled the pain med situation.  That took hutzpah.  I'm sure I spelled that wrong and Karen isn't here to translate!

    And Genny, I have the most to say to you but trying to get my thought organized first!  3C is hard to swallow.  I was so hoping you would get different news since you did the chemo up front. They first told me stage 2 something with a couple of nodes involved and after surgery 22 nodes and 3C.  That was the one and only day I felt like FURB would do me in.  

    Ask Lori and Sue!  ILC is a sneaky RB.  Did they give you a grade? I ask only because ILC is not known for having a great response to chemo, but more so to anti-hormonals.  Way I understood it was because it grows and reacts differently.  In my case I'm grade 1 (thank God) and my ILC cells were very slow growing and very closely resembled normal cells.  Chemo is designed to go after rapidly dividing cells.  That's why things like your mouth can get the nasty SEs.

    If I had done chemo first and then they found 22 bad nodes my onc told me they would have wanted me to do more chemo.  The red devil. When 22 nodes turned up every doc I talked to said that's what I had to do but none of them could give me a strong enough reason to do it other than its the strongest thing we have.  But it works on fast dividing cells, which mine were not.  I did do 7 weeks of Tammy before my surgery and my BS said it was already softening and shrinking the tumor

    My onc and I had a two hour discussion on many studies and the differences in chemo's. He told me it was a "gut" reaction to say ACT because of the nodes but that he knew I was making a very informed decision and he was fine with TCx4. I did have the benefit of a low, 13, score on my Oncotype before they knew how many nodes were involved.  That also made my case very contradictory though!

    It is such a personal and tough decision to decide what and if on treatment!  If I had done chemo then surgery I don't think they could have convinced me to do more chemo based on the information on the complete pathological response ILC gets from it.  I think it is under 20% but I would have to go back and look in my notes.  I will post some links I found over the weekend.  

    After my chemo my onc was commenting on the fact my RB was grade one with low oncotype but then he started to say something about my node status.  He thinks I am nutz but I told him...I didn't want to hear a word about my nodes because.....

    I choose to believe that those little nodes worked their asses off for me. When one got tired his neighbor picked up the slack and together that platoon of nodes didn't let a single enemy slip by!  He made the motion like he was zipping his lips with a big smirk on his face and that was that!

    That being said....yesterday was the one year anniversary of my FINAL chemo!  I celebrated by having a PET scan.  My onc even got creative so we could slip it through the insurance!  They scared the chit out of me because they called only 2 1/2 hours after I climbed off the table. Good news never comes that fast but.... Results were PERFECTLY CLEAN and completely normal!  All I could do was cry when they told me.

    Genny, You might want to see if they will do a scan because it might help you decide on the chemo.  I have seen a lot more articles and studies lately about how ILC and IDC differ and need to be treated differently.  Also did you have any LVI or extra-nodal extension?  My RO took the extension into consideration when he plotted my rads. He went all the way up my neck to take in the 4th tier nodes (supra clavicular, I think they are called)  he said it was because if they come back and try to do them later no matter how hard they try there can be a tiny space between the areas that doesn't get treated and bad stuff likes to find and hide in that space.  I think I had 6 different rad fields they zapped from different angles.

    I am helping a friend's daughter do her Sr. Project and fundraiser. She asked where I wanted money donated and I told her BCO because it is such an awesome online support community for all of us.  We are also doing a compare and contrast between ILC and IDC for her research paper so I hope to find out lots more I can pass on!  we are titling it "How did you hide from my mammogram?" cuz it's a sneaky bastard.

    I'm gonna call it a night girls!  I do read each email as I get them and laugh and cry with them all!  You all are always in my thoughts and prayers each and everyday.  I know I left a lot out.  Sorry

    LUBZ and HUGZ!!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Oops Genny I bumped ya into the pool!  I'm glad you are feeling pretty good and it was not as bad as you feared!

    Nite again girls!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Oops I bumped Princess too!  Crowded in the pool tonight!  We should have another round!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    All you girls that posted pics you is most Bootiful!  I love to see such wonderful smiles!

    Genny are you on Anti-Bs?  My PS has me take them until drains are pulled.  Feel better.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    4sew, thanks that is all so helpful. Mine is also grade 1 and I was just telling my friend yesterday that I knew about that during chemo but chose to push it to the back of my brain I guess. I'm sure that's why such poor results on the nodes. Hopefully the AI and rads will finish it off. I guess I kind of forgot how much you knew about ILC, I'll remember it for sure in the future. I been down the rabbit hole all day, just feeling sorry for myself, which I hafta say I've never done since this chit started tilI yesterday. Kinda thought maybe it could kill me one day, in 20 years or so, but yesterday was the first time I ever considered it could get me within 5 years! Well, I'm starting to come out of that, it won't do me any good. It's not gonna kill me, at least not till I watch my Nora graduate high school. I've got too much to do. So I'm pulling on my big girl panties and moving on. Thanks girls for listening to my pity party, I'm gonna be fine in the ayem. I need to get out and go for a walk, that'll help I think and tomorrow is gonna be 70 and sunny and 2 of my gf's are coming from my old town so we might go out for a bite to eat. Been in this house way too much.

    So, I took my Xanax and my Percocet and I'm going in to lala land u girls, thanks.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!TGIF! TGIF!

    wine, what a wonderful idea!

    Julie--I could get
    so much more work done if I could lose the phone sometimes.Not sure how much of a help that bit of
    technology is, sometimes.

    Goldie--How was
    "into the Storm"?Looks
    interesting, might go see it myself.

    Cammy--Maine weather
    is variable and unpredictable at best.But it makes for good conversation!

    Mema--have a great

    Erin--great words
    for Genny!Well, all healed is good,
    scarring, not so good.Does the scarring
    affect your vision?Cheers!

    Cammy--Why does that
    post eating gremlin keep picking on you?


    Genny--good luck
    with the appeal help.I've never heard
    of anyone that charges for advocacy help, though, are you sure it's a legit
    place?And check carefully before making
    a payment, that can backfire if the hospital accepts the payment as you
    accepting the bill as correct and limiting some of your legal alternatives to
    fighting it.Even if it gets turned over
    to collections it has to be listed as "disputed" as long as you have
    contacted the hospital that you do, indeed, dispute the bill. If it's marked
    "disputed" on the credit report it can't be used against you.But if you've paid anything it doesn't have
    be marked "disputed".Sadie
    isn't getting very muddy these days, there's enough grass to keep the mud down,
    unlike spring time when there is mud and only mud. . .

    Morning, PRN!

    4--yup, I look
    forward to my Sadie fix every evening.She's so funny during thunderstorms, and fireworks, sitting right next
    to me, touching me all the time, walking against my leg if I get up.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Stormy Weather

    1/4 oz Creme de

    3/4 oz Fernet Branca

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth


    Pour over ice cubes
    in a small highball glass, stir, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    NM yes TGIF and I hope the whole weekend is clear for u and not on call.

    4444 Good news is always good news--1 yr. already Wow--u've learned a lot as busy as u are.

    Genny I hope u'r feeling better this ayem and that rabbit hole is way gone. I'm glad 444 knows so much bout all this and relax over the weekend but maybe u should get that drain fixed right. Don't think of anything else, Is Nora coming this weekend?

    Lori OK waiting on the rating, of that movie---U'r a busy lady--Take some time out.

    I've got to get some coffee NOW or else. No or else nything, WTF am I going to do.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    good Morning Girls!!  Nother busy day but I wanted to drop by with coffee, lol!!  

    Yes, Lori, he is hairy, but he had coffee, so I had to weigh the pros and cons!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    This is where I would rather be today!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Those are cons 44444

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Cami, I still have that migraine so the coffee won out!!  And I know some, I wouldn't say a lot!  I did a ton of research because I was trying to find a way to avoid chemo!!

    And I keep staring at that damn pic Erin posted and apparently the right side of my brain doesn't function!!

    Genny!  Your doc got EVERYTHING out of there!  Chemo slowed FURB down and the surgeon snatched it all out.  It is in a block of wax somewhere never ever to do you any harm ever again!  The rads and AI are just going to make sure to sweep up behind them.  You are going to see Nora Graduate and even get married and have her own adorable one!  My Best if Used By date isn't until 2066!  I refuse to admit I am even middle age until I hit 50.  No way my middle age was in my 20's or 30's.  I did have that one day though so I understand.  Onward and only upward Girlfriend!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning Ladies, feels like and an October morning here, brrr it's only 50 degrees here and with my hot flashes I sleep with the windows open so I'm drinking my coffee tucked under the covers. I'm feeling a lot better this ayem, thanks girls. 

    NM the advocacy group called Medical Billing Advocates of America and they look pretty legit but I will check into them further before I give them any money. There is another one called Patient Advocacy Foundation, I may check them out as well. I will research it furter while waiting to hear from Medical Mutual. If I lose the appeal then I'm going to try and take on the hospital since it was their employees that sent me to an OON facility. Thanks for you advice, I will research everything before I write a check to anyone.

    4sew, my original report said extranodal extension. I never got the feeling that my MO considered ILC vs IDC, of course I never got any feelings at all from her, but once I was started in chemo I didn't want to switch. Hopefully I can find an MO that I can talk to about all this, She would never give me a PET scan either so I will make sure I get one now. I also didn't want the adriamycin which was her first suggestion, I had the CT x 6. Anyway, I may be PMing you to pick your brain a bit here and there, tho I do know how busy you r with getting the kids back in school and all. I had mammograms every year and it never did show up. I sure hope my RO is as informed as yours, I'll be starting that in a few weeks.

    Princess, thanks for thinking of me, hope you're feeling relaxed after your vacay, I'm sure you're busy at home and work. Hope the rads are going ok.

    Well, time to get in the shower, gotta call the PS at 9 and see what to do about this drain.

    Erin, Cami, Julie, Lala and all have a good day.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Genny, running out the door so this is quick!  Being in 3 schools with 3 start times and 3 end times is kicking my butt!!  My BS actually ordered my PET.  Always more than one way to skin a cat!!!  The RO was the only one that ever commented about my extra nodal extension.  Dont beat yourself up.  been there, done that!!  I had a golf ball size lump, mammo, US, and 3 doctors told me they saw nothing and come back in a year!!  Not a one ever said biopsy :-(  Like I said, sneaky bastard!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Think I'll have one more cup of coffee while I relax on the beach!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    genny just rest you just had major surgery.You do not want anything to screw things up.

    It really sucks sitting...get magazines, word seraches, movies anything and stop about dying please it makes me cry

    Cam sy- fi was on I am watching chiller cold here and love it

    sue have a great vacation

    a hic-cup ride for B day wowzer

    Hi prn

    4 lol looking at that pic from wacko its freaking me out

    Hi juliet

    NM you are good at these bills, great knowledge on everything

    I broke this morning a bit but called shan feel better.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Funny Memes


  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Hi all... New to this thread but laughed so hard at some of the posts. Drinkers really do have more fun!!! Best to all..xoDnice

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    LDB, have a wonderful time on your vacation! I so enjoyed our time together, just wish it could have been DAYS longer!

    Wacko, you are indeed a bad ass girl! I mese luvs ya! Permanent damage to your cornea? What's next? Good grief Charlie Brown!

    Genny, what do your friends and family members call you? And yes, some of us have several names! We are just a goofy bunch. Oh dear, you have done too much and now you are paying for it. Did we not tell you to take it easy??? Hmmmmm, sounds like you need a spanking? But we best wait until you are feeling better. I have never known anyone to go through a second chemo, unless it was from mets. I to think radiation and AI. Good luck on that appeal, but it looks like more holding their hands out for some of your money! So glad you didn't stay long in the wabbit hole. It really sucks down there.

    LOL 4, at the lady telling you she wouldn't tolerate the butts. So don't look! Not my birfday yet, so you are not late, but thanks anyways. Clean Scans!!! I've cried over those for sure, but no more. Reason for a party right there! Whoop Whoop girl! Great post and help you are giving that young lady on her research paper.

    LOL on the hairy guy with coffee.........thanks 4!

    NM, we got dumped on here yesterday evening. So I don't think we'll be able to pull the new toy hauler here to our house, will have to leave it at the warehouse in town until the roads dry out.

    Cami/NM,  the movie was good. The grapics are unreal! It's amazing what they can do on a darn computer, that chit looked so real! It would be really good in 3D!

    Ok, I needs to git, company will be here later this morning and I'M STILL CLEANING!!!! And I didn't read all the to you all!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    4... Thank you!!  I was sooo lonely with only my coffee but now I am snugged up with those boys... Yummy!!

    Genny... Still thinking of you. School starts  next week. Freshman orientation today for middle. Little finds out teacher today. And big got his first job!! Started last night at pizza place. I told him I get half of his check before and reminded him last night. He said,"you were serious!?"   Lol. Good luck on a new fabulous onc! Nora's a lucky girl and she be happy to have her bestest grandma at all her special moments!!

    Mema... Happy vaca!

    Erin.. Such beautiful words for our girl Gen. Sucky news about your eye. Will the scarring improve any?

    Lara... Excellent on feeling better!  Good luck with new MD. And you've been cracking me up with the cartoons!!  Ultram is non-narcotic. Truly. 

    NM... Dress down day at work. Hope you are enjoying the cool and Sadie too.  I think of you in the am as I stretch the rad arm in the shower. 

    Lori.... Great pictures and I think of you often too. I hope your doing well. Didn't you ask about me returning to work??  I have worked the whole time. I am half way done with rads. Feeling good!!

    Julie... Thanks for the giggles. How's the training going?

    Cami...  Do not answer the phone!!! Lol

    Ok 14/30 rads. The machine was down yesterday, they will add day on the end, bless their hearts!!. Had herceptin yesterday. MO said will test hormones to determine. Tamoxifen or arimadex. Yippee!!  I have had a tremendous week. I biked Monday, ran t-w-th and biked and strength trained today. I know sounds crazy. But I used to train an hour or more daily. Not unusual to run 7-8 miles early morning before work. So I am climbing out of my hole. The running keeps the depression at bay for me. I really struggled the lady 8 months with out that outlet. 

    MO says if honors up or crappy bones them tami. If hormones low and good bones arimadex. Any feelings ladies??

    Oh.... I am feeling much better with  tramadol. Sleeping through night at least. Too much during the day for me,  I'm a very cheap date!

    Love you all girls!! Hey to anyone I forgot

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I'm back---

    Welcome Dnice hope u come back Oh we can be serious, but try to add some fun to it--after all this is our life.

    Genny please rest up, I wish I could give u thoughts but all of u know I don't have any.I always just did what I was told and really never looked into anything or asked anything. So even if I asked I know by now I would have forgotten. But 444 has a handle one this whole thing. I will say after I had chemo before surgery, I had  different types after for over a year (but every week) so it's not as strong as the what u guys get every 3 weeks, and then finished up with Herceptinafter for a couple of months--to finish it up. So I did go lots to chemo, I thought they could at least  put me on the payroll cuz after a while I was answering the phone when they got busy--no one gave me permission I just did it. But I have to say no one got mad at me tho either.

    Prn I don't know how u worked thruout I did for my rounds before surgery but after I couldn't even if I wanted to by the time I got to rads I was crawling--wow U really amaze me.

    See Lara u can take that pill it's not a narcotic. I still have SyFy on the world is getting hit by meteors right now, actually never saw this one or just forgot, that one good thing that comes out of this--I can see a movie then again too.

    Lori do u ever slow down? I'm glad u critiqued the movie for me altho it did look like what I like. Well I guess u were relaxing watching the movie.

    Wacko u said permanent?  OK now does that compromise u'r eyesight a lot or what exactly does that mean?

    OK I'll check in later.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    genny and lara cont to heal,just remember you don't walk this path alone

    wacko-hpe the scarring is minimal

    nm-here's to baby and sadie timeHappythe latest is putting your phone number on the pt board so they or there relatives can call you directly!,A   I'm waiitng for the complaints to start about the nurses phone ringing  when attending to them  and B.   we have to have daily huddles to discuss  improvement projects,they can last 30 mins ,I AINT GOT TIME FOR THAT mind i'm thinking of suggesting our nurse manager puts her number up so people can call her direct .

    4-looking forward to that info. thanks for the candyWinking

    cammi-what do you smell of today and when does joey go back to school?

    loved the photos lori

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    just had half a page of posts show up!  Happyhello d nice

    lara and cammi HappyThumbsUp

    prn-went to the gym this morning,had my personel training session,did legs so now walking like spot the dog,treadmill and swimming but still haven't lost any more weight Bawling  and my clothes still tight. you amaze me with all you do while undergoing tx

    genny ,have the tissues ready when nora walks down that aisle, i had given my tissues to my mother has she had forgotten hers  but needed them too! nic looked gorgeous  coming down that aisle,hope nora doesn't make you wait as long as nic made us wait ,she was 32 when she got married

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2014

    Just found this posted  on facebook by a friend of this thread


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Great pics. ladies Happy

    Aly I hope u feel better.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Okay... This is definitely where I log in to laugh! Thanks for the welcome. Alyson, I burst out laughing.... It's happy hour onMartha's  Vineyard. Dark and Stormys tonight! Xo Dnice