how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


    Prn my pain doc says ultram is now a narcotic it used to not be.In NY it is. I was on it through bmx it was not one just recently it switched here.It is a better one to be on though. I can not function on it makes me tired

    cam scy-fy today

    You know they say women who have plastic surgery get counseled and evaluated. welll who helps us with are new bodies? When intimate I freak out for some reason like these are not mine and I feel ugly and scarred. I think I had anxiety because when u r in situations you go go and u do not think whats happening to u so u can go through it and then u kind of crash like what just happened.k feel better rambling

    wonder how the old girls are???? We have a good group now

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Ha! So true!  Visit http://everythingfunny.og for more funny pictures.

    Ha! So true! Visit

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Would rather have sunny than
    cloudy, but off and no call is good no matter what!Now if only I could explain to Sadie the
    concept of sleeping in, just a bit.Took Sadie to work with me yesterday, she got lots of attention and
    treats and pizza and belly rubs and ear scratches.She makes out like she never gets any
    attention when I take her to the office, it's so funny.

    Cammy--Coffee is
    good.Coffee is good.Coffee is an essential food group in my

    4--Yikes on the
    migraine.Good words for Genny.

    Genny--Good for you
    for sticking up for yourself and keep working at it.You definitely should not be paying that
    bill, not at all.

    ORLA--Glad you are
    feeling better and more perpendicular!

    Dnice--Welcome to
    the Lounge!What's your favorite

    Goldie--Sorry you
    got dumped on and can't play with the toys yet, but hopefully soon.Have to check out the movie, maybe this
    weekend. It looks really interesting.

    PRN--I think my
    shower routine is more stretching than cleaning!The missed days due to machine breakdowns are
    a bit of a pain, aren't they?I guess I
    as lucky as I could go back later in the day and get my treatment in the
    evening most of the times the machine broke down.Tammy can be used before or after menopause,
    arimadex can only be used after menopause (or if your ovaries are shut down.)Statistically, the AI's are slightly better
    than tammy, but the difference is pretty small.Tammy is slightly bone protective, AI's are bone thinning.Both have similar side effects, mainly hot
    flashes.There are more drug-drug
    interactions with tammy than the AI's.

    Cammy--I was
    watching SyFy last night, too, there were meteors, and one where the earth
    stopped rotating, kinda fun to watch after a long week of work!

    Julie--I think
    putting the nurse manager's number up is a very good idea.Are you expected to break a sterile field to
    answer a call?What happens when you are
    on the phone with one patient and 2 others call at the same time AND a urgent
    call is coming in from the lab or a doc?Sounds like a dumb move, to me, but what do I know?And those 30 minutes meetings, if they are
    productive are one thing, but otherwise a waste of time, mostly.Hmm, maybe one nurse could be hired to do
    nothing but go to all the meetings all the time, one who isn't counted in the
    staffingcalculations.Don't you wish the folks who dream up these
    requirements would shadow us for a week and see how their great ideas impact
    patient care?

    LOL on the runner!

    Aly--love the
    pic!I've been make wine wrong for

    Nice--Dark and
    Stormy's itis today!

    ORLA--I never got
    counseling or evaluation before lumpetcomy, 1st mast or reconProbably should have, though!Oh, I want THAT wine glass!I tend to go for the last one in the line,
    it's closer to the cold air and fresher, right?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dark and Stormy

    8 oz Beer

    2 oz Dark Rum


    Pour rum over ice,
    add ginger ale, and stir.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    dark and stormys last night... while watching pride and prejudice... eating pizza and licorice....all four major food groups represented...

    I make mine with Goslings Black seal rum and goslings ginger beer, squeeze of lime.    Tonight? Not sure yet. Coffee first. Best to all. XoDnice

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Lara, sorry about feeling down but glad Unde was there to hoist you up. That is a huge wine glass, you need to share.

    Hello and welcome Dnice! Pull up a barstool or just plop down on the floor, have a drink and tell us about Dnice! Dark and Stormys, is that a dink??? If not, it should be.

    PRN, I think I knew you worked all through treatment. I meant to ask Wacko when she was going back to work. I too worked during treatment, but since we own our own business, I could sneak in the house and rest a bit, if needed. The way you, Julie and Genny work out is amazing. Me...ize lazy wif a capital Z. I did the Arimidex, no Tammy. But I say take whatever you can for as long as you can. But only because I got my mets shortly after stopping the Arimidex. I have a friend who is on AI for 15 years, but I don't know which one.

    Cami, you answered the phone at the place where you were getting chemo? Yes the movie was good. You and Joey should go on a date. I slow down in the mornings, when I have my drinks with you lovlie lounge lizards.

    Julie, that would be C. Suggesting our nurse manager puts her number up so people can call her direct. And that is my vote for you....C. And don't get discouraged with your work outs, it's still good for you! Oh hey....get Cami to answer those phone calls!

    Alyson, thank goodness for grapes, eh?

    LMAO at Sadie, trying to make her momma out like she doesn't get any attention.....HA! She's a smart cookie for sure. I hope you get to the movie, it really was good. Next one we are gonna see is the new Expendables. Go figure, just as I thought. Dark and Stormy....there it is!

    Had a great time with our friends yesterday. Had some of mese homemade lasagna. Meeting up with them again today, take them out and show them where we go riding, and just this side of the state. Will be having a picnic lunch with some brats. Then something tomorrow, not sure what yet.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Well Dnice, we bumped and into the pool we go! We have a really nice pool here, warm too. Enjoy the swim! Usually Native Mainer (NM) and I bumping one another into the pool. Take a look at our video. The here is The HTL, Hot Tatties Lounge.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Orange 73, you are so right about the MX and reconstruction. The surgeons explain what will happen medically. No one explains the devastation emotionally. I think we are so numbed by the Dx and realize that we have so much to get through before we can allow ourselves to fully process what has happened. Then it hits.....and hits hard. I am still in the middle of recon revision work. Paralyzed to make a decision. But I will get beyond this. An occasional cocktail smoothes the edges! Maybe a "fishers island lemonade" tonight..... XoDnice

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, DH out golfing and I woke up to a thermos full of hot coffee and a cup next to my chair...what a sweetie. He got the dogs out to run, fed them and was teeing off by 7. Went out with my 2 gf's last night and had the best time, they stayed till after 9 and we sat out back and talked and talked. Really lifted my spirits. one of them had never seen our new condo before, they live an hour away. My brother and his wife are coming today, they haven't been to the condo either, DH gonna go buy us something for lunch. Oh and I got the appt with the new MO for the 26th. I had to first talk to the office manager (the same office manager as my previous onc) and tell her why I wanted to switch. I told her we just never connected and that I was pretty sure that if I was sitting in front of her (the old MO) that she would have no idea who I was. So she called the new guy and he said he'd accept me as a patient. Anyway, I hope this one works out cause they are really the only 2 with University Hosp that are close to me. And we know I can't go downtown cause it's out of network. My other option would be Cleveland Clinic but I think it would be a pain to get all of my records transferred there, and especially if I wanted to keep my PS, BS, and PCP cause they are with UH. Such a pain anymore to navigate thru all this.

    Laura, sorry about the Ultram, what next? The lady that works for the breast clinic where I had my surgery is a BC survivor and she was talking to me about "the crash" after everything is over. We spend so much time and energy with the FURB that U can see how it happens when it's done. I think especially if you've had to quit working. Anyway, hang in there girl. I'm pretty sure I will experience the same thing when done.

    Cam, hope you catch lots of good movies this weekend... or do you have more parties? You should have at least gotten a discount for answering the phone, like free tape, or saline or popcorn or something! I'm just gonna sit in my chair today and watch tv. then I might go out back and sit in the chair and watch the trees. Will make my mother hen DH happy.

    Just had and almond butter and sliced peach sandwich on toast...YUM! It was good!

    Lori. my friends call me Mary, Genny was my mom's name (Genevieve) and I just used it when signing up. Hope you have a great weekend, enjoy your friends and the horses.

    Erin, so sorry about your eye, I've been so busy having it be all about me the last few days I forgot to mention it. Will u be able to get glasses or contacts to correct it? 

    NM Giving patients your number?? Yikes! I can't imagine, Glad yer off this weekend, enjoy! Emma does the same thing as Sadie, that old "poor me I never get any attention routine" She's also quite good at convincing me that she hasn't eaten when my DH has already fed her.

    PRN, thanks for thinking of me. I remember when my son got his 1st job busing tables. Good idea to have him give you half. Good luck with school starting, hope it goes smoothly, at least you have boys, I thing they are easier to get ready for school. My son hated shopping so I'd go out and buy stuff and most of the time it was fine with him and that's what he wore.

    4sew, congrats on the 1 yr mark... again I was so busy with my own self I missed some stuff. Hope school is going smoothly.

    Julie, I can't wait to start working out again, don't look at the scales but I know how it is, I always want results NOW! I's frustrating how easily it goes on and how hard it comes off.

    Lori, just watched the video, love it!, spending most of my time in the pool, and on the beach. And I think my furbabies will have fun too.

    Hi Ally, glad those grapes are doing their job.

    Dnice, welcome, enjoy your fisher's island lemonade and tell us a little about yourself. Where do you live for starters?? Great bunch of ladies here, I just joined them in the spring and I don't know what I'd do without em"

    Well, I've been working on this post for 4 hours now so I'll quit here. Hi to anyone I missed.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Well late Good Morning Ladies.

    NM interesting DOTD---haha Sadie is on HER schedule, not yours. But I'm glad u have the week-end off.

    Lori--there is something about the way u WRITE wacko that cracks me up more than usual--maybe cuz u said it first and I really laugh every time--sounds like u'r having a great week-end and I'm lovin' it. And all u workers bees here make me sick--Well I think I am the oldest so I'll go with that. And yes I did answer the phones at chemo, but all I would say was Someone will be right with you and put them on hold--Not even the Drs. minded--but don't forget I went to chemo forever and every one knew me well and I'd walk around all over just rolling my cocktail--(always liked that word)--And I always emphacise (sp) the first syllable --have fun..

    OK Dnice u have to explain u'r drink to us (or me) I never heard of it??? I never had recon, but I always called so many things the aftershock--not a medical term of course but one of mine.

    Lara it's SyFy right now hope u'r having a decent day.

    Julie I think one person should be assigned to phones--u've got a good idea.

    Where's Erin and I know SusyQ is on vacay, PRNN??? Who am I missing someone I know--Oh this brain

    I had a couple of calls this morning and then I took a shower, putting on forever sunshine--I hve no idea what the fragrance is except it just smells clean, but feels good. I sprayed Jasmine around, which I don't really like on me, but just in the air.

    OK I'm done for now--and no parties this week-end--I'm glad

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Hi all....I live in CT about halfway between Boston and New York. Took a break during recon because it was summer, felt too emotional about it, and thought I needed second, third, fourth, opinions. Loved my original PS but I may need someone who specializes in only breast recon. I had Hodgkin's lymphoma at age 29. Treated with mantle radiation. DX of BC Sept. 2013. BLMX  in Oct. 2013. Implants placed in Jan 2014. I feel well physically and tolerate Tamoxifen well. 

    On vacation in Martha's Vineyard right now. Last two weeks have been wonderful. Leave tomorrow. 😞 Back to reality....... And fishers island lemonade is fairly new. It comes in cans. Company started by a woman on Fishers Island. (which is off the coast from where I live). It has Vodka, Whiskey, and lemonade in it. You can pour it over ice. Or mix with seltzer, over ice, and throw in some fresh basil. Not too sweet. Very refreshing!!! The liquor stores near me keep selling out. Lol.  Best to all.xoDnice

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    ok cammi your hired as my phone answerer

    i want someof that fishermans lemonade

    in work, on a break right now,bbl

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    dnice I'm in the middle of recon to hot to the end had to b re stitched up' the crash' yup that's what it is and u get freaky

    Cam wtching jaws lol again

    My friend came over the one with the baby and the dog. We had a couple she needed a break!!! The dog was put down yesterday!

    Genny u sound greattt !!  No I was telling prn about ultram here it's a narcotic might not b where she is but whatever u need for pain take it. Body needs to heal and all this chit is uncomfy for us all flare ups etc

    Love the vineyard too

    Hi Juliet

    Nm I'm with u

    Hi Goldie

    Who ever I'm missing hugs!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    got to the end uggg this phone

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh Lara I still think u and Wacko should call that program Botched I bet they would take care of both of u, of course u'd have to be seen on camera, OK there's the problem. But what stories u 2 have.

    Dnice good thinking taking the summer of---relaxing and maybe not thinking every minute of this stuff. BTW Vodka and whiskey good thinking--I know I like Mike's hard Lemonade and the Black cherry they make, it just tastes so good.

    Oh Julie u'r working today.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    HI Cam yes I am up had pain, this is when I get my school work done hes not awake

    I can not be touched until I heal thats 6 months so no show for me, they also do not like people with multiple surgeries. I looked into it'

    I could never go in a helicopter I would feel dizzzzyyyy. Goldie that looked like fun

    Oh and I love mema and you pics gorg gorg ladies

    Genny u know I love u my name is Lara not luara had to tell u... Also Orange or la la Keep healing and please rest.You might feel like u can do things but u do not want to over reach. Try to use a pilliow for thr node arm and if you can raise it up and down. My arm swelled so much from not doing it. I was working and came bk from FMLA they wanted pics for the school. I was like u have to be kidding my arm was huge had dark circles under my arms was all swollen. So I ues in old pic jeeezzz really? Oh  yes remember they were asking me to do a report for them. I shut that down quick through HR idiots

    Big sis are u working? Hows the pool and dad I just love him

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Poor Hobart! <img class=" src="" />

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Bat Cave, 1 Mile  Note to Self: Fire Alfred

    Bat Cave

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Limited Edition Nurse Humor T- Shirt | Teespring

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    OMG - I am an avid wine connoisseur, but this is freaking hilarious!

    OMG - I am an avid wine

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara good pics. But I'm sorry u can't sleep--Damn I thought they might take u, cuz some have had all kinds of failed surgery, but I guess there is a limit. U and Wacko have probably had way to many.

    My back spasmed out and I woke up and couldn't move for a bit, so that woke me--I never had anything wrong with my back nowit's a mess I wonder why LOL.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Sunday morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie let me sleep until
    7:30 this ayem, I woke up before her, and found her curled up in the closet in
    a nest of extra pillows and dirty laundry!She was so funny about being found there, just looked at me and twitched
    her tail at me.I had to giggle about

    Nice--I found the
    Dark and Stormy recipe and was surprised to find it was made with beer!I've had D&S's but they were dark rum and
    ginger ale. I'm not a beer drinker, so I like the ginger ale version.But coffee first, indeed.Sumatran, this ayem.

    Goldie--Yeah, Sadie
    is good at getting attention.At one
    point Friday, we were all working away, the office was kinda quiet, one of the
    girls looked up and busted out laughing, Sadie was lying in the middle of the floor
    on her back with her feet waving In the air with a cheetos bag in her
    mouth.Naturally she got a bunch of
    belly rubs right about then. . . .Ooh,
    homemade lasagna!Now that it's getting
    cooler I've been thinking about making some pasta.Would be a good way to spend a day, making
    lasagnas for the freezer.

    Nice--The round of
    surgeries and treatments can get overwhelming.One thing to keep in mind is that you can put off having revisions and
    take a break if you want/need.I took a
    year off from all surgery while I researched recon (different from your
    journey, but as an example) so I could have some time to recover
    emotionallymore than physically,
    although that was part of it, too.Just
    saying, if you need/want a break you CAN take one!

    Genny--Wow, your DH
    is a real sweetie!Navigating through
    all the insurance crap is a pain in the anatomy, isn't it?Many women do experience a crash when the
    surgery, rads, chemo part of treatment is over.All of a sudden we aren't spending a lot of energy keeping up with
    appointments, managing side effects, fighting with the insurance company,
    putting one foot in front of the other, working, etc.We are suddenly faced with time and the
    emotions that we suppressed come flooding out.The number thing was from Julie--I'm pretty sure she was referring to
    her work phone number, many hospitals give their staff cell phones these
    days.I do not give my personal cell
    number to my patients, or my home number.As much as I care about them, I want them using just the office number,
    then if I'm not reachable they will still get attention.I learned that lesson after a patient's
    family complained that I didn't call them back while I was on vacation once.

    Cammy--youspent WAY too much time in the chemo center
    if you were answering the phone and everyone recognized your voice!I like jasmine, too, very relaxing.

    Nice--I'll have to
    look for that Lemonade, sounds yummy!

    Julie--don't work
    too hard!

    ORLA--finally the
    dog was destroyed.I hope the baby
    continues to heal well, physically and emotionally.

    Cammy-- I caught an
    episode of Botched, it was about a person who had sex change (male to female)
    and her breasts and vagina were botched, it was a very odd thing to watch the
    corrections, so she would look good in her adult movie roles.Very odd.

    Coffee does, indeed,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mike's Ultra Hard

    1 shot Canadian

    1 bottle (chilled)
    Hard Lemonade


    Drink some of the
    Mike's Hard Lemonade down to the neck of the bottle.

    Pour in the shot of

    Carefully mix both
    ingredients until well-blended.

    (I place my palm
    over the bottle and gently tip it upside down and back a couple of times.)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Genny, I sure hope you like your new MO. I love mine and I also loved how I was treated in Tulsa. It just became too far to travel after I was done with treatments. And knowing so much ahead of time, might help you to avoid that "crash" in the end. PLUS you are amongst awesome friends here. Ha ha, I had to go back and read why you thought I was out enjoying horses!!! We took our friends out to show them were we "ride". Where we ride our quad! I remember now you saying your mom's name was Genny. I would feel funny with people calling me by my mom's name. We will have to come up with another name for you.

    PRN, I forgot to comment on your son and his new job, and mom taking half of his paycheck. Is that is part of rent, or is something you are hoarding away for him?

    Our little party animal is taking a break this weekend? Resting up for the next one Cami? And when IS the next party? I'm sorry about your back, that is just so painful. I hope it's better today.

    Wow Dnice, you are on vacation and including us? We feel privledged! When I go away, I don't usually post, but some do. Ok, a little background on you, thanks. Any kids? On vacation with hubby or a partner? I am known as The Innocent One (haha) but I can be a bit nosey inquisitive at times.

    Lala, your friend with the little boy who was attacked? How is he doing? And you said she came over with the baby and dog??? Oh the helicopter rides are so serene, it's like you're floating. And if "Botched" won't take people who have had several surgeries, you and Wacko are out for sure! Ha ha, I don't watch scary movies, but I do look at the chest of a dead funny.

    NM, Sweet Sadie is like one our kids here. We just love your Sadie stories, just as we love Joey stories. (Dnice, Joey is Cami's grandson). But I can see Sadie on her back with that Cheetos bag. When you make your lasagna, you make your own noodles? I'm not that good, but I do make mese own sauce! The last batch I made, I cooked my noodle first. I will go back to my original way and use raw noodles. OMG on the "Botched" show you watched.

    My sweet Wacko, we miss you. Are you busy with company? Come out, come out where ever you are. It's Sunday Funday. Hoping to bring the toy hauler in today. And of course another day with our friends. I'll be making another batch of my fresh salsa, they love it! And I think he would eat a jar daily!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning me Ladies and Wacko if she comes around.

    She's probably loaded with things to do, not like me this weekend it's nice and qiet here so that's fine with me.

    U know I've watched Botxhed from the beginning and I did know they did cancer patients that really got screwed up, but only a couple of operations, so now I feel bad I even suggested it. But they really fixed the boobs, cu u see it all--all they cover is the nipple area--One lady was a double Q and wanted o go to a triple Q--she wanted 5000 things in her breast, she only had 3500==they didn't do it.

    Oh u homebodies making homemade Lasagna sounds so yummy, haven't had that in a long time. I made it the same way my mom did but never tasted as good. Lori glad u'r having a fun time and NM glad u'r off for the weekend and I think the DOTD is good I could go for one.

    I started my big D today, was quiet for a while, so it's going on today--it's still tiring.Took my "special""meds so we'll see.

    I missing so many of u and don't mean to u all know that, but Love and Hugs to all of you.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    I want lasagnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good Sunday morning ladies, woke up to my thermos of hot coffee again. This sitting around thing is starting to get a bit easier, I may end up quite spoiled by the time I'm allowed to do stuff again. 

    Cami, I started watching botched, what I want to know is where do these people get the money to do all that? Geesh..the woman with the QQ boobs said she'd so far spent $250,000 just on her boobs! It should be called Botched and Whacked! I am hooked tho, set my tv to record it. Hope your D clears up, sorry about your back.

    Speaking of whacked...where is she?

    Lori, yep I saw riding and was thinking horses, although I did know about your quad. Hope you had a great time with your friends. My mom's been dead for 12 years and at the time of my dx I was really missing her, that's how I ended up using her name. You can call me Mary, unless you come up with a fun nickname. 

    NM, I just watched that botched episode this morning with the porn star transsexual. Certainly would never have known he started out male! The thing I couldn't believe was when said his new vagina healed so well because of all the pounding it had taken....OMG, couldn't believe he said that! Haha! 

    Lara/Lala.. thanks for correcting me on your name, got it. Sorry you can't sleep loved the nurse t-shirt, and the cat in the bathroom.. funny.

    Dnice, 4 Juliet and everybody else, hope yer having a good Sunday...bye for now

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Yes vacation over today. Goldie- I have 3 daughters and DH. Getting the blues about leaving😞 but that's the way it goes. 

    Also, I watched BOTCHED this week as well. My 14 yr old told me to sign up too. Pretty sure they only want stories that will be a success.....or there would be a new show called double botched.😳 Hope everyone well. Will be traveling during happy hour.....xoDnice

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    aw, my sweet goils are calling for wacko, here I iz! 

    It has been a busy week with having my cousin here. we has such a blast together. She has gone back home to her hubby. I have to run out to take mese Daddy to visit mese Mommy. I will try to get back in here after catching up.

    Hello to new goil, D'nice. Is that short for Denise? Nah, Denise is with an S, not a C, duh. Mese wacko, nice to meet you. hehe. Lori, the one that portends to be innocent gave me that name. My real name is not Erin, I do not use my real name here as I need to portect my wacky identity lol. I am sorry you are here but nice to have you. we are one great group of dwunks! ~hiccup~

    I have to roll now so gonna slurp down some of NM's DOTD (drink of the day) then off I go. I will try to come back after I get my Dad to bed.. cha-cha chia cheers!