how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    ps...OMG, I have not yet seen botched but I just could not go in front of America with my surgeries, oh hail no. Do they actually show the procedure? I need to check it out. 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    yes they do! And there is no way I would go on national television either!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    same same

    big sis where have u been hiding????????

    Dnice erin and I have had multiple surgeries please join us !!! Her more then me

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Hello ladies!!

    Lori...Big, the 17yo son, got a job at the pizza place and I will be taking half to sock away for him.  And my ex-husband can be a real treat sometimes, as they all can, but he really did a good job this week.  He bought the oldest his first car!  I was so excited for him.  a 2006 Civic, great shape.  Just a terrific car for him.

    Dnice....welcome. My DH lives in Boston and travels home to see me for now.  His brother lives in CT.  Crap if I can remember where.

    Genny... WEll I guess that is just who you will be...LOL  Hope you are hanging and you DH gets a gold star!!

    Mema, 4, Julie...Hiya!

    Good niece told us she is pregnant!  Really exciting.  We have a very small family and I have the last one born and he will be 10!  She lives in FL so I hope to get to see her and the baby.  Cute story, her guy say the ultrasound and siad it looked like a fish so they call it Nemo for now!  Cracks me up.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.  I'm tired.  Cleaned the house as BIG, little and middle were gone to dad's.  Laundry. Costco. Grocery.  Cooked chicken and sloppy joes.  Filed receipts and paying bills.  I need to go to work to get some rest!  LOL.  School starts Thursday too!  Woo Hoo.

    For those who shared there hormone feelings...Tamoxifen vs Arimadex,  thanks.  I am feeling good.  Ran 4 days last week and getting my groove back I am hoping.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    good evening all, busy day in work  got told by a long haired guy that short hair on women is not attractive!   but at least i didn;t get asked what my colleague did, this guy (of course) wanted her to scratch his buttholeShocked off to disney in the morning

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Julie...,OMG!  Too funny

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh Jeez Julie LOL

    PRN busy girl u are--u must be feeling OK. And yes school starts Thursday here too. Watch it really get hot for a few weeks now.

    Oh tonite is the last episode of Botched for the season, I'm sure it will be back soon---Wacko there are a lt more wackos there than anywhere--What about the older guy wanting and (thinking) he looked like Justin Beaver--he spent a fortune. WTF is the matter with these people. And yes they show just about everything in the operating room. The Dr. who does the Boobs was married to one of the Housewives on one of those programs in CA--Now he's really well known, he is a top PS there and so is his partner. He was way way rich before this program started. I'm so filled with useless trivia.

    Well my D wore me out today but I think it's done at least.

    I hope everyone had a decent Sunday, Julie u had to work tho.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hiya goirls... went out to dinner with my DH for italian... oh i'm getting big as a I'm telling him how tomorrow we get back on the diet and as soon as these drains come out I'm gonna start walking and we come home and my neighbor grabs me and comes over with a big ole plate of eggplant parmesan and a big loaf of bread and homemade vegetable soup. I love these people but they are killing my waistline! I went on Penneys website last night and ordered a few supersized clothes to get me thru this, oh PRN, I'm so jealous, I wish I could go running with you. So, chubby and happy I will be for now.

    Dnice, 3 daughters, wow I bet they're keeping you busy at this time of year, how old are they? Wacko pointed out to me that with u here I'm not the new girl anymore so thanks! Glad u had a nice vacation and sorry it had to end

    Wacko, you just have to watch botched... talk about whacked! So glad u had fun with yer cousin, now that she's gone u need to belly up to the bar... what r ya havin'... oh I'm in a mood was drinkin' at dinner now I'm having a glass of wine and a percocet and watching American Ninja Warrior.

    Prn, congrats on the future great niece or nephew! Great news, nothing like a new baby in the family. Wait till u get your first grandbaby, I sure hope it's not anytime soon but it's the best! And it sounds like your ex did good, I had 2 Civics, loved them! So glad you're getting back to the running, I can't wait, it is my antidepressant also but I have such a long way back it seems a bit overwhelming, hearing you talk about it makes me feel motivated.

    Cami, I taped the last episode, might watch it tonight, if not tomorrow. Sorry about the D, how's your back? How's Joey? And when does he start school? What grade...6th?, please share his stories, I love to hear about him.

    Julie, haha...those are the stories that make me glad I'm not a nurse anymore, although I did like it. I remember one time when I was working in the nursing home and our most difficult PIA resident told me my hair was ugly and too long and what did I think I was a teenager? I was all of about 34 and my hair was chin length, but at least he didn't ask me to scratch his butthole. Ha!

    Lori, Lala, NM and everbody else, gonna go pur another glass of wine, sweet ya goils!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monkey Day!

    Goldie--I often make
    my own pasta.Have an attachment for the
    stand mixer, can make all sorts of pasta but generally I make elbow, linguini,
    and lasagna noodles.I can usually dry
    enough in a one day session to get me through the winter.

    lasagna is ALWAYS good, no matter who makes it or how!It's a major comfort food

    ORLA--Botched and
    Whacked is right!Those folks are very
    odd, to be kind about it.Sort like a
    train wreck, gotta watch even though you know it's crazy.

    Nice--end of vacay,
    boo hoo.Hope it was a good one!

    Erin--Sounds like
    you and cousin had a great time!Yeah!Hope Dad has a good visit
    with Mom.

    PRN--good idea to
    stash away that money for DS, is this the same DS that got his first car?Congrats on the new family member!Nemo, really?That's too funny.

    Julie--WHAT THE
    FUTZ?Really?How nuts.

    Cammy--sorry about
    the D visiting again, that can be so exhausting.

    Genny--I love
    Italian food, but it does a job on my waistline, too.Ah, well, but so good to eat!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bartendergirl Drink

    1 oz Bacardi Coco

    1 oz Light Rum

    splash Cranberry

    1 splash Pineapple


    On a shaker add,
    Ice, Barcardi Cocorum and the light rum, finally add the pineapple juice, shake
    well, and on a glass full of ice, add the mix them top off with the cranberry.
    Dont' forget to add the garnish, a pineapple and a cherry.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Botched is insane some of these people have real image issues. I mean really look like Justin beiber is insane. My fav was the one withe masectomy patient that really helped her. And they pulled out that impnat it was gross and in backwards makes u wonder what goes on when your under. I pictur ethe doc eating a sandwich on my stomach lol. I mean they must get hungry in long surgeries

    Genny OMG after BMX all people did was feed me.I gained a lot of weight. After surgeries I am either soup and protein shakes or I want comfort food pizza, mac and cheese etc. Your body needs the food right now to heal. Listen to what it craves and eat it.

    It is cool here today love it. I have so much to do my mind is all over the  place.

    ck in later


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


    Hard in the Paint...rap lyrics painted on peaceful backgrounds, haha ;-)

    Pin it


    I leave my husband alone with the baby for 10 minutes....

    Laughed so hard

    Laughed so hard

    Pin it


    Looks like it to me!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning everyone.

    Lara u'r up early and ready to go.

    Yes NM it's Monday---UGGG they come around so fast don't they. But again I do like the DOTD today sounds good --anything with juice has to be a healthy choice.

    It's chilly right now--which I like normally it would wake me up but today I feel like just wrapping myself up in a warm blanket and go back to sleep.  Well we'll see.

    Just wanted to poop in and say GOOD MORNING TO ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVE. MUAH

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Cami, I'll bet your lasagna was as good as your mom. I don't think cooks ever think their food is as good as what others say it is. I don't think you've mentioned that dreaded "D" in quite awhile. I hope it makes a very short appearance.

    Lala, I have left overs (lasagna)! Ha ha, you said to Dnice "Dnice erin and I have had multiple surgeries please join us !!!" Sounds like you are inviting her to have several surgies, like the two of yooze. Are you working, or just doing school? Love the funnies and the monkey butt lips. My kids tell me I have chicken lips!

    Ms Mary (Genny), I don't have a very good imagination, but I'm sure we will come up with a name for you. Can't think of anything at the moment. So sweet of your hubby to have you your coffee ready. Mine does the same, and gets me my refill before he jumps in the shower. Are you sleeping in a chair? Nothing wrong with being spoiled! $250,000.00 boobs!!! And you are NOT chubby, I've seen your pictures.

    Ahhh Dnice, you have youngins. And all girls. You have your hands full! If you stick around, you will eventually learn about all of us. I am 56 in a couple of weeks, have a girl 31 and boy 35. DH has 2 girls, oldest has 2 children. We live on 80 acres, off the grid, in the mountains in AZ. Run our internet business here, selling drip irrigation online. I'm originally from Michigan and heading there in 3 weeks. Wacko is also DorK.

    Wacko, thank you for pooping that pretty lil head in de lounge. So glad you had such a nice bisit wif you cuzin. Was there a reason for her being there, or just plain visiting?

    PRN, I think that is an awesome idea to save up the money for your son. Wish I had done that for my kids. Also glad to hear that your ex is not so bad. Congrats on getting a little one coming into the family.

    Oh my Julie, glad he didn't ask you for the scratch! IDIOT! Disney again? You must know that place like the back of your hand!


    NM, I've never had home made pasta. Is it hard? Time consuming? Well worth it? As pasta is so cheap. I'm with Cami, juice in out cocktails, makes it healthy!

    We had such a nice time with our friends. Got the toy hauler pulled in without any problems, but did learn that it needs new brakes and our truck, which we had in the dealer just a few weeks ago, has some wires messed up (from the dealer). So need to take it back in. What a pain, hour and a half drive one way! But we will have to get all of these things done before we can head out camping. Ahhhh yes, Monkey Day it is!

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the welcome all. Yes back from vacation.😞 Could have stayed for a month....oh well. My daughters are 22, 20, and 14. Think someone wanted to know..... 

    Camillegal- both botched dr's married to housewives. One from Orange County and one from Beverly Hills. Dr Nassif divorced from housewife who's family owned some pro basketball team. Never watched tv but for some reason, those shows could hook you. Did you ever see the Saturday night live skit with "the real housewives of Disney?" Sooo funny....

    Princessrn- my dad was from Elwood Indiana. Lots of relatives still there. We would drive out every summer to visit my grandparents. Boston a great city. Too bad you can't visit your DH in the Fall! Beautiful time of yr in New England. 

    I am off to unpack (and get a Starbucks). Hope everyone is well and has a great week! XoDnice

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    good morning loungettes! Happy monkeydey! (I will not say that other word).

    It is always nice waking up to lots of dwinking in here. I am starting with the DOTD, yum yum yum. 

    Cam, I am sorry that stooopid D has reared its ugly head again. Geez, not fair. I hope it is done. I am surprised that the kids there start school so early. We have never started until after Labor Day. It is always odd to me hearing of any school starting in August. But likely odd to you going through June. And chit, last year, the kids went to the end of June due to all the snow days used beyond what is budgeted. It was one crazy freaking winter eh? Enjoy the cooler weather. This is my favorite time of year although it gets depressing to think what is coming, the dreaded W word. 

    Julie, have fun in Disney, I tink you have season tickets? I have yet to get through all of it and have been there at least three times, maybe 4. and dafok? what is up with that man who busted on your hair style? You look really cute in short hair. And for a guy with long hair to say that is just wrong. People can be sooooo stewpid. 

    NM, thanks for the yummy drinks. And you are right about Genny, there are times when comfort food is a must and this is one of them. The best medicine post MX, in my humble opinion is Likker, Percocet and italian food, oh hell yeah, takes the hurting away. I hope you have a good work day. 

    D'Nice, you are not too far from me, I am in NJ but just over the river from Philadelphia. You sure must have your hands full with three daughters. I can not imagine having three teens at the same time, I tink I'd want to kill myself. I have just one daughter, 22 and pregnant and in her last year of college. Oye vey. Are your kids all at home, away at school, married or what? I is a nosey biotch too. Or as Lori (Goldie), I am ummm now I can't remember the word she used, I will jest say curious. Thanks for the info, we like to get to know our girls. You are a great fit here, glad you pooped in when you did and decided to hang around. I just asked the tenders to make a round of todays dwinks for all, come and join me. ~ burp, that was yummy!! 

    Lara, you are so right. So many have issues with body image and that is a problem that I just can't comprehend. Like girls with eating disorders, they are less than 100 lbs and think they LOOK fat, give me a break. But it is said to be a sickness. and OMG, that pic of the baby left with Daddy for ten minutes cracked me de hail up. I am already imagining what I will do with my coming grandson. Hmm, is it a stick on or sharpie, I must get prepared lol. You are sounding good Lara, I am proud of ya lil sis. 

    Lori, chit chit chit on the truck issue, that just plain sucks. The dealer should reimburse your travel expenses at the very least. And let them know that time is money for you since you are self employed. If you are not at the office, you are not making money. Or at least you could tell them that. I know you can still rack in the green but still, jest not fair that you have to go through that again. girl, you make me salivate when you talk about yer tomatoes. Home made salsa sounds great about now, a widdle brunch snack to pair with mese dwink todey. 

    Genny, I am going to see if I can find the last botched episode on DVR. I met to find it and record but chit, was too dwunk to do so. And please, do not be remorseful for buying some fat clothes. I ended up with an entire new fat wardrobe after two of my surgeries, the latest being the one last August. I really liked wearing over sized clothes....were much more comfy. When fall came, I ended up wearing all of my sweatshirts inside out as the seams would bother my incision areas. And I still wear them that way, I can't take any rough seams in the armpit, still. It does seem to me that you are doing so much better than I did though. Please continue to take it easy. and maybe you can have baby girls mom Skype with Nora? Just a random thought as I know you are having baby girl withdraw. Hugs to ya, it is onward and upward from here girl. 

    PRN, good for you in investing some of your son's money. I wish I had the balls to try that one with my daughter. She might be more financially responsible today. Funny story about an old person telling you that you are too old for long hair, people can be so cruel. 

    well hello to anyone I missed, I really really should stop being so lazy and take notes. I read through many pages today and had so much to say. But mese pea brain has forgotten eberyting cept for that yummy tropical dwink. I gonna go and sit by de pool, it a bootiful day here. and whoever asked if I am working, answer is no, I am still on std or should I say on std again. I was born to slack. and dwink.

    tittys up if ya got em, cheers! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Hello, it's me--I was singing that while I wrote it)

    OK I watched Botch last nite, OMH Miss double FF or was she Mr. double FF--I already forgot and get very confused who's who. I did have trouble watching the nose job it looked like it hurt to me.

    Dnice u have a house full and a teenager too. OMG those are hard years or them and sometimes it leaks into everyone. I'm old my DD's are 44 and 48 I think. after a while u try to forget.

    Genny u sound good just do not over do cuz u feel good. When do u see znor? It btter be soon, so u can enjoy her and feel even better.

    Lori what a PITA how far u hve to go chit--that ends up being a whole day with waiting and stuff. A goofy way to start u'r week, but u did have a good week-end.

    Oh when I think of comfort food I lways think of a buffet--with everything I like--which is a huge buffett and it's set up all day and nite with someone making sure what should be cold stays cold and the same with warm--oh and 2 soups too and dessert. So since tht never happened (of course) I never got my real comfort food...Like I need another calorie in my body.

    My sweet Joey wanted me to say hello, I told him there were some new ones on here and he felt bad only cuz u'r sick not because u'r new.As he put it. Leslie tried to get some info out of him for her BD present, the kid keeps a secret but he did tell her it's still in negotiations. He's so excited about the 12' green fry pan for their anniversary--he can't wait. I hope it works as good as they advertise

    OK Erin how is everything?/ Now how long are u off work for now--U always have something goofy happen to u--like things I've never heard of. Well of course my medical knowledge is very limited but still, I hate to hear when anything happens. For now just enjoy and the DOTD'S have been uber good so enjoy u'r pool and the make sure the tenders keep u happy---like I have to tell u.

    Julie how are u doing? I think u'r working tho. Ways to hard in my mind. U and NM, now PRN all have u'r hands full with patients.

    Lara I think we're all happy u'r doing better this time--we want to u to be painfree, u probably don't remember how that feels--but this is the best for u in a long time.

    if i missed Anyone u know I never mean it. HUGS AND LUBS TO EVERYONE 


  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    hey all... Really sweet of you to ask about my girls. My oldest just graduated from college in May. She got a teachers asst job in NYC so we just moved her into an apartment a few weeks ago. My middle one is going to start college at a community college and live at home. The youngest is going into ninth grade. Love them all so much..... Nice girls... Kind hearted... I unpacked from vacation and now start on the mountain of laundry.... Ugh! But having a corona lite to make it all palatable.😃 Nervous about next consults. Want so badly to hear something positive. 

    Where is everyone else with all this recon? XoDnice

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh Dnice u'r girls sound wonderful. So glad for you. I never had recon but I knowit is more of a keep on going thing that I thought. But I've heard great stories about it too. But it does sound like one step at a time, I guess depending on what u'r having. Right now u'r having a beer so that;s all good. Helps with doing any kind of work.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    You're  right camillegal! Just topped off laundry duty with a fishers island lemonade! All are you doing? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Dnice u really do fit in here. LOL I'm still taking phone calls now, not many tho, and I decided people talk to fast for my ears to hear so I just send my messages as I hear them, no wonder everyone is all screwed up when they get them. Well when one of the guys call me to explain I always go back to my list of rules one being don't bother me, just figure it out u'rself.Of course I'm srill waiting to get fired, but I'm cheap help so maybe it's better than none. LOL

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    what do you do?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Dnice I answer phones for a small Co.==actually my cousin's GS who's around 30--He's adorable and really has patience with me cuz I don't always get things right. But since I'm home it's something and I don't have tp get dressed or worry about how I look--no one sees me Thank God. LOL

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Nice to work from home! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, thought I'd come to the lounge for a ....hmmmm...dirty martini with blue cheese stuffed olives, yea, that'll work. sitting here watching an old episode of criminal minds and I though it might be more fun to see what the tenders have going on in the lounge. Anyway, i gotta tell you all what happened a little while ago. I have a neighbor, Linda, she's always been nice since we moved here and when she found out about my dx she brought me flowers and then last week she brought us a big pot of noodle soup and always asking if we need any help. She's a school teacher so she's been off for the summer. So last night when we got home from the Italian place she was walking by with her dog and she told me that the other neighbor had been looking for me. So we both go over there and that was when the other neighbor gave me all the food for tonight. So we 3 women are standing there talking for about 20 minutes or so and I was telling them about the health ins crap and the $6700 bill and how I sent a letter to my MO but she never replied. Of course they said same thing as everybody about I shouldn't have to pay it and all that and we chat and blah, blah, yada, yada, and I thank them and I come home. So a little while ago, Linda knocks on my door and I go outside to talk to her and she says " I hope you don't get upset with me but I called your doctors office and told them that I was calling as your friend and I felt bad for you and you shouldn't have to worry about this bill with everything else and that you doctor should have called you to talk about it" WTF!!!! I was so stunned, I told her she shouldn't have done that  and she said.. "well I wasn't nasty or anything I just felt bad for you and wanted them to know that it put you under a lot of stress that you don't need". And I repeat...WTF!!! I don't even know her that well and even if I'm not going back there for chemo, I do have to have all my rads there. I told her that I knew she meant well but I really can handle these things myself. Wow, guess I know who to keep my mouth shut around. I will never tell her another personal thing, so now i'm thinking I'll call there tomorrow and talk to the receptionist that she talked to and apologize... geesh... talk about causing me undo stress!!! I just don't get why someone that I don't even know all that well would do that.

    Well hope you're all having a good night at the bar, oh look, the tender has my martini made. Guess I'll go drink it, catch ya later girls.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Genny I'm watching Criminal Minds too--Wow---I know u'r neighbor probably overstepped her boundries, but she seems like she did it with a pure heart. Genny don't apologize for her just say she meant well. Oh Genny don't get embarrassed whenever I couldn't make a call cuz I got all screwed up someone else would for me, and say they were me--now of course I do write o everybody and their uncle complaining about things. I can't believe she did that tho, does she know these Drs. maybe---I think she just wanted to help u not aggrevate u--I guess. I know this is just my opinion and to know me u have to understand not much embarrasses me, I've undressed in front of cleaning people and didn't think a thing of it after the fact. So this is just my quirky way of thinking, maybe being brought up in an Italian family u learn just to roll with the punches hahaha

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Hanging out by the pool,
    would like to be floating in a floaty and watching the big screen TV.  

    image height="242" width="322">

    .Maybe after a trip to the massage room. . .

    image height="215" width="322">

    ORLA--some people
    do, indeed, have real body image issues.I mean, QQQ breasts?That's what,
    half your body weight on your chest?How
    does she stand up?

    Cammy--It's feeling
    a lot like fall here in the ayems, too.Good sleeping, but harder getting up!

    Goldie--Pasta is
    very easy to make, with the right tools.Totally by hand is HARD WORK!Flour, eggs, optional pinch of salt.Can add spinach and such if you want, lots of variety possible.Because it's so easy, and I enjoy it so much,
    once I start I can't just do one batch, so it becomes a half day or day long
    project.The hardest part for me is
    finding enough space to lay it all out so it can dry, then it keeps for
    ages.I think it tastes better than
    store bought, but I could be biased.I
    think it cooks up quicker, too, but again that could be just my
    perception.I like experimenting with
    different salts (citrus salt,smoke
    salt, etc) for subtle different tastes.Hour and a half drive, what a pain.But, gotta get those things done!

    Nice--Welcome home!

    Erin--YW for the
    drinks, I enjoy finding appropriate dwinkies for us!

    "Hi" to Joey for me and Sadie!

    Genny--I like
    Criminal Minds, too, only see the old episodes 'cuz I don't stay up late enough
    to catch the current ones.WOW, that
    neighbor has a good heart but that's a bit intrusive!On the other hand, the doc's office may get
    the message and do something about the situation.But really, WTF?Ooh, gives new meaning to belly up to the

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD: 

    Jedi Mind Trick

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Dark Rum

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 splash Cream

    3 scoops Ice Cream

    2 splash Cherries


    Combine all contents
    (except cherries) in a blender until smooth. Pour into a mug and garnish with

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning====

    OK NM u had me as soon as I saw cream, then to see ice cream==wow a dessert and DOTD all in one. U can't beat that. I hope u have a good day today.

    It's rolling thunder right now, but supposed to warm up a lot by the end of the week--when school starts of course. We probably will have very little fall and go to winter SOON too. I can't believe this summer just flew by. (again)

    OK shower time and smellin' good time.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning loungettes, 

    I iz up early today, went to bed at 9 pee em, still catching up from when my cousin was here. 

    Genny, dafuk?? Really? Gosh. I do not know anyone with such huge brass balls. I would feel like punching the lady upside the head and ask her if she learned boundaries growing up. Geez Loiuse!! You are sounding really good, I am so happy for you. As for the debt, I sure hope you get it written off. I feel your pain as I am currently at a balance well over 20k for medical that I am paying out. I am still paying for foobs that were removed three years ago and it hurts. 

    NM, good morning. I almost bumped you and Cammy into the pool and might be bumping Lori now (Lori aka Goldie). ~ trying to use screen names to help the new goil out). I have only seen an Itlalian friends mom making homemade pasta and their entire kitchen was lined up with cookie sheets with pasta. My tinking is why bother, I am just as good with a box of San Giorgio pasta but that is me, mese lazy as they get. It is also cooling down here at night. This has been one of the coolest summers that I remember and I am loving it. But I get super depressed when I tink of the upcoming winter. I try mese best to enjoy jest one day at a time. 

    Cam, you is funny. I forgot to mention that I cracked de hail up about you answering the phone at your doctors office and patients recognizing your voice. You are a hoot and a half x tirdeen hehe! Hey please tell Joey hello and good luck in the school year. Oh, I saw a pic of him and his little goil friend on FB and they are stinking adorable. Did you notice the tat on the Mom that says "legalize marijuana"? She is my kinda goil but with brass ones unlike me. I would never get a tat like that. She is cool in my book. The little girl might end up being Mrs. Joey, who knows. I went to school with a couple that started as friends in 2nd grade and are still married today. 

    So who is doing what today? Me, just dwinking! Thanks as always NM for the DOTD. 

    Ok, do not know how to refresh without losing what I wrote so I just sent and hope for the best! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    goldie thanks dor th elasagna it was virtually yimmy

    Dnice keep drking u do belong here hope the test go well (hugs)

    NM really and cam triple F boobs

    I love fall feels like that today

    I saw my friend with the baby we had a couple beers hes doing great such a good baby. I was tickling his tummy making him laugh and then he puts both are hands on his tummy to keep tickling him hes so cute. Now I want a baby.I love babys feet they are so cute and small

    Thanks big sis I did get pain pills but as needed.She thought it was best you need them to heal and get your body unstressed I had freaking pneumina just a week or so ago. Rather heal and not stress the bod lol

    genny that was over the line but it seems they all care chit I thought u were going to say they all chipped in and payed the stupid bill. That would be great

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Funny Pictures Of The Day - 61 Pics

    Funny Pictures Of The Day - 61