how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    10 Emarrassing Photo's That Will Make You CRINGE!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara good pics--and always hoping u feel better.

    HOLY CHIT Erin is that u? Not used to seeing u now. Oh Erin 2 days her and school starts--I'm sure the teachers aren't happy either. I'm doing nothing today, well my phones and I did take a shower and wash a load of clothes but I'm done with all that  chit, except for my phone.

    OK back to doing nothing what I enjoy the most.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hiya goils, sitting here drinking my coffee and watching dumb videos on FB. DH went to work today! Yea, I love him dearly but like my days alone too... and he's going golfing at 4! 

    Lala.. you are absolutely right, some people should never drink...YIKES! And the dog sitting on the guys face! I have a fried with a pug, I have to forward that one to her. Yea, if they were paying the bill I might have accepted her crossing the boundaries. So glad your friend's little boy is doing ok, I'm sure he won't remember any of it being so young so hopefully he won't have a fear of dogs. What a horrible scary thing that was.

    NM wow that does sound like a desert drink, yum! Yea, when I'm sitting here in my chair perfecting the art of doing nothing, I go back and forth between old episodes of Criminal Minds, Law and Order and Cold Case. My ex-husband (arrggh) loved to cook but never cleaned up after himself...anyway one time he decided to make homemade pasta when I was at work. So I come home and he's got dinner all cooked and wanted me to ooh and ahh about it and you should have seen the kitchen! Dirty bowls and pans It took me the whole next day to get the flour out of every crook and crevice in the kitchen! I was pissed and he thought I was ungrateful for not appreciating his making dinner. Ahhhh the good old days.. Ha! One of the grocery stores here sells it fresh, homemade from Little Italy in Cleveland. And they have the different flavors, you boil it for 3 minutes and it's so friggin good. Hope you have an easy day at work.

    Cami, sounds like we both have the same plans for today. I was thinking that after I get tired of doing nothing in the house I might go out and do nothing on the back patio...breaks up the day. Is Joey excited about the new school year?

    Erin, yea, I'm pretty sure when they were teaching the lesson on boundaries she must've been absent. Geesh, I still can't believe it, I mean my best friend wouldn't do that without running it by me first. My DH was still shaking his head about it this morning. I just tried to call the Dr office, my neighbor told me she talked to ashley and the receptionist is alicia so I thought it was her. She said she didn't know a thing about it and they don't have an ashley so hopefully whoever answered the phone just kept it to herself and went on about her day. When is your DD's baby due? And how are her and the BF doing? 20K for foobs that you don't have, boy that's a tough one to swallow. I don't like to think of winter either and they keep talking about the polar vortex and how it's gonna be early and bad here. I don't even like to think about it. We'll just have to spend extra time at the spa and in the pool with them tenders.

    Hi Lori, I didn't know you had 2 kids was thinking just a daughter. And I was thinking you were 50 but I guess that's when you said you got dx, so we are the same age. My b-day in December tho so I'm a wee bit older. Wow, you have 80 acres? and with your DH 24/7? Sounds like a good guy.  Glad you had such a good time with your friends, sounds like you are feeling good. No SE's from the tx?

    H iDnice, what kind of consults are you waiting on? You and 4 and PRN, busy with kids and school at this time of year. Are you working?, I mean besides raising 3 kids... married...yep I'm nosey too and maybe you already said and I missed it. Anyway have a good day,whatever it is yer doing and I hope ya got the laundry caught up.

    Well, I'm tired of sitting in my chair in my pajamas, so I'm going to go get dressed so I can sit in my chair with clothes on... anyone I missed have a good day, catch ya all later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Wacked, jacked on crack while she slacks!!! Ha ha! Good to see you gorgeous. Glad you had such a nice time with your cuz. You have so much chit going on with your body, I forget why you are not in work! Is it your eye? How is DD and the baby daddy? And I have to say, my salsa is pretty darn good and not hot at all. I sure hope you can win and get lots and lots of MOOla, having to pay all of that money for what has been nothing but pain and grief for you.

    Cami, EVERYTHING is far from us! The post office is the closest, taking only a half hour one way. I will not be going with DH to take the truck in. Need to stay here and answer the phone. I will also be cleaning the toy hauler. I have to wash and sterilize everything that has to do with eating or cooking. Then wipe everything down. They left a lot of stuff in there for us to use. I like buffets too. We sometimes stop at Golden Corral when we go to Laughlin. That's the only buffet we have. Wowsa, you can cook a lot of stuff in a 12 FOOT frying pan! Tell Joey I said "hey" and give him a big hug from me. Hopefully I can give him one for real!

    Dnice, I did not have recon so I can't help you there. I did lumpectomy, chemo and radiation and was just diagnosed with bone mets, hip and spine. Are you having revisions? And you still have not told us the meaning of Dnice....of course you are very NICE tho! Did the girls go on vay cay wif ya? I'll join you with some Corona's, a case should hold us over for the day, eh? Do you work?

    Cami, you're cheap help, that's why they don't fire you. Tell him you want a raise! And don't talkin winter, it's only August!

    Whoa Mary! (Genny) A dirty martini, and I like the delivery of it! Oh my, that neighbor is something else. Certainly she meant well, but wowsa! Nope, wouldn't share much with her anymore. Sounds like you're feeling pretty good. Don't let that fool ya. Still take it easy girl. Funny story about your DH and making pasta, altho I know it was not funny at the time! No, no SE's yet that I can tell. I was actually 49 when I was diagnosed, born in 1958. And yes my DH is a great guy, he does some wonderful things for me and likes to plan surprises. The helicopter ride was a surprise.

    NM, thanks for the info on the pasta. Maybe some day I'll give it a try. But it would have to be a winter project I think, I have too much going on in the summer, with work and the garden. DOTD sounds sweet and yummy! Hope your work week is going well!

    Orange (Lara, Lala, Orla) glad you liked the lasagna! And yes, babies are a joy. I do hope you can have one or at least adopt. Are you still considering children?

    Ok, I need to scoot. Running behind. Went out to pack up a small order for DH to take with his this morning to drop off at the post office. Phone rang in the office so I answered it. Was on the phone with this guy for 40 minutes!

    Triple Q boobs.........and lots of other plastic surgery. She's FUGLY! And freaky looking.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    egadzook, she bese fugly as they get. good God, help her/him lol.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Don't know if this will work or not but here is the video for he/she Monique that was on the last episode of botched. NM, you were absolutely right when you said it was like a train wreck that you don't want to watch yet you don't walk away.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OMG Lori that's her---her lips alone make u want to punch her in the mouth, u can't even give her a far lip--She walked in like she was a perfect specimen of the perfect woman, well she is a specimen of sorts--she recockulous- Oh she might even have one, I forgot.

    Genny I've been home longer than u so I really have perfected doing nothing and as u know it is an art so u don't get bored--so we are now into the arts. See how we can turn this around

    Goldie years ago I helped my mom and aunt make home made ravioli--I fforked them-an appropriate job for a 10 yr old--they put a clean sheet on the bed and made over 100 and laid them on the bed, and forgot about the dog my aunt had===he ate them l and got so sick. And they were furious==poor dog, he ended up fine but we started all over and closed the door.

    OK I had a phone call about lites turning off and on when they wanted, Well of course I suggested an exorcist, but she wanted an electrician. She's going t learn the hard way.

    OK work calls.  

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Oh Cami, you crack me up! And by the way Lori, the homemade pasta story was about my EX-DH.... a long time and thankfully another lifetime ago.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    loving the pasta stories, Cammy and Genny.

    Genny, I just watched four of those videos, yikes. I am not sure if I could actually watch this type of show. A bit much blood and gore. Yet I did keep watching more. Hmmm. Thanks for posting that, I was quite curious. And do listen to Cammy, she is the most professional slacker that I know! she puts a funny spin on just about everything, love her. 

    Lori, I am glad that you do not have to take the ride for the truck with your DH. Too much time wasted, someone around here has to work hehe! as for my leave status, it all started with the eye, that is mostly better. I mentioned that I have a scarred cornea and I am now wondering if I will be able to wear my contact lenses. At the last visit, the eye dr said wait two weeks. I started one week ago monday and have tried wearing contacts that day then again yesterday and they just hurt. If I have another outbreak, I will have to take meds for the rest of my life. Nothing big there, I am temped to just take them anyway. The dr was surprised that I am having the first outbreak ever being over 50. oops, I meant to say over 30, yep, thats the ticket hehe!

    Time to make Dad his lunch. The fun never stops. See you all latah! cheerS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Lara funny pics as always, hi ya! did not mean to foyget ya sista! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    btw, me and the goil in that botched video have something in common...we both have a right foob that hangs under our bra. mines is not nearly as big as her though. ick, she is gROSS! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    OMG that women is insane looking

    genny the art of doing nothing u crack me up

    goldie that was a good rap u had going there crack whack lol

    I work in education genny did not know if you knew that anyway had a inteview got called for another one thursday. I am ready to get bk in action

    well when I see babies yes, I get the fever

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin it



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    me at the grocery store... Fact.


  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    hi Goldie and all, yes two of my girls were with us on vacation. Plus a whole bunch of other teens. We have an open door policy. If they can get out to us on the ferry, they are welcome to stay. So much fun! 

    My name is from my oldest daughters friend who said if I was a rapper, I would be called Dnice. lol  So when I signed up, I decided I would use it. It's kind of a joke with my kids friends. And yes I do work. I am an interior designer. Self employed. But I took the summer off. Really should be taking on projects but I'm just not feeling like it right now. Not sure if I want to stick with design or branch out somehow. Kinda ready for a change......

    Anyway, I am off to dinner with friends tonight. Have known them since I was 11. They r the best. All we do is laugh.....and enjoy a cocktail. 

    I am consulting about revision work. I am researching Brava and AFT. Just want to feel whole again. It all hit me really hard.(like everyone).

    Is it wine o'clock yet?   Xo Dnice

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2014

    Just saying hello, have several pages to read to catch up.

    Big hugs to all and I think I will have almond butter on my toast.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara r u ready now to go back to work for sure? I hope so--wow that would be gret for you.

    Dnice U have a wonderful job, oh maybe right now it's just to early to really think about it so put it on the bak burner--when u'r ready branch out u will love new excitement. Have a great nite tonite, (I know u will) but LOLing is the one thing that is so relaxing and u forget everything else.

    OK Erin go Wacko this eye thing is very important, did I understand u to say u tried thecontacts BEFORE the Doc said it was time. Or it was time and they still bothered u. Well then u have to wait--nope u can not wear them. U and u'r infections, bt u can't compromise u'r eye sight for anything so don't rush one thing at all.  And if u do feel uncomfortable take them out right away.

    OH I did get  call from my boss wanting to know if I really suggested an exorcist --since I don't lie when I get caught, I said yes I did--but I added see she didn't listen. Big mouth customer.I'm lucky he laughed I guess--he had a bet with one of the guys that I said it and he won. See how goofy a man is. Oh well
    Namaste--I'm hearing that on TV now on all the newer shows a lot and I know it means a good thing of peace or well wishes from some ancient language or they just want us to believe tht and the original meaning was go eff u'rself--U never know.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Cam, I was a good goil and waited for the time when doctor said yes to contacts but yes, they are bugging me. I feel like I have sand in my eyes when I wear them so I will be trying again next week. God knows, I need my contacts. I wear glasses over contacts for close up but do not own the right glasses for far away since I use my contacts. ugh, this has been a nightmare but tankfully, I am on the road to recovery and the worst is way behind me. You crack me up lady, telling the client to get an exorcism lol. You made mese dwunk come through mese nose lady!!!! you !!!!! 

    Lara, are you sure you can work now, I do not tink it is time yet sista.

    Juliet, still playing at disney? Have you run away with Mickey? tehehehe. 

    Hi Alyson, good to see ya lovely.

    cheers all, I have to go as I have an appt at 8pm with new phychiatrist. So now I have a shrink and a phychiatrist. I dunt tink anyone can bix me though. 

    more cheers! 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    genny, cannot believe your neighbor! Absolutely over the line! Some people clearly have blurred boundaries......or none at all. 

    And while we're at it, how about all the insensitive comments people make? Can't even believe some of the things people have said to me in the last 6 mos. GEEZ!!

    Off to cocktails by the sea! Best to all...xoDnice

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Wow, the pool looks nice!


    Or, maybe I'll go to the beach......


    Of course I am kind of hungry....... and thirsty!


    See what happens when I'm forced to sit on my arse and take it easy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hey girls, 

    Genny, I love when you are sitting on your arse, oh hail yeah baby! Those are my kinda tenders! And I am sure that Camille can give you some more tips on healthy slacking. She is a PRO! She has been slacking sincen I met her although she did not always have this cray cray job of hers. She works too hard and is loyal, dedicated and silly as a goil can be.

    We all love our Camille! 

    So my psychiatrist wrote me an RX for cymbalta, jest checked my formulary and it is NOT on there, not covered. Defok am mese supposed to do?

    D'nice, well said about de neighbor of Genny. Geez, I still am shocked over the balls of that woman. Talk about boundaries, I am speechless.

    NM, are you able to translate this? It shows the drug is not covered by has astericks and the below:

    * PA — Prior Authorization may be required. Certain prescription drugs require an authorization for coverage in accordance with appropriate treatment regimen. Please refer to your benefit plan or contact member services for details regarding Prior Authorizations.

    * ST — Step Therapy, a component of Prior Authorization, may be required. Certain prescription drugs require the use of a pre-requisite medication before coverage for the Step Therapy medication is allowed. Please refer to your benefit plan or contact member services for details regarding Step Therapy.

    Does this mean if my doctor call them, they may change their filthy rich FN minds? ugh, hate CIGNA. I worked for the sob's for 13 years before my current job and I have wished them all bad tings. Maybe that is karma kicking me in de arse? Nah, I a good goil. I will dwink and it will all be ok. 

    New boy tenders that G-slacker (Genny) hired, man up and bwing me lots of dwinks. and a vitaman V while ye at it, you basturd. which btw, G-slacka is a name me give you. You may take it or leave it, it is all mese gots for now.  Will also have to come up with a fun name for nice. Nice is tooo boring. oops, mese being ballsy dis night. But cuz mese berry berrrrrrry tense. Mese DD is in de hospital, being transferred to Jefferson in de big city, for depression. Again. Ya see, de boy broke up with her. He is NUCKING FUTS and has to go. Dere mese said it. ~~hicccup

    Goils, I assept prayers for my Jessica, please. tank ye. 

    so whose partaying? I go bed soonliest but hoping to have mese a nightcap. Boy tenders, come come, come to mama Erin tehehehe! 

    CheeRs and oh yeah, tittys up IF ya gotem!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Erin oh chit--u'r poor DD--all these ups and downs are so awful for her now. My prayers are coming for Jessica and you for sure. I'm so mad at him, maybe he's just to young for all of this. But still. (((HUGS))))

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Coffee, not just for drinking!!! See All Images:

    Coffee, not just for drinking!!! See

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Hump Day!

    Cammy--yup, ice
    cream and alcamahol, always a good combo!Summer really is sneaking out fast, isn't it?

    Erin--yeah, you end
    up with pasta EVERY where when you get on a pasta roll, but it's so much
    FUN!True, it's easier to buy a box at the store.Either way is good!I'm trying
    not to think too much about the upcoming winter, the oil bill is going to be a
    killer and I haven't been able to save up much to put against it.Going to be a long, cold winter, I'm

    ORLA--my favorite
    thing about babies is the fuzzy baby head. So adorable!

    LOL at the doggy
    respect and alcohol pics!

    Genny--Oooh, if I
    had access to fresh, homemade pasta, real Italian stuff, I would buy it all the
    time!Love making it, hate cleaning up
    after myself.Isn't that awful?Keep on perfecting the art of doing nothing,
    that's the best to be doing right now!

    Goldie--yeah, pasta
    is a good winter day project, it doesn't dry well in humid weather.

    YIKES-what a freak-a-zoid!And look at those foobs!

    Cammy--Did you
    REALLY recommend an exorcist?What a
    trip!I can just see the ravioli on the
    bed and the dog in the middle of it all, and Italian tempers flying. . . .

    Erin--all I can
    think of is how thin that skin must be, and have this image of someone bumping
    one of the foobs, the skin splits open and then unzipping all the way from
    collar bone to waist and the humongous implant squirting out and high speed and
    clocking the poor soul that bumped it and knocking him ass over teakettle and
    20 feet away. . . .

    ORLA--good luck with
    the interview!

    Nice--it's ALWAYS
    wine-o-clock here in the Lounge!Good
    friends, laughs and cocktails are the recipe for a great time!

    Welcome back, Aly!

    Erin--if you have
    Cigna insurance you have your work cut out for you.They are notorious for being hard to work

    PA (prior authorization) means that the doctor
    has to fill out special paperwork to prove that you need that (more expensive)
    medication.There are criteria the
    insurance company has put in place to limit the number of people who can get
    this as a covered med.

    ST (step therapy) is
    a process where a person is forced to try certain (less expensive) drugs to see
    if they work before being allowed to try a particular (more expensive) drug as
    a covered drug.

    One example of step
    therapy that many of us are familiar with is when insurance won't cover an MRI
    until after there's been an x-ray or CT scan.For the meds, they may require that you take another (less expensive) antidepressant
    for a period of time and then will let you get Cymbalta if that doesn't work
    for you.The doc's office is very
    probably used to this whole process.

    Erin--is the DD in
    the hospital the one who's preggers?Or
    am I totally funcused again/still?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Adrenaline Juice

    1/2 fifth Vodka

    1 pint Everclear

    1 pint Watermelon

    1 liter Sprite

    pinch (Add To Taste)

    1 can Red Bull

    Best served in a
    Punch Bowl.


    -Made by the gallon

    -after all
    ingredients added then add a 5 hour energy shot

    -slowly stir for
    foaming effect

    -place in freezer to
    keep cool

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    That one is Lacey Wildd, and it is a girl. I actually looked for the show yesterday morning and it was on. Following this one was the one with Monique, or should we say MANique! He actually was very pretty before all of the PS.

    Without make up  


    With make up    


    Ha ha Cami, her lips will explode if you punch her! The dog ate ALL of the raviolis?

    Wacko, that eye thing is common and doctor is surprised you didn't have it earlier? I hope you took those contacts out right away girl. Please don't mess with your eyes. And yes, wasted time with taking the truck in. What is the difference between a shrink and a phych? And I don't want you bixed, mese lubs you the way you are!

    Lala, job interview? And another one tomorrow. Is it for the same job or a different one? Wishing you much good luck girl.

    Dnice, you have your own ferry? And you rap? Sounds like you have a great relationship with your girls. Have not heard of Brava or AFT. And it's always wine o'clock or beer o'clock around here.


    Genny, I mean G-Slacker, you are doing a FINE job sitting on your arse doing NUThing. And look at that healty salad.....YUM.

    Or Dorothy, I'm so sorry about your DD. And yes I using your real name this time, cuz this is serious. This is just  horrible. This can not continue. To the swamp with that boy. But unfortunatley, he will be around for the rest of her life. I do pray that she and Logan will be fine. And I hope she does not take him back, this just is not going to work.

    NM, on the show Botched, that lady said she had tissue expanders in there, not even implants. But I have a visual on your scenerio about someone bumping into her and knocking her ass over tea kettle....too funny. Yes, thata is Wacko's DD in the hospital that is pregnant. Poor baby.

    Wow, love the adrnaline! We could all use a little, or a lot of that! Well, the truck will have to go back yet again. Good thing we have a friend at this particular dealer. They put the wrong fluid in the truck, and did not have the right stuff. So have to wait for them to get it, take the truck back, they will drain the wrong stuff out and put in the right stuff! I told DH they should pay for the gas to get there. I've been cleaning the toy hauler, which it really isn't all that bad. But I have to bleach everything!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning, wow, I could use some of that adrenaline! Went to the PS today and drains are out!!! Woohoo!! What a relief! Called the RO cause the PS wants me to get in with her before he adds to the expanders and he made my appt for next Wed. The RO can't get me in till Sept 1st. While talking to her scheduler she said she could get me in at the main campus and I said oh no, not in my network I already have a $6700 bill from going there for chemo. So she said you have Med Mutual and they sent you there without telling you? So she said I need to talk to the UH social worker to help me with this and she would call her and have her call me back. Wow, a lot more help and info than I got from the office that created the problem! Anyway, I see the BS on Mon, MO on Tues, PS on Wed and RO the following Mon. whew! Then I guess my ducks will all be in a row once again and I'll have a plan. I am going to run up to the BS's office now to get a copy of my path reports. 

    Lori, yikes! Lacey Wild, why in the world do people want to make themselves look like freaks! So strange, and this huge lip thing I just don't get. And truck still has to go back, another 3 hour drive. Hope you get your toy hauler done and get some relaxation time.

    NM, so glad we have you to explain all this stuff to us. Hope your workday is uneventful without big problems.

    Cami, You're right this slacking thing is an art, although I did end up making stuffer peppers yesterday, so while I haven't perfected it, I'm getting close. Today I have to sit and write thank you's, that sounds like work to me. Did Joey start school yet?

    Erin, I am so sorry about your DD, I agree with Lori, it does not sound like she and baby-daddy are going to work out. Does he have a good job?, do you think she'll be able to count on him for child support? Hope so. I hope you get the ins co to pay for the prescription, it's all so much harder than it should be.

    Dnice, I'm still reeling from the audacity of my neighbor.... I will watch everything that comes out of my mouth around her from now on. Hope you have a good day.

    Hi Ally and everybody else, gotta run and go grab those path reports..have a good day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies!

    Where is my favorite slacker Camille dis morning? 

    Thanks all for the kind words of support for my daughter. I am finally to the point where I feel that the baby daddy can just hit the road and not come back. As for child support, I don't know how that will go. He has a construction job right now but works under the table. He was working at Domino's delivering pizzas when they met. Crud, this is not what I wanted for her, it all sucks. My Dad brought up the subject of adoption and I would be on board with that, believe it or not. But I will not dare say that to my daughter. She has a close friend that got pregnant and gave the baby up and my DD helped her through that so she does know that option exists. I am just sick over all this. So I come here to feel better, thanks ladies.

    NM, gosh you are good. This is another reason I love having you here, you have all the answers. I thought I might stump ya on this one but you explained so well. It seems to me that the doctor has to make these phone calls to Cigna? He is a one man show, no assistants or anyone else. I hope he will help. I will text him today. It was nice that he gave me his cell number and he said to text anytime.I am going to PM you about the prozac and BP med, want to see if you got yours from your doctor. Thanks always for your expertise, we are all blessed to have you. I hope you have a great day. 

    And the images you girls have put in my head, I can picture these flying implants lmao! I used to be so scared of getting elbowed by other people. People still scare me when they get in my personal space but my body is not as freaked out as it was at one time. I would go into defense mode whenever anyone got too close and put my arms in front of my foobs. 

    Genny, woo hoo on losing the drains. I know that great feeling of freedom. And you will find yourself looking for them when you use the bathroom etc. It is funny that our brains are programmed to have them on us even when they are gone. that was the case with me anyway. I am glad you have things lined up, it really is a lot isn't it? we have all been there and know how difficult it is. But again, remember, the worst is far behind you and YOU are doing GREAT! I sure hope that person will help you with that huge medical bill, that is insane. This is America, go figure....I say no more about that. 

    D'nice, there is a thread here somewhere on stupid things that others say to us. I always get the "you look good" as if I should be looking sick or something. People mean well but are just stupid. And you sure have your hands full with your girls,, that is cool that you have all girls. My sister has three boys. She wanted a girl so bad but had to stop at three children. 

    So we have a family night at my Mom's place. For the newer girls, my mom has full blown alzheimers and is in assited living facility. we were over there yesterday, there is a sheet showing all of the attendees. Next to my Mom's name it shows that nine are coming. Sadly, only one other person shows that family are coming. That really disturbs me. These old people have no one. I have to wonder why and how their families can just drop them off and not see them regularly. that disturbs me. 

    Lori, I think you are right, to the swamp with that boy. It is a difficult situation. If only the kid would get himself some mental help, he really is a nice boy when he is not manic! But it is so unfair to Jessica and to the rest of us too when he acts like a lunatic. He has no family to speak of and is about to lose a great family. I just don't get it. What did you mean about the truck, did your DH go to the dealer and bring it back and it is still not right? wtf 

    Lara, your funnies always make me laugh. My fav of all time was the fart catcher. I might try to find that for fun. that just cracked me the hail up. I hope you are doing ok. Check in when you can. And I met to mention about the little one attacked by the dog. So glad to hear he is doing so well, God Bless him. As Lori said, I hope he is young enough to not remember. What a horrific thing to happen to any child. 

    Gotta fly now girls, still searching through family photos as I need to bring 7 for a collage for mom's place. Thank you all again for your love and support, it really helps me to vent here. 

    Peace out girls. CheerS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    ERin so sorry that this is all happening--Jeez, feelings, emotions, who's leaving all to much for u 2.This roller coaster has to stop  And I don't think u'r DD will think about adoption, that usully occurs in u'r mind right away, and somehow u get attached to this little person u've never met and it seems like that's the case now. I think age has a lot to do with this mess, but it has to be all settled for everyone's sake.

    Lori u have to get that truck back again? Holy Chit, it's not like around the corner. What  PITA. I really give u credit, I've always lived like 5 mins away from anyplace I had to go--I don't think I could live any further, u are like a western woman who travels so easily.

    NM u missed one thing with the DOTD one straw--Sometimes that's needed. I hope u have a good day today and yes I did tell the customer she should get n exorcist, but she wanted an electrician.

    Lara u know what I mean walking around the house with the burning sage too, I did say did she try that yet. To many scary movies I guess.

    Genny u've got lots going on still, so we will learn more bout slacking later, and yes Erin I was sleeping again this morning. U'd think I'm spend more time reteaching myself how to type but nope I'm over that.

    Tht one woman on Botched, had 3500 cc's and wanted 5000 cc's, that's just pin insane Well at least they thought so. The only operations that bother me are the nse ones, --it hurts me to watch thoe, I don't know why.

    Joey starts school tomorrow, he told me I have to be brave and he has to do these things. Chit I'm the weak one, not him. But he has been extra kissing and cuddling so I better not make such a big thing about this. They'll finish their shopping today. I bet a new Collegiate Dictionary has many more words in it that when I had mine. I remember going thru a period in my life where I learned a new word a day, this lasted a while but I really only remember one word that I learned Arbituar (sp) it means slaughter house---why in the hell would I remember one word that I've very seldom use in any conversation since I don't live on a farm. Waste of my good brain (t the time) I used to think that because I had a high IQ it would open doors for me---Ha, I couldn't even find the handle for those doors.  Oh well

    I hope everyone has a good day. LUBS U ALL SO MUCH

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Oh yes I have burned sage

    yeah no drains

    sounds fun doek moms night

    goldie u confuse me yes 2 interviews for the same jon

    Nm u r so righ

    wheres julier

    Dnice heres a martini x tra olives