how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


    actually have 2 to pick from IDK

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara sounds great, are u ready now?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    well i'm back ,disney has been having computer problems all week, they could not process any form of cards at animal kingdom  monday ,then the hotel had the same problem tuesday!, usually their wifi i have no problem but it would not let me open most things, even facebook it was limiting the posts!

    cammiHappy on the exorcist, hope joey has a wonderful first day,loved the pic of him and his friend,


    lori-who ever suggested the dealership  should pay your gas money got it spot on. its not as if it was a couple of miles down the road

    wacki-hugs to dd and prayers that she makes the best decision for her and logan,  hope the contact situation is getting better.

    genny-or slacker. enjoy your down time,glad all the drains are out

    hello beans,sue,prn,lara,nm, 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    good news on the job front lara

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


    missy in her new stroller

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    JULIE'S BACK and her front too. YaY--Love u'r pics BTW that five cookies. But u did have a good time????

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited August 2014

    Julie..super cute doggie diggs and I might need a few cookies!

    Genny...rockin the no drains! If we get pictures like that when you are slacking..alrighty!

    Erin...what a dumb bunny boy that kid is! Grrr  I was typing a response on the PA question but NM beat me too it...

    Cami.....some people need an exorcism!

    Lara...nice on the new job front!  Woo hoo

    Lori.... hello

    Aly, 4, mema...hey there!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good to see u PrN--u must be busy.

    I hope everyone is sleeping nicely. My D woke me up, didn't make it to the bathroom--Depends Thank You hahaha--see just said I haven't had it as much dammit never should tempt fate. I'll probably sleeping when Joey goes to school He loves his hew shoes, they are sharp. And his special friend is in his class this year and so he was so happy, she's a tiny little thing. I guess there are 2 5th grades. Lots of kids around here which is good for him, he's got lots of friends. And I love it.

    OK Julie what's u'r schedule now? U confuse me so. I know it doesn't take a lot to do that.

    Erin I hope u get back to us about u'r DD........


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Welcome to Thirsty Thursday!

    expanders, not even implants?Wow.Someone messed up!Oh dear, I'll be praying for Wacko's DD and
    future grandbaby.Why did they put the
    wrong stuff in without talking with you first?And won't the wrong stuff hurt the truck?I don't know much about cars and such
    excep twhere to put the gas and
    windshield washer fluid.  Why do you have
    to bleach the toy hauler?

    Genny--WOOHOO for drains out!And finally someone is getting the screw up
    taken care of.Good for you!And I had a nice, uneventful day at work
    yesterday, thank you!

    Erin--yup, the doc has to send the info to
    Cigna.As a beneficiary you can go onto
    Cigna's web site and find and print the pre-authorization form yourself and
    probably even fill most of it out yourself, then get your doc to finish it and
    sign it and fax it.And it is actually
    kind of unusual for our elders in care settings to get regular company.It really is sad.

    Cammy--ok, I've sent
    a memo to the Tenders to stock up on straws and to put one in every DOTD in
    case I forget!So we're all
    covered!5 LITERS of foob?Really?NUTZ! Did you ever just sit and reada dictionary?I used to do that,
    it was actually pretty interesting!

    ORLA--2 choices of

    Julie--Maybe Disney
    needs the exorcist?Love the puppy


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fogg Juice

    1 oz Citrus Vodka

    1 oz Orange Vodka

    1 oz Blueberry Vodka

    2 oz Ice

    3 oz Cranberry Juice

    Best served in a
    Old-Fashioned Glass.


    add ice to rocks

    add the vodka's

    add cranberry juice

    garnish with
    whatever u want!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


    Thank you everyone.I have been having anxirty a lot. I think getting out and working will help this. U all know I have bad panic disorder, so I am nervous about today and interview. I keep pushing myself to get out.

    I need to be ready. We need money we took a big hit since loosing my income. This is home based and travel like I did before, so it will be good I still have my freedom

    Ill let u all know later how it went


  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Sorry you have panic disorder. I have experienced this before. It is not fun. Maybe working and being occupied will help? I hope you get whichever job you want the most.....xoDnice

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Genny, hooray for losing the Pratt Brothers (drains). You did not have to deal with them for long! I do my stuffed peppers in the crock pot. Amazing they tried to send you yet again to the main campus, hoping the social worker can help you out.

    Wacko, does your DD see a shrink? Might you be able to contact the doctor and have the doctor suggest adoption? Or maybe just the preggo doc. That way it's not coming from you. We took the truck in for a "tune up". Just had them look it over and bix what ever needed bixing. When we got home, and needed to use our 4 wheel drive (it had rained and our roads were very muddy) it wouldn't work. And we will need the 4 wheel drive at times when pulling the toy hauler. 1 visit is when they put the wrong fluid in. 2nd visit was when they figured out the problem, but couldn't fix it cuz they didn't have the right stuff, they had to order it. So DH is heading back over there today to get the right fluid put in. I hope your mom enjoyed the family day, and I hope others had family visit and they just didn't sign the board.

    Cami, that lady on Botched, I do believe, wanted another 5000 cc's, giving her 8500 cc's total. Your IQ is over the roof here at The HTL, so no worries! Joey, such a doll. I hope he has a great school year, and there is nothing wrong with extra hugs and cuddles! So glad his friend is in his class with them. Does she live close by, so they can play together when ever? Damn that D! Here, have a drink.....or 4!


    Lala, good luck on the job front. How's your pain? Oh said you got the job, actually got 2? I thought you said the 2 interviews were for the same job? And you say I confuse you???? LOL!

    Julie, I think it was Wacko that suggested the dealership pay for the gas. I doubt my DH will ask for it. Glad you had fun at Disney, but sorry about the computer/wifi glitches. Who is Missy? We had a Schnauzer who's name was Missy.

    PRN, how are you holding up with the rads? How is your skin doing?

    NM, YES tissue expanders. Cuz the doc said something about those are not meant to be permanent cuz you have to have that tube that hangs out as a port to add more saline! But still, can you imagine how HEAVY they are? Evidently they can drain that fluid out, and put in the right stuff. They just didn't look at the manual close enough, as it stated to NOT uses what they put in! I'm bleaching the sinks, fridge, cubboards, toilet and tub. Cuz other people had their stuff in there. I'm just a germaphobic. Lots of vodka in the DOTD it!

    Sue, hope you are having a wonderful time on your vacation and feeling good too.

    Not this weekend, but maybe next weekend, we might take the toy hauler out and go camping/riding. I hope so! Then the following weekend I leave for MI. Excited about that, for sure!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning ladies----

    No wonder why I wan t something to drink already-it's Thirsty Thursday or as I like to say Friday Eve. Sounds good to me.

    OK NM are u on call this weekend , I hope not Like the DOTD today and thanks for stocking up the straws, muchly appreciated MUAH

    Lara good Luck today and I know how awful panic attacks are so I'm with u holding u'r hand.

    Goldie u'r poor DG going back and forth like that, they should compensate u for the gas at lest. It's there fault--Ww u'r a busy little girl the next couple of weeks. Good for you. I sure hope u can get here.

    No drains for Genny, now don't go wild like u did in Girls gone wild in that video. oops I wasn't supposed to say anything.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Well if a glass of Red Wine a day is good for your heart then it cant be bad for BC, I say have a glass of wine a day to keep the dr away. Cheers Ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Ncolett u are so right, I hope u share u'r drinks with us.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    I sure will tonight is Applerita night Winking

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Cheers ncollett! I'm having hard lemonade. Actually should be named easy lemonade..... When life gives u lemons.....

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Cheers Dnice 


    My daughter and I at Miranda Lambert concert last weekend with some Cool Mountains!

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Cheers! Daughter adorable! Where is Westfield? My dad is from Elwood.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Just about 20 miles south of Elwood. Its right after Carmel if you know where that is.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    gosh, I am beside myself, I just wrote a long post addressing you all and also reminiscing and mese lost it. damn damn damn (I say as I stomp my feet like ole Herman Munster).....hate that post eating gremlin.  I might come back and try to rewrite but for now I am mad. I had been working on my post for a good part of the day and wahaa, it gone. uhhh.

    welcome to Nancy and good to see you again Nice. 

    I gonna dwink now  ~hiccup~ well oops, caught me, I has already been a dwinking sincen four pee em ~burp. oops, scuzze me.

    Cam, Joey looked adorable today and his comment to you that everything will be ok....well that jest melts my heart. I love that kid.

    So does anybuddy wanna partay with me tonight? Lamp shade hat partay, its been awhile?? Please ??? Den maybe I rewrite what I lost. The hard part is that when I hit the back button, I see my post flash quickly then go to a blank page. Ughhhhhh..... DARN DARN DARN (see the smoke?? tehehehe)


    I am going shopping for a lamp shade but will try to get back....cheers goils!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    this tender is going to help me shop for my lampshade. he mighten not be able to see too well but his company in the dressing room, well, imagine the rest... lol


    he suggested this one. I said "dude, tender, wtf, that is NOT a lampshade.....ugh...tank GOd dis boy is hot under his lamp shade and also under his ........ oh hail, his calvin klein undies!


    speaking of, where is Lara today? oops, that was a continuation of what I wrote and lost, disregard please. Love and peace girls.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Ncollet--u'r DD is beautiful and u are too just a tad bit older---I'm not insulting u am I? cuz I never mean to, I just do sometimes--you can ask anyone.

    Erin I thought that was a fart blowing in the wind. Knowing u and I always loose my post, I think I hit something I'm not supposed to but haven't figured it out yet. Oh my D stopped of course then I'm ravenous and have to liquidate myself so I add water to likker and there is my water. HaHA I figured dat out.I can not put any lamp shades on here we have all Tiffany style lamps, I was on that kick a couple of yrs ago and just bout a butt load. They're very pretty but don't give out much light so I can't really measure how much likker goes in, which is fine with me.

    My baby had a good first day of school, he knows and likes his teacher and he knows everyone in his class so he's good. Sob for me. He's so happy he can stay up til 9PM not that he's 10, well he fell aslepp a while ago, I knew he would but he feels older now.

    I would stay up and party but u know my days with my D are tiring and today was another say.

    OOOO tomorrow is Friday YaY OK I'm relaxing now Hope everyone sleeps well. I hope so.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I made you a Tiffany Hat Cammy. Good night, sweet dreams to ya. Let's pray that it is a D free friedey for ya. Hugs to ya!!! 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi goils, started the day in da wabbit hole. Debated between stayin' down there curled up in a ball and coming out. Talked to my bff eventually and she made me crawl out so here I is...dwinkin mees wine. better now. Here's mees problem I decide, been getting thru all this bullchit thinkin' it's a disruption in my life that would be over by the end of the year. Now I'm not so sure ... might not be over by the end of the year or forever... this is my life now. Hoping I'm going to run and golf and do fun stuff again, I think I will, but this FURB may be wit me furever... scares me. I'm so afraid now that the mets is more than the nodes... or will be. I'll probably feel better after next week when my treatments r in place. Anyway... that's all, don't mean to be a debbie downer, just needed to vent. thanks goils.

    So, enough of that... Lori Ain't nobody got time for dat... one of the funniest videos ever! Good news, the RO nurse called the social worker and she called me today. Asked me to splain the main campus/insurace f-up so I told her all about it. She said we'd done everything we could do and if Med Mut doesn't pay call her and she'll try and help. Then awhile later she called back and said she talked to the billing dept at UH and they are putting the bill on hold for 60 days. Huge load off my mind, at least I don't have to worry about collections anytime soon. Nice to feel like I have someone on my side. Pratt brothers were there for 2 weeks, they will not be missed. Camping sounds like fun, haven't done it in years. We had a boat for 10 years, it was kinda like camping, had a 9 day vacay on it once, was a lot of fun.

    Cami, Joey is the cutest boy, love his pic on facebook, and so happy for him about his friend that's a girl and his new shoes. Hope the D goes away.

    Lara, so happy for u about the new job/jobs? I hope you love it, whichever one u pic sure you'll do great.

    Julie, Missy is adorable, and your DD?.. very pretty. 

    Erin, you know I was looking at yer pics on facebook, you r so pritty...Lampshade party, might have to wait till tomorrow cause I'm kinda tired, you know how this slacking wears you out, specially when yer trying to be the best at it...right Cam? It's downright exhausting!

    NM Fogg juice.. looks good. Tomorrow..TGIF? You off this weekend?

    PRN, Dnice, Sue and everybody else, time for bed, love u goils...sweet dreams

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    How bout these hats lol.  No Cammi I am defiantly not offended. My DD is awesome and my rock!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Ncollet love the hats--u got the swing of this fast.LOL

    Yes I'm awake, took all my meds, now they have to kick in. damn.

    Genny no crawlin in any hole, no likker, cookies, or friends down there--stay afloat we've got u.Besides it's prettier up here. When u feel like crawling down grab a drink. And don't think bout nodes they're gone now. Besides u get to see Nora this weekend right? So u'll be all cheered up.

    Tomorrow nite Joey and I watch Fashion Police, he know the stars better than I do and loves to see what they're wearing so it's again our time

    Our weather is supposed to be summer hot the next couple of weeks I hope no one takes their pool down before, Of course if u saw me in one u'd ask them to take it down right away. But I don't care really--I've learned it's not about having a great body, it's more important that I don't drown. I did realize it's only a 4 foot pool but when u have no boobs u'r balance is all off in water. I remember when I had one boob and I was always walking sideways, I was a wreck hahaha

    See how I'm blabbering, it's my meds at this time--I don't know why they rev me up then I relax totally,silly pills.  OOOO I think it's raining now. Usually happens during the nite then the day is so muggy, u can't even breathe outside.

    OK I guess I will stop boring all of you maybe

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Dnice is Ncolliet your name or are you a new person. My Mind these days your daughter is gorg and love the other pics

     well girls I used to rock and roll big jon travel. I was in the middle of the interview dressed to the 9 and boom my face turned sheet white and I got calmy , my stomach I excused mydels put water on my face and had the D wtf. So I regain compusure and he said I will be his partner . Its commision based like my own biz . I like the books for teachers etc and the fundraising part. I never take commison jobs, myskills are there to do the job , but I am usually building partnershipd for university. I feel this will get me out there. Told dh he said dont take it due eto mty response inthe interview. This chit messed me up. Very lucertative I have all the connections already so I can make some fast cash. Th eother job is something dumb sit for three hours and answer phones or something 4 days a week I can do bothe . Just need some income to help DH. He has been so good to me we had to down size everything since all thsese surgeries dipped into 401k everything, I need to get my mind better, back to myself. I start my PH. D in December in education well imgetting my ED,D which is docterate in education.

    Sorry type fast so anyway I curled in better after the incident I get so mad at myself that I am not the same. ok enough downess.

    love ya all welcome
