how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

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    The best sign you could ever see: | 33 Pictures That Will Make You Proud To Be A Human Being Again

    The best sign you could ever see

    image from BuzzFeed

    33 Pictures That Will Make You Proud To Be A Human Being Again

    The best sign you could ever see

    33 Pictures That Will Make You Proud To Be A Human Being Again

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    Belk Charity Sale THIS Saturday (11/9/13) Come pick up your $5 ticket at the Susan G. Komen Northwest NC office in Winston Salem, NC by Friday!!!


    Shop my therapy lol . The above was cute by her son he posted that sign

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Fried Day
    morning, Loungettes!TGIF!

    does help with anxiety for me, too.Distraction, maybe?Praying for this interview/job opportunity!

    Goldie--have you
    considered finding another place to take care of the truck?This one sounds like it's not doing so well
    by you.And now I understand, when you
    said you were bleaching the toy hauler I was thinking of a trailer that the 4
    wheeler would be driven onto to take somewhere, didn't think of a camper.I would bleach the camper, too!

    Cammy--Nope, not on
    call this weekend.Our weekend nurse is
    back to work, so onlya rare weekend
    shift needs to be covered, for which I am very grateful!Lots of lounging around on the weekends,
    lately.YW for the straws!

    ncollett!And well said!

    Erin--Lamp Shade

    Cammy--you are so
    clever to liquidate yourself after a visit by D! So glad Joey's first day of
    school was good, I bet he feels very grown up now!

    Genny--I hear
    you.I remember being afraid to plan
    anything more than a few weeks ahead for fear that some new problem would pop
    up and I would be unable to go.I was
    living appointment to appointment, which during rads was literally day to
    day.It took a year before I dared think
    any further ahead than the next appointment.IT DOES GET BETTER.Yes, part of
    this becomes a permanent part of life, but you DO go back to doing the things
    you like.IT DOES GET BETTER.Glad they put that bill on hold, but they
    should just write it off, it was their mistake, after all.The things we have to deal with!Yup, I'm off the weekend!


    Cammy--sounds like
    you are at the relaxed part of the pill trip.Enjoy!

    ORLA--wow, what an
    interview!Sounds like you worked around
    it well, though.So are you choosing
    between jobs or going to take both?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fresh And Ready

    2 shots Vodka

    cubes (Fill to Top)

    1 splash (Top Off)
    Red Bull

    8 oz (Fill With)

    Best served in a
    Pint Glass.


    Fill glass with ice.
    Add as much vodka as you like, you won't really be tasting it anyway. Fill
    almost to the top with Fresca, then top off with a splash or so of Red Bull.
    Mix briefly with a shaker and enjoy. This guy will certainly get you fresh and
    ready to go and you can vary the amount of vodka to taste.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Orange I am a newbie and so thankful I have found you all! I love this thread and thanks for the compliment on my daughter. 



    Yep this is me today


    Lol Ok whats on the drink agenda for tonight? I think a glass of wine for me ..or maybe...

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, got the air off and the windows open for now, gonna heat up later tho, I don't like being cooped up in the A/C, love when I can open the house and get fresh air, of course it's better than having to have the heat on so I'm not really complaining. Woke up a bit better than yesterday, out of the wabbit hole. I need to sit and write my thank you's today , I keep putting it off. 

    NM, your DOTD reminds me of Cami on shower day...fresh and ready! Thanks for understanding, you described exactly how I feel. I am going to go spend a few nights at Molly's house next week I think. DH going out of town so I'll take the pooches and get together with her and her sister. They are both a hoot and make me laugh alot and they go to Thirsty Thursday at some bar and shopping at some farmers market, I'm looking forward to it. That'll be it for awhile after rads start cause she works every weekend and lives an hour 1/2 away. Glad to hear you get most weekends off now, so TGIF for u and Sadie. 

    Cami, so glad Joey's first day of school was good. It's gonna be hot here too this weekend. Enjoy your Fashion Police with Joey. Our pool here closes on Labor Day no matter what I think. Too bad but I think the insurance only goes till then. Chest just healed up enough for me to go so I might try to make it there before it closes. Hope your D goes away today.

    Nancy, sorry you have to find yourself here but since you do Welcome! Nice to meet you. Great pic of you and yer DD.

    Dnice, good morning to you, did your youngest daughter start school yet, I forget how old she is 14 or so? And the next one is in community college and living at home? Trying to remember. Anyway, have a good Friday.

    Lala, Wow, so sorry what happened during the interview, I'm sure it was nerves, that can give me D too. But it sounds like it worked out fine, I'm happy for you. I'm kinda missing my job now too, keeps my mind off of FURB. And the $$ is nice too. Hope it works out good and your Phd.. Wow, good for you. wish I would've gone to college, I've always regretted it, by the time I realized I wanted to go I was a single parent trying to survive. How long will it take you to complete it?

    Erin, hi, sorry I didn't make the lampshade party, but I was too tired and it being an a weekday i was afraid it would make me too tired for slacking today. Hope your dad is doing well, probably hot there, nice that you don't have to worry about someone shutting down your pool. Have you been using it a lot since the renovation? Let me know if u wanna party tonight. My DH just asked me if I wanna go to the zoo this afternoon. I've never been to the Cleveland Zoo, so I think we'll do that ifin it doesn't rain.

    PRN, 4,  busy with kids I'm sure, so Hi!

    Sue, hope you're having a fabulous vacay!

     And hi to Ally and anyone else I've missed...where's Red, she hasn't popped in in a long time.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    I go see my MO for the first time on Wed any advice on things I should prepare for?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    My cat, Moose I got him when he was 10 days old and bottle fed him, 17 lbs now. Our german shepherd at that time became his surrogate parent. We really think that he thinks he's a GSD..... and this is how they sleep

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014 Like my Red Solo Cup Happy Friday everyone

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Hi Nancy, welcome and cheers. Only ONE glass of wine? And that doesn't look like a glass of wine in your hand! How was the concert? Your DD is beautiful, and so is her mom. Cami is not insulting, she just a funny bunny. Whoa, doze is some fancy hats dere goil. What are you seeing the MO for. Are you awaiting any more treatment? Follow up? Do you have any concerns? Love the Pooh and Piglet scenario.

    Hmmmmm......Genny in Girls Gone Wild, to funny!

    Wacko, you don't hit the "back" button. In the area where you type, RIGHT CLICK and click "undo". You made me giggle with stomping like Herman Munster.

    Cam, good to hear that Joey's first day of school went without a hitch. Mese tinks he is one popular young man. And you say the "D" is gone, just has you worn out? Well, it's Friday now, so let's Par-Tay! Wow, and look at the Tiffany hat Wacko made for ye. Ize impressed!

    Genny, that rabbit hole is very inviting some times, and we've ALL been there. Glad your friend was able to talk you out of it. Yes, your life is forever changed, but as long as you feel good, try not to dwell on it. There is nothing you can do to change it. For me, it was only in the last year that I didn't think about cancer almost daily. Every time I looked in the mirror, my short hair (I've always had long), the weight gain from the Arimidex, the hot flashes, etc. Well, I hit my 5 year mark, lost some of the weight I gained, finished my 5 years of Arimidex and was feeling good. I got this beat!!! Wasn't going to be fully satisfied until I hit my 10 year mark. Well, that didn't happen, but I still feel good and I'm not in any pain. So I need to roll with this, put my big girl panties on and live life to the fullest while I can. And I know tomorrow will be just as good. It's just that sometimes those big girl panties are a little big, and they fall down....OOPS! Good riddens to those Pratt boys, they cheat too ya know! Time away with Molly sounds like the perfect thing to do.So hoping you can get that bill taken care of, that is just so wrong in so many ways. NOT YOUR FAULT!


    Cami, now where are you heading off to? Someone with a pewl I see. You should be safe in 4'.

    Lala, so sorry about what happened in your interview. Are you taking the job, not sure I understood that part. Wishing you all the luck in the world sweetie.

    NM, we have a good friend that works at this dealership, which is why we took it there. It's still not fixed, and they think that it's maybe messed up from when we got in that accident. I guess there are 2 drive shafts on a 4 wheel drive. The rear shaft was knocked off in the accident, the front part of it laying on the ground. Well, when the tow truck pulled it, that shaft was dragging and they think it might have shoved into something on the front drive shaft, messing up the 4 wheel drive. That's the best way I can explain it! So it has to go back yet again! The toy is both, a camper and you drive the quad up into it. I'll post pictures soon. Yeah for free weekends!

    LMAO, Fresh and Ready reminding Genny of Cami.

    Good Fried Day morn lovely lounge lizards. Thought this was funny.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Cami's hat.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    For Wacko.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    welcome ncollet we are a close knit and we post everyday welcome like the pics'

    Thanks goldie ill b fine

    genny just relax please

    heres a round of shots

    cam scary rainy day

    Nm I do need distraction

    oh goldie ill b done in a year or two I can teach undergrad when I graduate might do it online teach online

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    lolfunny pictures


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    funny-ecards-325.jpg 600×420 pixels

    funny-ecards-325.jpg 600×420

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Deer Hunting 911 via @Priscilla Pham Pham Pham Marie Abell Sharp

    Pin it


    MORE OF WTF-FUN-FACTS are coming HERE funny and weird facts ONLY

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good morning Ladies.

    My day started with 2 phone calls before coffee--I m not responsible for whtever I said. Anyway

    Lara what an interview, but u sounded like u got it together anyway. Now reexplain just wht u are going to do about the job thing. I hven't finished my coffee so I'm still confused.

    NM good for u--FRIED DAY is working out for u and Sadie.

    Nancy again why is this the firsr time u see u'r MO. I'm not understanding this--See what no coffee does to me.

    Oh and I filled the rabbit whole--don't worry no bunnies were injured during the making of the filling. So no one is allowed to go down there again--U stay up here and rant all u want--Beside I still own the title of queen of the complainers and no one is taking that from me. I like the tiera. I really don't ever think about cancer, but if my fingernail hurts all hell breaks loose. That's why I'm the queen.

    Oh Lori I think u meant to show a picture or something, can't see it tho. And u my dear are the queen of innocence and u are so gentle all the time to all of us.

    We have such a nice group here, I always look forward to see what's up, tho I can rarely help, cuz I don't really know things I know our little world here has major help from our nurses so that's always a thumbs up for everyone.

    Erin I hope u can do some relaxing, how is u'r DD doing.? U'r Dad sounds good and u are a superwoman taking care of him daily. We had someone living with my dad but I had a 2way radio right next to him if she was shopping or took the day off. And when My dad would call me I'd say I hear u dad and he kept on saying can u hear me---well I'd go rigt downstairs and tell him I could hear him and he'd always say wow u sound just like u'r in the room (don't forget my dad was blind) I enjoyed him so very much. Anyway........

    I hope SuzyQ is having a great time--she should be home soon right?

    I hop everyone had a good day and an even gooder weekend--We've had lots and lots of rain here, but jst missed the flooding areas so we got lucky.




  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    going out with the girls wine o clock starts now

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    hiyo goils, happy frieday! woop woop!! 

    I am still ticked over losing yesterday's post. I just tried hitting the back key again so I can try the undo feature as Goldie suggested and whilst I was trying it, mese computer did a forced restart. Ugh, I can't win.

    Lori, Jessica is doing somewhat better. I talked to her again last night and she sounded good. I am just so skeered over this whole baby thing. And I wish I could come to that car dealer and give them a piece of my mind. Err, ticks me off. And I doubt it is easy to just find another sincen you live in de middle of nowhere on top of de biggliest mountain. When is Sue coming back? And you leaving soon for MI and maybe IL to see Cam?

    Lara, so sorry little sis about the panic attack and the D too. But so happy that the guy understood and is still wanting you to work with him. I hope you can handle doing both, would be good for de bank account. I hear ya about struggling financially. It is sad when we have to hit our retirement accounts to make ends meet. I should have enough to retire in my 401k but have enough to live maybe a year and that is WIHTOUT likker. Daaaahm! 

    Cam, your Joey is jest so adorable. If Lori gits to meet him, I will be so envious that mese will likely turn green. Then I look more like Herman Munster when I stomp my feet hehe. I love your writing, your play on words and sarcasm. I love you. I hope you are doing well and are able to get in some more pool time. I know you enjoy being saved lol.

    Genny, thanks for the compliment but please, I am not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination. I do though think I look better now that I am wearing bangs cuz me has a berry high forehead which got higher everytime I was put under for surgery. I have layers of hair and can ID which surgery I had by the length of the regrowth. Anesthesia and my hair do not get along lol. I am so glad you came out of that rabbit hole girl. It is no way to live down there. I fall occasional but try to climb back out. I am glad that our NM was able to make you feel better. She is good that way as is our own Dr. Cammy, PHD. And awesome news about getting help with that flipping medical bill. Ugh, I feel your pain. Remember, This too shall Pass and you WILL get back to life as you once knew it.  Like you, I was disillusioned into thinking that I would be done this journey with recon in a year. Ironically, it has been ONE year today since my DIEP recon and I am still doing effing wound care on my belly. 

    Speaking of mese belly, not sure if I told you about the wicked pain I had yesterday morning. I ended up waking up laughing. What happened is I woke up and as I like to do, I try to lay on my stomach for a bit and stretch in hopes of being able to some day sleep on my belly again. Well I had this horrible pain and thought WTF and OMG, something is seriously wrong. Well don'tcha know, I pull my body up and find that I am laying on the center bracket for the new blind I had hung in my room the day before. Somehow it got under my covers and it was sticking into my numb area that is bandaged. I could not tell I was laying on an object because the area is so numb. But chit, I just giggled and giggled when I saw what is was that was jabbing me. Ugh. I can't believe i have been doing wound care to my belly for a year now. I would be closed if not for the abscesses. Still overall, I am still so close to being healed. 

    As far as swimming, I am really bummed out. My pool had been losing a lot of water, up to four inches a day. The pool guys said that they blocked the drain. Well I was thinking that the leak was coming from the light fixture so me drained the pool to below the light and it is still dropping the level so quickly. I have to either call that pool place again or another place I found that are experienced "leak detectors". My water bill was almost 700 for the quarter and that was before the pool was refilled after the renovation. I am torn as what to do. I feel like just filling it back up as it is starting to get algae on the sides. I was in there yesterday even with the level way down. I was cracking my Dad up as I was in the shallow end sitting. The water is only a few inchees deep on that end now. I was playing with my Rubber Ducky thermometer and my Rubber ducky chlorinater. I told Dad I felt like I was in a kiddie pool. I guess you had to be here to appreciate the humor lol.

    Hello to everyone else, I have to run and take my Dad out for hearing aid batteries, will be back in a bit. And if I do not make it, I will def be back for a partay tonight. I hope to see you all here!! Hats or no hats.

    oh btw, thanks Lori for topping my lampshade hat for Cammy, you always one up me woman. JK!!!! love you all! cheers!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    I am seeing my MO to see if I need Tamoxifen or chemo. My onco score is borderline 18. BS says just Tamoxifen so and Radiation so that is probably what will happen. I have to have a re-excision Sept 10 I am nervous about all of this but ready to stop having surgeries and get on with treatment. I have so many questions like why I keep getting these bruises on my legs and why are my hot flashes so much worse the last couple months and I haven't even started any treatment yet and what do I need to ask my MO to make sure I get all the info I need. Oh my I need a drink just thinking of it all ...

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    hey ncollett, yes take a DEEP BREATH.... and pour some wine.... Your oncotype is borderline. My onc in Boston said when it is in the mid range it is up to the patient to decide. I was lucky in that mine was a 5? So chemo really would not have helped. That made the decision easier. I am on Tamoxifen now. It made me lose weight? And I wake up with night sweats. It is bearable.... Sorry about needing a re excision. Not even sure what that is. Maybe write down your ?'s so you don't forget them like I do. I swear. My PS  made me so emotional I asked nothing. Just nodded in agreement. Lol. Anyway, TGIF. I'm having a hard lemonade. Then wine with fish tacos. Best to everyone! XoDnice

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Im going to have a nice big glass of wine and watch Say Yes to the Dress

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Cami I dont know why I am just now seeing him. I got referred by my PCP to my BS first and he did surgery and then referred me to MO 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    well we have to nurses on this thread ask away they help us all

    we r here for u


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Big sis lol that was funny u were laying on a blin dsoryy had to laugh I do stupid weird things all the time

    the pool is too much money

    kk bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OK my thinking is --oops I forgot. wait.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OK---Ncollet---I so agree withDnice--everytime u think of anything write it down, right then and when u go into the Doc 's office don't forget to ask everything u wrote down EVERYTHING and write down the answers too. Cuz sometime It's to much to remember or take a recorder with u. U have to be u'r own advocate and if u have to make decisions u want to be fully informed and if u can bring someone with u too. It might help the whole situation. hahaha Look who's talking the one that never asked anything, never brought anyone with me and never questioned one thing they did. hahaha In fact I rarely listened LOL I do remember hearing 2 yrs of no vacuuming and when I did say that the Dr. said I didn't say 2 yrs. and I said well that's how I heard it.

    OK Erin u Wacky Wacko sleeping on that thing u crack me up-Oh the pain of it all--oops u caused it u'rself. hahahaha Oh u'r pool sounds like it's in real trouble it might need a whole relining from under--that's big .Well the most important thing now is u'r DD and keeping her calm and u too--It's a big job but if anyone can do it, u can ERIN----

    Lara I'm so glad u'r going out tonite have a great time and just forget about everything and enjoy.

    Let's all have some wine or something, hmmm I've got to think wht I want. Cuz I think I will have something for a change. I'm throwing caution to the Wind--It's Gone with the Wind this time. And I'll think about it tomorrow.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I am waiting Camille Happy

    who is partaying tonight with me? 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    I'm in Erin. Really letting go. I just don't listen to anyone who bums me out anymore. Just have to breath deep and have peace about it all.... Wish the best for your dd.      

    ncollett- when is your appt with MO? Glad you can relax tonight with tv show? 

    Camillegal- hey.  Just hoping you are enjoying TGIF! 

    Xo Dnice

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    orange 73,  Lara?   Just wondering how the night with the girls is going . Wine o'clock started at 4:15 for me as well. Love your posts and hope you are happy with your job! Xo Dnice