how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    My appointment with MO is Wed the 27 at 1030. I have a nurse navigator going with me and a friend from church since my husband has to work. My concern right now is that I have Vitiligo and am already compromised and am having night sweats really bad already without any treatment. I am bruising to for no reason which also concerns me and have a nagging cough I cant get rid of. My joints hurt too. My nodes were clear and angiolymph system was as well. Just ready to find out what is going on.  Also concerned about what Tam is going to do to me. But know its something I have to do.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi all, I'm up for the lampshade party tonight. Plan was to go to the zoo with DH but it was too hot and my new foobs were hurting... so he said but I want to get you out of the house and suggested we go to the metro park and get some ice cream. So we get there and it is closed, we go for a walk and go across the street to the restaurant in the metro park where they have wine! So instead of ice cream we sit at a table on Lake Erie and have 2 glasses of wine. Very nice. Then we got home and made chicken on the grill and went out for ice cream, ha best of both worlds! Got a fried from my home town coming tomorrow for lunch, then out to dinner with friend maybe. Sunday going to see my baby, she is standing now, have to see for myself!

    Nancy, I have vitiligo too, what are the odds??  Been worried about how the radiation will go since I have absolutely no pigment under my arm. Started when I was 11 with a dime size spot on my hand, Now I'm albino on more than 50% of my body. Hoping it doesn't make me burn more from the rads. Good luck with your MO, I am meeting my new one on Wednesday. It's all very nerve wracking. 

    Lori, thanks for the pep talk. I know you were shooting for the 5 year mark, then the 10, I am doing the same however I just don't have a good feeling about it. So with that said, I have to live for today, really I'll be much better next week with my tx plan in pace. Sounds like you and DH gonna have lots of fun with the toy hauler and the camping and 4 wheeler.

    Wacko, so sorry about your pool, esp after spending so much money to get it fixed.. Good luck with that. Sleeping on the center bracket of the blind..HA!..funny funny. Hoping all works out with yer DD, see ya in the lounge in a little while.

    Lala, funny stuff, Red, like the dog hiding.

     Dnice, PRN,red and ally....  4  , heading down to the lounge, hope to see you there.



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014
    • OMG genny that is  weird. Mine also started when I was 11 very small spots on my arms and now I have it pretty much over 80-85% of my body. My breast and under my arm are completely white so I am very concerned about Radiation. Cheers to you my friend. 
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It's a sunny Saturday

    Ncollett--love the
    knot knot joke!

    Genny--bar hopping
    and farmer's markets, what a combo!Sounds like lots of fun, for you and the furbabies.Oh my, how adorable!What is it with GSDs that they like to sleep
    with their backs against something?Don't worry, Sadie and I won't tell Moose that he's a really a cat!

    Goldie--Wow, your
    poor truck, it sure has been abused!I
    cannot imagine dragging anything when being towed is good for future
    functioning.No wonder it needs more
    regular medical care than you do!

    teaching, now THAT would be a GREAT job! Hmmm. . . . .I may try living on potatoes and butter for a
    while, it should cut down on the grocery bill.

    Cammy--I'm with you,
    not responsible for anything before coffee!Your job here is keeping track of everyone, and you do that very

    Erin--I actually can
    imagine laughing in relief after finding out that a big pain has a not-cancer
    reason!Has it really been a year since
    your DIEP?Wow.So not fair that it's taking this long to
    totally heal up.Just wrong.And I can picture you playing kiddy pool!Hope you can find the leak and fix it,

    Ncollett--make sure
    to find out EXACTLY how much benefit chemo will give compared to hormone
    therapy only.For me, chemo would have
    changed my risk of recurrence from 5% to 3%, which to me was not worth the 33%
    chance of permanent nerve damage from the chemo.BUT--everyone is different, and each choice
    is individual.I did not have the
    benefit of the Oncotype test, so who really knows?And take someone with you to your
    appointment, and record it if the doc will allow.It's very emotional and hard to remember what
    gets said, sometimes.


    Genny--baby is
    standing! WOW!What a nice evening out,
    wine on the lake.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gold Standard

    1/2 oz Curacao

    1 oz Licor 43

    2 oz Jose Cuervo

    1 dash Orange Juice

    1/2 oz Sweet and
    Sour Mix


    Shake and serve in a
    chilled old-fashioned glass.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Nice DOTD NM, sounds like that should be with a handsome man with a small beard. I just reminds me of that. LOL Hope u have a wonderful weekend with Sadie--It is so humid here the windows are wet.

    I took my shower, I'm running out of sense, I mean scents--have to do something about it so I'm just plain vanilla today.

    Genny tomorrow is u big day seeing u'r baby and in the meantime u'r having a good time. Yay

    OK seriously u both have this skin thing. I never in my life met anyone with it--and yes what are the odds? I would thing the Docs will be up to date on all this so they should know exactly how to treat u. But if it were me, knowing nothing I would ask how many have they treated with this skin disease, just to know--if they say none or 50 at least u have a baseline of what they actually know. I never really asked a lot of questions but when it was something tht seemed odd I'd ask did u ever see this before? And a couple of times I've heard no--well then u know OK u know anyone who has. They'll do their homework then (normally) I would imagine u'r skin is very delicate- more than most people. Now u know I don't know anything it just seems so.

    OK everyone have a good day.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Julie love the dogs quote. 

    My favorite drink today would be a Mojito now I just have to go buy the stuff to make it. Have a good Saturday ladies.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


    good morning all,off today,hope you've had your coffee cammi,got my tea right now

    good luck with the mo appointments ladies,glad you all have got somebody to go with to take notes for you, writing down any questions you have before you go is good,keep a designated notebook or file for it,it helps

    dorty/wacko curtain blind!  isn't your pool work still under warrenty or something ,

    lori,voted for your photo but must be a time limit on it as it wouldn't let me do it this morning yet

    my hip started hurting in work yesterday ,had my patients giving me tips on the best way to relieve the pain.   on the good front ,booked my trip to the epcot food and wine festival next month

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Some funny stuff there Lara (Orange or Lala)! Hope you had an awesome time out with the girls.

    Cami, I had to work at those pictures, but finally got them to show. You would have to go back a page to see them. One was your Tiffany hat. Hmmmmm....the Queen of Innocence I like it! Such a sweetie you are, to fill that rabbit hole, but save the bunnies first. Only you!

    Oh Wacko, I'm cracking up. Losing your post and then a forced restart. I always delay mine, if I catch it, until I am done doing whatever it is I am doing. But you have that cray cray Windows 8, so not sure if it's different. Glad you didn't cause more damage to your tummy. And I'm glad you darling daughter is doing better. As for the truck, I really don't thinks it's their fault. Well, putting in the wrong fluid is, but had they not done that, we wouldn't have found the other problem, that we think is from the accident. Again, can you call your DD's doctor and have them suggest adoption? Yes, I leave on Sept. 6th and gonna try mese damnedest to take a road trip to see Cami. And NOTHING should take a year to heal. That is phucked up girl! As for Cami's hat, I was looking for one for mese damn self, and just happened upon that one. Was not TRYING to one up ya....but I did!

    Ok Nancy, you are just starting this journey then. I don't know anything about the "onco score" or what mine was. Hot flashes, well maybe you are going through normal menopause? In the end, it is all YOUR decision, and we have all been through different. I did lumpectomy, chemo, radiation and Arimidex. You might have more questions after your initial visit. And when you do, write them down, or you will surely forget. Ok, you have someone going with you, and you already have several questions to ask. Again, write them down!!! As for the Tammy, you could very well do just fine on them, most do! So don't fret that. And if you don't handle it well, there are other AI's to take. So that should be the least of your worries.

    Cami, you are a riot!

    Julie, that poor doggie is trying beery hard to hide.

    Genny, I sure hope rads go ok for you. I ended up with some third degree burns, as did NM. But everything healed and no scars. I actually made it to 6 years. I urge all of my friends to keep with their check ups for AT LEAST 10 years. Had I not insisted with my onc that I wanted to keep getting checked, I would not have known about my mets. The check ups don't keep us from getting cancer, but they can catch it at it's earliest. Your evening with hubby sounded wonderful! And Sweet Nora tomorrow. She is the cutest baby every! Until Logan gets here....hehe! Just kidding. Nora will be cutest girl baby, and Logan will be cutest boy baby.

    Haha NM, our truck needing more medical care than! DOTD has some killya in it, could draw SuziQ in wif dat one. Dat is if she home. Glad you and Sadie have a nice sunny day to enjoy. Are your Morning Glories blooming yet? Mine are. And how is your garden doing?

    Julie, I think you and I are the only ones without a fur baby?

    I keep thinking yesterday was Saturday and today Sunday, cuz we went to town on Thursday. Oh mese oh mise!!! Gimme a drink, cuz Ize has an extra day to dwink....woot woot!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014


    Love that hug Julie! So cute.

    Good morning girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Me again.....I just turned the page and saw everything. So funny and Lori I actually have one of those only in different shade of blue-LOL I don't know how I missed so many pics. But really finny ones too. I don't think it's to early to drink, well maybe it is a little, but soon. My computer is acting floofy so I have to do something, cept I don't know what, but I'll do it.'

    Hi Julie I missed u before.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014


    Hi DahhhhLinks!!   I'm back....been super silly busy since getting home Thurs late afternoon.  Had the whole story written here they the f'n gremlin got it.  Wish I had time to re-write.  But promise I'll get to you all soon.  See some new girls.  Welcome to the Lounge...we'll get to kno each other soon.  In the mean time, sending LOVE, PRAYERS, & POSITIVE HEALING ENERGY to all of you!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, SOrry I pooped out for the partay last night, my bad. I was dwinking a bit too early and crashed. I just got back from bisiting mese Mommy, she was having a good day, very talkative. She is very hard to understand but she talks a lot about Christmas and birthdays making me think that she is in a happy place inside her sweet head. 

    Welcome home SuzieQ, missed de hail outta ya. Great pic, you look so happy, yipppe, I will dwink to that, cheers! 

    Lori, I am not able to find out who my DD's doctor is due to privacy, otherwise I would ask him to talk to her about adoption. I am just so sick over the whole thing. I already love baby Logan with all mese heart but do think it would be best if Jessica would consider adoption for him. 

    Juliet, congrats on getting tickets for the epott wine festival, sounds awesome. Are you allowed to dwink these days? Seems you are often on the damn antib's, I hope you are able to partay hartay! wooop wooop. Good to see you here. 

    Camille, uh oh, out of sense? Why never, you make great sense. Ooops, you talking bout fragrance, I am sure you will find a way to smell purdy as can be. Your post on facebook made me laugh, the comment about buying 18 surgeries get one free. 

    Thanks to all of those who commented on my post. FUnny how many friends took that as being one year cancer free when I am in fact now four years out, woooo hooo. I always thought the five year point would be a fab time until Lori got smacked in the face at five years. I am still uber pissed and sad about that. But I am also uber proud of my girl Lori aka Goldie aka That innocent one (yeah right)! tehehehe.

    New goils, both with the same ailment? I thought at first it was a typo and you met to say vertigo. I had to look up vitiligo. Sorry you girls are suffering from that. I believe that is what Michael Jackson claimed to have which was making his skin turn white. I say no more on that subject since I got in trouble by the mods for something similar lol. It was on or about this day last year that I was banned from BCO for mentioned why certain people sing so well....I will leave it at that, if anyone is curious, PM me lol. 

    NM, your info for the girls is just so awesome.  Girls, listen to her and follow her guidance as she knows her chit when it comes to the rat bastard. 

    A funny story, well I tink funny anyway. When we was putting mese Mom back into the hallway, mese Dad rips some wicked stanky gas. Well this aid, she is preggers and due next month. Well she had to have smelled it, I made a face at my Dad and he goes and blames my Mom. He said "Oh Jean you are quite gassy today, PU". Well I just about burst out laughing but waiting until we got outside and just cracked up. Dad and I laughed the whole ride home. And I told him if he farts in my car and it smells, he is walking home. We just laugh at the silliest crap we do. 

    Genny, your evening sounded delightful. Having wine and overlooking Lake uh, I forget which one, was it lake Superior? Anywho, so glad you were able to get out. But I sorry you are having pain. You are really doing remarkably well considering. Count your blessings. 

    Well hello to the rest of my girls, sorry if I missed anyone. I have got to go and think about dinner.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Hi ladies, for now my computer is working--Joey and I fooled around with it.

    SuzyQ u look bootiful and u both look so happy--missed u lots. Those damn gremlins.

    Erin that was funny, u'r dad is sharp and we all know how u like the stanky ones too.

    It's my night with my little man, now that there is school we have ro have a night just for us  I haven't taken pain meds in 2 day, today is not so good, so I'm taking them, but it won't bother Joey and me, The weather was scary today monsoons and thunder flash floods all over the place and it's better now but the humidity (I pronounce that humm-a-ditty) was awful. But I don't think that was my problem, it's mostly my side where my intestines have moved (I laugh every time I say rhat) I gthink they're mad cuz they are not with the rest of the gang. And my liver and ribs not liking the pushing up that they do hahaha See I sound like a circus in there. Yes my flying organdos are giving me a big top Show. YYYYAAAAYYYY

    BTW Erin I remember hahaha

    I hope everyone has a good Saturday night and a good nites sleep.. I might be back later depending on my guy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    per Genny's request, let's sailabrate barbie's birthday lmao! 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, had a fabulous day, one of my friends from years ago came to visit today. We became friends when I was 28 and I got divorced and moved to a new town to be near meese mom. Anyway my son was 4 and Becky and I became fast friends and remained so for 6 or 7 years. Then you know how sometimes life takes you in different direction, I went to nursing school, she switched shops, got married and we lost touch for quite awhile. Well we reconnected a year or so ago and it was just like old times for us. Like we had seen each other yesterday, so fun when that happens. So she drove the hour and saw our condo and we went to lunch and shopping and then to The Wine Bar for a glass of wine and then out for ice cream. Really nice day but boy was I sore when I got home!. I took my Percocet and 2 advil and now a glass of wine and feeling so much better. Not sure if I want to do the whole farmers market, shopping and thirsty Thursday thing, it may be too much. It seems about 4 hours of being really active is all I've got right now. Opps, glass is to take care of dat... OK, back now, where was I?

    Oh yeah, Michael Jackson and vitiligo, pretty sure that's what he really had, with me it started where my hands and feet were white first and they said that's how the sparkly glove and socks started to cover it up and that makes sense to me...speaking of sense, Cami, you always make perfect sense to me, and I love your vanilla scents as well, you smellin' purdy. And have a great time with your boy, sounds nice. Hope the pain pill is working and sorry your organs are kinfuzed and dont know where day belong.

    Erin, I was one of them that read 1 year, 4 years!! Much better, now if we can just get da puka healed up. Glad yer mom was feeling happy in her place wherever it is. I'm sure it's a comfort when she's like that, and yer dad and the farting, too funny! As far as your DD, I really think it will work out the way it's supposed to. If she keeps the baby there will be a way. She in her 20's right, it's not like she's 15, I was 28 and divorced, with a 4 year old and poor and had nothing. A car full of clothes and not much else. And I would have been better off if I had never married the sperm donor. I had my mom and she was such a great help and we didn't have a lot but it all worked out. And now I have Nora and a beautiful daughter-in-law and a wonderful DH, and a nice life. And I believe your daughter and little Logan will be the light of yours and your daughter's lives. And she certainly knows that adoption is an option and if she chooses that, some wonderful caring couple will make him the light of their lives. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox now but that's what I think. Oh, and I live by Lake Erie. Tomorrow going to DS and DIL and they're making fish taco's for lunch and I get to see my baby stand!! YEA, can't wait! I'll be posting a pic or 2 for sure.

    Julie, have fun at the festival, and I loved the hiding dog, and the penguin hugs too and that's my kinda wine glass! Yer off this weekend?

    Lori, too bad about your truck, I hate car problems but I would especially hate it if I was 90 minutes away from everything. So why don't you have any furbabies with all that property and working from home? When do you take the toy hauler for it's first test run? You probably need the truck to do it. I'll probably be looking to you and NM for tips with the rads, I suspect they'll start in a few weeks.

    NM, hope you and Sadie are having a nice weekend, glad the sun is shining. Thanks for not telling Moose he's not a GSD, I'm hoping he never has to find out.

    Sue, so glad to see you back here! Sorry about the post eating gremlins, I just hate them. You both look wonderful, can't wait to hear the vacay details, and hopefully pics too.

    Nancy, hope you're enjoying your mojito. I do have a feeling the rads may be a little rougher for us, my skin is so sensitive and I've read that the burning is a little rougher for light complected people, and it doesn't get much lighter than no pigment. Just curious, do you have any thyroid issues? Anyway, glad you found us girls, have a good weekend.

    Lala, loving all your uber humor, hope your girl time was fun, have a great weekend, when do u start your new job?

    Dnice, hope your having some fun.

    Everybody else, hope you're all having a great weekend, I'm drinking my wine and watching lifetime..luv to all XXOO

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    check out this baby, if this doesn't make you laugh, nothing will!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Genny, there is nothing sweeter than a belly laugh from a baby. Here is another favorite of mine and it features wiener dogs which is my fav breed in the world!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    genny you really ae doing amazing out and about.. Now are you doing recon???? I am confused

    always fun with the goils, apps and champagne then dirty martinis .. DH wakes up so early I get up prob go bk to bed at like noon lol.I went bed dont l;augh at 8 lol I get so tired since turning 40 I cant drink late im an old boring person now lol

    The job is like my own biz.. I can work hard or not lol, Oh that part time job I talk to her Monday I do have Long term disability call that day to. I really do not want to do that. I worked through all this chit until they layed off my team 2 days before implants went in.. Remember I freaked

    well the tats have not faded which means she did go deep I think that why my skin started falling off. Also they use different things then regular tat . I can see the stitch like thing she used on my tat.I hate how I look right now but I can not concentrate on that.

    Hi Juliet.. Your hip not good

    Hi cam everyone else ill poop in latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014



    Komen Northwest NC Homepage

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    You're not sorry. Pharmacy funny

    You're not sorry

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Not a worry...

    Not a worry...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin it



    City planning

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Lara u sound good and u'r pics so funny. I know u'r not happy about things but u'r doing better than before, I hope that helps. (((HUGS)))

    That dog pic was so funny too. I still laugh at my cat and dog, how my cat used to just slap this huge dog and still the dog gets up out of the cats way when she's walking thru the room with her tail pointed straight up and doesn't care about the dog. Yet they lay together at the front door when it's open so they can watch the world.

    Wow Genny u sure are doing well, I'm so glad u had such a wonderful time. It feels good to laugh and u should. I hope u'r resting up for Nora now cuz that's the best part of u'r weekend. 

    BTW u 2 have to tell us about u'r rads cuz of u'r skin disease, It's got to be something different--I don't know but it all befuddles me how they will do it. And if u both get the same treatment too.

    My nite with Joey was great we just talk about everything--he's actually interesting to me and we start talking techy stuff I have to stop him, and he said that's all right I'll take care of those things for u. He's so sweet to me.

    OK I'm going to try to go back to sleep, Im sure I will then sleep most of the day. No phones (usually) on Sunday.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Sunday!

    Julie--Love the
    apology for relatives!

    Cammy--Sadie and I
    are having a great, lazy weekend, thank you!Getting very little done and loving every minute of it.Food and wine festival at Epcot?Wow!Sounds like great fun.

    Goldie--The morning
    glories I planted this season are not blooming, but some old ones from years
    ago are!One year I planted morning
    glories in a window box, those are still around, even though the window box
    itself is long gone.Got a couple of
    tomatoes out of the garden, needs to be weeded badly, maybe later today. . .


    Erin--It does sounds
    like your Mom is in a happy place, what we in the business call
    "pleasantly confused".It's
    good to be in a happy place.Very silly
    phart story!

    "hi" to Joey for me.Glad you
    and Joey have time together.Have fun!

    Genny--Hooray for a
    fabulous day!Good for you and your
    friend!That baby laffing video is
    soooooooooooo funny!

    Erin--I love that
    video, too!

    ORLA--I'm praying
    that your tatts will evolve and look good in time.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Gremlin Fixer

    2/3 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Apricot

    2/3 oz Dry Vermouth

    2/3 oz Pisang Ambon

    3 oz Pineapple Juice


    Shake and strain
    into a highball glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig, and

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies! Hope you're all having a nice Sunday. Yesterday was nice, but too much too soon I guess. I was pretty uncomfortable throughout the night but feeling much better now. Definitely not going to the farmers market and thirsty Thur stuff, just not worth it. My PS has only given me enough Percocet for about a week if I take 2/day and some ibuprofen in between. I hope he'll give me more if I need them, do any of you remember how long it took for the pain to wain? DH golfing, then we'll be going to see my sweetie, it will brighten up my day that's for sure. I'm having a lot of trouble getting my mind off of the fact that my path report said tx was "ineffective" and extranodal extension was "extensive". I'll be so glad to get to my BS tomorrow and new MO on Tuesday. This is much like I felt in the very beginning. This feeling of the unknown, at least now I know how to identify it and deal with it a bit better. And now I'm wondering since the chemo didn't work and it's been 6 months since metastatic work-up should I ask for another? An MRI at least? What do u nurses think? So enough of that, I found Nora the most beautiful little Xmas dress! I know what you're thinking but I was at the Nordstrom Rack store and there it was, size 12 months, velvet and red satin with velvet leggings to match for $10.50. I'm going to take it with me today, hope her mom likes it although I don't know how she could not.

    NM, ha Gremlin fixer!, Don't know how you come up with em'.

    Cami, glad u had a good night with Joey.

    Lala, love the funny pics. I have TE's, have to keep them till after rads, then the exchange and I'll be done. I am not doing nipple recon or tats, gonna be 57, just not important to me anymore.

    Erin, another funny baby laugh, very cute, thanks.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Julie, thanks for voting on my picture. I believe the voting is every 24 hours. I am so sorry about your hip, I hope it's nothing, but don't ignore it, please! Your wine trip sounds wonderful.

    Cami, glad you got to see your hat that I got for you. (Whispering) It's much nicer than the one Wacko got you! Shhhhh, don't tell her I said that.

    So lovely to see that bootiful face when I walked into the lounge. Welcome home LDB. That stands for Lil Doyty Butt on MemaSue, it's what I call her. She came to stay at my place for a few days and would sit on mese porch. Well, we have red dirt here, and she would get a dirty butt.

    Dofey (Erin_Soo) so good to hear how well your mom is doing. How is the spitting and such? It must make your heart feel good to see her on those good days. I pray she has many! You mean your DD won't tell you who her doctor is? Can you go with her to an appointment, then just send them a letter or something. I wonder if her doc knows she was in hospital? Yes, ize innocent....until proven guilty. i remember you getting in trouble! Mese tinks dat be your middle name, just like Stella. And you daddy too! Blaming your sweet mommy for cutting the cheese. And Barbie is telling a fib, she is 57.

    Cami, amazing how we can be (well not me, cuz I not in pain) or should I say you and some other gals. Can get excited about not having pain for 2 days. I hope the pills help, as well as that "man" of yours and I hope today is a pain free day. The Flying Organda's need to retire! And no phone Sunday is a good rule! Hope you were able to go back to sleep.

    Geeze Louse, I mean and ice cream again??? Glad you had such a nice time with your friend. My husband and I go away a lot, and there would not be anyone to take care of any animals, if we had any. My DH has never had a dog, and I am such a hair fanatic, can't stand having hair on anything, even the floor. If I see some, I have to pick it up. I have even been know to pick hair off the back of a strangers shirt, if they are in front of me, in a line at a store. The dogs we had (my ex and kids) were always outdoor dogs, never in the house. Growing up, we had indoor dogs, GSD's, Chows and Schnauzer. Have fun with Nora we have to tell you that.

    Lala, there are times I go to bed at 7! So you are good at 8. And at 40, you are NOT old! How has your pain been?

    Ok NM, a few tomatoes only? I remembered you planted all kinds of stuff. Do your Morning Glory's look like mine? I know there are different kinds.

    You're welcome Genny, for me not knocking you into the pewl. Now you see, we can say "told ya so". We told you to take it easy and do not over do!!! The said the chemo was not effective? I don't think I've ever heard that. Shoot, I was getting checked every 3 months for the first 3 years, then went to 6 months after that. And if some scans would put your mind at ease, ask for them! Can't wait to see Nora's Christmas dress, what a deal! I like your new avatar, we can see you.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014
