how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good evening goils! Didn't get to go to the BS today, they called me dis mornin' and said she was sick. Well, of course, probably 1st time sick in 5 yrs but it has to be today when I ready to crawl outta my skin with the lab report. So now I go to her at 8:30 Wed morning and MO tomorrow. I was reading the report further and at says micromets in 0 lymph nodes and macromets in 10 nodes. That doesn't sound to good to me either. Anywho, it is what it is I guess. I think I'll ask the MO about taking Xeloda, the AI's are a given, and so are the rads.

    NM, thanks so much for your input. I did not know about the problems with PET so soon after surgery. Maybe they can find out if it's in more nodes from a C/T. Guess I'll know tomorrow. I am going to ask to get on the AI's right away. Glad you got some lazy time with Sadie this weekend, hope u had a decent monkeyday.

    Sue, I am Mary, my puter name is Genny which was my mom's name. It's on here somewhere a few pages back. It's just the name I picked when I registered cause I was missing my mom a lot at that time. Sorry about the pukin". Is it folliculitis on yers scalp? Oh I hate that, i had it bad. Glad you were feeling better this ayem and had a goodtime on yer vacation. When will ya be seein Maddy agin?

    Nancy, I figured you probly did have the thyroid chit. It's the leading autoimmune link to vitiligo. Sounds like you've got plenty of other stuff too. You grandson is beautiful, and I think a rake would be the next best thing to a net when landing a fish! And I don't know who Luke Brian is but I'd like to. Wow! he's cute!

    Erin, I sat in my chair today till noon. Then I decided to get dressed and go for a walk, which I did... at 5, no ambishin at all. Liked your statistic thing, very interesting. Hope your DD is doing ok, and yer mom and pop too.

    Lala, sorry about your neck. Compared to me you are real tall, I'm only 5'3" Good luck with the job search, hope you like yer new one.

    Lori, how's it going with the truck? tanks for da compliments on Nora and my boy. Bet you're dyin to get that toy hauler out for a spin.

    4sew, Hi, glad yer back.

    everyone else, xanax and percocet kickin in, hafta sleep now, sweet dreams

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    SUZ. yippee, tanks for stopping in. And tanks for de extra prayers, GOd bless ye for doing that for us. I jest picked mese DD up from de hospital todey, she feeling a good bit better. Glad the D nessappeared and congrats on de weight loss. and chit, sorry about you feeling so dern sick, I sez prayers for you and ask God to neber eber let dat happen again. Aint NOBUDDY got time for dat.

    Sorry foygot to answer Lori question.....a shrink aka phychologist jest talks and gives suggestions on tings in mese life. The Phychiatrist on de other hand, he prescribes dwugs. He de one that gibed me the dwug that mese insurance wont cover. which btw NM, I have not yet acted on the issue. part of mese lack of ambitchSHON> 

    goils, I foyget to tail ye all that the puppy deal has fallen through, mese so sad but wuz expecting it to happen. de lady sends me a text saying that her kiddies been crying dey and night after finding out I am taking their puppy away. so she apolojesus and tails me she gonna take puppalena to AZ with them and not sale her after all. I sorta happy as I know it is best for puppy and for her kiddies. but sad for mese. dat okey though cuz puppy and kiddies more impoetant dan mese. 

    back to suz, mese turdeen sheets to de wind dis night, been dwinking sincen 4 pee em. mese jest in a funk ober not working, need to do sumting yet dont wanna do that job eber ever eber and eber again.

    i watching Jimmy kimmell, he nuts. He is asking a widdle boy for suggetions on raising his new DD. And he tailing this little boy that he wants to teach the baby curse words, teach her how to bully etc. The expressions on this widdle boy face is priceless.

    So Suz, Mary ID'd herself, she is Genny. And I admire her for making a statement in using her dear Mommy's name as her own. I so sorry she, mary aka genny is sad ober losng her mommy Genny. Mee mommy is far away in her head but at least she is HERE on earf with mese. I neber eber eber wanna be an orphan.

    and yep, wese having a fin partay dis week, wooo hooo for Lynne!!!! 

    hehe, if you google fin partay, it shows a real finn party as in democrat /repulpipelican partay/finn partay heheheheehe. now dat IS funny. i bb in a minute, has to find de bafroom to pee. aka tinkle. pizz, wiss, etc ahhhhhh, gotta go bad. brb

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Genny, I forgot to mention that I am sorry about the BS postponing on you, crud, that stinks. But I tink the MO will have more info than the BS will have. The BS spayshallty is sadly, taking yer boobs and turning em into foobs while the MO job is about treatment, about ye future. So do not fret. I tink a good ting that BS sick cuz you will get more out of the onc and the BS mighten jest funcuse ya more if you see her first. and FYI, I fired my BS after mese first follow up. as far as mese sunkerned, BS is worthless since you no longer have breasts. welcome to foob land girl, if ya wanna be brazin, fire the BS like me. In all honesty, I asked my primary care dr why I have a breast surgeon when I have no breasts. His reply was that he did not see a reason for me to see a BS as long as I followed up regulary with mese onc. So dere, take that lady BS calling out sick on my goil, she wortfless. hehe. ok, trying to lighten yer mood, dats all.

    I miss Julie working nights and also miss our goil from Ireland and mese Chrissy B too. cuz dese goils post in de middle of de night and keep me companiony. ok, I am not a hundred and turdeen sheets to de wind so I go.....burp~ooops.. 

    peace out chicks, and God love and portect ye all +


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    well it feels like the middle of the night to me ,its 0529 time for work

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Hot and humid again, had to
    run the AC last night.But I slept
    really good!

    Cammy--hope the
    puter gets working again!4 years is old
    for a computer these days.

    apologies needed for spending time with the grandson, who is ADORABLE, by the

    4--good morning!

    cold, and then there's COLD.I can deal
    with cold.It's when double digits under
    the donut that it gets crazy.

    ORLA--Can't wait to
    see you get iced!

    Erin--It was an
    interesting Monday, to say the least.Gonna be a busy week, but that's life in the fast lane!Boy, those are some stats!

    Mema--You had a long
    day, didn't you?Could the tummy
    troubles have been nerves?I know I get
    that way when I'm anxious.

    Genny--Micromets are
    very small (as in microscopic) amounts of cancer cells in the lymph node.Micromets can be as small as only one cancer
    cell seen.Macromets are bigger,with several cancer cells clumped
    together.There have to be several
    macromets present before the lymph node starts to swell.A CT scan can tell if there are enlarged
    (swollen) lymph nodes, but can't tell if the swelling is due to macromets or an
    infection somewhere in the body that drains to that lymph node.When someone has cancer and enlarged lymph
    nodes are found for the first time, the scan is repeated in a couple of months,
    if the swelling is still there it is presumed to be mets, if it's gone it was
    an infection.I can relate to the
    wanting to know, I really can.

    Erin--sorry the
    puppy deal fell through, but it probably is for the best for the puppy and
    kidlets.There will be another puppy for
    you, soon, I just know!

    Julie--getting up at
    O Dark Thirty is NOT FUN.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 oz (chilled)
    Southern Comfort

    1 oz (chilled) Vodka

    1 oz (chilled)

    1 oz (chilled)

    1 oz (chilled)
    Rumple Minze

    1 oz (chilled) Black

    3 cubes (Cubed) Ice

    2 oz (chilled)
    Energy Drink

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    Stir. Serve. Protect
    your face from hitting the floor.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    well im 5'8 I looked 5'10 super models lol

    I see a pyschartist I call him my pyscho lol.. I have to see him today

    I have names for all my docs some good some bad

    NM great details for genny

    genny that is great u walk

    I need to str=art

    If I laugh or cry I fee; heavy presurre like I can feel my implant like im anout to burst so im goiing to b careful


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin it


    OMG.. Perfectly said!!! Jajajajaja

    Pin it


    white elephant gift...would be so funny!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Pin itSend



    Pin itSend


    I feel fine/nothing, Edie Nadelhaft

    Pin itSend


    Chirrrrp - how ya doin?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning girls, drinking my coffee and reading the posts. DH still sleeping, I don't know how many times he hit his snooze button but I guess it gave up. I'm back to sleeping in the chair, tried the bed for a few nights but decided I do better in the chair for now. My DH was supposed to be in a mandatory yearly business meeting in NH today but of course it was the only day I could see the new MO so the company gave him a pass. He is a manufacturers rep for 3 companies so he's self employed but is expected to be at these meetings. Been hot and muggy here, just opened the house for this ayem so Moose and I could get some fresh air but prolly gonna have to turn the air back on, makes me feel cooped up.

    NM thanks again for your input, I knew about the macro vs micro, that's a lot of what's got me concerned, wondering if it's gotten into the level three nodes and if they're gonna want to do more chemo or finding more and deciding I'm stage IV. No point in making myself crazy with what if's I know but it's hard not to and this is the one place that I can vent. I don't like to talk about it to my DH. Anyway I'm glad to finally be getting to these various docs, it'll be 3 weeks Thursday since my surgery, that's a long time to fret. Maybe I should just drink the DOTD cause I don't think any of it would matter after that. Face hitting the floor sounds about right. Hope yer crazy Tuesday goes fast and yer home with yer Sadie in no time. And thanks agin.

    Erin, Glad your DD is feeling better, hope her outlook is getting better, treating depression can be a challenge when preggos I'm sure. Any word from da poopyhead babydaddy? I just know another little weiner dog is coming yer way. Have ya looked on petfinder? That's where I got my little Junior and I just lubs him to pieces. I know the real info is going to come from the MO, my problem is my favorite doc of em' all is my BS, I just love her and wish she could be my PCP and my MO. Too bad I prolly won't be seeing her after this next appt. Hope you find a job soon dat you really love, dat's my prayer for u.

    Gonna post this so's da gremlins don't get it and go make more coffee and to the potty and I'll be back

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    OK, i'm back, had breakfast and pooped and made furbabies breakfast and took mese percocet an anudder cup o' joe. DH out with dogs now. I can still walk JR but not Emma so he's on dog duty all da time now. So where was I?

    Lala, love the pin it's. Like the earrings. going to try and get out and walk again today, I just want this weight off of me, and it helps my mood. I wonder if you had them put a bit smaller implant in you if it would relieve a lot of your pain? That's terrible to have pain for thislong, and even if you just laugh or cry? I'm wondering how this skin is going to stretch to 350cc, I just can't imagine 750cc, ouch! Good luck with yer psycho today.

    Lori, hi, hope you have a good day of working and gardening, or whatever yer doing.

    Julie, Hi to you too, an hour or so into your shift now, hope it's an easy day. 

    Nancy, I think Lori was right, we're gonna have to fix Nora and your little guy up in about 25 years, they'd make us some bootiful ggbabies. Of course then we'd have to fight over where them living in IN or OH so maybe not such a good idea. When do you go to the MO? I forget, this week I think. Hopefully we'll both have lots of answers soon. Good luck with yours

    Moose is getting it on with his girlfriend right now, just humping and growling away. Her name is Gloria and she is a stuffed schnauzer and he has been assaulting her since he was a kitten. Had him neutered when he was 3 months old but I guess it's cause he tinks he's a gsd. He even ripped her head off once and I had to sew it back on... he likes it rough..and dirty. I washed her once and he didn't have a thing to do with her for weeks. I've never seen a cat do that til him.

    4/Lynne, don't tink I ever knew your name till now. We're all in yer pocket for Friday, matching fins after all this time! yea!

    Prn, ally and everbody else have a great day!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies. I am drinking my coffee with a little Baileys of course thinking about questions to ask my MO tomorrow when I finally get to meet him. Thank you all for the kind words and I feel really close to this group. I heard the farmers almanac is predicting another frozen tundra this winter for us Hoosiers. I think me needs to head south for the winter. I hate being cold! If I could only convince my DH. Genny Luke Bryan is one of the bestest  Country Music stars along with Keith Urban and Kenny Chesney of course. Here is one of his songs for you all to enjoy

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Just one more pic, her GG got this for her, I can't believe all she's doing for 7 1/2 months, she is such a handfull. My DS posted a video on facebook last night of her trying to crawl out of the doggie door.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    Jackson with his Uncle Mike (My DS) when he was a baby

    Jackson with his my DD (his mommy)


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    OMG Genny your granddaughter is so so cute!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    A rake to get the fish....too cute Nancy.

    Lala, I am 5'9". Mema is tall too. Ice bucket challenge eh, can't wait! Love "The Orange Show". And you are Super Model here, k? Those TP earrings are too cute.

    Photo: <img class= lol :) ha ! ;)" src="" />

    My sweet lazy (wif a capital Z) Wacko, I leave Sept. 6, a week from Saturday. As for bixing a computer, I don't think I would know how to do that. I am not as smart as you think I iz. My windows need cleaning too, oy vey. But it keeps raining, so I'm not doing it. I have lots of them and they are huge! Interesting stuff from 100 years ago, wow! And those sweet little kids get to keep thier puppy, that is good for them, but bad for you. But you are sweet and totally understand that. And thanks for splainin the shrink and Phsyc.

    Oh no Sue, I can't believe you get that foliculitis so easy and it gets so bad. CHIT, you no need dat, spayshully after getting sick! Dayem! Woo hoo on the 7 lbs, may it nessapear for eber. LOL, who is Mary. Dat be Genny, her real name is Mary, Genny is her momma. Ooops, I see she splained. And I jess a little shorter den ewe. Awwwww, you so sweet, I will watch the mail. Went yesterday, and DH might go today before it rains. As you know, can't get out iffen it rains. What all did you do on your trip and who all went?

    Genny/Mary, I hope the news you get isn't as bad as what you are anticipating. Have you written your questions down? And you can change your name iffen you like. Wacko does it all the time. And yes, we are anxious to get the trailer out and the quad! Face hitting the floor....we've all been there/done that. And yep, coming here to vent is about the best thing. I just find that nobody gets it, like my girls here do. Saying a prayer for you that it is not as bad as you are anticipating. Good luck today!

    Julie, are you on a 7-3 shift? Which shift do you like the best?

    LOL NM, double digits under the donut! Ooooooo, I jes hate winter. More so that is gets dark so early. Interesting DOTD. I often wonder what some of them really taste like. some have so many likkers in them, I can't see how they could possibly taste any good! I think a bizzy week helps it go by faster.

    OMG, I'm cracking up over Moose. That is hilarious! At first I was like, why is she letting the cat do that, and WHY is she watching!!! ROTFLMAO!

    Holy crap, good thing I refreshed. All kinds of partying going on. Nancy your son is a hunk too. And we love to see pics of the babies.

    Mary, that Nora is so cute. I love seeing her little face.

    Hey Lynne! Happy Twosday to you too. Are you getting anxious?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning---I'm rushing on my post, didn't ketchup on everone---I think I need a new battery, That's my conclusion I don't even know if that's possible, but I've never changed this battery.???

    I can't believe all the beautifuly blonde babies here. U don't see blondes in my family or blue eyes. They are jst gorgeous. OK just poopin in to say hit to ll who I lubs so much--- There'e a little thing that pops ups to say my battery cannot hold a charge I never lmew u had to replace batterie. So I know how much they cost so hopefully I'll get one in the next few days. Must be the main battery. Right? Have to ket it rest now.---I don't know WTF I'm doing.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Ok Girls here goes!  It is the first day in like FOREVER I have the house and comPOOTer to meself and don't have anywhere I have to go!!!  So I iz gonna tri to ketchup!!

    Now I see it is proper form to have coffee and poop first, so I just did that and now I can think less crookedly!

    For you girls with doc appointments this week YES, write your questions down.  I typed mine up and took 3 copies with me and pens too!  One for the doc, one for me and one for DH.  That way when we went through them we could all take notes and be on the same page, literally.

    Genny, I know first hand the node thing is scary!  I know my BS took all level 1-2 and I think he got some of all of level 3.  Level 4 got zapped and my RO was the only one that the extra-nodal extension seemed to factor into his treatment plan.  As for the more chemo thing, make them give you all the intel and if he does the adjuvant online thing (I tink dat what it is called) keep in mind that it is very general and doesn't take specifics into account.  You might also ask about the TargetNow chemo sensitivity test.  YOu could also request that separate path be run on your nodes.  They usually just test the tumor and don't run path on the nodes.  It is not unheard of that they are different.  It has a big name I don't remember.  It is the one thing I didn't get done even though I asked and to this day it still bugs me.  If the path on the nodes is more aggressive, it might answer your more chemo question.  Also the Lobular thing just throws a wrench in because it does respond so differently so hopefully your new MO has some good ideas!!!  I am so glad they are actually starting to differentiate and study it separately.  Good Luck today!  Sorry the BS had to shift you around this week.

    Genny, does your path say pleomorphic?? That one is more difficult I think.

    M. D. Anderson pioneered use of the neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer through a series of clinical trials conducted at the institution between 1985 and 2002. But patients were not divided by tumor histology within these studies because too few women had invasive lobular carcinoma. Now, by combining these trials together, Cristofanilli and his research team had enough patients (122 with invasive lobular carcinoma and 912 with invasive ductal carcinoma) to better understand possible effects of treatments on response and outcome.

    They evaluated the impact of "histological" type of cancer - determined from tumor biopsies - on the likelihood that patients would achieve a "pathological complete response," on evidence of cancer remaining in the breast or lymph nodes, and on long-term outcome.

    What they found was contrary to what they had anticipated. Women with invasive lobular carcinoma had a poorer response to primary chemotherapy yet better overall survival. Specifically, only 3 percent of lobular carcinoma patients had a pathological complete response, compared to 15 percent of ductal carcinoma patients; 41 percent of women with lobular cancers had residual lymph node disease compared to 26 percent of women with ductal disease.

    Yet, five years after treatment, breast cancer had not come back in 80 percent of women with lobular carcinoma, compared with 66 percent of ductal carcinoma patients. And five-year survival in women with invasive lobular carcinoma was significantly higher - 91 percent - compared with 72 percent in women with invasive ductal carcinoma.

    Ok, going to reed and I will BRB!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    Cami, can't you just leave the computer plugged in and run it off of the electricity, instead of the battery? Assuming it's a laptop.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Ok here goes and I offishally declair this a NO GREMLIN THREAD!  I feed them this so they leave all the posts alone!


    I'm starting 3 pages back and trying to ketchup :-)

    LaLa!  Funny stuff.  I don't allow myself to go on Pintrest.  I would prolly never leave!  Good luck with the jobs.  I hope it works out just how you want it too.  I understand about the money and taking some weight off the DH.  Mine has been a real trooper through the ankle shatter, the effing FURB, the kids, all the surgeries, etc.....  I too am tall 5'10" until gravity started compressing me spine in me old age!  I'm like 5'9" now.   And your Foobs are not HUGE.  I have a 700cc fin and the one I lost was 800cc.  They really don't look big at all.  Pretty close to what I had before if I rolled the old saggy ones up and put them in a bra!  It is good to hear you feeling well and happy!

    Cami!  Sorry about the pooter.  Like Lori said you should be able to just keep it plugged in, but that being said, the power brick can go bad or the wires in the cord can break and then it doesn't get the juice that it needs.  You are always so sweet to look out for everyone!  Joey sounds like such a doll.  Seriously, My 10 year old girl child is a sweetie.  Want to make an arrangement???  I hope the D is staying away and you are feeling good.  If what Suzi said is twu, you need to be careful cuz if the pounds she lost was all chit, you could be in twubble wif dat D!!!  Did you restock your stash of smells so you smelling great again??!  I use the scented Epsom salts in my cuzi tub and love them.  Tank Ye for filling up de Wabbit Hole.  Only ting good down there are the Tea Parties that Mad man throws, but we have better parties up here in de lounge.  I loved your lampshade that de Innocent One one upped the wacko on!  Seriously though.  I love reading your posts and love your attitude and disposition!!!  I will never understand why YOU are on a Watch list!!!

    Erin!  I keeps saying my prayers for your DD and dat baby Logan.  It's hard to watch our kids at any age head down a path we would not have picked for them cuz we know the hardships that can come with it.  I hope she is feeling better and dat baby daddy just make it rain $$ from a far like QT said!  Glad your mom is in a happy place these days.  Sounds like the new place has been good for her.  Nice you got a break the other day too when your sis took your daddy out.  He sounds like he is in a good place too.  Hey, did he ever hear from the lady that was hot to trott for his body???  Big bummer on the pool.  I can jus see you sitting in the Kiddie end splashing around.  You not lazy!  cuz if you are, I am too!  I just keep watching chit (well not literal chit) around me and I know I should be doing something, but I just don't really want to!  It is exhaustipating just getting through the stuff that has to be done every day let alone what needs to be done.  This school thing is kicking my arse.  AP calc homework alone.  Your posts always make me smile!  You struggle to keep things on track for your whole family and they are so lucky they has you.  How's that Puka?  all gone yet?  An yer eye?  Do you look like Popeye??  I loved the G'Slacker!  Guess that makes you D'Slakka and me L'Slakka!!

    NCollett!  Nice to meet you!  Sorry you find yourself here and that you are still in that decision making part of this "journey".  I hate that term, journey should be something exciting and fun, not FURB.  Your grandson is a cutie!  A couple of my kids were that blonde, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.  Did he catch a big fish for dinner??  or did the big one get away!!  Good luck with your MO this week. 

    D'Nice! Nice to meet you too!  Your vacay sounded wunnerful. And 3 girls!  I always said if I have to have 3 teenagers in my house at once I am glad they are boys!  How are you surviving!  I love hard lemonade!!!  And Wine O'Clock is my favorite time of day, even if I don't drink wine.  It does funny, unpleasant things to me.  

    Juliet!  Love the funnies!  And always with the great nurses advice!  Your trip to Disney sounded fun!  I chaperoned the 8th grade band there 2 years in a row.  I didn't have an 8th grader last year and had withdrawals!!  And the food and wine festival sounds awesome.  The chef I have taken cake lessons from does a big thing there every year.  I would love to get to go sometime.  My DH goes down to Weston frequently and we have a school break coming up so maybe I will get to head that way soon.  Don't work too hard!  How's the working out going??  OH and I owe you node transplant info............

    So I met with the doctor about the node transplants.  Basically it is equivalent to a flap procedure.  It is about a 5-7 hour surgery in which they take a flap containing nodes and an artery and vein from the groin or neck.  They actually prefer the neck because there is such a high concentration of nodes there and gravity automatically helps your head stay drained anyhow!!  Taking from the groin can cause leg and trunk problems.  So anyhow, they harvest the flap and then microsurgically attach it into the axilla where the ALND took place.  Then you hope it helps!!  She said about half of the people get relief but it only makes a 30-40% improvement and that my case is not severe enough to even consider it.  She said if I were to do a DIEP she would do it at the same time.  Of course she recommends a DIEP, they all do and all I think about is Erin's Puka and all the trouble she has had!  Nope, no DIEP for me!

    She did say that she feels like releasing the scar tissue can have a big impact on helping the lymph flow re-establish.  After I talked to her I saw my regular PS and he has agreed to do fat grafting into that ALND scar tissue to hopefully cause some releasing to happen since cutting it to release it can actually end up with more scar tissue.  So we shall see.  And yes, I have also been told that LE people should always wear compression when they fly so I guess it would look like this............


    Ok, submitting in case the gremlins are getting hungry again..................

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Nancy, the handsome guy in the pic reminds me of my DS, Is that your son? And the girl DD or DIL? Jackson is beautiful!

    4sew, sent you a private message so we don't have to bore all the loungettes with this path talk. The science daily study made my day..Thanks!

    Nice to have almost everyone here again. Ally, Dnice, PRN and Red bout all that's missin' i tink. I'll pop in tonight or tomorrow and let ya know how it turned out. Bff coming to town to go with us so we's be dwinkin' to excess tonight!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    NM!  Hot and steamy weather is not good for sleeping of Sadie cuddling!  I saw a dog jump in a pool and swim in circles all the time trying to bite the water.  It was so funny and cute and made me think of you and Sadie!!  Great nurses advice as always!  Nurses and teachers are some of the most giving people on this planet and you set the bar really high!  I hope by now you have your medical record trubbles worked out.  Weekend off sounded nice.  Did you join Erin's Slakka Club and get some down time?  My stuff isn't growing great this year either.  Hope you are having a great work week.  YAY to having weekends mostly free now!

    Goldie!   You as always have been busy girl!  Your toy hauler sounds like fun!  Bummer about the truck.  Car problems are de worst, espashally when it is such a long drive to get it back in the shop.  I don't have to drive that far and it is a pain.  We took the new car in to get the hitch and mirrors that finally came in off back order.  Then find out the sales lady never told service we were coming for the hitch so they didn't have one in stock.. So now we gotta find time to take it back.  I bet you are getting furcited for your trip!  You have to try hard to not crush Cami when you are giving her hugs from all of us.  Then you can kind of sniff her and tell us what she smells like that day! And is tomoree the big day??  We will hafta have a partay.  I am so glad you are feeling good and beating on FURB for interrupting your busy schedule again.  I tried to go vote for your pic, but it wouldn't let me see it.  Maybe cuz I'm not on your friends list, IDK, but I will go vote for it if you tell me how.  Do you win something cool??

    Mema!  Such a pretty smile!  Is the DH with you?  The eyelashes looking good girl!!  Glad you had so much fun on your trip.  Really sucks about that hot tub though.   At least you didn't end up preggers from it!!!  No more puking, you hear!  Glad you woke up back on the right path and could make it to your appointments.  How is your Maddy??  My Madolyn got contacts yesterday and tinks she is really sumptin now!!  Poor ting though, she started school and ended up wif de lice.  The damn chemicals didn't work and everyone said cut her hair.  YIKES!!  But de damn bugz is at the root, so what good does cutting do??  So, I took a whole bunch of Mayo and covered her hair, wrapped it in a shower cap and sent her to bed.  Well nuttin was moving in the morning so all is well now!  Why do the kids that actually stay clean get the bugz cuz they don't like dirty hair.  Jus not fair and neither are your head trubbles.  Hope it gets better really soon.

    Genny!  Your pictures are so pretty.  Easy to see where Nora gets the cute quotient from!  I know it's tough but nuttin good happens in dat wabbit hole.  Your DH is a sweetie!  YOu have also been quite the social butterfly lately.  I couldn't do wine and ice cream but a Mudslide def has possibilities!!!  Interesting on the Vitiligo.  There is a set of identical twins that go to my boys high school that have it.  They are darker complected and what first catches the eye is that they both have very dark hair but directly in front they both have white patches of hair where a widow's peak is.  It looks really cool!  Really nice and inspirational words for Erin about her DD and dat baby.  And your Nora is gonna be a heart breaker, well she already is, but her daddy better get a lock for her door soon!!  Cute little outfit.  I still have some of Madolyn's clothes I can't get rid of!  My TEs never hurt when I got expanded, just got tight like Erin said.  I usually got 100-130cc at a time.  My PS gave me a script for muscle relaxers because he said he thought they helped more than pain pills for expansions.  I was lucky to not need either.  I was fully expanded for rads and they had to make a custom bolus.  You will prolly get a bolus too because they want to trick the machine into thinking that the bolus is your skin so the rads come up closer to the skin layer.  It was really cool when they molded it.  It is like a big sheet of warm plastic that they mold over you and then let it cool.  Every other day they would place it on me for my rads, first 3 weeks only.  It was because of tumor size and node status and I think I already told you they zapped my neck too because of the nodes involved.  But 8 months later PET shows ALL CLEAR!!  My neck had shown some enlarged nodes originally, but cervical ones that they figured were from allergies or something.  I even made them do a US of my neck at the time to be sure.  So I DO get where your head is at right now!  I have an article for you as soon as I find the link again.  It is about getting fat grafted over a fully expanded TE then waiting 3-4 months for exchange.  It is apparently really helping the radiated tissue not fail with the implant recon.  Since I did lose my radiated side implant and am working to rebuild I wish I had know about this before!!!  Hope the appointments today and tomorrow give you some peace of mind.

    Love the TP earrings!!

    Nancy!  I like the way you think.  Baileys and coffee for breakfast!!  Poop on the Farmer's Forecast.  They are usually on the money though.  My kids will be thrilled.  I promised anyone that got all A's the first semester a snow boarding trip.  I will be watching with a Baileys and coffee from the sidelines!!

    HAHA Moose sounds like a "kick in the ass" as my 83 year old fiesty neighbor is fond of saying!!

    Aly is having a spayshall anniversary!  42 years wif her DH.  Nother excuse for a partay!!  Hi Aly, hope you are feeling well and surviving winter.

    PRN!  Kids back in school kicking your butt too?  What grades??  I have 5th, 6th, 10th and 11th so 3 schools, 3 drop off and 3 pick ups.  Open houses are coming up for 2 of them and homework has been crazy already!!  Hope you are well.  When do you get to see DH again??

    Beans, Undie, Cyn.................Hello, hope all is well!

    OK, still ahead of the gremlin........................

    Lori!  Yes I am getting furcited, but not anxious for my surgery.  My PS is so wunnerful and when he agreed to schedule at 3 months I was thrilled.  He sometimes needs time to wrap his head around things though.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for all the good thoughts and the 



    So De Innocent One asked if I was getting anxious?  I don't really get too anxious over much but I am getting really furcited!  My PS is wunnerful.  When I first lost my recon he felt so bad but was not at all keen on another implant recon as you might remember.  Well I beat down his resistance with info and research.  So in May we did the fat transfer and let the fin percolate.  He has gone back and forth saying 3-4 months so when he agreed to schedule me this month I was really happy.  I knew he was going to be happy with the result and he was!  I am the first patient he has tried this method with and if it works well it may open the door for a lot of other rad ladies that don't want flap procedures. 

    Well, he was SO pleased with the way the tissue has softened that he has agreed to put the Inflate-A-Fin device back into place :-)  So the fins will not be even when I get home on Friday, I will still swim in circles for a while longer, but we are moving along and I don't have to wait the extra 3 months and don't have to go back under to put the inflater in place. We are going to put it in there now and just leave it basically empty until this next round of fat grafting settles and all is healed.  Then we will start expanding so hopefully by the holidaze the fins will be even!  Then before the calendar runs out and my insurance starts over with out of pocket we will do the grafting over the full TE like I wuz splainin' to Genny, so when we do the swap it will survive for ever, ice storms not withstanding!!

    The other good news is that both the East and West sides of town are getting a face lift!  Since my insurance is at 100% for the rest of the year PS has agreed to do a lift and fat grafting to my big fin during this Friday's gig.  Hopefully that means enuf fat cells get to move uptown that I can notice a difference this time.  Very disappointing to have lipo and not see a difference, but it worked for its intended purpose!!  That's what counts.

    OK, I have taken up enuf ouf the page space today!  Have a great day!!  After all it is...............


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Genny that is my son and my daughter in the pictures. My son is the oldest. He will be 28 in Nov and my daughter is 25 Jackson is her baby. He is 2 and will be 3 in March. He keeps me busy. 

    4sew Im coming down to Georgia when the frozen tundra starts to hit so be ready lol Loopy

    I really cant stand to be cold and I really dont like ice and snow either. I like snow only on Christmas Day and then I am done with it.  Speaking of the holidays what is your favorite holiday drink?  Mine is a Grasshopper or a Brandy Alexander. Family tradition that started with my grandparents.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014


    Come on down, you can pick me up and we can keep going until we get to Julie!!  Our winter last year here was CRAP!  I still have not forgiven Mother Nature for that second ice storm.  That's why I lost half my recon.  Couldn't get to the hospital and neither could my doc!

    Snow for Christmas is fine. Or If I am sitting in a hot tub looking at it on the mountains!!  With a drink!!!  In college we used to go sledding and tobogganing with schnapps!  When we got to the bottom we would stand in a circle and pass the bottles until you got back to your own flavor!  It made the trip back up the hill easier!  Not as gross as it sounds not as many weird flavors back then!  And the booze and cold killed the shared germs, right??

    I am from near Chicago and lived in Nebraska for a few years too, so I know all about snow.  I still like to visit it briefly, but don't want to live with it again!

    Hmmm, favorite holiday beverage?  I do like hot alkamahaulik drinks.  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    hey girls, just pooping in right quick to say hello. I have to get my arse in the shower and wash my hair as I was swimming todey and put mese head under de water. It is hot here but glorious in the pool. yippee! 

    4 (lynne), so nice hearing from you and I just love the passion that you pour into your infestigation of the RB. You are really good at researching. I thouroughly enjoyed reading your pages of posts, don't be a stranger girl. I hope you have time to post more regularly.

    Hello to all mese other girls, I mighten try to poop in later tonight. We is going out to our favorite bar for dinner. Dad and I joke about picking up a Mother/Son team, someone for each of us. Oh wouldn't that be nice.

    I hope you are all going well today. Genny, hang in there lady, it will be okay.  ((((Genny)))))

    Love you girls! Cheers! 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    hi ladies, wish I could keep u all straight in my mind. Not there yet. My consult was good in NYC. Nice Doctor. He was an hour late! So busy... Very nice man.. Felt a bit down after I left. Not sure why. Maybe that he tries so hard and can only do so much? So much cancer everywhere? We need the cure soon. Feeling existential about it all? Sorry I am in the rabbit hole. Discouraged about more than this in my life. Ugggh! I like to be so positive. Has anyone ever wondered if someone boxed up your life, put it on a shelf, and handed you someone else's life? My hopes and dreams were so different. I was full of hope when I was young. Now I see things differently. Tomorrow will be a new day I know. So many of you are stronger than me. I feel weak for sinking! Any good news out there? Xo Dnice

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    aww. D'nice, sorry you are feeling down. But you are entitled. You are right, tomorrow IS indeed another day. I said some prayers for you to get peace and comfort in your life and to kick the rat basturd to the curb once and for all. Hugs and love to you ((((Dnice))))

    so anyone partaying with me? I am just so bored tonight,  I just do not feel like being. I know it will pass as it happens to me more than Id like. Hope to see somebuddy, anybuddy....well a loungette to be barticular! lol.

    Peace and love to all! cheerS!

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    SORRY. Just miss my first PS.... and after consult in NYC, I realize I can never go back. Trusted him so much. All a learning curve. Hope everyone having good night.