how about drinking?



  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    I'll have the tall blue one with the straw ncollett! Happy Labor Day!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    You go for it girl!! Happy Labor Day Weekend to you Dnice Loopy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I had not realized it was Labor Day weekend coming up until NM mentioned it. Unreal!

    Good night goils, Dara, over and out!! 


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Morning Girls!!

    I'm off to the Build-a-Foob Workshop!  I sent coordinates, and booze, to de UFO pilot!  I'll pop back in when I am on the way home!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    do you get a free outfit at build a foob 4.getting ready for the ufo

    why do i wake up at 430am on my day off

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    in the UFO

    genny(hugs)I get nervous with all your movement please b careful after recon i split open after the thirs fill and had my expanders out thats why I get worried

    Hi 4 funnies on the way


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    i'd rather die


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Behold, the Best Accessories From the Paris Fashion Week Style Set: A black and white tote displayed a cheeky Chanel message.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Totally adding this to my lexicon!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    yes Julie!  I got an ugly blue gown that has a draft in the back ;0)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Fried Friday,
    Loungettes!TGIF!Long weekend!Yeah!

    Collett--Hooray for
    no chemo!Sorry about the dirty margins,
    though.Enjoy the girl time!Don't blame you for having a melt down, you
    risked your life on that treatment.Did
    they tell you before you started that the chemo might not do any good?It always upsets me when people are told they
    "have to" have chemo, then later find out it didn't work.False advertising, to my way of

    Julie--It's amazing
    how much it costs a hospital to print and mail a piece a paper, isn't it.Think how much they could save if they
    outsourced that to Office Depot!

    Genny--we're going
    to get some good wave action and rip currents, but no real bad weather expected
    here.Just the usual summer
    thunderstorms and such.Should be a nice
    weekend here.Just so not fair that the
    chemo did all it's bad and none of it's good.

    4--fascinating stuff
    about the trial!Thanks for


    Genny--good advice
    about meltdowns!

    Goldie--In this line
    of work things change really quickly, so next week may not be any stress at
    all, just have to wait and see.I see
    you have more than 300 stars now!

    Cammy--raisingdrink to you!

    4--the ocean water
    along the Maine coast is generally pretty cool compared to the rest of the east
    coast--60 degrees is warm around here--so most storms start losing power before
    hitting shore.We generally get some
    good surf, but that's pretty muchit.Maybe some wind and
    rain.Of course, now that I have said
    that watch us get a hurricane this seaon!

    words for Mary.

    Hi, Belle13!Lots of virtual drinking going on here, you
    can join in that!

    ORLA--I need one of
    those exceeding MY medication limit signs!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:


    4 oz Champagne

    2 oz Citrus Vodka

    1/2 oz Raspberry

    2 tbsp Sugar

    1 oz Sweet and Sour

    2 Lemon Wedge


    Shake all
    ingredients (except champagne) with ice. Strain into a sugar rimmed cocktail
    glass. Top with champagne. Squeeze and drop another wedge of lemon into the
    drink. (the other two should still be in the tin).

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Morning girls! Nothing new to report, went out to eat last night did my hour walk yesterday, trying to do that everyday. I'm hanging in there taking it day by day. We are going to take the dogs and stay at Molly's (the place in the country) on Sunday and let them run and cookout. Then Monday DH will golf at sunrise which he loves to do. He's taking Emma for her 4th supervised visit at Rainbow Babies Hospital this morning. 2 more supervised visits after this and then he'll be able to go on his own whenever he wants. She is starting to exhibit signs of hip dysplasia, sure hope her career doesn't end before it starts. We don't really know how old she is. Anyway, I'm going to spend the day working on honing my skills at the art of doing nothing, to bad Cami isn't here to give me advice. 

    Lala, thanks so much for worrying about me. I'm trying to be careful. They told me I can lift my arms up over my head but no weight over my head, and other than that I can lift 5-10 lbs. When I walk I keep my arms at my sides. I do know the more I move the sorer I get so I try to listen to my body. I have no plans for the next few days. Love the funnies! Hope you are feeling good, what's going on with the job? yer pocket, hope all goes perfectly and yer inflatable fin goes in without a hitch. You go home today? Thank for the pep talk, u r right, the nodes did their job, and rads and AI's will do the rest. And as long as we're at it, I'm gonna get the real drug, not the placebo. BTW, loved the bush.

    DDiverse, I'm OK, didn't really have a meltdown, I just sat....all day, which is what I'm supposed to be doing. It just felt like pouting to me. I am taking 4's words to heart and that is one "told you so" I'd love to get. I'll invite you to the wedding. We'll take our walkers out and tear up the town! Labor Day did creep up on us, didn't it? I've finally got the ok to go in the pool and it will be closed..bummer.. So glad to hear DD is doing well. I forgot, when is she due?

    Lori, hope you have a great time camping and breaking in the toy hauler, sounds like fun. And hope all goes well with yer tx's.

    Nancy, congrats on no chemo! Woohoo! Great news. I don't see the RO till Tuesday but the PS says I will burn bad. Let me know what yours says, we can compare notes. Hope the re-excision gets the rest of that rat bastard and that's the end of it for you.

    Dnice, glad you're feeling better, have lots of fun and dwinks this weekend.

    NM, yea to a long weekend and nice weather! Hope you and Sadie get lots of relaxation time. Still haven't gotten your records transferred? WTF? I thought that's what electronic records were for, a push of a button and wahlah...records transferred!

    Julie, love the funnies! 

    Cami...miss you!

    Everybody...have a great Friday!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Good morning friends and Happy Friday. We have a pretty sunrise this morning here in Westfield IN but weatherman says its supposed to rain for the next 7 days. Ugg gotta love Indiana weather. Not...  

    Tonight my DH and I are going to go see my man Luke Bryan then head out for Chicago for the weekend  in the morning. We were going to go to the Museum of Science and Industry tomorrow and then on Sunday do some shopping at the Navy Pier and Mag Mile.  I would like to maybe take a cruise on the Lake too if weather permits. Then we will head home on Monday afternoon and see my lil man Jackson. 

    Genny we will definately be here as vitiligo sisters for each other. I will let you know what my RO says. I am really scared about that. My MO called in my Tomoxifen which I dont start until after Rads. It really scares me too. My body just doesn't follow what the books say it should. When I get sick I really get sick. 

    But I am trying to put my fiath and trust in God and know he has this and he will help me through this.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    4, I love the "I only drink on days beginning with T", especially Thaturday and Thunday. That is SO US! I too think the contrast could have contributed to LDB's coffing jag. It almost made me throw up, the last time I had it. LOL Cami at da Post Office! And I would bet she could understand the Minions! You found the perfect cartoon thingy for yourself, that's so cute! What do they call those things anyways?

    Dara, oooooooook. Vegas baby! But mese had a play name too? Or do you mean my misfit name?I do not remember a play name. Oh that was so much fun. I so pray for your baby girl and Logan. Don't much care about baby daddy, but wish he would chit or git off the pot, as they say. Cuz dat won't be good for lil Logan.

    Nancy, goodness girl. You too have a lot going on, alot of it not cancer related, but still! Glad that getting your hair done made ya feel better. For me, the worst part about chemo was losing all of my hair. Cuz I actually handled it pretty well, and for the most part just felt ick for a few days after. It was the forever getting my hair back, since I have long hair. I think it was 3 years before it got to a length I was happy with. And if Tammy gives you problems, there are lots of other options, so don't fret about that yet.

    Hello and welcome Belle. Come on in and drink anyways. But there are LOTS of drunks here that will be more than happy to drink for you! Me included!

    Dnice, glad you didn't wallow long. But do know it's allowed.

    LOL Julie, up at 4:30 on day off. I actually like to get up early, as long as it's light out. In the winter I don't care, cuz it's dark. Makes me think it's still night time.

    Great funnies Lala and Julie. I especially like the handbag one!!! That's me!

    LDB, how's that pretty bald head of yours doing? And I got the most bootiful blue shirt, tanka ewe so much darling. Love you!

    NM, I'm doing quite well on my photo contest. Currently I am almost 100 stars above 2nd place. Nice cushion! I do hope next week goes smoothly.

    Oh Mary, I'm sending prayers to Emma, she does not need that nasty hip problem. She has work to do! What is Rainbow Babies? Nevermind, I Googled it, to see that it is a childrens hospital. It would just hurt my heart so bad to see all of those sick kiddles. I was so glad to find out that there were no children at the cancer center I went to. Does Molly's place have a name? If not, we should come up with one. So nice of her to let you use it, and it's so beautiful there. Have fun and enjoy. I hope Cami pops in so she can give you some advice! Dat wus phunny.

    You and Nancy will be doing rads soon. I will pray that the burning is not too bad and it comes late in the game. I don't remember having pain with mine, as the area rather numb, so that helped with the 3rd degree burns. The Silvadine (or whatever it's called) helped mine the best.


    Injections went without a hitch yesterday. Had a great Mexican lunch with some friends. Then picked up some sweet corn from a guy selling it out of his truck. Was some Taylor Sweet Corn, which is a big festival out here every year. We told the guy we were gonna get 2-3 dozen, then thought maybe 3-4, so hubby says we'll take 5. The man says "I'll sell ya five and give you an extra 6 ears". So I told him I was going to give them to my little friend who is in a wheel chair and LOVES corn on the cob. He was pleased to hear that. So 5 dozen ears of corn and 5 hours to boil, cut and freeze! DH has been up since midnight, nervous about pulling the toy hauler! I still have lots to do, and of course I have beans ready, but won't be able to get to those until we get home. I'm essited tho about going.

    Ok, getting teeny tiny and I'm looking for the cutest doc in the room, I'll be in his pocket. Might even pinch a bum or two. Wishing you all the best today Lynne.

    Everyone have a drunken safe holiday! Not sure if I will be able to pop in or not. Just wouldn't seem right to be on a computer while out camping, ya know???? HUGGLES!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    Going ti go get massage and ready fir Luke. 


    Hugs to you all 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Oh F*ck I can't read all this cuz of this stupid computer--but I did skim--Genny what's happening--I don't like anyone to go thru all this junk and I miss u all so much---You have no idea how I want to just hug u all and make everyone better.

    Welcome Belle and there will be days u'rll feel better and mix it with ginger ale, that's good for u.r tummy

    Dopey Dora I hope things are going all right and I have to stop writing now GGGRRRRRRRRR is all I can say for now.

    I love and miss everybody-----HUGS ALL AROUND, ALL AROUND.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited August 2014

    Nicollet nice pic

    Genny ok good I thought I hope she doesnot take it in a weird way I just worry and u r my virtual friend now:) oh hope u got more meds

    Trial? I missed something

    Saw pain doc she goes we can't find your pee I'm like great had issues with these pain docs I'm staying at 7.5 3 times a day and she's like I know people blah u will b fine soon felt like snaking her wtf!! Everyone's different I think I get black balked because I'm young I go oh so if I was 70 u would b fine with giving me what ever I want?

    Then she goes dont touch your ovaries I'm done with her so annoying I hate people putting there no nonsense in! I'm waiting in something part time guess she has to submit me  and is waiting for a word bk! 

    I walked and now my back is out never can win

    Hi Goldie hope u had a great b day

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    hey girls!

    I'm awake!  Hoping to head home soon and hit a dtive thru for some ice dream. The alligator wrestler was able to get me into this girdle!!

    BBL. thanks fir the pocket party'


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Lori, We call Molly's 3/4 long driveway Mollyrock Lane cause her DH is Rocky so I guess we could call it Mollyrock Resort. 

    Hi Cami, I'm OK, just waiting for metastic w/up cause chemo didn't work. Gonna start rads soon.

    4 woohoo!! Glad all went well!

    Lala, an earlier post, MO recommended a clinical trial, I'd start it after done w/rads.

    Nancy, have a great time at the concert! And have fun with Jackson and post pics.

    Sue, forgot you in my earlier post, have a good day, any news on yer test results yet?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Lynne, glad you are awake and hope you are resting comfortably at home. 

    Mollyrock Resort...hmmmm, can I join you there Genny?

    Hi Lala, I think we need to send my people to shake up a few docs, eh? Good grief.

    Lori, hope you have a fantastic weekend, hope you get out to camp. I am jealous. I love camping! 

    Cam, gotta git your puter bixed up and soon.

    cheers girls. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    Parking lot party at Brice Lee Luke Bryan concert

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    great photo Nancy, enjoy the concert! cheers to ya. Is anyone else partaying tonight? I am. Duh.

    My Dad taught me a new little poem tonight, it is stupid. There is a car commercial where you hear the tune of the song "pop goes the weasle" and my dad was singing along to these lyrics:

    I decided to stop going out with girls tonight

    I broke up with my girl Mary

    I stayed at home and played with myself

    oops I am a fairy. 

    hehe, simple and stupid. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Happy saTURDay to you!

    I've been awake all night. Don't inner stand it but always after surgery I am wired. Guess it could be the roids, but they don't do that when I take the pills.  If I could just be sleepy I wouldn't know this hurts!  This is prolly the worst after surgery pain I have had yet!  This too shall pass!

    I am not posed to do nuttin for tree weeks especiall withthe radsside arm, so I joinin G'Slacker in the new lazy wing of the HTL!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Saturday
    morning, Loungettes!How is everyone
    this first day of the long holiday weekend?

    Genny--sounds like
    great weekend plans for you and yours!I
    do hope Emma will be able to visit the hospital for a long time.Electronic records do transfer well, within
    the same system.I want my records sent
    to a competing office, not on the same system.So, "very difficult" has to be done physically, and therefor

    Collett--The Museum
    of Science and Industry sounds like a fascinating place to visit, wish I was
    going with you!

    Goldie--Good for you
    with the pic, here's hoping you wind the contest! Glad the injections went


    ORLA--boy, you
    really cannot win with the medical folks, can you?Just not right, at all.

    4--Glad to see you
    awake and all girdled up!

    like the Lounge has a new Resort attached to it!Would that make it the Mollyrock Resort and



    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Stoli Fruitini

    1/2 oz Lemon Vodka

    1/2 oz Orange Vodka

    1/2 oz Raspberry

    1/2 oz Strawberry

    oz (squeezed wedge)

    oz Cranberry Juice

    oz Orange Juice

    oz Pine Apple Juice


    In shaker add
    vodka's and splashes of each juice over ice. Cover and shake until outside of
    shaker is frosted over.

    Strain into chilled
    martini glass and squeeze piece of lime into glass.

    Serve shaken and

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning all, 4sew, so glad your surgery went well, Cami is the pro when it comes to slackers, I am a rookie but I'll try and help ya out ifin you have any questions. Hopefully she'll be back soon to help us out. So sorry about the pain and insomnia, that sucks. I'm still pretty uncomfortable, especially when I'm active. The percocet and advil help but at this point in time I hate these things on my chest. I'm trying hard to see the big picture. So at least you've got 4 gofers that that should be able to help ya out, not including yer DH. So now do you just wait to heal and they will start adding to the expander?

    Nancy, pic looks like yer having fun. Hope it was great. Now you get to see Jackson, right? I'm sitting here missing my baby now.

    Dara, you dad sounds like a riot, I've got some ladies at my shop might be right up his alley, when I get back to work I'll have to start checking out their sons, see if I can hook you 2 up. Hell of a commute tho.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning!

    NM, I hope you have an enjoyable day. I am doing well, tank ye.

    Lynne, sorry about the zipping all night long. I have also had that issue, I blame the propothal (sp), I think that makes me hyper and stays in my system. Often, "downers" make me UP which is just odd. I shall now call you L'slacka! And I am D'Slacka and we have G'slacka and C'slacka whom I miss very much. Anywho....hope you feel better and are able to get some rest. 

    G'slacka, thanks for thinking of me in finding a new man and one for mese Dad too. Actually, I have a friend I have been talking to who is in freaking IL. I processed his mortgage a few years ago, became facebook friends and now we are talking. I wish I had remembered him when I had plane tickets to IL. It is odd, we talk for awhile then just stop. ugh. oh well, life goes on.  Are you seeing the lovely Nora today? 

    Nancy, you partay animal, hope you had a blast but duh, it is obvious.

    Hi lil sis, how you feeling today? you cant get a break now can you, ughhhhh! 

    well I am going to belly up to the bar and order a pitcher of Stoli Fruitinis for all of us. Join me please!!  

    Hello to all my goils and big Hugs to all. chEErS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014


    Fresh from my shower, I stand in front of the mirror complaining to my husband that my breasts are too small.. Instead of characteristically

    telling me it's not so, he uncharacteristically comes up with a


    ‘If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper and rub it between them for a few seconds.'

    Willing to try anything, I fetch a piece of toilet paper and stand infront of the mirror, rubbing it between my breasts. 'How long willthis take?' I asked.

    ‘They will grow larger over a period of years,' my husband replies.

    I stopped. 'Do you really think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts larger over the years?'

    Without missing a beat he says, 'Worked for your butt, didn't it?

    He's still alive, and with a great deal of therapy, he may even walkagain, although he will probably continue to take his meals through a straw...... A stupid, stupid man.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    HaHa Dara!  

    Post gremlin got me. Ugh. 

    Yes we now have a new MollyRock Resort and Slacker Spa. It is located just beyond the Percotini Fountain!

    Made my way to the screened porch. Trying to sit up in bed just wasn't cutting it.  I am not supposed to use my arms. Well trying me best but it's not easy!

    Ok I gonna summon the gremlin and beat his ass!