how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Juliet   Thank you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Me is here to partay, ready or not. Where is de birfdey goil ~ ?? !hicccup. I tink she musta be partaying somewhere and hopefullly creeping de lounge. Now dat would be a spayshall day cuz our Lori only shoes up in de aye ems. So hear me calling yer name Lori, Ms. Innocent GOLDIE DO YOU HEAR ME? Come OUT AND PARTAY _ dis YOUR SPAYSHALL DEY!!!!! I say it again. Lori, Ms. Innocent GOLDIE DO YOU HEAR ME? Come OUT AND PARTAY _ dis YOUR SPAYSHALL DEY!!!!!

     and again Lori, Ms. Innocent GOLDIE DO YOU HEAR ME? Come OUT AND PARTAY _ dis YOUR SPAYSHALL DEY!!!!!.

    sooooo....whose dwinking what?

    I got a funnie story, you mighten have had to be there to really apporciate mese DD had her car in de shop todey and needed a ride to get some groceries. So I run to her house, pick her up, drop mesedarnself off and she shops for herself and for me (why of course I made someting in it for MESE) she finishes up and comes here then drives me home. She asked if I wanted to come in for a few and of course I said yes as I miss my little Lana, mese grandp puppers. Well we are sitting in her back yard and enjoying watching the dog play with her toys and we hear all this comossion on de Main Street which is one block behind her house. We see they 6-7 men hooting and hollaring and hear car horns honking. My DD guessed that they had a sign that said to honk their horns. Well I offerered to get in my car and ride around the block to see what's up and find these drunken gwown up men with a HUGE sign, two sided that says " YOU HONK, WE DRINK". It was a riot, we laughed so hard when I told the DD and her man what the sign said. Silly kids. She is doing really good and her BF is being quite good to her. He cooked and cleaned up as well. We had burgers, mac salad and corn on the cob, picked from up the corner from me....Nothing like good ole Jersey corn, errrrhhh I mean Kansas corn, that's it. Cuz Kansas is The Garden State if ye all did not know that tit=bit of info hehehe! 

    Genny dahling, let me wrap my arms around ya and rock ya a little. And I will tail ye that eberyting gonna be alright. These ARE tough times for you in this fight but girl, you are going to kick the rat bastards ass to the curb and come out bigga and betta than ever. I know this. As I knew that you would just fly through the surgery and you did, ya see. It really is gonna be alright. So take a deep breath ...... or take turdteen deep brefasis, hold den exhaule. Den dwink, den repeat. And goil, proudda ya for getting dwunk last night, that is jest what Dr. Cammy would order if she was here. I miss that goil when she not here.

    Well sorry to stop here, gotta get out dere and continue to page Lori to make a pit stop into the lounge on her birfdey night, woooo hoooooooo! And I giving a shout out to ALL MESE GOILS, ChEErS! 



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


     I broht some fwends to da lounge to celebwate innocent girls birfday... Woohoo, I'll have a manhattan, up.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Oh good drinks are ready..cheers!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Hi der eberone.  I am here...after taxing day wif tests.  Got brain and foob mri at same time.  Well sorta.  Brain w/o contrast 1st, den change out table and foobs in der places, den test w/o contrast.  Den while still lying der, in goes contrast and bang bang, bing bing, twang twang again.  well mese gets into a coughing jag, so had to do the 8 min segment again cuz my coughing made mese foobies giggle too much.  I almost didn't make it the 2nd round even after they gave me water.  Den change out da table again and back to brain w/contrast...well another f'n coughing jag.  By now I kno its mostly mese bwain f'n wif mese, mentally making mese nutz about it.  Had to do 2 1/2 min seg of da brain again.  Finally outta der. 

    Mary - PET yes definitely, but how bout a Bone Scan too.  Nurses can correct me, but I was told PET looks for tissue and organs, Bone for bone mets.  I had both right after dx and Bone showed mets to spine and ribcage.  So might want to inquire bout that.   GR8 partay and dwinks....I'll join you even if 'innocent' is not here, we can still dwink!!  Tits UP!!

    Julie - send him to me pweaze!!  Love da bear hug pic too, so true.  Sounds like a fantastic work out, wish I wasn't bald so I could do water aerobics...oh well, mayb after mese hairs grow back.

    Er-Wacko - jes lubs all da poyple for Lori's birfday partay.  Funny story about all the honking dwunks...LOL.  Glad baby daddy being on good behavior today.  I pray for you and for them.  Very nicely said to D' have a spashall way with woids that make me laugh and sometimes cry.  MUAH!!

    4 - praying no phone calls between now and 9-15 when I see MO again.  Phone calls mean bad news....ain't got time for that!!

    My DS has a birfday in Sept.  Is renting an RV and spot right on lake in Lake Havasu for the weekend of the 19th.  He saving one of the beds in the MH for me and dh.  DH isn't going to go and I'm not sure I will either.  These 40 something kids jes wear me da hail out, besides it will be hotter than a well-diggers tit out there.  IDK...maybe I'll get a hotel room and spend a day.

    D'Nice - sending positive healing energy and BIG BIG BIG HUGE HUGE HUGE, CYBER HUGZ TO YOU!!! 

    LubsLUBSlubsLUBSlubsLUBSlubs all ya'll!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Suzie! Nice to see you. And I tink your suggestion of a bone scan is a good one for Genny. I wait for nurses to say though. Sorry about the coughing fits, dat sucks. HOpe all the scans were successful and come out poyfect for ya. I missed ya so much. I having a tequilla in yer honor, k? 

    well I guess I lost my voice from calling Lori to de partay, I tink she crashed out hours and hours ago, like ten hours or turdteen hours or sumting of de sort. but dat means she had a poyfect birthdey! woooop wooooop!! 

    eww, I am watching Night Line and EGADS.....gotta turn it de hail off. such downers they are with this newscast. first about kids n guns, one widdle child taking chooting lessons kills her dad I tink. ok den after I get through that, all about ebola, not ricolla but ecola, or is is ebola, yep. so anyway, much too depressing for this goil. I said some prayers that this virus nessapear quickly but for this goil, off with the TV, to de swamp.... hah, take dat TV. I clicked you de hail off. Aint NODUBY got time for dat! 

    so goils, tomorree be thirsdey and I looking forward to a new dwink of de dey. I sleep now, k? night night goils nighty night moon. night night bugs, stay outside please. chEErS goils, I go now. ~BURP~~ oops, dat a bigliest one, it jest slipped. sawry.............

    lets try that again..

    CHEERS!!! ahh, millionaire is on, safe to turn on TV. cept I hate this new hat wearing host if ya know who I mean. I go, really for reals, now I go. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    ecola ebola DAFOK???? eberyting sad dis night. cept for de party, twas funliest! ok, nighty night for real dis time! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014 is me, Dara, used to be Erin. had to change it up, the CIA was on to me so I had to do the needful (as my outsource work friends from India would say, "needful"...... So Dara is a play name of mines hehe. I dwinking, ya know, anyting goes! hence de ID change. peace goils.

    please make mentel notation.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Hmm, seems like yesterday
    was actually Wednesday, TODAYis Thirsty
    Thursday.I am so easily confused before

    Genny--Talk about
    good news all the way around!Holding
    off on the AI until after rads makes sense, the clinical trial sounds
    interesting.And the bad bill is going
    away, YES!Squeaky wheel approach works

    ORLA--work is busy,
    some office shenanigans going on that are less than entertaining, in other
    words, pretty much status quo.I just
    stay out of the office as much as possible.Pinterest is fun, I go there from time to time, too!

    Goldie--I just voted
    for your pic again!Some pretty pics in
    that contest.I AM looking forward to
    the long weekend, but the short week after can be a trial.Picking up the records myself isn't possible,
    'cuz they're electronic, and the years of records would cost a fortune to print
    out.Or so they say.

    Mema--The workload
    is not insurmountable, or wouldn't be if certain things going on in the office
    weren't affecting my ability to do my work effectively.Things will likely change between now and
    then and that will make a difference.I
    just have to grouse about it a bit before I settle down and get it done.Sadie says "rank roo" for the hug
    and tummy tickle!

    does sound a little, well, potty-language-like, doesn't it?


    Wow, what a party
    set up in the Lounge!

    Genny--I am so sorry
    the chemo didn't attack the cancer. Such a cheat, so not fair!Sounds like a PET is in your near future,
    that will give you some info to work with.

    4--The 3 day weekend
    cutting into the work week is bad enough, it's the half day meeting on
    Wednesday, too, that really makes things tight!But, such is life, right?

    Julie--aqua book
    camp sound like hard work!Did you get
    any laps in after?

    love men, so stoopid!

    Mema--good idea
    about the bone scan.Both scans would
    give the most complete picture for Genny.Coughing jags in the MRI tube, huh?Must have been crazy!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Royal Scan

    1 part Southern

    1 part Amaretto

    1 part Canadian

    1 splash Pineapple

    1 splash Sweet and
    Sour Mix


    Add liquors and
    mixers into a shaker with a few ice cubes. Shake and strain into a shot glass
    over ice, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    After a long exhausting day yesterday ..... No Chemo for this girl Winking Goldie they didn't get clean margins on my partial mastectomy so I have to go back for a re-excision Sept 10. I told my BS that if he doesn't get clean margins this time there is no third time. Off with it! 


    Im not going to play the chopping game.  Love the pictures ladies.  I am gonna go get my hair did today and get my lil momma so she can get her laundry done and we can have some girl time. Love to you all and check in later.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014

    bone scans are actually cheaper than other scans so i couldn't see why not they can't order one for you

    nm-med records here charge a $1 a page for printouts  but its free to send/fax to a md office

    sue-sorry they had to repeat some of your scans, that NOISE,      Bawling

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good morning ladies, drinking my coffee, DH out with pooches so here I is. Yesterday was kind of a rough one for me, I knew about the poor response from the chemo but hearing it again from my BS just really made it hit home. Pretty much 4 months of misery, 15 lbs that I still possess, no hair, feeling like crap and whatever else that poison chit did to me was all for nuttin'. I just sat in my recliner and pouted all night. Oh jeez...Moose just dragged Gloria downstairs for another go-round....anyway where was I..oh yea, feeling sorry for myself. Anyway, it's a new day, gonna pull on my big girl panties...again..and move on. I did have a bone scan in Feb, but I will ask my RO for another. BS says we have to make sure it hasn't spread will I was busy getting chemo..ain't that a kick in the pants. Oh and PS told my DH and me to expect with my light skin and vitiligo I'm gonna really burn from rads. Says he told us so we can be prepared. And no picking up Nora for 3 more weeks. So Cami, it's a good ting you filled in da wabbit hole cause I was trying to go down but I just sat on top of it instead. So onward and upwards once again. Tonight going out to dinner with a couple that moved to Florida last year and r back for a visit. I say couple instead of friends cause we always could only take them in small doses and were kind of relieved when they moved, the whole world seems to kind of revolve around him. It'll probably be ok since we haven't seen them in a long time. He fought a tough cancer battle of his own about 10 years ago so they're understanding that way. And I'm going to do my 1 hour walk this morning, helps my mood and I'm not gonna let this FURB beat me up. So enough about me....

    NM, thanks again for the advice. I think I am going to wait on the AI's and go for the clinical trial, provided they don't find any mets. Sorry your long weekend just makes it a harder short week after but at least you get an extra play day with yer Sadie. Watching the news last night and I saw wicked weather heading your way. Is it going to hit your area? 

    Hi Dara, nice to meet you, although you seem very familiar. I understand what you're saying about the TV, I can't even stand the news anymore. That little girl 9 years old shot her gun instructor. He was teaching her and then he flipped the uzi on automatic and the girl couldn't control it it accidentally shot him in the head. Her parents were watching and saw the whole thing. ????WTF???? A 9 year old with an uzi?? Now she has to live with that for the rest of her life. So glad to hear things are going OK with your DD and her SO. Sounds like they will either slowly grow up and make it or someday split for good. Time will tell. Funny story about the horns, sounds like a good dinner, the Ohio corn has been really good too, and the tomatoes..Yum! Thanks for the hugs, felt your arms from here, helped a lot.

    Sue, a coughing fit during an MRI? Wow, must've been somtin. Not a lot of room for coughing in those tings. Glad you finally got thru it, hope it brings good news. Hotter den a well diggers tit huh? haha, cwacked me up, gonna remeber dat one. So why can't you go swimming whilst being bald? Just curious cause I did. PS told me I could go in a pool but not a pond. How's your scalp? I really am just prying for you Sue that your scans are all good and the ix's are working and keeping dat dam FURB at bay.

    Julie, the pool workout sounds great! I woulda liked that. Glad you had a good day off, do you get a 3 day weekend?

    Dnice, hang in there, 1 day at a time, that's how I do it.

    Lala, hope the job hunt is going well or have you settled on one? Can't remember now. Hope you are feeling good with little pain.

    Lori, hope your birthday was spectacular.

    Cami !!!! We miss you!! Get that dang computer bixed soon!

    4sew, in your pocket for tomorrow, I hope the spaceship is stocked and ready to go. I just saw on the news it was spotted flying over Pennsylvania last night. Even the police saw it so we hafta be more careful when taking it out. I have to swim sideways for awhile now too, the BS put 100 cc into my left fin yesterday then 100 more next week and not doing the right one till I'm done with rads. I don't know a lot about the trial cause he said he'd splain it more after rads but it's an aconitase hydratase inhibitor. I've found some info on it,..... aconitase function: it catalyzes interconversion of citrate to isocitrate in the TCA cycle. (Krebs cycle maybe?) It's all very technicle and I'm trying to decipher it. It's then becomes a critical protein in conversion to malignancy. (I think). I've saved a bunch of stuff I found on it last night, but it's going to take a lot of time to figure it out. I guess inhibiting the aconitase prevents the cancer cells from dividing. Cutting edge stuff it sounds like. I'm pretty sure you can't participate if you've already been on AI's. I'll probably just wait for more info from MO when I'm ready for it.

    Gonna post it now, this got long, prolly be back later cause meese days are getting longer and longer. Love you girls!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited August 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Dnice this is for us...hang in there girl.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited August 2014

    LOL, thanks for the birthday videos 4. That last song the Minions sing, I could not that normal? Or maybe mese still too dwunk? And Nils and Eric foygot my name, but dat ok!

    Ok Ms Wacko, I thought we had another newbie bisiting de lounge. But who be Dara Diverse? And thank you for all the poypleness. I sawry I was not here last night. I went down to bisit my neighbor, had some wine and then did mese salsa when I got home. Didn't get to bed until 10 pee em. Dat is late foy me. I'm surprised you didn't join the dudes honking and drinking!

    LDB, hope all  went well for your tests and praying for all good results and that you don't have to wait long. I'm so sorry about that darned dry mouth. How about the headaches? Oh my, what a time you had with the tests. I don't think it wuz you bwain messing wif you, I tink it dat dry mouf. And you have to wait 2 weeks for results, unless bad and then they call? Why can't they call sooner with the good???

    Hey Mary, someones sticking their finger in mese cake! He he, dat ok! So glad you like your BS, but sawry you can't clone her. Also glad she could explain things to you. But doing chemo all for nothing, basically. That sucks a ton! Try not to worry too much while you are waiting for your scans, cuz it doesn't help things any ways, so why waste that negetive energy on it, k?

    Ha ha Julie, aqua boot camp. Good for you for "jumping in" (pun intended). I'm also laffing at "knackered"!

    NM, maybe the 3 day weekend and meeting won't mess things up too bad? Can always hope, right? And thanks for voting. Thanks to everyone who is voting. I just wish it was for so long. I'm afraid it will become annoying when I ask for votes every day!

    Nancy, no chemo? Is that your choice or what the docs told ya?

    Lots of nice hunks to wake up to this morning! I had to keep running in and out of the house yesterday whilst trying to do my salsa. DH was working on the breaks on our new toy hauler. Then had visitors. So I only got everything chopped up for my salsa, which is why it didn't get done until late last night. Now I have beans to do too! The second planting we did is producing, BUT......lunch and injections today and then supposed to head out tomorrow for camping!!! OY VEY!

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes, and I see Mary popped in. I need to go say hi and see what she has to say!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Good Morning. I'm here for a little bit- still waiting for my fix. (more ways than one)

    Lori I hope u'r BD was wonnerful everyone loves u so.

    And I could just skim over everything so I'm not really caught up---So I've very confused now we have Dora or Diva or Dopey WTF I'm the one the government is after.

    I just want everyone to have good connections with their Drs. and get things don (I should talk) LOL and that rabbit hole is filled so u can go near it but can't go down. Everyone here cares to much Oh I can't wait til I can really talk and read everything, I miss everyone.



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014




  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Gotta love B & W photos!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    For Cami!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited August 2014

    Julie, HaHa break bones!  I love it!  Aqua Boot Camp sounds awesome!  They would have to get that big hook to pull me out of the pool though!

    Mema! I know you got the dry mouth, but I bet was that contrast crap what set you off.  I know what you mean bout dem phone calls.  Scared de CHIT out of me when I had myPET scan and they called 2 hours later.  I thought sure it was bad news, why else would they call so fast?  But no, it was all good news.  YOu gonna git some of dat too!  Good tinking on de bone scan for Genny.  I want one of those too but didn't want to push it with my onc cuz I already talked him into the PET and I told him he wuz an butthead cuz in december he said he didn't recommend taking the rest of the girlie bits and now he is!  Jerk!  He said well before you weren't having issues, now you are.  So I telled him he was a pain in my Butt!!!  So I thinking that since I gonna have this hardware removed from my ankle when it gets cold, I gonna ask my bone doc to order that scan!  Hehe, always more dan one way to skin de cat!

    Cami, I hope you up and runnin' soonliest.  We miss your pretty face around here.  So when I want to see you I go to de post office and look at your pretty picture on the wall!

    Dara!  Nice to meet you (wink, wink)  Belly up to the bar and have the tender fix you up a JD and Diet!  Glad DD is on the happy side of things right now.  I hope she stays there for a good long time.  How is that eye doing??  I ain't got time for new either.  I haven't watched in months!  I am clueless about anything going on in de world.

    Hey LaLa, missing your funnies today.  Hope you are having a good day and watching something really scary!!

    Dnice, Sending BIG HUGZ.  Love da crazy queen!  Hoping things is looking up today! YAY for no chemo, BOO for bad margins!  Will they just not do the MX now and remove all that breeding ground??  or don't you want that just yet?  I didn't have a choice but I think I would have picked MX no matter what, but you never know till you are in FURBS damn shoes.  Speaking of FURM, dis for him

    imageI want dis in my yard!!!

    Nancy, hope you are having a fabulous day and can join us for the Fin Enhancement Partay tomorree!

    NM,  Unnerstand bout the coffee!  Hope that weather Genny (i tink it wuz) saw heading your way doesn't visit you!  Enjoy your extree time wif Sadie! Hopefully that meeting wont eat up too much work time and you can get back to your patients.  I know that is where your heart lies!

    Genny, Deep Breath!!  Just tell yourself that it WAS so SLOW growing that it was moving SO SLOW chemo didn't zap it BUT those 10 nodes worked their little butts off and caught it because it was moving so slow.  It didn't escape!!  and even if one tiny partical got by it is SO SLOW that it would, if it were there, take forever to take root and the the AI would starve it before it had that chance.  YO uare going to be just fine and dandy.  The chemo thing is chitty though, no doubt.  Lot to go through for nothing.  It also why I tried so hard to find a study or anything that would get me out of chemo.  One doc had the balls to tell me I needed to believe it was going to work or it wouldn't.  BIOTCH.  I said show me the study that shows it is effective for ILC with my characteristics and I will believe.  She didn't have much to say after that.  Thanks for the info on that study.  I am going to look it up and email my chemo nurse about it.  I still stay in touch with the nurses and go for margaritas!!  I fed them with each chemo day and so they still love me!!  We wuz always laughing.  I will let you know if my doc weighs in on the trial.  He stays pretty up to date on that stuff.  I have only done tammy not an AI so maybe they would let me in!

    Lori, glad you had a nice birfday.  No you are not supposed to unnerstand de Minions!!!  If you did I would be worried!!!  Have a good day today and have fun camping. I jailous...........

    I hope I didn't miss anyone.  I gotta run and see Ms. Frizzle (LE therapist)  She just remind me of Ms. Frizzle from de magic school bus!!  I always go day before surgery for a LE draining massage and stretching.  Plus she is keeping record of my stuff so she can pass results on to other docs and patients.

    LUBS & HUGZ all de way round!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good afternoon girlies! 

    Camille, nice to see you pop your head in here but sorry you can't read everyting here. I miss ya. Hey, tanks for keeping that rabbit hole closed.

    Mary, I am so sorry you had a melt down. But I imagine it was cleanzing for your soul. You poor baby, I can't imagine the pain of being told that the chemo did not help. That is a crock of chit for you to swallow. I am glad you felt my tight hugs, I have plenty more for you. Sending one tousant hugs for when you need them, do keep dem refridgerated. hehe. I loved the words that Lynne said to you about SLOW and the nodes working hard for you. Keep telling yourself that and believe it. Cuz not only are you gonna be here for Nora's gradeation, you gonna watch HER grow up, marry and give you great grandbabies. And I hope we are still friends when that day comes so I can say I told ya so. Seriously, I gave you my number. If anytime you need to cry on someone's shoulder, I am here for you. Glad you can hold her in a few more weeks, I am sure the withdraw is killing you. And thanks for clarifying on that shooting incident, I was outraged. Drunk but smart enough to know that was not right. Kids and guns to me is a big no no phucking NO!

    Lynne, funny that the UFO was on the news last night, who said that? I have to go back and see. Yep, we will all we there in de morning. I try hard to be quiet and not get us all thrown out...would not be the first time lol. I wish you all the best and will be saying prayers for you. How cool that your nurses communicate with you, appears you bribed them with food? You are a smart cookie. and lol about Ms. Frizzle, I hope you have a good massage. Let us know once you find out the time of your surgery. And I hope they do not keep you waiting like they did to Genny. ugh, that is horrible, especially with having an empty stomach. And I tail ya, they always say nothing to eat or drink after midnight, i pay that no mind. I do the math. I make sure I give it eight hours but it is silly if the surgery is in the pm to not have something in de middle of de night, that is if you are awake. I hate starving as evidenced by my thickening waist line. 

    Lori Lori Lori, you should know who Dara is. The Diverse part, well I made that up, that just means I am different vs wacko. You can call me WACKO if you prefer. Remember I was Dara in Vegas, girl, that was my play name. And you were .... oh chit, mind block, it is on the tip of mese tongue. OMG, how can I not remember? Oh yea. But I remember the Beeb, he was a hottie. I saved the pic of me him kissing me. Remember, I made him do it. I actually bribed him, told him I would go up and get him a drink lol. Anyway glad you had a pleasant birthday. I will see you in Atlanta tomorree along with the others who are taking the UFO ride. I missed the pick up dis morning, was sleeping. But the driver is comng back tomorrow. 

    I gonna hit send as my computer was just hung up and I thought I lost this. I got the "aw snap, something went wrong" window. I was pleasantly surprised when my post was still here after. I come back in a bit, gotta get a shower and ready to see my shirnk at 2:30. 

    Hello to the girls I missed, llove you all. Peace girls and lots and lots of love! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Good afternoon ladies, time for high past noon Long Island teas?  

    4sew My BS really just didnt want to do MX at this time. He said that he feels pretty confident that he can save it and he said that because I have diabetes too he wants to do what would heal best. But for sure if this one comes out not clean we are gonna take that bad girl off. 

    Got my hair did and feel pretty again. Went and did some shopping too. There are some good sales out there right now. 

    Genny I am sorry you had a bad day yesterday. I understand, although I am not going through quite what you are I understand being frustrated and overwhelmed. Did the RO give you any advise about your vitiligo? I see my RO next week. My MO did say that radiation would affect me with my vitiligo but the RO would tell me how they were going to deal with that.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014




  • Belle13
    Belle13 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2014

    My Oncologist said a drink or 2 wouldn't hurt during chemo, and I have done that when I have been uptight,,,, but my I found that my poor sensitive stomach just couldn't handle it, so I believe for my stomach's sake, I will refrain until all of this treatment is done.  I wish you all well, and when you do have a drink, have one for me, too!SillyHeart

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    hello girls! 

    just checking back to say hi to all. Bella, sorry you have to be here, I will gladly dwink for ya. I wish you could dwink for yerself though. 

    Nancy, a big congrats on NO CHEMO, that is awesome news. I recall quite well the day I got that same news and it was such a relief. As you can see, it is not a fun say the least. I feel so bad for anyone who has to hop the chemo train.

    I hope you have all had a pleasant day. It is just beautiful here, low 80's, perfect breeze. I did float in my pool for a half hour after my doc appt. The pool is still leaking but I have given up and will just continue to add the three inches or so of water per day to keep the level up. My water bill is going to be horrible.

    cheers ladies! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Dara I do feel a sense of relief but also feel bad for those who have to have it. 


    Heres a round of drinks on me ladies, Happy Thursday and cheers to all of us.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Genny, feeling better already. Not like me to wallow. Looking forward to a great weekend! Xo to all