how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014




    Oh good, brunch is ready, anyone want to join me?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!

    I got some catching up.  I think I've read everything, now to try and remember it all.  ugh!

    Nancy - that just isn't right.  Makes me mad that the surgeon didn't keep going til he got clear margins.  Your weekend plans with dh sound like a grand time...go girl!  Glad you got your hair did and you feel pretty.  Hope you bought some super nice stuff too.  I jes spent $200 on shoes.  3 pairs ladies so don't have a cow, and these are special shoes for my plantarfaceitis(sp).  You look mauvOlus dahhhlinK!

    Mary - thank goodness rabbit hole filled in.  But u do have a bunch on your plate so the pity-potty is OK but jes fer a minute K?  Swimming bald headed in this heat, causes the pores to open and the pool chemicals and bacteria to get in, thus, foliculitis.  U can relate right, I think it was u, mighta been Prn.  Anyway, got a few started cuz I used the hottub while on vacay.  There goes my mind again....I should have known better.  But my head much better now.  I do so hope you get both scans...PET and Bone.  Praying for ya.  That's the spirit...referring to your poster on 'melt downs', well said!  I kno what you mean about lifting Nora.  I haven't been able to lift my gd, but I can sit and she can crawl up on my lap.  You'll get plenty hugs I'm sure.

    Ref Emma's hips.  Get her started on glucosamine.  I had 2 rotti's and started them off 3 a day for about 2 or 3 weeks.  Then when the could move without whinning we tapered down to 1 a day.  My last one had it sooo bad in both hips but with the meds she was running crazy all day with my shepard.  Just regular wal-mart brand is all ya need.

    Lowee - it is hard to understand the minions.  When I watched the 1st movie I had AM and Maddy.  They had to tell me what they were saying, we were cwacking up a lot.  I love that movie...still haven't seen 2 yet.  Headaches almost nil.  And the docs too busy to call with good....only bad news dontcha kno.  Still not relaxing yet cuz MO not due back to work until the 2nd.  So if the phone rings it'll be next week.  But I refuse to believe it'll ring.  Are you having any se's at all on your tx?  How many have you had now?   Lowee and Lynn, never thought about it, guess it could have been the contrast.  They said I might taste it, never have, but if that's the case it could b the culprit.  Just glad it over.  And you are welcome...I hope it fits.  Muah!  Fresh corn nothing better, glad you got it all bixed up.  Have a wunnerful weekend!!

    Lynn - OMG I am cwacking up too...I gotta figure a way to save that 'drink on 'T' days...tooo funny.  Hail yeah...I sed HAIL YEAH....git the ortho guy to order the Bone scan...u smart girl.  Glad all good news with PET too.  I like the way you talk to ur 'butthead' doc too...LOL.  Now I'm not done hoping to see on next page that things went super-duper on Friday.  Yippie are A-OK.  Now you rest up and don't over do.  Keep us posted on how you're feeling and of course how the fin looks.  LOL on da G'Slackers part of the HTL.  Think thats a keeper.  Love Dara's 2 cents too.  I don't kno ifin u can do nuttin for 3 weeks...but do try K?  (((Lynn)))

    Dara - such sweet woids for our Mary. And LOL LMAO on the widdle song you and your dad shared...hahaha.  Didn't u jes have your pool emptied and bixed up?  How come leak, and where....gotta find it girl...that water bill gonna b too much.

    Belle13 - I did the same ting and sometimes my tummy could handle it and sometimes I leave it unfinished.  Listening to you body is a good thing.  Good Luck and I'll send some prayers your way too.

    D'nice glad you are feeling better....time for a partay?

    Lara - u posting some funny chit...keep it!

    Julie - same with your posts...inspiring and funny at same time...gr8!

    NM - as usually poyfect DOTD's.  Glad those storms didn't disturb your power and the like.

    Gonna go take mese pooches to the park.   Everyone have a GR8 long weekend!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    G'slacka, sorry i missed brunch. damn it looks delish and those dwinks, well yeah, yummmmmy!

    Lynne, err I mean L'Slacka, glad ya made it outdoors. There is nothing like the great outdoors to make ye feel better. I hope you had a nice nap and have a good night tonight.

    Sue, so glad those headaches are gone, you sound awesome. So nice to see your purdy face around these parts. I will meet you and the other girls at the percotini fountain then to the MollyRock Resort and Slacker Spa. ahh, life ain't so bad. 

    I am taking Dad out to dinner and hoping to see the same lady who was sorta hitting on him last week. He failed miserable at realizing she was flirting. My niece and sister were coaching him today on the art of flirting including that wink when he says desert is later. lmao. Still have to take him to bisit mese Mama todey too. Just had two dwinks but gotta wait to dwink more. ugh, why do I not have a limo driver to taxi me around??? Tenders??? lol. 

    cheers to all girls! hopen everybody having a good sundey fundey. 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    All I can say is I am forever grateful for whomever invented tequila. Oncologists should hand a bottle out whenever they are giving you bad news. Drink up sisters!!! Happy Labor Day!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Hi girls,

    I wanted to advise you all that I had a nice dinner out. However, on the way home while getting gas in my car, I sharted. Crap!

    Hope you are all having a stellar saturdey night!  More ChEErS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    sorry I bumped ya into the pool Dnice, hope a hot life guard caught ya! 

    and what a splendid idea for all oncs to have bottles of tequilla! 

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Right?!! I'm just sayin.....

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    They should also be schooled in the "art of delivering bad news". That includes plastic surgeons as well. Never come into the exam room shaking your head and saying, "I don't like this". Rule 101. Start with the positive. Then have a nuanced approach with the news that's harder to deliver. Am I wrong?

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    Hello everyone! My what a night with Luke last night! Wow he puts on a good show! Thank you all fir your kind words and I brought you all to Chicago with me. 

    I hope everyone has a good weekend. I tried a regular bra instead of my surgery bra and that was a bad idea,  I cant wait to change out if it. It keeps rubbing my SNB and now its irritated. Love you all and cheers to the Holiday

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Same to you Ncollett! Gorgeous chi town skyline. Glad the concert was great. Music is wonderful! Happy Labor Day weekend! Seems like you are having a great time!

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    P.S.   Keep the surgical bra close at hand. The regular ones are not up to the challenge! Xo

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I hear ya dnice. And I hate when they use the word "unfortunately". That is a tragic word, there is a non-tragic word for the same news that makes it easier to swallow. Don't get me started. I can tell some stories about chit my doctors have said. How about "that is enough questions for today". And at my 1st follow up after bmx, the PS told me to buy something. I asked if he could write it down and he responds "I am telling you".....I was still wasted from the morphine and could not remember anything. I have found that most PS's are very cocky with cancer patients. But oh boy do they ever cater to their "cash" customers. Ugh. You got me started, I need a dwink.,,,make that a shot! 

    and down it goes.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    got one or two mo shottzies left~hiccup



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    OMG I'M MISSING SO MUCH GRRRRRR---My boss said he will order my battery from Amazon, said it's cheapr, whatever, but it takes him forever to do it cuz he asked me to take a pic of it for him and send it and he will go from there.  Who does he think I am----A photographer who can actually post my pics. I'm so bixed up. Anyway--He lives about 5 blocks from me.

    Damn I'm forgetting---Who in Chgo and happy as can be, I loved the pic--u look happy and having fun. And I lways love happy pics.

    44444 I'm sorry this is so painful for u--does it help to keep u'r arms on pillows and just be waited on---u HAVE to do very little and I know it's hard for you, I could never understand why someone can't not do things, but I know a lot of people like that, but please take it easy. So u heal better. U have to.

    SuzyQ I'm so glad u'r back, I hope u'r doing OK.

    Lara I don't get sll these things that hppen  to you; I feel bad, but maybu are to quiet about how u feel and these stupid Docs think it's not that bad. The thing about when u'r older like m they do say well u are older so...So many Docs are asses.

    Dara the explora u'r Dad is so cute--u 2 have such good times together.

    It's Lori's BD weekend and she's camping? I know she relly enjoys that I hope she has a great time. I lubs me Lori---and I lobs me girls here so much. U have all kept my insanity in place where it belongs.

    Genny u got u'r Nora tim in, but I bet it's not enough.

    SuzyQ did u get enough with Maddy-----oh oh I think I'm getting names confused--My brain is not good the last xouple of days. like usual.

    My kids were going to take me to ER yesterday, cuz my color was gray and I couldn't move, I LOLed so hard cuz I was mad and trying to wlk away mad and it was taking me forever, and we all started LOLing--can't stay mad, it looses something in my walking away. I feel a bit better today but not good.

    NM wow what a DOTD that one is, I hope u have the whole weekend off.

    Julie how are u doing?

    AAA who said the bottle of tequila--Great idea--It should be in one of the 1,000 pamphlets they give u. That no one reads. Oh I hate when the Docs come in and don't say anything and hold my hand first--I think they think I'm going to hit them. Never a good sign. Oh I shouldn't complain at al I'm doing far better thn they ever thought and one of my Docs, can't figure out why. So I'm good.

    I so want everyone to be good, mese prayers are all for my girls and families. Sooo everyone have a great Holly dai--I love that name that no one want to use. Oh my boss is having a boy the name will be Samuel Robert--I gave them Justin Tyme, but they didn't want that one. It's a great name. U'd never forget it.

    OK my little thing is flashing--so I'd better close I LUBS LUBS LUBS U ALL 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited August 2014

    Good Sunday morning,
    Loungettes!Sadie and I had a lovely
    day of doing nothing but watching the Lord of the Rings marathon.Got lovely breezy weather, gonna do laundry
    today and take advantage of the great drying conditions.

    Morning, Genny!

    Dara/DorKy--yup, had
    a great day yesterday.

    4--not easy not
    using the arms, I know.But hang in
    there, the results will be worth it!

    Genny--brunch is
    back!I have missed our brunches!

    Mema--special shoes
    are a good thing to spend money on!When
    the feet feel good, the rest of the bod does, too!

    I'm on board with
    the docs having a bottle to hand out with bad news, and maybe even with good

    weekend so far!Good for you!

    Dara's been busy!

    Cammy--why are you
    gray?That is NOTa good color for anyone!Can you order the battery yourself and get
    re-imbursed?Might work faster. . . .

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Galway Grey

    1 1/2 oz Vodka

    1 oz Cointreau

    1 oz White Creme de

    1/2 oz Lime Juice

    Light Cream


    Stir all ingredients
    (except cream) together, and pour into a cocktail glass. Float fresh light
    cream on top, sprinkle with grated orange peel, and serve.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2014

    Wow Dara! I can't believe your Dr said that's enough questions for today! Unbelievably insensitive. Are you finished with the PS yet? Or still have more to do? 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    Good morning girls!

    Yep, it is really me at 8:turdy pee em. hehe.

    Cam, I do NOT like that you were gray girl. Maybe you should go to the ER and show them how its done. You are so freaking cute, I have missed you so much. I hope you feel better. And girl, I mighten be calling you and asking you for the codes on your battery over the phone and I will order you one from ebay. Ugh. I did that for my cousin, her phone was constantly dying and she had been waiting for her DH to do it. It is less than 20.00. If you PM me the info you see, there shouuld be a model number or sumting there and I would need the brand of computer, ie HP, Dell etc. I would love to treat you as I miss you so much here. It was so nice to see you post today. I loves the hail outta ya goil. 

    Dnice, oh mese gawd, you asked about surgery. ugh, no, I am not done. I have had a total of 18 including a few small ones such as implants out, expanders out, reexisions but I have a right foob that keeps insist in drooping. I no longer have the implants, did away with them last Aug and opted for the lat flap. I ended up with an infucktion from de hospital, prolly the cath, and I am just healing. I had two debridements of mesh that popped through. So like Lynne had, I have a droopy right fin again! and I mean very droopy. Iffen i wear a bra, it cuts across the middle of the foob. I only wear bra when going out as it still fn hurts pretty bad. Lara and I have a lot of similarities with our recoveries. 

    omg, had the most bizzare dreams last night....always stressful work dreams. I was at a new job and I showed up first day with my pants inside out, then I could not find the bathroom and I was peeing mese pants up the halls and eberybody could see. next ting, we git on a bus and go on a trip to another building and it is a crack house with crack heads. we all took  off our shoes. well I decided to walk back cuz I was skeered and could not find both shoes. So I picked up a size 11 that was so so big and just walked and walked and walked then could not find mese car. ugh, i need to dwink more at night to quiet my head. 

    well gotta run, it is coffee time with my daddy, jest luv him so. brb!

    lubs to all! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Good Sunday morning goils, drinking my coffee getting caught up, glad to see a lot posted since I was here yesterday. DH golfing trying to beat the rain, supposed to rain all day. Looks like no bondfire for us at Mollyrock Resort. But i have noticed that on occasion... the weather man is wrong so that's what I'm hoping for. Haven't seen my Nora, wanted to stop today on our way but they're going to Columbus. Emma did great at the Children's Hospital yesterday. The director lady said only 1 more supervised visit and he can go on his own. DH came back kinda tearful at how the visits impacted the kids and their families. He said he lost count at how many she saw(unfortunately, so many kids). One little girl was laughing and her mom said she's been there 10 days and that was the first time she'd seen her smile. For the ones that are lying in bed he gets her to put her 2 paws up on the bed and she gives them a kiss. One little boy was playing with her nose and put his fingers in her mouth and she just licked him. I wish I could go and see but it's against the rules. Last night I was feeling pretty down, I'm just tired of my chest hurting, pain wears on ya after awhile, anyway Dara will like this, I had a couple of Jack and cokes(not my usual drink) and then broke out the willie and I gotta say, it bixed me up pretty good. Then I ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's Red Devil Cake Ice Cream took a Xanax and went to bed. Problem solved. Feeling just fine this ayem. 

    Sue, glad to hear you're feeling better. So I'm hoping your phone just never rings re: the tests since no news is good news. We started Emma on the glucosamine/chondroitin about 3 weeks ago. Her change in gait is very subtle but after so many shepherds we've seen it enough. It wasn't there on the xrays when we got her last year so hopefully it's just minor and won't cause her any real issues. Yep I was the one with folliculitis, nasty chit, but i didn't know about the pool. I did swim at the end of my chemo but didn't get any. My PS says no swimming in the pond at Mollyrock resort so I'm gonna put a waterproof dressing on my incision lines and just float in the chair instead of swimming. What kind of pooches do u have? Any plans to see Maddy?

    Dara, love the slacking names. Your dad sounds like a real hoot. So did the waitress hit on him this time? To bad that guy is in IL, course look at PRN and her DH. Shows, it can be done. My PS is good, very straight forward and blunt but not cocky. For me all the stupid chit came from the MO. Oh and so sorry to hear about the shart... I hate it when that happens! At least your date was only with yer dad! Hope you have some fun plans for Labor Day. Will the pool people bix yer pool after the season is over? After all that money you paid you won't have to pay for repairs, right?

    Cami, hope yer boss gets yer battery soon, we miss you around here. I needed a new charger cord for my puter and it was $70 at the apple store and I got it for $16 w/free shipping at ebay. Hope your doing ok today, we girls worry about you, color gray? maybe you could go and let em' check you out? We just lubs u Cami, I want to see u having all the docs scratching their heads for another 5 or 10 yrs.

    NM, glad you're having a good weekend off with Sadie, too bad they always go so fast.

    Nancy, sounds like a great time in Chicago, now it's gramma time, post a pic of that little cutie. I'll go for the tequila for bad news bit I'd need a little lemon and salt. My PS said I didn't need a bra so I took it off in the hospital and haven't worn one since. Course these foobs don't move and no nipples to peek thru anymore, one bonus I guess.

    4, Yes this slacking thing is more work then I thought it'd be. I do know that the less I do, the less I hurt so I'm getting better at it. Loved the percotini fountain and SlackerSpa to go with Mollyrock resort...funny! Hope all yer munchkins are waiting on u hand and foot, they owe u ya know. I'm still sleeping in the recliner, just can't stay on my back in bed.

    Lori, hope your weather is bootiful and camping and 4 wheeling a blast.

    Dnice have a great weekend, glad yer feeling better.

    Lala, hopefully you'll get what you need for pain, so sorry you're still having it. Hope you get to have some fun this weekend.

    So, got to move the slacking to the next phase, gonna turn on the tv now. Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend.. Love ya!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014


    Just got this, baby jail.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    I am back. 

    Girls, Lori is winning the photo contest on Facebook. I just voted again today. Please keep voting for her, again , you can vote daily.

    NM, good morning. I hope you have another enjoyable day. Thanks for the morning dwinks. 

    Genny, I shed a tear hearing the Emma story of yesterday. She is just amazing. As for my pool, it was leaking before the renovation. I told the sales rep that i wanted that fixed. On the invoice it said "pressure test drain lines" and nothing further. Well I hollered and they came buy and put some goop around the light fixture. That is when I let it drain down, then helped it along with my own pump and found that is not the culprit. I will wait until next year and just keep paying.  My sis said to call the township to see if I can get my water bill adjusted since they charge for sewer in relation to water usage. We have really enjoyed the pool this year. 

    4 and Genny, hate to lecture but please try to follow the rules. I would not suggest using water proof bandage and swimming Gslacka unless you are sure that you will only float and not get wet. It is too risky. take it from dummy me who has had so many failures. I know about the pain and have done it over and over again, it gets so old. I also have problem with waiting on others to do things, I get impatient. No idea why I failed, maybe slipping with cigs a widdle bit? Or a lotta bit? 

    And G'slacka, you my hero, modeling after me wooo hooo. Jack n coke, willie and xanax, wooo flucking hoooo, I admire you greatly! I do valium but same chit. 

    Don't forget to vote for Lori's pic (Goldie for the newer girls). It is the one of the morning glory, it is poyple, mese faborite color.

    I saying some prayers for all my goils and special ones for yu special goils who need them more. Love and hugs to all. 


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!    Happy Sundey Funday!!!  

    D'Wacko - am cwacking up at da D'slacka, Slacka Spa and da MollyRock resort.  LOL about your dad and the flirting, he jes sooo cute, I can jes see him grinning as u goils give him advice.  hahaha.  LMAOROTF....den u Sharted...been there done dat!! I shouldn't laugh but jes can't help meself.

    Dnice - KILLA!!! my fav libation...I kno it's early but it's 5 o'clock lets dwink!!  Dammit alll to dem idiotic onco' the swamp wif em all!!

    Nancy - aside from the bra irritation am glad you had a wonderful WOW evening, thanks for sharing a piece of Chicgo wif us.

    Faithful loving CAMI - good advice for our 4.  She is high drive and with young'ns and stuff, mese purdy sure she gonna have a rough go of staying down.  NO you brain firing right, me and 4 both have a Maddy but think spelled diff.  Mine is gd, hers is DD.  I had a wonderful 9 'sleep-overs' with her and now she is in school,  aaarrrgg, means I can't get her as often...boohoo.  And you still not going to da ER, are you really feeling better.  Ya kno, D'Wacko has some peeps, so does Allison and hers have Louiseville Slugger bats, u don't take care of uself u may get a bisit from da Big Guys.  I love the name you suggested for your's gr8...LOL!  No but seriously!  Hope you get your new battery soon, we NEED you!

    Same to you ms Lynn!!

    NM - Sounds poyfect for your weekend.  I have to hop here pdq and get stuff out from under sink.  Handyman coming over to try and find a leak.  DH knee still out of commission as far as bending and kneeling like that.  So true about the feet affects.

    D'Wacko - its 8:turdy ayem silly.  Did u get you shart clean up?  Still laughing, sawee!  You such a sweetheart to offer to order battery for Cami.  She does sooo deserve it.  I find everything on line to be cheaper than the stores.  LOL about the dream, there I go again, not much sympathy.  Mese tinks u had dream cuz of the sharts.  And me and Lowee mustta been on dat bus and u took our size 11 shoes, we hadda walk in teeny shoes...boy mese feet hurt!

    Will b back, gotta get that chore done....MUAH MUAH MUAH!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014


    I'm back...this is recent shot of my pooches,  Bella forground, Baxter rear.  This was at hotel on way home from ClearLake vacay.  No plans to see Maddy anytime soon Sad.  My head is doing much better, glad I caught it in time.  Little Nora in jail...waaaa...let her out!  Too cute.  Hope the gluc/chon keep working for Emma.  My plumber is here and dh took pooches to the park, arrrggg.  Gonna send this and be back in a few.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited August 2014


    Here is a pic, finally, of my folliculitis summer of 2011, pretty nasty huh.  So glad this last bout wasn't this bad.  And then to add insult, I had a horrible reaction to the anti-b's the ER doc put me on and my whole face swelled up. 

    G'slacka - what a wonderful combo for a good nights rest.  I do same thing cept my drink of choice changes from brandy to wodka to killa, but it all woiks.  Sounds like Emma had a good day....brought tears to mese eyes.  And your dh so moved...that's wonderful!

    D'Wacko - I keep trying to vote, Lori told me to try my Kindle, I will try today.  It is a glorious Morning Glory!  Good advice for G'Slacka about the water.  Any widdle bacteria can be bad bad bad! 

    Ok, gotta go now...hope I didn't gross anyone out wif me head shot.  Just kno mese


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    I'm back----

    Daffy Dora thank you, but my boss will get it for me---u'r so nice and sweet--when I tell him it's interfereing with mese work-zap it will be here. U'r really u early dis morning--Ah more time to drink,,,good thinking.

    SuzyQ I hate when school starts, LOL we can't be with our babies as much. Of course as a parent I couldn' wait. LOL Hope u'r feeling good.

    Genny Nora's in baby jail-----is this her first time? haha I can't imagine why except to make sure u wth her---she's gotta be going all over the place. She's so beautiful.

    Daffy Dara  r u sure that was a dream--I mean how mch did u drink. Cuz SuzyQ's feet hrt cuz of smaller shos. ( I really can't type today-so just put up with it)

    Don't worry about my gray skin I get that way when I have hrs of my D and plus my back was bad. Gray is the new Apricot. I had 2 places to go today--and I'm opting out of both--it's so nice out--but I have a slight fever (normal for me) and still raggedy and floopy feeling I know I complin more and more..

    All right now this is serious LISTEN TO DARA, DOPEY OR NOT, she know surgery big time and don't do anything u shouldn't do for sure.--Things seem easy but when u'r Doc says wait--WAIT no matter how u feel. Of course it's easy for me to say don't do something--cuz no on ever had to tell me twice--I still don't do stuff I can't. LOL--Hell I haven't vacuumed since 2007.

    OK I wanted to pop in again---cuz I missin to much and I LUBS u all so bery much

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    SusyQ I bumped u--hope u'r all right.

    OMG that's what it looks like u poor thing that looks painful too. Do whtever u do to take care of that NOW if it's returning. OOOHHHH

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited August 2014

    Sue, your pooches r so cut, shih tzu's or lhasa apso? I always mix them up. Yikes that folliculitis, I had it bad just once after 2nd chemo. After that it was scattered, washed my head every day with hibeclens, alcohol and then salicylic acid, it helped a lot. I promise I'm not gonna get it wet jst gonna float to my waist, the tegaderm just for extra protection. And the weather man was wrong! Yeah, no rain and prolly none coming. DH out watering now, sun is even trying to pop out.

    Cami...gray is the new are too funny.

    Gotta go scoop the cat box now that I've been allowed to take that job back. I need to take lessons from you Cam, maybe I coulda kept DH doing that. 

    Later goils......

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    eeeegadzzz yikes Mema Sue, that is horrible. So glad it did not get bad this time. we live and we learn eh? You sound absolutely great. I miss your face around here so much girl. Funny about your interpretation of my dream. I think you are on to someone.  I just appplied for another mortgage company that is local. we will see. I get a few requests for interviews but not calling back since they are too far to drive. My resume is on many websites. They are inindating me with nonsense email. I just wanna partay goil. And I tink I gonna have some tequilla today. My cuz left some for me, good cousin she is!! 

    Genny and 4, i know how damn hard it is to slow down and not lift arms or do any lifting at'll.  but please girls, take it from me and mese widdle sista Lora and behave as much as you can. It is horrible going through this over and over and over again. I still need to have my right side lifted again. and I am tinking about trying implants again. I HATE the widdle foobs I have I really do. My PS in NJ said that implantts and TE's do not reject as I thought. It is the infucktion that gets them and causes them to open up. Once dey exposed, they are done, goners, finito. uh. it is so depressing iffens I allow mese to tink too much about it. 

    I gonna start dwinking early todey in honor of you girls, ~hicccup, ooops, seeems one jest went down. hey, it is sundey fundey so why de hail not? 

    I do worry about our Cammy. Iffin she sees this, I gonna tail her, I was tinking about tailing on her to her DD's. But I do not tink she'd be happy about that. 

    I talked to my new "friend" in IL today, he is so sweet. He said that he would relocate if needed, wooo hooo to that. We have to talk more then plan a meeting, ya know, facetime. and I used that word, he thought it was cute. I did not tail him that I did not make it up. Scuby dooo did, a loungette from our past. Wonder how she is doing, she just dropped off the thread. I know that she lost her sister to the RB which might have contributed to her need to be away from all this. I just said a prayer for her hurting heart. I was upset with her for standing me up but I am a foygiving person and know it was just not a good time for her. anywho, i have my ex hub #1, DD and her BF, they jusst arrived. and today is the 24th anniversary of our marriage. we are still great friends. I wish I could live with him but just can't, he makes me nucking futs.

    have a great rest of the holiday weekend....until I check in again....more cheers and more love to all! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    oops Mar, bumped ya into the pool, tank got you took precautions. pleae do be careful. I had a widdle accident on about the 3rd day after bmx. It was my intent to just walk down a few steps of mese pool and git wet. well dont cha know, with the likker and narcotics, mese foygot that I had three steps and not two and went down. I did not get my incision wet, thanksfully I as able to pull myself up with the railing before I went too far in. But that pulling hurt like a mother flucker!! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited August 2014


    we r cruising on the Lake today beautiful day in the windy city cheers ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited August 2014

    Se I told u to listen to dopey Dora--and I'm so furcited about this NEW friend of u'rs in IL---sounds good to me. I love how u are still friendly with u'r EX--it's good for u. BTW u will be dopey, dumb and daffy Dara if U tell my DD anything I say on here. LOL--with a virtual black eye too. Got it-----u know how much I love u but I don't relly talk about how I feel with them. Just here. Oh Oh  I kind of learned how to text--Joey was teaching me--so I'm getting the hang of it. Woot Woot, I'll catch up to this century soon. OK BBL