how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    yippee Cam, learning to text! and oh mese oh mise, I shirley would not open mese mouth and tail on you cuzin me does not look good in black eyes. I already look a bit goth by nature. and goil, you aint messin' around, I know of all people, YOU got people. Just take care of yourself and iffen you need medical attention, get it. or I will poysonally ccome dere and kick yer lazy arse. and I say dat with love. 

    nancy, you are living the good life, eh?

    I had a nice dinner at my DD's house. the kids were getting along quite well. fingers crossed it keeps up. 

    hopin you all having a good sundey fundey! cheers until next time......i will be Bach. you betta betcha! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited August 2014

    ps Camille, ha, I said I will be back.

    iffen I get a plane ticket to Illinois, I am coming to see ya. and it mighten be soon. hmmm, i might try to beat the innocent one to meet you so you know already that you lubs me more. hehe, just kidding. Dude lives in Kankakee, ever hear of that place? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    hello ladies been working this weekend Bawlingbut off tomorowHappy

    cammi-you can have grey highlights,you can wear grey to show off but your sparkly stuff but you can't be grey yourself, not allowed, when joey has finished teaching you how to text, can you send him to me

    genny m   do we start a campaign to free nora?

    sue- glad your doing better

    girls who have had surgeries behave and listen to our master slacker teacher

    dorywacko dara  - Shocked 

     wow luke in concert,all i can say is i'm jealous

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi Julie! Sorry you working, hope it goes fast.

    thanks for the eye candy, sweeeeet boys, hail yeah! cheers n chocolate lady! Dara loves ya and missed ya around here. Be good. And if ya cant, dont git caught hehehe! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Julie just what we need here----Some sunshine, u of course.

    Daffy Kankakee is about 1/2 hr to 40 mins to where I live--A bunch of my cousins live in DeKalb which is like the next town over. so it's very doable Woot Woot. This would be GREAT.

    I'm hoping for a good day tomorrow, that will be nice.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014

    Hiya girls!

    We just got back from a BBQ where I sat on my butt and did absolutely nutting!  Just asked for food and drinks to be brought to me!  Only got up to pee then back to meese seat outside by the fire pit. 

    I gonna get some rest now and ketchup in the ayem!

    LUBZ & HUGZ!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Im getting confused with eall the names

    Dnice u went to a concert correct? or no the lake

    Anyway I want to take a book with all these horrid doctor stories we have gon ethrough and show the public.Sueing them never works, but I will say these PS are dicks I hate mine with a fury I am going to go off on her on tuesday. I gave zero permission for her to talk to my doctors. She thinks and evryone in this helping doc community are assholes. MY ps would see me for 5 sec hello im still in shock from a nine hour surgery and he to would give me no time I fired him. THis isdiot now bites her tongue I call it the mouth twitch when I need my questions answered.Pain docs know nothing. There is something called post masectomy chonic pain, it happens in women more likely under 40 who had bmx before 40. OI was 38 and still going on with this chit.

    I want answers and help. We should expose how un fairly we r treated.

    something has to be done

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good Labor Day
    morning, Loungettes!Had a lovely sleep
    cuddled with Sadie this ayem, was very, very nice.Don't even mind the fog that's out there.

    Nice--I'm with you,
    putting a limit on the number of questions someone can ask, howarrogant!

    Dara/DorKy--sweet of
    you to help out Cammy!Wow, those were
    weird dreams and not the entertaining kind of weird, either.Enjoy coffee with your Dad!

    Genny--the moreI hear about how Willie helps people feel
    better, the more I want to have him visit!Sounds like you found the perfect combo for fixing yourself up.I haven't worn a bra since recon, either, and
    have opted to pass on getting fipples, so no headlight issues for me,
    either.It's funny, sometimes I can feel
    the now-long-gone-nipples tightening up.I even look down expecting to see pokies in my t-shirt, but NOPE,
    nothing there!Aww, baby jail, so cute!
    I've seen the reactions of the residents in the nursing home I visit when
    therapy dogs and family pets come in, it'sheartwarming!

    Dara/DorKy--I just
    voted for Goldie again, thanks for the reminder!

    Mema--I am having a
    nice long weekend, even if it did rain on the sheets hanging on the line
    yesterday!Bella and Baxter are too
    cute!Yucky folliculitis, and a reaction
    to the Aunty B, too?So not fair!

    Cammy--Gray is not a
    good color for a person, even it if isn't unusual for you, so please be taking
    care of yourself!

    please, please be VERY careful not to get the surgical areas wet, or let them
    come in contact with wet clothing or get splashed at all.There are so many bacteria, fungus, and bugs
    in pond water, it's just an infection looking for a place to happen.And be very careful not to move your arms too
    much, too.

    Collett--love the
    pic of Chicago!

    Julie--sorry you
    pulled holiday weekend duty.Hope it's
    been uneventful.

    4--sounds like a
    great party!

    ORLA--I whole
    heartedly agree, all the chit we go through should be exposed.There is a fantasy out there that women with
    bc work through treatment and become activists for getting mammograms and doing
    breast self exams, all cheerfully glad to be alive and pan free.What a crock of bull!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Midsummernight's

    2 oz Vodka

    1 oz Kirschwasser

    1 tsp Strawberry

    5 oz Strawberries

    oz Schweppes Russian


    Mix the strawberries
    in a blender and pour over ice in a shaker. Add the vodka, kirsch and
    strawberry liqueur to the shaker. Shake well, pour into a highball glass, and
    fill up with the russian water.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning girls and happy Labor Day to ya all! Molly sleeping, DH golfing and Rocky somewhere? Maybe out to breakfast. Anyway, be assured girls I did not get pond water anywhere near my foobies, daze taped up and I only sat in the floating chair and read a magazine. I even wore a long sleeved shirt and a big floppy hat so as not to burn my calico skin. Let me tail you da tenders were lined up all da way down Mollyrock Lane tryin to git a look at my hotness! So Emma is "fishing" she stands at the shoreline trying to catch fish for how ever many hours we will allow her to do it. She's been out there since 7:30 now. 

    NM, I hadn't visited Willie in years until recently, a little goes a long way. I want to cut back on meese alcohol abuse so I might have to have him visit more frequently. So glad you're just lounging around with Sadie. I went to the grocery store yesterday and was in the meat dept and it was real cold and I forgot and looked down for headlights, ha! then remembered I don't have any. I'm not gonna get them either, I'm done with it all once I get my implants.

    Cami and Dork, I would so love to come and meet up with you girls in IL. It's 6 1/2 hours for me, a straight shot down 90, my DH been wanting to take me to Chicago, only problem is I'm gonna be starting rads, but anyway maybe down the road we could do it, spashilly ifin tings heat up with Dork's "friend" and you start making more trips there. I musta missed something cause I don't remember reading about the dreams, I'll hafta scroll back.

    4, sounds like you're catching onto this slacking thing just fine, have fun, r u having any pain?

    Lala, so sorry about your chronic pain, I wish for you that you could find just the right doctor that would truly listen and help. I'm sick of the pain already and I'm not even 4 wks out, there's got to be someone to help you. Love your funnies.

    Julie, have a good day off, nice eyecandy

    Nancy, looks like you're having a great time.

    Cami, yea it was Nora's first time in jail, here mom was trying to fix it so she could at least go to the bathroom, I'm thinking she may have to break down and get a playpen.

    Sue, hope you and DH and pooches havin a good day.

    Lori, hope yer having lots of fun on yer getaway.

    Gotta go make some breakfast and go out and enjoy the beautiful day, gonna stay here for dinner then head home cause I got meese 3 hour appt with RO tomorrow. Prolly pop in later, by 4 now

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    This one's for Cami !!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    I'M HOME!

    Nancy, that is a beautiful picture of yourself.

    Lala, birthday was really just another day. Celebrated when DH and I went to Utah. You re sure having a time with all of that pain and the doctors. I think I would fire them all, and start with new. I don't know. You must be so frustrated.

    4, looks like all went well, I still have lots more to read, so hoping to see more from you. Love that you wanted some ICE DREAM! I see you need to join the "Slackers". Well, I'm sure they will have some good tips for ya.

    Mary, Mollyrock Resort is perfect, or Mollyrock Hide-Away. OMG, trying to find a mother/son duo for Wacko and her daddy, you have the POYFECT opportunity foy dat! Why is it against the rules for you to go with Emma? I just couldn't handle seeing those sick little kids, just not fair. But you gots me laffing.....JD and coke, Willie, pint of B&J ice cream and Xanax = Problem Solved! When you mention your cat I start to laff, cuz I can only think of the story you told about the stuffed animal!

    Wacko, LMAO at the Miracle of Toilet Paper, and trying to teach you daddy to flirt. Sawry bout da shart, I can relate, as I had one too yesterday, I'll splain later. I was going to comment on you being up so early (8 turdy) but saw you said Pee Em, so I erased it. Den I see LDB correct you and sayed you up in da Aye Em...........which was it? And you mighten go to IL? Why the hail would you want to beat me? Need to be dere at the same time!!!!

    LDB, I didn't know you couldn't lift either. And Maddy is so tiny. Glucosamine for the dogs, I think there was someone else that did that too for their dog and it worked. No SE's that I can tell as of yet, so all is good. Jes a little sore for a couple days since it goes right in the muskel. NO PHONE CALLS, NO PHONE CALLS, NO PHONE CALLS!!!! So glad the headaches are just about nil. Bella n Bax look so cute, can NOT say the same about your head....OMG! Whew, that is from before, 2011...Thank Gooness!

    Dnice, as for the bad news being delivered, not sure if I would rather have the positive before it or not. Mighten give me false hopes. Guess I don't care how it's delivered. Would much rather be in a position where I didn't have to worry about! Like NOT having this RB (RAT BAS TURD) of a disease! As for Dara and her surgeries, she has not even come close to telling you what she has been through and the pain to go along with it, AND could have died with one of the infections.

    Cami seriously? He wants a picture of your battery and he only lives 5 blocks from you? A picture is not going to help, he will need model numbers and such. Oh dear, an almost bisit to the ER and you were GRAY? WTF! I hope you are feeling better today love. Cute that Joey is teaching you to text, and LOL on the virtual black eye.

    NM no, gray is not a good color on And feeling those invisible nipples has to be really strange. Because of the AI's, mine don't react anyways and I have one innie. Love your words to Lara and the Crock of Bull..........So TRUE!

    Julie, I think we could all use Joey for something or another and I love your campaigne idea to free Nora! You are off today, ENJOY!
    Thanks everyone for voting on my picture on FB, and for sharing it so others can vote too. I'm still in first! Funny that there are only like 5 entries!

    Ok, gonna hit submit and I'll be back with my weekend....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    A little bit of TMI, so feel free to skip by!!!  (or RUN)

    Ok the purpose for going camping was to learn how to use the camper, as we have never had one and there's more to it than just pulling up and using it. So we get there, and there is a little road that goes around the property (about 7 acres), well we come to a spot where there are 2 trees on both sides, our friend tells my husband to keep coming he is doing fine. Well, it wasn't fine, scratched the one side of the camper from one end to the other, top to bottom! The camper is 12 years old, but there wasn't a scratch on it. We are hoping it will buff out. Anyways, Friday was great. Had some drinks, and played a game with the other 2 couples that were there. Saturday, they had a funeral to go to, one of the lodge members had passed, so DH and I headed out on the quad, were out for about an hour and I told him I wasn't feeling good that I needed to go back and I wanted to lay down, this was about 11:30 am Saturday morning. Slept most of the day and then the night.  I moosta come down with some kind of stomach flu. I was in a horizontal position until we left yesterday morning, came home and got right back into bed. Along with this tummy crap, I have the "D" like crazy. Already been in the bathroom this morning about a dozen times in less than 3 hours, it's like water. And give me these cramps that hurt like the dickens, thank goodness they only last a few seconds. I thought I was feeling better yesterday afternoon and was even able to eat a little, so I thought I should be good to go today......NOT! Had the one shart yesterday and another just a bit ago, so I needs to gets meese EWWA (ever widening white arse, for the new goils) altho I no think it's too white, into de shower.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!   Happy Laborless Day!!

    Cami - yes it was very painful, hurt to lay my head on a pillow.  But done now.  And gray is not your color at all....hope whatever causing it passing soonliest!  ((Cami))   Had to LOL at your answer to dopey Dora...cwack mese up!  And once you learn to text, you'll understand it's usefulness.  I cudn't understand at first, now I get it and use it constantly.  You go girl!

    Genny - they are MalShi's.  Daddy is maltese, mama is shihtzu.  Baxter was born April 2011 and Bella in December 2011.  Brotha n Sista from a diff litah...LOL.  Yay for no rain and glad you were a good girl and did not get wet.  I wudda lubbed to see all da tenders lined up on Mollyrock Lane.  LOL about Emma, my Tessa loved to chase the water break at edge of lake and try and bite it.  She would go and go til we stopped her or she dropped.  She loved to swim too.   Dats me too....I've lost that little thing inside mese head along time ago.  LOL

    Dara - woohoo hope you get th e job.  Closer is a good thing.  And ya kno ya can't partay on fo'eva goil altho I wish you could.  Glad kids are behaving.  I musta misssed the new 'friend' in IL.  Keep us posted on that situation...whoohoo!  Sweet of you to send some positive energy out to Scubby.  We all deserve a widdle now and den.

    Nancy - looking like a good time fo sho!

    Julie - love da eye candy.  Sawee u woiking this weekend tho.

    4 - good good good to hear from you.  Glad you let others wait on you too, sounds like it was a nice evening.

    Lara - I'll add a name to that list.  I refused to sue cuz of the stress and knew I cudn't handle it.  Sooo wish you could find some relief...I'm still praying for ya ((Lara))  Cwacked up and rolled on de floor...ur cartoon struck me sooo funny.  Still laughing!

    NM - not fair raining on your sheets, but glad you having a relaxing weekend.  GR8 advice to Genny and any others fresh outta surgery, like 4sew.  DOTD sounds interesting, gonna have to look up Kirschwasser tho.

    YAY - Lowee is back, did ya have a nice trip?  I'm not supposed to lift more than 10# for risk of fracture in my back/spine.  Maddy is a tiny thing isn't she, but still too heavy.  OMG, the campng trip from hell....hope you get to feeling better soon girlfriend.  Take it easy today too...K?


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Hey LDB....resting today is EZ Peezy, as I feel like shit! Pun intended!

    Hmmmm, nothing more than 10 lbs. I wonder if I should be watching that, with the mets in meese spine and hip. Spine area is at base of neck though, so doesn't really affect lifting. Mighten just be careful anyway!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Lori glad u'r home but not glad u feel like u do--U have to keep hydrated with electrolyes Big time.I hope u'r ding thst, it seems so easy and quick to get dehydrated these days There are lots of water drinks with electrolytes now so u have to do that--Water isn't enough--U know I know about this. It better leave soon cuz it's tough to take on u'r body. So report back.

    SuzyQ I love u'r posts and u'r furbabies are just to cute, And 10# isn't very much ike a 1 month old baby so just be careful.

    Genny u sound good today.

    Ncollett and Dnice I don't double page and can't go back and of course trying to remember is a no can do thing. But I hope u have relief and can relax---See 444 got a chance and finally did it

    Lara I know u'r in a place with these awful Drs for u And u r so right--whoever decided to be spokesperson is always the one who sailed thru all this--which I'm glad--but so many don't--it's so chronic and our bodies get so much wear and tear our bodies just can't get back to what they were. And it seems like when u'r done with some Drs. U'r done and then what??? I'm just starting to go every 4 months now to the Onc. first time which I'm glad but in between I'm seeing other Drs. too and no one can fix me just treat me with pain meds. It all sucks. I didn't mean to make this bout me, cuz it just goes right back to u--how do we feel good again And what I get so upset about is u'r so young to be like this, they should have more answers and help for u. That to me is not fair at all.

    Genny wouldn't that be fun to ll meet, I wish we could with everyone.

    NM sleeping in is wonderful with Sadie--Good DOTD but like SuzyQ didn't know what that one likker is.

    Julie I'm confused r u on call today? I hop not and if u ar hope all is quiet.

    Well Dopey Dara must be sleeping late and good for her. OK my comp. is reacting to me tlking, dumb chit

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    I have not yet finished reading, only glanced. Lori, so sorry you are not feeling well. I just voted for you twice (confirmed we do not have to be friends with you to vote, my fake self will vote again today as well. WOo hoo you are up by 100b  points. 

    Girls be sure to vote today if you have not already.  Click into link, scroll down to the poyple morning glory then hit the row of stars to vote.

    will be back latah, dindin is coooking so gotta fly. cheers! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014



    Hello everyone. We just got back and I am trying to catch up. Lori I am sorry you haven't been feeling well, I hope your better by now. Goldie I hope you had a great time camping but sorry about the scratch. Genny hope you were able to get together with your little one this weekend. Here are some pictures of my weekend.



    Cheers ladies and have a great start to the week.

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014

    Checking in Ladies!

    Been a really rough day. Figures I take the pain meds and all they do is give me a migraine. So back to the yoga breathing!

    Lori, bummer bout the scratch, bigger bummer about not feeling good. Hope you are on the mend.   HaHa. We have Chik FIL A here and they have soft serve they call Ice Dream. It is an automatic stop on surgery days!  Cold wet and not too sweet! Perfect for after anesthesia. 

    Julie, hope you had a great day off. NM and Sadie too!

    LaLa I am so sorry you are still having so much trouble and pain and that the docs have been dics. I love my PS although right this minute he is not on the Christmas card list!  He'll be back on by next week though.  Some place I have some research about options for post MX pain and my PS has helped some ladies with that very thing so I will ask him too. You can always fly south and see him!

    Cami, gray is NOT a good color but better than blue in some cases.  I hope you are feeling less floopy.  I have a Madolyn and Sue has a Madison(pretty sure). Mine is 10 and just as sweet as Joey.  Today she made me terrible coffee and woke me up to give it to me along with toast so dry I could hardly chew or swallow, but I savored every bite!

    Sue!  Cute doggies and glad the head is not so bad this time.  Glad you feeling better and NO CALLS. NO CALLS. NO CALLS. 

    Genny, this slacka thing is so much easier when it hurts this bad.  This is by far my worst surgery of them all for pain.  Hopefully it is the last major one. Funny about the head lights you and NM were talking about. I do that too.  Never did plan to get the Fipples either.  Weird though that I have areolas and they still wrinkle up but I don't feel a thing. Nora is adorable in an I-am-full-of-hell sort of way!  It's the red hair ;0)

    Dara, I missed the new person of interest too. Spill girl!  And we ALL need to find a time and get together in Cami's neck of the woods.  It is kind of a central location for a meet up. Hope your family all had a good weekend,

    Ncollett!  Sounds like a nice trip. I grew up in Chicago but have not been back in a while. Nice that you and DHcould have a great time together!

    DNice. Hope toe had a nice relaxing weekend too

    I know I am missing lots. Sorry. From my knees to my toes don't hurt so looking at the plus side there!  My azz and back hurt from sitting/laying. This slacking thing should come with a warning and booze!

    Have a good nite all. I'll pop by in the ayem to see what I missed!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Back to work Tuesday today
    for me.Not sure if I'm excited or not,
    but I am curious to find out what has happened to my folks over the weekend.

    Genny--I bet Emma
    has a blast "fishing" all day!Glad you had a good Labor Day, sounds like it was lots of fun.Odd looking down and not seeing headlights,
    isn't it?

    home!Yup, feeling the nips that aren't
    there is strange, but sort of amusing at the same time.I guess I am just weird.YIKES, not a good way to spend the holiday
    weekend, hope you feel better fastliest!

    Mema--I actually
    don't mind getting some rain on the clothes, it's great fabric softener.And they dried out really quickly as soon as
    the sun came out.

    Cammy--I can't
    imagine how frustrating it must be for you, not being able to be fixed up.I can't for the life of me figure out how
    your flying organdas managed to do what they do and not being able to be fixed.SOMEBODY must be able to do something for

    pics!Looks like a great weekend!

    4--migraines are NOT
    fun, so sorry the meds triggered one.Yoga is good for lots of things, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Golden Nipple

    1/2 oz Butterscotch

    1/2 oz Goldschlager

    Irish Cream


    Add goldschlager and
    butterscotch schnapps to a 1 1/2 oz. shot glass. Fill with bailey's irish cream
    and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    HI 4 if you can help me Im lost I need a doctor who deals with post masectomy pain

    We r not good money wise now IDK I can ask my dad

    Anything in NYC I can go there my sis lives there

    I search everything

    This doc knows nothing she is actually the whatever u call them nurse practionmer

    I emailed by doctor last night I registered online and I can email her. I told her how my MED check apt went down.How I am to young, her friends had this surgery and they are fine WTF. THis is about me not her friends shes a idiot Im the patient

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Sue, I don't think NM minds the rain on the sheets, I know I don't. It just gives them that extra outdoorsy smell. There is no fabric softner or soap that can mimic it. I know you said you were feeling pretty good, how about mentally?

    Cami, I am staying hydrated. Made my own sort of gatorade, as I won't drink that, and even had a few brewski's. That's fluid right? I have an "Ask Joey" question. Need to make him feel needed. It's in regards to Nora. Should we A. Start a "Get Nora Outta Baby Jail" campaigne. B. Keep her in "Baby Jail". C. Get Nora a play pen. or D. Let her run free.

    Lara, and the rest of the gals that have been so mutulated and in so much pain, it's such a shame that you can't win a little something in a lawsuit. Just not fair.

    My sweet Wacko, yours is still on going, right? What? You have 2 FB accounts? Cuz you can only vote once a day.

    Nancy, I am Lori. I am the one a tad sick and the one that went camping and got our new toy hauler scratched. Just confirming, cuz the way you wrote it, it looked like you were referring to 2 different people. And look at that little cutie grand baby of yours. But I forget his name, is it Luke? We love when a breastie shares pictures. You and DH look like you are having a wonderful time. Did you go on that ferris wheel? Ahhhhhh, Miller Lite. Junie's drink of choice. Junie was one of the original ladies from this thread, we lost her a few years ago. I miss our Junebug. CHEERZ!

    Mary (Genny), I feel funny calling you Genny, your mom's name. I still have my mom, but I would feel funny about being called by her name. Am I just weird? Anyways, how are you feeling? I hope you are starting to feel better.

    Ahhh 4, I thought the ice dream was just a typo. No Chik Fil A here where I live. Taking meds for pain and getting a migraine is just SO WRONG. I'm so sorry. Love your Maddy bringing you coffee and toast story. A true "Mother's Love".

    Wacko has me cracking up at calling all you Slacka's out, and yes 4, that title should def. come wif booze. And let's not foyget da Willie.

    Haha on the Golden Nipple, poyfect! I do hope your short work week goes smoothly and all of your patients are well and enjoyed their weekend with NO issues.

    Lara, where are you? I thought you were in NY. That would be so awesome if you could get some help. You do have insurance, yes?

    Well, I AM feeling better physically, but still have that darned dreaded "D" this morning. Maybe I need some cheese? More fiber? Some Metamucil? I have a ton of chit to do before I leave on Saturday. I was suppose to get blood work done last week, but wasn't in the town where I get that done. So I emailed my nurse, asking her if I could skip it this month. I mean, I'm going to be gone! And I have to be there the end of Sept for my scans and also blood work then. I think a pass for this month should be granted.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls,

    Lori, I just voted again,  you are up by 135 points. We have to make sure the person at 2nd place stays there. and yes, I have a fake facebook account. If I could remember my name, I would have you look me up. I can get back to you with that once I logout and vote from that account. I want this for you girl.  Sorry you are not feeling good, that just sucks. Nothing worst than that dreaded D. I hope it passes quickly. Have you tried taking imodium?

    Lara, I am considering going to Cedar Sinai hospital in NYC. why not check and see if they have someone there who can help with pain? This hospital was recommended by my attorney who hates most doctors but speaks highly of this place. I wish you felt better. 

    Genny, I missed the jail pic but just saw it. Poor baby girl. I payplen, as my DD used to call it is a great idea. Babies seem to have a way to find danger even under the closest supervision. She is just so cute. 

    Nancy, loved your pics too, keep em coming. 

    Camille, how you feeling today? 

    NM, omg, I know that feeling of when the phantom nipples get hard. It is sooo weird. Funny, my Dad went into the pool yesterday and when he got out I asked if I could touch his rock hard nips. And with my other hand, I felt my foobs and portended the nips were mine. crazy yes. As for Willie, have you never tried it? It takes several times smoking for it to have an effect. I will never forget the first time I actually got high. I was at a band gig with high school, we were playing for the Sixers, the philly basketball team. Well we had a break and my friend and I got high and OMG, we got lost, could not find our way back to the band until they started to play, we heard them and got back by following the sound. Needless to say, we were both sidelined for the remainder of the game. I would mail you some if it was legal., wink wink. It would come from Dara Diverse in Philly hehe. Say the word lady. I am a nut. kidding of course, wink wink again. Glad you had such a restful weekend. I hope your people are all good today.

    Mema Sue, I have a lifetime ten pound weight limit due to the node dissection. It puts us that had this at higher risk for LE. But I ignore those warnings. My tinking is that I have not gotten it yet after four years, I doubt I will. I hope you are feeling well and drinking happily. I will have a shot of tequilla with ya. 

    Well crud, I have to jump back a page cuz I know I missing a lot of girls. 

    Julie, thanks for the eye candy, yummmmmy! My Dad often approaching me from behind when I am on here and it was funny as I was scrolling down at those hotties, I think he was skeered he would see the actual gems lol. I hope you had a nice weekend, sorry you had to work on the holiday but I hope you get shift diff pay. 

    Well I am going to head out, have to pick up RX for me and Dad's insulin. He is on his last set of pens and would hate to run out. Will try to come back later and finish up here.

    Dont forget to vote for Lori's pic. You might not even have to be on facebook to vote. I will be voting again under my alt account. which btw, there is a long story attached to that account and I can tell ya later girls.

    Peace out, enjoy the day. Cheers! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Dara really? I should call

    I know goldie it sucks I hope u r doing good

    golden girl goldie

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    oops Lara, it is Mt Sinai, Cedar Sinai is Los Angeles. 

    You might still run into a famous person there. 

    here is a link to pain management.

  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2014

    yep I'm drinking. Carry on comrades..... 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    hey dnice! I am drinking too. on my third jack n diet. yumm~hiccup~yyyyy! 

    who else is partaying wiht us?