how about drinking?



  • Dnice
    Dnice Member Posts: 156
    edited September 2014

    hey Dara, glad someone on here. I am not good at getting everyone's stories straight. But I DO CARE! Just having a hard time concentrating lately. I head to NYC tomorrow for yet another consult. Just kicking back tonight. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Dara...Kankakee is close to me 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    I haven't been on all day GRRRR--I have been very busy with work, but that's cuz yesterday was a holiday so al the calls came today.

    Lori it sounds like u feel a bit better so keep on fluidating u'r self big time, don't use spinach or kale in u'r drinks I hope that D leaves u quickly now.

    Love the pics, but who would go on that ferris wheel OMG to throw up from that height might kill someone on the ground. Oh ll these beautiful blonde babies, I've never seen so many we always get dark hair--

    NM I hope u'r day went well.

    OK Wacko, Dopey, Daffy--any more names and u will rival the 7 dwarves. U are a nut.

    Oh how I hat to hear of the pain u girls are in. that's terrible and then to get more pain from a pain med. All I can say is u have to stay put--but how sweet to have breakfast brought to u.

    I've had D again all day today to close to the other day so I'm really wiped out but I worked, and a couple of calls went to voicemail first it was either answer or bathroom, and I didn't make the bathroom 2x and still not the phone--but I took care of it later.

    I'm sorry missing so many of u, cuz I lubs u all.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Hello everyone! Lori sorry for the mix up, I am still tired from the weekend. There is no way I would go on that Ferris Wheel. My poor honey wanted to but I have permanent inner ear damage and a mild traumatic injury   due to the drunk driver that rear ended me a couple of years ago and I feel sick enough without adding that to everything.  I wish I could do things like that though. That picture was at the Navy Pier. It is a huge building that is full of all kinds of restaurants and stores to shop at. I got a Cubs shirt for my grandson and I and a Blackhawks shirt for my grandson.  We also went on a river cruise that explained and showed all the architecture of downtown Chicago. It was really cool. I just have to figure out how to download my camera to my iPad so I can share more neat pictures. I love to take pictures. Hope you all dont mind. 

    Tomorrow I go to my first RO appointment. Wondering what will happen. Then I go to the ENT and then I have a break Thursday and then Friday to the Neurologist. Busy Dr week. Next Wed is my re-excision. I am ready to get this done. 

    Drink for the night was a Raspberry Wine. Very good I might add.  Cami I really hope you feel better soon. Dnice I hear you on the concentrating thing. I have not had any treatment yet but I have so much going on that I get worn out just thinking about it. I started to journal everything from appointments to how I am feeling on a big book calendar I got. One that has the monthly calendar and then also the day by day notes that you can wright in. That way I can look back if a doc or anyone has questions about how I felt or what I did and I cant remember. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    Jell-O shots anyone?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    OOOO Yummy drinks. And even tho I workd Downtown Chicago, many years ago I  still love the pics--It really is a beautiful City--My DD1 works in the bldg. right next to Sears (I still call it that) Tower And every year at Christmas when our kids were younger we'd go downtown to see all the lights--just beautiful.

    I forgot to tell u gals what happened to my sister. She gets an endroscopy kind of often cuz she has Barrets Disease so especially since she's Stage IV they really watch it. Anyway her BP got super low during the test and they had to wake her, and she woke up to gagging and feeling like she was choking to death but they had to finish (she didn't know what was going on) Well she must have been moving her head cuz they had to hold her and she was choking like mad. So she rested after and went home and went to bed her throat felt terrible she said she could hardly swallow. So she got up the next day throat still hurting and was going to work and walked in the bathroom and saw 2 black eyes her face was all swollen especially around her mouth so she called in sick. She was so pissed cuz they just kept on going just to tell her everything was the same so no worries. So she had another goofy experience with our medical Drs. who deal with us.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Oh my gosh Cami that is awful!! I am so sorry your sister had to go through that. Wonder if they gave her too much Demerol or Versed during that Endo? 

    I have heard that the store windows are awesome too at Christmas time on the Mag Mile. We will definitely be going back to Chicago. We loved it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is every one this dark
    morning?I like it much better when the
    sun gets up before I do!

    ORLA--ask for a
    referral to a Pain Clinic.And push the
    complaint about the nurse practitioner, your appointment is supposed to be
    about you, not her friends.Sheesh!

    Goldie--Thanks for
    the good wishes for the week, hoping it gets a bit better.Had a long day yesterday, walked into 2
    crises, got those under control after lots of work.Got an admission on the schedule for today,
    after the big long morning meeting.Gonna be another long day.Oh,
    well, such is life, right?I don’t see
    why you can't take a month off from lab work,it's not like the results are going to change anything you are doing
    anyway.Gotta have some time to live
    life, right?

    Dara/DorKy--I have
    never tried willie, never really been interested in trying it until
    recently.Not going to now 'cuz it's not
    legal in Maine and I don't want to risk my licenses.Then there's the asthma, if second hand
    cigarette smoke can trigger wheezing I'm afraid first hnad willie smoke will
    too.But I would try eating some.If it were legal.

    Nice--don’t worry
    about not keeping all the stories straight--I can't without my notes and I've
    been on here for YEARS!Good luck with
    the consult.

    Morning, PRN!

    Cammy--I wish that D
    would go AWAY!So not fair.Hear you about answering the phone vs
    bathroom, I'd vote for the bathroom, too!

    Collett--we love
    pics here!Post away when you get them
    transferred!Good idea about the
    notebook.You might also want a binder
    for copies of reports, visit notes, bills, insurance papers.I've got a huge file, but I can find anything
    and everything, which is helpful 'cuz my PCP wasn't getting copies of

    Ooh, neat Jello

    sister should go to the place she got her endoscopy and ask for a list of all
    the people who were in the room.Then go
    to the ER at the same place and ask to be seen and to get pictures so she can file
    a police report, 'cuz someone beat her up!So not right!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    King Willy

    3 oz Midori Melon

    5 Green Curacao

    7 Up



    Pour the melon
    liqueur onto two ice cubes in a highball glass. Add a few drops of green
    curacao, and fill with 7-up or sprite. Pour a few drops of grenadine in a way
    that will look like its shaping a stripe down the drink.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Good morning friends, well busy day with RO appointment and ENT appointment. My nurse navigator gave me a big accordion file binder that says St Vincents Cancer Center on it and it has headings for tx, care team, life after cancer, financial, and other things I cant remember and it came with a journal. I keep everything in there and then I have a nurse navigator go with me to my appointments and she takes notes for me in the journal. Its pretty sweet. Cami please have your sister take pictures and then talk to a malpractice lawyer because as native said something is not right. I dont care if she did wake up and they had to hold her down she shouldnt have bruises on her face. Im an RT and I have never ever seen or heard of anything like that. I have had an endo myseld and was chocking but didnt have that they just stopped. They could have done other things to accomplish what they needed to and kept her safe. I would most definitely take  it to the hospital CEO. That is so so uncalled for. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    Sunset at my house the other night

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Wacko, you're heading to LA? To Cedar Sinai.

    HELLO, EARTH TO LALA...LOL! Where are you? Do you have insurance?

    Dnice, glad to see you in and drinking. You will become familiar with everyone in time. And don't be affraid to ask anything. What's the consult for? See, we forget things too!

    PRN, how are you doing? Are you done with everything now? Kids in school? And missing hubby I bet.

    LOL, person vomits from high up on a ferris wheel and kills person below!!! How is Joey liking school Cami. Does he get good grades? Sounds like you need to fluidate too girl. Time is getting close, and I do think I'm coming even if my mom can't. It would just drive me bonkers to be so close to you and not make the trip. Oh your poor sister, what a horrible ordeal. Does she live near you?

    Those are some BIG jello shots there Nancy! THANKS! Beautiful sunset you captured.

    NM, I'm so with you on waking up to Mr. Sun. So much darkness is what I hate the most about winter, I can deal with the cold. My reason exactly NM, for not getting labs. It's not like I'm going to cancel my trip at the last minute cuz something showed up. Scans are due anyways end of Sept. and they need labs before that. Sounds like a busy couple of days here for ya, but not too over whelming? I don't mind being busy, helps the day along. How are things going with getting your records transferred? And did you get the meds you were needing?

    4, I got my coffee and a King Willie! How are you doing?

    Feeling much better and things are starting to come out like they are suppose to....if ya know what I mean! How come there's always so much to do before going on a vacation?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy, I hear ya, not really, but unnerstand bout the ear thing.  Looks like you and dh had a fab time anyway.  Really nice pictures.

    Lowee - ya might just keep it in mind, falls too, especially with your hip mets.  Jes be extra careful K?  Glad you're feeling a bit better, sounds like a flu bug.  I have tried to vote over and over, even on my won't let me vote.  But I am in spirit K?  Mentally...I'm losing my f'n not really....I got a good handle on it now, hardly ever creeps up.  How bout you?   Ref the D...when I was going thru chemo and had it sooo bad, liquid imodium was only thing that worked, not the pills. 

    Cami - good morning girl.  Love the ? Lori posted to Joey LOL.  Nice words to Lara, you are jes so compassionate.  Glad to hear you going back to onco on a regular basis, mayb they will find something that can help ease your woes too,

    Lara - make the call, it can't hurt.  Still praying you find some relief and soon.

    4 - codeine used to do that to mean.  Ice Dream sounds yum yum!  Sorry I misspoke about our girls. Yes, my gd is Madison.  Hate when I do that.  It's been a week since the tests and no call....woohoo.  Hate it that  you are in so much pain, is there another pain killer they can prescribe that won't give you migraines?

    NM - no work for you today...hooray!!  What?  What you mean what happened to your folks...did I miss something?  R they OK?   You prolly have lots of grass....I loved the smell of line-dryed sheets.  But when I was young and my mom was doing that, when it rained it made the backyard muddy and it jes jumped all over the bottom of the sheets.  Love da DOTD, u goils cwacking me up about the fipples!

    D-Wacko - u cwack me up....2 fb accounts LOL.  And offering to get NM set up with da willie.  After 4 years yeah, I'd prolly ignore it too.  But I spend lots n lots of time on a heat pad when I just over-do in the cooking/cleaning area.  Anxiously awaiting the story about the other fb account.  I might remember something bout a WA city, but will wait for you to spill the beans.  Speaking of....the new 'friend'...still waiting!

    Dnice - GRRRRRRR-8, tits up girl!  Hope you have good news on your consult today, will say a widdle prayer.  ((Dnice))

    Gotta run, will catch up with the rest of mese breasties later today!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning ladies

    NM yep getting up in dark and coming home in dark was my (almost) worse thing about working--Working itself was the worst, but I like the money. I don't know  how u nurses do this. U'r jobs are so constant and worrisome and HARD I just hope all the people u deal with really appreciate what u do.

    Lori I think when it vacay time, everyone organizes in their heads but not physically. I so pray u get here.

    Ncolltt that a beautiful pic. I notice when some of u say u go to cancer centers u have a nurse practioner (well I do too) but they give u all this info, which is good if u like to read it--But the journal and all that is good for u

    Oh my sister won't do anything believe me, she'll chalk it up and do it again when it's scheduled. She is one tough bitch, but she never complains if things get screwed up. And we live pretty close and we are very close to each other as is my cousin too. We used to have sleepovers until just a few years ago. When my cousin died (my cousin's sister) the 4 of us did everything including our sleepovers now it's different without her, everything is--we are all like sisters and her passing just did a number on all of us--she's the only one who didn't have cancer, how weird.

    My D is gone (I think) NM I've had 4 specialists try to figure this out and no one can And I had 2 well know surgeons talk about my flying organdas and they both agreed it to risky for _my situation_-so I have to live with it. According to them the liver is a heavier organ and unusual that it moved by my intestine into my ribs nd it would take  long operation to try to fix it and any mistake is to dangerous. But things could be worse, so I should just forget it. It has nothing to do with my D. I'm a ball of fun in there.

    Oh I hope everyone has a great day--or at least a decent one.

    Lubs u all

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Hello all everyone. I have my Sim Sept 29 as long as my re-excision is clean next week. My RO was full of all kinds of good (not) news today. When explaining possible SE he said with the vitiligo I most likely will burn how bad he really isn't sure but we will be keeping an eye on things. He uses Aquaphor so I will get that. He also said that since we will be radiating left side that my upper lung will be scared just nothing they can do about that but should be manageable, also mentioned possible rib pain or fx, possible heart zap although he did say they have come a long way with that and should be able to miss it but still a possibility since it is on the left, since I am a DD he is worried about skin breakdown underneath and mentioned saline packs or something like that, decreased appetite, fatigue etc.. that's enough good news for the day. ENT says I need to see a concussion specialist to help with headaches, balance issues and seizures. I didn't know there was even such a thing. Just what I needed one more doctor, but hey if he can help go for it.

    Cami sorry to hear about your cousin. I was really close to my Aunt who was 10 years older than me. When she passed away from Ovarian cancer with mets to her lungs it about killed me. We grew up together and she was the one I always called when I was having a bad day or just needed to talk. I miss her so much right now. She will be gone 3 years on the day I have my Rad sim. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    hello all just finished 2 daysBawlingnow 3 days offHappy

    cammi-your sister should talk with the manager of endo, whe my dad had his first ever seizure at 76, of course his iv was n't working!(my fellow health care workers know what i mean.  ) when we  got there they said to us he may have bruises be cause we had to hold him down to restart an iv.s  so if they had an issue with your sister  they should have told the person who went with her, but facial bruising  NO thats not right, she needs an explanation why

    have a gyn appointment in the morning so will cathc up then

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014





    Pictures from my Chicago weekend

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Hello everyone! I have missed everyone.  My DH was in town from Thursday  to yesterday evening, hence I was MIA cuz I was having a conjugal visit!  LOL.  We had a great time.  We did some tax donations, we ran and biked and he went with me to rads to meet the RO. I have 4 more rads to go and I am holding up.  Skin very tan, whole breast is done.  Slightly sore in armpit and under breast.  I have been exercising heavily though.

    Yep Lori, my peeps are back in school, a senior, a freshman and a 4th grader. Busy busy again.

    I had a MUGA on Friday.  The tech butchered my arm, giant bruise.  Then he told me it looked like 52% which was a 13% drop. I freaked.  Well, I got the cardiologist reading today, 62.1% which is a 3% drop.  Much better!  Sheesh, like I need a heart attack with my breast cancer for crap sakes!!!

    And we worked on my new business.  You guys are thinking, now?  Is she crazy?  I have had a small gourmet caramel and toffee business for a while.  I went through the divorce and stopped as I was overwhelmed.  I am better now and wanted to get it going. So I I bought my domain name and started after it.  Website to follow...LOL.  I made some products, pecan caramel and english toffee and packaged it up and sold it at work today.  There is a Breast Cancer Walk next month and I will be in Boston so I decided to do this and donate the proceeds from the sales.  I am doing a craft show at the end of the month and a baby shower too.  Each box has 8 pieces of caramel and I customize the boxes too.  


    Lori...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  super late, sorry!  I hope this is a great year for you. the folliculitis looks so ucky and sore.  It must be very uncomfortable. ya doing?

    Dara...:"freind"???  Spill it sista!

    I have been reading and saw that Genny/Mary is doing ok and only hanging on to the outside of the rabbit hole since Cami is blocking her from completely falling in.  I hope you are healing well and behaving and not doing to much.

    Nancy...nice to meet you.  I live in NW Indiana and that was a spectacular shot of the sunset.  I was glad you had such a nice time in the city too.

    Julie...I saw your funnies.

    4...I saw your man flesh, and like it too!

    How is Lara?  New job?  Pain any better?

    Love and miss you all.  I see MO tomorrow and have Herceptin.  Also get script for hormone levels and bone scan.  That is the next frontier.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Hi Princess sounds fun looks yummy

    I am same same

    oh so my doc emailed me back she is going to talk to that nurce hence I am awake again

    Famous people lol big sis

    Ncolett (higs)

    Hi Genny

    Nm you are right god I am so annoyes with these people over it


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


    What little girl begged for dad (or uncle or brother, etc) to do this? :)

    Pin it


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good dark morning,
    Loungettes!Still bleary eyed from a
    long day yesterday and trying to wake up and get caffeinated for another long
    day today.I will be VERY glad when this
    week is over.

    Collett--Wow, that
    nurse navigator sounds like quiet a bene!Glad you've got her.Great sunset

    4--yawn = silent
    scream for coffee--YES!!!!!!

    Goldie--I did get
    the meds I needed, still working on getting the records transferred, have let
    up on that as work is VERY busy just now, but will get back on it very
    soon.Have a great vacay!

    Mema--Couple of my
    folks took turns for the worse over the holiday weekend, so need intensive care
    now.Keeping me busy!

    Cammy--I really do
    not like getting up in the dark and getting home in the dark, but at least I
    get to be outside and see the sun during the day in between patient
    visits.Most of my patients' families do
    appreciate what I do and say so.It's a
    good feeling.Surgery to rearrange the
    flying organdas too dangerous for you?Well, better to live with it then.Ah, the variety of the human anatomy!

    Collett--so your upper left lung WILL be
    damaged, your heart probably will be damaged, and you will probably get bad
    burns.Will you get any real benefit?I got burns so bad, and then radiation
    necrosis and wound up having to have a mastectomy due to the radiation damage,
    my asthma has been more problematic, and I'm just waiting for the heart damage
    to show up.AND I got more benefit from
    the tammy and arimidex then from the radiation.Are you sure rads is worth it?Rads only decreases local recurrence, does not prolong life or decrease
    the risk of mets or cancer the other breast but does decrease quality of life
    for many women.Just my opinion and I am
    very biased against rads.So sorry about
    your Aunt.I imagine you miss her
    tremendously right now.

    Julie--Yeah for days

    PICTURES!Thanks for sharing.

    PRN--conjugal visits
    are a good reason to be MIA!Caramel and
    toffee, what fun!Will you be sharing
    your website address when you get it up and running?And doing internet ordering?

    ORLA--good for your
    doc for talking to that nurse.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Chicago View

    2 oz Bacardi O

    1/2 oz Raspberry

    2 oz Passion fruit

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.

    Shake with ice and
    serve over ice.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Princess nice to meet a fellow Hoosier.  I am actually from Michigan City and then we moved down to Indy when I was 12 and now I live in Westfield. Still have family in Michigan City that I go visit once in awhile. We had a blast in Chicago. 

    Native the RO said that we just have to watch the heart. They do all they can to miss it but they cant guarantee they wont get some of it. I know that it will be a rough road for me but I also believe that God has this and that he will get me through what ever I need to do. May seem crazy to some but since I got this my prayer has been that I accept what I cant change and that God use this for his good. Weather it be to bring my son or someone in my family or someone I dont even know closer to him or just to bring me closer to him, I dont care. I just want him to be Glorified through all of this and for some good to come of it no matter what my outcome is.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014




    More Chicago and DH 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    LDB, I figured I should be very careful about falls, but had no idea about the lifting. Have to help DH put a window in today, a large window! We are enclosing the porch, already put 2 in, but one was warped, so they had to order another one. Don't worry about the voting. And I can't imagine using a heating pad, would give me an instant hot flash I think.

    Cami, that is such a sad story about your cousin and I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you and your sister have cancer, does your cousin too?

    Nancy, rads really aren't that bad. What the doc told ya is all true, but they have to tell you all of that. The burning will be the worst. They tried half a dozen creams on me, the only one that worked was the Silver sulfadiazine. Good information from NM, and something to check out from your RO. WOW, did you take all of those pictures? The one of the city is awesome.

    Hey Julie, yay for 3 days off. Not so much with gyn appt.! I hope it's just regular check up. Are ya headed back to

    Ahhhhhh, DH bisiting!!! No wonder you were MIA PRN. Rads almost done and no burning, that is Grrrrreat. Wishing you much luck with your new little bizziness. What's the name? Glad your heart is NOT and issue. Ain't nobody got time fo dat!

    NM, well the week is more than half over, you can do it! Glad you got your meds at least. Sorry that some of your patients took a turn, but I guess it's expected. I don't know how you do it. Ooooo that DOTD sounds REALLY GOOOOOOOOD!

    Cami, did you not see my "Ask Joey" question?

    Oooooh, more pictures. And one of your handsome man too! Thanks for sharing Nancy, and keep in mind, this IS a public forum, so anyone who visits can see your pictures.

    We had a real purdy sunset last night, the blue in the sky was so pretty, which did capture in my photo. And then a rainbow this morning. I'm getting so excited to see my family!!!! And Cami. Just a couple more days!




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Hi DahhhhLinks!!

    Yikes Cami - that is horrible about your sisters experience.  My dh has barretts too and has to do the endoscopy every 6 mos I think for awhile.  Sorry too about your cousin, how long ago did you lose her?

    NM - good advice, as usual for Lara and Cami's sister.  LOL on the name of DOTD.  Wonder what Green Curacao tastes like,  We have Blue at the bar, but don't think green.  Oh well.  Sorry to hear about your pts taking a turn.  Glad you got your meds tho, that is a positive thing indeed.  Now if they could jes get the records transferred.  ((NM))

    Nancy, I hear ya, not really, but unnerstand bout the ear thing.  Looks like you and dh had a fab time anyway.  Really nice pictures of Chicago.  That sunset at your house is just incredible!  My DD gave me a binder with separated section I could label, paper for notes etc.  After 3 years it got so full and now in a 3 ring binder.  I have a smaller folder now with just the most recent stuff.  And I too kept a journal, I think it helped me a good deal.  Those se's don't sound good at all but it sounds like you are going ahead.  Also sounds like your doc is aware of everything, which is more than I can say for most docs. 

    Hi Julie good advice too for Cami.  But she say her sister to stubborn LOL.

    Prn - welcome back.  Am envious of your conjugal visits, but thats on me.  woo hoo hooray on only 4 more rads.  Glad to hear you are holding up pretty good and still managing to ROCK!  Glad the LVEF rate was really OK...freaks me out too.  I'll get my results on the 15th.  Keeping my fingers crossed that I'm still in the 60% range.   WOW, busy is right with the kids.  I'm missing my gk's gotta schedule a bisit and soon.  CARAMEL is my all time, can't keep my hands off, kinda sweet.  Get me your web site ASAP. 

    Lara - HugZ, glad doc gonna talk to that nurse.  Grrrr!

    Lowee - WOW, didn't kno u were enclosing the front porch.  That will make a diff in several ways huh?  Heat pad is bad when having a hot flash, but it doesn't cause them.  I wud be strung out on drugs if not for my pad.  LOL.  You leave in 2 days...I'm gonna miss you.  Loved your sunset too.  Is that jes the sun ray or is that lightening in the other pic with the hummingbird?

    Gotta run, followup doc appoint in an hour for my 'full of crap' ER visit.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    had my eyes tested today so vision blurred be back later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I need you goils more then anything right now

    My friend my dear friend at 40 just got diagnoised with breast cancer. Path report says grade three

    She's seeing surgeron tomm 

    I am devastated and she's not well could barely speak

    Please pray this rat bastard I hate!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Julie glad u'r off now--but I'm sure u'll be busy and my sister won't do a thing about this, neither would I. hahaha I always think of thw waitress u complain about and if u get her again. So u never complain.

    Lori yes my cousin has cancer and had 3 heart surgeries so far, she's my sister's age, she's another idiot that won't ever complain and is still working FT. We were all so close I worked with my sister and my cousin during the day and at night I worked with my cousin who passed away a few years go. She was the one where we used to follow her husband cuz she never trusted him and we were all over the place lying low. hahaha

    Those pics are of Chicago?  I didn't even know all of the pics are beautiful.

    Well PRN good reason for MIA but how in the hell do u have all this energy for business and family? Wow I wish u so much luck. U sound good.

    I know nothing really about rads, oh I had them but just showed up as usual and didn't ask anything and didn't say anything really.

    OOOOh I couldn't get into my work site this morning it took almost 3 hrs and I finally talked to my boss and he's telling me what to do plus talking to someone else so I'm getting all mixed up until I yelled u can not talk to me and someone else at the same time, my brain doesn't work that way anymore. It still took me a while he never told me the password was all caps.It's always automatic for all my sites I had to log into this one too--good thing my password was remembered I should be wlking the yellow brick road singing If I only had a brain.

    NM I can't imagine u'r patients not caring about u, u give them so much of u'rself and Julie u too, and u really have the tough patients..

    Lori I was just thinking u'd better not lift as much as u usually do we want u to feel good not have pain. I know my sister and cousin just don't do certain things anymore, and u know I do next to nothing. So take care of u'r body more now. I'm not saying do nothing but just slow down a bit.

    Where is daffy Dara----??? She'd better be OK

    Oh Lara I so wish u were done with all this chit--it's way to long now.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Oh SuzyQ I didn't mean to miss u, I just got a call and have to dechiper my handwriting people talk a mile a minute---why? No one is coming any sooner. Geeze.