how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    here I is goils. I jest been super biddy with partaying. I had my cousin over for another two days the spent the next night partaying the night away with friends, the ones were I attended the solo cup wedding reception lol.

    Mary, woooophuckingHoooooo girl, congrats. You poor thing, staying away out of fear of the results. I will have a few with you.

    Thanks Joey for helping with advise, always a good response!

    Girls, I have not read and havvve a lot to catch up on. Until then, cheers! and lots of love to all of you girls!! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I must say so far its working feel like a new women. Up early because I have a paper to write

    I talked with my friend yesterday she is very overwhelmed still in shock, It a inch long the tumor she will need chemo and rads shes deciding on the masectomy. Her boyfriend is in it for the long run he says. He actually got in a seriours motercycle accident last month so he will fight make her fight. I told her this is survivior time, it kicks in

    My fear is shes very thin and she has more anxiety then me. When they told her she was a lone threw upp was shaking. The doc gave her a PRN walked her to her car, very nice, She has a good team of docs.I said well looks like we can get blue and pink wigs always wanted to try these new shades the young are doing. lol well my mom has a grey strand she loves she says shes dying it pink love ittttttttttt any age.Got her to laugh. Weird we worked tgther for 3 years and she was in my wedding I am devastated. But she will fight she will win this rat bastard.Docs are moving fast and are going to be agressive. We all know they move fast. She wnt back to school like me she is gwtting her MSW grads in May. she is on intern at the wacky noodle place so she told everyone they are being very supportive.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    His all,

    Good friends, good food,very good wine and loads of laughs. What a way to spend Saturday night.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good Saturday morning, Loungettes!  Another quick poop in, the weekend nurse is out sick, so I'm doing a days worth of visits--half my own playing ketchup and a couple others. Declned to work at all tomorrow, hopefully will be able to ketchup then! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    genny m wonderful news

    lara glad your having a good day

    dnice- i will just put you in the same catetgory as the friend that does not like chocolate, strange but nice

    good advice from joey

    keep on drinking

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Good morning girls, I'm worried about my right foob. I was doing really well, went to the PS on Wed and he told me I could start jogging. So I went to the metropark and walked with a little jogging 4 miles. It took me an hour so I really was taking it easy. Well ever since I'm having this bad pain on the under/outer side of my foob. It's hurts like a futhermuker every time I move, like I'm being stabbed. The only thing that helps is ice. I hope I didn't tear the pocket that holds the expander. I'm trying to be still and careful now thinking it just needs to heal back up again (I hope). It's the prophy one and only has 150cc in it, the left has 350 and it's fine. I see him again on Wednesday to get a little more put in the left one. They don't want to fill the right till I'm done with rads so it won't be in the way. DH golfing now then we have to go back to my old town for a funeral today. My friend's sister died, she is only a year older than me but battled with drug and alcohol addiction for years and her liver just shut down. Sad, she had 3 kids, grown now, all with different dads and they turned out fantastic in spite of it all. So we're going to go visit Nora first, can't wait to see her again.
    Next week is when I was supposed to be able to pick her up again (PS
    said 5 wks.) hope I didn't screw that up. 

    Lara, I am so sorry about your friend, this is the hardest part, the beginning when you're getting all the tests and you're still trying to digest it all. It comes at you so fast and forever alters your world as we all know. So glad she'll have you for support. Glad your new meds seem to be working, I hope they give you great relief..finally!

    Ally, glad you were having fun last night.

    Hi on!

    NM, sorry you're working so hard, maybe you can get an extra day off next week?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014



    1.5 OZ OF VODKA



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Good morning gals! 

    Cam, thanks for the DOTD, yummy. I hope you are feeling well and D-free. Did you ever git yer battery for your computer?

    Mary, sorry about your friend, glad the kids turned out okay. Sad for them that they lost their Mom so young. ((((Mary)))). and yikes, I hope that pain has nothing to do with the pocket and does not interfere with hold baby Nora time. Speaking of her, waiting for more pics, love that lil goil. 

    NM, sorry you have to cover for a call out but know the money will be good. Love your 'tude and good for you in turning down work for tomorrow. Yo and Sadie need your day together. 

    Lara, you sound jest maaaavalous, keep up the good work. Sorry to hear about your friend, FUrB is right. I wish the rB could jest stop attacking good people like us. FURB FURB FURB! 

    Allyson, nice to see you pop in. Who are those sweet faces with you in your avatar pic? very cute kiddies. 

    Julie, I lmao at the Joan Rivers joke about dontating her body for plastic. I never really cared for her and I think her DD is talentless. Joan was always funny back in the day on The Tonight Show but I do not like the way she and Melissa mock people on the red carpet. She did look pretty amazing at 81, iffin I had money to bix mese face, I would use her PS. Hope you have a blast at disney, wish I could be with you. 

    I have this odd pain in my back where my lat muscle was taken. It feels like I should have a bigass bruise there but nothing. and my right foob still hurts at times, my trouble spot is on the outside under carriage area of the foob. I just complain my life away. But I am joyous that I am a year out from major surgery, wooo hooo, I will dwink to that! It has been four years of hell and can only git better. I can't wait to git my right foob lifted but nowhere near ready for that pain again. ughhh, I just live with my bra cutting across the foob and when at home, there is NO bra and one saggy foobie. oh well, done complaining.

    what is everyone else up to todey? I have a hair appointment, I do color every three weeks now. I portend that I am not old as I hate gray roots showing. Iffen I have somewhere important to go, I will apply my own root touch up. But I suck at it and miss too much to do it myself.

    Where is Lori? away again? I do not remember but tink she home now? hmmm. I go fnd her. 

    I hope you all have a wonderful day, enjoy these dog days of summer!

    cheers from Kansas USA! *CLINK*

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies----

    I just want the newbies to know that my grandson does not read our thread, I read the question to him and set it up then he answers anyway he wants. and submits his stuff--No one reads what we write or how we think, even I get confused. And I don't even read whst he writes (in front of me) til it's on here--so no worries. And the goofy kids takes it seriously. LOL

    Genny glad things are going well--and it's Nora time. The best time.

    Lara u'r doing better? It's so good to hear. But I am sorry for u'r friend This all sucks

    I watched a little of the Stand up to cancer thing last nite, but for some reason I couldn't take it, even tho they are coming up with such new things--but one thing that I thought it's about time, instead of competing for the best of things they all do their research with sharing, if they do that things might come along faster--it should have always been done that way.Then I put Joan Rivers tribute on and realized she had something very similar to and endoscopy and look what happened to my sister--I couldn't help but think that.-So I changed all of that and watched the big bang theory and LOLed, needed too. So I was fine then

    So I see some partying went on with wacko as usual--GOOD FOR YOU. We should all take the lead from Daffy Dara.

    NM I'm sorry u'r not home today, but tomorrow just relax, the hell with doing stuff.

    Julie my confusion knows no bounds--are u going to WDW soon--AGAIN, I hope so, personally I didn't like it much to crowded for my taste but to each her own. And u seem to really enjoy it. So I hope I'm right. But then again when I'm in crowds I want to be chained to people I'm withbut no one goes along with me--so that takes away some fu for me.

    I threw a DOTD in, and I had to look that up hahaha--then I thought not everyone can even have grapefruit juice cuz of certain meds. haha. And I love the stuff haven't had it for a long time. Well at least it's not chocolate cuz I'd just take the SE's then.

    OK I hope everyone has a super Saturday and I'm truly waving to everyone  right now!!!

    Lubs u all

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I did to cam

    wheres the god damn cure ya know all thesse celebs blah blah

    I feel amazing I jhave my life and body back

    going to go on my bike today

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    JOTD  = Joke of the Day    Not very good with them so don't expect everyday K?

    Wife and hubby doing yard work, hubby says 'your arse if huge, well I bet it's wider than that BBQ grill over there!  I'm gonna get the tape and measure"  So he does and says "Yup, your arse is 2" bigger than the bbq!!  You've got a BBQ for a butt!"  Later that night he wants a little lovin, keeps goading her, etc.  She turns to him and says "You're crazy if you think I'm firing up this big arse bbq just for one little wienie!!!"

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    Happy Sat-turd-day!!! Our loweee left for Michigan, gonna miss her! 

    Mary - good for you for all that exercise but yikes is right, did  you call the on-call or your ps?  I don't think you shud jog until u allll done K?  I am sooo askeerd for your healing.  SOOOOO F'N HAPPY about your PET results...I'm doing da happy dance for ya,


    but if all clear how come radiation?  I am hoping to see Maddy, Andrew Michael (AM) and Sommer Nicole on Sunday the 14th, wanna hear all about their school weeks.  I used to can a lot.  Peaches was my fav, not only cuz it was the easiest (to me) but I love em and so does DH.  We cud sit and eat a whole quart each.  LOL   About the Smooth Move, will have to try 2 bags and steep longer cuz ain't nuttin happenin, thanks for the tip.

    DarWacko - sounds like  you having way tooo much fun.   Love your cousin, so spashall she able to spend time with you.

    Hi Prn, Hi Nancy, Hey there's Aly too. HooRay!!

    Hi Dnice - your secret is safe here...we'll not sic ur policeman on ya, unless of course you want him on ya, ok there I go, mind in da gutter, better get out whilst I still can.  Tits up!

    Julie - u jes never mind them and go have a wonderful time at Disney, I had to LOL at your addition post too.  Funny!!

    Lara - Still praying for your friend, like it's been said, we all know what that fear is like.  So ultra-cool about your mom dying her gray strand pink...she Rocks!  You sound like your feeling better too...hope it continues!  Muah!

    Cami - I get that way with TV and yes, good question about Rivers and your sister endoscopy.  Glad you found a show to make you laugh.  And Joey, what a guy.  Very good advice for Mary's Nora.  And yeah, I can't have grapefruit juice either, but Bless you heart for looking for and posting our DOTD!

    OK. doggie park time, forgib if I forgot anyone and hope the pic posts....

    Lubslubslubslubslublubslublubslublubslublubs all mese goils!!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    can't get on online pic to phooey.  Everyone have a gr8 Sa-turd-day!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Mema I love the joke and its so true lol.  (just kidding) 

    Julie I love Disney too! Have a great time!

    Cami I loved Joan Rivers and was really sad to see she had passed. I wonder though if she was getting more plastic surgery done. Poor thing. Shes had so much. I did love to watch her though. I remember when she was on Johnny Carson.

    Hi everyone else, Im having a bad day today. I just dont feel well. I have a headache  and am nauseated  and just really tired. Good thing its raining its a good day for movies. 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Nancy I'm sorry u'r having a bad day, just rest and don't move around a lot and drink some gingerale or eat a pie, whatever u want. BTW I don't think Joan R. was having anything for plastic surgery it was an exam for her vocal cords, that's why she wasn't even in a hospital-an easy procedure. Hell nothing's easy as far as I'm concerned.

    OK SuzyQ u got me laughin' with that silly joke and u told it very well. I used to be able to tell them, but now I forget the end and make up something that's not even connected to the story and laugh like it's funny. It's surprising how many people will laugh with u or it looks like they don't get the joke. U sound good, hope that's how u feel.

    Lara u seem super, this is wonderful.

    OK Lori left for MI, how long will she be gone, cuz she might make it down here, I hope. It seemed weeks away WTF have I been doing.?

    OK close for now---


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Wow I didnt realize she was going in for an exam on her vocal cords. I feel so bad for her daughter. I took a 3 hour nap but still feel very tired. Not sure why.. Now the sun is out but I just dont feel like going out today. Oh well maybe better day tomorrow. Watching Grand Torino. Good movie but I dont like the ending. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi goils, feeling much better now, I iced my foob for a long time this ayem then took my pain meds and that stabbing pain is gone. Now just the usual soreness, I think I need to go back to sleeping in the recliner for awhile again. Keeps me on my back instead of my side. Had a good time with Nora. DS was working. Me and DH just played with her for an hour and a half while my DIL got stuff done around the house. Oh she's so much fun, then at the end she started rubbing her eyes and I put her faux-nippy (as my son calls the pacifier) in her mouth and she laid her head on my shoulder and was sound asleep in about 10 seconds. I'm going to go watch her 1 day next week so her mom can go out and do yard work. DH leaving in ayem till Tuesday night. It's been a long time since he traveled.

    Sue, I had 10/11 positive nodes which puts me at stage 3c, all with still active cells after chemo. Also, the breast was removed but only had a 1mm clear margin and cells still active in that too. There's a very good chance that I have some micro cells in nodes too small to be seen with a PET scan, it was more to see if I had mets. The radiation will zap the tissue and nodes left and hopefully between that and the AI's we'll get that rat bastard for good, I got a 50/50 shot I figure, the flip of a coin, but I'm feeling positive that I'm gonna see my baby graduate!

    Nancy, sorry ur not feeling too great, hope yer better tomorrow. I saw Grand Torino at the theater, it was good, ending was sad though. I loved the old korean lady that lived next store to him. 

    Lala, so happy to hear you're feeling better and going to ride a bike! Yea!! Love to hear that!

    Cami, thanks for covering the DOTD, I used to drink seabreezes which were grapefruit juice, orange juice and vodka I think, haven't had 1 in years, might have to make myself 1 soon.

    NM, see ya tomorrow, hope u get a good nights sleep.

    Ok Dara, here's the pics and I'm posting a video to facebook too. Glad yer having fun, I'm drinking red wine, what r u having?



    She's growing up so fast!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Guess I was last to bed and first to rise, happy Saturday everyone!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It has been a long and
    eventful week, and weekend, at work. Worked half a day yesterday making visits,
    then went out at 9 pm to attend a death.The boss was covering call and was on her way to a town 91 miles north
    of here to attend to an emergency, the patient that died was one of mine and
    only 9 miles from my house, so I took that visit.Today I am off duty and not even answering
    the phone.Going to do ketchup here and
    lounge around all day.Thanks to Goldie
    and Cammy for the DOTDs!

    ORLA--Oh my, I am so
    sorry to hear about your friend.So not
    fair.So not right.Praying for her and you.

    problems are the pitts!Especially when
    it takes so long to straighten out.

    Julie--bummer about
    the painful pelvic exam and upcoming ultrasound.Praying for B9 results.

    Collett--those are
    GREAT pics!Yes, I am a nurse.Boy, you wear a lot of hats, bet it keeps you

    Genny--HOORAYfor a clear PET!Not sure I can get a day off this coming
    week, one nurse is off work this coming week, but I am thinking about setting
    up a couple long weekends or even a week off this fall.

    Dara--I hear you
    about the bra coming off when you get home from work.I used to do that, too.Love the not needing a bra now, though!

    Cammy--today I am
    going to do NOTHING unless I WANT to.So
    lots of fetch with Sadie, some dwinkies, lounging in the sun, going to bed


    Collett--sorry you
    are having a bad day, hope it gets better fastliest!

    Cammy--good point
    about the easy procedure--ALL procedures have risks.My first thought was if she was properly
    monitored, overmedicated, or did something unrelated happen--like a heart
    attack.Probably we'll never know.

    Genny--glad the foob
    is better now.Love the Nora story!Great study, too, thanks for sharing!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Death by Chocolate

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Creme de

    1 scoop Chocolate
    Ice Cream


    Combine all
    ingredients in a blender with one cup of crushed ice. Blend well until smooth.
    Pour into a parfait glass and top with whipped cream. Sprinkle with chocolate
    shavings, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning ladies

    OK NM good Sunday DOTD and u'r right don't answer the phone today--just do what u want.

    Genny good advice bout men LOL And absolutely Nora is getting so big so fast wow she takes such pretty pics and I know she makes u'r day.And the best part is actually it gets better and better which I know it's hard to believe.

    Last nite my kids went out and Joey was supposed to go and stay by his cousins while the grown-ups partyed--and he wanted to stay home with me--I told him to go cuz he'll have such fun and he said no he loves when we're home alone and I'm awesome to be with--so so far I still have him, it can't last much longer. But we have such good talks, except about technology as he puts it , it's a hard subject for me to comprehend. And it is. But he tries as he pats my back.

    Well I slept OK last nite, but it got really cool and this morning too. So weather is crazy.








  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    HI genny I love Nora so cute

    Thanks NM for prayers, you are so great with your patients and you go above and beyond for them

    Hi cam are you still taking calls?

    Yes genny thanks I am proud of myself to I just got back from walking I am going to get this weight off.

    How is everyone its quite in hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    miracl, wines, water, laugh, stuff


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Heard dat!!

    Heard dat!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Happy SundeyFundey DahhhhLinks!

    Lara - love the 'pacino' post...LOL.  Glad you feeling better and better and even go girl!

    NM - sad about the passing of another patient, I kno it's what you do, but still I think it tears at your heart a little too.  Sounds like a gr8 day for jes you and Sadie...have a good one.

    Nancy - you must sleep/rest when you feel like it.  Don't fight it, it'll help with lots of woes. and then of course there is us...Clink a glass or two w/me!

    Genny - I get it now about the Rads.  Just wish it was all done now, but I kno...this too shall end.  Nora is jes the cutest of the cutest, thanks for putting smiles on our faces as you share lil Nora!

    Cami - I had to practically write it down.  I used to be good with jokes, but not anymore.  In fact I told DH he needs to get me checked for early dementia.  I forgot to turn oven off on Thurs and today left the burner on.  And it's not just those incidents, chit like it happening all the time.  Good for you for taking this time with Joey.  He is just the sweetest and loves you immensely...I can just see him patting your back...makes me smile!

    To all I've missed...MUAH MUAH!   DD and her foreign exchange student be here is a few minutes, gotta get ready!  My DS coming too

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Lala...hahah on the Jesus was here...very funny!