how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny Nora is adorable! I know you have lots of fun with her and seabreezes sound yummy.

    NM glad you have some time to relax today. Ill have to try the Death By Chocolate. 

    Still not the best today. Just really tired for some reason. Oh well this way I rest up for surgery on Wed.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    my daughter sent me this of Jackson

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    She was 8 months old on the 5th, here's the pic!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    thanks for all the pics and stories ladies,so glad you share your young ones with me

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi everone--Oh I just love these pics==They look like brother and sister Thank you for sharing.

    Lara cute funny pics--u re feeling good--It's so about time--I'm so glad for you.

    Nancy this is so tiring to go thru, but I would tell the Dr. too.

    My sister went to one of her Drs. and she called me to tell me how it went. And the first thing she was was the names of 3 cities then she told me about her baker's cyst etc, then she said OK Camille (that's serious now) what are the names of the cities I said--I thought and said WTF does it matter u didn't go there what do I care.So she said that's what the Dr. did, cuz her memory is so bad so he was giving her a test for Altzeimers, well one test--she did name one but none of the others -so she said Oh now I don't feel so bad u couldn't name any--So I told her how does that make it good news? We might both have Altzeimers anyway she was mad he did that and I told u she never complains well she told him that was just plain stupid, she came in with questions and organizing them in her head and he say cities that she could care less about So if he's using that as a test everyone will have the same disease. Of course I thought it was funny, she didn't-not so much.

    See how much fun I have with my sister---I just love her so much

    It's been a quiet day, I love not having business calls, I don't have to talk unless I feel like it--Well tomorrow's Monday so another week

    Hope u all relaxed over this weekend.

    Hey Julie xoxox

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Cami will do. I love teasing my sister too. There are 12 years between us. I am the oldest, then I have a brother 4 yrs younger and another 6 years younger. 

    Genny I love that picture. She is so cute!! Jackson will be 3 March 8. He is starting to really say a lot of words you can actually understand now and he just cracks me up. I was trying to take a nap at my DD house today and he would get in my face and say Nana up Nana wake up, it not night night. (lol) as hes trying to open my eyes.

    Lots of good football on today. Nothing like a good football game and a beer. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Nancy that's so cute, their little finger feel so soft. And when they start talking it hysterical--their minds work in such magical ways--so much fun.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Ya they are magical even though I was just exhausted this weekend He made it all worthwhile 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    me and my baby binks today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Love it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Jackson is adorable

    genny Nora I love her little feet I want to just squeeze her

    sorry people were feeling bad go to the perco fountain we have in the lounge I will send the tenders ladies. I will visit u later

    Yup still feeling amazing I can not belive these docs got it right finally.

    The cities, name cities for alhzemeessssssss I would not know either they should ask something else

    Hi juliet

    Ill pop in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Happy Monday
    morning, Loungettes!Back to work
    day.Boy, the weekend seemed awfully

    Cammy--I didn't
    answer the phone all day--it didn't ring, either, which helped. But I wouldn't
    have answered if it did, anyway.Keep
    Joey as long as you can, it will change eventually, but until then, love it!

    ORLA--I've got to
    start walking again, too.Or doing
    something for exercise.I've got weight
    to get off, too.Jesus is EVERYWHERE!Love the "cino" pics!

    Mema--it does make
    me cry a little when someone dies.More
    for the family than for the patient, the patient is usually ready and at peace,
    it's the family that hurts the most.But,
    Sadie and I had a wonderful day yesterday, lots of fetch, tummy tickles, naps
    and cuddles!

    Collett--your body
    is letting you know that it's feeling a bit abused, so rest up, you'll need the
    energy to heal!Handsome Mr. Jackson!


    Morning, Julie!

    Cammy-- I know that
    test your sister' doc was using.She
    missed part of it--you have to tell the person you are going to name 3 things,
    ask them to remember them b/c you will ask what they were later.If you don't do the whole test--including the
    directions--it's meaningless.AND--it's
    only one of a whole battery of tests that ALL need to be done to determine if
    someone has memory issues. BTW--very few people get all 3, most get 2.

    Collett--what a cute
    way to be waked up!

    ORLA--Actually, the
    test uses the name of 3 objects, not cities.Doc isn't doing it right, maybe cuz HE can't remember? ??

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Alzheimers Recipe

    2 oz Citrus Vodka

    2 oz Canadian

    1/2 oz Coca Cola


    Combine over ice in
    a collins glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning goils, I haven't been up this early in awhile. DH outta town and dogs are used to him taking them out early. Emma woke me up having a hissy fit, I let them out and then she started crying after i feel back asleep and nudging me with her nose and she demanded breakfast. So now I am sleepily drinking my coffee. It's cold and dark out, fall is coming. Hummingbirds are still here tho. 

    Nancy, Jackson is adorable, funny about him waking you up. I wonder what Nora will call me, I get to see her Wed or Thur. Hope you enjoyed football and a beer. And yer Jackson. Rest when you feel like it.

    Lara, I am so happy the pain meds are working for you, and non-addictive ones, better yet. I'm still needing the percocet a few times a day, I have about 8 left, don't know if they'll give me anymore or not. How is your friend with the newly dx furb holing up? Is she eating? Is she having chemo or surgery first?

    NM. glad you at least one day off, and so glad you stuck to your gun and didn't answer that non-ringing phone. I'm familiar with that test as well and I don't know of too many people that could do it with cities, especially if they're not told in advance to try and remember them. I got my 1st F in the 5th grade in Geography, I know I couldn't have passed that test. Hope you get some extra Sadie days soon.

    Cami, that Joey is such a sweetie. It's so cute that he wanted to stay with you and rub your back. Enjoy every minute before the teenage mutant invades his body. Make sure you let him know that Nora has been paroled pending good behavior and no attempts at eating of electrical cords or using dogs as push toys. 

    Julia, hope you're having fun at WDW and hope you're feeling good too.

    4, hi, good to see you pop your head in. How's the little flipper doing?

    Sue, you sound good. If leaving the oven on was a sign of dementia then I've had it for years. Course you don't want to go to Cami's sister's doctor for testing. 3 cities...geesh. Your DD has a foreign exchange student? From where, has she done this before or first time?

    Dara!!! party time over yet?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - what surgery on weds?  C my mind got up and left.  And Jackson is jes toooo adorable.  Great pic of the 2 of you too.  Almost 3 huh...cute cute age.  Like my DIL said, now she's (Maddy) talking I can't get any quiet around here....blab blab blab.   Talked to her on phone last evening, she was so excited to tell us all about her school.  Get to see her next Sunday, can't wait.  Hopefully will get gs and great niece too.  Mine call me mema, hence my name here.

    Cami - cwacking up over story about ur sister and the 3 cities. You two do have a good time together...makes me laugh, your stories.

    Genny - 8 mos...oh she babble and babbles now too.  What do you want her to call you.  I'm mema cuz when Andrew Michael was little and my mom lived we me, we had him alot.  I was trying to teach him shortcuts, so, Gma for me and GGma for great grandma.  He never said em right and it came out mema, so we stuck with it.  I think he was a little skeerd of GGma and I only heard him say it to her once.  But it sure made her smile.

    And yes Genny I don't wanna go to Cami's doc, 3 citites indeed.  This is DD's 1st exchange student and so far it's going very well.  Am hoping a lasting bond will become of it.  Did I say she was from Slovokia? (sp)  She is a senior and instead of staying home to walk with her classmates, she comes to America.  That takes guts if ya ask me.

    Hi Julie!!!

    Lara - WHOOP WHOOP at the docs for finally getting it right...sooo f'n happy for you!!  Love the sign true!

    NM - thanks for clearing up the test for altzeimers(sp).  If I don't straighten up soon, I intend to ask my onco about it.  It feels so diff than jes being spacey with age.  Glad you and Sadie had such a gr8 day.  DOTD a poyfect fit...LOL.

    Time to take my pooches to the park an then go get my blood work.  Hope everyone has as nice a Monday as possible.!

    LUBLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS to da moon and back!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Monday afternoon Ladies---yes I'm late and lazy today.

    Suzyq I didn't even know they still did exchange students anymore--How interesting that must be. Hope everything goes well today for u.

    OH Genny I barely passed geography, and to this day I don't know anything about where anything is or even where the states are--that's sad. But of course I really don't need to know that now. It's not like I'm an air traffic controller.

    Lara everytime u post u sound so happy and that makes me happy too.

    NM good DOTD today--and u didn't have a regular weekend so u got cheated so I hope u make up for it.

    And Julie's t DW right--she's a real trooper.

    Where is Wacko? She's MIA hope everything is OK, oh thst's right she has a new FRIEND now, so probably spending lots of time there.. Computerland, I think is where he is living right now, but he actually lives about 45 mins. from me.

    LORI I always miss her too.

    Today I smell like sunshine---whatever the hell that smells like---Jeez I thought today was Tuesday the second time I woke up. Blah

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Julie hope your having a great time in Disney!! Tell Mickey hello for me and I hope to be there soon to see him. 

    I have Ginger my sons dog today. Took her to the vet for him and now trying to nurse this dang headache I have. Still not feeling too good and noticed that I now have a lump in the bend of my left arm. My elbows have been very sore but I thought it was just my gout. Will have to say something to doc if still this way in am. Surgery Wed so I have to start showering twice a day again with Dove antibacterial soap. I thought that was different. I had never had to do that until I met my BS.

    Genny I did enjoy the beer but not the football game so much.. I hope this isnt a prelude of how the Colts are gonna do this season.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    sorry ladies i was in work ,don't go to disney until next week. real busy 2 days, sunday by 1200 we had 1 code blue and 2 emergency transfer to icu. .

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Oh sorry Julie we thought you were already there. Well have fun for us though! I remember those busy days in the hospitals. Been there done that. Maybe you can rest up now.

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    NM... sorry for your patient.  I hated those days.  I worked in pediatrics for a long time and we had a 10 year stretch with no deaths. When I did have to shroud a young girl, it was very hard, very hard for me.  I have had few deaths in my work life, each I remember so clearly.

    Julie...enjoy Disney!  Hey to Mickey for me please...

    Lori...missing you. sound good.  Hope you are feeling good too.  Your little people are coming soon?  Have a great visit.  Look at that caramel...

    Erin-Dara- Dorky...  where are you?  I hope you are enjoying your friend and not anything like a rabbit hole.

    Cami..smelling like sunshine is good!  Please say hello to Joey and I hope he is enjoying this year in school.

    Nancy..You have done a ton of stuff.  DME is super cool and that you do it with your brother is great!

    Tomorrow is my last rad.  Just a bit of burn to the arm pit area.  I am glad to be finished.  I have my scipts for labs for hormone levels and for the Dexa scan. 

    My sister and I are preparing for the first event for Mrs. Goodman's Irresistible Delights, a baby shower.  I made so super cute boxes and made my first tray of Square Turtles.  That is what I call my caramels that have chocolate and pecans on them..LOL.  I have an event at the end of the month and one next and two in November.  I am getting excited.  Mr. Goodman assures me that the website will be somewhat working by then.


    We made a banner for the table and are getting ready. Here is me as Mrs. Goodman for the banner and the cards. ( Look I almost have my nails all back)  And here are some samples of the boxes I make for events.




  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Woohoo! Congrats to you PRN, almost done with rads, time to get on with your life!!! I'll be joining you in about 7 weeks, can't wait! You look beautiful!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Yesterday was a banner day
    at work--I got off ON TIME!Yeah!Of course I had to deal with missing
    narcotics at a boarding home where one of my patients lives. . .Never a dull moment.

    Genny--the furbabies
    do like their routines, don't they?And
    getting up in the dark, what a pain.I
    really hate it.Love my Sadie time, and
    it's just cool enough at night now that Sadie is sleeping on the bed cuddled up
    to me.When it's hot she sleeps on the
    floor where it's cooler.Oh, my, Nora
    was trying to eat electrical cords?And
    use the dog as a push toy?Sounds like
    she's at that age where their arms are 16 feet long and they move at the speed
    of light!

    Mema--hope the
    pooches have fun at the park. I'm sure you don't have Alzheimer's, there's a
    lot more to that than just forgetting to turn the stove off from time to
    time.Everyone does that!

    Cammy--My work time
    will balance out eventually, just give it time.I'm not too worried about it, at least not now that I've had time to
    ketchup on my sleep!

    Collett--I remember
    having to take a shower with Phisohex the night before and morning of my
    recon.I think the Dove antibacterial
    soap would have been better!

    Julie--wow, must
    have been a busy weekend for allof the
    medical field!

    PRN--don't be sorry
    for my patient, she was ready to die, wanted to die, and was released from a
    body that didn't work any more.10 years
    with no deaths is quite a record!GREAT
    PIC!!!!And great looking Turtle
    Squares!And even more fun are the
    boxes!Can't wait to see the website!And HOORAY for finishing rads!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Turtle Bay

    1 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Mango Liqueur

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    oz Cranberry Juice

    oz Grapefruit Juice


    Pour Vodka, Melon
    Liquer and Lime Juice into highball glass with ice and then fill with equal
    amounts of cranberry and grapefruit juice

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


    why do i find boob jokes funnier now?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning all===

    Oh Julie we thought u were having a good ole time and all along u were working.--OK so it'll be soon when u can enjoy u'rself and I know u will.

    PRN u'r nails look great and so does u'r pic.  U look wonderful and those boxes are adorable and well the candy looks YUUUMMMY--I wish u all kinds of good luck with this and finishing rads Woot Woot

    Genny for some reason rads goes by pretty quickly, I hope they do for u too.

    Last nite Joey and I spent the whole evening together he even did his homework, but didn't ask me anything, cuz well u all know why. He reads on good book a week and I think that's wonderful for kids and I'm glad he enjoys reading--Talk about name our GC call us--they really come up with their own and some are so funny--my sisters GC all call her BaBa cuz the first one did and now he's 21 and they sill call her that.Joey still calls me mammaw cuz I'm like a mommy and grandma to him--He call his other one Grandma. LOL I'm bad.So it's really how they say it and pretty much upto them. So this will be intetestting

    Well I hope everyone has a good Twos-day--2 for one drinks today.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    NM and Julie I bumped right into bother of you, I had a feeling I would so I relooked at the thread--Good Drink NM and Julie too funny.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Hi genny she is not eating shes a mess. rads, chemo they need to get the tumor out so IDK really whats going on it is so much. She said she had her rad apt. She also said she was deciding if masectomy or not depends how much of her boob they take and they need to get in there for the nodes.

    I am trying to stay back not over whelm her just sent her flowers

    yes I am happy I am better finally !need to see PS today do not feel like going ugg

    lyrica is a weight gainer so I cut pasta out for a bit IDK im a low dose so ill wait and see. I ahd drinks and it did not effect me with the patch on. The patch just keeps putting meds in me every hour so I am getting used to it had sushi and sake for lunch yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    I love the the eel roll.I love seafoos lobster rolls are so good

    NM u get the fresh seafood

    Hi princess

    oh cam I just ordered some scary movies off amazon are fav holiday is coming soon...................


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Good morning, furbabies up at the crack of dawn again, DH takes them out before light, they r so spoiled. I don't have that in me, need my coffee and some wake-up time first.

    NM, I know what you mean about the patients being ready to die. I worked in the nursing home for 6 yrs and saw a lot of that, still do with doing their hair, usually much harder on the families. Of course, I'm sure a lot of yours are much younger so that does make a big difference. I had this dream as they were trying to wake me up, seemed so real. I dreamed that the dogs were running around which they were but I was babysitting Nora and she had crawled out of her crib and I woke up and she was playing with the dogs. Funny. And yes she is so fast and so close to walking.

    OK, re: the alzheimer's I have one of my dumb true stories again, hope you don't all get sick of them, it's the chatty hairdresser in me. My mom went to her PCP and said "I lose my keys, then I can't find my purse and by the time I've found them I've lost my glasses and I spend my time looking for stuff. Am I getting alzheimer's?" And her doctor told her.. "If you lose your keys, don't worry about it. If you find your keys but you can't remember what they're for, then you have a problem." I thought that was a good way of putting it to ease her worries and I tell my ladies that story all the time at work when they are worried.

    Cami, yer Joey is so sweet, I love to hear the stories. Nora has so many grandparents, 3 great-grammas, 1ggpa and 2 grammas and grampas. All of them but me and DH have established names from previous gkids. I tried to give myself a name but my DS kept forgetting it, so I decided it's gramma Mary until Nora comes up with something else. My friend Molly and her DH are moppy and poppy, I always thought that was cute. We'll see what she comes up with. I'm sure rads will go quickly since it's everyday. It's not spread out over months like chemo. I just want to get done and feel like I'm getting my life back. I'll be glad to get these tupperware containers out of my chest too. Maybe suggest to your friend the just dx sites. They were my lifeline when I first found out. And still are now, esp w/ you girls.

    Lara, so sorry about your friend. Stress has the opposite effect on me, I always eat and gain weight when I'm stressed. I don't eat pasta or anything high glycemic anymore, I wanna get this weight off so bad, I know what you mean. Wish we could donate lbs. to your friend. I'm so glad you are feeling so much better, good luck at PS today. I have to go to mine tomorrow and get the last little bit added to the left. I'm really gonna be lopsided then. Prolly gonna have to pad the right side for awhile. Japanese food is my all time favorite, love it! Hope u get some bike riding in.

    Juliet, funny cartoon...full moon, that's why everybody is get crazy. Always happened when I worked in the nursing home and still does where I work now.

    Nancy, what day r u starting rads?

    Sue, so glad you get to see yer gkids soon, have fun and take pics!

    Ok, time to straighten up my house and get the furbabies out. I took them to the woods yesterday and Emma got a squirrel. Didn't know she had it in her but I'm not risking it again. I tie her to my waist so she can't pull my arms and it works good, so we'll both be getting exercise today.

    Dara..oh Dara... where r u???

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Good morning girls! 

    I am so messed up with days, it feels like the weekend to me. And the week end felt like weekdays. I am messed up from having overnight guests during the week which made it feel like last tues and wed were the weekend. I wonder how long before I get my head back to the right day of the week. I nearly wrote happy Sunday here, uh my poor fried brain is hurting dis morning. 

    I had my car at the dealer yesterday, cost me freaking 843.00 and I still need tires and front brakes. My brake was hitting even when I was not braking and it did some other damage. The good news is that I saw my wanna be honey Sean, the guy that sold me the car. For those who have been around, you might recall this crazy crush I have on this married man. He is just so cute and always smells heavenly. Anyway, what a jab to the bank account. But as NM would say, it beats having car payments. 

    NM, it sounds like you and Sadie had a super fantastic sunday, sorry the weekend buzzed by so fast. Speaking of buzz, saw this one on facebook, the pic is either very old or it is photoshopped as Willie has never looked so good. He has more wrinkles than the laundry at the bottom of my hamper. Oh my he is so hot! NOT lol. 


    Lara, I am so happy that you finally found relief for your pain. I bet ya wanna kiss the doctor that helped you's feet. Hmm, that some bad grammar eh?  How did your PS appointment go?

    PRN, lovely photo of you but you are a beautiful girl so of course you look pretty. I love the candy and the wraps for it, best of luck gettig your website up and running. I hope you can get rich and retire from your real job then be your own boss.

    Cam, glad you had some special time with Joey. Funny that he did not ask you for help with his homework. I just love the bond you guys have and hope he stays close to you as he matures and ventures out more with his lady friend, assuming he is still seeing her . She is just so cute! 

    G'ma Genny, I am also trying to figure out what I want to be called when my grandson comes. Grandmom is just boring. I like the names Mema, Nana and Grammy. I think I like Nana best but I think I will leave it up to baby Logan to figure out what to call me. Has Nora's parents got her a payplen yet (that is what my DD used to call hers)? I think that baby jail is necessary. I remember my daughter discovering Barney the poyple dinosaur from her payplen. It was a saturday and I was house cleaning. I put her in there and turned on the TV to put a video on. Well it was on a public broadcassting station and they were having a fund raiser/barney marathon and my daughter was hooked. I remember so clearly her holding on to the sides of the jail cell and bopping up and down to the music. And she was so content in the payplen. I would suggest not to wait too long to introduce Nora to a payplen. Otherwise, it might piss her off vs being a happy place where she can play with her toys or watch TV/videos. Great idea to tie the dogs to your waist to prevent them from hurting you.

    Julie, what is code Blue, does that mean someone died? Sorry you are having a rough few days at work, next weekend is jest around the corner. You will be chilling with Mickey in no time at all. I love the sagging boobie joke, very funny.And I have sort of a boob fetish. I find myself constantly admiring other gals boobs. That is weird but you girls prolly understand. 

    Nancy, great photo of you and your baby binks which bdw, that is a cute nick name. I see quite a resemblance between the two of you. Sorry you are having pain, hope it eases up.

    Umm I am having some hair from the dog that bit me last night. I had my exDH#2 over and drank heavily. I rarely feel hungover but I think between all the JD I drank and the lack of sleep, mese not feeling so good. oops. 

    Sue, I forget who said that it is ok to lose your keys but not ok if you can not remember what they are for. I had also been told that in regards to my Dad with his dimensia. I think you are worrying for nothing girl. It is a normal part of aging to become more forgetful as the years go by. I think I told you via email that I had left my car running while eating out one night last week. Although a first doing that, I sure hope I do not do it again. It was just dumb of me to forget to turn the car off! 

    Hello to Allyson, 4sew, UC Rebel and anyone else I might have missed. And a big hello to my goil Chrissy B, have not heard from her in ages. I am forever grateful for her as she called me from OZ on one of the mornings that my implant opened and made me feel better. She sensed my mental anguish and messaged me to ask if i needed to talk and boy did I need that. Anywho, I have gotta fly, my nephew just got here to take my Dad out to lunch. Sorry if I missed anyone! 


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Hello everyone.. hope you all had a great day. I met a fellow RT of mine for Happy hour this evening and now I am going to have one more beer to relax before I cant have anything more and watch some TLC tonight. 

    Dara love the wet Willie lol. 

    Genny if I get clear margins tomorrow I go on the 29th for my radiation Sim and then prob start the first full week of Oct. Which I think is the 6th. RO told me he wanted to talk to BS before my surgery because he is concerned about the fact that I have a lot of micro calcifications and he just wants to make sure he can get everything. 

    PRN I love your pictures and glad your almost done. You look great! I cant wait to just be done with surgeries so I can get started on Radiation and Tamoxifen.  I have had 3 surgeries on my girls as of tomorrow and I am ready to be done. First one was an abcess that decided to show up 2 days after my first consult with my BS and then my lumpectomy now tomorrow re-excision. Id say 3 surgeries in 2 months is enough.

    Cheers everyone. Time for my bath..