how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi gals, and Wacko or daffey whoever u are this week.

    It's almost bed time-well for some anyway, and I wanted to pop in just to say Hi and I'm thinking of you. And Lara I'm so sorry for u'r friend and it was sweet of u to send flowers.

    I'm LOLing at u guys cuz whatever u'r grandkids pronounce the word grandma or even if u prompt them what u want to be called it'll come out their way and stay that way hahaha So don't plan on a special name just take whatever it is and u'll love it.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Chilly here this ayem.Will warm up before long, though.Another patient died yesterday, I am getting
    a little tired of looking at dead bodies.Which meansI need to do
    something for me to recharge sometime very soon.Now I just need to figure out what I want to

    Julie--the boob
    jokes ARE funnier now!

    Cammy--Poor Joey
    having to do his own homework.But good
    for him for reading, that is a habit that will do him well for the rest of his

    ORLA--sweet of you
    to send flowers, I'm sure she loved getting them, no matter what the
    reason!I do get fresh seafood, that's
    for sure.It's really nice to get
    haddock straight off the boat.I get 20
    or 40 pounds at a time, then vacuum pack it and freeze it, lasts me 6 months to
    a year, and I eat a lot of fish!And
    lobstah, boiled in seawater with seaweed on top, with melted buttah and
    steamahs. . . . Food paradise!

    Genny--We do have a
    few younger patients, but most are 70's plus, a couple are closing in on the
    century mark.I did have a patient
    younger than me earlier this summer.One
    patient I have now is only a few years older than me, AND we used to work
    together, back a couple decades ago.Really sad to see her condition.I have those dreams where I'm trying to wake up, too, they seem SO
    real!I'm afraid that one of these days
    I'll be having one of those trying to wake up dreams cuz I need to pee really
    bad that I'll pee the bed!Love the
    Alzheimer's story, that's a good one, can I steal it?One of my cousin's kids calls his grandmother
    "Nana" and his great grandmother, who lived with his grandmother
    "Nana2".It was cute!


    Dara--you're right,
    either a very old pic or photoshoped!Yeah, the weekend buzzed by, but that's ok.Big car repair bills are not fun, but better
    than that plus car payments!Not looking
    forward to the oil bills coming up, either.Code Blue means someone is in cardiac arrest, and all hands are needed
    to do CPR, start IV's, give meds, watch the heart monitor, and so forth.It is NOT AT ALL like on TV.Usually the person dies, for one thing.It's not neat, clothing gets cut off and the
    person is lying there nekkid.There's
    usually pee, poop and blood.Back when I
    was working in the hospital Codes would go on for hours,then you had to go back to your own area
    andstart playing ketchup on all your
    assigned work.NOT FUN.I have heard that codes don't go on as long
    now as they used to.There are a whole
    list of Codes now, the colors differ from facility to facility:

    RED 􀂱 Fire

    BLUE 􀂱 Cardiac / Respiratory Arrest

    PINK 􀂱 Infant / Child Abduction

    BLACK - Bomb

    ORANGE - Hazmat / Bioterrorism

    GREY - Violence/Security Alert

    WHITE - Hostage

    YELLOW - Lockdown

    GREEN - Mass Casualty / Disaster

    BROWN - Severe Weather

    Of course, Code
    Brown usually means a major poop clean up is needed. . .

    Collett--3 surgeries
    in 2 months IS a lot, praying for good margins and quick recovery!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    SoCode red

    1 part (chilled)
    Southern Comfort

    2 parts (Add To
    Taste) Cherry Cola

    1 piece Maraschino

    Best served in a
    Old-Fashioned Glass.


    Great with black
    label Southern Comfort. The "cherry soda" should be Mountain Dew Code

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    LOL, ORLA!  Meet you in the pool! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    NM I would rather have your SO Code Red then  the ones we are used to. LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    good morning all, thanks for the smiles, off to see the personel trainer followed by a date with motrin

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Popped in to catch up a little, still have 2 pages, that I won't get to. But Mary/Genny, that is awesome about your clear scans. We all know what a relief that is, congrats to you!

    Julie, laffing at your Disney addiction, but I like calling you a Disney Whore better....LOL, sorry!

    Cami, tell Mr. Joey thanks for answering about Nora, we need to let him know how important he is to us.

    Ok, need to get in the shower, have hair appointment today at noon and suppose to get bad storms.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks,

    Quick poop-in as I have followup in St Geo w/the brain rad doc.  Had good time Sunday going thru old pics.  Argument going on now between the kids regarding old pic on my fb page.  Anyway, spent yest going thru more pics by myself.  And lots of clean up from our storm Monday night.  Lost power for many hours, thank goodness we have a generator. 

    Wanted to quickly say thanks to all who commented on my dementia, I do feel better about my forgetfulness now.

    Prn your pics are beautiful and I'll be anxiously awaiting the on-line unveiling.

    To all my other goils, kno I LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS YA ta PIECES!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi goils, I slept till 8:45 this ayem, I never do that, and I had an appt with the PS at 9:30. So he pumped up my left foob the rest of the way and it is huge, and hard as a rock! At least it seems like it to me, for someone who's barely been a A cup her whole life. He ended up putting 450 cc in it just in case rads shrinks it up. He also told me I could try golfing again, have to figure out how with this thing on my chest! I'm going tomorrow to babysit for awhile, I'm even allowed to pick her up now. Still haven't heard anything more about when I start rads. Went to the shop today and visited with some of my clients, I go back Oct 1, I'm ready, would prefer a little sooner but the lady filling in for me wants to finish out the month. And I took the pooches for an hr walk/jog at the metropark too. This weight just doesn't want to budge!

    Cami and Nancy, did you getting bad storms? They are headed this way, tornado watches right now. Looks like it came from your way.

    NM, of course you may use my Alzheimer's story. I have had that pee dream before, I always wake up just in the nick of time.So sorry you are now caring for one of your past coworkers, how sad. When I was in my 20's I worked in a shop with a man that had a daughter that was dx with lupus right after she found out she was pregnant. She carried the pregnancy to term and died 2 days after the baby was born. She also had a 6 yr old. Her dad called me and asked me to come to the funeral home to do her hair (he tried but couldn't) and I had done hair for funerals before. She was 32, boy was that sad. That little baby would be in his 30's now. I like all the code explainations. I remember when I quit nursing and went out for drinks and I made a toast that went.... "to never again reading an order that says enemas till clear." Some things about nursing I miss but poop is not one of them. So jealous of your fresh fish! And that lobster sounds amazing!

    Sue, good luck with the brain doc, keep us posted.

    Julie, you must be off today, hope you're not too sore.

    Lori, hope you're having a blast in Michigan. Been keeping up a bit on FB. You're so lucky, get to see Cami on Saturday! Wish I could wiggle my nose and join you girls!

    Lala, like the wine drinking lady. And the glitter spider.

    Dork.Dara...whoever, sorry about your car, that sucks! But true at least it's paid for. Nora already has a nonny and meemah and whoever else so I'm just gonna let her figure it out. Shouldn't be too much longer, she's starting with the dada sounds. So cute about your daughter and Barney. Nora loves Tom and Jerry. They have a pack and play which is basically a small playpen, I'm going to bring it in the living room tomorrow and see what she thinks of it. Sounds like you're having lots of fun with yer company. Hope your hangover didn't last all day.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi gals!

    Happy humpdey. I tink I started dwinking too early cuz I am done now. ugh. I had two before dinner and ate toooo much pasta so now bloated and can not dwink anymore.

    NM, thnaks for the codes. I figured blue was a bad one. The code list reminded me of when I was on the telephone with a client at a hosptial during the Ft Hood shootings. I could hear all hell breaking lose ~ goose bumps! 

    Genny, enjoy the rest of your time off, being a slacker ain't all bad, 'speically when you can sleep in. ahhhhh! be safe if there is a tornado. jump in the bath rub tub with your bike helmet on, k? 

    Sue, I think a good ting that you have not heard regarding your latest doc visits. and good luck at de brain doc. and don't forget to lock yer doors and turn off the lights when you leave for the docs office hehe!

    Nanc and Cam, hopin' you did not have bad storms.

    Cam, just a few days til Lori facetime wooo hoo. I tink we all gonna come via ufo it dat is okey with you. hail yeah! 

    Lori, hope you having fun and being good and dwinking lots too.

    Julie, hope the pain is bearable, great job with working out. My work out consists of putting food and likker in mese mouth. lol.

    Lara, love the funnies, cracked me up.

    Who is partaying?

    Hello to all and to all, God Bless. and some added cheers! 

    love ya all, 

    dr dara doolittle

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Yum Lobstah and fresh seafood my fav

    Genny I know I had like a B cup it takes a bit to get used to this ballloon on you. It feels better once the implant goes in

    OMg so I text my friend the one that just got diagnosed and I was like did u get aanything? Well then she got the flowers they made her cry I am so happy she loved them I used 1800 flowers because she has a grueling schedule,it was like 7 and heard nothing from her and I had a confo they were delivered. I always get nervous when u do things over th enet. I am just happy they put a smile on her face

    uggg going to meet  with surgerons about ovary removal. I mean god am I a women anymore?? I have a list of questions. I am also getting a skin flap removed oin my hoo haa thing, not happy they will burn or cut it off and corterize it. Hopefully ill have no pain or bruising. Dh is taking me.This is a important meeting about egg freezing etc and the stupid minor surgery of the skin flap.

    Keep up the great work juliet. This patch really works but today my chest aches a bit, I change it tomm so I just took advil.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Pin itSend




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Early Good Morning ladies---between being busy and lazy I never got to the threads

    I can not believe I'm having gace time with the Innocent one who call someone else (no names mentioned ) a whore for some reason LOL I'm so furcited it's like a dream.

    All u gals have so  many surgeries I would think u'r bodies would need so much healing. The few I had thru me for a loop.. And all of u nurses who see so much I could never do that, u are heroes

    NM ur weather is a little fallish now but that's fine with me But every week is a surprise--We miss the really bad weather in this are, but it's been brutal around us.. I feel like it's flannel time but way to early.

    I'm going out with  a few of my GF's from HS today, they still look great, ARRRGGGG--so  my phones are going to VM for a couple of hrs. Those are my rules

    Geeting tired again, I'd better go back to sleep for a while. 



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited September 2014

    Hi ya Dorty!!!!  I heard you  I'm never far away but I will admit I had a whole lot of pages to catch up on!

    Hi to every one!  All the new to me gals as well as the ones who know me

    I've been rather busy but life is getting back to my normal once again.  I had my other knee replaced back at the end of May and it is finally feeling less painful so that is a good  DH is also well and I think I finally have him trained.......he now does the dinner dishes every night! 

    So much has been happening here that it is hard to remember it all but I am glad to read that a lot of things are beginning to be resolved.

    Take care all and TITTIES UP!!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    Hey der that Chrwisy comes for dwinkies, Weve bein yellinh loudlyfor hers, I knows she had been bery busy. 

    I has nice dwink tonight. Dh was out and i sawed some vino in bottle so watched TV and drinked nice rwed wine,


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Getting so much harder to
    get up at 5:30 ayem, doesn’t start getting light until 6 ayem these days.Sigh.


    Brown is quite the philosopher!

    Julie--love the date
    with motrin!

    appointments, nice!What a luxury!

    Mema--looking at old
    pics is such a trip down memory lane, isn't it?

    Genny--oh, lordy,
    "enemas till clear"I SO do
    not miss those!So sad about the woman
    with lupus.I can't imagine what it's
    like doing hair for funerals.That must
    be hard.

    Dara--Yikes, hearing
    the hospital response to the Ft. Hood shootings must have been scary!


    ORLA--Yikes on the
    skin tag removal, sounds painful no matter how they do it!Are you thinking about freezing some eggs for
    future use?

    Cammy--Not quite
    flannel time here, except for maybe on the bed.Nights are chilly.Still need AC
    in the car during the day sometimes.Have
    a nice nap!

    Chrissy!!!!!!!Great to hear from you!Glad the knee is better.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Egg Crusher

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Light Rum

    1 cup Eggnog


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a large brandy
    snifter, dust with nutmeg, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


    this is so me! the diet is not going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ladies currently under treatment, be meticulous with the hand washing  and wearing a mask  if you need , got a cold virus already, there starting early this year and more than half of my colleagues had to get antibiotics for the accompanying chest infection. so take care people its already amongst us

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Good morning everyone. Had a very rough day yesterday. After my re-excision while in recovery I had some really bad seizures. They had to give me 5mg Versed twice, Ativan and Topamax to get it under control according to my DH. I was surprised they didnt keep me after that. Then on the way home I had to have my DH pull over because I got sick.. not fun period but even worse in the rain. This am I am pretty sore still. 

    Genny we did have bad storms. Nothing like getting ready to go into surgery and you hear Tornado Watch , my nurse was funny though she said well we wont blow away we are in the middle of the hospital surrounded by led walls. 

    My dressing is about to drive me nuts! Tape doesnt really like me so I am itching like crazy. Well going to try to sleep some more. Hope you all have good days.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    I love the Dorey picture and diets are just plain hard to do.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Good morning ladies, still dark here too and it's almost 7, yesterday was so humid and sticky in the 80's, now it's about 50. Nice to turn the air off. Told DH I'd take dog duty today and since it's probably too muddy for the woods looks like I'll be getting my long walk in early. Get to go see my sweetie today, pretty furcited bout that!

    Cami, so glad you get to see yer friends today, hope you're sleeping now and rested for the day and have lots of fun. And in 2 days meet up with the innocent one...I am so jealous! So tempted to get in my car and go meet the 2 of you. Ifin it was only a one way drive I'd do it.

    Goldie, can't wait till I get to have a hair appt again! Mine's about 3/4 inch long now and super thick. I've got pics of super short haircuts ready, just waiting for it to be long enough for an actual style. Hope yours comes out real purdy. Do you get color too or is that pretty blond your natural?

    NM, 2 more days till the weekend. Sounds like you're having some burn-out, such a tough job u have. Any vacation time coming? The DOTD sounds like one I'd like when I'm putting up the xmas tree, ugh, be here before we know it. Course for me that means all done with tx so that's ok.

    Hi Ally, I was dwinkin da red wine last night too...Slainte

    Hi Crissy, I pop around to different threads and see you here and there, nice to meet you. I'm Genny/Mary

    Lala, glad your friend likes her flowers, hope her tx plan gets moving along quickly. Have you told her about It was my lifeline in the beginning. Still is some days.

    Well time to walk the pooches, I'll be popping in with a pic of my Nora this evening. Hope you all have a great day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Nancy and julie.. bump, bump, swimming in the pool is nice.

    Yikes Nancy I can't believe they didn't keep you either? Are you prone to seizures? Sure hope you're feeling better and the margins are good and clear.

    I love chocolate, spashily with red wine and cheese. Hmmm don't know why I can't lose weight

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny unfortunately yes. I was rear ended by a drunk driver two years ago in Oct and had a concussion and MTBI from that which caused stress induced seizures, so anytime I have any emotional, physical or environmental stresses I have seizures or tremors. This one has been the worst one I have had in a while.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Another quick pop in from MI.

    Loving ALL the pics of everyone. PRN, gorgeous! And the goodies look delish! And then there are the babies....OH MY, they are just so cute and I LOVE seeing them.

    LDB, what pic was the argument over, on FB? Hoping to read how things went at the docs.

    Lala, I'm glad to hear you have the pain under control. And you are STILL WOMAN without ovaries sweetie. Good luck with all of that.

    Mary/Genny, I say NO TO GOLFING. Why risk it girl? Hmmmmm.......driving to Chicago. I'm coming alone, and you are more than welcome to share my room with me? Jes sayin! My hair is on the light side, and naturally has some red in. I did not get it colored.

    Someone thought I was in pain, regards to getting the rice warmer. Just want to say, I am NOT in any pain. At least not as of yet, but I'm sure it's coming!

    NM, I did get my hair cut. Oooooh is it short. No more long blonde hair. It's to my shoulders.

    Chrissy/Aly, good to see you both. Would love to see more ya's.

    Nancy siezures? OMG, so glad you are ok, how scary.

    Okey dokey, gots to go........more family/friends time. Love ya's, tits up and will try and stop in tomorrow for a drinkie!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Lori, post a pic of your hair, I bet it is really cute!

    Nancy, thank God you are okay, very frightening.

    Lara, so glad you are feeling good. It is about FN time girl !!

    Chrissy! Yippee, glad your knee is feeling better. Stop in more often chicky!

    Juliet, I know the feeling of not being able to resist chocolate. Seems I have an active addiction to Hershey bars with almonds, I eat one daily. I believe it is said that a hershey bar a day keeps de doctor away Loopy

    Cam, two more days til you meet our Lori, yay! we need photos of you girlfriend. 

    Mary, looking forward to updated pics of Nora. She is constantly changing and I can't imagine that she can get any cuter. Same goes for you Nanc, need more pics of your little binky boy!

    NM, like you, I am not a fan of the shorter days. It is just 7:5 pee em here and already dark, ick. I can see the tops of the trees starting to turn colors. While I love fall, I hate hate hate winter. We just have to pray that it is not as bad as last year, that was a real horror of a season. Are you off this weekend? I hope so..

    Hi Allyson, good to see our dwunken face. Have some more wine. Slainte! 

    Hello to anyone I missed. Is there anyone partaying with mese tonight? I jest getting started cuz last night dis time I was already done. So I was able to hold off until after dinner. It not an easy task lol. Well kids, that is it for now. Someone, anyone, come and partay with me. I am ready to knock down some serious dwinkies!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    ohKey then...mese can partay with jest me and de tenders. and de boys are looking purdy dern good dis night! I will share iffen anyone wants to parTAY with mese. more chEErs! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Oh Daffy Dara, I' to tired tonite, but maybe tomorrow nite' we'll party.

    Nancy I can't imagine going thru that and then they sent u home? I don't understand how they would. But I don't understand a lot of things.

    Genny I wish u could come too, how long of a ride for you--I'm right outside Chicago. I so furcited to meet our Lori and now with shorter hair to. my hair is wild cuz I'm just letting it go for now to see how long I can get it, just for fun. Lori u be safe and don't go crazy when all the truckers start looking at u and blowing their horns, don't get distracted.

    I've been out most of the day, of course being with my GFs was so fun. We went there for lunch and nothing changes as she said I hope u don't think I made anything, then warmed up bought food already to eat. That's why we're still friends. And we can still love each other.. When I got home I had to catch up with work stuff--so I'm exhausted, Jeez and I didn't do much either. I'm such  wimp.

    I'm waving hi to everyone really cuz my eyes are so blurry so I LUBS U ALL