how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    yea they stuck a needle in my you know what and that hurt have a band aid wtf. I slept all day it hurts.

    Yes I am meeting with a freezing egg people

    I need to get ultrasound and then when I get my period blood work ,why when I have my period no clue...

    I am going to ck if I am even fertile etc I dont know how this alll gets figured out.I need to get a check l;ist mentally if I am fertile or havwhtever that will make my descion harder but if there is nothiong and I need a donor egg ill get th eovaries out soon.

    \DH went anf he does not want a baby at all because hes thking now, yes now would not be good but we could want or I could sway him down th eline IDk I am going to be 41  hmmmm 28 in a couple months So who am I kidding IDk sorry rambling

    Cam what?????????? a whore who said that

    N collett sorry about the accident drunk driving is not good at all

    both are cars, we were not in them !and I just had made my last car pyment. got hit by two different drunk drivers with in 2 weeks time and totaled both are cars.yup crazy

    Hi big sis how u feeling?

    Hi chrisssyyyyyyyyy


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this chilly
    and windy ayem?

    Julie--my problem
    with weight loss, too!

    Collett--YIKES!A seizure?And they let you go home?Doesn't
    sound right to me.And hearing the tornado
    watch, I'd go nuts, be terrified.Glad
    you feel better, now get some sleep and heal up good.

    Genny--I am a little
    burned out, not bad, going to go whale watching Saturday, and a friend is
    having a party on Sunday, that will reset the energy level pretty nicely. Going
    to look into taking some time off in October to put the property to bed for the
    winter and ketchup on stuff that's gotten away from me.Enjoy your sweetie time!


    surgery, tornado watch just as you go into surgery, a new bc diagnosis, no
    stress there!I still think they should
    have kept you overnight to make sure you had good pain control so you didn't
    have another seizure.But what do I

    Goldie--You cut your
    hair?When did you do that?I bet it looks great shoulder-length!

    Dara--I am off this
    weekend.Picked up a Farmer's Almanac
    the other day.This winter is going to
    be cold and snowy here in the NorthEast.Again.Sigh.

    Cammy--good friends
    can deal with little things like not making homemade meals and still stay

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blue Whale

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Blue Curacao

    1 part Orange Juice

    1 part Pineapple

    1 part Sweet and
    Sour Mix

    Best served in a
    Collins Glass.


    Pour ingredients
    over ice and mix in a shaker. Strain into a tall glass, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning

    NM it's Friday and u sound like u have a super weekend planned. It's about time u have time for u'rself. I'm glad u'r doing that.

    Lara did I say whore, I must have been talking about myself in some way.

    Nancy how re u doing? I hope u'r feeling OK and resting big time.

    Genny I PM'd u back and wrote Lori too. Oh if u could come out this would be wonderful.

    I have to recharge myself a little today and just stick to my  job and relax some, so I have energy tomorrow I'm so furcited I can't explain it.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Good morning everyone. I am a little better today. Still tired and sore but this too shall pass. Cami and Lori have a good time meeting and have one for me.  

    Sometime we should try to have a big ol reunion somewhere in the middle of where we all live and have a good ol time in person, of course when we all feel better. 



    Here are more pictures of my little binks

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    good morning all,  

    no, they should have kept you if you had a seizure

    went shopping yesterday,essentials were milk,eggs and kleenex , guess what i forgot!,you think the running nose would have been a reminder

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, Im having a really shitty day so I've come to whine abit. When I went to see my RO initially she explained to me that about 1% of people needing rads require a special machine called a VMAT which is only at main campus. (about an hour away) but she said don't worry about that it's very unlikely. So yesterday while watching my Nora she called me to say that I am in the 1%... (well of course I am)!! So that means I will have to come downtown to Case Western for all of my rads, and she wanted me to go today to have the whole sims shit over again and I would need to do some breathing training cause I will need to hold my breath for 30-40 seconds at a time while getting zapped. So I remind her that Main campus is out of network and I don't want to go down that road again. She says she thinks they can get ins company to approve it since there is no other choice so they make my appt for 11 today. So I get up and get all ready to go and they call and tell me Med Mutual  says I have to pay OON deductible of $5500 of which somewhere along the line I paid $1300 already but would still have to pay the rest. So I said I would check Cleveland Clinic to see if they have the machine, which they do and it's closer, but that means starting all over with a new RO and moving records and all that BS. So they tell me they really don't want me to do that so they are trying hard to get the deductible waved but so far no luck and RO is on a plane on her way to a conference (well of course she is) and no one can reach her and so they have to cancel my appt today and will call me on Monday. In the meantime it's been 5 weeks since surgery, we know the chemo did not work and I had 10 positive nodes and breast all with active cancer cells and still no rads or AI's!! I'm feeling a little cranky here!

    I was thinking about flying to Chicago and meet up with Lori and Cam, DH said he'd pay but looks like tickets are just too much. Maybe next time Lori goes to Mich I can do it. Actually I just hung up for Lori, she called while I was typing this. 

    Nancy, he's so cute!, I got a new one of Nora I'll post soon. She is the most active baby I have ever seen. Always trying to crawl up and ove everything. They have electric baseboard heaters and she was trying to stand on it and then put her foot up on the windowsill to get up there...8 months old! Come winter those baseboards are going to be a pain, she'll be learning the meaning of hot pretty quickly I think. Anyway I hope you get feeling better, when do u get your path report?

    Lori and Cam, make sure you take pics.

    NM, sound like a good weekend, have fun.

    Dara, nice talking to you last night, i had me a few too many dwinkies, could ya tell? Pics of Nora in a few minutes. 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Nancy. Cute guy. How you feel better. 

    NM. I afraid for another winter like last year.  Brutal in the Midwest   

    Genn... How your mending well

    Dara.... Hope your people are all ok

    Lora so sorry about your friend.  Feel better soon. 

    Lori. Safe travel. I will see if I can meet up with you girls. 

    Julie... Keep training!

    Ok fairly yucky burn to armpit. Healing. Last one was Tuesday. Cooking up a storm. Had a few days off exercise do to burn and swinging my arm would have been bad. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014

    Quick Poop In Girls!

    Genny did you ask abut doing rads on your stomach??  I think they are doing that a lot more often now for rads to the left side so the breathing thing isn't as important because it moves the radiation away from the heart that way.  Gravity and all!!  Might not hurt to ask?

    Gotta run. I'll poop in tonight for the party!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I think it's great people are meeting!

    I met big sis we had a crazy time but it was fun

    Cam and Lori meeting soon yes genny u should soon meet when u can

    Genny do what's best for u on the financial matter

    Lori my friend knows about the thread but she is going through a lot and I know her she will not post so mybe down the line she's very overwhelmed and trying to finish school etc I just know which she does not yet she's going to need rest!

    This lyrica makes me hungry great ! I'm trying to eat all good foods but it wants pizza my tummy

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    NMso jealous I've always wanted to whale watch!!!you know I believe it's going to b a very harsh winter 

    Big sis u should try this patch it works wonders

    K bye bye

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Genny I can't believe what's going on for u-- They have to find another solution for you much closer and 4444 sounds like that might be a solution maybe--But I don't know why they didn't think of it. Genny I'm lost here---what do u mean the chemo didn't work??? When did u tell us that? I don't remember, but then again I forget so much of everything.

    PRN I just PM'd u too.

    Oh I'm having a confusing day today for me anyway--work is all screwy and I'm and my brain is giving me limitations today. LOL

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi Cami, after my surgery I got the path report and it said they removed 11 nodes and 10 still had active cancer, the breast also still with active cancer. Then the report said, "chemotherapy ineffective." So I'm hoping between the rads and AI's it'll kill whats left, so far no mets , on the PET I had a few weeks ago, or at least none big enough to be found on the scan. But now I have to wait some more, prolly won't know anything till Monday. It's so frustrating. Oh and if it was October I coulda come met you girls. Frontier Airlines has flights to Chicago for around $100 but not till Oct...darn...

    Lynn, my RO says she tried every angle and every way possible but my lung was in the way. She's young and seems to be up on all the latest info so I'd have to believe she would have considered the prone position, but I'll ask her. I may end up having to switch to a different RO anyway so I can go to Cleveland Clinic.

    PRN, congrats on finishing rads, sorry about the burn tho but nice that you are all finished, right? Have you started on the AI's yet?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    wow this place is sooo quiet on a fried dey night! well not anymore cuz mese here to shake up tings hehe!

    Genny, I also enjoyed speaking with you on the phone, if only it was real facetime,  I'd be so happy. Sorry it is too pricey for you to go to Cammy for the day but maybe you can in October. And geeze what a bummer about today and still not starting the damn rads and AI's. I hear you loud and clear and am upset for you. And why do they have to wait for rads to administer the AI's? I remember also being anxious about getting my tammy rx and wondered why they took so long to do it. I just do not get it. But like Cam, I just showed up for my appts and let them guide me. I was too skeered to be a research scientist like NM, you Lynne and some other goils. I had been given a cancer notebook which I stuffed in my trunk and ignored until I tossed it a few years back. That is just me. But seriously, you still have active cancer and time should be of the essence. Its like WTF, this is America, we are not supposed to be put on a long waiting list for such a serious condition. ughhhhh. Do I have to git my people to hurt someone to git your show on de road? I am really really sorry this is happening, I feels yer pain ((((((((((( GENNY ))))))))). Oh, that little Nora gonna be a little trapeze artist or sumting with all this climbing so young. I am amazed that she is so active so young! 

    Little sista Lara, you were sweet to get your girlfriend flowers. I recall my sister making me two beautiful potted plants for my back yard as a pick-me-up just after my DX. And this lyrica sounds interesting. Nurses, is this the same drug as the Lidocaine patch? I have some of those around for my bursitis (which incidentally, I now think is sciatica). 

    Princess, congrats on being done. I hope the burning heals up quickly for you and that you can move forward with living the good dwunken life. It is good to see ya.

    Cam, I am so fircited for you and Lori having facetime tomorrow. Please give each other extra hugs for me and from my people too hehe. They can be nice people. Hey, is Stella coming too? I hope so, I miss that girl. She prolly barefoot and pregnant again that one.  Do tell Joey that he is very important to us. Is he still seeing his gorgeous little friend Gina? She is adorable, well THEY are adorable. 

    4, you musta fell asleep for the partay too. I just wake-ted up on de floor, no sure how I got dere but been dwinking sincen 10 aye em dis yesturdey morning. and hey, I admire your passion to research. I should care enough about meseself to do the same but mese jest too lazy and also skeered of what I will find out. I did not even know my cancer was of an invasive type until I got my path report several months later, thought I had all DCIS as I had both. I want all mese goils to have great prognosises and I do tink we all do.

    Mema Sue, missed you when you showed up, we have got to partay together soon. Maybe skype? I have to git off my lazy arse and be more social. I plan on skyping with CynCyn aka Lucy on of these days (goils she is a former loungette but those who know her lubs her so). So I'd bet my fat ewwa that sincen you have not had news yet, all is well? Tail me so mese can sailabrate for ya!! 

    Julie, say hi to Mickey for me. I wonder if he joining in the wine fest. I always dreamed of gitting him dwunk and stealing him away from Mini. I heard he is hung LMAO, sorry I cwacking my dern self up.

    Nancy, yer little Binks is super adorable, love his blond hair. He gonna be breaking some hearts, prolly dozens at a time. How are you making out, hope you are feeling better. And I sorry I missed yer procedure, de UFO was a no show. I fire de drive if you say so k? 

    NM, we also had a very chilly morning with a lot of wind. Right now it is 56 degrees and I am outside in mese shack. Why you ask? Well because I came out to do some yard work and fell asleep after putting the little heater on. It got soooo cozy. And it reminding me of when we was widdle kids and partayed right here! Hey, are you off this weekend? I though I asked and you prolly anwered but mese foygot. I hopen you off for a full Sadie n Mom weekend. 

    I had a date with my DD yesturdey, we had mani/pedis together. She is now engaged, her ring is beautiful. It is a big princess cut stone and the sides are really pretty, total of 2.5 carots, Geez these kids todey are spolied. I will post pics if I can snag them from her facebook once she posts them...that is IF she posts them. I am trying to be happy for her. I am happy that she will be 32 weeks this sunday, we are nearing the finish line. And I saw her nursery today, it is adorable. The theme is whales! Anyway, I have to keep pinching myself to believe I will be a grandma, a nanna, a memaw, a granny duke/dorK of sorts hehe. No matter what, a baby is a blessing from God no matter when it comes to this world. And I trying to be furcited vs skeered. But I aint gonna lie, mese skeered. I will not even tail ya what went down with the first rent check. ugh, maybe tomorree.

    Hello to Allyson and Chrissy B, tanks to both of you goils for pooping in, jest love seeing your faces. Well I gonna hit submit before those fn gremlins grab my post. Cheers goils and I will be right back, well maybe and be dwunk n has been awhile. 

    Peace and love to all my girls and good health! and chit, add a round of hugs and a round of stwong dwinkies too ~hiccupp!!! Hey, I have been dwinking for over 17 hours now, GO ME, I rock ~burp~ oops! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    its not lydicane no way would that do anything on me I am on a narcotic patch and the lyrica is a pill

    ill PM you what patch

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    thanks Lara, you de bestest! I thought you said lyrica but then again, mese purdy dern dwunkliest. nice to partay with you at 3:24aye em. Me trying to make a record of 4 hrs but uh, not gonna make it me no tink. ~hiccup and a burp and another ...achew hICCup~~hugs sis! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good chilly morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this

    ORLA--sounds like a
    hard decision to be made, but you are getting the info to make it with.

    Cammy--yup, leaving
    in a little bit for the coast, gonna go see whales and other sea critters and
    smell the salt water!Love the

    pics!Handsome little dude!

    Julie--don't you
    hate not picking up the one item you went into the store for?

    Genny-- you are so
    getting the run around with this.Time
    to call the other place, make an appointment and see who comes through first,
    the Cleveland Clinic or the other place getting it set with Med Mutual.I mean, really!Someone needs to get something DONE for

    PRN--I think we're
    all in for another brutal winter.Brrrr.

    4--something new in
    the rads treatment department--what a concept!

    ORLA--our tummies do
    have minds of their own, don't they?

    Dara- Yup, I am off
    this weekend, going whale watching today.I can picture you falling asleep in your shack, I would too!So DD is engaged, how exciting, even more
    exciting that grandbaby is almost done cooking!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Saturday Night

    1 oz Bourbon

    1 bottle Bacardi
    Breezer Orange

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Pour Jack Daniel's
    whiskey into a pint glass. Add Bacardi Breezer and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning girls, it is a chilly one here as well, only in the low 50's. DH went golfing, just called and told me they got rained out on the 14th hole. He says he is soaked...yuck, I am a fair weather golfer only. It's so dark, I slept till 8:30. Sun sposed to come out around 2. 

    NM, I am going to get right on this on Monday morning, the biggest problem was that my RO was away at a conference and they couldn't reach her. If I have to switch to CC I'd like to have her call the new doc for me so I can get in soonliest and she can fill her in in RO lingo. My upper body is so small and compact (unlike my lower body), I just had a feeling I was gonna be in the 1% of people who's vital organs were in the way. I hope you have a great time whale watching, sounds fantastic. How far are you from the coast? I've lived within 2 miles of Lake Erie for 20 yrs, I love the water, but it's not like the ocean. 

    Dara, the general old way of thinking was that the AI's might make the rads less effective, although there is really no proof of this other than experiments in a petri dish. My RO is young so she doesn't buy into that way of thinking so she said I could go on the AI's now if I want to. But she also said both cause fatigue and both have a lot of SE's so they could be compounded plus we wouldn't know which was causing what. Also, I'm really interested getting on the clinical trial and I can't do that while getting rads.  Lyrica is often used for fibromyalgia and shingles. It treats nerve and muscle pain. So glad it's working for Lara. Maybe when I'm done with tx you and I can meet up in Chicago and get a room for a few days and go get some facetime with our Cami...what'd ya think? We might even be able to meet up with PRN and Nancy since they're both in the area. Then we could go tear up the town of Chicago a bit... bet it'd be fun!  2 more months till you get to hold little Logan! It'll go quick, I hope things go well betwix yer DD and babydaddy.

    DH going out of town for a few days next week, Molly's gonna come and we're going to go play for a few days...movies, dwinks, dinner, maybe a little golf, I'll be extra careful I promise. Anyway, we always have fun together, prolly invite Willie too. So bye for now, see ya girls later.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014



    Hard to get a clear shot, she doesn't hold still long enough!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    yes genny that would b something to consider

    My mom and I were out this guy and his wife 2 kids almost ran us off the road beeping bk And forth my mom gives him the finger this guy follows us I jump out of the car I said bk off! My mothers 68 do not even try! Then the wife gets in my face I was protecting my mother! White trash idiots ! I said ill call the cops they left oh ate kids are in the care and your point is??? Mybe u should drive better! I'm so fumed about it! My mother was so upset I felt so bad I flipped! 

    Anyway then we got over it I did I was shaking I was so mad and we went to red lobster yum finished shopping it's freezing and cold here so I'm resting now.

    I had my husband in the phone after he was like that guys a scum bag he wished he was there and I prob shouldn't if jumped out but I have a temper he could of had a knife idc  god what if my mom was alone!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Good afternoon girls!

    It is also rainy and cool here, at 65 now. My Dad and I went to lunch but ended up eating breakfast at 2pm. Just as I parked, there was a crash right next to us. I saw the one car spin all the way around. Thankfully, everyone was alright. The old man asked me if I saw the crash and I said no, I just heard it and saw the car spinning. I think this was good for my Dad to witness as it appears that the very old man caused the crash. We watched as the police came through the window of the restaurant, We watched from the window of the restaurant as the police came to the scene.....made for some excitement on an otherwise dreary boring day. *edited to correct as it sounded like the police came through the window hehe, did not want to funcuse you all! 

    Lara, geez, glad you and your Mom did not get hurt in that little road rage incident. Like you, I have a hot temper and have a hard time controlling it when I see idiots on the roadway. Thanks for partaying with me in de middle of de night last night, that was FUN! 

    Genny, love this pics of Nora. She looks a little pissed off in the pic at the baby gate .... as if she wants to get over it and just can't lol. She is adorable, just adorable. And yes, meeting would be awesome. It is expensive to fly into Chicago for some reason. It would be great to set the town on fire baby, yeah!! Thanks for essplaining about the rads and AI's. 

    NM, enjoy whale watching, sounds fabulous! Glad you are off the entire weekend, enjoy! 

    So I guess by now Cam and Lori are together or about to be together, I am so furcited for both of the girls. 

    So who's partaying? That DOTD is right up my ally baby! Yeah!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny Nora is a doll baby!  Sounds like we all have about the same weather. I am not ready for it to get cold. 

    Dara glad you and your dad were not hurt or involved in the accident. Im sure that gave you some excitement for the day. 

    We walked around the mall for a bit and then I was so tiered I couldnt keep my eyes open so we went home and I slept until 530p. Time to get up and go for a walk outside. Hope everyone has a good evening and if I can stay awake I might party with ya Dara. Lol

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    Emma and Moose

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Lol I love it!



    We ran into my DD and her BF and Jackson when we were at the mall today. It was a good surprise and made my day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I had a lovely day whale
    watching yesterday.Cool, but so nice on
    the water.Saw a humpback named
    Breakers, saw from a distance a team untangling another humpback,
    Spinnaker,from some fishing lines.Lots of birds, seals, a few harbor
    porpoises.I just love the smell of the
    ocean , even the smell of whale breath (yucky, rotten fish smell) is something
    to experience.I'm windburned, and my
    hair is so tangled it will take hours to get it straightened out, but it was

    Genny--Iive about
    hour from the coast, but I grew up in Bar Harbor, right on the water.Wish I could afford to live on the water, but
    the taxes for a an ocean view are exorbitant.Your RO being away shouldn't be an issue.The scans and summaries and such can be
    transferred to the other center, the 2 docs don’t actually need to talk, and,
    in fact, usually don't.Sorry you are in
    that 1% of the population with the vital organs "in the way".As to the AIs making rads less effective,
    that may be, but that's only in the breast where the rads go.The AI's go through out the rest of the body,
    where rads doesn't go, to cut down on the chance of distant mets.Nothing is protecting the rest of your body while
    you are getting rads.What kind of
    clinical trial are you looking at?There
    are some exciting trials out there, I love hearing about them.Sounds like you have a good few days coming
    up, good for you!

    Great pics!Love the blue eyes!

    ORLA--good grief,
    what is wrong with some people?Red
    Lobster is a good place to eat, I've heard.

    Dara--Yikes, being
    that close to an accident is scary!Hope
    your Dad realizes what he saw and can process it.

    Collett--good for
    you for walking at the mall, good exercise.

    Genny--great pic of
    the difference between cats and dogs!

    Princes Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Green Ocean

    2 cl Gin

    2 cl Pisang Ambon

    10 cl Orange Juice

    2 cl Passion fruit

    2 cl Sweet and Sour

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    Blend quickly and

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning goils, just finishing my 2nd cup o joe. Dogs are chasing the cat around upstairs, sounds like a herd of buffalo is up there.. guess I better get em out for their walk. Went golfing at the little par 3 yesterday at was pleased to find out that I don't suck any worse than before surgery. It may even end up improving my swing cause I can't get my arm around this giant softball/tupperware foob of mine so I have to turn at the waist which is the way yer sposed to do it. Anyway, it didn't hurt at all and I'm not sore this morning. I'm pretty much off the percocet now and managing with Motrin. Looking forward to my gf time wif Molly this week, hope DH goes out of town, it's iffy, more fun when it's just the girls, course he does stay out of our way.

    NM, I'm so torn about the AI's, she made a valid point about the chance of the SE's being compounded, also I'd love to do the clinical trial but really only 50/50 of that or placebo. Both the MO and RO said it's up to me but I'm getting scared and thinking maybe I should get on em now. I don't know much about the clinical trial, the MO just mentioned that I'd be a good candidate and we talked about so much that day he just zipped past it and said he'd tell me more after rads. Then I went to see BS after that and she knew a bit about it. It's a aconitase inhibitor, mostly been researched with prostate cancer. Here's a link to a pdf that I found I sent it to Lynn also.

    Glad you had a good time yesterday, it sounds wonderful. Hope you got you hair detangled, funny in my minds eye I pictured you with short hair. 

    Nancy, you should frame that pic of all yer kids on the train, super cute, Jackson is a cutie! Sorry you've been feeling so crappy, are the seizures settling down? You should just sleep as much as your body tells you to, don't feel guilty about it.

    Dara so glad nobody was hurt in the crash. I saw one yesterday too, The one car had temporary tags on it and looked pretty well totaled, ugh, hope she has good insurance, looked like a young girl. Glad you corrected yer story cause I was wondering why the cops were coming thru the window of the restaurant when the accident was outside. And I don't know how you make lines go thru words.

    Lala, glad that didn't turn into a fistfight or worse. Prolly a good thing yer DH wasn't there, mighta got real ugly. Sorry yer mom got skeered, but nice you had a good lunch.

    Lori and Cami....we want pics! Hope you girls had some fabulous facetime!! Be careful diving home Lori, hope to see you in the lounge later today.

    Well I gotta get these crazy furbabies out, going to the metropark for a nice long walk,gotta go see what the squirrels and deer are up to.

    Hi to everbody else, hope u have a great Sunday!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies----

    Nancy u'r pics are adorable, is that a cubs hat I see? LOL

    NM whale watching sounds like so fun, but aren't u like way out in the deep ocean on a boat then? I'd be freakin out, but u'r used to things like that I guess.

    Genny I just want everything to go well for u, I understand better now what has happened. Not why, but what. BTW we do have a cat and a dog and that is so so true.

    OK I'll tell  about our visit later, cuz Lori is on her way back here now, we were together yesterday with PRN, she brought us her homemade carmels---we all liked them so much--her presentation is s nice for parties, shower gifts on the table--which is a great idea--an stuff like that. Yummy And Lori is so smart ith business ideas too. All I could be is the TESTER no ideas coming from my brain. But those two knew about everything. We could sit outside for a little while the sun was warm, but it was chilly. And PRN came later and it was super meeting her. And her hair is coming in so nicely and a pretty color too, She's so petite, but she doesn't think so, but she is and a beautiful smile and so smart with her profession also. She's come thru a lot so well and she's so happy with her YOUNGER DH, and he's a hunk and looks like the giy from Law and Order Special Victims Chris whatever his last name is.Her youngest is nine now so it's hard to tell but her 2 oldest boys are tall and good looking. And the youngest is still adorable like his mom.  So it was a nice visit. Now Lori and I are still visiting so I'll be back to tell u about Lori but I think most of u have met her so u know a lot about her.One thing for sure, pictures don't do her justice even tho she looks beautiful in them, In person she is more beautiful. 


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    edited September 2014

    Good morning, again,

    Genny--my hair is
    waist long, and finally untangled.Took
    a third cup of coffee to get me through it!Definitely salty and stiff, needs a good wash.I'll get to that in a bit.Got some housework done, got a load of
    laundry in,dishes washed, need to clean
    out and wash out the fridge today, too.That article looks interesting, I 've only read the abstract so far but
    will read the whole thing soon.The SE
    would be compounded, that's for sure.Maybe you could get started on the study and the AI now and get the rads
    a bit later?Is there a reason the rads
    has to come first?Just curious.

    Cammy--no, not way
    out in the deep ocean, in the Gulf of Maine, which is quite shallow, only 500
    feet deep mostly.We were 25 miles off
    shore. No need to get freaked out, the water temp only gets up to about 55 degrees,
    you'll die of hypothermia long before anything else gets you.


    In this pic Mount Desert Rock is MDRM1, the red triangle.  Start at the right top corner, go left to the first yellow diamond, then follow the coast down past the next yellow diamond, the Mt Desert Rock marker is just below the 3d yellow triangle. 

    Clickable image map to select latest ocean buoy observations.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Cami, so glad you popped in to give us and update. So excited you got to see Lori and Toby too!! And Lori again today, so nice, I'm jealous, would love to have been there. It is so true about cats and dogs, Moose rules the roost around here for sure. My cancer is a grade 1 which means the cells divide very slowly. Chemo attacks fast dividing cells and that is probably why it didn't work. The good news is my cancer is very slow growing, I've probably had it for many years to have gotten as far as it did.

    NM, haha, I'm sure you put Cam's fears to rest letting her know the hypothermia would get her first. I know that I can't be on the clinical trial at the same time as rads, and I think that it's a pretty long term trial, I understood it to be years and I feel pretty strongly about the need for rads. I mean I suspect there's more cancer here than the 10 nodes and my breast. With it being a grade 1 I don't know that 7 more weeks would really make a difference. I also feel I have a small window of time between stage 3 and mets, it's such a hard decision. When my RO told me it was my decision and I told her I wanted to do the rads and then the clinical trial she did say to me that if it was her with the cancer that's what she would do. I'm going to make up my mind by the end of the week and hopefully I'll be start on rads by Tues or Wed. I know they really like to get 4 in a row to start so I'd like to get in for the sim and ABC education tomorrow but I'm probably dreaming to think I can get started so fast. If I don't get rads this week I may just say the hell with it and get started on the AI's now, I'll just have to deal with the SE's.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    sounds like a great visit

    genny thats a hard descion and we r in a crazy mindest to make them, my friend who recently was diagnosed said she needs a BC assistant!!!!. Stilll deciding on lumpecty vrs. masectomy then she will have surgery then rads and chemo.I think in that order

    well I made sauce and meatballs, and my DH loves this goulash thing I make so I did that I walked which was great

    NM so jealous I love whales thats on my must do list I have to go whale watching. Did you ever see the movie Orca? I knew your hair was long mine is getting so long but not as long as yours.I hate how they have these whales in captivity I watched black fish its about the parks and the whales. Whales are actually  very smart.

    I hate I have zero spell ck on this thing

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi gals, happy SUndAy FUndAy! 

    NM, I am happy that you had such a great trip whale-watching. Seeing your map reminded me of when I was a child and we spend time in Acadia National Park. That is such a beautiful place. I know I've told you before but am telling you again. And wow, did not know you were raised in Bah-Hahbour, er I mean Bar Harbor. I remember driving through the down town of that city and it was just so awesome. Many had convertible cars and very expensive cars. I've told you before that our family camped and landed in 47 states. And my Dad's favorite was there in Maine! anyway, I hope you are having a fabulous day!

    Speaking of whales, I got to see my DD's nursery and it is adorable. Her theme is whales lol. 

    Mary, it just kills me that you have to play this freaking waiting game for your rads and AI's. And please, do not be too afraid of the AI's, they are not as horrible as people say. I think that the people who have issues with them are the only ones that post. YOu do not hear from the majority of the gals who have little or no issues. Question - are you already post-menupausal? Nurses, correct me if i am wrong but I do not think Tamox is ever prescribed for post-menapausal woman. For me, taking the Tammy was a bitch as far as the night sweats and hot flashes. Well once I was pushed into menapause, I started with arimidex and have very few side affects. My hands get tight at times and the bottoms of my feet hurt but not enough to really be a nuisance. I do get leg cramping but can control that by drinking lots of OJ or eating lots of bananas. Oh, to use the cross out feature, just click to the third icon from the right above, right nexxt to the italic. I highlite what I want to scratch through then hit that little icon, then turn it off again to finish posting.  I suck.  The RB sucks! I loved your cat and dog cartoon. I have never had a cat but know that they are snobby little things lol. Don't get me wrong, I do not dislike them, I just prefer a canine that will worship my every move! Hey, has Emma had any more recent hospital visits? She is just a beautiful dog.I hope you have a great time with your girlfriend, is it Molly I think. I have to think and try to remember the names of your people, animals and grandbaby. I can

    t believe I called Nora Emma in error. Or should I say dwunknessness?? lol. Here is a hug for ya ((((((Mary)))) - just because.

    Lara, you are sounding better and better. Why I wanna smack the faces of all those docs that failed you. I just don't get the ones that made you suffer, especially the ones refusing you pain meds. It pisses me off to the max. So glad you are doing so well, it is about phuckin' time, right? 

    Nancy, the pics you posted are awesome. Your grandbaby is just so handsome. Keep the pics coming, I really enjoy them and know the other goils do too. 

    Cammy! Yippee for seeing both Lori and PRN!! I can't wait to hear more about and it more, I can't wait for pics! I hope Lori got some of your dear Joey. And let me guess who played servant to your guests, was it Joey?? I can picture him serving all the ladies drinks, carrying a tray and having a cloth napkin across his arm lol. I know you had or are STILL having a blast with Lori and with Tobi too. 

    Well time to check on my baked mac n cheese.  It smells so good cooking, I can't wait. I am serving it with Purdue done it chicken cuz ain't nobuddy got time to cook de chicken from scratch, I have issues with cleaning raw meat so Mr. Purdue, the chicken man, helps Dorothy get er done.

    I will prolly be back tonight, hoping someone else comes in to partay with me dis evening. Until then, wishes of peace, good health and harmony to all mese goils. Love you girls! ChEErS!