how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    A little funny for ye all: 

     Time is like a river. You cannot touch the water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life. As a bagpiper, I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the back country.
     As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn't stop for directions.

     I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late.

     I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play.

    The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played before for this homeless man.

    And as I played "Amazing Grace", the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished, I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head was hung low, my heart was full.

    As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of the workers say, "I never seen anything like that before, and I've been putting in septic tanks for twenty years."

    Apparently, I'm still's a man thing. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi again goils, mese dwinin mese red wine, only 1 glass left in da bottle, should prolly leave it there. I am going to call the Cleveland Clinic doc tomorrow and see how fast they can get me in just in case I can't get my ins to waive the deduct like u suggested NM. At least that way i'll have it made, kin always cancel it. I also think I'll just go on the AI's and skip the trial ifin I'm not gonna be startin rads in the next week. Thanks girls for your help. Dara, I am way post-menopausal, I actually had a hysterectomy when I was 39 but kept my ovaries. Pretty sure went thru menopause when I was about 52 or so, hot flashes and weight gain and all that fun stuff. Oh and tanks oops I mean thanks for tellin me how to do that. Cute story, gotta go to sleep now. Love to all, sweet dreams.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Good evening everyone. Had a pretty good day. Went to church and stayed for a meeting afterwards then came home and slept. Pain is a little better today and I should get my pathology report either tomorrow or Tues. Hopefully we will have clean margins. 

    Genny I am still having small seizures but they are settling down. I think my body has just had enough assault  and is ready to be done. I hope you get the results and help you need and want at CC. I have heard that they are good. I will be praying for you.

    NM how awesome that you get to see the ocean and be out on it when ever you want. I love love love the ocean but really love the Gulf coast with its white sands and blue green waters. I dont like to be cold so I guess I tend to gravitate towards the south. I am glad you had such a good time. I can close my eyes and envision  what you must of saw.

    Dara thank you.. Jackson is my life. Of course I love my son and daughter too but there is nothing like a grandchild. He really makes everything all worth while. I get him tomorrow night while my DD and her boyfriend (his daddy) go to the Colts game. 

    Cami that is definitely a Cubs hat. I love the Cubs. I grew up in Michigan City IN and my dad and grandpa were both big Cub fans so that was all I really knew. I still love them today. I had to make sure he had some Cubs gear and some Blackhawk gear. Gotta love the Blackhawks. 


    I am reminiscing tonight. This is me, my Aunt Peg, my sister and my dad about 3-4 years ago. My Aunt passed away 2 years ago from Cervical/Ovarian Cancer with Lung mets and my daddy passed away last year from Colon Cancer. There is 12 years between my sister and I ( I am the oldest) and 10 years between my Aunt and I.  My dads twin died from Lung Cancer with Brain mets about 10 years ago so he and both his siblings all passed away from cancer. Both his parents are gone too but not from cancer. My grandma had kidney failure from Diabetes about 15 years ago and my grandpa had a Aortic Aneurysm about 25 years ago.

    Now I have Breast Cancer ( Damn Cancer) 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good Monday Morning,
    Loungettes!Nippy this ayem, I guess
    fall is arriving.

    Genny--Sounds like
    doing rads later isn't a workable option for you.At least it's slow growing, but I understand
    about the smaller window, too.It's such
    a hard decision to have to make.Good
    luck with getting started ASAP.

    ORLA--I haven't
    watched Orca, I don't watch a lot of movies about animals in captivity, they
    make me cry.Much more fun to go out on
    a boat and look for them.

    Dara--Acadia is a
    great park, so much to see and do there.Lots of camping places too.DD's
    nursery sounds adorable!Tammy is the
    only drug that both pre- and post-menopausal women can take.The AI's are only for post-menopausal
    women.The studies give the AI's a very
    small statistical edge over tamoxifen, part of the reason women are switched
    after menopause.

    LOL for the bagpiper


    Collett--I do wish
    the ocean water was warmer around here, but it's the cold Labrador current that
    feeds the lobstah and whales and other critters, so I guess it's a fair
    trade.Wow, that's a lot of cancer in
    one family.So not fair.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Jack's Bagpipe

    1/2 oz Butterscotch

    1 oz Bourbon

    6 oz Ginger Ale


    Pour the Gentleman
    Jack bourbon whiskey into a collins glass filled with ice cubes, and add
    butterscotch schnapps. Fill with ginger ale, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    nancy,jackson is so handsome,prayers for the results

    nm-envy you, whale watching is on the bucket list

    how you doing today mary g?

    ok where's the pics ladies!   want to see the meet up!

    off today but back in for 2 then DISNEY food and wine festivalHappy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    wow, howdy, where is eberybuddy? Are you all passed out at de percotini fountain? I iz here and wanting to partay, guess all de tenders are for me. Me me me. 

    waiting on some pics ~ cough cough! not so patient lol.

    Nancy, so sorry about all the losses in your family. FURB (means F*ck you rat bastard). It just pizzes me off when so many from the same family get hit with the RB. Hope you are feeling well.

    Hi sis, how are ya? 

    Hi Julie! Well finally, the festival is coming. I thought it was last weekend, good for you. Enjoy Smile

    NM, thanks for clarifying on the tamoxifen. I thought it was for pre-m only. 

    Well I have to stop dwinking sincen I have to drive to the airport at 4 aye em.

    See ya all later! 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    I'm sure I'll miss some, but here goes!

    Mary, my hair is light with red and GRAY highlights! I did not get it colored this time, last time was a year ago. You will get there with yours, especially since you wear it short.

    Nancy again, your little bink is just so cute. Why can't they stay little like that? Love seeing his pictures and Nora's. Praying you get a "not so bad" path report.

    Lala, I can so tell that you are feeling better. I'm so glad to hear that, but would still like to see your issues resolved.

    Mary, I would be anxious to get that ball rolling and get on to the next step. You don't have to sit around and wait on your current onc. YOU ARE THE BOSS. Move on girl, if you don't want to wait. I see I'm on the same page as NM with all of this BS. I started on Arimidex before my rads, for whatever that's worth. OHHHHH PLEASE DON'T GOLF! And I see our little Nora, I'm so glad you share so many pictures of her. I see you went golfing anyways, glad it didn't hurt. Have a blast with Molly.

    WHOA Wacko....2.5 carat ring and you have to co-sign for rent??? And problems with the first rent check. Oh I pray for them all! And you too of course my love. Glad you had the girl time out with mani/pedi's. And aren't you heading out to Myrtle Beach soon?

    NM, whale watching, how cool. I hope to see some pics and I hope you had a grand time. Did you go with anyone?

    Yay Julie, heading back to Disney. I hope you don't mind me calling you a Disney Whore!

    LDB, where you be?

    Be right back with some stories and some pics......

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    OMG, I had such a wonderful time with Cami, Joey and Tobbi. Joey stuck right by us most of time, he wanted to go out and play with his friens and wanted to know what time I was leaving, as he wanted to make sure he came back before I left. And yes, Tobbi brought carmels, so yummy. I set mine out at my moms and within a half hour they were GONE!

    Ok, so part of my trip was a toll road. I come up on my first toll, and I'm way over in the left lane, need to cross over 5 lanes to get to the cash lane....not happening, so I blow through the electronic land. Next one is coming up, so I get over to the right, and I look down at my phone, as I have my GPS on, and it shows me off of my route, so I cut over left and put me back in the electronic lane! I WAS wear I was suppose to be, but I thought it was an exit, so I blow through yet again! Then after I leave Cami's, I go check into my hotel, then go to the gas station to get a few beers. I come out, unlock the car, get in, set my purse and beer down, grab my pop cup from my lunch, get out and throw it away, get back in the car and I go to put the key in and I notice a lime green phone charger.....I'm thinking, I don't have a green phone charger cord, wait....this car has leather seats, mine are cloth. OMG, I got into someone else's car, not once, but TWICE!!!! Joey was a doll, and REALLY likes his "ask Joey" questions, so we need to keep that up for him. There are some pics with him, but I don't want to post without permission from his mom.




    This is after my haircut and I'm wearing the beautiful shirt that LDB sent me for my birfday.


    Now to have a cocktail, or should I say another one! Then a Trazadone and then BED!

    CHEERZ my lovelies..........HUGGLES!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Oh, I also showed Cami how to do a double screen (if you will).

    Cami, I'm waiting to see if you have tried that! I hope I didn't wear you out girl!

    PRN, so glad you were able to make it too.

    Ain't nuttin like facetime with Breasties! I thought about bringing Stella, but you have no idea how packed my suitcase was, and only 3 pounds shy of the weight limit, of 50 lbs.

    Was just brought a shot of chocolate cream to kill ya..............YUMMMMMMM!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi everyone----

    Genny don't want u to feel taking the Al's would be horrible, my sister does great on them, and my cousin too. So a lot of women do good.

    Lara u sound so  good, I'm so happy for u.

    NM thank you, u are so funny cuz I didn't quite know exactly where Maine was, but now I do. Good DOTD today.

    Oh what a great weekend I had, got tied up with work things today and I got my D today, I was so happy it didn't happen over the weekend. BTW don't even look t me in the pics look at PRN nd Lori--that's the pretty part. Joey was so sad Sunday when Lori left, he of course fell in love and didn't want her to leave ever. Lori's hair is absolutely beautiful and so soft, just like her. Lori u are an amazing woman, I admire u so. Thank u for driving forever to meet us, and PRN u drove some too and it was my pleasure to meet u. OH and Lori is a master at the computer on top of everything else.

    Julie again DW? wow u must enjoy u'rself there. I might have enjoyed it more, but I was with my 2nd husband, now es and as far as I was concerned I would have enjoyed seeing a knife in him more than DW, so maybe that goofed up what could have been fun.

    Dara or whatever I thought that was a real story about u at first, but that was cute.





  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    OMG the pictures!! I love them, Lori you have beautiful eyes and I really like your haircut and it's far from short! Cami, I'm so glad you and Joey got to meet up with the girls, Toby, your hair is coming in nice and thick, you look great! What fun, I hope I get to meet all of you one day. Lori, you sure don't look your age…or should I say my age…jeesh, what's your secret, and I like the outfit. Good job LDB. And I'm working on a good question for Nora.OOOPS....I mean Joey.

    No luck with Med Mut today, UH still working on it. I called and got an appt with a Cleveland Clinic RO for 8am on Thursday and she said the sims machine is open so maybe he'll send me right over for that. I copied all my records and hand delivered them so I'm set to go if need be. It's about 30 closer to my house too. I'm going to give it till 3 tomorrow then I'm going to call my current RO and tell her that I'm switching. And I've decided to go on the AI's, gonna talk to whichever RO I see this week and get myself on em by the weekend. So there you have it, one way or another, I'll giterdone.

    Nancy, any word on the path report? Hope you're feeling a little better each day.

    Dara, the nursery sounds really cute, less than 2 months now till you hold baby Logan, Oh just wait till you do that for the first time, nothing like it. Nora was born in the middle of a snowstorm, she was 2 hrs old before I got to meet her but oh what a moment!

    NM, fall coming here too, 20 degrees below normal. Any other year I would hate it but with these hot flashes it's kind of nice to walk outside to cool off. So hard to get up in the dark, gonna have a rude awakening when I go back to work in a few weeks and need an alarm today. Hope your work week goes smoothly. 

    Juliet, 2 more days till vacay..woohoo!

    Hi, Lara, hope you're good.

     That's all i got time for tonight, Molly coming tomorrow, looking forward to it, probably pop back in the ahem.. night goils..

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    Good evening everyone and I do mean good!! My BS called and I have CLEAN Margins so no more surgeries. Yay God!!. So now I just have to start radiation and then Tamoxifen and hopefully thats it. Sorry I havent been on I have Mr Jackson tonight. His mommy and daddy are at the Colts game. Its a good game tonight and we are winning right now which makes my day even better. 

    NM I agree with you the Lobster is really good and worth the cold water. 

    Lori I am glad you girls had fun. I love your pictures. 


    Jacksons Mommy (my DD) and Daddy at Lucus Oil Stadium for the game tonight

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Nancy, good looking kids... WOOHOO on clean margins!!!! Great news!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    And here's my kids, DIL looking so pretty, I see where our baby gets it. And Lake Erie in the background.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    OMG, crying my eyes out at the beauty of the pics. muah muah muah, just love ye goils.

    ok, gotta take a shower for realzies. mese dad sez I stank like an oil refinery fire. it was just mese fire pit but ok, will take a shower n wash mese hair. leaving in jest three hours n about farty minutes! lubs libs lubs de [ocs amd ;ibs mese gpo;s oh so much. cheers n more cheers n chairs and chevy cheers n so on and so on....lub lub lub, all wese need is lubs!!!!   ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Mese be boarding de plane, DE PLANE at 5:45 aye em, soooo furcited. Me and mese Daddy is wide awake and jusst waiting for de time to depart. It is a 75 minute drive so wese be leaving in de next half hour, wooop wooop! I packed mese computer and hoping to be able to highjack Dads neighbors wifi and stay in touch with ye all. If I cant post, I will pst on me phone, which bdw, my dear nephew found my MIA cell phone wooop wooop. yep, was in mese bedroom fell to de floor to the inside of mese footboard so inside de underneath of mese bed. dern, mese looked dere turdteen times at least tehehee. burp! 

    you all have a super fantastic stellar dey tomorree, k? 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good Twofer Tuesday
    morning, Loungettes!Not too chilly this
    ayem, for a change.Drug Silly Sadie
    into the shower with me yesterday after work, her feet were starting to smell like
    dirty doggy.Much more pleasant to sleep
    with her last night!She wasn't very
    happy for a while though.Amazes me how
    a dog that loves swimming so much doesn't like getting a bath.Go figure.

    Julie--Hooray for
    Disney coming up!Enjoy, take notes,
    post reports!

    Dara--by now you are
    up and on your way to the airport, I'm sure.Drive carefully!

    Godlie--I went whale
    watching by myself.I didn't take any
    pics this time, didn't even take the camera.Just wanted to look and enjoy.I'll
    bet there are some pics on the company website, though, I'll check that out for
    you.OMG, blowing through the toll
    lanes, I'm surprised they didn't snap your photo and send you a bill in the
    snail mail!Too funny!GPS is nice, but it has it's limits at times,
    doesn't it?Nice hair cut!And great pics!Thanks for sharing.

    We saw this view of Breakers several times Saturday.   He was busy eating.  

    This is what we saw mostly.  Really need telephoto lens to get good pics.  

    Cammy--glad to help
    out.Yes, Maine is in the United
    States.You'd be surprised how often we
    get that question.

    Genny--Sounds like
    you have set up a plan and are feeling good with it.Good for you!

    Collett--Hooray for
    clean margins!Easy to see where Jackson
    gets his good looks.I'm sure you had
    fun with him.

    Genny--I can see
    where Lake Erie could be mistaken for the ocean--no land in the far
    horizon!Lovely family, too!

    Dara--have a great

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    wet dog

    12 oz Beer

    4 oz Sangria

    Best served in a
    Pint Glass.


    12 oz of Old English
    High Gravity malt liquor, mixed well with Carlo Rossi Sangria. Serve cold and
    enjoy the taste of a wet dog.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    It's a little chilly here, but not as bad as yesterday, supposed to warm up. We'll see.

    NM I love  the names of the DOTD's u have and taking a shower with Sadie is a hoot.

    Nancy WOOT WOOT good results. And I love u'r pics.

    Genny u too--great pics. And I'm glad u'r plans are made now u can get this done.

    Dara safe travels, and I hope u can use a comp. on vacay just to let us know how things are going.

    I'm up early, took my shower and smell all pink sugarly --I thought TGIF then I came to my senses, which is not always easy.

    I hope everyone has a great day.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I love th epics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cam u have longggggggg nails

    that is so great all three of u met

    NM OMG I love th ewhale I have to do that

    genny nora is so adorable its crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy she should model

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    What the heck did I miss Dara? I swear I read every word, didn't know you were taking a trip, where are you going? Wherever it is have fun. borrowing you dad's wi-fi, his house? I'm so funcused. If you get a sec check out Nora on the scooter on facebook, she's doing pattycake now. Can't post here cause it's a video.

    Lara, u sound so good, great to hear, thanks about Nora, I agree but I'm a bit partial.

    NM, I've taken showers with Junior too, he hates it. Yea, Lake Erie is much bigger than people picture it, on clear days if you're up in one of the lookout buildings you can see Pelee Island in Canada. It's the most shallow of the great lakes so water temps get well into the 70's usually by August. Great for swimming in. But since it's so shallow the conditions can turn in a minute. My DH and were boaters for about 10 years, it was fun but I'm glad we sold it. We had some scary rides on it. Got stuck in Canada one weekend with 8-10 foot waves, we were there with about 20 boats from our marina and we ended up all having the best time but everyone missed work. And then a 4 hour bumpy ride home. I'm getting to old for that chit now, not to mention the price of gas! Thanks for the pics, I got to see whales in Mexico, saw a baby with her mom, very cool. Love the DOTD

    Cami, glad ur clean and smellin good, hope the phone is quiet today. 

    Lori, forgot to comment on the car thing, to funny about getting in the woing one, I did that with my DH last week an he called me Ann (his mom's name). Last winter we were leaving a movie and it was snowing so DH went to get the car and he pulled up in front of the theater and this lady just walked up and opened the door got in and shut the door.  She looked at my DH and said "you're not my husband" and he said "and you're not my wife"... I was standing at the curb just cracking up. Oh she was so embarassed... funny we women just look a car colors I think. Hope the rest of your time in Michigan is lots of fun. 

     Well I hafta get pooches out DH heading to Mich for 2 days and Molly later today... have a good day all!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014

    checking in!!  I got tears from the pics too! Haven't had time to read all. Kids are out in fall break and DH found out Friday at 4 he could get week off too. And I didn't have a single doctor thing to do and surgical drains travel! We had a tiny bit of $$ in bank and I found a resort deal $89 a nite for 2 BR suite for 6!  

    Voila!  Instant kid torture and we are on vacay in Williamsburg!  They are fighting and hating every minute if it. Boy child number 3 turned 12 today too!

    Love and hugs to all!

    Julie. Have fun whoring around Disney!  Good luck on your US. I have to schedule my hysterectomy as soon as I get back cuz mine didn't go swell. Guess I now know what my SE is from the Tammy!

    Have a great day girls!  Anyone hear from Sue??  I'm getting worried!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Afternoon everybody. Genny I love the picture of your family! They are so cute!! I think it would be awesome to live by a lake or ocean. 

    NM I bet that was cool to see whales like that. I want to do that one day.

    Julie have a great time in Disney and say HI to Mickey for me.

    I am going to go see my cousin in Pheniox this weekend.  I cant wait! Flight plans made. 

    Time for a beer.

    Have a great evening ya all.  Hugs! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    going to sleep now, typing with one eye. mese dwunk, jus wantin to tell yas i got ok'd by insurance, got to be there at 8;00. seriously cutting into my hangover time...sweet dweems

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good early morning ladies.

    Genny I'm so glad u'r ins. got taken care of--that didn't take to long.

    N u'r going to Phoenix? How nice, just for the weekend? U'l have some fun going on---good for u.

    Lara my nails have never ever been long, except for these last couple of years, something is working in favor of them and I have no idea what it is.

    My D went into yesterday, hope it's done for now.

    OK I' see u gals later--just wanted to say Good Morning

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another chilly ayem, there's
    even been some snow in the mountains, it's only September!

    Cammy--I get so wet
    when I give Sadie a bath that I usually do it nekkid and then take a shower
    after.Figure I might as well, since I'm
    already wet all over.

    ORLA--Whales are
    amazing creatures to see.So are the
    seals and porpoises and birds.

    Genny--sounds like
    some serious weather for a lake!I can
    imagine the sailing could get a little scary at times with those kinds of
    conditions.I'd love to go whale
    watching in Mexico and see the babies, maybe someday.

    4--Nice deal!

    Collett--hope you
    get to see whales someday soon!

    Genny--Hooray for
    insurance finally coming through!

    Good morning, Cammy!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fallen Leaves

    1 dash Brandy

    1/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    3/4 oz Sweet

    3/4 oz Calvados

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    Stir together in a
    mixing glass filled with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, add a
    twist of lemon peel, and serve

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Me bad for not being on in sooo long but I have been reading, then get side tracked and off to another project.

    Nancy - HOORAY for clean margins and end of surgery.  Such a relief am sure.  That lad is just sooo happy.  Hate that they have to grow up!  Your DD and SIL very nice looking couple.  Did I see u going to Phx to visit a cousin?  I was born there and still go at least once a year.  Have gadzillion cousins there.  Have fun!

    Prn, Cami, Lowee - you goils are B E A U tiful.  ALL 3 of you, ya hear me Cami??!?!  Makes me sad that Joey was sad that Lowee left, he is such a keeper!  Hope your D stays away today too.  ((C))

    Da-Wacko - How bout some pics of the nursery now that you've found your cell phone.  LOL.  Have a safe trip and a GOOT time!!

    Lowee - I LMAO at u getting into wrong car.  Happened to me too, years ago, so I didn't have 'age' excuse, just dumb blonde!!  Thanks for asking, ans at bottom.

    NM - We are still in triple digits hot hot hot.  Another storm coming be AZ will b hit the worst.  Am hoping anyway, flooding is not good.

    Anyone listening to the news about the fires in CA.  That city, WEED, we stopped there on way back from my girl trip in July.  Bought a few souvenirs just cuz town was cute and loved the name.  So sad all the homes lost there.

    Mary - glad insurance all squared away now to decide on tx and docs.  Not easy, but once decided, so much less stress!  Your little Nora and her mommy daddy very nice...thanks for sharing.

    Julie - please take me to WDW, ya see, I’ve never been.  Have to DL but not DW.  Kidding...don’t think I’d survive those places too much for me.

    4 - OMG, off again with the kids, you do sooo much, but I am jealous.  Life is to live and you sure are doing it.  Happy 12th to your #3.  No need to worry I’m in pretty good shape, thank you for asking. 

    GOOD NEWS!  MRI’s to brain and foobs - nothing of real concern that TDM1 shudn’t handle with me nodes.  Brain - significant shrinkage!!  MUGA - the ER doc thought I’d had a heart attack but is jes that left ventricle and after 3 years and 4 months of being on the Herceptin, my EF rate is still in the mid 60%.  Mammo good, some signs with it and the MRI but attribute to movement during the test so ALL GOOD FOR 6 mos.  Can I get a WOO HOO!

    Got more projects...latah!

    LUBSlubsLUBSlubsLUBSlubsLUBS everyone to da moon!!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited September 2014

    WOOHOO!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!

    Good scans, clean margins, cooperative insurance!!!!

    WOOHOO all de way round!!!

    Have a G R 8 day ladies'

    So happy for good news!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    woooo hoooooooo Sue!!!!

    Hi all, gotta be short, net in and out.

    I am in Myrtle Beach Mary, at my Dad's and hocking internet from a neighbor.

    Congrats Nancy on clean margins. and great Mary that you are approved. I have to find the pics of prn, cam and lori again, saw them briefly but mese wuz dwink, berry dwunk.

    hello ti all you lounge lizards, miss you all.
