how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Woo hoo to everyone!! I am so glad everyone is getting good news right now.  

    I am going to Phoenix to see my cousin for 5 days. Leaving Sat. She and her girlfriend are going to take me to Vegas for an overnight stay! Viva Las Vegas! Then we are going to go to Sedona. I am looking forward to some fun before I start Radiation. Have a great night everyone and cheers to good news!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    fantastic news-clean margins,good scans and insurance okHappy

    ladies take care,there's already a lot of respitory crap around,where i work some are on there second go round with it!,, my cold is now bronchitis and fluid in the ears, so on the z pack but there's nothing in the info sheet about alcohol so i'll be good at disney.i'm off in the morning,good thing i'm driving with all my luggage,5 bags including my cool bag,guess what 's in there! so come on down sue ,i''l share

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    When downtown for my 2nd sims today. I learned the breathing
    techniques, or they will use the VMAT. I don't really get it all but no
    point in learning till I know which one I'll have. I don't like driving
    in rush hour traffic, took me a little over an hour to get there. I'm
    shooting for a 3:00 appt, could work til 2 and then head downtown. I'll
    just have to work more days/wk. I have to be there next Friday at 7am
    for my practice session, 1st real rads tx Sept 28. They got the
    insurance approve till Oct 28th only which would only be 25 sessions, I
    assume they'll get them to extend it at that time, they're telling me
    not to worry about it. Each session will take 45 min, so with driving
    I'm looking at about 3 hrs/day. I'm kind of down about the whole thing
    but working real hard on trying to look at my life just one day at a
    time for now. If I look at 6 1/2 weeks of this it overwhelms me. I also
    called the MO and he ordered Arimidex for me, I'm going to start taking
    it tonight. I'm not comfortable having no tx all this time. Anyway,
    Molly left awhile ago, we did a little shopping yesterday, went out to
    eat, got home last night and drank entirely too much wine, then Willie
    came to visit, after that I ate a bag of potato chips and then popcorn
    and cheese! Ridiculous! I certainly couldn't let him come visit too
    often, I'd be the size of a bus. So today we golfed, walking, no cart so
    at least I did that. Might drive to her house tomorrow, she and her
    sister do a farmers market and then Thirsty Thursday every week, we
    could do the bond fire in the evening. Just not sure I feel like it, but
    it'll be my last opportunity for awhile. Anyway, enough about me.

    Sue, so glad to see yer purdy face again. So I wanna make sure I get this right..... significant brain shrinkage... I'm hoping you mean the mets? Cause that's a really good thing! And MUGA is ok... I gotta give you a big WOOHOO!!!

    Nancy, have fun on your vacay, sounds like we'll be going thru rads together. We can compare our burnt vitiligo skin. I'm not a big Vegas fan but I've always wanted to go to Sedona. Hope you win some money!

    Juliet, hope your bug doesn't affect your vacay. Hopefully the z-pack will do the trick. Have fun at Disney!

    Lori, guess your vacay's coming to the end. Sounds like you had a great time, Bet your DH is ready to have ya home again.

    Dara, yer on vacay too? Seems everybody is on vacay this week, have a good time!

    Lynn, hope the kid torture is going great and that you and yer DH are whooping it up!

    NM and Cami, guess some of us had to stay home this week. Hope your week is good.

    And hi to everybody else, Xanax on board, got to sleep now, sweet dreams.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Dara, Juliet and N collet all vacation bound

    Yes Juliet it's hitting hard this respitory I already had it thank goodness

    Everyone have fun float a boat lol who knows my mind

    Genny take it day by day jeez if we looked at everything at once we would all b popping xanax . I have a longer lasting anxiety med due to my severeanxiety and panuc

    Cam they r real wowzer what u all gossip about kidding. Glad u all had fun

    I'm stressing about everything but nothing new or fun to report except its freezing here

    Dh will b up soon then ill try to lay bk down this patch makes me weird the first couple days awake awake

    Kk pop in latah

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Foggy, foggy this ayem.Would rather be lounging in bed.Oh well.

    Mema--getting side
    tracked is so easy, isn't it?Still
    triple digits there?Yikes!I don't think there was one single triple
    digit day here this summer.WOO HOO for
    good reports!YEAH!

    Dara--have a good
    time in Myrtle Beach!

    Collett--sound like
    a great trip, have a grand time!

    bags?Wow, you travel in style!Gonna be a banner year for respiratory
    illness, isn't it?

    Genny--Sounds like
    everything is finally coming together for you, that's a good thing!It is easier to look at rads one day at a
    time.I hope you do go for the fire and
    farmers market, it will be relaxing for you.

    ORLA--Got a freeze
    warning here, too.Summer is over, isn't

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bartendergirl Drink

    1 oz Bacardi Coco

    1 oz Light Rum

    splash Cranberry

    1 splash Pineapple


    On a shaker add,
    Ice, Barcardi Cocorum and the light rum, finally add the pineapple juice, shake
    well, and on a glass full of ice, add the mix them top off with the cranberry.
    Dont' forget to add the garnish, a pineapple and a cherry.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny we will definitely be there for one another. My PCP has me a little freaked out radiation and getting sick. I saw him yesterday and he doesn't want me to work until after my radiation is done because he is afraid that I may get real sick. Probably because I already have an auto immune disease with the Vitiligo, I already have chronic bronchitis and asthma and we are coming on flu season and I am an RT. Even though I work in an DME office and am not out in the field right now I still see patients occasionally in the office and then there are my coworkers I would be around too. My sister thinks he is over reacting and wants me back at the office. I am not sure what to do. I love my sister but she hasn't been the most supportive during all of this for me. Not that she hasn't been there don't get me wrong I just think we are so close she doesn't want to talk about it much. She asked when I was coming back and I told her what my PCP said and she got mad so I said you know what I don't know yet and won't know until the 29th when I see my RO and BS again for my sims and follow up. She kinda bit back with telling me to quit over reacting and I said well your not the one with Cancer and your not going through all this BS with treatments so back off. 

    Sorry had to vent. I am starting to cough again, too so I hope this isn't going to turn into anything.. It will be good to be in some dry warm weather for a while. Don't forget to get your flu shots ladies since flu season is coming around. I know a lot of people who don't like them but they do save me from getting so sick that I go to the hospital.

    Hope everyone has a great day and Genny just know I am walking with you every step of the way as are the rest of us. Hugs everyone!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning ladies, up and about, a bit sore fro the golfing yesterday so I'm not going to Molly's, they are starting off the day with golf, I don't really care about the farmers market and after the all day hangover headache yesterday I'm not up for thirst Thursday. So I'm gonna take the dogs there Monday or Tuesday, by then I'll be ready to golf again and we can hang out by the fire. I like that plan better anyway. Just pick my peppers from my garden, got some beautiful yellow and orange bell peppers that I stuffed. Then with the smaller ones I tried something new, I stuffed em and put pizza sauce on em and I'm gonna bake and cover with mozzarella cheese over them. Kind of a low carb pizza thing, we'll see but it sounds good. Just gonna hang around the house and clean a bit. Feels like I've been off work forever, my life will be kinda hectic when I go back to work and fit in the rads, gonna be an adjustment...and the dogs are so used to having me home now.

    Nancy, for sure, we'll commiserate or cheer each other on, whichever is needed. My RO said as far as working that it would not lower my immunities like chemo since it's just local but to expect fatigue. And she said I may have problems under my arm from the friction of doing hair. She talked about some type of film they could place there to help with that. I start back on Oct 1st. I don't have the other autoimmune issues that you have tho.

    NM, you made me feel a wee bit guilty this ayem as I was snuggled under the covers drinking my coffee while reading your post. It's been so cool at night here but the days are beautiful! It's supposed to be 80 and sunny on Saturday. When are you going to be taking some extra time off?

    Lori, I'm surprised the patch makes you stay up, I would think it'd have the opposite effect.

    Cam, hope the D stays away and phones are quiet.

    And all you vacationers, hope you're having fun times and safe travels.

    Love to all....later

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    OMG my whole post was eaten by the gremlins Oh no well

    Woop Woop SusyQ I', so happy for u.

    And hope all vacations are safe and loads of fun.

    ooohhh I talked to everyone on here Damn--well just know I was here wishing everyone a good day. Oh And I smell like Jasmine

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Happy ThirstyThursday Ladies!

    Julie - now c...if I could only get there I'd be sooo thrilled to share whats in that cool bag.  Dang!  But since I can't, TOSS one back for me K? and have a GRRRR8 time!

    Nancy - Wonderful that cuz and bf are taking u to Viva LV.  Wish I could meet ya, but that week I'm jammed.  You'll have a blast!

    Julie - I'm too sad you have the brochitis and ear trouble but good u on Zpak.  You just have a blast too.

    Mary - Hang in there!  Do just take one day at a time.  It will go by faster than you think, jes stay outta dat wabbit hole.  LOL'd bout willie and the snack-attack!  HAHA about me p-brain, got me there girl!!  Thanks for the woohoo.

    Lara - Sawee u freezing, but y u still stressing...Don't worry, be happy, ladedah and all that!

    NM - good morning!  Told ya'll been going thru pics.  Even found they ones when we were in Maine...such a gorgeous state, I just cudn't cope with the cold so I'll jes visit if I can.  DOTD sounds delightful.  May have to try switching to Rum as the vodka seems to give me slight headaches after all these years...go figure!

    Nancy - I'm hopping mad after reading about your sister.  I hold no ill will as I don't kno her and she just doesnt kno what we go through.  Like you need this Xtra stress at this time, work or not work.  You ARE compromised with vitiligo and the risk is TOO great to be around that many people much less in that environment while going thru tx.  You are NOT over-reacting at all.  Please pay attention to your docs K?  (((Nancy)))

    Mary - glad you are taking a day of rest-piddling.  Those peppers sound good, what do you stuff em with?

    In going thru all these pictures and stuff, had one big, long, hinged plactic tote.  Somehow a piece of the bottom, small, but enuf to let water in.  Almost every pic is ruined.  I had 6 or 7 packs of pics in a plastic bag and they are all stuck together to the point I cannot get them apart to even see what they are. I'm specifically looking for our wedding pics now and I cannot find them.  OH well, as my DH said.  He has tons of sweet memories in his heart and mind.  Mushy huh?!?

    Morning Cami - u smell lovely in Jasmine.   

    Tits up for ThirstyThursday....clink cachink!!! 



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hello my girls! I really enjoy reading. I can load a page and still read  despite being off line. It is hit n miss with the neighbor's wifi.

    Nancy, I concur with what Sue said about your sister;s comments. You are in charge of yourself so if a dr says that it is not in your best interest to work, do not work. I imagine in your line of work that many of your patients are carrying some kind of virus and the last thing you need is to get sick. I am sorry you were accused of being dramatic, that sucks. I'd put a curse on her but seems you still love her in spite of her naughty tongue so i will leave her alone. For now anyway but she is on warning lol.

    Cam, sorry about the post eating gremlin. If only I could get my people to send that gremlin to Julie's swamp land I would. Do not work too hard,you need yur beautty rest to stay as pretty as you are. I just loved seeing the pic of you. I can close my eyes and picture myself with you goils. It is just so precious having facetime.

    Lori, did you get permission to post the pics of Joey? I am anxisouly waiting.

    NM, sorry you could not snuggle with Sadie longer this aye em,, work seriously gits in the way of the best tings in life eh? well someone has to do it and the world is a better place with you out there doing yer ting. Muah! thanks for all you nurses do and that includes Prn, Mary, Julie and  Nancy who is serving the public medically as well.

    My Dads neighbor got me dwunk again todey and it is too darn early to be so buzzed. I was too messed up to git purdy for Dad's new realtor who is super hot. and he smells soooo delishm sorta edible lol. 

    well having my usual issues typing from this mini laptop. and chit, a widdle accident with Willie....he fell and burnt two of my keys, my number 7 and the pf6 key. ooops, did not know they keys would melt when willie broke and smoldered on mese computer. ooops! tankfully the number turdteen is not bwoken 13 hehehehe!!

    Hello to all I missed and know I think of all of you daily. I miss being able to read throughout the day. I have to get to the previous page to make sure i did not miss anyting furciting.

    Peace and lots n lots of love to all my goils. and some spayshall prayers going up to those of you in active treatment. Dwink up goils but I betcha cant catch up to mese todey hehehe!

    CheerS! and titty;s up, if ya got em!!!!!! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014


    here is a pic of our realtor. I just checked him on and he is only 28 years young. OMG, I tink me is a cougar grwllllllllll !!! well isn't 53 the new 33? seriously, this guy has the cutest a$$ ever and I have his phone number. Hmmmmm. He does wear a wedding ring, hope the wife is a female anyway. Ok, cougar girl will be my new name lol as IF I need one! cheerS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    He might be wearing a ring for pretend, sooooo cougar go for it.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    thanks Cammy. I wish I had the guts but really, he is aBaby to me. My  oldest nephew turns 30 this week and I used to wipe his butt! This guy is old enough to fantasize over but to seduce his baby face wiuld take a lot of likker. Lol. 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Dara you crack me up!! Thank you for letting me vent. This site is my favorite and I love all you girls. It's nice to have friends you can talk to who know what your going through. My sis is 12 years younger then me and I think that is a part of her having a nasty tongue sometimes when I try to talk to her. I raised her pretty much cuz my mom worked, and my dad also passed away last year so I think that may all have something to do with so my mom tells me.  Anyway, Love you girl.

    Memaw I wish we could meet while I am out there but I am going to try to make this a yearly deal with my cousin so maybe sometime we can meet up.

    Today was a little better day. I am just getting ready for my trip. Genny I love stuffed peppers! I just made some not too long ago. 

    Talk to you all tomorrow. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!The weather guys are talking
    about freezing dew and frost in some spots this morning.Sigh.

    Collett--so sorry
    your sister is less than supportive and understanding.And there is never any reason to apologize
    for venting.That's what we are here

    Genny--the pepper
    pizza thing sounds yummy!I've got to
    figure out what would be a good week to take off next month and get my request
    in.Probably the middle of October,
    before we start getting snow.

    Cammy---darn those

    Mema--I bet
    switching out the vodka for rum will taste just great!I am a fan of changing recipes and
    experimenting.So sorry about the pics
    getting wet, but your DH is a true sweetheart!

    Dara--work does get
    in the way of some things, but then again, without the money to pay the
    mortgage there would be no Sadie snuggles at all, so I guess it evens out.Especially since Sadie will cuddle any time
    of day, she doesn't care what time of day it is!Boy, Willie is being a bad visitor to melt
    your computer keys!Well, that realtor
    is very nice to look at!

    Princes Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Carribean Summer
    Midnight Adventure

    2 cl Vodka

    2 cl Tequila

    2 cl Banana Liqueur

    Chilled (Fill to
    Top) Orange Juice

    2 cl (Add To Taste)

    Best served in a
    Cocktail Glass.


    Put all ingredients
    except the grenadine in a shaker and mix it. Pour it into the glass and
    carefully add the grenadine. Cool it with ice if you like!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    good morning goils!

    I hope everyone feels good and has a great day!!! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi Goils, lying in bed drinking my coffee, being a bum. Slept like the dead but still tired. DH out with dogs. So do any of you BMX girls remember how long it was until the soreness under your arms and between the foobs lasted. I'm sore in the mornings and the motrin does fine for that, but around 5pm it hurts a bit more, that's when I used to take the Percocet but I'm out. Last night I took 2 tylenol and 2 motrin and it worked pretty good. I'm just trying to decide if I should call a doc and get more. It's been 6 weeks and for the most part I'm fine but on days that I do more like yesterday I cleaned the house, and ran the vacuum I wish I had something a little stronger. Today I want to get all my clothes that are in bins in the basement and get rid of half of em. There's a bunch that I know I will never get back into. And if I do I'll by new. Just hoping to get back into my pre-chemo clothes, the pre-menopause sizes have to go.

    Dara, Dara....he's younger than my son by 5 yrs. Oh that's right, you liked him too. You can look all you want but I think the wedding ring is a clear sign not to touch. Courgarism isn't all it's cracked up to be I don't think. Those boys are just starting to climb the ladder, find one on his way down the other side with some money and good retirement pensions. Course it never hurts to look. Your story about willie and the burnt kwack me up, sound xackly like sumptin i'd do. Countdown to baby Logan!! Bout 6 more weeks? I'm getting my Nora overnight on Saturday....can't wait! When do u come back from Florida? Hope you get the house sold soonliest. The best ting about an early buzz is if ya quit early, no hangover the next day, so I hope yer feeling good this ayem.

    Nancy, glad yer feeling better, sounds like you and yer sis understand each other, She hasn't walked in shoes, she can't possible know. And I'm sure you work with hacking people with God knows what airborne chit flying around, you should go with your instincts. I admire resp. therapist, would never be for me. We had an old joke at the hospital, you may have heard it.                 How can you tell a nurse from a respiratory therapist? Cover them to their necks with shit. Then have someone up above hawk up a big ole loogie... the one that ducks is the nurse. Gross, I know, but oh so true. Anyway, hope you have a fabulous time on your vacay, and win lots of money!

    Sue, too bad about the pics! Darn that sucks, are the wedding ones ruined for sure? Or maybe you just didn't find them yet? Love the mushy stuff from you DH. Peppers were good, I stuffed em with a lean grd turkey, grd beef
    mixture. I seasoned em' pizza style and cut up black olives, onion and
    mushrooms and put them on top then after they baked covered them in mozz
    cheese and stuck em under the broiler. It was an experiment but we
    finished them off. They were yummy. Got the traditional ones in the
    freezer, maybe the next batch on the vine I'll make soup or chili with.

    NM, TGIF, are you off this weekend? Maine has got to be beautiful right now, have the leaves changed? Ours are starting to, usually by the end of Oct they're all on the ground. Sounds like Oct would be a great time to take off. 

    Lala, hope you're still feeling good.

    Lori, back home this weekend? Or are you already there, can't remember.

    Julie, give Mickey a big ole kiss for me, oh and willie too, I wasn't aware that he was at WDW.

    Lynn, have fun. 

    Everybody else, have a good one, might pop in later today and see who's up to what.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    TGIF to you working gals.  Hope ya'll take time for yourselves this weekend.  I'm in a rush...again...have nails and lashes, stop at post office and ups, then store all b4 my 10ayem appt.  I am going to Lake Havasu this weekend.  Leaving after my appts.  Going to DD's they will do the driving.  My DS is celebrating his 42 bday (actually the 24th of Sept) out there, rented himself a motorhome, got friends gonna tent etc with him on the water.  DD's family and I gonna stay in Hotel, I ain't as young as I used to be.  HAHA!  Will be back sometime Sunday, so expect to hear from me on Monday.

    Dara - your cutie realtor pic went away, but your description says it.  Nuttin wrong with playing if he's a willing.  Willie melted some of your keys...crap.  Sawee but I find dat phunny jes cuz I can see u sitting there not paying attention.  Love you girl!

    Nancy - you just have a good time and when/if you make plans for another trip we'll figure out the rest then. 

    Mary - yumm...I could do that.  Thanks for sharing the recipe.  Ask for more drugs.  You may get along with the other stuff, but ya never kno when u need something stronger, having them on hand will put your mind at ease.  I didn't let them take mine but the pain in my spine comes and goes so am glad I have a few left for when I really need them.

    NM - Love the DOTD...sounds like it's right up my alley.  Yeah, bummer about the pics.  I did find the album the Pro-photographer did for us.  But all the 100's of other and candids, gone.  Oh well, least I have some.

    Lara - how are you feeling today?  Hoping the patches still working.

    Lowee - hope you are home safe and had a gr8 time. 

    Everyone else.....enjoy today and every day to the fullest!!

    lubslubslubslubslubs all of you beautiful ladies!!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny I have heard that lol! I love my nurses though. When I worked the ICU or NICU we were always a great team and had a lot of fun.(Not that taking care of really sick people is fun) but we enjoyed working together and it was always good to heaar Oh good we have you tonight. I miss those days. DME is a whole different beast but has its joys as well. The other RTs and I like to gross everyone out at lunch when we reminess about our ICU and ER days. Lol

    Mema have fun at Lake Havasu I will definately have me some fun in Vegas. 

    Ill check in later tonight I gotta get some things done before morning. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014


    my willie-fried keyboard (note the key above the 7, which was also melted by Willie,  is covered using surgi-tape lol. b wbb in a bit! cheers!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Hello Ladies!!!

    I am resting a bit.  Its been a hell of a week.  

    Genny...Great news on insurance doing there job but pretty sad that we are excited about them just doing what they should anyway! 6 weeks already?  That is just amazing.  I am glad you are moving through the steps.  You are always on my mind.

    Dara...setsy boy!  And I'm a bit of a cougar, it's good..LOL  My DH is 8 years younger.  And the burnt keys too funny.  Hope you had a nice time with your Dad on vacay with your peeps for cheap always a good thing.

    Mema..Clear scans...double woo hoo!!!!  I am so pleased for you and hope that you are just feeling the very best that you can each day.

    Julie...enjoy Disney.  I miss going and love it there.  I love the Magic Kingdom, Peter Pan.

    Lara..You sound to good.  Energetic and clear.

    Lori..What a terrific time I had with you and Cam.  It was so generous of you both to let me visit on your time.  Your haircut is lovely and you were just so very nice.  Your children are beautiful and thank you for sharing. Thanks also for the encouraging words on Arimadex. I am hopeful that I do as well as you.

    Cam...What's the scent for today?  You were Sunshine, I think the day I was there.  Thank you and Leslie for letting us visit.  It was just wonderful to meet you in person.  So much fun and laughter!  Thanks for sharing Joey too..such a peach and so fun to meet.

    Nancy...Have a fun trip and know that radiation is doable.  I had a minor burn that started about day 28 of 30.  It got a bit worse after I was done but is nearly all healed and certainly not painful.  I am back to my regular level of exercise and and cooking to beat the band.

    The Goodman Sweets company got its official license yesterday.  And then I immediately made 470 caramels, lol.  My first event is on Sunday, a baby shower with about 60 favors.  So..I was a cutting and wrapping fool but they are done and look super cute!  So, I am off and running.

    As I said above I am pretty much all healed from radiation and working my way back to full out long running.  Next Herceptin is 9-25 and I think that they will begin hormone therapy.  5 more months of IV's.  I think of you all everyday and hope that today is a good day.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    hi prn I'm so glad u had fun with cam and Lori! I live this new biz u have going! Yes I am very clear and jogged yesterday. I am having my cafe I'm up I was so tired from jogging and running around fell asleep at 7 am. Dh and I have to go to my moms mow her lawn, well he will and take her AC out of the window. It's freezing here but it will be like 80 tomm then down to 60s ! Weird

    Hi Mema u sound good tooooo !! Have fun  on your trip

    Big sis going for the realtor 

    Genny I agree go for retirement and pension lol!! Now I still hurt but I do remember that sore feeling I would say you are still so new out of surgery and you are doing a lot! It will b a couple months. Get the percos u will need them. Because of my issue in the beginning I was in bed most of the time, but when the implants went in I went nuts which I think is why u need to heal. Your mind forgets but u really did have major surgery. Even with the implants they told me to calm down. My scars are still red but I was just in surgery a couple of months ago. 

    After implants I was doing weights, bike riding everything that was bad. I am able to move my body in ways I have not in years so I have to remember to slow it down at times with this patch it's like I have a life again but I know I need a good year to heal. So I'm jogging then ill run no weights I just feel I should not do that💪💪💪💪

    Kk hugs to all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    good morning all, eating and drinking well with mickey,puter doesn't like disney wifi so will be back home tuesday,enjoy your weekend

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, I am not sure if I will get this post through but trying. I might have to wait until tomorrow to submit due to limited wifi.

    Tobbi, so nice to see you pop in. I am so happy that you are done your treatment. Congrats, you did it! and you are looking amazing.

    Cam, did you ever get your PC issue bixed? I do not recall seeing your lovely face here today, please report. Remind me that I have a question for Ask Joey, it is regarding a break in at my dad's house. ugh, do not feel like going there now. 

    Mary, in regards to your questions about pain....yes, please contact a doctor to see if one will write you some more percs. If your PS says no, try your BS and if not the BS, try your primary care doctor. Let them know there are times in a day that the pain is unbearable even with the combo of tylenol and motrin. One of your docs will surely write you an RX. You might need to exagerate so that you have the pain meds for a rainy day. I wish I could give you a good answer to your question about how long it takes for the pain to go away. My best guess is that it will take three months before you feel comfy for the most part but a full year to fully recover. I am four years out and still in pain but that is because I had TE's in and out I think three times and the same for implants, then I had the diep flap last year. I am still in pain and there are times when I actually feel normal. BUT if I do anything strenuous, I feel the pain and at times it is too much to bear without a narcotic. Remind your doctors that you are returning to work and what you do for a living will likely cause more pain with the use of your arms. Do not take no for an answer, be persistant. My dr gives me pain meds every month although there was a point where he tried to cut me off. I said NO WAY JOSE, well it is Dr. Patel, not Jose but you get my point. 

    NM, I hope it is a weekend off for you, enjoy and stay warm.  You can send some cool air this way, we had the AC on tonight. I know it is cooler at home, I checked and it is 55 where it is 78 here in Myrtle Beach. Willie and I took a run to the beach today and it was awesome. I did not get in the ocean as it was cool but still beautiful. I am trying to talk my Dad into seeing Kenny Rogers tomorrow night. He is barking at the cost although I will pay. 58 a ticket is cheap! 

    Lori oh Lori, where art thou Lori?

    Nancy, we are here for you. We have all spent hours here venting away and we know IT HELPS. Never ever feel bad or you might get a spanking by one of the hot tenders. Oh speaking of hot, still dreaming of the cute realtor named Chance. I;d take a chance on him lol. 

    kk, I am pretty lit. I will have to walk to the front of the houe and maybre outside to hit send but will sure try. Forgive all I missed, specially Sue. Cuz mese lubs mese Sue. wanted to  comment about the pics but gitting too buzzed to go on. so tomorree is anuder day. 

    love and peace to all my girls here. you are all my back bone, my strenght and mese fella dwunken biotches!!  cheers!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning all, DH out golfing, he got up super early and took furbabies out to run so I could sleep in. He musta did a good job cause theys passed out. Took my MIL for a mammogram yesterday, she's 86 and they tell her she doesn't need em' anymore but she's not buying it. She's had every test done and they can't find anything wrong so I guess this is her last ditch effort. She does have her biannual with the cardiologist next month so there's always hope! Ha! Getting my baby today, gonna keep her overnight...yea!! We went to toy r us last night and bought her a little car thing that she can sit in or push or I can use kinda like a stroller. It's pink and super cute! I also got her a play cell phone that does numbers and music and stuff. She's always trying to get at me phone, course this one prolly won't be nearly as enticing cause she's allowed to chew on it. I will talk to my BS about the script next week, she's the one who wrote it last time. So far I've found that 2 ibuprofen and 2 acetaminophen seem to do the trick, we'll see how I feel after 24 hrs with Nora!

    Dara, when u going home? Any bites on the house? Thanks for the advice, assuming you sent it last night and it just posted or yer gettin started purty early girl. Walking on the beach with willie sounds nice.

    NM, must be sleeping in with Sadie this ayem... hope you get good and rested.

    PRN, so good to see you and so happy you're done with exception to herceptin and hormone therapy of course. I'm on day # 3 of arimidex and so far no SE's to report. Hope the rest goes easy for you. I guess I didn't realize you had to do the IV's, don't know a thing about the her2 stuff since mine is neg. Hope the candy biz booms, good luck!

    Hi lara, thanks for the advice. My giant left foob has settled down now, I will for sure need more pain stuff when they start pumping up the right but that wont be for a few more months. Having to wear a bra again cause I'm so lopsided. Like an A and a C. I'm not doing weights at all but I would like to start doing yoga again. I'm gonna wait till the 8 wk mark to start and see how I feel when I get back to work. Of course it depends on my skin during rads as well. Glad you're feeling so good, what a wonder drug combo that has been for you. Where do you live?

    Everyone else, time to run, gotta leave in an hour, meeting my DIL halfway to make the exchange. Love you goils!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Genny... Ty. I can say. Each day from end of rads I feel better. I ran well this am, nearer my normal pace. I still can't seem to sleep well. But I'm doing ok. Dare I say it, I almost feel like my regular self. It's been 10 months. I weigh less than when I started. My nails are all back and almost over fingertips.  No neuropathy.  My hair is returning, albeit, very tight curls and with sparkles. I do still have some joint pain I attribute to chemo and herceptin. But it's fairly mild so I won't bitch too much. I hope I tolerate arimadex well too 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?Lovely, sunny, windy day
    here.I got approved for a week off next
    month, gonna spend a whole week getting the house put in order and the property
    put to bed for the winter.Get to sleep
    in, have leisurely morning coffees on the deck or the sun porch, maybe even
    schedule a foliage train trip for one day for a treat.Rather looking forward to it!Nerdy

    Morning, ORLA!

    Genny--I am off the
    weekend. The leaves are just beginning to turn around here, will be at peak in
    a few weeks.The color peaks in
    different places at different times, so we get a nice long leaf-peeping season
    within day trip range.As long as I can
    get the stuff I need to done before first snow I'll be doing good!Not that I haven't done that stuff in the
    snow a time or two. . .

    Mema--Have you
    checked around to see if there are any photographers that will try to save the
    photos for you?I've heard of some
    photography places that have started doing photo restoration in this age of
    digital everything, able to save some damaged photos.You might not get all of them back, but I bet
    you could get many back that way.

    Collett--I remember
    my NICU days, and some of the gross jokes and stories we used to tell.Nothing like the ICU and ER for story

    Dara--poor key
    board!Makes me giggle, though.

    PRN--Hooray for
    Goodman Sweets getting officially licensed!And for the big batch of caramels, and being a cutting and wrapping
    fool!Congrats!So glad you are healing up from rads so well!

    ORLA--be sure not to
    go to fast with the weights and such!

    Julie--enjoy House
    of Mouse, and poop in when you can!

    Dara--I'll work on
    sending some of this cool air your way!Hope you get to see Kenny.

    Genny--Is your MIL
    trying to find something wrong with herself?I would think she would be happy to not have to do the mammo squash
    thingy anymore.Yup, Sadie and I slept
    in until quarter to 8!I haven't slept
    that late in a long time.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Mickey Mouse

    1 dash Lemon Juice

    3 drops Tabasco

    1 (wedge) Lime

    3 oz Tomato Juice

    1/2 tsp
    Worcestershire Sauce


    Shake all
    ingredients (except lime wedge) with ice and strain into an old-fashioned glass
    over ice cubes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add the wedge of lime and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    hi gals, I did write my last post last night but submitted this morning.  I had to get up by 8am for the cable guy. he is here now and sorta  cute. Wearing a ring though, ugh all the cuties do. 

    Mary, depending on your size, you may do really well with a Coobie bra. I have been wearing them since BXM and all through the te/implants in and out so many times with only one foob. And now without a bra, it appears that I have one since righty is so dropped and flat like a pancake. The coobies are great as they have pockets which you can stuff with poly filling. I actually used a new pillow's stuffing as I could not easily get the poly foam. Anyway, they are so comfy for me. the only thing is it is one size fits all. I would say if you are larger than a 38 bra, they might not work. You do appear small enough. I will find ya a link on ebay. I have spend several hundreds looking for bras and these are the only ones I can wear. All others hurt like hell. I still can not wear a real bathing suit either, I use a PJ top that looks like a tankini. I will pm you links.

    Good morning everyone else! I willl be back later, gotta run and talk to cable guy! here is one link for the bra I like, this is fancier as it has the v cut and lace but they have them even cheaper. they are very inexpensive.