how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Lots of good news that I'm reading from some of you gals. But I am most excited about LDB's news! OMG, I'm ecstatic girl! And you get a 6 month break! WHOOP WHOOP! How sweet that your DH said he had lots of memories in his heart and mind. But I am so sorry about your pictures. you shoulda got hotel in Laughlin, much cheaper than Havasu, but then you gots ta worwee about ve hick les getting dwunk and you have to git back to Laughlin. Hab fun!

    Mary, so glad all was given the ok for your rads, but 45 minutes? I think mine were only like 10-15 minutes. LMAO at yer comment to Sue about the brain shrinkage! Good one! I am not any kind of a patch that makes me stay up, maybe Lara? As for being sore......YOU ARE OVER DOING IT....STOP!

    Nancy, have fun fun fun. Sedona is very purdy, but mese tinks Moab UT is better. Of course you won't be going there. So sorry you got in an argument wif you sister. I know of no one that has ever gotten sick from rads. Fatigue YES, sick no. As for your baby sister, maybe you can sit her down and have a heart to heart with her, and bring on the tears! Let her know how scared you are, and how you feel when she says those things to her. And of course, you ALWAYS have US! (((Nancy)))

    4, hope you are having a goot time, and the kids aren't feeling too tortured.

    Julie, please tell me you don't mind me calling you the Disney Whore, or that you do! My brother has had some kind of resp. infection for over a month now. Ya, 5 bags? Ok, likker in one, what the heck you got in the rest? Or are some empty so you can kidnap Mickey? Hope you are feeling better.

    Lala, are you in the Chicago area?

    Now Cami, I'm reading you lost your post? Why aren't you using the notepad I showed you????

    Wacko, how sweet of you to leave Nancy's sis alone......for now! LOL. Well, Cami gave me permission to post of Joey, but ize kinda skeered to. CAMI, DO REALLY THINK IT'S OK? And you will not be cropped out. Girl, you git more chit on and in your puter more than anyone I know! Quit wasting the good chit!

    NM, freezing temps already? Dayng! And a week off, I think you said for October. Hoping you get to go for the foliage trip and the colors are still pretty. We are heading to TN mid October, I'm hoping the colors will still be nice.

    Tobbi, that's a lot of caramels you did girl, especially since I know now what all you have to do to them, besides make them! Congrats on the license! I think you will do ok on the Arimidex.

    Ok, I have a ton of stuff to do, house, cleaning, laundry and tomatoes! Did 10 pints of beans last night. I'm also doing some research on a holistic aproach for cancer, using Frankencense. So I might not be around for a couple of day, so don't worry. And I have another wonder my DH calls me scarecrow!!!! Love to you all.....CheerZ

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    ok, I am back online ~ I tink. I did not PM Mary sincen I put the info here jest in case anyone else was interested in a comfy bra that is easy to stuff. I am stuffed now on both sides, hate  my teeny tiny foobs, specially the flat one. 

    PRN, I do quite well on arimidex, my sweats are so much less severe than on tamoxifen. I wish you the best with that. 

    SuzE, forgot to formally congrat you on your test and no bisits for six freaking months, wooooo hooo times two times turdteen lol (you had to know that was coming).

    Sis, you are sounding great, so happy for you. And good for you in knowing that lifting weights is too much for ya. Take it easy as you are really just out of surgery.

    Nancy, glad you have us to vent to and vice versa.

    So furcited for Mary with having an overnight with sweet Nora.

    Where is NM dis morning, sleeping in I hope?

    And Cam, where are you, come on out.

    Lori, why not post the pics of her and Joey then delete them in a few days once we get to see them. OR I will taken em via PM or facebook. I WANNA SEE that sweetie.

    So my question for ask Joey ~ My Dad's house was broken into. I have called the sherriff but tinking about not having him come until the neighbor can get my Dad out of the house. The only things missing are a lawn mower, propane tank and of all things, a toaster oven.  Question is does he think it is ok to hide this from my Dad? HE will obsess over it and feel very violated. He has not missed these items and thinks he sold the mower. He knows the propane tank is missing and is very upset. But he does not miss the toaster oven and I can get away with telling him it was sold at our last yard sale. Would it be terrible to hide this break in from my Dad? I have already had him replace the bulbs on his two pole lamps and put new lights on his palm trees to light up the yard, It was pitch black at night, no wonder someone broke in. The neighbor thinks they know who it is as this young kid has been knocking on doors in the hood. Three neighbors said they would shoot the SOB if he comes back on their properties. SO that is my question for Joey. Thanks in advance. 

    Sorry to whomever i missed, oh Julie, yeah, want to  know what is in all those bags too. Have fun at Disney but duh, I know you will. Hope your wifi improves. 

    Love you all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I live in NY upstate

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi guys-\

    Lori's back,but loved her being here--lori show any pics u want. Lori I haven't used what u taught me yet, this computer is acting possessed maybe all the scary movies I watch--Of cour my boss is the  computer wizard but as u know I can't count on him for anything, u know I still haven't heard from him and he's fine--he gets lost in a world of his own. Anyone ever watch Big Bang Theory well he and his brother a a lot like Sheldon, except they are both gorgeous. I have to get this comp. fixed it's more than just a bttery I know so I'm just trying to get a post out LOL

    I'm sorry bout u'r uter DARA--hahahahahahahaha---so sorry u silly.

    Sounds like everyone's doing OK---excuse me Mary have u golfed???? I think that's a no no BTW

    I bet Julie's having a good time with 5 bags packed. She brought enough of something.

    Nora time tonite--Oh she's going to love her new things. So exciting to give them something new.

    PRN that's a lot of work, u do have loads of energy--good for you.

    NM good u got to sleep so long , it's always nice to just get up when u want to.

    Joey's out  enjoying the good weather we're having --horrible storms are coming later today.

    Dara u'r poor dad, but it's good he doesn't know, I think that would make him so upset--Chit I never want to hear bad things don't say anything. but I'll talk t Joey about this. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    NM, I just realized that I bumped ya, oops glad the tenders were in the lounge to catch ya. congrats on your october stay-cation!! 

    Mary, I just ordered three bras from herroom, they have a great sale and I am going to try the full size since the ones I wear hurt after awhile. If they are too big, I can always alter the. I m furcited! oh, I fly home on wednesday, still alot of vacation time. 

    I have great access as the neighbors are at a wedding so I am borrowing their porch, they said I could sit on their deck and use their wifi, cool people.

    Hi Lori, was good to see you, cant wait for more pics hint hint hint. well I am having a dwink, then  I am going to take a nap, then off to see Kenny R at the Alabama theatre. wooo hoo, hope it is not too loud for Dad but it is someone we both actually like the music. cheers lovies! see ya later tonight!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

     Wacko, that sounds so cute saying that u'r going to a concert with u'r dad. I hope u two have a great time. Now would u have done that when u were 17?  Oh I miss my dad---he would tell stories (wonderfully) of course with words that he made up to my sister and me from as early as he could remember--witch we never really knew if he remembered it right or he made it up, but we just loved them, nd I'm talking about when we were in our 50's and 60's, we still talk and laugh about them, cuz we don't want to forget. Well we did tape most of the things LOL of course u mostly heard his voice cuz the mike was next to him (he never knew it) and u mostly hear u'd better be sitting on plastic, cuz we were always LOLing and peeing and he knew that---

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    ca,m, I bumped ya too, sorrry I laughed when I knocked ya over. sory, I cant help it. Let me know what Joey tinks about the break-in, your opinion is good but his is best. God love that young man. Hey, is he still friends with that sweet lil girl? 

    We had a nice time at the Kenny Rogers concert. OMG though, he does not look anything like the Kenney I knew. It was a good show but we left early to  avoid the smampede. I worry about my Dad as he is not moving too well but he did good and also enjoyed the music. We had a nice dinner out before too, his treat! he said it was the best dinner he had in a long much for my cooking lol.

    Juliet, sorry aboiut the weather at disney but glad you still had fun . I wanna see a pic of you in your disney rain gear! hope tomorrow is a better day weather-wise. 

    Lori, you better not be gone too long. I can help you research if needed, I have too much time on mese hands. How does DH like your new hair? I just love it on you, a beautiful change for you yet your hair is still beautifully wavy and not too short. It looks so healthy, you could do a Nexus commercial with that hair,

    PRN, I am so happy that you are past your treatment and gitting back to normal. There are times when it seems it will never ever happen.

    NM, you laughing at mese burnt computer? Me too so do not sweat it. I noticed some meltage on the key above the 6 and the 7, oopsies. I used the surgie tape as that is all I could find, I carry it with me waiting for my next one lol. So glad you and Sadie have an upcoming week of nothing but slacka time! woo hoo! 

    4, where you hiding, still on the mini vacation> sure hope you having fun and the kids all being goodliest kids so you can dwink dwink dwink. I miss ya here.

    K, know I am foygetting someone. where is Alyson? And who else MIA besides de usual suspects ie Cyn, Allison, etal. ugh, hate when mese goils nessapear.

    well I give up on waiting for update from Genny on her evening with baby Nora. But I am sure she exhausted...Genny/Mary dat is! Baby prolly still going, she is such a sweetie and a cutie, our HTL baby goil!! 

    K I go now and pass out. will hit submit in de aye em, well dat if is mese up dat early! it is early dis evening but mese tired, had a quick four dwinks and mese need to turn de light out (no comment from mese smartass friends), lights been out for years yada yada! hehe. love you all, still and always and forever. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Much warmer today, for which
    I am very grateful.

    Dara--that is a
    comfy looking bra.Thanks for the link!

    usually peaks in October around here, so I'll get a good look.There's a train that runs in the fall for
    foliage season, I'm gonna take one day and go on that trip, have been wanting
    to for some time.

    Dara--what a
    conundrum about telling your Dad about the break in.


    Dara--thanks for the
    bump into the pool, got nice swim in some warm water and Pants was there to
    catch me!

    Cammy--so cool that
    you taped your Dad, what a wonderful thing to have now!

    Dara--sounds like a
    great dinner and concert for you two!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Maple Leaf

    1/2 oz Irish Mist

    2 oz Canadian

    1 tsp Dark Creme de

    1 oz Heavy Cream


    Pour Canadian
    whisky, Irish Mist, creme de cacao and cream into a cocktail shaker half-filled
    with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Finally made it to Phoenix. OMG I got to the airport at 430am for my 635a flight. Went to get my ID. NO ID. WTH... Called my DH who had just left thinking he still had it in his wallet from when I had surgery last week. OF COURSE not. He couldnt remember what he did with it. Had to go all the way back home and found it in the drawer in the kithcen where we keep our bills. I asked my DH why didnt you put it back in my wallet like I asked you to? Anyway I had to change my flight only flight left got me into PHX at 844p so needless to say we didnt get to go to Vegas :( BUT good news is I did make it. I am with my great cuz and already having fun. 

    Had a margarita that was the bomb!! Today we are going to go site seeing somewhere here around Phoenix, I know Wed we are going to the Grand Canyon and Sedona Yay! Love you all.. and thank you for all your hugs and support. 


    Jackson in his Buzz outfit. He loves Buzz and Woody

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Cami, I'll post the pics at the end of my post. I hope you didn't get bad weather.

    Dara Dear, I have curled my hair. Before I just blew dry it, but now it doesn't look so good if I do that, so I have to curl it. It's like the top is straight and the bottom half a little wavy! I dunno, crazy hair. We saw Kenny a few years back, and I thought the same thing. Maybe too much plastic surgery??? Glad you and pops had a good time. The company that my hair dresser is recomending is Young Living. It's very expensive and they want you to change your lifestyle. Buy all of their products, hair, shampooo, lotions, soap, etc. Plus NO animal protien, NOTHING micro waved, NO sugar, coffee, likker. NO plug in room freshners. Everything organic. So basically just fruit and veggies! She told me it would prolly cost me a couple grand a month for a while. Well, I'm not sold!

    NM, we did a train ride in Colorado one year for the fall colors. We were a little late for peak, but it was still pretty. Hooray for some warmer temps.

    Nancy, what a bummer about missing your flight and not going to Vegas. Knowing the Grand Canyon, Sedona and Vegas, I think I would choose Vegas over the other two. They are pretty, don't get me wrong. Sedona is small, and the Grand Canyon, well if you are not going hiking, only have a few look out places, but it is breath taking, and the cost to get in is like $20.00. Jackson looks adorable!

    Mary, I hope you and Nora are having fun fun fun!

    Didn't get to my tomatoes yesterday, so that is on today's list, along with more cleaning in the house and outside garden stuff. Here are the pics! Joey was so cute, he always said he wanted to be in some pics too!





    I don't remember if I posted this one or not, but mese new hair and the top that LDB got mese foy my birfday!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    hi girls, happy sunday funday, hope you are all having fun.

    good Lord Nancy, sounds like something I would do in going to the airport with no ID. Glad you found it and got another flight, hope the change was not expensive. I hope you used the old "flat tire rule" where they do not charge you. I learned that from Cyndie who is a loungette here and a travel agent. If you say you had a flat tire, they do not charge ya. Hope you have a fantastic time. YOur grandson is a little doll, so cute with that blond hair. 

    Cam, around here, the peak of fall is on my birthday which I love, that is 10/ I need to remind you all of how many shopping days are left until my bday lol, jk! I hope you and Sadie are enjoying the day. Embrace that warm weather as we know it will not last long, eh? I am so not looking forward to winter. For now, I will try to enjoy the upcoming fall weather and not fret over the dreaded winter.

    Lori and Cam, I just love love love the pics, gave me goose bumps to see Joey with him sweet arms around you. I just love that kid. I wish my own child was so sweet to me as he is to you.  Lori, I think your hair could be going through shock with the cut. Whenever I get a haircut, I think my curls go into shock where they are cut and are not happy about it. It always takes a few weeks for my curls to flow as they used to. Your hair is still very very pretty, I would love to have such beautiful golden locks. 

    Where is everyone else today? Hey, I am away and found time to check in so I wanna see a big ass partay here tonight. EIther way, there will be one "here" lol. I am having such a relaxing time doing nothing. I am getting darn good at that slacking skill. My fellow slackers should be impressed.

    I hope today is better for Julie although I like how she puts a positive spin on the rain. I miss ya aroudn here Julie.

    Where is my lil sista today? I hope having a stellar day. 

    Cam, we mighten ask you to stop watching those crazy shows on TV if they are affecting your HTL time. I miss ya and hope youi can pop in for a dwinkie poo. 

    Well nothing much else to report cept I have had one dwink so far today. Had to stop for a bit as I have to make a run to the grocery store. You all be good and if ya can't be good, do NOT get caught hehe! chEErS! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, popping in real quick this pm. Nora bug wore me out, whew!!! Posting some quick pics, will catch up tomorrow, Dara thanks for the link I'll check it out. Cami and Joey!! Love the pics! Nancy, your little guy cute as ever.. hope you all had a good weekend. Nora just loves her $70 box!





  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    This is Cactus Man and Me and My Cousin Becke.. 

    Hello everyone, having great weather and a great time!! Genny Nora is so so cute!! I love the little car and I love the picture ladies. Your both beautiful!! Dara didnt know about the flat tire rule but do now.. It only cost $50 to change but was worth it to me. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good Monkey Monday
    morning, Loungettes!6:10 ayem and still
    dark out.Yuck.At least it got a lot warmer yesterday,
    didn't have to look at temps in the 50 INSIDE the house!

    Collett--What a
    sweetie!Enjoy the canyon and Sedona, I
    have those on my bucket list to see, someday.

    Goldie--That program
    you describe sounds awfully restrictive,not sure something that restrictive can be healthy, but what do I
    know?I'm sure you're researching it


    Dara--keep on having
    a good time!

    Genny--Nora is so
    cute!Awake or asleep she is

    Collett--Cactus Man
    is TALL!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Angel Face

    1/2 oz Apricot

    1 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Apple Brandy


    Stir all ingredients
    well with cracked ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Darling Dara, that is just how my hair is, straigt in some places and wavy in others, been that way for a while now. It actually curled better after it was cut, not so much weight I think. Joey was a blast, he so wanted to be with us. Glad you are getting some good slacka time in.

    Mary, go figure on the box eh??? Glad you got your Nora fix.

    Nancy, it looks like your cousin is touching the cactus, but she can't be, that would not be fun!

    NM, I am researching it. There are still even more restrictions! No dairy, no pasta, nothing with soy in it. They also want to replace your cleaners, soap, lotion, shampoo, etc. I think a little more than what I want to deal with!

    Lala, ok you are in NY. Were you in Chicago and one point?

    Cami, where are you this morning?

    SuziQT, LDB....where ya at goil? Out sailabrating???

    We know where Julie is!

    Managed to get 7 quarts of maters, wowsa that is an all day chore! We are leaving Wednesday, have to take the truck back in. The place that fixed it after our accident, put in the wrong rear end! Then I have my scans on Thursday. I'll have me a few of those Angel Face coctails before I head back to work!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I'm back from Lake Havasu.  It was triple digits, but I had plenty of shade and the water was nice for floating and dunking.  Did spend too much time floating tho.  Think my son had a pretty good time tho.  DD took me on ski-doo under the London Bridge, pretty cool.  My ol body doesn't feel as bad as I thot it would either.  Whoop whoop!

    Tobbi - Congrats on getting lic for your Goodman Sweets.  Let us kno when u have website up so we can order..yum yum.  Only 5 months of herceptin, am I understanding that?  If so, that is gr8. 

    Mary - LOL on ur 3 favorite things.  Praying you get some help for your pain...and SOON!  You already had Nora so sure you had a good time.  Hope you didnt lift her and that she didn't wear you out too much.

    Lara - I did have fun on my trip and I think you are wise not to do the weights yet.  Good advice to Genny too.

    Da-Wacko - omg a break in at your dads, while you were there?  Ya hafta tell us all about it.  I lubs u too girlfriend and miss u too.  Glad you talked your dad into going to see Kenny.  I still think he is good and not bad looking either.  Do you cook?  j/k OK, you told us about the break in.  How scary, and hate punky little pukes that think it's OK to steal.  Shall be waiting for the ans from Ask Joey.

    NM - My DD said same thing, she is checking around LV as I kno little ol Mesquite doesn't have anything like that for pics.  All the pics she took home a few weeks ago have already been scanned to flash drives, one of which she gave to her brother.  I just love that you really get 4 seasons.  Our leaves don't turn here, they jes fall off cuz we go from hot to cold in a blink.

    Lowee - 6 month break? from what, I'm funcused, must go back and read my post.  Oh you mean between Scans?  Well so I thot, but I have a PET scheduled for the 8th o next month.  But am happy about tx every 4 weeks instead of every 3 weeks.  whoop!  Looks like Dara understood no bisits for 6 mos too.  Oh how I wish!  And Laughlin was too far and we were only there for 1 night.  Altho I will not recomment the hotel in Havasu that we stayed at.

    Nancy...ugh....missing the early flight and now can't come to LV.  Well you are right at least you made it to you cuz'n.  Have a  wonderful time and Jackson looks adorable.

    See there is a lot I'm missing and lots of pics too, will get back to them.  Have to run get my blood drawn. 
    Girls, kno I am missing some, please forgibs me and kno I still  and always will



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning finally----had to redo the computer and dump lots of stuff and whtever else Leslie did so we'll see now.

    Oh Lori--u'r hair is BEAUTIFUL and I felt it and saw it girls--It's perfect. And that sounds ike a lot of money, but has everything been approved for things to work? Willie is u'r best bet according to new documentation.

    Our babies on this site are growing so fast and oh so adorable.--I did ike the box picture tho.

    OMG Nancy u had to go back home? What a way to start u'r vacay. Are u sure that cactus is a woman? Maybe u guys weren't his type.

    NM good DOTD--I like the word mist with likker, sounds so light. And u'r be off soon, how nice.

    I told Joey about u' Dad's house Dora, Dana whatever and he'll get back to you tonite.

    susyQ u sound like u had lots of fun, u know I always like to hear that with all u girls.

    I talked to my cousin yesterday and this coming Sunday we're having a family brunch at some restaurant around here actually and almost all of them live in DeKalb (a little further than Kankakee--Dara) There will be about 40 of us so it's harder tovisit in a restaurant so we move ourselves around. My sister isn't going or my brothers they don't see this side of the family to much I see both sides as much as I can. So that means I have to get all ready hahaha--with makeup and everything. (that means real clothes)

    I've got some ketchup work to do blah---so BBL


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hello to my favorite goils in de world! 

    NM, I cant believe that you do not put the heat on in your house when it is in the fifties. Girl, my heat goes on when I am cold and that could be when the house is down to 65. I hopen you had a good monkey day. Hey, monkey day is also money day and we can't git to frieday without monkey day, right?

    Genny, OMG, the pics of Nora are so adorable. I love the one of her in the box and love the one of her in the car. I watched the video like six times, she is just too adorable. The pic of her sleeping is just adorable, those curls melt me! And I gotta tail ya, your DH is a hunky one, you better keep me away from him, oh baby! YOu can tell him I said. And you think Nora gets her looks from her beautiful Mommy, I think she gets it from both sides and you and your DH are both very good looking people. How are you feeling after a night with your sweetie? 

    SUzie, yippee, I missed you. I am glad you had a nice time and are not in too much pain , hugs to you baby. Seeing your face here always makes me smile, I mean that. Not that seeing my other goils does not, but chit, you cared for me when mese was jest out of sourgery and spend a week with me twice I tink. Dont cha all wish we could have been with Lori, Cam and Princess? LOved the pics of them on facebook, gotta look again and again when I need to smile. Welcome home love.

    Lori, that is one hail of a lot of veggies. I thought of you todey when I saw a pic of a skeletin made out of veggies on facebook. I tried to tag ya but it did not work, wifi issues at the time. This hacking stuff is not easy. I am outside now in the rain but under the carport and it is dusk. Hate that it gits dark so early. Are you curls performing better for ya? And yes, Kenny did a great show. It brought back great memories. The song "you picked a fine time to leave me Lucille" was the first song I played at a piano recital. I remember so well messing up, stopping, turning around laughing and starting again. I was a clown back then too. How is work, I guess busy since you been away for a bit. Does your DH hold down the fort without ya?

    Cam, I hope you have a nice time at the family gathering this weekend. That is a lot of people. I am sure you are the life of the partay. I wanna see pics of you dolled up. YOu are beautiful with or without make up and I do not want to hear you object woman. Or I will have the tenders spank ya some. errr, you mighten like it though hehe. Thanks for asking Joey. I tink I know what his answer will be but wanted to run it by him to be sure. It does feel horrible knowing we were violated. Thankfully, there is nothing of value left in the house. To steal a freaking toaster oven is just plain odd. Dad bought a new propane tank today although I suggested that he did not. I mean really, the home is for sale. He wanted it for tonights steaks. I could have broiled them. But I will not rain on his parade, it is his choice so I let him. 

    Nancy, that was some big ass cactus there. YOu and your cuz look bootiful. When do you come home? I bet you miss that sweet little Jackson, he is another very good looking lil guy. Loved his lil outfit. 

    Hello PRN, it was great seeing your pic here, you are looking great. Your hair will be long and lushious in no time at all.

    well hello to everyone else. I guess Julie is having too much fun or having wifi issues to report in. Stop in when you can. I just love you all. I might be back for more dwinkies. Seriously, I have only had one and it is 7 turdy pee em, cheers all! and lots of love going out to all of you. tata for now! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hiya goils, obviously never made it in here this ayem, don't really know why just got busy with chit. Went to my workplace to get my appt book in order, I go back on Oct 1st, actually looking forward to it. My little sweetie really did wear me out, 16 lbs never felt so heavy. I never did call the doc for the pain pills, actually I did today but they were closed for lunch. I'll see how I do over the next few days, or I can ask the RO when I see her. I hafta be at the hospital at 7 ayem Friday for my rads practice session, and start on Monday. Got my customers all moved around to accommodate the 3pm rads appts. Tomorrow I'm going to Molly's overnight, taking my little Junior with me and leaving the big girl home to keep my DH company, he's in Cincinnati tonight and hates coming home to an empty house.

    Lori, I don't know how you get all that canning done, it sounds like a full time job. What is this study yer talking about? Would love to read about it, sounds too strict for me but ya got me curious. Good luck with yer scans on Friday, I'll be thinking about you, sending prayers your way. Nora doesn't stick with one thing for very long but she played with the box for at least 30 minutes, typical kid. glad yer back safe and sound. I love floating in the hot weather and the jet ski sounds like fun. It was only in the 50's here today, I've always hated the cold weather but these hot flashes have me changing my ways. I kinda like being able to step outside and cool off when I'm having them which is about 20 times/day. Don't think I could handle triple digits now.

    PRN, I don't know how you work full time, raise 3 boys, a DH in another state and starting your own business and train for marathons all whilst going thru rads and tx's and I'm tired just typing it. Wish I had yer energy girl! 

    NM, I'm still cracking the sliding door in my bedroom at night, my DH thinks I'm crazy, I got the electric blanket put on the bed the other day, he'll probably be using it soon, meanwhile I have this little personal fan blowing on my head. I hate having to turn the heat on before November 1. Sposed to be sunny and beautiful here the rest of the week. Love the angel face cocktail, made me smile.

    Dara, glad you liked the pics and videos, I'll tell my DH you tink he's hunky, he'll like it. I'm gonna PM you a video of Nora with Emma trying to herd her..too cute. I don't want to put it on facebook cause she's only wearing a diaper but she's crawling and it's so cute. How's your DD? She's getting so close now, you must be getting excited! When r u heading home? I forgot, speaking of forgetting, gonna go pour me 1 more glass of red wine before going to sleep. 

    Nancy, hope you're having a good time and that is a big cactus. The drivers license fiasco sounds like sometin I have nightmares about, I'm always triple checking my wallet on the way to the airport, sorry you missed Vegas. 

    Cami, that's a big family, wow! Definately, we want pics of you in yer blings and sparkles...PLEASE!!! I'm sure Joey will be giving Dara some sound advice. While your at it, why don't you ask him what his favorite alias is for her. I'm waiting for the next one, I think it mighten be gettin time to worry about her cover gettin blown again, she'd be good in the witness protection program....hehe

    Hi Lara, upstate NY, for some reason I thought you lived in FL till I heard you say it was freezing. Don't we have someone in FL?

    Well, bout time for sleep, sweet dreams to ya all.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    Dara, I opened my FB and this was the first thing that popped up, I assume this is what u wanted to post for Lori?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hciiuccup! geNNy, ye a gene ee us. dat is egg zackary what me was talking bout. yippee.

    hey CHrissy B, come partay with me. I need hand holding. 

    I tink I made a big decision on mese foobs. I hate em and gonna git healthy and git er bixed dis year so as to not pay another deductable from the greedy ass insurance company called CIG_GA_NA whom mese gave half mese life too.. eff them, gonna make em pay for bootiful foobs dis year. I cost those sobs nearly a billion lmao. 

    whoa, me dwunk. julie you up??? Chrissy? Allyson???????? I gitting dwunk, on number turdey-tree dwink. hehe! hiCCup of love for all mese goils zzzzzzzzzzz

    in the age of insomnia, asparagus, aquarious.......harmony and understanding, sumting sumting. remind me to tail ye the story of aquarious, de song duh. me. duh. zzzzzzzz i go now.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    ketch up I am uppppppppppppp bad pain tonight uggg need to email doc

    Never ever lived in chicago goldie your hair looks great!!! Your foobs are bigger then mine

    love the pics of joey cam

    I love kenny to bad about PS hate when stars do that.

    HI NM cold weather? It has been weird here

    my friend is getting a lumpec not BMX shes giving herself injections for eggs before chemo starts.

    Just so much going on

    still getting out there in life I way over did it hate this scar line pain its unbearable

    Hi DARA get your boobs fixed if you want but wait


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Pretty much

    Pretty much

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014


    A Hat Off

    A Hat Off - The Meta Picture

    Pin it


    {sniff} Ahhhh! --For the Family Law attorney's office. attorney offic


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Monday-Wednesday Wine Selection. | The Clearly Dope

    Monday-Wednesday Wine

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Definitely getting chilly at
    night now.Gonna be a long, long winter,
    I'm afraid.

    Goldie--That program
    is sounding odder and odder.Is there
    real research to back all that up, or are they trying to sell stuff?I'm not sure that a diet that restrictive can
    be healthy for any length of time, not to mention hard to live on.7 quarts, good harvest for you!

    Mema--sounds like a
    great trip!Glad the ol bod isn't
    complaining too much.Seasons are nice,
    I have to admit.

    Cammy--here's to the
    computer redo fixing the problems!LOL
    to "real clothes" for the family brunch!

    Dara--I did put the
    heat on--the little space heater!It's
    way too expensive to run the furnace for heat until it's needed at least daily,
    and that won't be for a while yet.In
    the meantime I can do the long sleeves shirt over a T or cammi, and bake.The last time I filled the oil tank last
    season it cost me close to $1K, and I just don't have that kind of money every
    month or so during the winter.Although
    I may have to find it this year.Maybe I
    better start looking for a second job!

    Genny--I can imagine
    Nora wearing you out, but what fun in the process!Sounds like everything is all set for the
    rads adventure, good for you!I like to
    keep the bedroom cool, too, and since there's only me and Sadie, I win that
    battle every time!Actually, I have to
    have the ceiling fan on most of the time, if I can't feel some air moving over
    my face I get very uncomfortable, and it can trigger hot flashes.I really thought I was done with the hot
    flash thing when I finished with arimidiex, but, no, NOW my body decides to try
    out menopause!I'm trying to get to
    November before turning on the heat, not sure I'll make it this year, but I can
    try!I did get the down comforter out
    last week.

    Oh my, that veggie
    skeleton is ADORABLE!

    Dara--go for the
    foobs, girl!

    ORLA--so sorry you
    are in pain, so wish you could get FIXED!

    LOVE the wines!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    The 'mello' Drama

    3 parts Cinnamon

    3 cubes Ice

    1 wedge Lemon

    5 parts Cranapple

    2 dashes Soda Water


    ***This drink should
    be made with Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. You can however user Cinnamon liqueur
    if you don't have it****

    Pour the 3 parts
    Cinnamon whiskey into your glass with the 3 ice cubes. Then add 5 parts
    Cranapple juice. Squeeze the lemon wedge well into the glass and drop it in.
    Finally add 2 dashes of soda water and stir.

    A great drink for

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited September 2014

    Ise just pooped in to say ise on holiday and deres bin lots of yummy wine and whiskey and food.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Oh shoot LDB....mese foygot you wuz goin to Havasu....duh! Amazing how well our brains DON'T work! LOL about your leaves don't change, they just fall off. We have some that change, not by me, but they only turn yellow, none of the purdy colors. Darn, was hoping you got a 6 month break. Treatments monthly, is the TD something? I get my injections and scans next week.

    Cami, you said something sounds like a lot of money and if things have been approved to work. Ize funcused. Are you talking about the essential oils I mentioned? If so, I am NOT spending that kind of money, nor am I changing my eating like they want you too, or buying all of their products for daily living. I'm not that convinced yet! Your brunch on Sunday sounds nice.

    Wacko, the slacker hacker! I have seen the veggie skeletin. I still have some veggies in the garden, but I don't think enough to where I have to can anymore, tank goodness! My hair feels much more healthy, but I do have to curl it, which I am not used to. I could always just blow dry it, use a round brush for the top/bangs...walla I was done. Business is slowing down, I can not leave when we are busy, it's too much for one person to handle. That is sweet that your dad wanted the propane to grill the steaks!

    Mary, have fun at Molly's. You are good with sharing pics, how about one with you and Molly? It's not a study that I'm looking into, it's essential oils, and changing your lifesyle and eating habits. But too strict for my liking. It's called Young Living, you can google it. There are other companies that sell the oils too. Which I might try some of them. Canning, especially the tomatoes DOES pretty much take me all day! And we all handle things differently (with treatments) so don't beat yourself up over not having the energy to do much. Remember, you just had major surgery too! And I hate to say it, but rads will run you down too. REST when that happens, or it will accumulate. For me, sometimes just a 30 minute nap helped. Haha, I have fans at every place I sit and next to my bed! And I keep a folding one in my purse. Julie is in FL, hence all of her bisits to Disney World, and another gal who doesn't come by anymore, CyndieLou.

    Surgery before the years end Wacko???? NO WAY! How would you be able to enjoy Logan iffin you have surgery. Where and when? Did you consult with anyone? Oh my, I can't believe you're considering this. However, I do understand about getting stuff done cuz your deductable is met.

    Lara, did you live somewhere else before NY? I have no idea why I thought you were in the midwest. I wish my foobs wuz a little bigger!!! But cuz I had nothing, when I got these, they were huge to me, not anymore.

    NM, the company has been around for quite some time, but like I said....a little much for me. I haven't gone through all of the research, there is a lot on their website. I've only listened to some stuff that they sent me. I have more reading to do. I sure hope winter isn't too brutal for  you, and heating with oil...wowsa. I only wish you could get that pellet stove. I too was hoping for an end to hot flashes after quitting the Arimadex...but no. Altho they were not as bad, nor as often.

    Alyson, good to see you! I hope you're sharing all of that wine, whiskey and food!

    Well, remember when I said I had another funny to tell? Well, while at the airport to come home, I wanted to get a sandwich to take on the plane with me. So I waited awhile and they started announcing their procedure to board. So that was my cue to go get my food. As I am coming back, I see my gate and I see the line of people waiting to board. Southwest boards in groups, Pre board, then A group 1, A group 2, then B group 1, etc. I was B group 1. So I'm waiting for the A1 line to board so I can get in line. I get in line and they start to board and I look at the sign by the door and it says CHICAGO! I was at the wrong gate, and about to get on the wrong plane! The line I thought was my gate, was at the gate next to mine!!!! I really should change my name to SCARECROW!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Morning girls, drinking my coffee, oh I'm so spoiled, gonna be a rude awakening going back to work next week and having to get up in the dark again. Furbabies are crazy this ayem, Moose runs around so they'll chase him so they run upstairs and it sounds like a family of 10 up there, then I call them down then tell them to "go get the kitty" and they run back up......... and repeat. The lazy girls way to wear out your dogs, Ha! It works! They are panting and I'm going for a second cup in my pj's sitting in my bed watching the Today Show. I think I'm onto something!

    Dara, great idea! Better get to work on it tho, only no smoking! (cigarettes that is), if yer gonna be having surgery. I know what you mean, I have a $5000 deductible and my DH another $5000. I was hoping to get done this year but my PS says no way I'll get my implants by then so we hafta pay it again next year. My DH thinks he has a torn meniscus in his knee so that'll be 10K...arrgghhh. It sucks, and our monthly cost is going up to $1150 in July cause he turns 55. We checked into the government healthcare and it was even more, what a joke!... but don't get me started.  I was going to send you that video but found out you can't PM videos on FB. 

    Lala, At the risk of repeating what everyone has been telling me......could be the meds working so well they mask the pain and now yer overdoing it and that's why your hurting? Maybe you better forget about lifting wts and such for awhile longer?....jus sayin....Love the weekday wine.

    Hi Ally....happy holiday, cheers and Slainte!

    NM I was having awful hot flashes 2 yrs ago, so against advice from my PCP I went to the gyno and got put on low dose hormones and they worked so well. I felt human again, could go out in public without sweating and was on em for about a year then found the dent in my boob and the rest is history. I do wonder if it was actually a good thing cause I think it may have sped up the growth so I found it cause the mams never did. DH was gone last night and my house got down to 60, slept like a baby! Still in my summer pj's! My friend Molly uses propane to heat and she will not turn it on till Nov no matter what, and she only keeps he house at 65, this'll be the 1st yr I can stay there without bitching at her about it! A second job? all you'd have to give up is ever sleeping again!

    Got to get my lazy butt up and moving... have a great day,  see ya tomorrow.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    OMG....scarecrow back to check in! I have scans THIS WEEK, not next! Next week is camping......Lord help me!!!

    Have to be ready to leave here by 4:00 am tomorrow, dropping the truck off, staying the night and scans on Thursday.