how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    ok  you know lori with your colour hair ,the stories are funnier! love from dw

    well my 5 bags were,computer,snacks and drinks, exercise and swimming, regular clothes and my shoes,which because of the rain  was so glad had enough to switch out so i did n't have to wear wet shoes.had a great time, really enjoyed all the pics, it was funny couldn;t open my disney account most of the time !!!!!!!!! only fb was opening all the time

    wacky dara, glad you weren't home when they broke in,

    sue,sounds like you had a wonderful time

    ok back in work for the next 2 days so will continue to catch up

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Hello my favorite ladies... having a great time out here in Phoenix. Sunday we went to Scottsdale and did some shopping. My cousin had to work yesterday and today so I have been hanging out at the pool but only for just a couple of hours since it was 107 Sun, 101 yesterday and 109 today. I slathered up with sunscreen and relaxed for a few and read a book. On Sunday we went and saw a thing called Hole in the Rock and my cousin and her friend wanted to climb it but after a short walk around another cactus park I just couldnt do it. I was worn out so I stayed in the car and took pictures. Tonight we are going to a Mexican dinner pitch in at her work and tomorrow shes taking off and we are going to Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Then I head back to IND on Thurs.

    Lori my cousin wasnt touching the cactus but it does look like it doesn't it. Lol. You did a lot of matter pickin girl. Did you make some good salsa?

    Mema I am glad you had a great time at the Lake. I hear that it is beautiful there. 

    Genny I always double check my wallet when I fly. I dont know why I didnt this time. I dont know if I was just too excited, tired, or had fog brain from surgery still but I was so frustrated when I realized it wasnt there. But I did get here and everything happens for a reason. I wish I had a few extra days I could spend with her. We have always been close and I miss her. When we were 12 and 13 our grandparents took us on a camping trip out West to Colorado South Dakota Wyoming Nebraska and had a blast. 

    Cami that cactus wasnt our type we had to move on lol

    Dara I will be home Thurs night around 1014 pm I have a 3 hr layover in Salt Lake City UT. I do miss my little bean, I cant wait to see him again.  

    Love you all and check in later.. hugs!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ladies

    OMG that is a big hole, many eons ago it might have been made into something useful for a giant---history in the making.

    Well Julie u've answered the big question of 5 bags LOL and I thought the same thing about Lori and being blonde--it fits so perfectly LOL

    Lara u felt good for the first time in such a long time, I bet u did overdo. U were just so happy. So slow down and BTW I thought u lived in FL. U don't seem like a New Yorkenite.

    Lori u have to get up so early Jeez--please take care of u'r self.

    Dara Joey has been so busy the little brat---school and friends and his little gf was here all day Sunday and they baked, OMG he's such a pushover

    And yes my puter is still acting up, my boss the genius is supposed to care of it but as Lori knows he's the biggest brat, The world he lives in is not the same as we know it. So I have to close for now----I've been on it for emails to clear my emails up first.

    So I've waving hi to everyone and I'm sorry if I didn't address u (((so formal) but I'd better let him rest for a while--yes him--he has some fun with me, then he wants it to be over.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?My alarm went off right in the
    middle of a dream, I have such a hard time waking up when that happens.Needed an extra snooze hit to make it out of
    bed, that plus Sadie being persistent with me.


    Goldie-- I would
    like to have a pellet stove, use oil heat for back up, but I couldn't save up
    enough to do that this year.Every time
    I get a bit ahead financially something comes along to wipe out the savings
    again.Still, I'm managing to keep up,
    if just barely, so I just need to be patient.If only I could get the mortgage, the student loan, or my mom paid off,
    things would be a lot easier.But, life
    isn't easy, so there it is.I took a
    quick look at that Young Living stuff, the essential oils sound interesting, I
    like working with oils, but the rest would take more self-discipline than I
    have!YIKES almost getting on the wrong
    plane!Sometimes the airports are so
    confusing to navigate.

    Genny--You've found
    a great way to wear out the furbabies!I'm jealous!I feel sorry for
    women with horrid menopausal symptoms, they have to choose between suffer with
    the hot flashes and such or taking a treatment that may result in bc down the
    road.Talk about your no win
    situation!I keep the house around 65,
    too.Funny, 65 in the house in the
    winter feels cold, 65 outside in the spring and fall feels warm!And I really cannot imagine there is a second
    job out there that I could work with my rather unpredictable schedule, unless
    it's at night, and I NEED my sleep!

    Goldie--If I don’t
    check my calendar every day I am lost, so I hear you!Good luck with the scans!

    Julie--glad you had
    such a good time!Wet shoes are NOT fun,
    especially when walking a lot, so good for you!I had pictured 5 BIG suitcases, maybe they were actually smaller?Welcome home!

    Collett--sounds like
    you are having a great trip!Good for
    you!Wish some of that triple digit
    temps were out this way, but such is life, right?WOW--what a pic!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Hole in the Head

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Sambuca

    3 drops Tabasco


    Fill half of a shot
    glass with Sambuca. Slowly fill the other half with vodka (to get layer
    effect). Add 3 drops of Tabasco sauce (it should swim in between the two
    layers) and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014


    Lol I love it Julie.. Had a great time with my cousin today. Saw the Grand Canyon and then went to Sedona. MY GOSH what a beautiful site Sedona is. I have never seen anything more beautiful!  Go back to the frozen tundra tomorrow. I miss my DH and my lil bean Jackson. Im worn out from today so nite nite for now, Heres a couple pictures from today.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    thanks for the laughs girls. Julie, so glad you had such a great time. tanks for splaining all de baggage, you crazy but I lobes ya cuz mese crazy too. I just love blond jokes. I has one....


    Answer: put a mirror at de bottom of de pool hehehehehe.

    it sure has been quiet in here. I just wanted to say hi, woke up from a series of bad dreams and decided to roll out of bed to relax my brain some. 

    Nanc, love the pics. They remind me of my childhood as we did a lot of camping and hit that area twice in the 70's. We went cross country for eight weeks at a time. I have seen so much of the US, been in 47 states and love the diversity of em all. So glad you are having a good time.

    NM, have a great day. Just one more day to friedey, yay for you! 

    Cammy, no prob on the ask Joey, I will tink of anudder one. You know I like to humor the lad. He is just too adorable.

    Genny, Allyson, Lara, Lori and eberyone I foygot to mention, cheers! 

    I have a joke for you all too....

    A sweet grandmother Telephoned St. Joseph's Hospital. She timidly asked,
    "Is it possible to speak to someone who can tell me how a patient is doing?"

    The operator said, "I'll be glad to help, dear. What's the name and room number of the patient?"

    The grandmother in her weak, tremulous voice said, Norma Findlay, Room 302."

    The operator replied, "Let me put you on hold while I check with the nurse's station for that room."

    After a few minutes, the operator returned to the phone and said,
    "I have good news. Her nurse just told me that Norma is doing well. Her
    blood pressure is fine; her blood work just came back normal and her
    Physician, Dr. Cohen, has scheduled her to be discharged tomorrow."

    The grandmother said, "Thank you. That's wonderful. I was so worried. God bless you for the good News."

    The operator replied, "You're more than welcome. Is Norma your daughter?"

    The grandmother said, "No, I'm Norma Findlay in Room 302. No one tells me shit."


    ~added by Dara ~ disclaimer: great joke but geez, musta been written before HIPAA laws!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Goodmorning, Loungettes!Slept in a bit, and don’t have to start work
    until later, so enjoying a leisurely morning.Feels kind of nice.

    Julie--LOL!Love Blonde jokes.

    Collett--wow, that
    is one beautiful place!Thanks for
    sharing the pics.

    Dara--sorry about
    the bad dreams, that can make for a long day.It is too sad how hard it is for a patient to get information,
    especially in the hospital.

    Wow, quiet in the
    Lounge lately!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Morning Cocktail

    1 oz Brandy

    1/4 tsp Triple Sec

    1/4 tsp Anisette

    1/4 tsp Maraschino

    1 oz Dry Vermouth

    2 dashes Orange


    Pour the brandy, dry
    vermouth, triple sec, maraschino, anisette and orange bitters into a mixing
    glass half-filled with cracked ice. Stir well. Strain into a cocktail glass,
    garnish with a maraschino cherry, and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    I am a true Nyorker

    my mom born and raised brooklyn, karnarsi

    My sis lives in Brooklyn

    My brother, my aunts cousins all in Long Island.

    Never have I ever lived in Florida never would b to slow

    I drove to see dara in jersey


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Lara.  My DH family live right by Coney Island. Their Brooklyn people too. I had a great time in. NY. 

    Had my first Nathan's!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    yes prn we are family then!!!I have another biz idea tooowe should talk about it

    I see my pain management doc tomm I am bringing DH I feel bullied its going to be that doc and the nurse I went over her head. So if DH is there he can be my defense

    I love coney island

    Brooklyn zoo thats how I grew up my mom diod not have DL until she was 33 when we moved upstate she did want us riding the subway to school. Plus my dad got a job with the state ed department.I have a huge Italian, russian family. Some of my uncles only speak Italian.Then my dads mom was right from czch and my grandpa russian we would have the russian dinner on holy sunday. My grandfather would make all the soups we had the host from the church right next to us. My cousin wrote an article about it, I can not remember the proper name. We also always went to wildwood, tradgic when it was gone but it is rebuilt.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    In Salt Lake City waiting for my plane. I have a bit to wait. At least I have a pretty view of some mountains to look at. I had a great time! It was great to be with my cousin and to relax before I start my radiation. I go for my sims on Monday and then see the BS to get these damn stitches out that I keep getting caught on my towel when I shower. Well time to get back to reality dam it...

    Oh well. Hope everyone is doing well.. Thinking of you Genny have you started treatment yet?

    Time to hit the bar for a beer. Check up later. Cheers everyone!  


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, been so busy , I've been reading but no time to post. Went to Molly's Tuesday and we went golfing and were just getting finished and I saw I had a message and it was RO department saying they wanted me there at 1:00 yesterday and to start rads today at 2:45. We had a good time by the fire that night, drank a bottle of red, but it was over the course of 5 hours so not so bad. Anyway, went to cancer center downtown, took about 50 min to get there so not so bad (compared to Lori!). The scans sucked! I should have taken a xanax, I had no idea. My arms are in the molds wrapped around my head I have a snorkel-like thing in my mouth connected to a monitor and nose plugs. My head is tilted to the side and I have a button in my hand that I have to hold down all the time...if I let go of it, it means I'm distressed. Doesn't sound so bad you say?? Well. I was in that position for 65 minutes, shoulders locking up, hand falling was brutal. So they tell me the actual rads tx's will only take about 30 minutes, the 1st today, and guess what, another flipping hour! And by then I was driving home in Cleveland rush hour. Came home, poured  glass of wine and popped a half a xanax. They promised me it will be easier tomorrow. I am getting ABC (active breathing control) radiation. 1 down, 32 to go, depresses the hell out of me just thinking about it. Also, my DH's sister, niece, her DH and their 3 and 5 yr olds coming tomorrow for 3 nights. They live in NC and the niece's DH is an artist and has an exhibit at The Cleveland Art Museum so they figured they take this opportunity to all visit...yipee...not! They're super over the top green type people... no vaccines for kids, home schooled, no disposable products of any kind (although as I recall, they do use toilet paper..whew!). Oddly enough they are not vegans so at least we can make fish and such. Anyway, I'm sure it'll be fine, am I sounding like an inhospitable biotch? Just my mood at the moment. So I cleaned my house today, guest room ready to go, but haven't gotten to the kitchen, gonna go do it now. I've read everything and want to get back to ya and not have it be all about me..... but...gotta run, I'll try to be back in awhile, just felt like venting and feeling sorry for myself... thanks girls..xxoo

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi everyone---sorry I've missed some time on here---My puter is my enemy right now and we're barely talking. And I'm still waiting for it to be fixed. GRRRRRRRR

    Oh Mary if someone came here who was so complicated to take care of, I would be going beserk. I never think of things like that. Now I hope everything goes easier with rads from no on

    NM good DOTD'S the last couple of days.

    I again as usual got my Dr.s app't all effed up so it's going on  next week. Damn calendar it never has the right date on it.

    Hugs all around Ladies

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    cam. It a hate hate relationship with the dumb-puter by you it seems!  Lol

    Gen... Wowser. That sucks ass!!  My rads were like 4 sessions of line 45 seconds each. Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I think of you everyday.  Really I do!

    Lara.  DH grandma. Lived on ocean parkway?  Dies that sound right? Close to Coney Island. Aunt and uncle on 72. And bay parkway. I loved the subway.  

    Mema. I was thinking of you.. Packed 130 boxes of caramels and 33 bags of toffee. Preorders bagged too. 


    So there they are. All cutesy little boxes.  We will see if they sell!!

    Lori. Good luck on your scans. In your pocket. 

    Had herceptin today. Got my arimidex script. Start tomorrow. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Oh, BTW, hope I didn't offend anyone, got nothing against vegans, I'd be one if I had the willpower... a dwunken vegan. And green is good too, they's just a little over the top. Ok, so now time to move on, at least until tomorrow.

    Lori, ha, your story about the plane...omg, so glad you didn't miss your flight, you almost got to go visit Cam and Joey again! I was born blonde, I can so relate. Glad u got your tx vs. vacation weeks straightened out, each requires an entirely different mindset I think. Glad the canning season is about over. Good luck with your tx. And by the way, I really like your new hairstyle a lot!, you should update your avitar! I'll post that pic of Molly and me when I find one I like of the 2 of us.

    Cami, your Joey is just the cutest, tho if you mention this to him say the most handsomest, he might not appreciate "cute", (although he is). I do hate the way that calender moves the date around, does it to me all the time. I hope you get you puter bixed soon, they were messin up during my rads frustrating, I kinda miss pens and paper but then I wouldn't know all of you...or my DH for that matter.. so guess they have their place.

    NM I certainly do not think a second job is in the cards for you, I have an appreciation for how hard you work, the paperwork and the stress... arrggh.. the patient care your favorite part I suspect, I know it was mine. I go back next week, I'm so ready, I miss my ladies, and the men too. My 104 yr old is doing fine, got to see her when I stopped in last week, she'll be 105 on Oct 29. I think getting back will help me with this anxiety I'm feeling, I'm more in the present there, that's where I need to be now. Our leaves are starting to turn and getting so pretty, so far a beautiful beginning of fall.

    Lara. it's so funny that some of us didn't know where you lived. Molly and I were talking the other day and we're thinking of taking a road trip to New York and New Jersey when my rads are done, maybe we can meet up with you and Dara. And we might jump one of those cheap flights to Chicago and meet up with Cam and prn and Nancy. Of course these conversations always happen with the wine and the willie so talk is cheap I guess but we'll see. Hope all gets figured out with yer pain doc tomorrow.

    Dara, Love your pics on FB. Hope you get some offers on the house. Are you back home yet? Have you talked to any docs about the surgery? Really girl, not kidding, Molly and I may be taking a road trip yer way when I'm done with rads. Tale me..wats up with yer DD? Logan is due in what 3 wks??? how's it going with babydaddy??. Oh I can't wait till you hold that baby and I get to see pics. So cool that you've seen so much of the US, it's on my bucket list, would love to see a lot more of it, I haven't traveled much. My DH has been everywhere with his sales jobs.

    Nancy, the pics were beautiful, I really want to go to the Grand Canyon one of these days. Good luck with rads, don't listen to me, I'm one of the weird 1%, yours will be fine.

    Juliet, hope you and Mickey are having a blast, thanks for splainin the bags.

    Sue, Hi, hope all is well, so glad you got no news on scans...right? All is good? Plans to see Maddy? I know she's back in school not so easy now.

    Anyhow, anybody I missed , hi and have a good night and sweet dreams. love you girls

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi everyone---

    PRN u'r presentation is so pretty and I know what's in there is so yummy--lots of work tho--u must really love doing this.
    Mary It seems like u'r going back to work so soon, but if u'r ready--good for you.

    Lara I can't believe this crap is starting all over again with pain for u. I'm so so sorry. And why did I ever not know (all this time) that u are in NY..LOL One of my BFF is from NY and she still has her accent, but doesn't know it. And yes we still make fun of her.

    Joey's been sick and in bed but sneaks in my room every so often. My kids don't want me to catch anything. They get goofy about these things. And my SIL spraying Lysol all over the place, like the commercials and all the wipes with Lysol. No germs will live long here.

    Is everyone done with vacays??? NM I know u are taking a week off, but it sounds like u'r going to stay home.

    Well not much new here--that's good for me.

    I lubs u all.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    yes I have a weird accent, my moms is heavy but dropped. when she gets with her sister OMG forget it

    Yes bay ridge parkway,WE go the LIE to my brothers. Ronkakama

    Oh yes I would love to met you two I will stay at my sisters and meet you.

    Greatttttttttttt rant genny wtf you needed it. Heres a shot

    WOW prn you are getting orders and everything is their a website?

    I was thinking of lots of ideas IDK

    LOl goldie the plane wtf on that

    lets allllllllll take a fuckit all pillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    love u all let u know what the idiots say today at pain center




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Lara, I hope they help u big time. (((HUGS)))

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,

    Nyorker, huh?Must be a very different
    way of life from what I'm used to!

    Collett--glad you
    had a relaxing trip, and the pic is gorgeous!

    Genny--Wow, that
    sounds like quite a process, will take time to get used to.And then unplanned company to boot!I'd feel pretty stressed, too!Good luck with the whole thing.And drop in and vent whenever you want.

    Cammy--not fun when
    the computer is the enemy!How do you
    managed to get so many calendars with wrong dates on them?

    PRN--Look at all the
    pretty boxes!I bet they'll sell right
    out for you!

    Genny--I'm actually
    too lazy to go get a second job, I like my down time too much!I do like the patient contact, and the way
    being at work really makes me focus on the here and now. When I was going
    through the waiting to hear and get appointments and such work kept me
    sane.The colors are picking up here,
    too, getting really pretty in some places.

    Cammy--Yeah, I'm
    taking the week after next off, but staying home and getting the house ready
    for winter, and getting some clean up done that I've been putting off.Not enough energy to do this stuff after work
    during the week.

    ORLA--don't let them
    bully you at the pain center!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Absolut Stress

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Peach

    1 oz Cranberry Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Pineapple Juice

    Best served in a
    Collins Glass.


    Pour all ingredients
    into a mixing tin and shake with ice. Pour into a collins glass. No garnish.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Just checking in, will try and catch up tomorrow. Too busy to read right now and we have to leave by 7:30 for dentist appointments. Had my scans yesterday, got a little sick after the contrast, but nothing too bad. Onc was going to call Mon. or Tues. with results and we leave to go camping on Wednesday. I told him to hold off until the following Monday, just in case there was bad news. Good news, my TM are down a bit. We come home Sunday, Lilian (from Tawain) will be here, I think on Thursday, and when we take her to Phoenix to leave, we also leave for TN! So y'all won't be seeing too much of no worries. I'll check in when I can.

    Sorry eat drink and run..........but I gots to get ready!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    good morning all, enjoy your travels lori,good news on the tm

    genny,hope todays rads go quicker for you,hows your skin doing?

    prn-look scrumptious, want some but apparently gained 10lb at disneyShocked

    nm,its almost sadie time!, yes i can't do a 2nd job either

    cammi and todays smell is?

    lara-hope your appointment went well

    well got the results of the labs and ultrasound of pelvis today, labs are all fine but the us did  show the uterus is enlarged ,grown another 1cm since last dec, the endometrium is thinner down to 12mm buts its still double what they like to see in someone my age so have another biosy sceduled for the 8th oct,  the good news was both the simple ovarien cysts have gone but have grown a right complex cyst now which is unusual for someone my age  so  had tm done today and depending on the results of the biopsy and the labs,  they will decide how much they take! definitely loosing the right ovary tho. right now that means a break from work HALLALUJAH , even a couple of days would be good right now! but was planning to go to disney to see all the christmas stuff in nov, so surgery cannot intefere with thatHappy

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Aly - we hardly ever hear from you, check in more often girlfriend.  Enjoy your holiday!

    Lowee - it's the TDM1, trade name Kadcyla...the nurses say it's godzilla...LOL.  Going every 4 weeks is wonderful for me.  Only thing is I hope they move my Xgeva shots to every 4 weeks too, they've been every 6 weeks.  Going to every four weeks with TDM wont mean a thing if I have to go in 2 weeks later just for a belly shot.  We'll see.  Hope scans go well, hopahopahope!  Good for you for telling them to call after you get back from you trip.  Your tm’s are down, that is a good sign, so I’ll calling this....ALL GOOD!!  Muah!

    Gotta take my neighbor to HOA meeting then to doctor in about an hour so typing as fast as I can.  Cute story...So,e of you kno I'm pretty much into football   So are 3 of my 80+ aunties.  Last year we did 4 team parlays, this year they are only doing 3 team, I'm stickin w/4 team.  Anyway....When I got home from Havasu I checked the scores.  My 3 aunties were out (1 of their teams lost).  But I'm 3 wins, needed Bears on Monday night.  They won....I'm hooting and hollering cuz I just won $60.  Then my DH says, with his head hung low, he never made it down to place the bets...WTF!!! What a let-down, but I forgave him. 

    Julie - welcome home...sorry it was so rainy, but something tells me that didn’t stop you.

    Nancy - beautiful pics.

    Dara - love the jokes....LOL!!

    NM, Prn, Genny, Cami and whomever else I’m missing....forgibs K?

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ALL of you wonderful ladies....but gotta run.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls, rads today was much easier, only 30 minutes, much more doable. 2 down, 31 to go. I'm tired tho, going to bed soon. DH cooked for the whole gang tonight, The 3 and 5 yr olds so cute and so full of energy. I had 3 kids books here, read them all and one of them twice. Kids went with grandma to sleep at g-grandma..whew! Mom and dad gonna sleep here and get a night off. I have a sad story tho, When I first got my job at the retirement home it was from an ad in the paper. The lady that had been working there for 17 years wanted someone to come in on Mondays just to pick up the overflow and cut the men's hair since she didn't do that. Anyway, long story short, a few yrs later she decided to quit and I got to take over for her. She works at a J C Penney now that's close to my house and I see her from time to time there. Well last time I was there I was bald so I was telling her my tale of woe. I stopped in today and see her and say hi and she runs over to me and says right after I saw her last time her 29 year old daughter who has a 5 year old was dx with stage IV IDC with mets to lung and kidney. Oh, I feel so bad for her daughter and her little one. They are doing chemo, very aggressively treating, she is triple positive. So say your prayers girls. So very young, just terrible.....makes me sad...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls! 

     pop in to tell you some good news, I got a new car today, I must be nuts. It is a 2014 Infiniti Q50 and she is beautiful. This is the color, got this one off the internet. I have to name her. I have had now five infiniti's, it is my one little luxury in life. 

    I was only home over night then back on an overnight visit to Atlantic City with two friends, one is my cousin, from high school. We stayed up until 6am. I passed out sitting cross legged on the floor with my head down. The other gals said it took them forever to get me to go to bed. We saw a band named the B-Street band which is a great impersonation of Bruce Springstein. We laughed so hard, dwank and hadda some willie too. OMG, I was so messed up and nearly lost my voice. And my God, I lost my phone last night at the concert. We went down to the dock where the concert was and actually found it on the chair I was sitting on, it was at least 4am at that time. We were quite the chit show, laughing so so much. There were a lot of good looking guys hitting on us, it was a big day for our egos. I guess we look best through dwunken eyes lol.

    The reason for the new car .... other than that I deserve it; this morning when I went to the parking garage, my battery seemed dead, car would not start. We were able to jump the car but a guy that helped said it sounded like the alternator was going on it. I had just put 800 in the car but had a bucket list of other needed maintenance, more brakes, just had front done, needed back done and also needed tires at over 3k. My car only had 60k miles on it with original tires and I was happy with the trade in value so. Also, . Well on the way home, it started making a clanking noise on the side. On top of that, my GPS would not load the satellite. I ended up using my cell phone to navigate but told it to

    take me to Philadelphia since it would not recognize my town name by talking into it. Well dont I screw up and nearly ended up in Philllie, I took the last exit before the bridge. So anyway, my cell phone was nearly dead, I was in a very bad area with a car that was not reliable.....shucks, I have to rationalize my decision. ooops!

    So enuff about mese.

    Mary, I feel your pain, you too Nancy. When my exDH went through rads, I told him to think of the treatments in quarters....nudder words iffen it is 48 treatments, count the days down until he was a quarter done so after 12, he was getting closer to half way through. I dunno, it works for me, dis kind of tinking that is. It is not as overwhelming. I truly hope you girls do well, you will be in my thoughts and prayers daily. OMG, I would love a bisit from you and anyone else you could gather up and bring to me! wew hooooooooo hooooooting happy I am at the prospect. Boy de willie would be a biddy biddy boy hehe

    Cam, I so sorry that Joey is sick, hope he is feeling better by now. Sneak him a kiss on the forehead from me and tell him to feel better. Bummer on your computer too, tell that little punk kid to git er moving, tell him I have people and am ready to call on them to inspire him a bit lol. Seriously, though, this is going on too long, not fair to you.

    Nancy, I loved the photos, the colors are so brilliant. It truly is lovely out west. But I will take living in the East, I like 3 of of the seasons.

    NM, hope you have an enjoyable weekend with your girl. Give her  a kiss from me. 

    PRN, your treats are beautiful. I wonder if you make them for baby showers and the cost. PM me to let me know or just say. Your dining table is very pretty too! 

    Lil sis, why I ouggta come to that dr with you and rip him a new one. You tell him that your sister is mad and does not mess around. and of course again, I know people. I hope you are feeling better and get more pain patches or whatever it is you need to control the pain. I have been feeling a lot of pain myself. I think it is the weather, we had a few days of rain. Then combine that with me cleaning gutters in SC, carrying some heavy totes around and other things I should not be doing. Tisk tisk on me me. There are times I just have to do what I have to do.

    Lori, my goodness, that life plan ting sounds ridiculous to me. A few grand a month? That would be enough to put the breaks on. You can buy oils over the counter and do some of the things they suggest and not pay extra. Of course though if the research showed def results, then maybe it would be worth all that money. And I agree with the others, would love to see you change your avatar to the pic with the short hair. I think if you used the full body pic, you could crop it for the profile pic. I love that pic of you, you have a beautiful body and you are just gorgeous. So glad your tumor markers are down, praying for happy test results for you,

    Julie darling, glad for some good news but hate that you have to go through more crud. I hope you did not litterally gain ten lbs in Disney, ya whore lol. and as Lori said, I hope you not offended, wese jest kidding. I love ya lady! You are kind, sweet and so very generous. 

    Sue, woo hoo for shrinking lesions. You doing good my girl, so proud of ya for being such a fun and happy warrior princess that you are. I jest love you so much and pray for you (along with all mese goils) always. I hopahopahope you continue to progress and git well as can be. Muah! 

    Baby Logan is due on 11/23 so jest about eight more weeks to go, My Jessica will be 32 weeks on Sunday. I so furcited. I was looking at the cutest baby's first TG outfit but passed sincen he may be late to arrive but loved looking at the baby tings in the cracker barrel store in SC! As for surgery, my tinking is that baby will be berry widdle. Jess was born at 5 lb 10 oz, a little peanut she was. I could hold de baby, just not carry him. I just really want my body back, I hate it. And I hate that I have sunken so much money into surgeries. I could have had a facelift and enough cosmetic surgery to look ten years or even more younger! chit chit chit, I git peesed off when I tink about the financial aspect of my cancer. And I tink I gonna have to git my ass back to work before first car payment is due.  Here are a few shots of the model and color I got. It is not something I would have regularly picked out. All my cars have been white, black or grey. But it just grew on me so quickly, I love it and will feel like the rich kid on the block. lol, image counts for me, call me materialistic and see if mese cares! hehe. Well dat about it, me berry tired and was falling asleep while typing. Better hit submit before the fn gremlins attack, dey hate me foah shoah. Love you wonderful goils and have missed posting over the past two deys. 



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Genny honey you have every right to vent! Lord knows I do. I got another nice message from my sister while I was in Arizona too about how I need to come back to work and not be traveling across the country. I just dont listen to her any more. Shes just young and doesnt know any better. I hope it gets easier for you. I go Monday for my sims.

    I will be thinking of you. Hope everyone else is doing ok. Its been kinda quite on here. 

    Cheers Girls!


    Me and My Cousin in Arizona

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Dara I love the car by the way!! ITs awesome!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    Love it big sis looooooooove the car

    Juliet pray for good news

    genny that is just horrid news god I hate this I will pray

    Pain doc told me she wants me to find a primary to give me these patches, still got a script and she will work with me until I do find a primary .LMAO wtf no primary is going to do that. DH was pissed he goes we have been down this road before primary wants NOTHINING to do with pain meds and they send us in a cirlce to pain management. Shes a ratchy ole witch DH hated her the doc never cam in just her.Shes prob pissed I went over her head. Makes zero sense so ill find a new pain doce she goes we just do injections we r not giving you injections just scripts and you have more surgeries. THEY ARE a CHRONIC pain place ok she just hates me wants me out of her hair. She goes u should be better after surgery. I feel like saying did u have body parts removed and 8 surgeries after? This is not about surgery.I am convinced I have PMPS Post masectomy pain syndrome no one knows about it around here.

    Ok so I posted on I figure help be a companion to the elderly light work no bathing I am not qualified. So I get a text sarah williams and from the, she has a mom movine here her mom is 66 in a wheel chair blah blah.Then she goes I had issues with a caretaker so I want to DEPOSIT to hold you and you can get th ewhellchair in NY, WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF she sscamming me I am not giving her my bank info. I have her number and email and name. The number was a AZ area code. This is no way legit but it seems lik eit would be so I email her back so no way and heard nothing back so now I feel like shes going to steal my identity I did give her my full name and address dumb I know this was all yesterday.I kept every email I guess ill bring it to the police.This is nuts.