how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Genny that news stinks, oh how horrible for this young gal. Don't count u'r rads, just show up like a job and it seems to go faster (I think)

    Lori u have a wonderful vacay and u'r right don't think about u'r tests, but that tm thing sounds good and just check in when u can xoxoxox

    SuzyQ OMG that deeling of u didn't place the bet would have me freakin out--but I LOLed too.

    NM u have to get a couple of days of do nothing remember that.

    Dara u car is bootiful and yes u always deserve it, u silly girl. U sound like u had fun.

    Nancy fun pic---u look like it's fun too.

    Lara u do seem like u'r life is in a circle, this pattern has to stop---

    Julie this is all confusing to me, I mean I understand what u'r saying but damn this all sucks for you, I'm sorry except that u'll get time off from work, that's always a plus.

    Supposed to get my puter looked at today--we'll see---I won't be able to get the parts for 3 weeks but at least we'll know when and what to order. I hope.

    Have a wonderful week-end everyone, hope the weather is good. Oh and Joey is much better

    Much LUBS to all of you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

     Hello all! I got some pampering today, had my hair cut n colored and got a mani/pedi. It is gorgeous here, at 84 and no humidity. I hope you are all having a nice day. I am getting ready to go out to dinner with my Dad. I told him that we have to cut back on eating out, we have gone out five nights this past week. I have to get more frugal with a new car payment to make.

    I got my new Coobie bras today and so comfy. I just love that I can stuff the pockets and make myself loook so normal and not be in pain from the bra. It is the little tings that make me happy and I am toasting my own darn new bra cheers lol. 

    Genny, sorry I forgot to mention about your friends whose DD has stage IV cancer with mets. Do you know the gals name? I like to pray for people by name. What a slap on the face to have that kind of DX at age 29. I believe our own Orange was onlh 29 at DX. It sucks, FURB, I hate you. 

    Lil sis, I would not worry about that lady taking your identity if all she has is name, address and phone number. That info is public info. I am supposed to be unpublised but if I google my phone number, it comes up online. I am glad you told her no thanks, it should have been no effing thanks. Hope you are feeling better dear heart. 

    Cam, good idea to tell the goils not to count the days and jest show up. I sure hope you get your puter bixed up, I miss you and also miss your emails that I was getting from you. Muah!

    Nancy, thanks on the compliment on the car. Love the pics you have posted, you are no doubt an excellent partay goil hehe! 

    WHERE are you NM? I hope all is well, not like you to not make an aye em post. 

    Hello to everyone else, dwink up and enjoy the day, life is too short to frown too long. ChEERs! 

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    Erin....super ride.... Woohoo. That baby is beautiful. 

    I had my first show with my candy yesterday. Sold about 80% of caramel and 100% of the toffee I brought. 





    These are the baby shower boxes from two weeks ago. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Tobbi, good for you girl. I would love to sample some toffee and fav candies in de world they are. We are now thinking that we might have to have a welcome baby celebration, like a shower after the baby. My DD is not being cooperative with providing info on her friends nor completing her registry. I was told that often people have the shower after the baby when they are sure what they may need. Something to ponder, she will be 32 weeks along tomorrow! Anyway, I wish you all the best with your bidness and hoping somedey I hear the name outside of BCO! Yippee, that would be great! 

    Well I am a widdle bored but berry sleepy. SHould stop dwinking and give up but geez, it is only 11 pee em on a saturdey night, so hard for me to call it quits till mese super messed up! lol but really.

    Good night ladies. and good Lord, it is tooooo quiet in here, get in here goils, all goils are being paged! 


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    sure thing. The shower I did was an after the fact party. It's no problem at all.  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Sorry to miss posting yesterday, never really woke up, snoozed all
    day after being up most of the night with a sick Sadie.Poor baby wet the bed, soaked the bed, her,
    and me, for the second time in a week.Happened again last night, too.Got to call the vet for an appointment tomorrow to see what's going on
    with her.When she tested positive for
    Lyme disease the vet said to watch her kidney function, so now I'm worried
    about her kidneys.It will break her
    heart, and mine, if she can't sleep on the bed with me, but I can't be getting
    up in the middle of the night to move out of a wet bed every night.Right now I've got one set of bedding on the
    line drying and a second in the wash, and still need to wash work clothes
    today.Ah, well, it will all work out,
    I'm sure.

    Goldie--Have a good
    camping trip, and I'm praying that you come home to good scan reports.Hooray to TMs being down, too!

    biopsy?And losing an ovary?Well, I hope all that does not interfere with
    your Disney Christmas lights trip.

    Mema--I hope
    everything gets worked out so you only have to go in every 4 weeks.Too bad about DH not placing the bet, I bet
    he feels bad about it.

    Genny--I am praying
    for your friend's family, just so sad, and so NOT FAIR.

    Dara--Hooray for the
    new car, gotta have our little luxuries in life! And getting hit on by cute
    guys, what fun!Sadie says thanks for
    the extra kisses this ayem!So exciting
    about Baby Logan's debut getting closer!Pretty car!

    Collett--sounds like
    ignoring your little sister is the wisest way to deal with her.She sounds clueless, or maybe jealous?Great happy pic, too!

    ORLA--PMPS is so
    underrated, underdiagnosed, and undertreated.I would think that someone working at a pain clinic would understand
    about it, though.She sounds like a real
    PIA.And that response you got sounds
    like a scam, alright.Finding someone's
    address is no hard thing anymore, as long as you didn't give any other info,
    birthdate, social security number, you should be ok.Keep an eye on your bank account for a while,
    and you can even call the bank and put a fraud alert on your account--it will
    mean extra steps when you use your account for a while, but it's better than
    getting wiped out.

    Cammy--hope your
    computer did get looked at, and the bits will come quickly!

    Dara--Pampering is a
    good thing!I'm thinking it's time I
    spent some time and found out what bra size I am now--it might be fun to be
    able to buy and wear some pretty AND comfy bras now that I am so much smaller
    in the boob department.Sorry to miss
    posting yesterday, but got so much sleep and had such fun dreams!

    PRN--What apretty layout!And I LOVE the apron, too!That is so pretty, I am not surprised that
    you are selling out!

    Dara--baby showers
    after the baby comes have the added attraction of a wee babe to pass around and
    coo over!Nothing wrong with that.

    Julie--breathing is
    ALWAYS good!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby Fingers

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    2 dashes Angostura


    Shake with cracked
    ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Cami, I saw Joey's picture with his freind baking, he just beams! Sorry you and your puter are not getting along, and that darn calendar not keeping the right dates. Reminds me of when Sue's car gets dwunk! I hope Joey is better by now, and that you DID NOT get sick too.

    NM, re the essential oils, I think I will just the oils too, all of that other stuff is just too much and over the top if you ask me, with all of things they DON'T want you to do? Sorry that the pellet stove wasn't in the budget this year, and when the heck would you have time for a second job???? Oh I'm heartbroken to hear about Sadie, and I hope you can get her in right away. Darn it, praying it's nothing serious. I hope she has a better day today.

    Hmmmmm....blonde jokes, y'all makin fun of lil o me? Julie! LOL, love it!

    Julie, I mean my little Disney Whore....10 lbs? Oh dear, I'm so sorry. Why does it not come off as easy as it goes on? I loved seeing your Disney pics. The 3rd one of you is really good and you should make your avatar, and I also love the one with Tinkerbell, as she looks like Stella! Was it the folks at Disney that do those pics and then have a set fee for them? Sorry to hear about the female issues, damn it! Please remind us again when the date gets closer for the biopsy, so we can be there wif you.

    Nancy, glad you had a nice time in AZ and enjoyed the weather. NO WAY could I sit outside in triple digits! Utah has some very beautiful spots if you ever get get a chance to go there.

    Dara, that is so cool that you have been to 48 states, and traveled for 8 weeks at a time, wow! Loved the joke about the lady in the hospital that called to see  how she was doing. Congrats on the new wheels, what color? As for the oils, it's not just the oils they want you buy, it's all the other stuff too, lotions, soap, shampoo, etc., and then all of the "don'ts". The car is bootiful, is it like a gray/blue? Cheers to the new comfy bra foy ye! I'll drink to that!

    Ok, so Lala and Dara not so far apart. How long of a drive between the two of ya's? Hoping you get some good stuff at the pain docs, and no issues from them. I doubt that girl from can do anything to you, having your name and address. She really wanted your bank info. Just report her to Same thing happened to my mom on But my mom almost fell for it, oh she sounds so nice tho!

    Mary, that position you have to be in for your rads, is that each time? I think you have company for the weekend. I like my hair ok, but not how long it takes me to have to curl it and all, I've never had to fuss with my hair. Coloring it today, I can't stand the grey. I think once they would have scanned my ticket (for the plane) the machine would have seen I was on the wrong plane, at least I hope that would have happened! You met your DH on line? Do tell. So very sad for that 29 year old to get cancer, and Stage IV, OMG! Def. sending some prayers.

    PRN, the candie's look beautiful and that is A LOT OF THEM, and I know the work you put into it. Your presentation is beautiful too, and congrats on such a big sale! Where was it? Good luck on the Arimidex, I think you will do fine.

    LDB, I hear ya on getting the Xgeva at the same time as the Godzilla, mine is every 4 weeks. Bummer on not winning the $60.00.

    OK, I'm caught up, WHEW! Hopefully I didn't miss anyone, and I did change mese Avatar. I should change mese name too, to Scarecrow!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Happy Sundey Fundey girls!

    NM, I am praying so hard for Sadie, we can't have broken hearts for either of you girls. If you recall, Kathy dog tested positive for Lyme's and they were able to bix her all up. and if I may be a biotch....I never like hearing when people keep their doggies outside, specially in the winter months. In mese mind, that is soo wrong and abusive. Ok, I said it. I have a huge hug for ya (((((Kim)))))). I am going to PM you if I remember lol, mese mind ain't what it used to be. 

    Lori, the car color is called hagane blue, I had never heard the word hagane but it grew on me quickly. I have only had white black and grey/silver cars, I am a creature of habit. But this one had all the bells and whistles that I wanted. I had originally said it was an ugly color then I buy it lol. I am a nut, I do love it. And I have a personal assistant, no kidding. I can just press a button and a real person comes on the phone and will make dinner reservations etc. I think scarecrow suits you lmao! I think it took Lara four hours to get to me, gottta love her for making the drive! Love your new avatar. 

    Julie, I plan on one of those days where all I do is breathe! nah, kidding but no work, only play for this girl. My bedroom is such a mess from traveling. I have two suit cases that I have half unpacked then another from my overnight to Atlantic City. Thankfully, I did my laundry in SC before coming home but I left quite a bit of dirty clothes behind. I have to hop on facebook and find these pics that Lori is talking about. Hoope you having a good day.

    Wow PRN, you already did an after baby partay? Cool, thanks for sharing that. 

    Well hello to all mese other goils. I love you all and hope you all have a stellar day! dwink up now!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    good afternoon all ,very lazy day, working 2 on ,i day off so day off is very lazy

    hope your computer is fixed cammi and i loved that photo of joey with his friend, hope he's feeling better

    would we make fun of your blonde hair miss innocence,H@ll yesHappyi'm hoping your having lots of fun on your trip

    pretty car dara,have you got a car seat for logan yet?   you can get mats to sit under the chair so your pretty car won't get dirty

    prn-your candies look fantastic and so do you,love your apron, did you make it?

    mary g. i had to keep my hands above my head too and after the first couple it did get easier, my group bought lottery tickets for the amount of tx we were having and scratched one off each day, i did make some money on it but it does kind of get automatic going there, was supposed to be going to work for a meeting ,automatically started heading in the rads direction.WHOOPS

    nm-lots of hugs and prayers for miss sadie, i know your worried right now ,can i do anything for you?

    nancy -glad your having fun  and i second don't listen to your sister,she really doesn't understand,love your pics

    well not to worried about the biopsy right now, have had several scares in the last 3 years and apart from the initial furb everything has comeback odd but b9, plus will get a week off for my ovary removal yes and  as soon as i can drive i'm going to disney because i'm a dw. take care everybody

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014 I did not make it I ordered it for when I am Mrs. Goodman at a show. I love it too.  

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!Well, I am getting nicely
    caught up on the laundry, which is a good thing.I've even washed the pillows today!Sadie actually seems to feel fine,
    physically, she is running around and playing like usual, Has snatched a couple
    cans of tuna off the pantry shelf and chewed open the cans, and is cleaning any
    left on the counter off in the blink of an eye, and tossing her silly orange
    toy around.She's begging for rides and
    treats just like usual. So I praying it's just a little something that will be
    easily fixed.And it won't take long to
    get her an appointment at the Vet's.I'll keep everyone up to date.

    Goldie--no, I don’t
    have time for a second job, just wish I could have the money, though!

    Dara--thanks for the
    prayers for Sadie, and I do NOT keep her outside, thank you very much!Sadie may have to sleep in her crate until
    this all gets sorted out, but that is INSIDE. Wow, a car that comes with a
    personal assistant?You are too
    fancy-shmancy!But I can see where that
    would be VERY helpful!

    Julie--just think
    good vibes for my Sadie, please!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi all, sitting here with my coffee, I just woke up! I never sleep this late. It so cold I just didn't want to come out from under the covers. Company stll here. It's worked out good, DH's niece and her DH sleeping here, kids and SIL staying at MIL's. Woohoo, good arrangement! We went to a hibachi restaurant last night, was a good choice, the kids had never been, they enjoyed the show although the fire did initially scare the 3 year old. First day my DH cooked a big meal, tonight we'll do something simple.

    Later this day.... I'm feeling fine, ran 3 miles Friday and 4 yesterday and 5 today which felt really good. Going to do a 5k run next weekend, my first since right after my third chemo. It's in my old town called bra's for a cause actually the town is called Port Clinton, the race is bra's for a's in honor of one of my very good friend's mother who died from BC. A lot of my friends will be walking it and my DIL is walking with Nora. Trying to get my time a bit faster between now and then. I do feel a bit more achey lately, don't know if it's the AI's or just since I'm moving more and running again, nothing I can't live with tho. We are taking the kids to the park today, let them run off some energy, then probably to the metro park so they can see all the deer. 

    PRN, WOW!!!, what a beautiful display! Like I said before, I don't know how you find the time. Congrats on the sales, that's fantastic!

    Dara, her name is Lindsay, thank you. So glad you got pampered, sounds wonderful. I've been thinking of getting a massage but I'm not sure about laying on my stomach with this darn foob, I could take a pillow, but I think I'll just wait till I'm done with the rads. I still need to see about ordering one of those bras, right now I use these walmart ones that pull over my head and they have a pocket so I just stuff the one side and they work fine and are only $4 but I don't know once the rads start to irritate. Your new car is gorgeous! Congrats, exciting to get a new car. Hope you and your dad had a nice dinner last night. My DH and I are always saying we should not go out as much, it's the alcohol that kills the bill, I always think I should just wait till I get home to drink but never win that argument with myself. Logan getting bigger and closer to meeting the world all the time.

    Nancy, love the pics, glad you had a nice time. Do you start rads tomorrow?

    NM, so sorry about Sadie, poor baby, I hope it's something managable. We had to put on of our shepherds on steroids one time and she wet everything, even in the car once. Can u take off work to get her in tomorrow? Glad you got to sleep yesterday, sometimes we just need to do that. Did you ever get your medical records transferred and get back on your happy pills?

    Lala, hope you get this silly nonsense figured out. It doesn't make a bit of sense, you finally find something that works and now they don't want to give it to you? Geesh, crazy medical system.

    Lori, you sound good, too bad about the football board, glad you forgave your DH.

    Cami, hope your puter gets bixed real soon, or better yet ya just get a new one. Hope yer smellin good. 

    Well I started this in the ayem, and now it's 4:30. House is quiet, they took the kids to My MIL's to swim in the indoor pool, all are staying here tonight so I hope hey are good and worn out. They leave tomorrow, I'm ready for that. Hi to all I missed...Bye for now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014


    this is my ds dog mutley, he had surgery friday to remove 2 x fatty  tumours from his belly, he's got 2 drains in so came home in the cone of shame,which he had eaten by sat night . so number 2 was placed which he ate by sunday afternoon so this is the new method!!!!!!!!!!! to protect his wound    , someone has been with him 24hrs a day ,my sister put a mattress on the floor to sleep by him ,guess who also slept on the mattress and  had the biggest share

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Oh bumped NM, Julie and PRN in the pool., Let's have a drink! Julie, I like the lottery ticket idea, think I'll do that. NM, glad Sadie's feeling OK, hopefully just a little bladder infection. Hi prn...bump..bump..bump. Guess it's time to quit hiding in my bedroom, kids r back, hoping they're good and worn out. Parents refuse to raise voices around them and were having a "discussion" last night on how to handle the fact that they did not want to go to sleep and the 3 year old was being disrespectful and called her mom butthead and kicked her. Ugh, these new age parents! It was everything my DH and I had not to walk in the bedroom and simply say... in a stern voice... Time to sleep, not another word or no park tomorrow!! Which is what we would have done with ours.... but we can't crush their delicate little spirits!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited September 2014

    Hi Ladies, didn't quite catch up yet, u gals talk to much sometimes.

    PRN u'r presentation is absolutely beautiful---best wishes for u'r success.

    Oh Dara u have to have a shower, that's a perk and everyone has to have it.

    Lori it sounds like u'r back---I hope it was great.

    Julie u are so adorable and funny on top of that.

    NM I'm so glad Sadie is better--we all love our furbabies and never wat them to be sick.

    Genny u r going to run--wow u've really been keeping up with it--his nice for you.

    Well I think I told u my parts (puter) were ordered so now it's just a mtter of time.

    Our family brunch was wonderful but we had a huge lone table and we had to change chairs to try to talk to everyone.I took Joey and he loved seeing his cousins, it ended up being about 40 people so we took over the room but it was great, of course I did get my D later for a few hrs. but I had to many different types of things to eat--so it was my faulet I guess.

    OK I have to close my puter is being nasty==soon it shll be fixed II hope soon.

    Hey Lara--little one, I hope u'r feeling better.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Monday!

    Genny--Sounds like
    you are having a good time with the company, got a good arrangement going
    on.Wow, running a 5K?You rock!I don’t have to take the day off to get Sadie into the vet, I can call
    and make the appointment and then plan my day's visits around that, but I
    probably won't get an appointment until tomorrow. Still working on getting the
    records moved, haven't called them recently, need to start on that again.Still got my pills, OK for a while longer

    Julie--AMEN!And I bet I know who had the biggest share of
    the mattress!Poor baby!Praying he heals up quickly!

    Genny--Joining the
    crowd in the pool with dwinkies!I
    honestly believe that kids need and want limits, and that parents need to
    provide those limits.How does it crush
    their little spirits to learn right from wrong and good behavior?Or at least that actions have

    Cammy--I really am
    hoping Sadie is just having a little bladder problem that can be fixed
    easily.I miss being able to sleep with
    her.Glad your puter parts are ordered,
    hope you get things fixed ASAP.Sounds
    like the family brunch was quite the gathering!Sorry about the D, though.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Russian Brunch

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Champagne

    1 1/2 parts Orange

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Mix vodka and orange
    juice in a blender with ice, and pour into a large container. Add champagne,
    stir, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Darling Dara, yes scarecrow suits me! When I lived in MI with my ex, we had dogs and they were kept outside. They were hunting dogs, had a kennel with dog house, they were just fine. Some dogs prefer to be outside I think, especially if they are hunting dogs and such. 4 hours away is not far at all.

    Julie, my DW, trip doesn't start until Wednesday. Neat idea with the lottery tickets. And I'm glad you are not too concerned with the up coming biopsy.

    OMG NM, Sadie chewed through a tuna can??? So glad she seems to be doing better, will still say some prayers for her. I had forgotten about your medical records, but at least you have your good drugs!

    Mary, the aches could very well be from the Arimidex, that is what you are on right? Glad everything went well with your company. And way to go on the run. I hope rads don't kick your butt for it. I had to think about your comment to me on the "football board", as I don't watch ANY sports! That was MemaSue. And those kids are the way they are because of their parents, our grand kids are the same way. Or should I say my step daughter and husband are the same way! The kids are BAD!

    Cami, so glad the family gathering was so fun. Did anyone get pictures? The only thing I am back from is treatments, scans, dentist and eye appointment! Hoping those bits get there soonliest for your puter.

    We'll be leaving very early Wednesday morning and won't be home until Sunday evening, so after tomorrow, you prolly won't be seeing me until next Monday. I can't wait! Moab is just so pretty! The Russian Brunch sounds beery goot NM!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014 gone! House is so quiet, dogs are passed out on the couch, Junior finally out from under the table. DH went to work, all is good with the world... SIL still here but at MIL's and I think they have plans for the day. Now I've got lots of cleaning to do. Hope you all have a great day!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited September 2014

    k well got my ultrasound on ovaries she called in the doc!!!! we all know that feeling my heart dropped

    so I can not concentrate on that

    anyway this women has not emailed me back,I havebeen deleting everything in my account.PMPS is real!!!! Yes but docs are like in that stage of not really getting it I feel They cut my interchostal nerve which they do in BMX. We had body parts removed not sure what the "not getting is" my god!!!

    anyway lov ethat dog

    love u all pop in latah



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - musta bumped ya the other day.  I can't believe all the new from your tests.  Some good some not so good.  My DD had robotic surgery to remove a grapefruit sized tumor and they took her uterus too.  Robotic not as bad as the bikini cut and all that stuff, so if you have to have it, I pray they can use da robotic hands.  Will say some prayers for the 8th, which is also when I get my PET.

    Genny - glad the rads down to 30 and more tolerable.  Sounds like fun with the kids too.  My gd wants alll the books read...I do put my foot down cuz I'd fall asleep. LOL.  Such sad sad news about your friend and her dx.  OH, I can still remember when I was told that right off the bat.  The "no cure but meds can give you time" ugh...Big hugs and prayers going out.  Well now I read where the kids aren't so fun after all, and yes, new-age parenting sucks eggs...imo.

    Dara-Wacko - OMG....I say again OMG!!!  what a beautiful car.  But I best love the story of you and your goils at the concert.  I can jes see you passed out sitting up...LOL and you are one LUCKY gal that your phone was still there.  Whew!  Those Coobie bras sound jes tooo cool, I'll have a belated toast wif ya.

    Nancy - good for you, stand your ground with your sister.  You and cousin look like you are having just toooo much fun.  You go girls!

    Lara - My heart jes so heavy you havin all this trouble and then the scam from Care.Com.  Sending you big HUGZ!

    Prn - EVERYTHING looks so good and such pretty packages, how could you not be a HIT!  And you so purdy too...Got my mouth watering now.

    Cami - is your puter bixed yet?  Joey and his buddy look sooo cute, no don't say cute say handsome and good mmm mmm mmm looking.

    NM - Oh my....I am so afraid for Sadie.  Makes me want to cry.  Hope the vet can get her all fixed up.  It is treatable isn't it?  Oh jes read how she was her usual self, hoping good results at vet.  Wonder if her trouble could be eating thru tuna cans??? j/k.

    Lowee - I'll kno on the 13th.  In the beginning I got it every 4 weeks.  Then when I went to 3 weeks hercep, same thing, didn't wanna drive in the very next week for a belly shot, so Doc asked another onco and he said 6 weeks is fine.  Might have to remind her of that and hope it works out.  Otherwise, will see if she can have my PCP here give me the shot or the hospital.  That is such a Gorgeous picture of you, but I no like scarecrow.

    Julie - poor Mutley.  Had to snicker, sawee, when u said he had Eaten his cones.  Had pets with them but never chewed em.  Hugz for Motley.

    Gotta run and give mese blood at hosp.  DD and cleaning crew due in an hour.   latah ladies.



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Afternoon everyone I had my Radiation sim this am im all marked up ready to go. Had a melt down in Rad office Im glad my friend was with me. Ijust got a little overwhelmed . Now Im sitting in BS office waiting to be seen and to get stitches out. Ive been very tired last couple of days. Im missing beautiful Arizona

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited September 2014

    nancy... Thinking of you. I had a hard time mentally with rads. I guess it was just one more thing in my head. I had a few melt downs too. Just count the days up to half and then down  to done. 

    Genny.... Glad you've hot some peace. And I'm so so sorry for the young gal. 

    NM... Thinking of your sweet Sadie 

    Cami.... Kick your puter. And give Joey a hug for me. 

    Mema.... Thank you. They're cute I think.  You sound good

    Lori... Good camping!!

    Lala.. Thinking of your friend.  

    Aly, 4. Erin.  Hi there!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Tuesday ayem.Sadie has an appointment with the Vet this
    morning,I'm hoping for a quick fix for
    the night time incontinence.I bought
    some doggie diapers yesterday, and that helped some, butI think they are too small, need to try to
    find some bigger ones.In the meantime
    she is still happy and bouncy and playful, so that's a good thing.So I'm parking her in the Lounge Doggy Park
    until after my 7:30 am patient appointment, then will pick her up and take her
    in for her appointment, then keep her with me if it's cool enough.

    Sadie has chewed through THREE tuna cans.Once she gets the can cleaned out she tosses it around like a ball and
    plays with it.Silly dog.Thanks for the prayers for her.Have a good trip, see you next week!

    Genny--Hooray for a
    quiet house!

    ORLA--don't forget
    to check your spam folder for that e-mail, but I bet the jerk isn't answering
    you.A pox on her!

    Mema--I'm pretty
    sure Sadie's problem will be fixable. As near as I can tell she is only
    incontinent at night, is not dribbling, does not seem to be wet during the
    day.Hopefully it's just a bit of aging,
    she is 6 years old. Don't think it's related to chewing up the tuna cans, but
    who knows?I 'll be sure to mention that
    to the Vet today.

    Collett--having a
    meltdown is a normal reaction in my book.I'm sure you are emotionally tired as well as physically.Getting the stitches out will be good!

    PRN--Morning!Have a good day!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Chocolate Corvette

    1 1/2 oz Dark Rum

    1/2 oz Dark Creme de

    4 oz (Hot) Chocolate

    2 oz Heavy Cream


    Pour the rum, creme
    de cacao and hot chocolate into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream
    carefully over the back of a teaspoon so that it floats on top, and serve.

    Pants, Jock, please
    mix up a big batch for the Loungettes to serve with the breakfast buffett by
    the pool!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014

    Hi ladies, raining cats and dogs here, was planning to golf with my DH this ayem till we looked at the weather. Gonna have to go to the basement with the treadmill, yuck I hate it. Furbabies getting groomed today, DH took em to the park and let em get wet and nasty, groomer's gonna love us. So far so good with the rads, met with the RO yesterday and she is pleased with the way the ABC is going, says some have trouble with it but I'm doing fine. I do have a pea size lump next to my incisional line on the BC side which I figured was scar tissue and I pointed it out to her. She thinks it may be scar tissue as well but wants BS to look at it so I have to see her on the 15th next month. Arrgghh...always somtin. Have to go cut MIL's hair then rads again this afternoon. This is my last day, I go back to work tomorrow. Now that's it's here I hve mixed feelings about it but I think it will be good for me.

    NM, please let us know what the vet says, I'll be thinking about your girl today. We had a shepherd with degenerative mylopathy which is like MS in dogs and toward the end she had to wear diapers. Hers was a pant that you put these big kotex in. They worked well as I recall. Hopefully a little antibiotic or something will fix her right up and you'll have your bedbuddy back in no time.

    Collett, I had my 3rd rads yesterday and it still makes me very anxious for some reason. I can't describe it really, I came home and took a half a Xanax. Of course I drove home right in the middle of rush hour so I suppose that didn't help but I could so easily have a meltdown. I don't like to in front of my DH cause he wants to "fix it" and make it better. Don't fell bad about it, the whole thing is very stressful, just having to commit to it everyday is hard. When I'm ringing the bell you'll be just a few days behind me...we got this.

    Cami, love the beautiful pics of you and your Joey on FB. You look very pretty. Hope you had a great time, and hope you puter gets fixed real soon.

    Sue, glad your tolerating tx so well, reading books always puts me to sleep too. 

    PRN, got more bookings planned. I haven't had a chance to ck out your website, wanna do that soon. Have a good day

    Dara hope yer out in your new having fun out in yer new buggy, it's so purdy!

    Lori, my Ro was telling me about Megace yesterday. She said if my hot flashes continue to disrupt my life and keep coming so frequently we may talk to my MO about it. Gonna wait till done with rads and do more research. Hope your vacay is fabulous, we'll miss you.

    Lara, hope you have a better day and get the docs straightened around.

    Julie, Ally, 4, everybody I missed hope your all good, see ya later

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Morning girlies hope everyone is having a good mornin.  NM I hope your sweet Sadie will be ok. My little Ginger is a mini dachshund and she piddles when she is excited. I think thats normal for them though. 

    Princess thank you for the advice. I will try that.

    Feeling kinda down and still overwhelmed a bit. My sister is really being very difficult for some very odd reason. She asked what I found out at the BS and RO and told her both feel it is best and agree with my PCP that I not work until done with radiation. She got very upset with me and said that when she was with me at my first appointment the BS didnt say I couldnt work. She told me that I had just had a simple lumpectomy and not a partial mastectomy and not to make it more then it is. And that I am just looking for attention. She said I must not feel too bad because I can travel all across the nation go to Chicago sight see and drink and go to concerts so she feels I just dont want to work. She said there are plenty of people who work through radiation and there is no reason why I cant I am just making excuses and my cancer is not that bad and I need to quit making it more then it is. 

    I told her first of all You have not been to all my appointments or any of my Rad appointments. Second I have not started any treatment yet just surgery and I am tired and sore but I am going to enjoy myself now while I can before I start tx. Third you dont know my body or what the hell I am going to go through so you have no right to talk to me this way. Also a partial mastectomy is the same damn thing as a lumpectomy and that is what I signed my consent for and what my BS called it. She thinks because his NP called it lumpectomy that I am wrong. And I told her she is being a very mean hateful b#@%^ and that she needs to just leave me alone

    Sorry for venting again but I feel you girls are all I have right now beside my cousin and a few friends.

    Ok and beside my DD and DS

    Its hard when you cant talk to the people closest to you about things that either frighten you or worry you and all they do is put you off and say your over reacting or say hateful hurtful things and tell you what a horrible person you are.

    Ok I am done being Debbie downer. I joined up to sell Sentsy and am looking forward to that. Something I can do from home to make some extra cash. Also signed up for support group and yoga class at the Cancer Center. That should help me to relax. 

    Genny hope your doing ok with your rads. Im thinking about you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2014

    Lara, I'm not sure I understand your post. Do you think they saw something on your ovaries, but didn't tell you?

    LDB, sounds like all is pretty good on your end. Are you feeling good too, I HOPE! It makes it tough when we have to drive so far for tx's. My shortest drive is an hour and 15 minutes one way! That Xgeva is such an easy shot, too bad you couldn't just do it yourself.

    Nancy, sawry bout da meltdown, you are entitled! Glad your friend was with you. Looks like you missed the big storm they had in Phoenix! OMG, just read about your sister. Tell her you will (maybe) talk to her when you are done with treatments. You DO NOT need this stress in your life right now, and you should let her know that, and let her know that she is causing you a great deal of it! Yes, a lot of women work through rads, but you have other medical issues, right? You do what your docs say and what you feel you are capable of. OMG, your cancer is not that bad? Why, I just want to smack her! But I'll let you do that! And YES, we get it. And NO, you are not a Debbie Downer. How is it people think we should just take this with a grain of salt and that we should be happy to be alive? FURB!

    NM, tuna cans are metal, no? I'm cringing at her biting at it, afraid she will get cut. But I know her mama wouldn't let that happen. Hoping all goes well for Ms Sadie today at de docs.'The Chocolate Corvette sounds yummy for breakfast.

    Mary, work should help keep your mind off of things. Hoping and thinking that lil spot is just scar tissue, but keep an eye on it. Megace, is that something for hot flashes? I took Clonodine for mine.

    Cami, I did see a couple of pictures from the family gathering, and yes you look bootiful girl. And Joey is always a doll, such a little man. Hoping you are just dealing with puter probs, and nuttin else. But ye better get in here and have a few Chocolate Corvettes before they are all gone!


    Haha, laffin at our Julie this morning....LMAO!

    Well, this will most likely be mese last post until Monday morn. But I'll be thinking of you all, das for sure. Maybe I can sneak on wif my phone (iffin I have service) and at least read.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited September 2014

    Hi girls!

    Missed you for a couple of days, had company again. I am just living the good life.

    NM, so glad you are taking Sadie in, I am sure the doc will bix her right up. My guess is that she has some kind of bladder infection. My childhood wiener dog used to get them all the time and mess on the rug. The urine would smell bad, we always knew when she had an infection. Glad you got her some diapers and that she tolerates them, poor baby. I will watch her and pet her and love her while she waits for you to pick her up. Hugs to you ((((Kim)))

    Nancy, OMG, I mighten have to send my people to knock some sense into that seester of yours, that is just so insensitive. I wonder if she is jealous of any attention you are getting due to the RB? Something is odd with her and there must be a reason for her bullchit. and hey, I have had daschunds all my life, do you have a pic of your Ginger? Please PLEASE vent away here, you are not a Debbie Downer. You need to express yourself to get the anger out of your system. If you need help, lemme know and I will send my people. We have swamp land too, just saying. ((((Nancy))))

    Genny, best of luck returning to work. IF it gets to be too much with fatigue and such, do take a break. I am sure your employer will understand. Sending hugs to you too ((((Mary)))

    ooops, I have to go. It is twosdey and my Dad goes to breakfast with his brother-in-laws and I drive him. Sorry time gottaway from me. will try to report back latah. Love to all of my breasties here CheerS!