how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited September 2014

    Thank you Dara and Lori. I am on face book too. Would love to hook up with you girls. Gonna get some coffee and try to get moving

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited September 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - Hope you kno it's OK to have meltdowns.  This chit can be sooo overwhelming sometimes.  Glad you had your friend there with you.  Hope stitch removal went well and Arizona will always be there.  WOW you really gave your sister the 'what for', woo hoo.  You handled it poyfectly, and we don't like to say sorry on this thread cuz there isn't anything to be sorry for, capish.  We love ya!! ((Nancy))

    Prn - I am doing better and better, pretty much consistant on my elliptical too.  Finally got DH to bring in a block so I can do my plantar exercises and my feet already feel a ton better.

    NM - Next time Sadie chews up a tuna can, ya gotta video it.  It's got to be hilarious.  Praying all goes well and it's a easy fix at the vets.  I was jes kidding about it being cuz of the can chewing.  :-).  OHHH dear, that DOTD sounds absolutely deliteful!

    Genny - Woo Hoo, glad rads not kickin your butt.  Sad sad that you are going back to work.  Just keep in mind one of the most common se's of rads is fatigue and it hits people at diff times.  Sometimes it comes on during treatment, other times right after and some not for weeks after.  So as far as work, keep in mind K?

    Lowee - Thanks things are pretty good.  And I intend to ask if I can give it myself as well as someone at the PCP.  I used to give, well DH did, my hrt shots in mese rump.  I cud easily do my own belly.  We shall see.  You have a marvelous time ya hear!

    Cami - sounds like a wonderful time, picture is gr8!

    Dara Wacko - Wonderful advice to Nancy, and I'll help drag 'em to the swamp ifin ya need me.  Tis good that dad has a widdle coffee/breakfast clatch going on.  DH used to and it was good for him to bisit weekly wif his buddies. Go dad!

    Lubslubslubslubs all...and have a Grrrr8 day!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited September 2014

    ok nancy your sister is an idiot,nuff said, meltdowns are normal, so carry on

    nm-prayers for sadie this am

    genny ,listen to your body, i worked through out rads and the fatigue hit big time after they were all done

    well sue i could come out and give you your shots! this is when its pays to be nice to your nurse because they do pick your needle size

    lara- it's  feeling like it never ends for you, hope its just a simple cyst, had 2 last year and they had both gone by this us

    ok and why is miss innocence laughing at me, guess who dragged her sorry butt out of bed at 5am to go to work and then find out i wasn't on the schedule ,IT WAS MY DAY OFFBawling

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited September 2014


    Nora's first bike ride! She lasted 15 minutes and was slumped over sleeping so they had to go home. Her mom is going to walk the 5k with her this weekend so I'll get to see her!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited October 2014

    gen... Nora is TOO cute!

    Julie... LOL!  What a drag!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Oh Genny Nora is adorable!! She needs to hook up with Jackson lol :) Thanks girls for the support. Im sitting here watching the weddin stuff on 19 kids and countin and Little People Big World. I love weddings. They are especially good wif a nice cold beer. Love you ladies.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    HI everyone

    Its hard to follow

    ncollett not working is your choice, I have not been ablew to work because I am in and out of surgeries but now I am getting my strength back. I go bk and forth with it to.

    Thanks mama they are scammers shan read it and she goes email them the police know, I saved everything so I did nothing,I am also deleting everything through my inbox in yahoo never know funny thing is they would not get far with me lollllllll but they wanted a pic of me very weird.

    I am waiting about the gyno bladder thing I did the ultra person needed doc happened to me after BMX when they cked me your breath stops. The doc said it was ok mybe she saw something off or was new, or thought it was something bad

    cammmmmmmmmm October are fav month. Cam and I love are scary movies.

    I am going to walk today

    PM is giving me the run around they do injections and they do not want me with more surgeries .

    they are not dropping me but I need someone that can help see my PS will nit dispense me pain meds after surgery she wants them to do it.I was in bad shape after that surgery 2 months where I almost lost everything again no one would give me more pain meds.

    shan thinks I should just pull the ovaries now , I just cant to much for me I am doing all these tests and fertlity clinic etc before I make that descion the thing is I just cant go under again physicaaly and mentally I will not process it when you have to recover from all these painful surgeries its to much .

    I am rantingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    alll in my head DH works all day and late so I have no one to vent to :(

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Wednesday ayem,
    Loungettes!Well, Miss Silly Sadie is
    officially "middle-aged" per the Vet.No bladder or kidney infection, no problems found on physical exam, just
    a "spayed female in middle age" with plain old incontinence.She's started taking phenylpropenalamine, and
    was dry last night.I do have to get a
    morning urine sample in 2 weeks to verify kidney function, "just in
    case" and "to be absolutely sure" there's no kidney issue.Big sigh of relief from me!Sadie had a good afternoon visiting at the
    office, too.Thank you all for the
    prayers and good thoughts for my Silly Sadie girl, very, very much
    appreciated!And Sadie says a Woofy
    Thank You, too!

    Genny--Going back to
    work will help you feel more normal, but I understand the mixed feelings.Thanks for the diaper info, I think I'll
    invest in a couple of washable ones just to have on hand.The disposable ones aren't working so well,
    and we gave up on them last night.Fortunately, didn't need it!

    piddling is normal for some dogs, hope little Ginger's isn't much of an issue
    for her.Good for you for telling off
    your sister.Your sister is being a
    PITA, and needs to shut her mouth.Next
    time she goes off on you like that quietly ask her if she is jealous, then shut
    up and see how she handles it.It sounds
    like she is either jealous of the attention you are getting or so very afraid
    she will get bc that she is becoming a psychotic b#<h.Maybe time to screen calls and just not take
    hers?What is Sentsy?Sounds curious! And you are not a Debbie
    Downer, you are going through a difficult time that we are all very, intimately
    familiar with.Keep on venting, it

    Goldie--I cringe
    when Sadie chews on metal cans, too, and take them away as quickly as I can,
    but she keeps finding more!She rarely
    gets cut, thankfully, and on the odd time she has gotten cut it hasn't been bad
    at all, for which I am even more grateful.Not sure why she does that, she has a bowl of dog food available all day
    long. . .

    Dara--Aha, now I
    know why Sadie was so slow to come when I stopped at the house to pick her up
    yesterday, she was getting Dara lovin's!And the Vet did get her fixed right up, just like you said would happen.How long has it been since we sent someone to
    the Lounge swamp?I don't think the
    swamp is smelling too badly right now, maybe it's time for another
    "deposit"?I nominate
    Collett's sister.Sheesh.

    Mema--I never
    thought of videoing Sadie chewing up a tuna can.I'll have to see if I can managed that

    Julie--thanks for
    the prayers, they worked!Arrgghhh,
    getting up and not being on the schedule--NOT FUN!

    Genny--Nora's ride
    is adorable, just like her!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Dog Piss

    4 oz Southern

    12 oz Beer

    3 oz Vodka

    Best served in a
    Beer Mug.


    Dump the ingredients
    into a container and stir it. It's very simple and very delicious.

    I'd rather drink it
    than sleep in it!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    NM Sentsy is a company that sells wickless candles and warmers, You buy the wax or scent bars and warmers and the wax doesnt burn if little ones like Jackson accidently get their little fingers in it. They have some really cool things and also have a really cool program for their consultants. I thought I would give it a try. 

    Going to go to a meditation class today at the Cancer Center. Maybe that will help me relax. Dogs are so much fun they can make a bad day good just by coming over and looking at you. 

    Today is my DH bday so Im gonna take him to Coopers Hawk for a good dinner tonight and have some of the best tasting wine you have ever had in your life!! Its a winery and OMG they make the best stuff!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    nora is adorable

    good for you nancy

    nm-big sigh of relief "just age",hugs and kisses to miss sadie , and you'll be pleased to know the t  shirts are working much better for mutley,  my sister laughed when the vet suggested them  but apart from the "fun" wrestling him into them , he has not got to his wound, he had his drains pulled yesterday and he's now milking his recovery every chance he has got

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


    mutley  in recuperating mode

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning---I didn't ketup yet my stuff hasn't come for my puter--but as soon as it does I'll be back-

    Just want to tell U I lubs you all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - u got me cwacking up between the size of the needle comment and you going to work on a day off.  LOL...on Mutley too.  He sure looks comfy!

    Genny - how cute lil Nora and she kinda looks tired in the pic too.  Hat's off to her mom for doing the walk.

    Lara love - you kno you can vent to us anytime.  Can't believe how much you have on your plate.  Still don't understand why PS won't prescribe pain meds.  Mayb got slapped on the hand, lic revoked, to write pain meds?  Wish I had some sage advice regarding the ovaries, but it is so personal, so just take your time deciding.  (((Lara)))

    NM - woohoo on the news about Sadie girl.   LOL on the DOTD, but it does sound kinda good.  Mayb a pair of those 'shaper' panties from WalMart would hold a big kotex?  Do they still sell Kotex? 

    Nancy - go for it girl, see what you can do with the Sentsy, sounds good like someting I could/would use.  If you selling it, send me some info and I'll likely order some.  Happy bday to your dh and that place for dinner and wine sounds deliteful.  Have a good time.

    Cami - wish they'd get ur puter fixed, missing your stories, but thanks for checking in even a little so we son't worry bout you.  Lubslubs you too!

    Doing laundry and general clean up today.  Tomorrow I'm driving into Vegas tomorrow about noon, to spend a few hours with bff who turned 60 over the weekend.  Long drive just for a few hours but I've known her for over 45 years so I gotta go.

    Lubslubslubs my girls...ya'll take care ya hear?!?!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    sorry i pushed you in the pool sue

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, I have a lot going on here so just popping in to talk about me. ALlow me to apollogize in advance. oops, before I get to me, gotta say NM, wooop wooop for Ms Sadie, I am relieved for you. And Nancy, sorry about the melt downs but glad you are working on relaxation. remember, this too shall pass. 

    So the chit is hitting the fan again with my DD and her BF. He might just be joining Nancy's sister at de swamp land. My DD has left him and is in hiding at the moment. Of course I know where she is but she is not here as he would find her here. We may have to get a restraining order, not the first time with her bf's, ugh, my nerves are shot.

    So I am interviewing tomorrow for a job with Farmers INsurance, tinking about making a total carreer change. I have been doing finance since 1986 and I have come to realize that the mortgage processing world has me on a sinking ship. I am just researching getting my licenses to write insurance, not sure if I will take the plunge. Another thought I had for carreer is becoming a financial advisor. Since I have been already working with Morgann Stanly Wealth Management clients, I would have an in. (spellt wrong on poypous to keep mese ID secret). My name is Dara, yep, dat is me, Dara from  Kansas.

    I have left a message for another PS in Philadelphia, looking to have the foobs revised this year if at all possible since I have met my out of pocket for the year. also looks like I am taking a trip to IL to meet up with this guy I have been talking to for over a year. So I mighten take the time to drive over to bisit with Cammy for a day if she will have me. So yes, lots going on. I gotss to take mese Dad to bisit mese Mommy shortly so cant say much else but wanted to poke my head in and just tail mese goils what is happening in mese world. 

    Julie, can you find out if Mutley's tumors looked anything like mese Bella's? Where they on his breasts? I am wanting a second opinion on my Bella's tumors. I hope to God that they are not cancer and want to know more about Mutley. Did they biopsy them before removing and how did they know they were jusst fatty tumors? And how young is Mutley? Love that name, he is adorable in his t shirt.

    Mare, love the pic of sweet Nora on her ride, so precious. And I concur that she and baby Jackson would be a poyfect match in say twenty years or so??? 

    Ok, gotta fly. Hi Sue, Lara and all mese goils, lubs you berry berry much. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    dara-still waiting for the path report but they were on his belly,he's 8 1/2 years old now, vet thought fatty tumours but we all know not to count the chickens until the path report is in

    and this is dolly mai doodles , her predecessor missy boo boo went over the rainbow bridge recently  and the family were devastated, so meet miss dolly mai who is helping heal their broken hearts


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    thanks so much for the info Julie. I am def going to call for a second opinion. My Bella is approx 10 years old. Her mass is now rubbing against concrete and bleeding, I have to take care of it somehow. and so sorry about Missy Boo Boo but glad they found a sweet little someone to help with healing. I will be doing the same thing if anything happens to my Bella, I can't live without a doggy. And OMG, dolly mai doodles is stinking adorable. She is lucky she is far far away else I might have to dog nap her. She looks a lot like my Mocha, tan and brown color cept MoMo was a long haired wiener dog. I really miss both Mocha and Mandi, lost both of them within three years. 

    Here is an old pic of my gang of three, Left to right is Mocha, Bella and Mandi. This was taken in my shack lol. 


    and this is a pic of me with my only remaining daschund, this was taken in 2010,, just before my BMX. Look at those big goils, they tried to kill me, the biotches (the boobs not the doggies hehe)



    this is Mocha, the one that looks like your new addition, well in coloring that is. and wiener hood hehe. these pics come off my facebook album called Dashchunds, little dogs with the biggest hearts ♥


    and another of my Bella. As you can see, I am a wiener dog addict and it is hard being down to just one. I hate that she has this horrible mass on her teet (I tink that is what dog boobs are called)

    so forgive me for yacking about my dogs. I am in such mental anguish and talking about my doggies and posting their pics helps so thank you goils for viewing my babies, past and present. 

    oh, for Lori, a pic of my DD with her baby bump....not the most flattering pic of her but shows my sweet grand son Logan so clearly from de outside. 


    she looks so different preggers. here is a pic b4 baby. hope these display as I hocked a few from facebook. my DD, i just love her so and hate knowing she is suffering. my baby girl , she is so fragile right now. goils, you have to help me get the XBF to the swamp, uhhhh. tanks for listening.


    cheers girls. yep, cheers I say. but we all know talk is cheap, I am not feeling cheerful. thanks again for hearing me. me and jack, we go now. love you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    and one more of MESE, this is with my cousin and girl friends in Atlantic City last week. I look hot eh? Ok, thanks in advance for stroking my berry hungry ego lol


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Dara your babies are adorable and your DD is gorgeous. I will be saying prayers for her. I love my wiener dogs too. I just like small dogs period but especially dachshunds. 


    This is my Manny Freeny dog. Yep he was named after Peyton Manning and Dwight Freeny of the Colts. He got accidentally hit by my DS it about killed my DS and me both. Manny was my baby. 


    This was NIck he was 14 years old and passed away 3 years ago


    This was me with my Manny and Little Lilly about 3-4 years ago. Lilly was taken by a coyote last summer Damn things. 


    This is my Ginger shes my little sweetie


    This is Cole he is my DH dog he cracks me up hes so playful and just goofy


    This is my granddog Prince. He has just three legs. He had to get one of his back legs amputated because he was bumped out of a my DD ex BF jeep by his big ass dog and broke his leg.  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    oh my heavens, Nancy, I am so sorry you have had such a difficult time with your fur babies. That breaks my heart. I am glad that you have new fur babies to help ease the pain on your losses. Ginger, Cole and Prince are adorable but I think that Ginger is de cutest but then again I am prejudice. I love just dogs. I think that kittens are really cute but have never had a cat. and for the first time ever, I have a cat hanging around here in my rose bushes. I had never known that they "marked their territory" with a stench until just this week. The cute bastard has been hanging in my yard for a few months now. I do not think the cat is stray as it has a collar but I think the owner does not keep it inside.

    and NM, sorry for the comment about people who keep their pets outdooors. As Lori pointed out, some dogs actually like being outdoors? I know you never keep Sadie outside and hope you did not think I was implying that. I just personally do not think that a pet should be left outdoors, my opinion, like it or not. 

    I am so relieved to hear about Sadie and her little issues at night. Tell her it is ok and that I, Dara, can relate as I have been known to pee the bed. I have been wearing mini pads for years and am not far from depends pads then prolly depends. I was looking into gitting mese bladder bixed when my doc found the lumps on mese breasts, damn it. FURB! 

    So I am noyvous and not able to stay asleep. I have not interviewed in over a decade and am sooooo anxious. 

    Sorry I am not talking more to or respoinding to you goils, I been dwinking and w/ Willie so cant tink straight. nor crooked hehe. That sounds like sumting that Cammy would say.

    Hope Lori having a good time away.

    Hope Mutley is healing.

    Hope for no meltdowns for our rad goils, hugs to both of you (((Nancy)))) ((((Genny)))). Dont foyget, if you start burning to ask for silvadene, it is de miracle burn cream. Me used mines when I recently boint mese finger by axxardentally touching the grill, ooops. Lesson learned, do NOT DWINK n GWILL iffen ye have had more den ten dwinks hehe. It did not hurt til the next day. Not gonna tawlk about it dough hehe. It all better now. Fingers are resilient so take dat! oops,, dis about mese rads goils not me, sorry I diversed from de subject de matta.

    Julie, tanks again for the info on Mutley. I am saying some prayers for B9. It does sound good for him. I worry about mese Bella sincen her mass started from her teetie. First the area turned blackish den de mass jest grew so so fast. It was bleeding again which is anudder reason mese awake so early in de aye em. I wanna call de vet tomorrow, another vet that is a 24 hr animal hospital but mese overwhelmed with mese day. I have to go up to Reading PA with mese Dad. we are buying an old player piano to restore. He has done several in the past and really really needs sumting to do in de winter when de pool closes. He loves to hang outside and has de most bronze tan. I know I know, he bad gitting all dat sun but he tolerate it well and does look/appear healthier with his lovely tan. But I worry about keeping him occupied. He has already bixed up de grandfather cllock wese got him, did it too fast. So what is going on, why no one in de lounge????? it is effing after 4aye em. Gotta take a four hour round trip drive, gotta buy panty hose for interview AND pick up hard copy of my resume from my nieces car which will be parked at de school where she teaches. why you ask? uh, I so stupid with chit that is TEKNICALL. I have a printer and just bought another but cant get either to work. And i need to bwing a copy of my resume to mese interview. I applied through carreer or I foyget which website for job searching. ya see, it was mese shrink that asked me if I wanted to stay on de sinking ship or move on to a rescue boat while making a big change wiitch is sooo berry hard for de Dorkster....I mean de DaraStir. hehe. 

    So, I try to sleep again but tink Id rather dwink more. Am I bad? 

    tanks for giving me yer ears uhhhh I mean yer eyes. and goils, feel free to skip mese long rants any time, I shall neber eber be offendeded.k?

    one more it bad if I squirt de cat with a hose? seriously, I am so grossed out, neber knewe about dis spray stench, nearly as bad a stink bugs whom I hate with a passion. k now, tanks again for listening, love ou goils and wish you all peace in yer hearts. n lots o farts too cuz iffen dey do not come out, well ouch! xoxo DaraDOrKothYklein, over n out. chEErS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    It's me I can't seem to ketchup use to much power, but I read what I can and hope this get fixed very soon.

    WAAAAAAAAAAAA that's me crying loudly--really loud.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Anther dry night for me and
    Sadie, Hooray!Love those pills!

    Collett--I love
    scented candles and things, do you have a website?Sounds really fun.Happy B-day to your DH!

    Julie--I am so glad
    for Mutley's recovery, and the T-shirt idea is just great!And he really is milking it for all it's
    worth, isn't he?Well, that's a sign of
    recovery all by itself!

    Cammy--can't wait
    for your 'puter stuff to arrive so you can be back in the loop full time!

    Mema--hmm, I think I
    have some shaper panties from days gone by, I may look for those.But so far, so good, and the literature
    warned that the pills may take a few days to fully work.So far, so good!I think they still sell Kotex.Or something similar.I'll have to look into it.Enjoy your trip to Vegas!

    Julie--great advice
    about life steps!

    Dara--DD, nearly
    ready to pop out a baby, in hiding from baby daddy, considering a restraining
    order?Talk about needless drama.What did he do to her?Considering a change in career, hmm?Lots on your plate, indeed!Praying for DD and baby, and you.And for baby daddy, that God will fix him

    Julie--Dolly Mai
    Doodles is adorable!

    Dara--the doggy pics
    are such fun, and I can understand how comforting they are, too.

    OK, Pants, Jock,
    please prep and stock the UFO, a bunch of us may need to go to see Dara and
    doa little landscapingin the swamp.So we'll need extra shoes and dry clothes and some shovels and rope
    along with the Kahlua, andJD and
    whatever else is getting low in the bar.Hmm, maybe the mini percotini fountain, too, some of us will likely be
    sore after a day of tramping through the swamp looking for the perfect place
    to, ah, landscape.Yeah, landscape.I hear some places need some fertilizer.

    Collett--what an
    armful of pup!Such fun!All those furbabies look well loved and
    happy. I can see you give them a good life while you have them!

    Dara--no apology
    needed, I don't like the idea of dogs being kept outside, although I do know
    that some dogs like that and need that.I thought I might have wrote that she may have had to sleep outdoors
    when I meant to write that she may have to sleep in her crate, which I would
    move into the bedroom if that happened.No harm done, and I wasn't upset.My opinion about the cat is that roaming cats should be treated the same
    way as roaming dogs.Hoses, capture and
    take to the pound.No reason to have to
    put up with that $#it on your property.Dogs have to be kept on their own property, so should cats.Cat poop spreads disease, they shouldn't be
    allowed to poop in my garden.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Swamp Water

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Apricot

    4 oz Limeade

    Best served in a
    Mason Jar.


    add ingredients and
    stir. serve on the rocks.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - loved the 'positive' post, so true!  Hoping path report on Mutley is b9.  Dolly Mai is jes too precious.

    Darawack - OMG I hope Jess gets and stays away from bf.  Sounds very dangerous as I kno these domestic things can be.  Keep her hidden and go find a DV advocate soon.  Sounds good about the insurance, but I'm seeing you more in the financial advisor capacity.  That company not the only one in the book either, so keep looking til you find your poyfect fit girlfriend.  Love the pics of the pooches and you 'big girls'.  I believe you'll have your 'girls' back soon.  And you and your bffs all look 'hot'.  GR8 pic of Jess and Logan.  Did she marry baby daddy?  Wish I could help about the 'spraying of the cat' issue, but don't kno much about them.  However, you can call your local animal shelter and they will set a trap (totally harmless) and take the cat.  She is obviously not spayed, so they will spay her if her owners come looking for her.  At least those are the laws here, might be diff there.  But worth a phone call.

    Nancy, you dachshund it tooo cute.  Looks jes like my ds's Poncho.  Oh my, all u pooches are adorable.  Hurts to lose them, but looks like you giving such love to all the others.

    Cami - jes keep checking in, dont worry about ketchup, glad to see your smiling face and kno you doing OK.

    NM - hooray for another dry night.  Mayb jes needed those meds to bix her all up.   Leaving real soon for LV meet up w/bff.

    lubslubslubslubslubslubs EVERYONE!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Happy friday girls!

    Am I nuts or has there not been a post for nearly 24 hours? Geez goils, leave me to dwink alone why dontcha. hehe.

    I postponed the interview yesterday until next week. I was up all night dwinking and did not tink a good time to interview.

    Sue, I am with you, not sure about me going into insurance although there is some money to be made. I am most nervous that after two years, I become self employed and will have to purchase my own medical insurance. I really doubt I will take the job but as you said, good practice in interviewing. And postponing is not the most responsible ting to do which shows how much I want this job.

    So I made an appointment with a PS in Philly, same office I went to where my fav PS died of lung cancer. I am going monday. I am going to try to get this done this year, that is a revision to my foobs. I am leaving my belly alone for now, will need some skin grafting there but not healed enough nor important enough. I figure if I have another surgery, it will buy me more time off work hehe, oh I am such de schemer. I jest wanna play and dwink all dey ebery day.

    NM, how is Sadie, hopeful that she had anudder dry night. I am jest sooooo relieved that her issue is bixable. I was skeered for ya.

    so are you goils having a big bash sumwhere else without me? Or am I nuts? I see no posts since this time yesturdey.

    Tings de same with my Jessica, she is still in hiding. Her crackhead bf showed up yesterday here as suspected and asked where she is. I was very cordial and told him she is out of state. He is pissed at me too but I do not care. I am prepared to help my Jessica when times get tough. She still not gonna live here but she gonna stay in that house as it is baby ready, the boy has to go and agreed to go. I called the realtor to find out how to git him off the lease. Oy vey, my nerves are still shot. I took valium last night, I do not take them often sincen they make me sleepy and life is too fun to sleep hehe!

    I go now, gotta hit de store to buy some food for lunch. I miss you goils and hope someone comes to partay with me!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    I love all the fur babies

    I do have my pain patch

    Big sis your daughter is so pretty ha ha I slept in her room

    genny how r u running 5k you go chickata

    not much today had running around to do

    ketchup I need to play

    Happpy friday heres some shots

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    Found on


    Posted by namoradaabout three years ago

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Lara, yippee, good to see ya.Thanks for the shots, yummy. Hope you are feeling okay.

    I did some shots of Jose last week while at the beach with my friends and OMG, was I ever trashed. Love me some shots.

    Listen girls, my primary care doctor friend requested me on facebook. I am not going to accept until I can communicate to all of you to not mention my dwinking there as I am skeered he will cut me off of my vitamin V and Percos hehe! while I am flattered that he wants to be my friend, I am skeered to accept. 

    I am feeling a little better this afternoon after a short visit with Willie. I was feeling like my heart would beat outside of my body and fall out. I hate feeling so sick inside. and Willie, besides being physically medicinal, he is also mentally medicinal. When it seems like my whole world is crashing in, a little Willie puts things in perspective and when it wears off, I still feel a lot better. Tank ye Mr. Nelson, I love you muchly!

    Is anyone gonna partay with me tonight? I am mad at myself, I was supposed to send an email out to the folks on my class reunion committee for a meeting tomorrow and totally forgot to do it. I am in contact with the other girl that has helped me put it all together to see if we will proceed with the meeting or even the reunion at this point. we can only get friday after thanksgiving at the yacht club we booked and many people can not make that date. My friend Patty was talking about scrapping the whole thing, I would be disappointed. I feel so bad for not emailing the committee members. I need a dwink, hiccup!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Filling in for Princess Glitter Sizzle, DOTD:

    The Jack-off

    1 shot Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey
    1/2 can Coca-Cola®
    2 shots iced tea

    Pour in one shot of jack daniel's on ice, more if you like your drinks strong. Then pour about a half of a can of coca-cola on top, leaving room for the iced tea. Finally, fill to the top with very strong iced tea (try three times the amount of powder).

    alcohol, fuck off, jack daniels, starbucks


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    OMG I MISS U GALS----Thic puter stuff stinks and I have to wait for other people so my hands are tied---so I's typi wif mese nose.

    Miss Dara I didn't realize u r looking for another job, in insurance??? One of the most complicated things I've ever done--but I nose u are very smart and u would do fine really. No one in the world would even think that I worked in insurance for 10 yrs and I never understood it--I never knew why I didn't get fired it was so boring to me that I just didn't register anything.

    NM Sadie better be al right, I don't like when our furbabies don't feel well. Believe me when I was younger I really didn't LOVE them but nw I can't help it, I's rather spend a day with my Katie-Kat than with some people. She's so cuddly.

    Lara I'm glad u have u'r patch back and it's working.

    Dara if that's still u'r name WTF is going on with u'r DD-----this is supposed to be a precious time not stressful time.

    Dr. stuff--my thyroid isn't wrking, my counts are all off--so more meds and scans next week. She loves to get my rib (one) scanned I think she waiting for my ribs to be takien out cuz she sees lots of meat on them. WTF And my shoulder, but I'm not concerned about that, in fact I wasn't  concerned about any of this til she said my skin is so messed up because of my low everything, my ears perked up and I thought all of a sudden my skin was awful so she said this should help. See the things I really listen to??? I told her I was getting fearful of someone shooting me and making boots and purses out of it. Oh at least I have a real reason to be lazy. I like that part.

    Where did Lori go, I completely forgot--yes me, I forgot

    SusyQ I hope u'r doing all right.

    I have so much to ask everyone and I don't have nuff battery power so I have to close but member