how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Saturday
    Morning, Loungettes!How are all the
    Loungettes this first day of my vacay?I've got a nice foggy, gloomy day here to wash up Sadie blood from all
    over the house.Then to start the fall
    cleaning and getting ready for winter.And a break from some emotionally draining patient situations will be
    good for me, too.Not to mention that
    Sadie will love having the extra attention.

    Mema--Sadie has been
    dry at night since starting the pills, Hooray!Love an easily fixed problem.

    Dara--Sounds like
    you are rather ambivalent about that insurance job.Maybe youneed more thinking time about the job change thing? Or at least about
    that particular job.I was scared for
    Sadie, too, and am so happy that it's an easy fix.Don't blame you for wanting to get the foob
    revision done this year, but don't rush into anything, either.Make sure you are sure of the doc and the
    procedure before you sign on the proverbial dotted line.I am praying the baby daddy goes away and
    stays away.Definitely get him off the
    lease, too.Would be even better if DD
    could move to another, as they say, undisclosed location, but probably not
    financially feasible.

    ORLA--How's the pain
    patch working?Good, I'm praying.

    Dara--I'd like to
    ask you to reconsider having your doc as your friend on fb.If he is a close enough friend to friend you
    on fb he is probably too much of a friend to be an effective doctor for you.It's too easy to misinterpret fb postings and
    that can create some serious issues.Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth.

    Nice DOTD, Dara!

    Cammy--so annoying
    having to wait for other people to do something, isn't it?Not so good the thyroid numbers are off,
    would be nice if getting it straightened out will help your skin.Gotta be some positivein this stuff, right?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Fallen Leaves

    1 dash Brandy

    1/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    3/4 oz Sweet

    3/4 oz Calvados

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    Stir together in a
    mixing glass filled with ice cubes. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass, add a
    twist of lemon peel, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Afternoon all my loungie friends. I just got back from Michigan City. I stayed with a long time friend of mine and took my mom to see my grandpa. He is 96 and doing just great! He still drives and is only on two pills for his prostate cancer. My friend just found out that her brother in law was just dx with stage 4 colon cancer with mets to his liver and bone. Damn RB. I told her since they live in Chicago maybe to check out that Cancer Care Treatment Center for a second opinion. It was good to get away for a bit.

    Dara I hope your job search goes well. I know what you mean about wanting to find something different. I want to be able to do something from home so that I can do more with my church and be able to do missions more. I would love to be able to help those who are hurting and just love on them.  That has always been a dream of mine. 

    NM I hope Sadie is much better. It breaks my heart when a little fur baby is hurting. My friend I stayed with has two big Weimaraner dogs and her one dog Bella would not leave my side when I was there. She even slept with me. My friend said she couldnt get over her and thought maybe she sensed I was sick. 

    I start my Radiation on Wed at 2. They told me this one would be the longest as they have to make sure everything that they planned out matches up first and then they will do a dry run and then give me my first dose. I did some guided imagery meditation on Wed and it was really relaxing. Hope you all have  a good evening. On my way home from MC it was snowing!! Can you believe that crap! 

    I am not ready for cold and snow. My SNB area is very sore today and I am very tired so gonna take a nap. Check in later.   

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Well hiya strangers... feels like forever since I been here. Busy time for me, back to work and then rads which takes sooo long. My appt is at 2:45 everyday but they are never ready for me till 3:20 or so, then with the ABC tx it's about 30 minutes for the rads. By then it's rush hour so it's an hour drive home. So sick of it already! So the rads tech came in on Friday and told me they have an opening at 1:30 each day, he said they should be able to get to me more on time and then no risk of rush hour BS. Going to really screw up my work schedule but I'm doing it, might have to work an extra day to get em all in but I think it will save me a lot of aggravation. I ran the 5 k... Bra's for a Cause today. It was fun, my DIL and Nora walked it and a couple of SIL's and my niece and brother. It was sooo cold! 46, and windy blustery day and the bra judging/etc right on Lake was great while running but then so cold. My little sweetie was all bundled up, I'll be posting pics. Ok... dwinkin' my red wine, and getting all caught up so here goes..

    Dara??!! WTF your DD?? Her babydaddy needs to go to the swampland forever!! Oh I do not think this thing will ever work, I hope she stays strong and does not take him back. It will be hard but sounds like so much harder with him in her life, my life became so much easier when I left my son's dad... ahem... sperm donor.. please remind her... she can do this without him, especially with you to help... I just knows it. Sorry, hope me's not sounding too bossy but just brings back some long ago memories for me, I just feel in my gut she can do this without him. Ok... so your new avatar.. the prettiest one yet... I love the newest you (wink wink).. Love the pics of you and your peeps, and your DD so pretty, and the pups so cute too. Thanks for sharing, I love to see the pics. Good luck with the surgery, hope you find a PS you really like and it all goes great, maybe not time for a new job?.. Love ya girl. What'ya dwinkin tonight. Meet ya at the pool for a shot or 2..

    NM, So glad Sadie is doing OK. I kinda forgot, our last german shepherd was incontinent as well from old age and did fine on the pills for a number of years. What was this about cleaning up blood tho... what did I miss? And yer on vacay? Hope you get a lot done and have plenty of relax time as well.

    Nancy, so glad you are having fun with friends and family. Your sister?? I just don't get it, how is this her business? Do you work together? Is she resentful of you getting time off? It's a pretty crappy way to get time off, I don't think she gets what FURB does to a person, emotionally and physically... I hope she never has to get it. I tink you're handling her great, so sorry you have to deal with it tho. Do u have other siblings? Good luck with rads, I've had 7 tx's now and no issues at all so far, when I ring that bell I'll be watching you come across the finish line right behind me. All your past and present dogs, so cute, I hate the coyote story tho, one of my big fears when Junior runs back into the woods.

    Cami, thyroid and counts and ribs? wtf? Boots and a purse... now what would Joey do with that. Hope you get your puter fixed, we miss you! Any word on when the parts are coming? DO we need to get the spaceship out and come to shake things up a bit?

    susie q.. hope you're having fun with your bff, maybe win some $$? 

    Julie, oh your poor little mutley!.. so cute, and so glad all is B9... he's looking like he caught on to the slacker thing even better than Cam!

    Lara, so glad you got ur patches. Was it from the pain doc or your PCP?

    PRN, hi, hope yer havin a nice weekend.

    Lori, hope vacay is great! See ya next week.

    Anybody I missed, I'm getting tired now. gonna post some pics and call it a night. What a fun time I am on a Saturday night! Sweet dreams girls, love ya!


    9 months old tomorrow, standing on her own, ready to walk in a few days I suspect.


    Bra's for a Cause 5k. I decorated mine last night, oh it was so cold! Good thing I don't have headlights!


    My friend's furbaby, Fern, joining the party in a bra of her own!


    Me & my sweetie...


    Warm as toast!

    Couldn't decide which one to post so you're getting them all, hope ya don't mind me taking up a page.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Mary I love the pictures and I do have two younger brothers. I am the oldest. I work with my brother and sister at my brothers DME company. I think I have figured out that there are a lot of changes going on at the office and my sister is overwhelmed a bit. She asked if I could help her out at home and just kind of look at the computer at orders coming over and help her keep an eye on things which I told her I would be happy to do that. I have a really good friend who kinda got on them too and told them it wasnt any of their business and that more stress is not what I need right now. Looking forward to getting this show on the road Wed. They told me to increase my protein intake and make sure I am drinking plenty of fluids. I also saw a Pulmonologist on Wed who told me he is going to keep track of things and I will see him again next month. Since I have Asthma and Chronic Bronchitis we are a little concerned about possible pnuemonitis and scaring but we will get through it. You look great Mary!!

    Cami I hope you can get your puter back soon.

    Dara hows your daughter doing? Been thinking of you guys. 

    Hope everyone is staying warm. Some hot cider and a little jack sounds nummy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hi ladies.

    OH I love the pics and Mary u look wonderful, every time I see Nora her hair looks ligter. she is really adorable.

    NM this is the week already now do what u need to then relax every chance u can cuz u deserve to.

    Oh I forgot before--I was up at the front desk (Doc's office) and my pants slid down to my ankles and I was wearing my depends of course--so I just turned around and said welcome to my world now u got to share it. and pulled up my pants, but the worse thing about it I was not even embarrassed--to many people have seen my body so much it seemed like nothing.

    This is screwing up my sleep again waking up at this time. Oh we had snow today too--nothing much but there it was falling down, well not up--but it did get so cold all of a sudden--Ick LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good rainy morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this Sunday
    ayem? It was nice sleeping in to the sound of the rain this morning.Even Sadie is very mellow this ayem.

    Collett--So nice you
    were able to get away for a bit, so sorry about your friend's BIL.Silly Sadie is back to normal now, thanks for
    your concern. She is just getting older is all, and easily fixed with a pill
    twice a day.The furbabies are sensitive
    to what is going on with their humans, aren't they?Good luck with rads.The guided meditation sounds like a great
    idea,anything that relaxes is a great
    idea in my book!

    Genny--You really
    have been busy, good for you!Sounds
    like the earlier time will work a lot better for you.Sounds like the run and bra judging was
    chilly, indeed, but fun.Yes, I am on
    vacay, got long lists of stuff to do around the house before winter.It looks like Silly Sadie caught the end of
    her tail on something the other day, and it bled all over everywhere.I'm still cleaning up the mess.She was wagging her tail enthusiastically and
    splattering blood all over!Looked like
    a murder took place in the house.Great
    pics, so happy your shared them all!

    Cammy--amazing how
    what bothers us changes after bc, isn't it?Makes for some funny stories, though!

    So. Loungettes,
    since the purpose of my taking this week off is to get stuff done around the
    house, and since I don't get stuff done if I'm on the computer I won't be on
    the computer first thing in the mornings this coming week.I'll try to get on the in peeyems, as a
    reward for getting the list of stuff done that each day has assigned to
    it.So no one get upset if you don't see
    me in the ayem!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Jager Vacation

    1 oz (chilled)

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    2 oz Pina Colada Mix

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    Add all three
    ingredients in a shaker or blender, and mix with ice.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara D - I jes lubs your new avatar.  That is some loong hair and bootiful too.   I think postponing interview is a good indication that you don't want the job. But as we've said it is good 'interview' practice so please try to go, I think you'll b happy you did.

    Have  you met the other PS in Philly yet?  Hope when you do you sync with them.  I skeerd fer ya that u'll be hurt again.  Do you homework on him/her after you meet with em K?  Pisses me that Jess having trouble with crackhead.  You watch out for you too ya hear.  give Jess a hug for me and a dozen fer yerself.  (((D))) I agree with NM about your PCP friend.  Send him a pm and tell him you'd rather keep personal and professional separate.  Sad about the reunion, can you reschedule for 1st weekend in Dec. or is that date not avail at yacht club? 

    Lara - glad you are on the pain patch, hope it is enough to keep your pain in check.  Thanks for the shots.  I had some in Havasu couple weeks ago..yum!

    Cami - cwack me up with the 'sees lots of meat on your ribs'.  Hope you can get the thyroid in check.  Know that messes up alot with our bodies.  Lori on vacay but I fergit where.

    NM - soooo glad pills working for Silly Sadie.  I picked up pooches from groomer and either Bella's nail was bleeding from cutting or she did it jumping out of the car.  But before I noticed I had blood all over my floor and couch.  I stopped the bleeding with pressure and after that alll OK.  Took me forever to get blood outta couch tho.  I will miss you in the ayems, I rarely check in pm, but I'll see ur posts next morning.  Am sure you'll get lots accomplished.

    Nancy - WOW impressive, 96 and still going, driving too and only 2 pills, that is amazing.  Very sad, FURB about your friend BIL.  Hope they do go to CTCA for 2nd opinion.  I went to the one in AZ for 2nd and am very glad I did.  Let go of alot of worry/stress knowing my team here was doing exactly what CTCA would do.  Will be thinking of you and your rads.  Yes 1st time is the longest and then once they know exactly where to radiate it's not as time consuming.  And listen to Dara and make sure you have silvadine.  My RO gave me Aquaphor and I didn't kno my ears were getting burned, by then too late.  Can't have any creams n such on skin during tx, thus the burning.  Mine wasn't too bad but as a side-sleeper, there were uncomfy nights.  My meditation was seeing how many Our Fathers and Hail Marys I could say during tx.  It was very helpful.

    Mary - Egad, that is long and I hate driving in crazy traffic, that's big reason why we left LV.  Yes, scrap work and go in earlier, the less stress in your life the better.  I had good time with bff altho too short, but a little is better than nothing.  Lubslubslubs the bra your wearing, good for you for doing the run and all the supporters you had on hand.  Little Nora such a dream.  I wish they cud stay little forever.  We love the pics so keep posting them.

    Cami - too funny about your pants falling down.  Would have loved to be a fly on the wall to see the expressions of the other people in there.  You're such a witty one when it comes to what should be embarrassing situations.

    Gotta run...lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good evening all

    cammi,Happyat least you had underwear on.   have they drawn your blood work yet for the thyroid yet?  last year i had the symptoms of a low thyroid but my tsh was the high range of normal, but i have a doc who treats you not just the lab result, so if they tell you its normal ask for the numbers  ,if its high of normal it could be causing problems . amazing how many of us have thyroid issues .

    dortydarla will pray for the right decision for ds and logan.

    nm enjoy

    genny m-well done you on your walk, nora gets cuter if thats possible. hope the earlier time works out for you

    nancy,glad someone spoke with your sister.

    loved all the furbaby pics, dolly mai is actually from hungary,so has her own passport! , my nephew finished work ,then he and his fiancee drove to pick up dolly mai they got home at 1am in the morning  but they will repeat the drive soon ,as they are getting a sibling for dolly mai from the same breeder

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Evenin girls, jes wanted to poop in quick so I don't get too far behind again. Got rads at 9:30 ayem tomorrow then to work for a customer or two. I took my first yoga class since right after I began chemo in March and decided it was too many germs. Anyway, it was fantastic, oh it felt so good, I remembered all the poses and was able to do them, it might sound weird but it was almost a spiritual experience, like I got a piece of myself back. I guess because I was in control. I want to go at least 3 times/wk if I can as long as my skin doesn't bother me. DH took Emma to a big old beautiful church downtown for "the blessing of the animals." He said it was really awesome, dogs, cats, bunnies, birds, even a little boy with a hermit crab. They all were blessed individually, then they sang all creatures great and small and the minister started howling and got all the dogs singing! I told him I'd go next year, poor Junior's gonna have to just be a little heathen till then!

    Juliet, I like my tsh to stay low normal too, I get sluggish and gain wt when it's high normal. Furbaby with a passport, who knew?

    Sue, visits with bff's always too short, my time always flies with Molly. Glad u had fun.

    NM, with you and Lori gone, gonna be some pressure on the rest of us to chip in and cover the DOTD.  I'll try and pop in tomorrow ayem and cover it. Hopin you and Sadie have the best vacay and she stays dry every night. In fact, I hope we all stay dry every night!

    Cami, too funny about your pants..HA! what a hoot, I wish I coulda been a fly in the room.

    Nancy, you might find working from home is good therapy for you, get you mind off the BC and tx's. 

    Well, gotta go, I had a busy day and I'm pooped... love ya girls, sweet dreams!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Good evening every bunny. Hope everyone is doing good. Made some good homemade chocolate ice cream with my DH. It was really good. Saw Jackson last night. He cracked me up. He came in crawling on his hands and knees and I hear my DD say come on kitty come on in. It was Jackson. He crawled into the living room looked at me with this big grin and says meow. Lol. 

    Mary I am looking forward to working from home both on the things from the office and my Sentsy business as well. I am hoping that will take off so that I can be more involved in missions and things at my church and also so that I can have a little less stress in my life. Hope your doing well with your radiation

    Cammy lol I am sorry you had an issue with your pants but good for you for being such a good sport about it. It is funny how less concerned you become about things like that when you have an illness like cancer. Hope your doing well. 

    NM I am glad Sadie is doing better. Hope you enjoy your vacation as well. 

    Juliet it is crazy how many people have thyriod issues. I wonder if there is any connection at all?

    Mema my RO told me to get Aquaphor too. I have started to put it on as they suggested already. We will see if it works. If not I am sure there are other things I can do. 

    Its been cold here today. I slept most the afternoon again. Oh well guess I needed it. Love you all and see you tomorrow. God Bless!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls,

    Quick pop in as I have got to git back to sleep. I am uneasy tonight as my widdle Bella dog is having surgery tomorrow to remove that huge mass. I am feeling better about it after getting a second opinion. This vet said that she thought that the mass had to be berry uncomfortable for my Isabella and thinks that if it is cancer, the fix will be removing the mass only and no further treatment. This all happened so fast, I made the appointment on Friday for Sunday and left her there for all of the preop stuff. The doctor said that she passed all the blood tests, her heart and lungs are healthy and that she should do well. She also thought that if it was an invasive type of cancer, she would have been gone in 3-6 months and since she has had the mass growing for over a year, that is a good sign. ughh, I miss my baby though. I can hopefully pick her up tomorrow evening if she does well with the surgery and the anestesia.

    I have my PS appointment tomorrow morning at 10:30, well make dat todey as it is nearly 4 aye em here. 

    Girls, I took your advise and will not accept the friend request from mese doctor. I am glad i asked you all and really respected your opinions. Same goes for the insurance job, I am skeered mostly because the fact that if I got that job, after two years I would be considered self employed and would have to buy my own medical insurance. I will still go to the interview, that is if the guy contacts me. He told me no problem with skipping it last week, I then told him that I am open except for Monday morning and late Tuesday PM and had not heard back from him. I tink mese got furcited cuz somebody else wanted me but mese a widdle skeptical. And mese does not tink that sales is my kind of ting. 

    Jessica is still in hiding but may go home soon. The ahole bf has not been at the place since Friday. DD called the alarm company and was able to tell when entrance was made. I went there on Saturdey night to pick up her casio keyboard so that she can take that to her hotel room and play it. 

    Tanks for liking on mese avatar, funny story about de hair, it not real, it is photo shopped on. Mese DD taught me how to do this using a clone tool. I figure I be in cognito somewhat but dat is mese real face and mese real hair, just cloned to appear longer. and funny ting, I decided to grow my hair out longer as I like how it looks.

    Cammy, omg, losing your pants, only you. I pray for you and hope that everytinig git all bixed up for you. You jest crack me de hail up when you post and I loves you so much.

    Mary, adorable pics of yer widdle grand daughter, she is jest so freakng cute. And to be walking at only nine months is quite amazing. You are so blessed with Nora and I know that you know that. Congrats on the 5k run and the yoga helping you feel a glimpse of normalcy. woo hooo for you. 

    Sue, great to see you in de lounge, I miss ya when you go missing. I understand that there are times when life jest gits too busy. I for one was MIA a couple days again as I have my cousin over again for a few nights. anywho, hope you feeing uppity duppity goil, i just loves you. 

    Nancy, I hope you find more time to do your mission work, sounds very rewarding. and funny about widdle guy meowing lmao when I read that. Jackson is a berry funny widdle guy, God love him. 

    Julie, thanks for inspiring me to take care of mese Bella's cousin-it on her belly. It is def a mammary tumor and as I wrote above I am hopeful. Did Mutley get the results of the biopsy yet, did I miss something? 

    NM, enjoy your staycation, you deserve every minute and then some. I will miss ya around here but nutting I can do. I do hope to see you some ebenings, that will be a treat for all of wese goils. and tank you for your great advise, you really made me tink about the FB ting with mese primary care doc. 

    You girls have a good week, I will drop in with an update when I can. Cheers and lots of love to one and all! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Woke up this morning feeling like I was on fire, DH took dogs to park and turned the heat on 69! He's going out of town tonight and I'm cracking the window, turning the fan on and gonna sleep like a dream. 

    Dara, praying for your Bella, seems CA woulda shown up by now, I have a good feeling....your baby will be back in your arms in no time. And your DD, praying for her t0o, did she get a restraining order? Since you signed the lease I should think he'd hafta stay away. 

    Well, I'll cover for NM today...Have a good day girls


    Hot Flash

    Drink Type: Shooter


    1/2 oz. Tequila

    1/2 oz. Dekuyper Hot Damn 100 Proof Cinnamon Schnapps


    Mix in a shot glass.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Mornin ladies,

    Dara praying your baby bella will be just fine and in your arms soon. She is a sweet girl and I know wubs her momma. I hope your DD gets a restraining order like Mary said. Need to keep that RB away.

    Mary good luck today with your rads I will be thinking of you.

    Getting ready to take my momma to da grocery store and then gotta get some work done. But first a little coffee and Baileys 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    good morning Mary, good morning goils! Great DOTD, Mare, good job! I hope it ok for me to call you Mare, mese seester name is Mariann and I call her Mare for short.

    I tink I forgot to tail you all that my Dad got an acceptable cash offer on his home, wooo hoooo! The buyer wants to close on Oct 31 yikes.

    Mary, when you said you woke up feeling like ye on fire, did you mean from a hot flash (I hope) or burning of the rads area? I hope you are not feeling burn. Some goils just get through the rads without issues and I hope you are one of them.

    Nancy, good luck with your rads too. I know you and Mary both have that skin disorder that could make it more difficult, I pray that is not the case for the two of you.

    I hope NM is soundly sleeping with sweet Sadie by her side and NOT hog-facing her pillow lol. I miss my baby girl, was weird not having her to sleep with. 

    No restraining order on my DD's ex, he did tell me that he wanted off the lease so I am hoping that can be done. I keep telling my daughter to just look forward and not to look back. Logan will be here in about seven weeks and that will be the most excitement for me sincen mese own DD birth. Oh, we ended up planning a baby shower, it wil be on 10/19, invites should arrive in peoples mailboxes today. A little late, oops. 

    I will happily accept prayers for my Jessica and her baby too. And also for my Bella, thanks Genny for the prayers. I will be un easy until I get the phone call that all went well. I sorta freaked last night as the vet called at 9pm to tell me that Bella's blood work came out normal. I got skeered that something bad happened when I saw it was the vet calling. But I think my widdle Belly-Boo is in good hands and will be happy to ditch her cousin "it" lol.

    Well that is it from here, time for some breakfast, already enjoying a hot cup of coffee. Had to turn the heat on, house was down to 62 degrees, too cold for mese blood. 

    ch ch ch chia cheeRs! 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes, I can't do it, I can't start may day without a visit to the
    HTL!I tried!

    Mema--amazing how
    much mess a little bit of blood can make, isn't it?I've got to get some blood out of the arm
    chair and off the ottoman, too.Any
    suggestions on how to do that?

    Julie--Dolly Mai has
    her own passport?Too cool!

    Genny--the blessing
    of the animals sounds like quite the experience, and a lot of fun, too!Thanks for helping cover the DOTD, I always
    appreciate the help.

    Jackson is such a funny cutie!Sleeping
    is a good way pass a cold day.

    Dara--Isn't it
    amazing how the house feels different when the furbaby isn't home?Praying for Bella for B9 results and a fast
    recovery.Glad to hear you are following
    your instincts about a new job.Not a
    move to make likely.Glad DD has an
    alarm system for the apartment, that gives some security that help will get
    called fast if needed.Still think baby
    daddy needs to go for a walk with us Loungettes in the swamp, though.

    DOTD--thanks!I'm going to alternate
    shots and cleaning chores.In the
    bedroom and laundry room today.Gonna
    throw lots and lots of stuff away, gotta declutter.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014




    Jackson and his lil girlfriend at the Renaissance fair. This is my DSIL best friends little girl. They crack me up.  

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    I'M HOME!

    I've read and am all caught up, but only cuz it's been so quiet in here....why you girls oughta be ashamed! For those that forgot, I was gone camping and riding in Utah. Had a wonderful time! But I don't have time to respond to all, but my thought are pretty much the same as everyone elses, in regards to everyone!!! Does that make sense?

    Cami, don't feel too bad about your pants falling. My brother did the same at a baseball game, when they stood to sing the National Anthem! There were 3 girls behind them that got a good laff in, I forgot what he said to them when he turned around. I need to scoot, have lots of work chit to catch up on, cleaning too as I have a guest coming on Thursday....oy vey!

    Cheers, luv, hugs and laffs...

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - thanks for info on the thyroid, I don't have problems but is good to kno that high end can cause trouble too.

    Mary - good for you for doing the yoga, I have a beginner dvd, I should try and get into again now that all my muscles aren't doing the spasm thing.  I've been pretty good about the elliptical and then stretching after, but I kno it's not enuf and I'll get better just takes time.  Our church here has a blessing of the animals too.  It is Tues and I'll be in LV.  Hoping next one I can take my pooches.  I sleep better in a cool room snuggled under covers.  We are still using our a/c, then dh opens doors and turns it up to like 76.  I get up middle of night sweating and go plug it down to 73 and close the doors.  Not a battle yet, but cud turn into one he don't quit that chit.

    Nancy - funny adorable story about Jackson and the pics with his little girlfriend just too precious.

    Dara Wacko - I will say bunches of doggie prayers for Bella.  The prognosis sounds good.  Keep us posted.  Good luck on your PS appointment later, I'll be sending tons of positive energy to ya.   If Jess goes back to that house make sure she takes a lock smith and changes out every lock.  I'm skeerd for her.  Ah shopped huh, well I like it, well done D.  I loves you too, and all my girls here, should say ladies...OK! 

    GR8 that your dads got an offer already, and cash to boot.  Hope no glitches and it closes at months end.  I'm still looking for a spring getaway in that area.  Is Mrytl Beach a pretty good one or are there other places as nice that I should look for.  I want a house on the beach too. 

    NM - LOL, well I for one am glad you jes couldn't start your day without us!  I used a furniture cleaner that came with the couch we bought last year.  But plain ol rubbing alchol should work, just do a test area in case it fades the upholstery.  I've used alchol for many years for even grease stains on carpet.  I put some in a spray bottle and spray, heavily, where one of my rotts would pee, keeps em from going there again, takes the smell and stain right out.  I lay an old towel down and put cans (food) down for weight, works like a charm.

    YaHoo, Lowee is home.  Glad you are, and fb pics were gorgeous.  Now back to reality huh.  Tough isn't it.  LOL!!

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya all to the moon and back, have a gr8 start to your week.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    genny yESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS you go girl loved the bra

    NCollett what is your name? I have been on this thread for over 2 years and you seem to really like us except I do not know your name you are always posting great pics

    How are u goldie

    big sis you need a new job? oh noooo to the doc with request ask for his scripts lol

    I worked out for one and a half hours today thank u genny for inspiration

    I want to meet you and PRN

    I have only met dara my bis sis and spoke with people via the tele


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    hope bella is ok

    jackson is so handsome

    had a very lazy day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    lil sis, if I continue at my current job I will live in misery.

    the PS shot me down today, said that any revisions have to be done by the PS that did the DIEP. ugh, I walked out of that office with my head oh so low.

    Just got a call, surgery for Isabella was successful but I cant pick her up until tomorrow since they had an emergency that caused her to go into surgery later than expected. good news, the vet thinks that the mass was just fatty tissue but will know for sure once biopsy is back at the end of this week. and she will have to wear the collar of shame :( vet was hoping that the sutures could be placed under her skin but that was not possible due to her tight skin. she also had all of her remaining canine teeth pulled. The vet said that only tarter was holding them in, the poor baby. I feel bad that I know she had dental issues and let them go but I am more happy that she is all bixed up. I cant wait to see her tomorrow, she is just so precious to me and I miss her.

    I went to my DD's home today and it seems that the bf is outta dere. He left behind the keys for both cars, his house keys and the fob for the secuity system. the SOB took with him two big screen tv's. He owes me a good bit of money and I was hoping to at least get one of the two big screens for collateral. I had made him an authorized user on one of my credit cards. the majority of the expenses charged though were things for the baby...itmes that they should have waited for the shower and receive them as gifts vs paying for them. Oh well, anything for my grandson Logan, I chalk it up as an investment for him. That way I am not as furious with having the ahole bf screw me over. ahh, they say nice guys (and goils) finish last. but guess what, I am not going to let this bother me cuz ain't NOBUDDY got time for dat. I am having a grand son in the next few months and that is where my focus will be,  could not be more furcited! 

    ok, sorry about me, been a wild n crazy day. we have now bought two pianos this week and I have the movers lined up. I will have three freaking pianos in my home, that is another story......anything for mese Daddy, gotta keep him biddy and happy.

    I come back later to talk to ye all, k? thanks for hearing me and supporting mese many causes cuz mese dwunk and gotsta eat now. cheeRs!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    My name is Nancy Collett. Lol and I do love you girls. Seems like sometimes you guys are the only ones I can talk to. :) Very tired today, took a long nap. Dara I am sorry bought your PS. Gald your baby is gonna be ok. I am looking forward to going to a Pink Ribbons Fashion show with a couple that I am friends with from church. Should be fun.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Tuesday everyone!The bedroom is now shiny clean, the closet
    cleaned out and a big bag of clothing ready to go to Goodwill.Today I tackle the kitchen!

    adorable pics of Jackson and his girlfriend!

    home!Hope you had a great trip!

    Mema--Sounds like
    you and DH need one of those electric blankets with 2 zones, so you can turn
    your side off and DH can turn his up.Thanks for the tips for cleaning up the mess, I'll try that one!

    ORLA--Good morning
    to you!

    Julie--Hooray for
    lazy days!

    Dara--Hooray for
    Bella doing well for surgery, sorry she was late getting in, but if that's the
    only reason she has to stay overnight that's understandable. Poor baby has to
    wear the cone of shame, though?Oh,
    well, still better than licking or chewing on the stitches.Glad that baby daddy left the keys and such,
    but I'd still get all the locks changed anyway.He could have made a copy.I'm
    guessing you've taken his name off your credit card by now, right?Better yet, pay off that credit card and
    close it out.Don't give him any way to
    wiggle back into your lives.3 pianos in
    your home?You do love your Daddy!

    like a long nap when you are tired!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby Fingers

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 oz Sloe Gin

    2 dashes Angostura


    Shake with cracked
    ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, I love that b/w picture of Jackson, so cute. I feel the same about being able to come here and talk, rant and have fun. I can't imagine NOT having my friends here. FB just isn't the place for it, or emails either. I like it here, we bare it ALL.

    And Mary, Nora in bike helmet is adorable. Yep, looks like she'll be walking soon. Heck, they should start potty training her too! How is your co-worker doing and her DD?

    LDB, I hear ya about the hubbies keeping it warmer than we like. Mine had me put the fleece sheets on da bed yesterday. I'd go sleep in the spare room, but Lilian is coming, so I have to wait until she leaves. Yes, back to reality! You have scans tomorrow, right?

    Wacko, sending all kinds of love and prayers your way for all that is going on with you...gheesh! Sounds like good news for Bella, YAY for dat. Sorry the PS shot you down. I guess they don't want to mess with somebody elses doings?

    NM, I've also heard that peroxide is good for lifting blood. But would also check it on an unseen area. Good for you getting the bedroom done. I wish I could concentrate on just one area. I get side tracked to often, stopping to do something on my way to do something else and then don't always go back to what I originally started! Glad to see you here in da mornings too.

    Ha ha Lala, hello!.....Ncollet is Nancy, it says under her posts in her profile.

    Julie, good for you for having a lazy day.
    My oncs office called yesterday, per my request. Scans are stable, no changes in my lesions. My neighbor, my little buddy's dad, is in the hospital. His wife took him to ER on Friday, doubled over in pain. He is full of cancer! Liver, lungs, pancreas, stomach and I think colon. I am devestated for them, as I don't think he has but 6 months. He is at a VA hospital, and has to wait for them to get time in the OR to do a biopsy, and I think he is in out patient. This to me is so very sad, that our Vets are treated this way.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhlinKs!

    Jes a quickie here, heading for LV within the hour. Yes I have PET tomorrow, keeping fingers crossed.  Will get results on Monday the 13th.

    Dara - so upset about your PS, this mean to have to go back to diq PS?  And thank goodness for Bella.  Mese tinks she will where the cone like a crown for the princess she is.

    Lowee - Yahoo on scans being stable, that is GR8 news.  Ugh on the flannel sheets...NO WAY that will happen in this house.  LOL.  Read to DH about your buddies sad and makes me sooo angry too about the VA.  Thank goodness the one is St Geo is better than so many others around the country.

    NM - good advice to Dara in the ccards and keys too.  And my dh and I have not slept in same bed in years, so no prob there, jes with the a/c LOL.

    OK missed some but gotta run.   LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS AND PRAYERS to all my Ladies!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning special ladies----

    LORI'S back, u'r pics are beautiful BTW. So scans are the same that's good stuff then. And u'r poor neightbor, how sad and I totally agree with u about our vets. Never in a million years would I have the guts they have shown all of us--they should be a priority to be taken care of.

    Oh Dara what a time u'r having, but it sounds good that u got all the keys, now u can just look forward to Logan. And Bella sounds good and I do hope she heals fast.

    OMG I have never seen so many blonde children in my life--ours all have dar hair. How cute holding hands.

    I hope rads are going well for u two, u'r skin disease sounds like not so good for that but I don't know just keep it moist.

    NM isn't it great to be home and do things on u'r timetable and really enjoy Sadie too. I hope her tail is much better.

    Lara it sounds like u'r doing OK again YYAAYYY/

    Dara I don't understand why u have to see the other PS, but I must have missed something. But it doesn't sound right to me.

    Julie u are so adorable- from what I understand, and u know thst's not much, my thyroid is not working again--everyone who has had cancer in my family has goofed up thyroids--Hmmmmm. I was going for my scan stuff today but I have my D Blah so I'm not leaving my house, probably go tomorrow. Oh I washed clothes the other day and one of my depends was in there and it washed really nice I wore it again yesterday hahaha

    My boss came over last nite and replaced my charger and got me a fan for under my laptop. So now I just need the battery, but the connection is so much better and lasts. Soo I'm baaaack.

    Haha NM u can't stay away see what a great group we have/

    OK I do have some work to do and catching up stuff too. LUBS u all and BBL

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Good evening everyone. I did a lot of work today on my Scentsy business and worked on some laundry. Weather here stinks big time! I have been so sore today. I think it's because the weather is so cool and damp. My back and joints just are aching today. I read a couple of good books today too. Mary hope you had a good day today. How is your skin doing with Rad? I start mine tomorrow.  Well getting sleepy talk to you all later

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Yippee cay aye, calabunga mofo, wooop wooop, Cammy is back! I hope to see more of you girl. Sorry about the dern D, wish I could send it to the swamp for ya. Saying prayers for you always hon. Seeing your posts always make me smile.

    NM, congrats on getting so much done, you are my hero. I hope you are taking some time to enjoy your time off and not working all day. Cheers girl! and tanks for the good advise, you always tink outside the box it seems as you mention tings that I had not thought to do.  I got a copy of the amendment to the lease, removing ahole but he is now MIA. He has not been back to the house since Friday. My DD is still up in northern "Kansas" in hiding from the basturdly basturdchithead ex bf aka baby daddy, uh, why I wanna vomit but will dwink instead. de SOB has me really pissed off. I tailed mese phychiatrist about him todey, he was berry sympathetic as he has a young DD of his own in a similar sitution with haivng a baby while in college with a chithead baby daddy. 

    Mema, I picked up Bella at 4 pee em today. She looks great, her face is a little swollen from losing ALL of her teeth but her belly looks great where that ugly mass was removed. She is in good spirits despite being in pain. I just dosed her real good with the good pain meds and she is out like a light. I feel like waking her up to kiss on her but will try to leave her be. I am praying for good results on the pet scan, you is a warrior princess you is. xo

    Lori, welcome home, glad you had a nice time away and well deserved, oh hail yeah. You are right, no one wants to touch Dr. Prick's work (or lack dereof). The main obstacle is that I had arteries relocated from belly to breasts and only Dr. P knows where de hail he put them. The PS yesterday along with the one here in Kansas both suggested that I use another PS from the practice. But I tink that will not look good since I am filing suit against Dr. Prick. I really really love your new avatar, berry pretty. and your bootiful locks of hair are real, unlike mines hehe. muah! 

    Nancy, the goils here musta be dwinking heavily with asking your name. All dey had to do is read your auto signature. But chit, I should not bust on dem cuz it took me awhile to notice that too, duh. I tink dwunks are generally oversightful if dat bese a word. oh, I loved the pic of your lil guy and his widdle goil friend. But he is cheating on widdle Nora. MeN!! lmao, jest kidding of course! jackson is adorable. I am on the countdown until I can start sharing pics of my newest widdle luv. I can't wait, 11/23 is the due date. I often need to pinch meseself as I cant believe I gonna be a grand mother, ouch, pinched me to confirm yet again and it is true cuz that dern pinch hurted tehehe!

    Juliet and other goils, thanks for the good vibes and prayers sent for my Bella. It is so nice to have her home. In the two days she was gone, it felt like a freaking year. It was disturbing to arrive home and not have her greet me at the door. Any word on Mutley's tumor? Hoping for B9 for both Bella and Mutley. I have to wait up to two weeks and it will not be easy. I mighten start calling every day after the first week. Dat way, dey git sick of hearing from me and make it a priority to share any info with mese. ahh, me so farking smart. noT!

    Well hello to all my other goils, hope you all doing well, feeling well and dwinking lots of likker. Be good goils and dwink lots! cheers, peace and love to all of my goils! *clink clink*

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    sorry nancy, I bumped ya right into the warm pool. glad a hot tender was able to catch you. I wish you all the best tomorrow. Keep in mind that This too SHALL pass, it will be over before you know it. CheeRs! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    ok sounds good HIIII Nancy

    Goldie only you would catch me on that really neber saw it hope you are feeling good

    yes big sis get out of that place I would do what you do lets start are own biz tgther we can work from home and be rich

    HI NM it was a great fall day yesterday the air was amazing it just felt like a perfect day

    Hi genny exercise today? oh I think your back to work

    lazy days are good juliet

    so I went to this place yesterday to make apts for these vacumn sales people.I had met the guy like 5 years ago well I walk in and whos sitting at the desk a very good frend of mine we lost touch it has been 15 years so hopefully we can renew are friendship.

    I need some cash and while I am in school I really do not care what I do for work

    bbl wheres cam