how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014



    Pin itSend


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    mutley is b9 and is missing his extra fussing,glad bella is doing good,dolly mai went to visit my parents on the weekend ,so her fan club is now even bigger!

    dara aka you know who you are-hope dd is doing well.

    lara-you sound so much better when your writing(does that even make sense) hope it means the pain is finally and truly under control

    cammi-good morning whats todays smell?

    lori-here's to stableHappy

    here's to good results mema

    nancy-good luck for today

    dara regards ps ,can you your lawyer  arrange a meeting with someone who would be willing to revise you?  he must have expert witness' on his books,your former ps legal advise may have advised the practise  not to do any further surgeries on you.

    have a good day ladies,have an appointment with gyn today 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    LDB, I spoke with my neighbor and she's actually quite pleased with how things are going at the VA hospital. She says it's a little run down, but is happy with the care her DH is getting and likes the doctors. I guess they were doing all of the out patient's procedures and fit him in when they had a break between out patient procedures.

    Cami, I too have thyroid problems. Ran out of my meds and haven't been back to the doctor to get a refill. And now with the new diagnosis, I guess I just don't care, it seems so trivial now, same with my colesterhol. Yay for getting the puter back up and running. I hope you can get in for your scans.....damned D.

    Nancy, good luck on the rads girl.

    Dara, I tink it a goot thing dat the a$$hole, chithead is MIA. I just hope he doesn't have an interest in Logan when he gets here, and your DD gets him for all the child support she can. And how could a doctor possible remember where he put arteries in all of his patients? I just can't believe you can't find anyone to do it. I am so sorry and will pray that you can find someone. Glad you have your Bella home and she is doing as good as she can be. Prayng for B9 results.

    Lala, wouldn't that be awesome if you and Wacko could work together and from home? Nice to run into an old friend. And how is your friend doing that was recently diagnosed?

    Julie, great advise for our Dara. I just can't imagine if she can't find anyone that will bix her up, just not fair! You have so many pretty pictures of yourself on FB, you need to change your avatar now too. Is there a visit to Disney in your near future?

    Mary, I guess you are just bizzy with work and rads now. I hope it's not kikking your butt to bad.

    NM, hoping you got all of your kitchen done. What is the chore of today? And like Dara said, I hope you are taking some time to relax and ENJOY your days off. I know Sadie is enjoying having you home.

    DOTD-Electric Relaxation

    1 oz Hennessy® cognac
    1 1/2 oz triple sec
    4 - 5 oz pineapple juice

    Pour the Hennessy cognac into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir in the triple sec and pineapple juice, and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good booming
    morning, Loungettes!Woke up to a big
    boom of thunder this ayem.Made me and
    Sadie jump awake.With all the wind last
    night the power went out at some point, the bedside clock is blinking.Of course, the hodge-podge of towels and
    stuff on the clothesline is soaking wet.Ah, well, it will dry.I did get
    the laundry room cleaned out, the shelves straightened and reinforced (don't
    mess with a woman with power tools!) and a lot of extraneous stuff tossed
    out.Trying very hard to declutter,
    paring down to just what I actually use and need.Dreading tackling the kitchen and pantry,
    that area always seems so hard to get and keep tidy.

    Just a quick note
    about safety and privacy--the boards here are a safe place to bare all and say
    all, but it IS internet.It is more
    private than fb, but still not totally private.Be cautious about posting your real name and
    any personal information, it CAN be found if someone searches heard
    enough.Try googling your BCO avatar
    name and the word "cancer"--when I do it shows me several of my
    recent posts.That's why I stick with a
    screen name and do not use my real name.If any of you have people who you do not want to share all the details
    of your bc diagnosis and treatment, be aware of positing your real name in your
    signature or posts.

    Goldie--I so easily
    get sidetracked, that's why I set up a schedule of what days I would do what
    areas before this vacation started.Yesterday was supposed to be the laundry room and kitchen, but the
    laundry room took up a lot more time than a little room like that should,
    however, I now have room to stash the vacuum cleaner, mop, broom, and other
    cleaning stuff that's been just hanging around in the middle of the living room
    floor.Got set up to keep the trash in
    there where I can close the door so Sadie won't be dumping it and making a mess
    all the time, that will help keep the mess under control.I can get sidetracked pretty easily, too, and
    have to remind myself that today is for THIS room, not any other part of the
    house.That and a timer on the computer
    so I can time a 15 minute break to play solitare or check e-mail or something.Peroxide for blood?I'll check that out too.The easy chair and ottoman is make of
    microfiber or microsuede or micro-something, so need to check and see how stuff
    affects it.Hooray for stable
    scans!So sorry about your little
    buddy's Dad, so not fair, so not right.

    Mema--Ah, I
    misunderstood the AC thing!Do fans help
    enough that hubby can warm up the temp and you stay comfy?Or is the thermometer struggle part of your
    marital interactions now?My Mom and Dad
    used to "argue" about a couple of things that didn't apply any more
    "just because we always have."It was funny after a while.

    Cammy--Sadie's tail
    is better, but she's still licking at it, so I've got to try to find a way to
    stop that.She's licked all the hair of
    the end of her tail, so it looks like it got snipped off at the end, but it isn't.I suspect she got a burdock caught there and
    used her teeth to get it out.She is
    loving having me home.I make the bed
    when I get up, she unmakes it and makes it into a nest when I'm not paying
    attention, I remake it, she re-unmakes it, and around and around we go.When I'm taking a break and playing on the
    computer she comes out and keeps nudging me for petting, ear scratching, and
    tummy tickles.Not to mention how much
    she is "helping" by dragging things out of the garbage bags or
    dragging things around to where she thinks they should be.Sometimes it's funny!And hooray for being baaaaaaaack!

    Collett--I love
    scented stuff, and I love reading a good book, too!No better way to spend time than lost in
    another world.

    Dara--I do have
    plans for some fun, don't worry.A high
    school classmate has written and is directing a play back in the home town,
    it's running later this week so I'm going to that one evening.I was going to go to a movie last night but
    there isn't anything playing I want to see.I've also bought a ticket for a scenic railroad ride on Saturday, one
    that I can actually take Sadie on!So
    I'm getting some fun in, too, and will feel much better about the house after I
    get it so I can keep it up with a full time work schedule.So glad you got to pick up Bella, and I'm
    sure she'll heal up really quickly.

    ORLA--Yesterday was
    a beautiful day here, too!.Love hanging
    out laundry on windy days, they dry so quick and don't get stiff.Hooray for rekindling an old friendship.

    Julie--Hooray for B9
    for Mutley!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blue Train

    1 dash Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1/4 oz (fresh) Lemon


    Shake well with ice
    and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


    now who does this make me think of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    Thanks juliet yes I get it

    lmaoooooooooooooooooo the pics

    Oh really NM interesting ill ck mine out, see I do not like being on search engines or people looking at my life even if they say things are private not for me

    Goldie she just got her eggs scraped now she has a frozen baby bizarre

    15th is the lump surgery

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    quick pop in as my seester will be here in a few minutes.

    NM, you had me laughing out loud with this: "I make the bed when I get up, she unmakes it and makes it into a nest when I'm not paying attention, I remake it, she re-unmakes it, and around and around we go". Thanks for that, I am still smiling big and chuckling a bit as I type. Sorry I never commented on Sadie's issue with her tail. I sure hope it heals quickly. Bella was sent home with the "cone of shame" but I was told I could take it off her if I am monitoring her. I have not had it on since, she looks so pathetic and ashamed with it on lol. I caught her twice last night starting to lick the area where the sutures are but told her no and so far today,, she has left it alone. The vet did a great job, the area looks awesome. I am struggling with dog food. She has zero teeth left. I bought two cans of wet food from the vet and nearly threw up when scooping it out. I went as far as googling "gaines burgers", remember those? Well they stopped making them in the 90's. I have to figure out a better way, maybe soaking her mini chunks in gravy or something to soften them?  Oops, I went on and on and have to get moving. 

    A few more important points. Lori, so sorry about your little buddy's dad, ain't that some sad chit? I am praying for him and have asked God to look after your buddy and his family. 

    Julie, I love your avatar but would love to see a close up of your beautiful face. Don't hurt me for criticizing, the new one is nice, just can't see enough of beautiful you.

    Happy birthday Willie,80 really?Gonna have to look that up. 

    Will check back later this evening. Miss you girls and love you all. God bless, dwink up and feel the love coming at you from my home town of Witchita KS.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    sat here crying!  talking with my cousin on my dad's side on fb , she was telling me that her son's girlfriend had been to a psychic, this lady gave her a message for her boyfriend from his grandad, that he drove too fast, (ps he got a speeding ticket in the mail  the next day) but then another gentlemen also called fred came through,but  from the previous generation, and told her to tell her boyfriend that he enjoyed walking with him by the river when he walked the dog. can't tell you how happy this made me to think that my grandfather that was killed in ww2 knew his great grandchildren.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Evening everybody. First round of Radiation done. I look like a big road map lol. I went to put some aquaphor on and got the blue marker all over oopps.. Oh well they can fix it tomorrow. I think it's odd that my left underarm hurts bad tonight. Maybe I have scar tissue from SNB or something. I know my shoulder was sore after having it over my head for an hour. The treatment itself though dang only 5-10 min. Thats it!! That is crazy. And it does so much damage in that short of time.. 

    NM thanks for the good advise I didnt even really think about that. Im not really thinking very clear these days. Will be more careful. I love to read a good book and just relax. I am reading one now about Heaven. 

    Dara you crack me up. :) and I loved my bump in da pool. It was nice and warm. Warmed me right up. Now all I need is some real nice sunshine, a warm breeze, palm trees, a beach and a cabana boy with some good Mojitos. LOl 

    Genny thinking of you hope your doing ok..

    Orange lol love the pictures and hello

    Im getting tired so gonna get to bed but love u all and Mema, Cammi, Lori, Juliet and anyone else I missed hope you all had a great day

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi, ladies, not too much time to talk cause I hafta get ready for work soon. Actually I started this in the ayem but no time to finish so now I'll start over but post this part. Now I'm gonna read what I missed today…see ya in a few..

    Lori, so happy for the good news on the scans, and so glad you had such a good vacay. Your FB pics were gorgeous, both the scenery and the couple. How old is your neighbor? Sounds like he has a little one so I'm thinking pretty young? So sad and you are right, so sad the veterans are treated that way… it's just terrible. 

    NM, Glad your Sadie's tail is healing up. I have always used hydrogen peroxide to get blood out like Lori said, but do fabric test first. We used to have a dog door and our cats at the time would bring their "prizes" into the basement which was carpeted and make a mess, I always used peroxide….and then we sealed up the dog door! Ok, am I just ditsy or what…You have a DH?? I did not know that… can't ever recall you mentioning that.

    Cami, yea on the computer parts! Soon a battery and it'll be brand new. Sounds like a lot of us, waiting for parts, and trying hard to be useful without them! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Ok ladies, tried to post this ayem but ran outta time. I've read everything all of you posted but don't know if I'll have time before bed to catch up with each of you but wanted to let you know I'm alive and well and busy…but in such a good way, feeling like I'm becoming my old self again. There is a light at the end of the tunnel and I can see it, 5 more weeks! Been at this chit since February and I'm almost done!!! Monday I worked, then rads, Dh was traveling so I came home to walk dogs and got really caught up in something on TV… can't even tail ya, plus I was on the puter all night trying to find new yoga clothes to fit my now much larger size.. (which I did at Kohl's). Then I had to pick up all the crap cause my cleaning lady was coming and boy did I need her, it'd been a month since she was here and I'm not good at it. So then yesterday I had rads at 7:15 ayem, then went to a hot yoga class and let me tell you it kicked my butt! Even my towel was soaked but boy I felt good after. By the way, someone at rads asked me who cut my hair which cracked me up! I told her chemo did it, now it's growing back , I almost told her just to go to a barber shop… I mean it's not even an inch long! So today, I worked, then rads at 1:30 then home and golfed with DH… got my best score ever! All I ever needed was a big old friggin' hard foob that I can't get my arm over and I learned to turn at the waist!! Amazing! So anyway, I love you all and I'll pop back in soon to chit-chat but too tired now. Xanax and wine on board.

    Nancy, 11th rad tx under my belt and I feel great, skin only a tiny bit pink…well I'm fading fast, I'll catch up soon.. Love you girls..sweet dreams.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


    mutley being spoiled when he was younger

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    NM, the train ride sounds really nice, and relaxing too. Sounds like you are getting some major cleaning done, for sure!

    Ha ha Julie, glad I don't like candy And you changed your avatar. Lovely photo, I love this one of you. Can you crop it and do just your head? Or perhaps you don't want to? Oh wow, what interesting stuff from the physic! Mutley looks like he is enjoying being spoiled!

    Frozen baby bizarre.....cute.

    Dara, wouldn't water do for Bella's dog food? Canned dog food is gross! Glad the surgery site looks and is doing well. I looked up Willie's birfday, he's was 81 on April 29th, born in 1933.

    Nancy, I have a VERY CLEAR visual on your "real nice sunshine, warm breeze, palm trees, a beach and a cabana boy with some good Mojitos". You got sharpie markings for your rads? Some of us get actual tatoos.

    LDB, I hope all went well with your scans. Does that contrast make you sick?

    Mary, things sound wunnerful wif you, and woot woot on the golf game.

    Cami, where are you girl? No excuses, you got yer puter bixed! J/K of course, I hope all is ok.

    Heading to town early this morning and picking up Lilian, she will be with us until Wednesday. We will drop her off at the airport and then we leave Thursday moring for TN. My neighbor was suppose to have a colonoscopy yesterday and they will determine if they need to do a colostomy, they have him on Oxycotin and Morphine.

    Let's have Mojito's today!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies. Wow lots been going on.

    MN u sound good and Saddie must be healing well too.

    Dara our furbabies complain less than we do they seem to snap back in no time and it's so nice to see.

    Loei I don't blame u, cuz I did the same thing about my thyroid but it finally caught up and I have no energy and sleep way to much, I have to even things out. It's a strange feeling So keep an eye on that. It happened slowly.

    Julie I too ove u'r pics on FN==u look wonderful Oh to day I smell like peaches and cream, I want to lick my arm.

    Radiation this week hope it all goes well. I'd say it's easy but u 2 have that skinn thing going on, just hope it still goes great.

    Our weather here isn't to cold but it's damp so everything hurts LOL

    He Lara u doing OK?--u'r funnies are cute and JULIE I love candy corn, not so much now tho.

    Lubs I all, I',, BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, I got absolutely
    nothing done yesterday. It was gray, gloomy, intermittently raining, and
    windy.Sadie and I just lounged around,
    snoozed, watched TV, read, and generally played couch potato.AND I am not feeling the least bit
    guilty.It's my vacation, right?But I do need to get my butt in gear and get
    the gutters cleaned out today, they are full of leaves and I will have problems
    this winter if I don't get that done.Woke up to some really good news this morning, my favorite morning news
    show is back on satellite TV!Dish and
    the channel I usually watch in the mornings couldn't agree on terms, so Dish hasn't been carrying that channel for 3
    months--boy it has seemed a lot longer than that.Am I silly to be happy to have my favorite
    morning news and weather channel back?


    Julie--I will NEVER
    be able to look at candy corn the same way again!


    baby?Very bizarre!


    Dara--Yeah, the bed
    is Sadie's version of Agenda for the Day. She's
    gotten into the habit of licking her tail, got to get that stopped somehow.I know they stopped making Gaines Burgers,
    but I have seen similar soft food in pouches, check out the dog food
    aisle.So glad Bella is healing up well
    and not needing the cone of shame.

    image height="295" width="369">

    Julie--how wonderful
    that your grandfather knows his great-grand children!


    Collett--Hooray for
    round 1 down!The privacy warning was a
    general one, there are several new Loungettes in the HTL, and we all need to be
    reminded about this from time to time.We discuss some very personal and private feelings here, and it's easy
    to forget that it's not a real lounge with walls and floors.And with Dara's DD's baby daddy being a PIA,
    it just got me thinking about privacy
    and safety.


    Genny--So glad that
    rads is going well for you, and that you are getting yourself back!That's a great feeling, isn't it?And xanax and wine is a GREAT combo!


    Julie--Mutley wasn't
    spoiled as a young 'un, was he?


    Goldie--have gotten
    some major stuff done, then slacked off yesterday.Am looking forward to the train ride.The leaves are pretty much gone from all the
    wind, but the coastal ride should still be beautiful.There aren't many things I can take Sadie
    with, so that's a bonus.OK, my mind is
    officially tainted, I saw that your visitor is leaving for TN and first thought
    "triple negative" before Tennessee.Yeesh.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Vanilla Passion
    Fruit Mojito Recipe

    drink rating drink
    rating drink rating drink rating

    This drink is a
    variation of

    Mojito Drink Recipe

    2 oz White Rum

    1/12 oz Lime Juice

    1 tbsp Sugar

    4 count (Sprig) Mint

    1 drop Vanilla

    4 oz Passion Fruit

    Best served in a
    Pilsner Glass.


    Mash mint sprigs,
    vanilla and sugar together. Place in cocktail shaker half filled with ice. Add
    rum and passion fruit and lime juice and shake 10 times. Strain into glass
    filled with ice. Garnish with mint.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami -  woohoo on puter being fixed.  We have a 'fan stand' for my laptop too.  Hardly ever use it but it helps just having it on it with reg room air circulating underneath.  It used to get VERY hot jes sitting flat on the desk.  Cool the depends didn't fall apart.

    Nancy - I swear I'll get around to placing an order, next week my calendar is not so full, maybe I can then.  Good luck with your Rads.  Do you go everyday now?

    Dara-Wack  - woohoo yippee on Bella news.  Gotta give her canned doggie food now?  Poor baby losing all her teefs.  Praying for B9!!!  OH relief, glad DD is not in that house.  Get all ur ducks in a row before you let her go back there.  Or break the lease for extenuating circumstances and move her in somewhere else where da diq can't find her.  Wack jobs like him are known to bide their time and strike when he thinks your guard is down.   Big Hugz!

    Lara - cool about the job and re-kindling a lost friendship!  Love all you funny posts too. 

    Julie - good good good for Mutley being B9, sound like she doing better.  Love the pic.  Like your advice to Dara checking with her attorney.  LOL on 'candy corn', glad I don't like it!  What a great, but creepy, story about your grandfather sending messages via that psychic, I mean WOW!

    Lowee - XCLent, glad they are treating him and she likes the doctors.  We all kno how important that is.  You will be going back for thyroid right?  Your tx has got you stable, gonna b around a long time to come, don't let the thyroid booger it please.     Scan went well, but I'm unusually tired and have eye check up at noon today, maybe I'll nap after.  Slept til 8 dis ayem, late for me.  Wonder if fatigue is a se, cuz they sed 'no exercise day b4, of, and day after.  Will continue to pray for buddies dad.

    NM - Yes fans help, the one above my bed runs all night, or anytime I'm in the bad.    Silly Sadie, sounds like my Bella making nests.  She does it with the bath mats and then I almost trip on em during the night.  Funny how our pooches entertain us.  Your 'fun' sounds cool, especially the scenic ride where you can take Sadie.  Hope her tail heals or you can find away to stop her from irritating it further.  Maybe and old sock and some med tape?

    Mary - such good news and you are soo busy.  Had to laugh bout the foob getting in the way yet improving your game.  Phunny!!

    NM, love love all the pics...LOL!

    Gotta run girls, my eyes drooping, think I'll revive if I take mese pooches to park.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS to da red moon and back!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Goldie I am all in for the Mojitos and I see that you have the Cabana boy serving us. Lol. I love it. Getting ready for round 2. I will check in with you all a bit later. Tata for now. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    nancy-hope round2 went well

    nm enjoy the train ride. my cleaning has ground to a stop,  got my food shopping done and my hair cut but that was all should have gone to the post office,and a couple of other errands and done some washing. but had a 2hr nap instead

    innnocent one keep up with the thyroid ,if its low you will feel tired and have no energy

    ok back in work tomorrow. so see you sat night

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, I'm home drinking my white wine today… no fixins for mojitos but I'll toast to that! I been busy, busy and today it caught up a bit, I'm tired. Nothing like chemo, that was fatigue like weights on my body, this is just sleepy. So I'm snuggled up on the couch, DH golfing and I'm watching the people on Dr Phil that make my life seem so easy. Killed myself getting out of the shop on time today, left it a mess then got downtown and was actually 1 minute early and my rads tech walks in to tell me the machine was down….crap… anyway I opted to go to my car for paperwork and they even gave me coupons for the cafe, and wait. Ended up taking only an hour and I got in. So I call my DH to tell him I'd be late and he was taking Emma to Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital this morning which is connected to where I go. So I asked him how it went and he says great and took her home and was in his office. Then I walk to the parking garage and was thinking I'd parked on 2c which was yesterday and I was really on 1c. So I'm walking around the garage pushing the button on my fob and could hear it but was wandering around trying to find it. …. You get the picture… so right as I locate it my DH calls and says "I just got this really weird feeling…. have you lost your car?" And I said yes, but I had just found it… I said what?? are you watching me or something? And he said "no, I'm at my office, it was just this weird feeling" So I told him he was creeping me out a bit and that is so strange. So I go to the cafe and spend my coupons and I'm sitting there killing time and I look up and see him and Emma outside the window looking at me….shithead…HA! He had me going! He was pulling into the garage and saw me wandering. Anyway, I got to take her to the rads dept and they met her and my DH and I got out just as rush hour was starting so not so bad. So enough about me, time to catch up.

    Dara, I'm so sorry about your PS visit, sounds like you are really betwixted a rock and a hard place. Seems you should be able to get all the records that tell what was done where, so f**^#ed for you. Hope you can find somebody to help. Your DD, my heart just bleeds for her! I truly feel that she is going to come out of this strong and wonderful and in a few years she is going to be in a happy place with her beautiful Logan. She has you and your emotional support is worth so much. I hope that if he wants to co-parent that he can look out for the best interest of his boy. I was lucky, my ex lost interest a year or so after the divorce and had no relationship with my son. I didn't get any kind of steady financial help from him but it was worth it to keep him out of our lives. He has not even met Nora! He lives an hour away and I think my son has finally figured out that it shouldn't always be up to him to make contact with his dad. Ugh… don't get me started… anyway..wait till you hold that baby, I for one can't wait till you do and can't wait to see the pics. So happy your Bella is OK.

    Nancy, hope you're doing ok, I just started to get pretty red and my chest is getting tight. RO says no problem refilling my Percocet so I take it about once a day when it gets to me. I've just had my 11 tx's, but so far it's still not bad, the drive and time commitment the worse part so far for me. I had a client for color yesterday and she comes every 5 weeks and I went to book her next appt and realized I will be done with rads! It was such a good feeling cause these appts seem to come so fast. I can picture us ringing that bell!!! It's going to be here before we know it. We can do this! That black and white photo of you Jackson and his little friend needs to be entered into a photo contest… it is priceless!! Should be on a Hallmark card!

    Sue, you sound so good! Praying for good PET results. I just love your posts… you are an inspiration to me. 

    Lori…please please get back on your thyroid meds. I researched thyroid disease with the same vigor when I was dx as I did the BC dx. The thyroid is so critical for so many things I feel it is one of my most important meds. Even the day of my mastectomy surgery they told me to skip all meds but go ahead and take my synthroid with a sip of water. Don't go thru all this fight only to have your thyroid sabotage your results. Ok, enough of that I just love all you girls… Who is Lillian? And your off to TN? Another vacay? I'm so sorry for your neighbor, I'm praying for him. How old is he?

    NM, Sounds like you're getting a nice mix of projects done and rest time on your vacay. Both should help restore you for going back to work. Glad Sadie is doing better and hope the two of you have a fabulous time on your train ride. 

    Juliet, I like the new aviator, love the story of the psychic, I'm a believer in that stuff, my mom has visited me a few times and came and held my hand right after my dx while I was getting my mets work-up. It was weird, she was holding my hand and when I opened my eyes…poof she was gone! It was such a comfort to me, I wish she'd come see me again but I guess you can't will it, just has to happen. So glad Mutley is doing ok, he looks like a big old mushy sweetie.

    Cami, so glad your computer is all bixed where are you? And how is our Joey? Glad you smell purdy and hoping no D.

    Ok, I bin workin' on this for a long time, DH home from golf! Love you girls! Gonna hit submit now, sawry ifin I missed anybody.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2014

    hi girls. I am here to tell you my Mom died. I wanted to let you know because I can't go on FB as it's too sad to see people posting about it. I am so shit faced right now. It is the worst feeling I think I have ever felt. Please pray/send all positive vibes you have lying around. Sure could use it....

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Beckers, I don't know you but I want to tell you how terribly sorry I am, losing your mom is so very hard, mine died 12 years ago and I will miss her forever but it does get a little easier to hold on to the memories and let go of the pain. It takes awhile tho and I'm so sad for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Beckers I am very sorry about your mom. I lost my dad last year and I know it is very hard go through. My prayers and thoughts are with you. 

    Genny I am already just a little pink and sore. I have the stupid vitiligo pretty much everywhere and my girls are especially white with absolutely no pigment. I am using Aquaphor right now. I hope it helps. I just keep counting down. I am amazed though that something so quick can cause so much trouble. 

    Dara hope your doing well. I have been thinking about you and your DD today. Just know your in my thoughts.

    Thank you everyone for all your support. It means a lot. Gotta get back to the Colts game!! Love you all.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited October 2014

    Beckers, so sad to hear about your mom. I hope you're holding up okay. (((Beckers))).

    Hi everyone, I'm not ignoring you, I'm just really busy right now. I try to read a few posts each day but with work, my mom's medical problems and also having to pay some attention to my DH, my dog Cleo and my home, I haven't much time to write.

    I've been out to see a couple of comedians lately (they do say laughter is the best medicine), Russell Peters and Lewis Black. Don't know if anyone else here likes standup comedy, but my DH and I are addicted to it. My mom was in the hospital today for a procedure that went as smooth as silk. Gotta love that! She felt great when I got her back to her place, a little tired but not in any pain. At work we are switching over to a new computer system (SAP) that has more bugs in it than my woodpile out back. At the same time, we are also going to a new on-line payroll program. This has meant many long days and working on weekends sometimes - I'm tired. I went for my 'all clear' appointment, but I didn't get an all clear. Damn I was counting on that so much. Didn't know how much until later that day when I had myself a good cry. So, more tests, back on 6 week watch for U/S, more doctor's appointments. Boooooo.

    Anyway, it's getting late & i have to be up early. Sorry I didn't address anyone directly, but please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    ((((((((((becks))))))))))), you and and your family are in my thoughts and prayers