how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Oh Becs I've been following u on FB and I'm so sorry, loosing our moms is always so sad and u never stop thinking about them, but u eventually accept it---sending prayers and hugs to u and u'r family.

    Hi Deb glad u stopped by and everything sounds good for you

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Beckers, dahling, so nice to see your face but sorry it is covered in tears (((((Beckers)))). I know how much your Mom meant to you and I am just so very sorry for your loss. Please come in the lounge and get shitfaced as you want, we are here for you. I for one, am personally heart broken for ya. Shit, ya saved mese life last year girl, you have no idea.

    Red, good to see you stop in as well, been tinking about ya and wondering how you are doing. Don't forget, when you get to the east coast, come look me up in Kansas hehe. ((((Red))))

    Genny, OMG, the story about the lost car is just too much. Did you git pissed at yer DH? I do not blame him for playing with ya over it, glad you took it like the champ you are. And I am loving your thought process regarding making that hair appt for your client and realizing that the time will come very quickly for you to ring that bell, woo hooo. My former DH, Steve, who I still spend some time with rang the bell about this time last year, he had a recurrence of prostate cancer. FURB!  Do you see Nora again soon? And woo hooo on more percocet, try to stock up on them even if you have some, always ask for more until the doc says no. They are freaking stingy with the pain meds these days tanks for the many people abusing them for recreation.

    Lori, I also looked up Willie Nelson and was shocked to see that he is older than meme Dad. He is an affirmation that I need to smoke more of him lol. And don't make me come there and smack you upside the face, keep after your thyroid issues, that is some serious chit. I be pissed at ya iffen someting happened and it was the thyroid that caused that someting to happen to ya. Come on girl, you are gonna live a long long time and I tink you gonna outlive Dara, Erin, DorkY, wackCo, Dorthy and all of de above loungettes. YOu got this girl, your docs told you so and I do not wanna hear another negative comment from you. Else you want me to send Stella over to smack ya around some. She a tough goil, you dont wanna be messing with her sorry ass. which btw, she is back with Moler Focker aka JOhn BOy walton. And her seeter Elizabeth, well she doing it with John Boy too, ick, I tailed ye he is a sick sick man. and ya wonder why Stella suffers such mental anguish. ughh.  hehe, me silly, hope i made ya laugh and hopen I am not being too hard on ya. I just loves ya thats all. 

    Cammy, woo hoooo on gitting your computer all bixed up. I hope that D hit the high road. And den I hope it smacks my dd's baby daddy in de fce, right in his mouth. ewwww, gross eh? Well that is what you git from me after turdteen hours of dwinking. No chit. I look forward to seeing more posts from you as I really have been missing you around the lounge, espcially at de percotini fountain. 

    NM, I hope you have a wonderful getaway on the train with sweet Sadie. And I hope and pray that she stops messing with her tail. would it helo t give her that cone of shame? Or would her embarrassment supersede the good that the cone does for her? Poor thing, give her a kiss and a belly rub for me. Funny that she is so needy whilsst you are home. She is like a widdle kid, they know when your time is limmited and they know when you take advantage of extra belly rubs. I hoopen the weather holds out for ya. i LOVE YOUR picture posts, reminds me of when wese was jest little goils here. ''''''

    Mema Sue, I always like your posts, such positive words for everybody. 

    Nancy, I also particularly loved the black and white photo of Jackson and his little blond little lady friend. And girl, you will be rigning that bell soon too. I tinking that you and Genny need to get yourselves some silvadene burn cream. Nurses, please chime in as I am not sure but tink that will give you both additional relief. 

    Juliet, love your avatar and really loved your pics on facebook. There is a striking resemplance to some of the people in your pics, either siblings or parents? Great looking family.  How is Muley, I hope he is recpuperating as well as my Bella. 

    Lara, get in here, Ihate when ou go missingdd I iworry about ya. 

    sorry if I missed someone, I have to fly.Love you all girls, have a great e aND TO ALL THE WORKING WOMAN, IT IS FRIEDEY, WOOP WOOOP 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Well, the fridge is cleaned
    out and all the drips and ickies washed away, all the outdated stuff gone, and
    what's left rearranged.Looks pretty
    empty just at the moment!Today I tackle
    the kitchen table, on top and underneath where all kinds of crud has
    collected.Almost caught up with the
    laundry.Just need to get the outside
    stuff done after this.

    Mema--I've tried
    bandaging tail, so far the longest lasting one was about 30 minutes.I've got some stuff to dip her tail tip in
    that should help it heal and, hopefully, will taste bad enough to stop the
    licking.We'll see how it goes.Fans are blessings, aren't they?

    Collett--good luck
    with round 2!

    Julie--naps are a
    good thing, and errands will wait, bet the post awful will still be there
    tomorrow!LOL at the willyscope!

    Genny--wow, lots
    going on yesterday!So fun to be able to
    take Emma into the rads dept for a visit.And your DH is creepy funny!I
    remember the rads machine being down about once a week, was difficult to drive
    an hour to get there, then have to go home and go back 4 or 5 hours later,
    usually aftergetting a call that they
    wanted me there in 15 or 20 minutes.No
    matter how many times I told them I lived an hour away the never seemed to
    remember that.

    Oh, Beckers, I am so
    sorry to hear about your Mom.{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}

    Red RH--Hey,
    there!Great to see you!I like stand up comedy, don't get much chance
    to see it.New computer systems are
    always buggy, and a pain in the anatomy, too.Sorry about NED not visiting, hoping the follow ups just show he is late
    arriving this time.

    Dara--I do have a
    cone of shame for Sadie, but she learned how to use it bump into me legs and
    leave bruises and marks on them.So I'm
    going to try other methods first.And
    Sadie is getting belly rubs morning, noon and night this week.She even got some before we got out of bed
    this ayem!It makes a great excuse to
    take a break whenever I want, that's for sure.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Angel's Wing

    1/2 oz Brandy

    1/2 oz White Creme
    de Cacao

    1 tbsp Light Cream


    Pour ingredients
    carefully, in order given, into a pousse cafe glass so that they do not mix.
    Serve without mixing.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Cami, re the thyroid thing, the thing I see the most of is mese hair falling out, being tired isn't really an issue, unless I hab too much to dwink!!! LOL @ licking your arm.

    NM, glad you got a day with absolutely nuttin done! I was hoping you would give yourself one of those. And glad you got your favorite news back. LOL on the TN being triple negative, just goes to show ya that the RB is always in the back of our head somewhere. But it is my DH and I that are going to TN, my MIL lives there, guest (Lilian) will be going back to CA and then back to Taiwan in a month or so. So nice that you can take Sadie on the train ride with you. Hoping you get some pleasant fall weather to enjoy. Very nice DOTD for our Beckers.

    Julie, another new avatar. You have lots to choose from, that's for sure. Again on the thyroid issue, I've had it for many years and my script has run out. So I have to go back to the doctor and do blood work to get another script, and I just haven't done it! Same with my cohlesterol. LOL at the pickled pecker.

    LDB, how would mese thyroid booger things up for up? If so, then I'll def. be making that doctor appointment! Glad you scans went ok, but sorry for da fatigue, but glad you can rest when you need to. Otherwise, I know you are go go go!

    Nancy, around ask and ye shall receive!

    Mary, take those naps when you need them, or it will get worse. I seemed to recoup over the weekends, and then about mid week is when it would hit me. Love you story about losing  your car and DH. My son's sperm donor had nothing to do with him, which turned out really good for all of us and eventually my husband (ex) adopted my son. He was never a part of his life, so it wasn't anything hurtful to my son. I'm not sure of my neighbors age, late 60's maybe. Lilian gets our products for us over in Taiwan, and sources other stuff for us. Oh dear, and you are another one on the thyroid band wagon. I guess I better make that appointment, but I can say, I feel just fine. LOL the doggies with pink balloons.

    Beckers, so sorry for the passing of your mom, but glad of all the memories you have, and may you find peace in that, in time . I've really enjoyed the pictures you have been sharing with her as well. It's nice to see you pop in, we miss you, along with some of the other gals that no longer come in. (((((BECKERS)))))

    And yet another.....hey Red! What didn't you get an all clear on? And how is that little Gage?

    Nancy, you are burning quick, wow! I hope you can continue, but do keep a close eye on it. Ask about the silvadene girl.

    Wacko, Kansas has moobed to the east coast? Tanks for telling mese! And ye another one on dat thyroid boat. That boat gonna sink wif all you on it! Iffin Stella come here, at least it will keep her from the Moler Focker. That Silvadene is what helped me, unfortunately is was the LAST one they tried. I moosta had half a dozen creams from wound care that didn't work. Early post from you, or have you been up all night?

    Nuttin new here to report, I guess das goot! Happy Fried Day all.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    An old blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake...

    He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.

    After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?' ...

    The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.

    In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:

    1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.

    2. The bouncer is a blonde girl with a 'Billy-Club'.

    3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.

    4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.

    5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.

    'Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy.... Do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'

    The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No...not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times............'

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hello everyone--I loved that joke Lori.

    OK I wrote a big post and it vanished, those damn goblins or minions whoever took it so I'all effed up now.

    I know I said Hi to Red cuz we haven't seem her lately and hope she visits more and Becs to cuz we maybe can help a bit.

    NM some good fun pics and Julie u really find some crazy funny ones. I have to get back in the groove of all of this cuz I was so limited with time for my computer--It's pretty much OK so far.

    Lori for some reason I didn't know u'r thyroid was off too. She just told me it's not working so I'll start my meds this weekend--I am so tired all the time I can bare keep my eyes open most of the day, even moving is an effort so get back on them ASAP cuz I waited way to long. I had to call my cousin cuz we both stopped taking them around the same time and she feels like chit, so my sister told me call Joanne right now and I usually listen to my sister. Wow she raised her voice at me--Brat that she is. It was joanne's idea that we stopped cuz it was normal again. With meds. we didn't factor that in tho.

    OK NM I love that u did nothing butt enjoy u'rself and spent time with Sadie.

    Oh another thing I can't take a lot of pain meds--they'r craz on me but I can take codeine if that helps anyone.

    Dara time is almost there now for Logan--it's so exciting isn't it and I hope that guy stays out of everything, it's better for thhe baby to be around happy.

    Lara I'm watching scary movies today

    OK BBL

    He SyzyQ, Nancy, Mary I never mean to miss anyone but I end up doing that,

    but I LUBS u all

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    My Dear Beckers - my heart is aching for you, this is a very hard time.  It's been 3 years for me and I still cry.  Take the time you need to grieve and use us ANYTIME if you want to cry, scream, yell, whatever, we'll be here for you.  May your mom RIP and if you need anything at all you let us kno.  Sending BIG HUGZ AND POSITVE ENERGY out to you and yours.  (((B)))

    Julie - I'm in same boat, jes not got the energy to even start the laundry.  Thanks for splaining to Lori about the thyroid.  Don't work too hard.  LOL on the willie scope..!

    Mary - That would CREEP me out too.  Glad he was jes pulling your leg.  More EXClent advice for Lori.  You are an inspiration too girl, cuz of  you I'm doing more in the exercise world.  Hurts like heck, but I'm doing it.  Slow uphill battle but I can do it.  LOL Love the pink foobies on the pooches!

    Nancy - sending you healing HugZ ((N))

    Red - hey hey look who's in the house, welcome back lady.  Very sad you did not get the 'all clear' a good cry is helpful but doesn't make it much better.  Sounds like a good deal of stress on the job.  Not gonna jump on my soap box, jes say STRESS NO GOOD!!  Keep us posted on your tests (((R))

    Dara - LMAO over ur tongue lashing to Lori...u cwack me up.

    NM - dang, too bad the bandage didn't's to hoping the yuk yuk will keep her from licking.  My group in LV has trouble remembering I live 90 min away too.  Perfect DOTD!  I'll have one and toast to our Bekkers and her mom.

    Lowee - refer to what our nurse Julie, Mary and Wacko Dara say bout thyroid.  HOpe you have a wonderful time in TN.  Lubslubs da blond joke.  Want to try and remember it LOL.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs ya all!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    well had another lazy day ,supposed to be in work  but started bleeding this morning, so per gyn, resting ,drinking plenty of fluids, he also said eat plenty of green leafy vegetables and red meat, much better than here's another pillHappy but also said can bleed for up to  aweek after the biopsy' so going back to my lazy life

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    omgggggggggggg so much to read ill read later

    well that girl from the past I got drunk said a bunch of thing on VM lol so we will not b reconnectiong big sis u get I know u do.

    Genny is a yogi ann or what do they call yogis

    Hi mema

    nice pics Julilet Hi Nancy

    sounds fun goldie

    DH is home finally we are realxing getting chinese I think

    I have judt been exercising way to heavy everything hurts DH says I have shim splints

    My uncle is stage 4 breast cancer

    My dad went down he made it through surgery but he does not have long to live very sad


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    quick pop in to tail you all that my doggies biopsy is back and it was benign! wooo hoooooo!

    and my disability is going to be extended. I see a trip to Myrtle Beach in the very near future. Not sure if i told you all but my parents house has been sold and closing on the 27th. yikes.

    I have to go, have to break into my DD's house, I locked my keys including her house key in her house the other night and need to get in to change locks. ugh, my pea brain is overly likker saturated!  have a great day all, might be back tongiht, have our first class reunion committee meeting tonight, can't wait! and i got a zit on my face the size of new jersey, uhhhhhh.

    love you all! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hey everyone, not having a very good day today. I woke up and was having seizures again.Went to go check my BS and take my meds it was 204. I took my seizure meds and some Ativan still having seizures. Went to Rad had a seizure there. They sent me to my PCP who says I have another ear infection and yep Bronchitis again. I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. Drinking Starbucks so I can stay awake for a bit. I will get some Silvadine on Monday from my RO. Im not burnt yet just a tad bit pink and really really tired. I will check in later ladies. Know I love each and every one of you. You make my day. 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, quiet here tonight. I am beginning to get pretty red and a bit sore, especially in my armpit but the Percocet and Ibuprofen seem to work for me. I am starting to feel a bit tired toward the afternoon but nothing like I did with chemo. DH and I are golfing in a chili open thing tomorrow, hopefully my big hard foob will continue to improve my golf swing. Nice to know it's good for something, with the rads it looks like a balloon ready to pop! Don't think I'll get to see my girl this weekend unless I decide to drive there on Sunday but I think I want to get my last bit of golfing in before the weather turns. It's nice being back to work, the ladies missed me and I realized I missed them too. Guess I'm not ready to retire yet but ask me again in about 3 months when I remember that I'm sick of hearing the same stories every single week...

    Nancy, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time, I feel so bad for you. I hope you get feeling better this weekend, don't forget your fluids...lots and lots of em'. I hope your bronchitis clears up soon, get lots of sleep this weekend, sounds like your body is telling you it needs it.

    Well, just wanted to do a quick pop in...may head down to the pool for a bit, maybe I'll run into some of you there... if not sweet dreams!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


    Here ya go Dara, costume ideas for your Bella!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited October 2014

    Hi Genny, how far along in your rads are you? I found the tiredness was cumulative and by the end, I was pretty exhausted. Hope things go well for you. I got out for a game of golf last weekend, shot a lousy 100 even, but it was fun. I was only out for 8 games this year, only a few for 18 holes as I found I ached way too much afterwards, but I have great hopes for next year. I'm not going to be going again this year as I have become a fair weather golfer now and our weather has already turned - going to be zero tonight.

    Nancy, take care of yourself. That would be so scary, to wake up in a seizure. Just awful. (((hugs)))

    Cami, Mema and that girl from Kansas (never can remember her name) thanks for the warm welcome back. As far as the lack of NED, I am going to make a new plan and hopefully at my next appointment I'll get the coveted NED. I spent quite a bit of time in the basement though and I'm still slowly crawling up the stairs. Sigh.

    This too shall pass. Anyway, I forgot to tell you that I had to join the virtual drinkers club. Apparently alcamahol and me drugs don't mix well. Silly doctors should have made me part of the virtual druggies club instead. Imagine, me and no beer. It's enough to make a girl cry.Sad

    Everyone have a wonderful weekend.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    Saturday ayem?Sadie has gone back to
    bed but I'm looking forward to the train ride in a bit then puttering around in
    the yard for a while.Tomorrow will be
    another do nothing day, just to end up the weekend on a rested note.

    Goldie--I did take
    some time to do nothing.I didn't get
    everything on my list done this week, but I got the important stuff done and
    now if I can just keep up with itI'll
    be in good shape.LOL @ the blonde

    Cammy--so glad
    the'puter is working better, we need to
    see more of you here!

    Mema--I'm hoping the
    yucky stuff will stop Sadie's licking, too.But I still love her.

    Julie--bleeding for
    up to a week after a biopsy?That sounds
    like a long time, but what do I know.Make sure to take it easy like the doc said and eat lots of Vit K foods
    and iron foods!

    ORLA--so sorry about
    your Uncle.BC in males gets picked up
    late so often, with all the "awareness" out there the guys don't get
    much of a break in this regard.

    Dara--HOORAY for
    Bella's B9 biopsy!What good news!And the house has sold, very nice, hope it
    went for a fair price.Good for you for
    getting DD's locks changed, be careful not to get caught breaking in, though!

    Collett--please take
    care of yourself!While getting rads
    your body is going to be using lots of energy trying to repair the damage done
    to your healthy cells, won't have as much left over to fight infection and do other
    stuff.Really watch your skin.I got pink the first week and was burning by
    the third week.

    Genny--enjoy your
    golf time.See you pool side! LOL at the
    Weenie costume!

    Red RH--no
    beer?NO FAIR!Praying for NED at next appointment.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Blue Train

    1 dash Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1/4 oz (fresh) Lemon


    Shake well with ice
    and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and

    I never heard of a
    flamed orange peel before, had to look it up--

    The principle behind
    a flamed twist is the same as any twist, really. You're squeezing oil out of
    the peel and onto the surface of the cocktail. In this case, though, you're
    squeezing it through a flame, which lightly
    caramelizes the oil and subtly enhances its flavor.

    What you'll do:

    1. Cut a round "coin"
      of orange peel, at least an inch in diameter. This time, don't worry too
      much about getting some of the pith. A thicker piece of peel is easier to
      squeeze over a lit match.
    2. Light a match; hold the lit
      match several inches above the cocktail.
    3. Hold the orange peel colored
      side down, about two inches above the lit match. (If you wind up with
      match soot on the peel, you held the peel too close to the flame.) I
      prefer to wave the peel slowly over the match for a couple of seconds, to
      help warm the oil so it lights more easily, but this isn't always
    4. Twist and squeeze the peel
      over the lit match. I like to snap my forefinger and thumb together pretty
      sharply and strongly to press out a lot of oil quickly.
    5. Rub the peel around the rim
      of the glass. Drop the twist into the drink or discard.

    Be patient. The
    first few times you do this, it might not work very well, but keep practicing,
    be sure to use fresh oranges, and you'll eventually get it down.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all, going to be another lazy day

    hooray for b9 miss bella and the house selling

    red, genny and nancy- rest when you need to, and you all can't go down the rabbit hole because its blocked up and cammi's on guard. most of the drinking is virtual except for special occasions like wedding and food festivals

    nm enjoy your sadie time

    miss innocence a blonde joke, does this mean there;s another car story coming?

    morning sue,prn,cammi,aly,have a fabulous weekend

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    Yes NM that is true he will be home they said do what makes u happy thats what they told my uncle

    Becks nice to see u very sorry to hear about your mom I can not imangine your pain(hugs)

    Nancy hang in their stay in bed drink tea wtch movies'

    cam I know all teh scary movies r on

    gennie u lost your car ??? thats funny

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning lara- hope your uncle had a good night.

    is it a good movie day for you and cammi

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Good Saturday morning girls, being lazy on 2nd cup of coffee, DH went golfing then we go to the chili golf thing at 11:30. I'm feeling good and rested this ayem. Gonna take Junior for a run I think.

    NM have fun on the train, sounds like an interesting drink. Enjoy your last big of vacay, if only they didn't go so darn fast, and then the catch up when ya get back... but nevermind don't think about that just have fun.

    Deb, I am officially 1/3 done with rads, finished #11 yesterday. You are a much better golfer than me, I can only dream of 100. I rarely play more than 9 holes and the other day was my best ever with a 52, (ifen ya don't count my mulligan and 1 do-over)... which I didn't! But I still like it, those occasional good shots always keep me coming back for more. I didn't get to do much of it this summer cause of the chemo and surgery but there's always next year. And we have and indoor golf simulation place right across the street so we do that in the winter. let me know if you come to Cleveland, I'm a pro at driving downtown now with the daily rads. I'm praying NED will be your way real soon... fingers crossed.

    Lara, love the alligator costume! So sorry for your uncle, damn FURB.

    Julie, yea for lazy days, no wabbit hole for me, I'm feeling good these days, these rads are nothing compared to the last 6 months (at least so far), I feel like the chemo has finally let go of me. Hope you enjoy your day.

    Nancy, hope you are resting and the seizures are letting up..hugs..

    Well gotta go, hi to everybody else, have a good Saturday doing what you wanna do...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning ladies'I hope everyone wakes up feeling a little btter/

    Lara I'm sorry about ur uncle. Damn cancer.

    Julie u'd better rest up and that's a while for bleeding to stop, but again what do I know.

    NM finish up the weekend by just resting.

    Dara woot woot B9 is great--love that word.Lori take u'r meds, I started 3 more different meds this morning

    One thing I am going to preach about is Nancy and Mary take it easy still, there's a lot of healing that needs to be done and allow u'rself to heal.

    --The word is pamper---Of course we know I overdo it, pampering I mean but I'm a drama queen.

    Red I'm sorry things have been difficult for u, bt keep on coming back maybe we can help a little. I think f Dar and Lara between the 2 of them like 1,000 operations and infections, they are wonderful people to talk to and Lori and Suzyq can lift u right up.

    Well as u know I have about 2 good nerves left in my body and now Joey tales clarinet lessons so those 2 nerves are getting a blasting. OMG he's so bad, it's like a wounded animal begging to be put down. And he's the type that really practices, but today he's going to the scarecrow festival--Lara I would never go after the movies I've watch--- but Marty and Les are taking him and Gina--he told me last night how much he likes her and I asked him if he wanted to kiss her and he said no but he likes to hug her but that's not appropriate. but they've been best friends for 2 years now , it's kind of cute