how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Cami, I showed you how to avoid those gremlins girl! Yes, my thyroid is wacked too, has been for years. I even tried testosterone pellets a few years ago, but those were mostly to help with libido and hot flashes. But that doc had put me on Armour Thyroid.

    Julie, you trying to compete with Cami and Dara on the slacking? Sorry bout da bleeding tho, do rest. I hope there are no more car stories! I am traveling next week, but DH keeps a close eye on his scarecrow!

    LMAO LDB, at you laffing at da Wacko for giving me a tongue lashing! But I no see any "reasons" for keeping the thyroid in check, just mention of all the SE's.

    Lala, very sorry to hear about your uncle. Is it your dad's brother and how old is he? Sending prayers to your family and hugs to you. FURB!((((Lala)))) Love the aligator eating dog costume.

    Wacko, 2 pieces of good news, B9 for Bella and disability extended.....I'll drink to that! But locking all of the keys in the house, oy vey! Do you have a lot to move from your mom and dads place?

    Nancy, you are sure having a time of it, I'm so sorry. Please don't worry about checking in with us and DO rest. Of course we want to know how you are doing, but don't worry about responding to everyone. Take care of YOU. (((((NANCY)))))

    Mary, I can relate to hearing the same stories every week. That is how my dad is, but I don't talk to him that often. Good luck on the golf game!

    Red, maybe having another golfer here will keep you around? I forget which hole had hottie with the picnic lunch, but the two of you would be racing to that hole! I would much rather opt for the virtual drugs, what's wrong with these doctors?

    NM, you and Sadie have a wonderful outing today. I hope you can get someone to take a nice picture of the 2 of you. I too had to look up the flaming orange peel!

    Cami, as of right now I don't have any meds to take, only supplements. My script is out for the others, which is why I need to see my primary. That was suppose to have been done back in March, but we started getting busy and I kept putting it on the back burner, then came the mets and the rest is history. Just haven't gotten back to it. And you are far from being a drama queen. A queen yes, drama queen NO. I'm laffing at Joey and him playing the clarinet and you saying it sounds like a wounded animal begging to be put down. He will get better. What is the scarecrow festival?

    I'll be calling my neighbor as soon as I get this posted. They were going to try and get him into surgery yesterday. And she finally told me that they told her/him, that if he made it out of surgery, he might have a few days or weeks, or he might even have 6 months. I told her that they can't predict that and that everyone is different. He is strong, so I'm hoping/praying. Just wish I could go down there and get my little buddy and bring him up here. His mom is having to take him to the hospital as his caretaker is gone. But, he would problably want to stay there with his dad, altho I'm not sure how much he really understands.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls, 

    I only have a minute, have a hair appt in an hour. I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading all of your posts whilst sipping mese JD, oops I mean coffee really. It is a rainy day here. I am getting high lights in my hair, I hope I like em.

    Red, so sorry you are having a hard time and no likker, dafuk, that is crazy! That should be against the law. I have missed you terribly, please come in more often and feel free to vent away, we love you as each of us love all of our sisters. Saying prayers for b9.

    Julie, hope the bleeding stops. 

    Genny, woo hoo on a third of the way done, told ya it goes fast!! 

    Hello to everyone else, gotta fly. Will try to get back in here today. Until then, cheers and lots of love to all! 


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    so christmas present for cammi-earplugs-sorry cammi still laughing at the wounded animal that boy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014


    Bekkers - Been praying for you and yours!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Lara - Prayers going out for your Dad and your Uncle (((Lara)))

    DaraW - WooHooo, glad B9 and your disability going to be extended, good good!  Hope you can find an easy way to get in to dads house.  Are you calling a locksmith to change them out or u doing it urself.  If calling a locksmith, get him to let you in.   So reunion back on?  Put a warm compress on that zit and it'll go down.  Muah!  I think you'll look mauvelous with highlights.  Send us a pic K?

    Nancy - sounds horrifying what you went through yesterday.  Here's a BIG HUGZ and sleep sleep sleep just and much as you can. 

    Mary - cwacking me up again wif da foob.  Hope you got a good nights sleep.  Oh and poyfect pic for Dara and her Bella.

    Red - I hope u at the top of da basement by now.  Not good to spend too much time down there.  I'll have that beer in your honor K?  Praying for NED!!  ((Red))

    NM - sounds like a fab weekend planned for you and Sadie, and yes, we'll always love them.  HMM....never heard of flamed orange peel either.  Think I'll print that and take it in to my more experienced tenders.

    Julie - love lazy days.  I have laundry and football bets to make ugghh.  Dont feel like leaving the house today.  That bleeding needs to stop, so rest K? and have a fab weekend too!

    Cami - LOL u a drama queen?  OOHH sweet Joey, wanting to fit some music into his life and making you cwazy.  Don't kno how my mother stood, me on violin and brother on trumpet...eeeegad!!  Wonder if we sounded like a wounded animal...lmao.  Joey and Gina...tooo cute!

    Loweee - OK, so no thyroid meds, I'll git off yer back bout it K?  Hey did those pellets work at all?  I didn't kno you got them.  Jes breaks my heart about your neighbor FURB!!!  Praying for them all!

    imageALL OF YOU!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    just came back from the er, per doc,ultrasound showed a area that had been bleeding but was now scabbing over so the bleeding should stop soon. and for my fellow healthcare workers,my hgb was 11.5   !!!!!!!!!!! so not anemic!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello everyone. Not as many seizures today. Still exhausted. I did go to the Pink Ribbon Connection Fashion Show this afternoon then came home and slept a couple of hours and went to church for an outdoor concert and which was awesome and now watching Shrek with Jackson. I am determined not to let this totally stop me. However I am finding it harder and harder to stay awake. So I will check in when I can and know I love you all. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Red, Have a Happy Thanksgiving. 

    Julie, glad you went to the ER for some peace of mind, keep on healing and praying all is well.

    Nancy, hang in there and listen to the girls when they say rest. There will be times that you need to say NO to GO and YES to ReST. I made that up just for you. 

    I too dwunk to talk to all ye goils but I read ye and love ye each goil as I read. which means mese lazy, I learned from Cammi.

    speaking of, OMG< the clarinet, I used to play that and my parents hated me for it. I had to remind me that they are the ones that suggested it in the first place. I was often asked if I could play "far far away". lol. Love that Joey has his lil lady friend, tooo cute.

    I just saw this on facebook and have to share this here. Thank you to all the nurses of the world for being of service.


    I try to sleep now~ hiccup~ no virtual dwinking in dis town, no sirreeeee.

    burp, ooopsies, scuzz me. Have a great Sundey Dundey goils! Lubs lubs lubs.All we need it lubs. Amen, barmen. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Sunday morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this sunny
    Sunday ayem?Sadie and I had a great
    time on the train ride yesterday, despite the clouds and cold.She got lots of attention, lots of pats, ear
    scratches, a hug from a toddler who was so delighted to see "big
    doggy!"and a whole muffin from the
    ladies sitting next to us, in addition to the treats I had in my pocket for her
    and half the goldfish I bought for myself.We saw lots of leaves, a bunch of
    osprey and eagle nests, learned how to turn around a train without
    disconnecting the engine, lots of history of the rail lines in the area.It was great fun, if chilly.Only 55 degrees in the house when we got home,
    so we ended up cuddling and snoozing in the afternoon.I didn't take the phone with me, so I didn't
    get any pics, this time.Will definitely
    do it again and take pics next time!

    Julie--Lazy days are
    good days!

    ORLA--saying prayers
    for your uncle and your family.Love the
    doggy Halloween costume!

    Julie--Hmmm.Sadie has trained me to do a whole list of

    Genny--the train
    ride was fun.No real plans for today,
    just see where it goes, may do nothing at all.I'll see what tomorrow brings at work as far as playing ketchup there.It will be what it will be.

    Cammy--so funny
    about Joey and his clarinet, I can just hear it in my mind from your
    description!Not appropriate for he to
    hug is little GF?How cute!

    Julie--Great DOTD!

    Goldie--praying for
    your neighbor and family.

    Dara--enjoy having
    your hair done!


    Mema--The train ride
    was great fun, and going to take it easy today, last day of laziness!

    hgb!  Glad the bleeding is stopping.You need to slow down!

    Collett--you need to
    slow down, too!Rads is NOT a piece of cake, it's like having surgery
    every day, you need to give your body a break and rest!

    Dara--oh, wow, great
    post, thanks for sharing!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning ladies.

    Good post Dara, I love our nurnes and all the nurses who take care of me too---times have changed with really caring nurses, and it's a super hard job. I have 2 nieces who are nurses and they still love it. U have to have a special inner love like ours do here.

    LORI u'r always on my case about Drs. now get back to taking all of u'r meds NOW this is important u stinker

    Julie u still have to rest so please do it and good drink, I like that black sugar thing, never read that before.

    Lori I'm so sorry for u'r neightbor times can be so difficult for so many. I'll say some prayers and u too Lara prayers being sent u'r way too.

    NM I love u'r Sadie stories, that darling sounds more human than some humans I know--Whoa this week went by fast.

    Dara I know u didn't get a huge haircut, just a trim  I'm assuming.

    Nancy please take it easy, u'r one strong woman going thru all u do.

    I hope everyone has a decent day today. Oh and all I know about this scarecrow festival is it's filled with pumpkins , rides and booths of fun and food---Never heard of it before. It is a basis for many scary movies tho.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Haha, earplugs for Cami. And love the incontinence cartoon Julie. Oh dear, you ended up in ER. Glad everything is ok tho and glad you went.

    LDB, you can ride my back, das ok. You dooze it cuz you lubs me and I DO need to get in to see primary. No, the pellets didn't work. I started them shortly after Allison did. Too expensive and they did not do much at all. Which I didn't think they would, as I was on HORMONE BLOCKERS, and they are hormones! I told that to the doctor, and of course she said they should still work. NOT! You get your scan results some time this week, yes? And I tink da Wacko one needs to get into DD's house not her dads.

    Nancy again....don't worry about posting. Get your rest and get through this. I am so sorry about the siezures, you actually know when you are having them? I imagine those wear you out too. When my students had them, usually grand mals, they would sleep afterwards. Glad you have Jackson, and keep that tude girl!

    Das a goot one Dara "No to go, and yes to rest". And the ting about nurses, that is our goils foh shoa. Are you going to IL.?

    NM, sounds like a wonderful day, despite the gray and cold, like you said. And Sadie certainly enjoyed it too. You can be a Sunday Slacka today! Hoping it stays sunny as well. Brrrr, on the 55 in the house. We were looking at pellet stoves the other day, saw some for less than $1000, I think we paid like $3000 for ours.

    Listen here Cami, I not a stinker!!! Ha ha! I will make that appointment, but I have so much going on right now. Maybe in November. And I don't ride you that much about your doctors, but maybe mese there! Mese loves and misses you! The Scarecrow Festival sounds fun and not scary, shirley Joey and Gina had fun.

    My neighbor had surgery Friday, was in ICU as of yesterday. They did some kind of tube in is stomach, to release fluids after he eats and some kind of an ostomy, not a colostomy tho. He has a quarter of his liver, half of the pancrease, large intestine totally lost, and tumor moving into his stomach now. Was told it could be days, or it could be 6 months. He is really wanting to come up here for his last days, I hope he can get well enough for that.

    For us Sunday Slackers......A Pretty Woman cocktail


    1 oz. Malibu Rum

    1 oz. Midori Melon Liqueur

    2 Scoops crushed ice

    1 oz. Bols Strawberry Liqueur

    1. Blend Malibu, Midori and 1 scoop of ice until a liquid.   2. Seperatly, blend the Straberries, the strawberry Liqueuer and another large scoop of ice until icy.   3. Pour the first mixture into a glass.  4. Pour the second mixture on top of the first, make sure they remain seperate.   5. Use the remining Strawberry, cut a slit in it and place it on the rim of the glass to garnish.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good afternoon all,have been up 45 mins ,so resting,bleeding definitely slowing down.i was 12 in sept,for the non healthcare workers, that means i lost 0.5!!!!!!!!!!! wtf ,he did think i was dehydrated so that would be slightly concentrated number but they knew i was bleeding as i kept leaving evidence everywhere! embaressment is lying on a stretcher and  having the us tech  come out of the room ,with all the leads in a biohazard bag to be cleaned

    lori- they may have placed that tube in his stomach so he can eat and drink and it would just drain out , but hopes and prayers for him and his family  and that his nurse is a nm clone.

    lara-hows your uncle today?  hope he gets an nm clone too!

    ok darla did you get in the house ok?

    nancy hope your resting and the seizures have stopped today

    have a good day ladies

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Good afternoon everybody, I am doing better today. No seizures and not as tired. Resting and watching movies today. I had a great drink at the Pink Ribbon Fashion Show it was called Fight LIke a Girl. It was a pink Sangria and boy was it nummy. I will definately take all your advise and rest up my friend is going to be driving me to Radiation this week since I have been so tired. I am so thankful for her. I also met another BC survivor who lives in Noblesville litterly the next town up the road from me and she just finished her chemo and radiation so we exchanged numbers and are going to keep in touch too. I told her to check this community out as well. 

    Julie I am glad you got things checked out. Hope your feeling better. 

    Goldie I do know when I am having my seizures. They are stress related so I mostly get them when my body is stressed (after surgery, with radiation, loud noises, etc..) They do wear me out especially if I have a lot of them. My blood sugar was really high the other day too so I think everything combined just hit me.

    Cami the scarecrow festival sounds like fun. 

    NM I am glad you and Sadie had a fun time on the train. 

    Genny hope you do well this week and you dont get any pinker. I'll be thinking of you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Monday morning,
    Loungettes!Back to work day for
    me.And it's Columbus Day, what I call a
    half a$$ed holiday.Some places open,
    some closed, good luck getting anything done today.Happy Thanksgiving Day to the Canadian
    Loungettes!I'm leaving instructions
    with Pants and Jock to have the pool bar stocked up and all the pool floaties
    ready for when I get off work this peeyem,I suspect I'm going to need both the
    warm pool water and alcahahol when I get home tonight.First day back from vacay is always a bit of
    a trip.

    Cammy--This week did
    go by fast, but that's ok, I got about half my list done, and got some momentum
    to get the rest done by the end of the month.Sadie says "Hi"

    Goldie--Sadie and I
    were very much the Sunday Slackas yesterday, and it was kinda nice.She so loves attention and is so funny when
    she gets around other people, it's fun to watch her and the people she's
    interacting with, especially the children.$1K for a pellet stove?I wonder
    how much installation is.Gonna have to
    check that out.I am praying for your
    neighbor, sounds like he's going through a horrible time.Praying that he gets home one more time.

    Great Pretty Woman

    Julie--LOL re:
    lederhosen.And I can imagine the
    embarrassment of having the leads lugged out in a biohazard bag.Speaking of biohazard bags, my town has moved
    to "pay as you throw" so I now have to buy special garbage bags, at
    $2 a bag no less, that are the same color as hospital biohazard bags.It looks like a whole street of bio hazardous
    waste is waiting for pick up on trash mornings now.

    Collett--good for
    you for getting a driver for this week, and keep resting up.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Julie, sorry for your embarassment, but the important part is to get better. The stomach tube is to drain stuff, but I thought only if it was causing pain, not sure. And getting a nurse like NM or YOU would be a blessing. However, they don't want hospice. For whatever reason, she was not impressed by it. Their main goal is to get him up here, he loves it up here and hates the city.

    Nancy, I always seemed a bit better after a weekend with no rads. Wishing you much luck this week and hopefully the burning will be minimal.

    NM, we saw the pellet stove at Tractor Supply, not sure if it's a good brand one or not. Do have Tractor Supply in your neck of the woods? I don't about installation, prolly as much as the stove! Nice to know that Sadie was slackin too! So garbage pick is charged by the bag, $2 each and nothing more?

    My neighbor has been up walking and they were hoping to get him in a regular room yesterday and out of ICU. We will go and see him tomorrow, as we will be headed down that way, taking Lilian to the airport and we leave very early Wednesday morning, like 7 am I think...ugh!
    Seems like everyone was slacking yesterday? Lets have SLACKER SLAMMERS.
    •1 oz Vodka
    •1 oz Root Beer Schnapps
    •1 glass Root Beer
    •1 scoop on top Ice Cream

    How-to: Add 1 oz. vodka in a glass, then add 1 oz. of Root-beer snapes mix with Root-beer add one scoop of ice-cream at top of the glass.Enjoy.

    Come one, Come all...........get your slacker on!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Think I'm finally over my punies, felt better late yest afternoon.  So I'm baaack!!

    Dara - mese toopid misread ur post about being locked out of DD's house not the myrtle beach one.  Did you get in? 

    Lara - how is your dad and ur uncle doing?  Still sending prayers.

    Lowee - I thot they were hormones, sawry they didn't work very well for you.  Yes, I leave for Vegas shortly for my tx and to see my onco for PET results.  Will keep you posted.  Breaks my heart about your neighbor, still sending prayers especially that he gets to come home.  It's where I'd wanna be.  Your DOTD looks soo pretty and sounds delish and very apropos.

    Julie, lmao on the lederhosen...hahaha!  So relieved the bleeding is slowing down, that was apparently alot of bleeding for them to put in hazmat bag jeeez.  Keep up with your rest lady.

    Nancy - whew, what a relief, no seizures.  Glad you have a friend close who can drive you to your tx's.

    NM - I didn't even realize today was a holiday, dh reminded me and asked if I was sure I had tx today.  It worried me then I remembered the office had called me on Fri to confirm, so they are all working.  Hope your 1st day back isn't as bad as anticipated..  But ya kno the bar is always stocked and even more so with the Canadian T-giving.

    Cami, Red, Mary and anyone else I’m missing - Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Hey, anyone heard from Tobi PRN?  Hope she’s OK.

    Gotta get my EWWA in gear, will be back.

    LUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBSLUBS ya all a million/trillion!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited October 2014

    Hello all!  Sorry I have been MIA, I am in Boston with my DH, having my conjugal visit. LOL.  WE have had a nice time and weather.  WE headed out to Newburyport and have done some things in the city. I finally have all 10 fingernails back and got a manicure, looks so nice.  We are working furiously at our candy company and finding our path.  Slightly different then we originally thought but, all good!! Logo and packaging are on our table right now...

    Cami.. Sorry that you are feeling sooo tired and that Joey got a clarinet!  LOL

    Red..hello, so nice to see you again.

    Dara.. Excellent news on the continued disability.  Reunions are so fun, people do look different now. The nurse note was very sweet and true.  I am glad your dad's place has sold, that is a big thing off your plate.

    Lori..Boo on the thyroid. I hope that the time your neighbor has is peaceful. seizures are nothing to wave off.  That must be so hard for you and radiation at the same time.  Please srest and take it easy.  Oh and Jackson is super cute!

    Lara..I love Chinese but don't get it too often. Take it easy on the exercise.  The dog costume is too funny.  I will say a prayer for your Uncle.

    Genny..I had a large amount of swelling too and right away.  It is improving and I am 4 weeks done with radiation.  A third of the way is super awesome.  I dream of Weenie...too funny too!

    Julie..Lederhosen..OMG..I was cracking up  Glad you are ok and Hgb not too low but I felt tired at that level.

    Mema..glad the punies are gone and hoping your scan is good too.




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hi Ladies

    Julie stop this bleeding right now, I don't like it. Please rest Nurses are not good patients, I've heard, so just take care of u'r self.

    Oh Lori u'r poor neighbor, how awful I  didn't know they could take part of livers and pancreases out, I pray for peace for the whole family. And now how goes u'r thyroid? u'd better get to u'r Doc soon please--and I really miss u and u'r always so busy--How the hell do u do it. Good drink by the way

    NM I was thinking about u this morning going back to work-- Sadie will be all confused.

    PRN being with u'r DH is so important u can chime in whenever it's convenient and now with u'r business going u've got to be one busy lady.

    Nancy I'm glad u have someone driving u to rads all this is a lot for u I'm sure and having seizures has to be tremendously exhausting, just rest whenever u can and as often as u can.

    Mary how are u doing with u'r skin? I hope u gals aren't burned badly.

    SusyQ I'm glad u'r feeling better-- hate tests so much not because of the being scared, just the waste of energy it stinks.

    I still haven't gotten mine, but for sure I'll go this week--I'm still feeling like chit but the Doc said it will be a couple of weeks and I should feel better. This Saturday I have my GF surprise party so I have to be good.  She's turning 90 and if I looked and felt 1/2 as good as her I would be fantastic--She's a gem--only time she was in a hospital was to have babies--What genes she has==She just retired last year working FT hardly ever a sick day off. My BIL and dad just love her,, she would talk Italian to my Dad and my dad would always tell her she ruins the language LOL. Well it starts at6PM so I really have to rest up for this one---

    I hope everyone is having a decent, even better day today, I'm kind of all covered up in my (what I call) bed I have to get some energy back and I will.

    Lara scary movies today--bad ones but OK for me.

    LUBS EVERYONE========Dara u OK? MUAH 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    just read posts, always a nice treat. I am getting ready to head out to dinner with my Dad.

    glad you popped in PRN.

    girls, our own Princess PrN Tobbi is making goodies for my dd's baby shower. So I will be giving a first hand account of just how yummy her sweets are, yippee.

    rads girls, hope you three girls are coping alright and no red, ok? And don't forget to ask your docs for the good pain pills, it is good to have them for when really needed even if you do not feel you need them now. Please, ask k?

    Julie, hope the bleeding has stopped. you made me laugh and I know that is naughty of me. But talking about them dragging away your waste, well I will say it just struck my funny bone in an unusual way, my apologies but it de truth. Hugs to you.

    I will try to pop back, been a busy day. I just booked another trip to Myrtle Beach, leaving a week from today. It will be bittersweet, our last trip. I love that place and I know it hurts my Dad to let it go. But life goes on.

    Hello to all, sorry I have not been addressing each of you. I could blame it on being busy but honestly, it is because I am just pure lazy. Mese apologies, rounds of dwinks for all mese goils. chEErs! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello all, a little pinker today. Under arm is getting tender and so is rest of breast but not real pink or red. I am putting lots of aquaphor on. A little tired today. Im more itchy then anything and I think swollen. Glad everyone seems to be doing ok. I am very thankful for my church. The Elders have put together a team to help get me to my Radiation. They are a great group of people. I love them bunches. Love you all and take care. I will check in later

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Julie I love u'r funnies, I hope u'r getting better and just keep looking for funnies so u can relax and still accomplish things.

    Nancy usually midway thru it does start turning colors slather that stuff on and when u'r tired just rest--besides Aloe I opened up Vitamin E tabs and put it on amazing what that did. Just saying.

    Well Illinois had a lot of tornadoes and rotten weather, but all this are missed all the crap stuff, we were lucky just a lot of rain and rain today too--hope the bad stuff stops today for everyone else.

    Dara the selling of our parents home is so hard (I think) going thru things, finding stuff everyone forgot and all the memories --u don't want to get rid of anything but u have to. My parents house was still our catch-all for all of us--my brother still had his law books there. and my other one had med books there, all outdated--years of things that we totally forgot. My sister and I did most everything my brothers were typical just got their stuff out--they were always spoiled--u know boys in an Italian family. But we did enjoy our memories and still do. Good Luck with all of that. Oh PRN's candy is so yummy u'r really enjoy it for the shower--good idea.

    NM should be getting up soon and I hope the rain stopped.

    I'm sorry I'm not here to often, my Dr. said it will be a couple of weeks before I start getting my energy back. can't come soon enough I know it's all my fault. at lest that's what my sister said and she thinks she's always right--maybe this time she is.

    LUBS U  all

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Twofer Tuesday!Back to work day wasn't too bad, except for
    the usual computer freezing me outcuz I
    hadn't used it for a week and it took IT an hour to get me back in, and it
    still won't accept a password change.Technology is such a PIA when it doesn't work.

    Goldie--I think
    there is a Tractor Supply store near the Vet's place, I'll have to check that
    out. The new trash pick up thing means I am paying for each bag of trash I
    throw away in addition to the amount of property tax that goes to trash removal
    and recycling, which costs more every year.If it were just the $2 per bag and the property tax went down I would be
    a lot more accepting of the whole thing.Glad your neighbor is doing better.And the Slacker Slammers are GREAT!

    Mema--first day back
    wasn't too bad, thankfully.I guess
    there are good aspects about half-a$$ed holidays!Did swim over for a quick drink and ended up
    falling asleep in the pool floatie last night!

    PRN--good to hear
    from you, and glad you had a good conjugal visit.I can imagine the business has given you some
    surprises, but happy it's going well.

    Cammy--Sadie was a
    little confused, but then headed for her crate and curled up and was sleeping
    even before I left yesterday!She was
    happy to see me when I got home and very happy to havequick game of fetch.Hope the surprise party goes off great and
    you can rest up and have a great time!

    Dara--closing out
    the old family homestead will be bittersweet, that's for sure.But, as you say, life goes on.Can't wait for the review of the baby shower


    Collett--Hooray for
    your church people!Take all the help
    you can get, you will get more and more tired as rads goes on, the help will
    mean you can keep up with other stuff like housework and cooking.

    That poor

    Cammy--it't NOT your
    fault you are tired!Good grief, stop
    talking to your sister for a while, she's a witch!

    DOTD:Goldie's Slacker Slammers

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    LDB, I'm waiting anxiously to hear how things went in Vegas. So praying for all good things. I moosta missed that you wuz feeling pewny, so I glad you feeling better now.

    PRN, MIA due to conjugal bisit is A-OK! What changes did you make for the biz?

    Oh Cami, they did not take any of his organs out. What I meant was that was how much of the organ is still ok. I will try and get in to see my doc in Nov. I am totally booked for Oct.! How awesome for your friend to be celebrating 90! What's her secret? I do hope you are feeling good for it. It is at someone's house?

    Well well Wacko, good to see your purdy face. How is your DD doing, did you get in the house? Your dad will be going with you to Myrtle Beach, no doubt?

    Nancy, that is awesome that you have your church friends being so helpful. OMG, I forgot about the itching. It was so hard not to scratch, and it even went to my back, shoulder blade area.

    Great funnies there DW!

    Mary, where you be?

    NM, bummer that the bags are an additional cost. We don't have trash pick up, have to take it to the dump, and the gal there likes my DH, so usually only charges him $5 for a whole pick load, and we burn what we can. As for the pellet stove at Tractor Supply, if you are interested, you might want to see if you can find some reviews on the brand. It didn't seem like it was made as well as ours. But if you are only using it occasionally, it might be worth it. And call or ask about installation charges. You will also need the pipe to vent it outside. Glad your first day back was not too bad.

    Off to Phoenix today, and going to visit with my neighbor at the hospital. I have a HUGE bowl of cherry tomatoes for my little buddy, he just loves them! Leaving beery early tomorrow morning for TN. My MIL does not have internet, and not sure how well my phone will work to provide us with internet. I believe it doesn pretty good, so I will check in when I can.

    Cheerios.........I mean CHEERS!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Oh Goldie I thought u were leaving today--safe trip and oh and the party is in the restaurant--a reay nice one--good food.

    Oh NM my sister is really nt a witch, she's my best friend along with my cousin, we are so close, but between the 2 of us I am the nice one, my mom and dad aways liked me better.

    Just t let u up on Joey's clarinet lessons, when he practices the cat comes in here and lays next to me with her little paws covering her ears and the dog come in here and tries to hide his big old head under my ottoman. I told you guys this was going to be a nitemare--the pets must hear the notes differently, altho cover my ears also/