how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Julie, ps, lmao of trick or treating and asking for wine. I would of course ask for JD. trick or JD hehe!

    Love to all! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Afternoon everyone.

    Dara I was going to ask the same question that Lori did, I didn't quite understand the separation of whose family, whomever it sounds stinky.And I so remember the twins perfect picture, I had never seen anything like that before and it jst stood in my mind, I think that's why it surprised me to see them older so quickly. It's almost time for u now and such an exciting time. Try to rest up a little for this  wonderful time--well that's how I remember it even tho he ived with me for almost a year and I was a zpmbie it was still beautiful. Oh one thing bout Joey he was 6 weeks early and had to stay in an incubator for 2 weeks but he was over 8 lbs. which is a giant,,,good thing she had him early or he would have weight 11 lbs. hahaha

    Lori u are one busy lady and I'm sure u'r home doesn't need much cleaning so don't overdo something that doesn't need it. And some more traveling too, U are like a party animal. so I hope u have lots of fun and win big time.

    SusyQ wht a great party u had and how sweet. HANGOVER I wonder why---ad u'r traveling too--good for you. Well some of it.

    Nancy u'r pics were fantastic but so sorry wht u and Mary are going thru with u'r rads, the burns must feel awful, I wish they could give u something that really helps, Thankfully it will end

    Oh I love the way that drink looks and sounds yummy too. I was thinking about buying a Shnapps, there are so many different yummy kind I have to give this reall thought.

    NM u must be tired the last few days I hope u'r OK with u'r energy---are u taking all u'r meds?

    Ju;ie we ll want to go TorTing with u for sure and DW again? I'm glad u'r sister is coming out there for you.

    I've been so busy doing my IRS stuff that I don't even understand but I hve it all ready to mail now (for now) theres always more. My brain level was as high as it goes and for far to long, so it quickly dropped down back to can barely think so I'm more at ease. I don't like the IRS BTW.

    Has anyone heard from Lara? or did I miss something.?

    OK one more thing Joey has a costume a boring vampire one but the cape is gorgeous, red velvet collar and the rest all black I want to wear it not for a costume but for a fashion statement--it's perfect, I know I get carried away.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, been reading all the posts. Love all you girls, love the pics will ketchup soon. DH outta town, I'm having a pity party for 1. Finised 3/4 bottle of wine, getting tired going to sleep soon. I'm so burned, yesterday was hell at rads, arms up and tube in mouth for 70 minutes then I pushed the panic button, shoulders locked up and asleep. Today was an hour but I handled it better, they are trying to get the scan line for my boosts and having trouble. Anyway, skin breaking down and they said today if it opens I will need a break, then my end date will be pushed back. I could so easily say f*^k it and refuse further tx, trying to hang in there but sick to death of it and wanting my life back. Thanks for listening to my rant.... just sick of to all.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Genny I hear you on the F it part and believe me you I FEEL your pain! OMG do I feel it! But good news is we are almost done and then  we can start to heal. Again.. 

    Mema I am so glad you had a great party!! That sounds like so much fun!

    Dara I will keep praying for your DD. I know its hard when there is an idiot involved and there isnt a lot you can do about it until she decides she has had enough. I have been there before with my DD. She finally had enough and is now with a great guy!

    Lori, Cami, Mema, Dara everyone else I forgot to mention thank you so much for your encouragement! I really need to be reminded that it will end soon. I am so so red and my nipple is purple the area around it is so damn red and sore, my entire breast is swollen and sore, my SNB site is real red and a little red underneath it now and real sore, and under neath I am very red and have two open areas now that itch and hurt. They gave me some Domeboro soaks, today I am supposed to do 4 times a day for 30 min then do the cool gel patch for 30 min then put on the hydrocortisone cream, then lidocaine cream,then Radioplex cream and then Aquaphor on top of that, then sit with no top on. Lol geez that right there is enough to make you drink.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited October 2014

    Hello Ladies!!! I have missed you all..I have been reading but on my phone mostly and it is so hard to post from there.  so here I go!

    Nancy..I am so sorry that the rads are so hard for you.  I did not like them either but I had such as easy time compared to you.  I am sorry!  Hang in there..and keep counting them down.  I love the boat and the rowing..WOW... I would do that in a heart beat too!  And the race pictures looked so good.  The littles are too stinkin cute.... my youngest son is  Jackson too..but we go with just Jack!

    Julie...Glad you are holding up!  Surgery around the corner and were in your pockets.  Thanks for all the funniest I have been laughing! and the man flesh..which I never tire of. And man that was some cake!!

    Lori...Sorry about your neighbor.  Hard to have nice people have hard times and hard for his son too.  I'm glad that you are doing well. As for the candy joint...things are going well we are closing in on a hard two piece box, we are thinking brown with gold foil logo on lid and on the bottom..Hand-made, Hand-wrapped, always.  Pink satin ribbon and a hang tag with a picture of the caramels.  We have a graphic designer working on the logo now. 

    Cami...I had to laugh and I am sure I will never think of Mary Had a Little Lamb quite the same.  Really sorry you have been so tired and I hope that lessens for you.

    Genny....What a complete drag on the rads!  You have certainly got a shit hand with those.  I am sorry about the skin breakdown too.  If is does open up, they have some newer dressing and some use duoderms even.  I was lucky to not need that.  I am counting the days with you and think of you so very often.  I hope the rabbit hole closes!

    Dara... Your daughter is so lovely and I know the fun it is to have a new baby at the holidays, my last is a Nov 15 baby.  You looked might comfy in your recliner.  I am hopeful that the house deal got worked out for your dad's place.  Another surgery????  And getting back to a place where you know the lay of the land is always good, you are in your comfort zone and really can shine then!  And HAPPY BIRTHDAY. A little late!

    4...those picture were so great...whew I was flashing right away!  LOL  Hope you are holding up okay and the kids aren't running you ragged!

    NM..... Crappy cold and rain is what you been getting right?  Every time I talk to my DH in the am I hear the wipers!  Hope Miss Sadie is A-ok to!!

    Lara... Hope your ok and your virus is gone and the lymphedema is resolved 

    Mema.  Glad you had visitors... The little people and cute and funny!!!

    I have been working hard at work and at the candy shop.  I cooked toffee on Sunday and them caramels on Monday.  We packed Monday and wrapped 1425 caramels on Tuesday.  We have a young girl working with us and she is great. This is a shot of some Pecan Caramels.


    And here are trays of English Toffee ready to be broken and packed...


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another get up at oh dark
    hundred.Yuck.Not even Sadie wants to get up in the dark!3 years ago today we got 6 inches of

    Goldie--OK, I was
    REALLY funcused, I was thinking about Nancy and little Jackson.I think it's time I stopped talking all
    together, since I'm making a huge fool of myself!

    You Know You Live in
    Maine if you routinely get kid's Halloween costumes in a size that fits over a
    snow suit.

    Mema--glad your flu
    shot didn't bother you much.

    Dara--baby daddy
    wanting to separate DH from her family is a big red flag of abuse, make sure DH
    knows this and does not allow it to happen.I still think she should cut him out of her life entirely until he has
    counseling and has kept a good job for a year and paid child support for a year
    without any hitches, problems or complaints.Anyway, just my opinion.

    Cammy--Yes, I am
    taking my meds, am rather tired but mostly from the house being kinda
    chilly.I'm planning to turn the furnace
    on Sunday.When the house is warmer and
    I don't have to wear a blanket I'll have more energy.I hope.Joey's cape sounds wonderful!I
    'd wear it!

    Genny-- hear what
    you are saying.I really wish I had
    stopped rads when my boob was burned, draining, 3 times it's normal size and so
    painful.But, I thought I was doing what
    I "had" to do.Take the break
    if they offer it, you are going to get a whole lot more tired and have a lot
    more pain, any break will feel like heaven for a few days.

    Colllett--Good point
    about being almost done and ready to start healing.Again.Taking care of the radiation burnt skin is a full time job, isn't it?


    PRN--Miss Sadie is
    very good, running the household to her satisfaction.Oh my, those caramels and toffee look soooooo

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Buttered Toffee

    1 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Coffee Liqueur

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 cubes Ice

    3 oz Half and Half

    Best served in a
    Cordial Glass.


    Pour amaretto, irish
    cream, and Kahlua over ice cubes. Add half-and-half, and stir well.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    OK, let's see if I can get a pic off the new phone: 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Well, that's apparently not working this ayem, will try again another time.  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all,

    nancy and mary- hoping you get some relief from the skin issues with the lotions and potions

    darla-  i will second nm, isolating a person from family and friends is a classic act of a abuser, while logan would benefit from a dad in his life, that dad is not always the biological father. 

    prn-yummy-there goes my diet, trying to be good prior to surgery but after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cammi-hows the music lessons going? that cape does sound wonderful

    lara-how you doing?

    sue,lori,4, unde,cyncyn,chrissy,have a good day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls! It is a sunny and cold day here in Kansas. hehe. 

    NM and Julia, you girls hit the nail on the head. I had not thought about the fact that my DD's ex trying to separate her from our family and her friend's as being part of an abusive plan. Yikes. I hope I can talk some sense into her next time she thinks about taking him back. It is all so very painful. She is doing a little better, she signed up for a parenting class. I am proud of her for taking that step. She is so very frail mentally and I am very afraid for her and Logan. My primary care doctor told me early on that I will end up raising this child. Ugh, I hope he is wrong and that my Jessica will step up to the plate and be the best mommy ever. I worry that she will not finish school, she has just 12 credits to get her bachelors degree. There are times that I just want to jump off the bridge over all of this but I just pray and hope and hope and pray. 

    PRN, those goodies look scrumptious. I still have a few boxes of the caramels left and ate one last night before bed. That is naughty but I can't  help it. I love a sweet snack before bed. It is hard to stop at one. 

    Juliet, lol at the old village people. 

    Genny and Nancy, I just feel so terrible for you girls with the burning boobs and such. I remember a prior loungette, Bernie, saying that she had pulled off her shirt and all of the skin came off with the shirt, it must be so horribly painful. I hope you are both taking a lot of pain meds along with the burn creams. And Genny, I hope you are able to finish up and not have to delay the rads end date. That would suck so much. It is time to heal and feel better. One thing I often say, you will feel just so good once you are healed and done with all of this horse chit. I pray that time passes quickly for both of you. Sending you girls gentle hugs and lots of love and encouragement. 

    NM, I feel for you getting up at dark o'freaking clock. I think how lucky I am to be slacking all of this time. Honestly though I am scared of going back and getting back into it. I can't play hookie forever. Give Sadie another belly rub and a kiss on the top of her head from mese! 

    Camille, isn't it hard to believe that the twins are turning two next month? It was such a proud moment for me to see the photo of them going viral on facebook. (or as sweet brown would say, going virus lol). How is Joey making out on the clarinet, any better? Hey, when I played clarinet my Dad would ask me if I could play Far Far Away. I thought he was referring to a song but nope. lol. It is a touch instrument to get right. But once he masters it, he will play beautifully. My favorite music on clarinet is from the Beatles "WHEN I'M 64", there is a clarinet solo that I could play so well. I gave it up after two years and switched to flute due to getting braces on my teeth. Anyway, once he gets the embature  (SP?) right, meaning the way he holds the reed under his teeth and learns to control the flow of air, he will be a joy to hear. At least I hope so for you, your dog and your cats sake lol. 

    Lori, where are you dis aye em? I do not think you are away just yet. I am thinking of you. And also saying some prayers for peace for your lil buddy's Daddy. Life can be so unfair eh? I hope you are feeling well. Do you think you and Sue will get some more facetime soon? wAAAAH, I wanna come too!! 

    Well it is time to drop the kids off at the pool. I hope you all have a stellar day.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone

    Oh Julie I love u'r pics---I sang along with the last one, I couldn't help myself.

    NM we change the clocks this weekend, does that help u in the morning?

    I guess Lori's gone again or her company is there--busy woman.

    PRN u'r really working hard, I'm glad u have someone helping u--they are so yummy but still work. I'm sure glad u'r up for it.

    Nancy and Mary--u two are having such a difficult time I'm so sorry I wish they had something better for more relief. Mary I know u don't want to stop but they might suggest it and just do it let u'r skin heal somewhat.

    Oh Dara I worry so about u'r DD, but if she's taking classes she making strides and yea u might have to help with Logan, but I have a feeling she will step up and get rid of this asshole and it will be all different. (((PRAYERS)))

    Oh I should take a pic of my cat with her ears buried in her paws when Joey "play" Instead of the Sound of Music--it's the Sound of Everlasting agony, and Joey is honing that sound more than anything.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!TGIF! Was a long day
    yesterday, hope it won't be aslong
    today.Boy, am I having trouble waking
    up this ayem.Be glad when the sun comes
    up.Wishcould go back to bed like Sadie just did.Sigh.

    Julie--LOL, farting
    snowflakes!And Village AARP!

    Dara--See if you can
    get DH to talk to someone at a battered women's shelter.They will tell her and show her what to
    expect if she takes sperm donor back without him proving he has changed--and
    most abusers don't ever change.DH needs
    to start thinking of him as a sperm donor, not a father.There is a big difference.Any male can donate sperm, many cannot be
    fathers.Point out to her that if she
    takes him back, you WILL end up raising Logan, because she will probably be
    dead by his hand.And that's only if he
    doesn't kill Logan, too.And if Logan
    grows up seeing his mother being abused he will think that is normal male
    behavior and become an abuser, too.Sadie says thank you for the kisses and belly rub!

    Cammy--turning the
    clock back will help with the getting up in the dark for a few weeks, then it
    will be dark when I get up, AGAIN.I
    wish they'd leave the clocks alone and just let me adjust once to the seasonal

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    A Clockwork

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Gold Rum

    12 oz Sprite

    1 packet Tangerine
    Kool aid


    Combine all
    ingredients in a beer pilsner. Stir together, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Good morning this dark and cold ayem, house was 64 when I woke up which makes for great sleeping if only we could all just stay under the covers. I turned the heat on, got my coffee and DH took dogs to the park...brrr, better him than me. I have only a few minutes but will try and catch up a bit.

    NM, I'm with ya, I wish they would just leave the clocks alone, such a hard adjustment to make and gets so dark so early. Glad it's Friday, I am ready for a break from work and rads. Hope you have a good weekend with yer Sadie, any plans this weekend? Looks like a lot of us getting snow and oh so cold.

    Dara, wish I had time to write all I cold say about your DD's situation. I agree with what NM and the other girls are saying. My son's SD (sperm donor) did not ever hit me but was controlling and I did get quite alienated from my friends, but never thank goodness from my family. Anyway, after I finally left him he bugged me and I would feel sorry for him and my mother would worry that I'd go back but I had no intentions of doing so. Anyway about the time our divorce was final the most wonderful thing happened... he met someone ELSE! And boom problem solved, lost interest in me and his son..., he's never even met Nora and I think my DS has lost interest in trying to have a relationship with him. So that's what we all need to pray for girls...that some other poor woman will come along and knock him off his heels and he'll move on. So I'm praying for that real hard. Anyway, good luck with your surgery and the work thing, I hope it all works out for you and that eventually you'll get the job of your dreams.

    PRN, I don't know how you do it, the candy is beautiful, can't wait to order some one of these days. You give me hope that I may one day have some energy again. Glad things are going so well for you.

    Cami, oh you poor thing, and your cat and dog! I hope you can get a pic of your cat with his ears covered, I'd love to see it. Hope you have a good weekend with no D. And I hope Joey finds that sweet spot whatever it was called that Dara talked about with the clarinet real soon.... but I have to admit it is quite entertaining listening to your descriptions.

    I'm gonna post this and come back to catch up with everyone else before work if I can or after I get home, gotta jump in the shower before DH gets home.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    LDB, are these burpday pawties? And yes, you may have told of test dates, but like we remember? As for Vegas, I think next Friday, but we may not go. It would only be an over nighter, need to get with someone to discuss some bizzness stuff. They are coming to Phoenix for trade show, so we may wait until then.

    Dara, OMG I can't believe how he is just in and out so much. I'm sorry he had such a rough life, but he is an adult now. I'm not really having a vacation, just a little get away. Laughlin is only a 5 hour drive and we get our rooms free, plus have friends we can visit with and the cocktail waitress that we know there. I miss our girls that have left too. Why does your PC doc think that you will be the one to raise little Logan? Are you concerned about that as well? Sending prayers and lots of love your way girl, and hugs too. (((((Dork)))))

    Cami, you are right about your DD having Joey early, 11 lbs not so fun to deliver! As for winning big, you gots to play big, and we DON'T! Like I said, we have some friends there that we will be hanging out with, so we are not gambling all day and all night, that just gets really really boring. Is Joey going out for Trick or Treat?

    Mary, pity party is ok, but not for long, K? Hang in there iffin you can, gots to kick that Rat BasTURD to the curb. LOL at the unicorn cartoon. You too Nancy. As for the broken skin, I don't understand why they don't just give you the silvadene or what ever its called. When mine broke, they tried like 5 different things on me, none of which worked, then finally the silvadene, and Waa Laa, I started to heal. Hoping to see pics of Jackson, Samara and Nora in Halloween costumes.

    PRN, good to see you back and good to hear how well things are coming along for Goodman's. I have not even gone on my phone to read here, let alone post! Not happening! WOWSA, das a LOT of candy!

    NM, LOL NO, you can't stop making a fool of yourself, it gives us something to chuckle about and we are ALL guilty! I too had to make sure my kids costumes could fit over winter wear. Rain was also very common in MI for Halloween. Great suggestion for Wacko's DD, if only they would listen, but they never do and therefore have to learn on their own. At least that is how it is with my children.

    Julie, you hit the nail on the head when you told Dara "while logan would benefit from a dad in his life, that dad is not always the biological father", that is exactly the case with my son, he doesn't even know his biological father and refers to him by his first name, IF he ever talks about him, which is almost NEVER!

    LMAO Wacko at you daddy wanting you to play "far far away" and you tawt it wuz a song. Dat is a classic. I had to get up beery early yesterday ayem, tree turdy to be exact, so didn't hab time to post.

    No time changes here NM, but I no like the lack of sun in the winter months. Winter would be so much easier to handle iffin we had more daylight. More great advice for Dara from NM. I no have company just yet, and I'm still home. Helping DH move our fence that closes our yard, to make it bigger for more garden space, then Halloween party this afternoon. My neighbors should be back up today as well. Here is my lil bud with his pumpkin that we carved. We tried to do Micky Mouse, but it didn't turn out! If you look at the eyes, those were suppose to be the ears, then the nose was suppose to be his eyes, too much of the pumpkin came out and ruined the eyes, so we had to change it up!

    edited to remove picture

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    No need for that shower Mary, mese knocked you into that nice warm pewl of ours!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Morning everyone. Trying to stay positive but a bit hard when your in so much pain. My RO just keeps giving me soaks and creams to put on. I keep telling them the 800 mg Motrin I have isnt working and they dont say anything. Im about to scream though. Poor little Jackson doesn't understand why Nana cant play right now. I might loose my RT license because I dont have enough CEUs. They are due this DEC I have 7 and nee a total of 15 I was gonna go to our State meeting but couldnt due to rad, theres one today, cant go due to rad, and the last one in state is next week, cant go due to rads. I have met my online quota so only other option is to go to nationals in Dec in Vegas which is $400.00 not including the damn flight room or food. Im so frustrated! Radiation and this damn skin treatment totally consumes my life right now. At least during the week; That and Dr appointments. If its not an oncologist its a pulmonologist, or neurologist, or neuro psychologist, or ENT, or some one else, 

    Sorry fur venting,  I love the candy pictures, im gonna have to try me some of that especially the Carmels.  


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    I just lost a whole post damn goblins and I talked to everyone. Now I have to rest. BBL

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, done with work and rads and home with the crazy pooches. It's raining and they are all wound up....anyway, where was I?

    Lori, the dip in the pool was nice, thanks. You are just so dern bizzy.. that's good tho cause it means yer feeling good. Love the pic of yer lil' buddy, haha about the Mickey Mouse pumpkin. Good luck with the fence moving and hope you have fun at the halloween party. My DH and I aren't much on the gambling thing either, I'll lose like $30 and think about the hair I had to do to make that money and then I quit.

    Nancy, so sorry you're feeling so bad, boy can I relate. Can't you take 1 day off from rads to go to your class? They'll just add it on to the end of your sentence, better than losing your license. Or can you at least put the license into escrow? So sorry about your pain, I've been taking Percocet and ibuprofen and it was working till a couple of days ago. Hang in there, we'll get thru this.ThumbsUpScared

    Julie, loved the old village people, I'm sure you're bizzy getting all yer ducks in a row for your surgery, glad to hear you'll get some Disney time first.

    Sue, I can't remember what you're doing this weekend but whatever it is hope you have a good time.

    Has anyone heard from Lara?

    Ok, here's my latest.. I have been using the Silvadene all along, foob is hanging in there ok but under my arm is a mess. Skin is peeled and raw about the size of a quarter with a lot of other areas starting to peel and getting ready to open. There are 2 small blisters on the foob but otherwise it's fine. No more rads to neck or clavicle and they are ok too. All that's left are 2 bolus and then 4 boosts but RO decided that under my arm (where I will be getting all 4 boosts cause that's where all the positive nodes were) is too broken down at this point so I'm getting a 5 day cancercation!! Wohoo! I'm excited, I know it delays my sentence as well but I'm too beat up now to continue. I go back next Thursday and she wants to see me 1st to see if I'm heeled enough to finish then. The Percocet not doing the trick anymore, I take 2 and they only work for 3 hours, so she wrote me a script for slow acting morphine sulphate twice/day, then she says I can take the percocet as needed but to watch the drinking with the percocet, but told me ok to drink with the morphine or the ibuprofen. I just love my RO! So i took my 1st one an hour ago, then 1 percocet and 2 ibuprofen and I'm sitting here typing with no pain... yipee! So tomorrow night we do the thing where I'm supposed to dress up. It's 3 of the guys that were in the original Jersey Boys in New York. They do oldie music, it's a charity benefit and it's a cocktail hour at 6 followed by dinner, a 2 hour show then dancing and more drinks. I really don't want to go, I'm so tired but it's with Molly and her DH and we'll prolly have a lot of fun. Then we'll stay at her house which is nice cause we can take the furbabies. I've decide on a sweater and slacks and heels, just can't put a dress on right now, plus it's only going to be in the 30's. I'll get some pics of the 4 of us. Then Sunday on our way home we'll stop and see our baby, she's climbing stairs now.. only up of course. So I'll prolly pop back in later. DH put the raincoats an the brats and took em' to the park, I'm going to make myself a cancercation cosmopolitan. Lubs to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Happy friedey girls!

    Nancy, why not ask straight out for some percocet or something narcotic to help with the pain? I just don't understand why these doctors are not giving you anything strong to help. I am so sorry for you and for our Mary too. Hang in there.

    Well I just got some bad news. To those who remember a few years back when my cousin from Florida died? He was only 59, his liver shut down on him. I just found out that his daughter Amy died yesterday at age 39 and that Amy's husband had died 12 hours prior. I am guessing that she killed herself, so very sad for her family. She is my good friend/cousin Cheryl's niece. Cheryl is the one that just lost her Mom and has spent time here with me having sleep overs and acting like teens. That poor family just keeps getting hit with tragedy. My poor uncle, he lost his wife and now his grand daughter. Please say a prayer for the family, girls, I would appreciate that. 

    Lori, lol on the pumpkin. But really, it does not look bad, matter of fact, it looks pretty good considering the eyes were ears! I am glad that your little buddy has you in his life, sounds like you both had fun. And boy do I miss you when you are not on here, thanks for splaining yer absence, you are escused. hehe!

    Cam, I too want to see a pic of your cat covering its ears, that is hysterical. You just crack me up over and over again when you post, I am so glad your puter is up and running as I missed you berry much when you were not posting daily. 

    NM, hope today goes fast at work then you get to enjoy a nice weekend with Sadie. And I know how it feels when you have to go off to work and to see Sadie so comfy, it just hurts as you want to crawl back in bed and warm up next to her. My Bella spend the night under the covers, she is usually sleeping along side of her pillow with her ass against my body. Last night she curled along the side of me and she felt so warm and cuddly. Dogs rule! 

    Thanks to all that made suggestions and comments on the situation with my DD and her sperm donor, ugh. It is such an ugly situation. I did tell Jess that his actions are a clear sign of abuse. She does not want to hear it but she has no choice. And Lori, the reason my doctor commented on me raising Logan is that he knows my DD quite well and knows that it will be difficult for her to care for a baby on her own. I hope and pray that she is able to do so as I really do not want to raise this child. I will do whatever is best for Logan and if it means helping to raise him, I have no choice but to do just that. I will not tell my daughter that though. Keep prayers coming girls, we need them.

    And I will be praying for our Mary and our Nancy to get through this horrible phase of treatment and get back to living and feeling well. My heart goes out to both of you girls. Hang in there, you are both nearing the finish line.

    Julie, when is your next trip to Disney? And when is your surgery? I am funcused, I thought it was 11/11 or there about. We will be in your pockets, just need to know when to have de UFO make the pick ups!

    So my Dad's house deal is officially closed, the proceeds hit his account today. The truck that is hauling his personal belongings will be here on Sunday. I don't know that the hell I am going to do with all of his stuff! My living room is already jam packed with his personal stuff. I want him to get a storage unit, I dunno. 

    Well I typed this early afternoon, sorry if I am bumping anyone. Wishing all of my goils a fantabulous weekend! chEErS! 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi goils, back again, amazing what a cancercation can do to one's psyche. Anyway, I had to post this pic that I just got... my little Nora in her Halloween costume... just got it.. so friggin' cute I can't stand it and had to share. Love you girls, so glad I have you all especially when I'm a bit crazy and self centered, nobody understands like u girls. Good night and sweet dreams.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a warm and safe Halloween! Here in the Frozen Tundra it was SNOWING!!! I told my kids I never ever remember having snow on Halloween. Well that would be because it hasnt snowed in 124 damn years!! 

    Ok heres some good news. MY DS got a car today all on his own with out my help!! YAY this is a huge accomplishment! I have been praying so long for him to meet a nice Christian girl who would love him for who he is and who would appreciate him and he met Camille and turns out her father is a retired minister and she cant wait to get back into church and she and Mike and have talking about church and things. And her mother has been praying the same kind of prayer for Camille and Samara to find a good man who would take care of them. Camille told me she really didnt know why she was to come to IN at first. She is from Southern California between LA and San Diego and she just felt she needed to be here. She told me last night she feels now that God sent her here and that she and Michael were supposed to meet. 

    Here are some Halloweenie pictures for you all!


    Michael in his new car


    Camille putting her Devil on 


    Ninja Turtle Jackson


    Mini Mouse Samara


    After trick or treat

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014


    This is the snow on my car


    This is my sweet Brandon my Cousin Becke's son from Arizona. He has Autism and won first place at his party last night in his group home. Becke sent this to me. He is so sweet. He is 21. He was born with a tumor on his brain and they had to remove a part of his brain that affects his speech so he has problems talking but he is the sweetest boy ever!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning

    First Dara I can't believe what's happened to u'r family--Such a tragedy, I read that 3 times it hit hard everytime I'm so sorry and Prayers are going for all of them. It's just so sad.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Wow what beautiful pics Nancy, the Nor'easter is heading here now, cold and so windy but I think it's going to stay just above freezing so just rain for us. Wow, look at that snow, NM, look out, i think you're getting the worst of it. Camille is just beautiful, must be something about that name! I see where Samara gets her looks. Is her daddy out of the pic? They all sound like a match made in heaven, I hope it works out. How long have they been dating? The kids are darling, how nice that they are so close in age. And congrats to your cousin's son on 1st place.

    Oh Dara, I'm so sorry about your cousin's/uncle's family. That is just tragic, to lose 2 such young people so close together, just heartbreaking.