how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - I kno u didn't mean it was bad.  I too kno those who felt 'less than a woman' after emergency hysterectomy and needed counseling.  For me it was constant incredible pain caused by a botched tubal sev years earlier.   LOL about Joey again and the ‘whole herd’.  I can relate to the lying for the same reasons. 

    Nancy - Yes it will pass, can’t believe you’ve had 10 already.  Course it’s diff and seems forever when you are going thru it.  Yes yes, let us all kno what towns you’ll b traveling in, if possible would love to watch and cheer.  Samara is a pretty name, get come pics if you can.

    Lara - sounds like you and your gf had a good time.  Glad you are there for her.

    Dara - sending you love and strength to help you get thru this bitter-sweet sale..Muah!  Had to LOL too on the ‘blown vs known’..hahahaha.  Can’t bellieve you got 86’d from a bar.  How crazy, did you get in someone’s face or sumptin, what was the reason?  Can’t see pics on photobucket, u shud keep private and only paste what you want us to see.  It can wait til you get home.

    NM - sounds like a pretty good day, good u treated urself to lunch.  Oh yeah, I do carry hand sanitizer too.  I’m with you and the Kindle too, been a life saver for me.  Can’t believe that nursing home took them are they thinking?  LOL about the ‘orgy’ in your message.

    Cami - good morning to you too.  Makes me sad you have such trouble with the D, hate that it dehydrates you too.  ((Cami))

    Lubslubslubslubs to da moon and back!!!!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello everyone. I am making some tie died shirts for the Making Strides walk we are doing on Saturday for team Collett. Hope everyone is having a good day.. we finally had a good sunny day here. It was chilly but sunny. Today would have been my daddys 70th birthday. I said happy birthday to him called my mom to make sure she was ok and took a nap. 


    This is little Samara isnt she adorable?? 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    nancy she's beautiful,isn't lovely when someone starts a new relationship and you get a bonus child to love

    cammi-lmao at the herd,they asked what i was laughing at in work,so told them, can't take credit for the right size,saw them liked them and asked your dd for the size he needed! hows the body parts doing?

    well my preop is nov 17th so sometime in the following week will be surgery didn't have time to call the office for more details so tomorrow.   had hellday in work plus ,something is pressing on my sciatic nerve , so limping along!

    sue -i'm with you will be glad to see it go

    darla, and lara thinking of you

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, I'm reading but that's it, to tired, rads kicking my ass now and I have the sore throat from hell cause of the neck rads. Got the BMX gargle solution but only helps for a short time. If it gets much worse I may have them discontinue the neck rads. Still working but it's hard, I may lose weight after all, less appetite, no desire for alcohol. Gonna sleep now, love to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies...

    Oh Geny/Mary I'm sorry these rads are so difficult for you. I know they aren't easy do whatever u think is best and like u said rest.

    Julie the 17th sounds so far away, but in reality it will be here before we know it. I'm glad u'r getting this done tho, I know another operation, who needs it, but in the long run it'll be better for you. Oh I'm not telling you anything u don't know.

    Dara hahaha blown it makes sense to me. LOL

    Nancy Samara is a beauty, I hope things go well.

    SusyQ I'm usually just used to it, but I made a big deal with it this week didn't really mean to cuz things could be worse.

    NM u should always treat u'rself to a nice lunch u deserve it,

    Dara, blown hahahahaha 12 yrs too. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Well, it's raining but not the heavy rain the weather guessers have
    been calling for, now they're saying it will come tonight.Wait and get wet time!

    Cammy--so far the
    rain is gentle, I don't like heavy rain when I have to be getting in and out of
    the car! At least it's not snow.Keep
    drinking and praying the D stays away!

    Dara--so glad you
    have good weather for the all the clearing out work. Autocorrect is a real
    pain, isn't it?

    Oh dear, just
    listening to a news item on an Isis terrorist attack in Canada.Thank God only one fatality, but that is one
    too many.What is the world coming to?

    Mema--It was a good
    day, and I'm going back tomorrow to see
    another 4 or 5 people for them.Already
    thinking about where I will go for lunch!

    Birthday to your Daddy!Samara is indeed

    Julie--got a pre-op
    date, things are moving forward.Sorry
    about the sciatica, that is no fun from what I've heard.Hang in there!

    prayers for you.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    The 'mello' Drama

    3 parts Cinnamon

    3 cubes Ice

    1 wedge Lemon

    5 parts Cranapple

    2 dashes Soda Water

    Best served in a
    Highball Glass.


    ***This drink should
    be made with Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey. You can however user Cinnamon liqueur
    if you don't have it****

    Pour the 3 parts
    Cinnamon whiskey into your glass with the 3 ice cubes. Then add 5 parts
    Cranapple juice. Squeeze the lemon wedge well into the glass and drop it in.
    Finally add 2 dashes of soda water and stir.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Good morning ladies, I have been up since 6 AM after having bad dreams. One was about work, I was driving a client and it started to snow and I just didn't put my  wiper on my windshield was completely white she asked me if I was alright and I did not respond as I did not know what to do with her as she was supposed to close on a purchase loan that same day and it was not near ready. Then I got to work and I could not figure out any of my reports and I had tons of loans to close, my boss is on my ass etc. then I had another dream about being in Atlantic City and a man was chasing me trying to molest me and he had a gun. It went on and on and on. I was so happy to wake up. I took a quarter of Valium to calm down my heart.

    Mary, I am so sorry you are going through so much. I am praying for you honey hang in there tight, as I always say this too shall pass.hugs to ya.

    Julie, sorry about the sciatica I had some of that going on as well and it sucks. I'm sorry you need to have surgery to, that sucks. I hope today's a better day for you.

    Nancy, Sierra is freaking adorable. You are indeed blessed. I hope the relationship continues to flourish.

    Mema so, I did nothing wrong to get flaggedfrom the bar. It was just that they were making the drinks much to week so I was ordering a jack and Coke along without shot if JD to make my drink taste like a drink. I also had two shots of your favorite, Jose told you. Apparently, I exceeded the number of allowable drinks. I felt very sober when I left there. I wasn't falling over until I got home and maybe some real drinks.

    NM, I had heard about the attack on the Canadian embassy yesterday when it broke through on TV. It just makes me ill. I can't even talk about that Isys or think about it. All I want is well peace and peace and more peace. That rain system you were having was at home yesterday. Think of the bright side, the rain cleanses the earth. I hope you have a good day.

    Little sister Lara, please check in and let us know how you are doing.

    Chamomile, that is what I will call you from now on. You know you are LOL. I hope you find the energy to make yourself smile pretty today. How is the big D, I pray n hope it hit the road. I hate that you deal with that my love.

    Lori, where is Lori? I think she is away again. Yes, I saw that she checked in. I hope you are having a great time wherever you are

    To all my other girls, I love you and love all of you and miss you. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Nancy - Samara is beautiful!!  Reminds me of my Madison.  Thanks for sharing.  Have fun on the walk...good for you.  HugZ for you on this day.

    Julie - preop on Nov 17 Yay, surgery usually same day or day after.  Take care of that sciatic, they are a bitch!

    Mary - Another bitch, that sore throat.  Hope something works.  Glad you are resting (((Mary)))

    Cami - yes it could be an oboe or tuba...LOL.

    NM - that Isis chit skeers me more than ebola.  Saw where they caught 3 American teenage girls going over there to join em.  Too fanatical!!  I've had that 'fireball' it'll knock ya on yer kiester for sure.

    Dara - horrible nightmares.  And they seem so real don’t they.  Thank goodness for the valium.  Hmmm - well as far as that bar, they can shove it, turned away a good paying customer for ‘call’ whiskey, their loss.  Piss on em!

    Yeah, where are the rest of our breasties?  Hope all are doing OK.  I pray for this nightly ya kno!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    surgery is 24th nov, so ladies who have had this done what did you do to make life easy after surgery,last time i had surgery on my belly was when i had my appendix out age 10!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, laying in my bed thought I'd pop in quick. It's getting rough, my skin is red as a tomato, starting to blister and itches like hell and I still have 12 to go. My throat is really sore and has little bumps if I look back there with a flashlight. Last night I took a Xanax at bed but it didn't work, I tossed and turned and kept getting up to swish the stuff in my throat. Plus my underarm hurts from the rads and I was having bad hot flashes. I'm so sick of feeling like shit, just when I was getting back to feeling like myself they had to go and screw me up all over again. The good news, my gigantic hard foob has healed bootifully and I don't think I'm gonna have a problem with it. Did any of you get the bad sore throat from rads? Tonight I'm gonna take a couple of benadryl with my xanax, that should do the trick. Today is my MIL's birthday and DH is cooking for her. I'm just gonna be waited on tho.

    Nancy, Samara is beautiful! Oh that dark hair and eyes, what a doll, I hope it works out for them. You sound like yer doing ok except for the fatigue. It's good u decided not to go back to work with the seizures and all. I am working just 4 hours/day and it's enough. Buy the time I do that and drive downtown and back it's a pretty full day. I was pretty good til rad #18, I put on the cream like crazy but so red. Just keep resting it's about all we can do.

    Julie, in yer pocket, good luck with surgery, my advice is walk, walk, walk as soon as possible. I was walking the halls the day after surgery, and 6 days later I got on the ferry and was belly up to the bar at Kelleys Island. For me it was a very easy surgery, hope yours is the same.

    Dara, hope all goes well in Florida. NM, PRN, Sue, Lala, Lori, Cami and everybody else I'm missing...gonna just give a big group hello, that's about all I have in me right now... love ya all... and Dara, hope you have sweet, happy dreams tonight.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    hey mary, didn't have the neck  radiated, a woman whom was having rads same time as me,she had oral ca ,she said she had to drink constantly as her mouth got so dry, with the 12 to go any of them boosts ?  my boosts were on a much narrower area so the rest of the skin got some rest. this will end

    only staying overnight so i'll be sat with my bag packed from 6am! waiting to be discharged. was supposed to go to disney from 21st to 26th nov, so instead of the haunted mansion i got the or!

    my scentsy arrived, closet smells so good

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello to all my favoite peeps. My DD and I were making tye dye shirts for the walk this weekend for Team Collett. 

    Genny I am thinking of you and so sorry your neck is giving you problems too. My breast is very swollen now and very pink almost purple and very very sore. I'm asking for something other than 800 mg of Motrin. I'm getting itchy too and very red under neath too. I finished number 12 today. (( Genny )) Im with you .

    Julie good luck with your surgery. I am sure all wil go well.

    Dara those were some wild dreams girl. What did you have to eat before you went to bed? lol... Hope you are doing well. 

    Mema, NM, Cami, Laura and everyone else love you guys!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    Oh Nancy 12 and u'r so sore and red, they must have something that will help u feel better, How are u getting the energy to do all u'r doing Good Luck.

    Well Joey wanted to give me a mini concert last nite==Oy vey I realized Mary's little lamb really wanted nothing to do with her and Hot cross Buns were burnt to a crisp and my favorite piano piece Clair de lune sounded like Clair the Loon but I smiled as much as I could and told Joey he did need more practice, good thing he knew that. So that was my big nite last nite, watched soe TV and went to sleep around 11PM--I'm still on the tired side, but not as bad meds are probably kicking in???

    I hope everyone has a good day today and I don't even know what the weather is going to be like yet--every day it's a surprise. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good wet morning,
    Loungettes!1.58 inches of rain
    yesterday, supposed to pick up some more today then move out overnight and be
    dry this weekend.They are sayingwe are still behind on precipitation for the
    month.Guess we're ketchuping!

    Dara--Holy Shmoly
    what a set of bad dreams!No wonder your
    heart was racing when you woke up.No
    stress in your life, is there?Rain does
    indeed clean the earth.

    Mema-- I didn't hear
    about the teens heading over to join the terrorist.What are they thinking?Crazy stuff.

    Julie--praying for a
    smooth surgery and fast recovery!

    Genny--Do whatever
    you need to do to be sure that you sleep.Not getting enough sleep makes everything else worse and is so important
    to your body healing.

    Christmas Tree!

    definitely will need more than Motrin over the next few weeks!Gotta post a pic if the tye dye shirts you
    are making!

    Cammy--LOL at Joey's
    renditions of some old favorites!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Neon Nightmare

    1/2 oz Midori Melon

    1/4 oz Blue Curacao

    1 1/4 oz Coconut Rum

    3 oz Pineapple Juice


    Combine ingredients
    into a mixing tin full of ice. Shake vigorously and strain into a hurricane
    glass. Garnish with an orange flag.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    JUliet(hugs) I will be in the ufo what happened? I missed something

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2014

    genny could be rads or this illness going around I still feel like crappo plus sat night killed me but I have a fever now again

    and my arm is huge when I get sick it effects my lymphedemia

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Well, I am home, and have just been bizzy here. Had to go for my treatments yesterday and today I have a dentist appt. Some fillings need to be replaced. I have read everything, but not going to comment on all, as I would be here all day! My neighbor made it up here, I haven't seen him yet, maybe today or tomorrow, then they will head back down to Phoenix on Tuesday as he has doc appt. on Wed. Get to see my little buddy too!

    Cami, my heart smile so big when you told your "Joey" story about the hug. I did tell him to give you one and he IS NOT bothering me in the least. That was the first time he has texted me since I left your house. And I'm so sorry you missed your friends party.

    Mary, glad you were able to stay outta dat hole. For me personally, all of you are my shrinks! And even better, there's no charge! I hope you are able to get through rads.

    Nancy, that little girl is adorable. When I first saw the pic, I thought maybe it was an ad for something. I hope you can make it through these rads too. You girls are having a tough time of it, for sure. I did not get sores in my throat, so I am of no help there. At least it's Friday and you can have a rads free weekend.

    Julie, we shall all be there with you girl, just be sure and let us know when the time gets closer. If you have never had your tummy cut, it does hurt, especially the first time. I imagine you will be in the hospital a few days? Tip for getting into the bed...if you are on the left side of the bed, put your left knee on the bed to get in. You don't use as many stomach muskles, so it doesn't hurt as bad. Also use a pillow on the incision when coughing or sneezing and even laffing. That's about all I have to offer. Since you had surgery when you were 10, maybe it won't be so bad, since those muskles have already been cut. And like Mary said, walk walk walk. Oops, only an over nighter wow! Sorry you have to miss Disney tho.

    NM, it is nice to have the solar, and that has gone down a ton over the years, especially the panels. But there is so much too it. You need the batteries, which aren't cheap, and you need an inverter. Then you have to add water to the batteries every month or so and you have to equalize them every so often. I haven't a clue how to do all of this, DH does it all. And some states offer tax incentives if you go solar.

    Sue, hopeing you get that break in treatments and doctors. I think that's one of the things I just hate. There's always something, an appointment, treatements, scans, lab work.....UGH!

    Wacko, your DD looks beautiful. Glad the shower was successful. LMAO at you getting cut off at the bar, too funny. Glad you got some of PRN's candies. Cami and I told y'all they were awesome. And those dreams were HORRID! When do you leave Myrtle Beach? I hope all of that is going smoothly.

    PRN, can't wait to see the logo, how exciting.

    Lala, sorry you are ill and with a fever. I hope you feel better soon, and your friend too.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Julie - Nov 24, ok we'll b on the ufo then in da docs pockets.  Am I understanding that they are doing a bikini line cut and you only hafta stay overnight???  I had to spend 7 days in the hospital in '83.  And they will make  you walk and cough, hold that pillow tight as you can when u cough.  And plan on 6 weeks of recoup time with no lifting.  It's a pain but survivable and course we'll b here fer ya.

    Mary - have doc check those bumps...could be thrush, is easy gargle to handle that if it is thrush, but don't ignore it.  Ask if you can take 1/2 a unisom (generic works) with your xanax when you can't sleep.  I've been using it all along but only on those nights I'm tossing or anxious about something.  Only kind of the gadzillion sleep aids out there that work for me and my DH.  If the silvadine is not working well, don't forget to try aloevera.  Breaks my heart you and Nancy are going thru this.  Big HugZ ((Mary))  Wow, just read rest of your post.  They must do the hyst's diff these days, 6 days on out and about, I'm impressed.

    Nancy - I remember making tye-dye back in the day. LOL.   Go Team Collett!  Hope your pain eases soon too Big HugZ ((Nancy))

    Cami - LMAO since you've been talking about Joey and his musical talent I was trying to think of the tune I had to practice and it was Mary's lit Lamb and I sucked at it!!  You're such a fine mammaw!!

    NM - last 2 days been 50o on my patio and I've been cold in my house, can't warm up.  Finally, duh, turned on the little electric heater.  Those 3 teens were caught in Germany, that's bout all I kno.  DOTD sounds pretty tasty.

    Lara sorry you feeling bad and a fever too.  ((Lara))

    Lowee - hey hey, glad you're back.  Warms my heart that you neighbor made it and that you got to see your buddy too.  He have any understanding of what's going on?

    I am going to play bingo with some gf's this am.  LOL, but it is kinda fun.  So must get my EWWA in gear.  Love all my breasties and forgive if I forgot anyone.


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, well the xanax and benadryl did the trick, DH said he had to put his headphones on cause I was snoring like a freight train. Then he took the dogs out and got home and I was just waking up and he pretty much forbade me to go to work. I argued with him for a minute cause I never miss work, then he said "you're sick your customers are old, you shouldn't be around them and they shouldn't be around you!". And as much as I hate to admit it he's right. The good thing is that the other lady there is working today and she can get all of them in, she's great that way. So here I am in my bed, sure not sure if it's rads or cold, I'm thinking maybe a bit of both. My skin is really starting to blister, I hate this. I've got both dogs and the cat here in bed with me, they're just loving it, Emma is snoring. Rads not till 2:15. Hoping I get to see RO today.

    Dara, I forgot to mention how pretty your daughter is, she looks like she looks so young, like a teenager. So glad no one brought up the babydaddy thing. Hope yer nightmares stop, I'm going to go back and read them, I admit I've just been skimming lately since feeling so crappy. Glad you got to see the latest Nora video, I've watched it about 20 times, it just cracks me up. So close to baby Logan time, I'm so excited for you!

    Nancy, hang in there, sounds like your doing OK, you are having rads to your breast only cause no node involvement? Congrats on the survivoars group, it sounds great. I'm still hoping to do that triathlon next year altho at this moment in time if feels like a pipe dream. How does training begin? Are they close to where you live?

    NM, I saw on the news that you were getting pounded with rain. Hope you and Sadie get a nice dry weekend.

    Julie, yer prolly in surgery now, it happened so fast I don't thing we even got the spaceship ready. But we are in your pocket, I'm sure you'll do great. Please let us know soonliest how you're doing. I am not getting any boosts that I know of, I also have the bolus on every tx, they are giving me all they have cause of the 10 nodes and chemo not doing it's job. I think I'll ck in with Lynn since she has pretty much the exact same dx and tx. Anyway.... hope your hyster is going without a hitch and yer up and about and feeling like yer getting a paid vacay within a week.

    Lori, glad to have you back. Ya, I tried to go down that wabbit hole but that darn Cami plugged it so tight I couldn't even get the shovel in the dirt. I am going to see the psych lady on Tuesday. She's been an RN for 20 yrs than became a counselor 2 yrs ago, I like the idea of that. We'll see, I'll go once and see if I like it. Insurance is paying for it so I've got nothing to lose. I'm so sorry you have to go thru the continual tx. The light at the end of my tunnel is the idea remaining stage 3 and being "done" with tx but I know how that can change in the blink of an eye and then tx forever. Love you girl and I think of you often. Love the way you are your and Sue both.

    Sue...ditto what I said to Lori... love you girls.

    Cami, oh you just cwackin me up with your explanations of Joey playing the clarinet, everytime I picture it I imagine closing one eye while a pain shoots thru my head! And ruining your favorite song! So funny, at least for me, I'm not there. Hope your D is gone and stays away for a long time. What's the bath scent of the day?

    Lala, so sorry you're feeling crappy too. Agghh, and lymphedema? I don't have a fever just a real bad sore throat, so achy and a bit of a stuffy nose but that could be allergies. All I know is I feel like crap and since a cold, rads and even AI's can make ya feel crappy I'm just not sure. Guess if it's a cold I'll feel better in a few days. If it's rads, it's gonna be a long couple of weeks. So far my RO is perfectly happy giving me meds, hoping I won't need the Percocet when I'm all done but I can no longer imagine not having a nightly Xanax. I sure hope you feel better soonliest too, and your pain goes away. And I'm still praying for your friend and uncle. ((Lara))

    PRN, keep on doing what yer sound great!

    Okey hi to anyone I missed and TGIF to all you gettin' the weekend off. Love ya!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    H Ladies

    I always get so furcited when one of u takes a trip the u come home. So welcome home Lori--I love u'r posts.

    NM lots of rain for u, it better stop for the weekend and I hope u have the whole weeken off completely.

    Mary u'r blistering? Please let someone take notice of that and make sure u'r RO sees it , that's got to hurt. And it's true u never know for sure if u'r getting a cold or SE's that sucks cuz u really don't know what to do. U need strong rub on u'r skin to help--There is a product called Burt's wound cream and it's for burnt skin and it works well, Well burt told me it does. And I don't blame u for watching the video over and over again.

    OK cunfusion time for me---Julie when is u'r operation I thought it was like Nov 7th or around there:

    And Julie I forgot about what Lori and SusyQ said about the pillow thing on u'r tummy and r u staying in the hospital that long now? Usually u don't but they change that stuff every year it seems like and u know we're all here for u, but I never used a bed I of course  used a recliner and I owned a bed at that time.
    SusyQ I used to play bingo every week a few years back with my cousin aand some friends and we always had the best time, well it wasn't at a church so we could drink, after a couple f glasses of wine we could yel Bingo at any time and ever know if we had it. funn stuff

    Lara u still have a fever?  R U on anything specifically for this. A fever knocks the hell out of , start feeling well very soon OK?

    Dara stop dreaming so much--my mom always told me I\I was a dreamer but mine were grand.

    LUBS u all

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Ok, so I goofed, when Julie said surgery on the 24th, I thought she meant today...sorry if I funcused anyone. I had mine in the late 90's and it was the bikini line, I think I stayed 2 nights. I just remember that I was a nurse at the time and my doctor said 8 weeks off because of lifting residents and it felt like a paid vacay to me. felt really good really fast. So the good news, we have plenty of time to get the spaceship ready. So Julie, what do u want in the spaceship? Maybe we can talk to Mickey and Minnie and see if they'll come along. I'm sure you'll do well and I bet it'll be a huge relief once it's done.

    Dara I went back and read the dreams....wierd, don't know what that's all about. How's the packing coming, making headway? How's your dad holding up? Great Xmas tree Julie posted, eh?

    Sue, I guess you bumped me into the pool this ayem, I remember making tie-dyed stuff too. I will try the aloevera. I know the radiogel has that in it and for some reason I haven't been using it so I'm going to try it again.

    Cami, sowry I got ya so funcused...don't listen to me I dont know what the hale I'm talkin' bout. I still cwack up everytime I think about Joey playing those songs and the animals covering their ears.

    Nancy hang in there, I feel your pain.

    Well, I went and got rads today and saw the RO. She says I have a cold and the rads on my neck are making the throat worse. She also said I'm going to get a whole lot worse skin-wise than I am now. The worst area is under my arm and she said the last few will be be boosts but they will be to the area that is so bad under my arm because that's where all the cancer was. She told me I can have something stronger for pain if needed, I told her so far Percocet is ok but I'm taking it more often so she wrote me another script. She says if I need a day off that's fine just let her know but it will be added to the end so I don't want to do that. The lady that works where I do got most of my people done today so I may push some of the Friday ladies her way and cut back to 3 days, we'll see. I was just sure that if I could work thru chemo I could make it thru this but my body is just beat up and tired. I'll see how I feel after a weekend of rest. I have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and boy are they screaming tonight.. the cold maybe?, I'm just a friggin mess ain't I? Think I'll sip on a shot of bourbon, what can it hurt right, help the throat and make me forget everyting else...Later and hi to ya

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Hello everyone.. Genny my training will start sometime this winter after I am done with my Radiation but they have a special trainer who works with them and who also works with breast cancer patients so he gears it towards that. Theres a lot of rowing type exercises and then we go to a high school and use their pool in the winter to do some exercises too.  

    I am really in a lot of pain today, very very red and starting to blister underneath. The Rad tech took me to the nurse today and they gave me some special radiation cream, some lidocaine cream and a cooling patch thing to put on.. They said its going to get worse..ugg It hurts so so bad tonight. Bawling

    I will post pictures of the walk tomorrow. My strength comes from above. I have to just keep going cuz if I dont I would just sleep all day. I do take time to rest but for right now I gotta do a couple of things. After this week it will slow down a bit and I will probably sleep for a bit. Its getting harder to stay awake. 

    Love you girls

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Cami, I foygot to mention yesterday that I wanted you to give Joey a hug from me. Ya see, it goes both ways Winking! Thanks for the welcome home, I think of you girls every day when I'm gone. LOL at you talking to "Burt" for Burt's cream. You are just too funny.

    LDB, you had the heat on? We haven't even done that yet. But ize sawry you's a nice warm hot flash hug from mese Loopy. My little buddy was always in the room when docs were explaining things, how much he really grasps I don't know. He does know his dad is sick, but I think that's about it. One of my BFF's in MI plays BINGO all the time, and her DD, only 20 or so, will go with her too, she loves it.

    Ms Mary, I have to agree with DH too, especially if you really are sick, which I hope is not the case. But better to be on the safe side. The rads are a bummer for sure, but I thought easier than the chemo. You will probably end up with 3rd degree burns. After treatments were done, the Silvadine helped heal me the quickest. NM and I both did, not sure about anyone else. Great idea to invite Mini and Mickey for Julie, I'll bet she'll be all in for dat one.

    LOL Nancy, clearing the path with a fart. Sorry again, for you and Mary, and unfortunately it's true, it will get worse. Just keep remembering, this is temporary.

    Thank you all for the welcome home. Got my treatments Thursday, 3 injections, 2 shots in the mouth yesterday for dental work, and then yet another poke for labs! Went over to visit my neighbor, he's doing pretty well. His wife says he seems more relaxed up here, so that is good. He is having a hard time eating, and has lost so much weight, he was thin to begin with. I got a pumpkin yesterday and told my little buddy I would bring it to his house and we would carve it. They will be heading back home on Wednesday for doc appointment on Thursday, and then prolly returning up here.


    3/4 ounce Vanilla Vodka
    1/2 ounce Bailey's
    1/2 ounce Kahlua
    1/2 ounce Crème de Cacao
    1/4 teaspoon Pumpkin Pie Spice
    Pinch cayenne pepper
    Ice cubes

    In cocktail shaker, combine Vanilla Vodka, Bailey's, Kahlua & Crème de Cacao, Pumpkin Pie Spice, and cayenne pepper. Add ice; cover and shake until very cold. Strain into chilled martini glass. - See more at:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good Saturday
    morning, Loungettes!Sun's going to be
    out today.Chilly in the house but I
    found some great long sleeved T's and Flannel shirts for less than $10 each, so
    have warmer than short sleeved T's to wear, so still don't have to turn the
    furnace on.Good excuse to bake some
    more bread, too.

    ORLA--Lymphedema is
    not fair, even more not fair to flare up when you are sick.

    Goldie--I didn't
    know the solar stuff involved so much work, but then so does a garden and a
    yard, so could probably manage it.Maybe
    I need to look into solar stuff again now and see how much the price has come

    Mema--I've got a
    little space heater I'm using a bit, too.The electric bill will go up some, but it's still better than the oil

    Genny--Sounds like
    you found a good sleep combo!I think
    your DH was right to keep you home.Enjoy the snuggle time with the fur babies.The rain has finally moved out here, should
    be a nice weekend.

    Cammy--Yup, got the
    whole weekend off.Going to the theater
    tonight, bought a ticket last week.Supposed to be a very funny show, The
    Mystery of Irma Veb, A Penny Dreadful.

    "Lady Enid and
    Lord Edgar arrive at their haunted estate on a dark and stormy night, but if
    you think you know what’s coming, guess again! Complete with vampires,
    werewolves, mummies and damsels in distress, this side-splitting spoof sends-
    up horror movies, classic literature, Victorian melodrama, Hitchcock, and the
    conventions of theatre itself.This
    beloved quick-change marathon is a true vaudeville tour de farce."

    Julie--always knows
    how to clear a path!

    Genny, Collett--it
    must be scary to hear that the skin is going to get worse.I am praying for you both.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Lori's Saturday
    Night Special

    1 oz Banana Liqueur

    1 oz Coconut Rum

    1/2 oz Dark Rum

    Vanilla Ice Cream

    Best served in a
    Parfait Glass.


    Blend all
    ingredients until smooth. If it gets too thick, add some cream. Top with
    whipped cream and a cherry.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited October 2014

    Good morning girls, wow 2 DOTD's to choose from today, they both sound really good. I'm in my bed, I'm officially admitting I'm sick. DH is golfing, so I haven't gotten the told ya so yet. Went to bed early with my magic combo again then woke up at 3 and took another Xanax which put me out till 8:15. Now I'm drinking my coffee and hacking, I sound like James Earl Jones when I talk, it's moved into my chest...damn. Supposed to be beautiful and high 60's today, I was hoping to golf one last time but that's not looking so good. I never get sick..chit...damn furb tx's. @*#^!

    Nancy good luck with your walk, Go Team Collett! Hope you have nice weather, is it a 5k walk? How's our little Jackson? Have you seen anymore of Samara? One so blond and one so dark, they are just adorable.

    Lori, I've said all along that the rads fatigue is nothing like the chemo fatigue and I still don't think it is. I thing my mind and body are just so tired from 8 months of stress and abuse, I was just starting to really feel like my old self again and BAM!, knocked on my ass... I'm just so tired of it. I feel like an old woman.

    NM, I stayed in bed till time to go for rads yesterday and furbabies right there with me. Today no rads so I'm prolly gonna just stay here all day. Have fun at the show tonight, sounds great! 

    Well pooches ringing the bells meaning they hafta go outside so I'll check back in later.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014


    My DD Jackson and I 

    Good morning everyone.. the walk was awesome!! So much fun!! It was a 3K little Jackson is doing great! He insisted on walking with Nana the entire walk. He is so dang cute. I get Samara tomorrow. The walk wore me out! I am in bed now for the rest  of the day. Im in pain now and gonna take a nap. Here are some pictures of the walk and my dragpn boat team is in 34 out of 104 so far in the international race in Sarasota!! Go Indy SurviveOars!!  


    This is the Colts guy he dresses like this for every game


    Jackson walking with my Cousin Robin


    All the Survivors around the cement tube thing

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014


    My DDBF Jackson and my DD


    Crossing the finish line with my Aunt Debbie


    Dancing with the Colts guy


    Some cool outfits


    My Aunt Debbie and Cousin Kathy 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014




    My survivor sign


    The Circle downtown that we walked around


    My Cousin Robin jamin


    Lucas Oil Stadium Where the Colts Play