how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    LOve it thank u

    seeing PS today at 2 shes on  surgery day but coming in to see me

    basically the implant is so swollen its under my armpit

    yes frozen shoulder cant move it enough of that its my BBBBBBBB DDDDDDDDDayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    love u all

    ck bk in later

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Yum im eating my virtual cake and drking the wine Bawling

    I just put the roses in a vase lol

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    Lara...HB!! Hope your arm is better. 

    Nancy... Oh my yes!  Demand pain meds!!

    Genny... Drink is a-ok!  Your Nora is so cute!!

    Mema..HB TO YOU TOO DEAR!!!

    Dara... Any word on the Logan arrival?  How's your dad?

    Lori....hi ya

    Cami... Frost and cold here too. Boo!

    NM... Power back up yet? Hey to Sadie!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, 

    It is another special day in the lounge! woo hooo, Happy HAPPY Birthday Lara, my fella scorpion seesta! 


    Stella baked the little cake for ya, hope you like it. 

    Boys, come on in, it is Lara's bday! 


    and of course some more flowers to put in your virtual vase.....


    and some chocolate, right Julie? Nothing better than some chocolate!


    nom nom nom, thanks for sharing.

    and finally, a happy birthday song I wrote

    Happy burpdey to you

    Happy burpdey to you

    Happy burpdey to Lara

    Happy burpdey to you ~BURP.

    oh hell, I nearly forgot the wodka! I can't bremember what brand ya like so got ya one of each!


    Love you Lara! HOpe toDey is as spAYshall as you are to me ♥


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    chit chit chit, just wrote a long post and the gremlins got it. I tried the back button and undo and nothing. I hit something and all of these cray cray characters came up, I ex'd outta it tinking my post would be there but no, fn no. uh, HATE YOU GREMLINS.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I'm back from my tests.  Will get results on the 10th.  The girls (ladies) I used to walk with are taking me to lunch today.  You all are right, never too many celebrations!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARA AND Lara's mommy.  u were a special present for her, love it.

    Nancy - I believe in things 'happen for a reason', tell your DS my prayers are with them, it already sounds like a beautiful thing.

    Julie - Love the Never Give Up post.

    Cami - it's been 50's in am's here and I'm chilly chilly.  We just aren't used to much of anything colder.

    NM - yay, you got it to work.  Sadie looks so comfy!

    Lowee - I am getting my hair back, but in patches.  Those thinned spots may never grow.  Ran into lady was my customer back in Paddy's (LV) days.  She has been battling RB for years.  Never seen her without a scarf and hat.  She showed me why, sporatic growth...think that will be me.  But what the heck, cud b worse.  Jes as well about trying to meet in LV, we not coming in til Sat, so we'd miss each other anyway.  And I'm not going to Phx til the 14th.  Sigh! 

    Cami - how are your ribs today?  Had to snicker at the whore bath.  I did same thing yesterday b4 my MUGA scan.  Don't like being alone in my son's house either.  It is soooo big and has sooo many doors.  I slept what I could on the couch.  I like it better with DH and my pooches are there.  I'm jes a big ninny!  OMG funny story, kinda, about you and your boss, the black hoodie, the hammer and how 'honey dripping sweet' you are to his customers.  LOL

    Mary - those pics look sooo painful.  I'm not sure what I'd do except try and take a break from it all.  You look beautiful in that pic, thanks for sharing.  Little Nora as always toooo stinkin cute.

    Lara - u look pretty ghoulish for sure.  Still praying for yor friend.    Julie's hyst surg is the 24th.  What with ER....r u better?  I'll just hold all my bday wishes close to my heart til tamary, thank  you!  It's your day, do you have any special plans?

    Nancy - you don't look to be in much better shape than Mary.  I feel sooo bad for both of you (((Mary & Nancy)))

    Dara - I'm with you...glad the elections are over.  We skipped the coverage on the news last night, jes don't care and way toooo many phone calls EVEN to my!   You didn't miss's tomorrow (6th).  Big 60  wooohooo!!!  Tank ewe  for the birfday cake and eye candy and all the rest.  You gonna b hummbarrassed when u realize u didn't miss it?  Donn't cuz I loooove all the attention.But it is really Lara's day.

    Prn - good to see you poop in!

    Gotta run....lubslubslubslubslubs all my special sisters!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    wow I love u girls thanks for the wishes and cakes and booze

    big sis Nerdy

    so I left PS crying I told her to fuck off sorry but she let me open up and ignored me and my pics

    drkimg wine cheers eberyone

    she said I looked great lmao really???????? after a doctor said my implant is swollen and I have frozen shoulder

    really/ she had her body guard nurse I just do not see it maureen do u ??? very condesending

    Lara I will send u to a shoulder surgeron to see if u have frzen shoulder

    oh is that a mark from a pain patch yess bitch it is well I cant help u while u have brutran patches

    They knew yesterday everyone has the NY drug registry

    I left crying told her im sueing her fuck off and goodbye

    I refuse to let this ruon my b day

    Im seeing a competent doc on the11 actually I am going to post one puka pic and u all tell me I look fine. I calle dthis doc in the parking lot crying they could not believe what wa ssaisd to me.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


    yea is this normal look how swollen

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    wow, Mema, you turning 60, I had no clue. You looka like yer no more than fitty. but then again 60 is the new 40 so happy 40th tomorrow, yeppers, that is what it is.

    Lara, what are you up to? ooops, should have refreshed, mighten missed sumting here.

    I need a dwink but like to wait until 5 o'clock. does that mean I am not a true alcamaholic?

    I heard that NM has her power back, woooo hoooo. cheers to Kim!

    cheers to you all, espcially our burpdey goil Lara! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    oh Lara, I am so sorry. It does not take a genius to see that your foob is in your armpit. And I for one, know, I just know that it hurts cuz I have been there more than once when the implant has shifted. I would get myself an attorney if I was you. Dara here, well mese, is going to be seeing my attorney next week, have an appointment next thistdey. Iffen not for the pressure from mese seesters, would have never even consulted but now that I have, I am glad. Dr. Prick is going down. And I want to see the ahole doctors of yours burning in hell with Dr. Prick. Ha, take that you cocky son of  beaotches! curse on them.....may a thousand snakes infest dere penis's with poison, that'll bix them idiots.  

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    drkimggggggggggg look at that p;ic

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    Happy birthday Lara!!, hope yer having a good one!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    And I brought some food to go with your wine, hope you like it!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    love u genny tyhank u

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, I'm tired. I go to see the RO tomorrow to see if I get rads but I doubt it, my foob looks bad, worse than the pic I posted. I have a blister that about 3 inches long and armpit is so raw. Wish I could just get done with it. The morphine has helped some but I still have to take the percocet and ibuprofen. Had fun with Molly yesterday, we went to lunch then a little shopping and came home and drank wine and then I did her hair. Yikes, I have no idea how I cut it! It'll either be her best cut or worst cut, I'll call her tomorrow and ask. I had to get up and go to work so I didn't see it. I am keeping Nora this weekend, her mom and dad are going out of town for my DS's birthday.

    Nancy, hope you're doing ok, how many rads are you getting? I've had 27 with 6 to go. I don't know why they don't want to give you pain meds, that's crazy!! You should demand to have them, I can't imagine going thru this without them. I'm thinking about you…hope your skin doesn't get too much worse.

    Lala, I hope you're having a good birthday in spite of the armpit foob and the frozen shoulder.. that just sucks, so sorry for you. Have some more wine, if it doesn't make it feel better maybe you'll forget about it for awhile.

    NM, electricity back on yet? I hope you had heat, we miss you around here.

    Lori, hope everything is ok and your TM's are back down next time. Praying for you everyday. When do you leave for Vegas? Are you still going?

    Sue, praying for you too, hope the test results are good. Your hair may come back with time, might take awhile longer. Stay warm, 50 degrees is just about right for me these days, I can go outside during a hot flash and cool off. So I'm funcused, when is yer birthday?

    Dara, how's your DD?? I'm getting so furcited for you! Baby Logan is any day now right? Oh, I can't wait till you hold that baby and we get to see  pics. I like to wait till 5 o'clock too but yesterday when I was with Molly I had a cosmo at 2.. and a glass of wine at 2:30.. whoops.

    And Hi to everybody else, DH just got home from Kentucky, gotta Bisit with him.

    Love to all, see ya later.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    lara,hope the rest of your birthday is good and, that the new doc is able to help you

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Good evening everyone! Hope you all are doing well!

    Cammi how is Joey doing on his practicing?

    Genny I am glad that you are getting time off from the dreaded radiation monster and spending time with your friend. She sounds like a good one.

    Mema I may be heading your way around Dec 8. I have to go to Vegas for a seminar to get my CEUs to keep my license. I think my friend my be coming with me so I dont have to travel alone. 

    Lori I see my Pulmonologist tomorrow maybe he will help me with the pain meds since my RO just wants me to take Advil. 

    Laura Happy Birthday girl! I hope you have a really good day!! You are swollen I would get another opinion for sure! 

    Dara I hope your doing good and your DD is doing great! I love you girls! 

    Princess will we be able to order some of your great looking candy online? I may want some for my hubby for Christmas and a little for me of course :)

    Laura heres some birtday gifts for ya


    I spent all afternoon baking it (after my nap)


    Then I picked him up on my home from Radiation for ya


    And heres a little Hope Scentsy plug in to go with him.

    Love you all

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014



    Ok so I saw the RO today and he thinks I have a Yeast infection underneath thats causing all my pain. Well do you think its because of all the chit I have to put on it and it doest stay dry? I pat it off in between and then I wear just my robe and leave it open to the air and sleep with no shirt on. You would think the damn thing would air out! Oh well good news is I have one more week of rads on the entire thing and then one week of boost and then I am done!!. 

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014


    Happy Happy Birfday!!

    Sorry your PS is a chithead.  Hope you had a great birthday in spite of that.

    To the rest of you bootiful ladies, I hope all is well.  Prayers for all. 

    Sorry I am MIA but I do keep up.  Things here are beyond nutz and one of my kids in particular is requiring a lot of my time right now.

    Love you girls and miss being around more.

    Hugz and Prayers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is going down thanks everyone for th eB day wishes

    Dr. Kennedy what should we call her she and DR.Prick are going down


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good electrified
    morning, Loungettes!Finally got power
    back yesterday peeyem.So nice to have
    heat, hot water, and INTERNET!Now to
    start doing the ketchup thing:

    Cammy--OUCH, Sox on
    you must have been something, wow!

    Did everyone notice
    that Sadie is using all 3 pillows?

    ORLA--praying for
    your friend.Not good to hear about the
    change in stage.I'm with her, live now
    before treatment takes it all away.

    Genny--OUCH!I remember looking like that early in my
    rads.I wish I had stopped at that point
    and never finished.It got so much worse
    before I was done.My burns progressed
    until all the skin over my entire boob was peeling off and weeping all the
    time, had to have thick bandages to sop up the fluid, had to be changed every
    couple hours, hurt like hell even with thick layer of silvadene cream on.My Rad Onc called it a "sunburn"
    and said it was "expected."I'd say quit, but I am very anti rads in general now, so take it for
    what it's worth.

    ORLA--Love the hair!

    Genny--look at those

    Collett--that's how
    my burn started, in the crease under the boob.Got that about week 3.Be super
    careful and tender with that area, once it starts spreading it will spread very
    fast.Poor Jackson, hope they find out
    what he's reacting to!

    Collett--I wasn't
    ready for the foot of snow we got, either!

    Julie--great list of
    forms of abuse!I got some extreme
    hibernating done the last few days, too!

    ORLA--got snow,
    yup.Got wind, yup.Got power, nope, not for 3 days.Back now though!

    Goldie--praying for
    your neighbor.So sad.LOVE that cranberry and pear cocktail!

    Dara--I'm pretty
    sure the Do Not Call List does not apply to political groups.Before the power outage I was getting up to 6
    calls an evening from political folks.Very annoying.Glad that's

    embarrassing to dance into the ER!

    Cammy--I think your
    boss is an idiot to walk in like that!Glad he thinks it's funny, won't be so funny when he DOES get whacked
    one day!

    Goldie--Love the
    Electric Lemonade, wish it could run my furnace when the power goes off!

    Genny--Nope, no
    power, no heat.No power, no water.No power, no nuttin.Wow, what an AHA moment you had!What a great friend for arranging for it to



    ORLA--you have a
    frozen shoulder?And your blew up your
    arm?What the he## happened?

    Love Age Gets Better
    with Wine!

    Morning, PRN!

    Julie-Great advice!

    Those are some BIG
    GIRL panties!

    ORLA--that is NOT
    "fine".No way.

    Collett--try telling
    the RO that you will not do any more rads 'cuz the pain is too bad.Maybe then he'll get the idea.I think men think boobs don't hurt.BTW--that's a rads burn, not a yeast
    infection.There may be some yeast in
    there, but the problem is the rads burn.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Electric Margarita

    1 1/2 oz Tequila

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Lime Juice


    Moisten the rim of
    cocktail glass with a lime wedge, and dip in salt. Combine tequila, blue
    curacao, and rose's lime juice in a shaker half-filled with ice. Shake well,
    and strain into the cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime wedge, and serve.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    OK, since we're all bearing our foobs, this is mine after 5 days of rest, I go back today. I'd love to quit but those still positive nodes after chemo keep haunting me. I'm afraid if I quit and it comes back in a year or so I'll always wonder if that is why. I'll see what the RO says today. Sounds as if I keep going I'm headed where you were NM.... I'm not sure what to do. Supposed to have 6 more.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    OK, since we're all bearing our foobs, this is mine after 5 days of rest, I go back today. I'd love to quit but those 10 still positive nodes after chemo keep haunting me. I'm afraid if I quit and it comes back in a year or so I'll always wonder if that is why. I'll see what the RO says today. Sounds as if I keep going I'm headed where you were NM.... I'm not sure what to do. Supposed to have 6 more.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning all u bootiful ladies.

    NM I thought u got 6"---but 12 of snow--That's alot for the first snowfall. No wonder everything was  mess. Oh NM my door was partially open and we are cousins, only when it closes no one comes in. Ad that's when I see Katie Kat's little arm under waving to let me let her in. It's Friday eve, so almost.

    Nancy OMG that can't be a yeast infection--it looks like the pigment is all open for burns--Oh how that must hurt.

    Mary u'll have a good weekend coming up. doesn't it hurt to pick up Nora tho. I hope u'r OK for cuddling.

    4444 U have a bunch of kids and all that u do so don't worry, just take care of what u need to and let us know how u't doing when u can.

    Oh I have another UTI but I don't know when they got so painful, when I was younger they didn't hurt just burned a little and yet that's the one thing it doesn't do is burn when I pee. It's not following the rules. Oh well

    OK I'm ready to go back to sleep so I'll catch up later.

    Lubs to all 



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014