how about drinking?



  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    cheers girl! I love the picture!

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited October 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited October 2014

    image  CHEERS!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Up before dark, so NOT
    right!Argh.Oh, well, could be a lot worse and I need to
    keep that in mind until the sun comes up.

    Goldie--I would love
    to drink a Lori's Saturday Night Special at the Shady Lady Hotel!Would be great fun!And a Shady Lady cocktail, too.Got the start of a great drink menu going
    here!Bet you had a good time with
    little Mr. Jackson.So sorry about your
    neighbor, such a hard time for them.

    Genny--Great cake
    for Dara!

    Cammy--24 hours of
    sleep?Wow, you must have been
    tired!Glad you can sleep through like

    Goldie--come on in,
    the water's great!Even got some bubbles
    going to soothe the aching muscles.Yup, a 2 man play, it was hilarious. Sadie is having a great time with
    her new fb page.She is such a ham,

    Genny--I've heard of
    wrapping tomatoes in newspaper to ripen them.You might want to wrap just a few to start and see how long it
    takes,unless you want all of them to
    ripen at the same time!Enjoy Indian
    Summer while you have it.Is it PC to
    call it Indian summer?Should I be
    saying Native American summer?


    Mema--seems pics
    work intermittently, not sure why.

    Collett--Great pool

    Dara--Glad you are
    home safe, rest up, see you in a bit.And Happy Birthday!

    Cammy--Great b-day
    cake for Dara!It must be annoying to
    have your body not respond to stuff in a predictable way.

    Genny--an apple a
    day keeps the doctor away!Look at those
    blue eyes!

    4--good luck with
    the latest procedure!

    Collett--LOL re:
    bwue and pink!

    Undy!Been a while since we've had a fire in the
    Lounge, definitely time to arrange a visit from the firemen!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:The Shady Lady, of

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Nancy, getting Jackson and Samara together how fun. I hope they don't wear you out and that they get along. How old are they both? I know you prolly told before, but ize foygotten. And thanks for the extra drinks. Glad you enjoyed the walk and found it uplifting.

    Dorky Dara, sounds like you had a nice little party at home for your burpdey. I like that! LOVE the picture of you, in a chair on a trailer lol. Where is that at and it's warm enough to have shorts on. NICE! CheerZ back atcha.

    OMG Cami, that is the BEST cake. What a great find and POYFECT! I would think your meds should be working by now. I don't know what else could be making you so tired. LOL at divorcing your DH cuz of no blue eyes.

    Oh Mary, Nora's picture looks like it should be in a magazine. Dang we gots some pretty babies around here!

    LDB, what are you going to Vegas for?

    Uh oh 4, what's going on? I like what you put in the pool!!!

    Julie, my DW friend, glad to know you are not drinking the hand sanitizer...ewwww.

    Shannon, good to see you peek your pretty head in. I'll help put the fire out!

    NM, mese tinks you a little tipsy, as I didn't have a good time with little Mr. Jackson. Although I certainly wouldn't mind, he is such a little cutie. The bubbles are a nice added touch in the water, tank ewe. LOL Native American Summer. I looked up Indian Summer.....

    Why is Indian summer called Indian summer? There are many theories. Some say it comes from the early Algonquian Native Americans, who believed that the condition was caused by a warm wind sent from the court of their southwestern god, Cautantowwit.

    The most probable origin of the term, in our view, goes back to the very early settlers in New England. Each year they would welcome the arrival of a cold wintry weather in late October when they could leave their stockades unarmed. But then came a time when it would suddenly turn warm again, and the Native Americans would decide to have one more go at the settlers. "Indian summer," the settlers called it.

    Had a wonderful visit with my neighbors and carving the pumpkin with my little buddy. Have to head out to Flagstaff today, DH is getting a full body check for skin cancer. Going with another couple, and having lunch with them. Flagstaff is 2.5 hours away, so we will be gone all day. Happy Monkey Day ladies.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good morning all,off for my flu shot this morning

    lori-thinking of your buddy and family,praying for peace and comfort for them

    hey undy

    good luck 4,hope all goes well adn you feel better soon

    nancy and mary-your getting closer to the end of rads every day, what fantastic photos of your grand kids

    cammi-love the photo of joey and his parents on fb, he looks so handsome,great photo for the wall

    morning sue,darla,lara,nm,sadie

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Another night of wild dreams, this time I was at work on the verge of getting fired. Then we all got on bus and moved our office to a beautiful farm land. I had to walk through a ravine and I got wet and had to swim some. Then they set up our office spaces in barns. F'd up chit. I wake up with heart palpitations. I have a feeling this is coming from a change in meds, I am now taking anudder anti-d med. I foyget the name but it make mese mind cray-cray. I ended my burpdey with a big ass bon fire in mese yard. oh med is cymbalta I tink. 

    Darn, I wrote a huge post then possted that pic last night and poof, the dern fn gremlins got it. I wuz jest pissed so I went back to dwinking some more inside de house. Den I talked to our CynCyn on de phone till 2 aye em. She says hi to all you goils. 

    Lori, the pic was taken in N. Myrtle Beach on my Dad's property. This is from when I was dere last month and we gave a recliner to a neighbor. I rode on the back of the trailer with mese jack and diet pepsi hehe. Mese dads property sits on an acre, it is Gods country out there. Then a half mile to the beach, we ride the golf cart. I have a pic of Dad on the cart, the last pic I took. Will try to get it on here.

    There is a small hiccup on the sale, was supposed to close via mail today. But the land was showing vested in my parents name and the former owners name too. The closing attorney has to go back to the title company to correct the chain of title. So Dad still owns it for a few more days. So sad to let that place go, it was so beautiful there, peaceful as could be. I only saw the ocean one time while there, that is how biddy I was.  and Lori, you right, lots of bootiful babies/children visiting de lounge, love the faces. I cant wait, just four weeks til Logan 'sposed to arrive. The baby daddy is back, the effer, ugh, not gonna talk about dat one righten now. 

    Juliet, I ditto your words to Lori about her lil buddy's Daddy. So sad to know your body is jest failing, so unfair. Hope your arm does not ache too much after yer flu chot. 

    NM, sorry you gotta wake up in de dark, hate that. But I like the light in the evening, hate more when time changes. Of course mese EWWA not awake dat early in de aye em. HOpen you has a good work dey doll. 

    Cammie, you crack me de hail up with your post. Lmao at your blue eye story. Not many blue eyes Italians are dere? Mese is blessed with blue eyes, both parents has dem but I de only one of four kids that got em. oops, making dis about mese again, burp, sorry. Hopen todey a good day for ya my love. 

    Mary, hope you feeling better. Nov 10th around de corner and we have a big ass partay for ya. Let the healing begin and will pray for you to feel normal and dwunk n high and happy ebery day for de rest of your long long life. Love that widdle goil of yers, darn, talk about blue eyes.

    Nancy, jest looked at yer pics again as I enjoy viewing pics de most of anytiing. Lubs de pics of you and all the pics you took along de way. WTG on the walk, hope you catch up and git some rest. Jackson and Samara are jest beautiful, I cracked de hail up at dere conversations, too cute n funny!! 

    Mema, hiya goil. I jest love ya. HOpe vegas trip was for fun and not jest a treatment or sumting of de sort. You dwunk yet dis aye em? 

    Well I check back on you goils a little later, has to take mese Dad for blood work, poor guy not eaten yet. Could only get appt for 10: turdy aye em. ugh. chit, I wrote too much about mese and to LOri to finiish. Love you all. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    to those who remember my adorable baby cousins, they are turning two next month


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    Hi everyone.

    Funny stuff Julie--

    NM I remember waking in the dark and coming home in the dark, it ws horrible unless it was Christmas time then all the shopping center where I worked were ll lit up and all the lights were cheery going home, well I worked across the street but I still enjoyed them--But that was the pits to me.

    Oh Lori u'r busy again, but I hope u have a nice lunch.

    Dara u've been working so hard and u look great, Do u feel at home on the back of the trailer? R U on another anti-bi? Is that what that is?

    And we sure do have beautiful little ones around her I love the pics, and Dara u'll be showing us another beautiful baby verysoon, So exciting oops just farted, it's safe tho.

    Hey Shannon nice to have u drop by

    Pet story. Our dog came into my bedroom and was whining and turning his head, and Leslie is home so she let's him out, so I go to let him out and he's still whining and looks at me and starts to wlk in the living room so I followed him and he goes by Leslie in the chair and moan, my cat was cuddling with Les and our dog didn't like it. So my can sees me and starts to get down and wlks about 2 inches away from our dog with her tail high and her head high, then the dog lays by Les and the cat came by me. That dog is so funny. That's m big story this morning, I know it's not sparkling but that's it.

    Where's Lara??? Is she with waldo???/

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2014

    OMG Dara they are 2 now, it seemed not long ago we saw their beautiful baby pic. Wow and they are blonde wow so cute.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    and one more, a pic of them as newborns. Love these kids, they are stinking adorable.

    I tink they want to play with Nora, Jackson and Madison!!! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    oh heck, one more...this is me and my DD. not a great quality photo but you can see us at her shower ♥44


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, 

    Been working on the pool all day. I had not covered it and thought that it would be nice and clear after leaving it 6 days. Nope, the pool was greenish brown and loaded with leaves. I should have had it covered before I left. Hind site as they say is 30/30 lol. The nor'easter that hit here, and NM too, made for way many leaves falling earlier than normal. My trees are still mostly green. The funniest ting, Steve, exdh2 was helping me backwash. Well the big hose had a small leave and he put his foot on it to stop it and ended up saturated. I guess you would have had to see it to appreciate it. It was prolly the force of a sprinkler x 25! 

    So how is going to partay with me tonight? Hey, forgot to mention how nice it was for Sha-nana, aka undercover, to poop in last night. wish she'd poop some more. Tanks for the eye candy unde' and Julie too.

    Time to light the grill. It has been a beautiful day here, at 64 now. Hope everyone else had a great day and has a gr8 evening. Muah!!

    chEErs and git those titties up if ya got em' !! 

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited October 2014

    Evening everybody. Jackson is 2 he will be 3 in March and Samara is 3 and will be 4 in August. They crack me up. Radiation got the best of me today. I was wiped out! I came home and slept most the afternoon. I am peeling and blistering underneath and getting pinker. 


    This was a cool photo my team mate took from the international race in Sarasota. They came in 40th out of 104. This picture is so cool so many people around the World affected by the RB. 


    I like their poster.  Reminds me of Pete's Dragon.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    morning, Loungettes!Just a quick pop in
    this ayem, my cell phone died yesterday, just finished setting up the new one
    (same phone number, amen!) and don't have a lot of time for reading so I'll
    ketchup later.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Dara Dahling, I too think it could be the meds for those cray cray dreams, why can't they put you on a beach with a cabana boy? Wow, you and Cyn talked a long time, is all ok wif my Lucy? Baby daddy back, WTF girl? With your DD? Are you having to go back to work soon? What's going on wif dat? OMG on the twins, look how cute they are. For those of you that don't know, they sort of went viral with a picture that a photographer took of them as Dr. Suess' Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Christmas when they were born. I saw the pictures on FB, but didn't realize it was your cousins.

    Cami, you never cease to cwack me up, asking Dara if she more comfy on da back of a trailer. She sayed she was on anti D meds, but mese tinks she meant anti B. Funny that Soks/Socs/Sox/Socks (however you guys spell it) was jealous of your Katy.

    Just spent the last 15 minutes going through Jamie's site to find the pic of the twins. Go to the next page here and WALLA, dere dey are. Wacko beat me to it! Isn't they the cutest things?

    Nancy, def. a cool picture of your teamates and all of the boats, can't wait until you can be a part of it. Looks like rads are just going to continue to kick your arse, as it does not get better until it's over.

    NM, glad you were able to get the phone sichyashun bixed up right away, see you tomorrow ayem.

    I'm able to stay home today, thank gooness. I have so much cleaning and such to do, and lots more going on in the near future! OY VEY!



    When prepared correctly, this deliciously creepy drink actually looks like a brain hemorrhage. Fill a champagne glass 3/4 of the way with peach schnapps. Then use a straw to ‘drip’ some Bailey’s Irish Cream on top, where it will curdle and float to look like brains. Lightly pour a splash of grenadine through the Bailey’s to get the perfectly bloody aspect that makes this the perfect Halloween cocktail.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Here is another one of the twins. First one didn't work. You used to be able to just copy and paste from FB, not working for me now....grrrrr! Devil

    Lets see if the link works.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    good morning girls! 

    Lori, the twins are my first cousin's children so I guess 2nd cousins to me? They are just too cute. I really enjoy following them on facebook.. Jamie, the photographer does a "watch me grow" power point thing each year for them, that is on my cousins facebook page. I tried to copy it but it will not work. They are just two cute and I love them so much. The photo of the thing 1 had what I think was several million likes and thousands of shares on facebook. The photographer is very talented. Not sure if you know but she just had twins herself and puts up some great photos. I do not know her but am friends with her as well. I friended her as I love looking at her work, namely the babies, nothing cuter and sweeter!! 

    I am still out of work, I see my primary care dr as well as my psychiatrist on Nov 4th and might be looking at a return date then. No worries as I have another out for work. Not sure if I told you but I will need the same surgery on my right elbow that I had on my left elbow a few years back. My ulnar nerve is compressed and entrapped and needs surgery. Half of my hand in numb. It sucks as it affects my typing and also playing piano and flute. I let the left hand go a year and lost so much muscle mass so I m going to get on top of this quickly. My plan is to go back to work for a few weeks then out again for surgery. I have done a lot of applying for mortgage jobs and have found that I will never make the money elsewhere that I make now. I make comfortable annual salary since I have been with my company for turdteen years. Other employers have offered me 15-18 an hour which is much below what I make. It is my plan to go to HR at work and plead with them to remove me from Morgann Stanly wealth management clients as I was so lost there with missing all of the training that went down. I want to go back to PLS, meaning Private Label Solutions and work with a different business source, one where I really know what I am doing. Ya see, MS invests their own loans while the other side has fannie mae or freddie mac as investors and I know there rules like the back of my jack bottle lol. 

    As for baby daddy, he is not living with Jessica at this time but has been coming around. Jess wants him in Logan's life to an extent. She has made it clear that she will not take him back unless he gets help with his anger issues. She also told me that he wants to have Jessica and him against my family and her friends which is not acceptable to her or to me.  Logan is due in just four weeks, all of the drama just hurts so much. My DD is so very confused as she loves the baby Daddy while she hates him when he acts up. All I can do is pray that she and Logan are happy and content in life. I will do what I can to help including helping her keep the house. My ex is also helping her financially. The kid has zero income, ugh. 

    Nancy, I am so sorry your skin is in such bad shape. My guess is that the burnt area will eventually peel off and it will prolly get worse before better. Just hang tough lady, you know what they say about what does not kill ya makes ya stronger? I can testify to that as I am a bad ass mother effer right now after enduring 18 breast surgeries. I still live in chronic pain, very similar to our Lara's situation. But I deal and just thank God that I am alive and cancer free. I will keep on praying for you. You are such a trooper with all you do, you move on as if none of this chit is happening. I am glad you took the time to rest yesterday and hope you continue to rest when needed. I say it often, This too shall pass and at the blink of an eye, you will be looking back on the experience and will feel better than ever. I think that when we feel so horrible, we tend to appreciate feeling well SOOOOOO much more. This is my testimony, I swear it is the truth.

    Camille, I just love your stories. They are never boring. I just wish I could hear you tell me a story in person. I still hope to get there one of these days. I am not so sure about that guy I was talking to. Seems he is gung ho one day then sort of backs off for weeks at a time. I want to get to know him better before seeing him or staying with him. We will see what happens but I have a feeling I will have facetime with you and we can laugh our EWWA's off face to face. Oh the joy that would bring me!! 

    NM, good morning, thanks for popping in to let us know all is well. I hope you have a good day. And I would BET that your Silly Sadie is in your bed nestled up as I type. I crack up at her unmaking your bed. That is funny as hail. I picture her making herself quick comfy and keeping herself warm n snuggly while waiting for her Mommy, you, to return home to her and give her belly rubs and head pats. Give her some sugar from me please! 

    I have a family meeting at Mom's place so have to get showered and dressed. Ugh, I would rather spend this cool morning in bed under my covers but such is life, right? I hope you all have a stellar day!

    Peace and love, love and peace. ChEErS! 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhLinks!

    I was hanged over and ooo so tired yest.  Slept almost entire day.  Sunday was s'posed to be a surprise party for me at Paddy's Pub where I used to tend bar.  So many customers and old bartenders came, It was really really nice. Even my DD,SIL, DS and his gal and my step grandson Dillon came.  Been try to catchup, but so much.  I just love all the pics of the adorable kids.  and all the phunny ones from Julie and 4sew.  Dara sounds like you had a pretty good time, I thought u'd get a chuckle from that ecard.  We missed Mrs. Vino's birthday. 


    Mary n Nancy - hope your pain is easing up.

    Cami - I lubs da Kitty Kat and doggie story.

    OK, gotta help DH with his 'puter.  Lubs ya all sooo much, always thinking and praying for you all!  Latah!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2014

    good afternoon all.did make it to the gym today. even better my sister is coming over to be with me for my surgery ,and as she's flying into orlando, i get to go to disney world !that weekend

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good evening,
    Loungettes!Time to play ketchup from
    this ayem!

    Goldie--you didn't have a good time with Mr.
    Jackson?I must have been tipsy and
    missed sumptin there.Great Indian
    Summer info.

    Julie--they were
    doing flu shots at one of the nursing homes I go into.Everyone was going around rubbing the site
    and complaining about terrible itching!

    Dara--Wow, that was
    some dream!I'd wake up with
    palpitations, too!Right now I am
    getting up in the dark and getting home in the dark.No light in the evenings here!Cute Cousins!

    Cammy---Doggy was
    upset with kitty, hmmm?They are so

    Dara--OMG look at
    those little boots!That nor 'easter
    wind sure blew the leaves around here, too.

    Collett--those are
    great pics of the dragon boats!

    Goldie--GREAT DOTD,
    thanks for covering for me!

    Dara--hard to want
    to change jobs but not make good money if you do.Knowing the rules is way more comfortable
    than having to learn a whole new set.I
    still think DD and Logan would be better off without baby daddy in the picture
    at all, but that's her choice to make.At least she has good support.And yes, Sadie makes herself very comfortable while waiting for me to
    provide tummy tickles and rump roasts.And she does make a wicked comfortable and warm nest!

    Mema--Sounds like a
    great surprise party for you!

    Julie--you and your
    trips to Disney!Good for you,

    OK, Sadie is
    demanding some attention, gotta go.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!The weather guesser on TV is
    talking about temps hitting 60 today, and possible snow on Sunday.Talk about crazy times!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Camel Hump

    3/4 shot
    Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/4 shot Irish Cream


    Pour Butterscotch
    Schnapps into a shot glass 3/4 of the way full. Fill rest of drink with
    Bailey's Irish Cream.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2014

    Dara, I just don't know what to say about DD and her situation, I'll just pray that it will all be ok for EVERYONE. There is just too much jumping back and forth and nothing changes. And what do you mean he wants to have Jessica and him against my family and her friends? That he doesn't want family and friends in their life? Anyways, glad you will get your other elbow bixed up before it gets too bad like the other one did.

    LDB....wooo hooo on da party, booooo on da hangober. What was the party for? But how awesome to be surprised by so many special peeps. I'm sure you had a rockin goot time.

    Julie, you will turn your sister into a DW, that is if she is going with you. And I'll go trick or treating with you.

    Alright Ms NM, perhaps I am just funcused. What Mr. Jackson was I suppose to have so much fun with? When you said that, I thought you were thinking of Nancy and her time with her little cutie GS Jackson, but just said it to me by mistake. Temps in the 60's not so bad, snow YUCK!

    Have to go tonight or tomorrow morning to help a friend set up for an estate sale, then on Friday, if DH agrees to go, a Halloween party. Then more chit next weekend, Vegas and Laughlin. I think we will be gone for like 5 days. Will let you know when I know for sure. I would sure like to just stay home! My step daughter and her fiance are coming for Thanksgiving and will be staying for a few days, and I have so much cleaning to do.....UGH! I'll have some Camel Hump RIGHT NOW!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2014

    Morning DahhhhhLinKs!

    Been sleeping later and later it seems and it is chilly 50's in the morning, so I don't wanna get outta da bed.  Highs in low 80's, so I enjoy more the doggie park trips, not so hot now.   

    Lowee - party was a blast.  Another one planned for the 8th.  We will b in LV on 8, 9, 10.  When will u be there?  Also going in on 3rd n 4th for tests, but already told of that.  Sound like you have a full plate too with some fun stuff thrown in there.

    Dara - If baby daddy wants Jess to severe ties with family and friends, he is demented and insecure, definitely needs long term counseling.  No wonder you worry so for her and baby Logan.  I remember the 1st pic of your sweetie cousins.  Babies are the sweetest things and I love seeing good photos of them.  Hope HR makes some accomodations for you at work.  I would had to see you back at the hi-stress job. 

    Julie - good for u making it to the gym.  I skipped my ellipital yest, but gonna get on in when I finish this, then doggie park, then sitting here again doing the bills.  ugh

    NM - DOTD sounds yummy, your snow does not! LOL.  I got my flu and shingles shot last week, shingles didn't bother me, but the flu one did.  But only for that day and nothing more than soreness.

    Nancy and Mary - still praying and hoping the pain is controllable.  (((N & M)))

    lubslubslubslublubslubslubslubs all ya'll!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, happy twosdey! 

    I am getting ready to take my Dad over to visit my Mom.

    Sue, what was the partay for? Glad you had fun. And i hope you have a nice relaxing time at the dog park.

    Julie, you ARE a Disney Wh*re! I am envious. Enjoy. I hope you are feeling well.

    NM, I would love a pic of your puppy in her nest on your bed. I hope you have a good day. It is also mild here but dipping down as a cold front comes in tonight. I hope for no snow for ya, it is too damn early.

    Genny and Nancy, thinking of you girls and praying that the pain is lessoned. Please take yer narcotics, do not try to be a hero with the pain. I find taking advil on top of the percocet is most helpful with severe pain. You are both nearly done then on with life which includes good dwinking! Dwink up girls, that also helps with the pain.

    Lori, it is an ugly situation with the baby Daddy. He is Out again, left. He is just so jealous that Jess gets so much from her family and is sick with jealousy over the treatment she gets. I admit my girl is spoiled but Danny came from a horrible family, one that deserted him very early in life. He needs a lot of help. My hope is that he just stays away until he gets some intensive therapy. I am trying hard to focus on the happy part of all of this and trying not to worry. It ain't easy. And people wonder WHY I dwink so much lol. Wow, another vacation? Or is this for treatment? I tink a vacation. Hope you and Sue can hook up? I wish I could join you all. Cyn is doing well, she was cracking me up the whole conversation, she is a riot. I really miss her and Mrs. Vino too. I wish they would come back, both added so much fun to our partays!

    Well I have gotta fly now, will poop in latah!  Bottoms up, tittys up if ya got em!
