how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


    Pothole: Fixed

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    You’re Not Wrong

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    If you see a black cat…

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    Lord of The Pugs

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    Karate Kid

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    I saw this sign last night …

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    The guy who was motivating people at the gym.

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  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    NM, just saw the news of the weather in Maine!... yuck! stay warm and be careful driving! 

    I have to get ready for work, love to all you girls hope you have a good Monday.

    Sorry if my pics made anybody queasy, I'm just trying to figure out what to do, prolly should go to the rads thread for that, it just that you girls are my friends. Later, have a good one.Happy

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Thank you guys for all of your kind words regarding my neighbor. I'm so glad I went to see him and gave him that hug. I'll never forget that tear running down his face as we looked eye to eye.

    Cami, that is so funny how Sox is so jealous of your Katie. But not funny at all when he jumped on you. I hope you are feeling better and he didn't break anything.

    Lara, glad you pooped in to let us know you are doing ok. Also glad you are there for your friend. Party on Wednesday! Haha, love your wig. You say you are healing more and feeling better?

    Ooooh Mary, that looks so familiar. Not sure when mine started to look like that, but I did finish. Silvadene was the only thing that helped mine. And after I healed, there was no scaring or anything. I do have capsular contraction (if that's the right word) in my radiated breast. And your group photo is awesome, such good looking peeps right there. You ladies got some good lookin men there, iffin ya don't mind my sayin!

    Nancy, I'm glad to hear that Samara's dad is out of the picture, especially if he has problems. Sometimes that is just best for everyone. Sorry to hear about Jackson, I hope he's ok and they figure the cause. Happened to my son when he was little, figured out it was because I had used some bleach on my bathroom floor to clean it, not full strength, but that was the cause.

    NM, you must be trying to shovel out? I have not seen any weather reports for your area. I hope you and Sadie are warm and you can get to work ok. 23 degrees here this morning! Ok, they just did Maine on the news. A foot of snow and 60 mph winds! could be a good chance NM is without power girls.

    I thought this was pretty. DOTD-Sparkling Pear and Cranberry Cocktail

    Now to see if the picture will post!


    2 tablespoons dry cranberries
    1/2 cup organic pear nectar
    32 ounces Moscato d’Asti wine
    8 small sprigs fresh rosemary

    1.Put cranberries in a small bowl; add 2 tablespoons warm water. Soak until cool, about 15 minutes. Drain, pat dry, and refrigerate until serving.
    2.Divide pear nectar evenly among eight tall champagne glasses. Add cranberries, and then gently pour the Moscato d’Asti into the glasses. Garnish each with a rosemary sprig.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    HI goldie yes ncollett sliverdine works

    dont u need surgery for that goldie

    no genny its ok I just saw it and I feel so bad feel your pain

    my puka pics are very disgusting

    party in the lounge wed

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    IM having a beer yes im getting better

    I hate this rat bastard I really do I love all of u

    Im just crushing for my friend I cant im crying I wish I could take it away she goes to a support group and will be a social worker in may

    Im just so mad about this or us all I need to stay strong for her I said I would come over inbetween chemo

    I hade to rant im so mad inside

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Genny try using Domebreo soaks. You can get them over the counter at any store like CVS or Walgreens but my RO has me using them 4 times a day and it does help take the edge off. I use the soaks for 30 min and then the cooling patch for 30 min, then Lidocaine gel, Hydrocortisone cream, Radioplex, and then Aquaphor all together. I am pink but not as red and yes I hurt but I put the soaks on and it helps. Have they given you any Silvadine cream or anything? 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls! 

    Its been a busy weekend, I had my cousin overnight on Saturday and have not had time to breathe. I just skimmed in an effort to catch up.

    So I am on a Do Not Call List. Can someone tell me why politicians think it is ok to call? I have gotten ten calls in the last 24 hours with election day tomorrow. And one call came from Michelle Obama, ugh, she is not allowed to call me. Isn't it ironic that Do Not Call is a government program? Ok, rant over. 

    Lara, I love your pic, you look adorable. I hope things are going ok and that you are feeling well.

    Mary, my God, I am so sorry. I had  feeling it was bad but just could not imagine how bad. Please, when you see your RO, get some more narcotics, stock up girl. and if you are not using the silvadene, please ask for that as well. I can't say enough how very sorry I am for you. Loved the pics you posted of both you and your DH and of sweet Nora, she just gets prettier everytime I see her. And your DH gets hunkier! 

    Nancy, your boo boo's look pretty painful as well. I pray that you girls heal up quickly. I just can't imagine how bad that hurts.  I am glad that Samara's crack head Dad is out of her life and I hope he stays out.

    Julie, thanks for the post on the abuse, you are right in that mental abuse is not much worse than physical abuse. The former BF was also good at controlling the money, even money that my DD got from me and her Daddy. 

    NM, lol at the pic of Sadie and her idea of a made bed. She has it made alright lol. Hope you enjoyed the extra hour yesterday. I still have not changed the majority of my clocks. My Dad just informed me that it is time for dinner, I had to remind him that he has another hour. I guess I had better fix my clocks for him.

    Lori, I am so sad to hear that your buddy's father is slipping away. I am praying that God stays close by him and that he passes ever so peacefully. (((((Lori))))).

    Camille, you should be a comedy writer. The way you tell a story is funny. Even when you do not intend on being funny, you crack me the hell up. I hope you are having a good day. Is Joey still with his lovely little lady friend? 

    Mema, you had a birthday and we missed it? I am so firshamed. Happy belated, I love you. 

    So my Dad's home sale is officially closed and the proceeds are in his account. Hence, we are going out to dinner tonight on him. We were supposed to have the trailer load of belongings from his place arrive today but the neighbor that was bringing it decided against hauling it since winds were whipping over 50 mph yesterday. It was a horrible cold day. I am ready for summer! Or maybe I can move in with Julie? Nah, I have a grandson coming soon, have to stay in town!

    well hello to the rest of my goils here, I hope you are all having a stellar monkey day! 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    Molly and me when we were much younger and cuter.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls,

    I was trying to sleep but have insomnia. ugh, getting what I call the rebound effect from my vitamin V aka valium. They knock me out for a whole ten minutes then often kick in like I took freaking speed. I tink mese brain is telling mese body WAKE UP WAKE UP, WAKE DE HAIL UP.

    Mary, love the pic of you and Molly. You are jest beautiful. Mese hoping ya start feeling as good as ya look. 

    So our dear Lara is having a burpdey on Wednesday eh? Well it IS tuesday and tomorree IS humpity-dey-wednesday so I tink it time to git this partay started. And chit, gonna also have a partay for Mema Sue since it appears wese missed her birpdey. Ya wanna know how bad that sucks? I blame a lady called Drama for making dat happen. It a long story but iffen not for drama, mese wudda neber evber missed mese Mema's burpfhdey. damn it to hail. ~ HUGE SIGH~ 

    so tomorree, oops, I mean twosdey gonna bese mema's burpday.

    Happy birfdey Sue! wooo hoooo!!!!

    Kitty sez happy firfey!


    and a cake of course!!


    I baked it mese dern self!! 

    and some hot boys for ya! 


    or do you prefer another type of man?

    Bradley Cooper?


    or how about a hot India boy? I found this one when I called Comcast for customer service! hehe!


    or how about a hot cop? uh, he would bring pop corn n jose, err I mean cop porn and Mr. Cuervo ~hicccup


    ick, nah. You wann hot cop? I picked this guy up in Philly, he was shooting a porn movie hehe!


     I will take him when you be dones with him hehe!

    So sorry I am late, I am such a dunce asking over and over "why ye having partays"? FN DUH ME!

    I hope these help you to forgive me. bootfiul friendship roses for ya!


    and a ONE MILLION DOLLAR GIFT CARD to yer faborite shopping local:



    But seriously Sue, I hope you had the best birthday ever. I have rounded up yer breast friends, as best I can, and asked them to send you some birthday wishes. My wish.....

    Many many more birthdays!! Love you to de moon and back x infinity!





  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Hi everyone--I just woke up and it's way to early, I hate this--Oh well.

    Oh Girls u'r picture are adorable (the good ones) Nora is so so cute, those eyes--did u know that there was a time in early history that no one had blue eyes>everyone had brown eyes, then slowly the igment started to change??? I know so much of nothing, it's amazing.

    Mary U'r picture reminded me of Dara's pooka, cuz I never saw anything like that, U too Nancy OMG that's brutal. I can't even imagine how u went out with cloth on all that---the pain like u guys were in a fire. Just terrible--I'm so sorry.

    Lara finally we hear from u, u know how I miss u when u'r MIA--I thought the wig was adorable on u, u sweet little thing.

    Everytime I see the DOTD I want a drink just like that one like now. U and Lori come up with great ones. And no snow for a while I hope NM.

    Julie how are u doing? Surgery soon, when is u'r sister coming. U know u'r such a centered person, I admire that. Well, I admire everyone here u are all strong women and just plain super nice.

    I had such a busy day today, I was on this damn phone most of the day, but the goofy part is I'd be done with one call and another one would come in, then another, etc, before I could put everything in the computer, So by the time I had some free time and go back to enter people I couldn't read my handwriting OMG it was like I never learned how to write and kind of guessed some of it.--then it was quiet for about 1/2 hr and I was relaxing wrapped in all my blankets and out of the corner of my eye I see a man walking in my room with a black hooded sweatshirt, like the ones they show on crime shows and of course I screamed and took my hammer I have always in the pocket of my little bed,chair, sofa and it was my boss. I said how dare u come in here with a hood on--he's laughing like crazy, I said I almost killed u, e laughed harder and said u can barely pick up the hammer. It was a sad moment for me knowing he was right--so the phone rang and I motioned him to leave me alone, I don't like answering in front of anyone, well he stayed and I took the phone call as usual and he said what a charmer u are--Excuse me. I said did u think I ansered this the way I talk to u guys, what in the hell is the matter with u. And he said I just didn't know u could be so funny and nice to people. He made me laugh. I can't imagine how he thought how I would answer a phone yelling at people or swearing at them--He's so goofy, My whole family is strange really.

    See How I blabber and really don't say anything, my pain med wore off and not so good--one of my Dr's called today and I have to see her tomorrow, I have to get  a ride there will be no car here, Dan (my boss) said he would do it but as I told him I can't count on him to answer my calls or emails and I'm going to trust him to get me to the drs. OH my Lord so we'll see how this day goes. Humph.

    OK gonna try to sleep and we have another BD tomorree, oh such a baby still and so lovely.

    Wish every one a good day.

    I LUBS u all-----U know that 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!  Just a quick pop on from work.  My power went out at home Sunday afternoon, looks like it should be back on sometime today.  I'll pop in and start playing ketchup soon.

    Sadie says Hi!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Lara, do you mean do I need surgery for the encapsulation? If so, naaaa. Especially now since I have the bone mets. Can't see putting myself through surgery. I was told ahead of time that radiation could do that. I hope the ranting made you feel a tiny bit better. Tomorrow is your BURPday? And Julie has not yet had her surgery, I think in a week or so.

    Nancy, that's quite the procedure you have to go through, but hey, if it works!

    LOL Dara talking to Michelle Obama! You should have given her Cami's number!!! Mema's BURPday is not until Thursday, so you iz early, not late. But nuttin honey wrong about startin a party early! So sorry about all the drama, but I'll bet you and ur cuz had a good time.

    Mary,love the picture of you and your friend Molly. 2 beauties for sure. And we all looked better when we were younger! Good funnies too.

    Wow Cami, you ARE getting up early girl. Back in day, waaaaaaaaaaaaay back, no blue eyes? Oh dear, glad you did not hurt your cousin wif da hammer. And girls, I have heard her answer the phone, you should hear how flippin sexy she sounds! I hope your boss can get you to the doctors. You should check to see if there is some sort of free service in your area for Seniors that will take you to doctor appointments, shopping, etc.

    NM, I figured your power was out. Good morning Sadie! Sending some electricity your way via a cocktail....

    Electric Lemonade

    1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger citron vodka
    1/2 fluid ounce Blue Curacao
    2 fluid ounces sour mix
    1 (12 fluid ounce) can or bottle lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage
    1 lemon - cut into wedges, for garnish

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Morning girls, what fun to wake up and read this ayem.

    Cami, Dara is right, u should be a comedy writer. Funny story about your boss, he's lucky you didn't bust his head with your hammer! Hope you have a quieter day on the phone today. 

    Happy belated Birthday Sue, and that's too many men to choose from, just take em' all.

    NM, hope the power goes on today, you do have heat tho, right?

    Dara, u just cwack me da hail up, u r so funny. So we all missed mema's birtday I think, or maybe it was just us, the last few days kind of a blur for me. Let me tell u that u did a bootiful job on her gifts, and the cake and the men.  I'm praying for your daughter and little Logan every day. Her situation reminds me a lot of myself in my 20's. My ex was pretty controlling and definately verbally abusive and he came from a bad home so I would excuse the behavior and feel bad for him because I knew what he grew up with, and I became this meek little mouse even Molly stopped coming around cause it was too hard to watch. Then on my 28th birthday, he was working 3rd shift and Molly called me and said we're going out! So he was giving me crap all day telling me I wasn't going and Molly gets to my house and I'm not dressed to go or anything and I tell her I'm not going. And she asks me if he even wished me happy birtday, and I tell her no. So she said in a very authoritative voice "GET DRESSED, I'M TAKING YOU OUT FOR YOUR BITHDAY!" Just at that time, prince charming is getting up and tells her I'm not going and she says "F*#K YOU Larry (cause dat was his name) SHE'S GOING OUT!" and she looks at me again and says get dressed! So anyway, she won the argument and I got dressed (my son was with my mom that night) and we went out and I had the best time and men were hitting on me and asking me to dance. And I realized I wasn't the ugly piece of chit that he said I was. And that night was the beginning of the end. It was my AHA moment. I took another 6 months before I left but I knew at that moment I would. I started getting my confidence back and learned to like myself again. I was with him a total of 9 years but once we split I never looked back. So I'm praying that she gets the "aha" moment and realizes no matter what she deserves better, she is worth so much more than what that piece of chit prolly tells her. I think with you there reminding her how fabulous she is that she'll be strong enough and hopefully be done with him. 

    OK, so I don't know where all that came from, I was just popping in to say good morning. Speaking of Molly she is coming today to hang out and spend the night, DH had to go to Kentucky so we's gonna have a girls day. And I'm getting my house cleaned today too!! WOOHOO!! And no rads! Double woohoo!. So I have to get the furbabies out and pick up all my crap so the cleaning lady can find the floor. So love all you girls, have a good day.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Morning everyone! Happy birthday Mema ! 

    Dara I love the pictures! Ill take one of those firemen,.  They look pretty strong.

    Cammi I love your stories you always make me laugh. Your so sweet.

    Lori it is a chore what I have to do and it just takes the edge off since I dont have any pain meds but tomorrow I will be asking for some because now its opened up more and Im hurting more.

    Yesterday wasnt too good. I was exhausted and just plain week. I had no energy at all.  Is it normall to be week ?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Mornin' again.

    Lori that DOTD looks beautiful.And I think it was u who said NM prolly won't have power. So NM I hope it's back on when u get home.

    Mary she is a best friend, ur so blessed.

    Nancy I think s I remember into my 2nd or third week of rads, I felt shaky weak, but of course tell u'r Doc, it's always good to tell them everything, so if they can help they will.

    OK everyone is getting me confused about BD's here--now Lara' is tomorrow and SusyQ is Thursday right? Oh my stars

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Camille, I tink you got it right, Lara bday tomorree and Mema's on turdsdey. whew, I thought we missed Mema's. I shoulda known that Lori would not let that happen. I hope you are getting some rest. and more so, hope your cuz will take you to your dr appointment.

    Mary, thanks for sharing your story, I am loving your friend Molly as much as you do, she is a great friend to have helped you along the way. 

    Nancy, I hope your doc will oblige and give you someting good for pain. I hate that you girls are going through such an ordeal with the rads.

    Well I have a dr appt in two hours then another this evening. Busy busy lol, as if I have anyting else to do! 

    Glad all of the birthdays are straight in mese mind, tanks agin Lori. see you all latah chEErs! 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    I never know what I say most the time do not take it personal I made a whoopsie sorry





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Love the pics genny

    yes cam I know u miss me you are the only one just kidding'its my moms b day today I was her prezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz mine tomm

    no party

    was in ER Shockedblow up on the arm a frozen shoulder but I am going tpo be in a good moooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd

    genny very pretyy chica u r

    big sis love ya what gping on with this guy jeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    my parents just got there house in florida yea yea melbourne FL cant wait to go

    hugs u all


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Love you all, I'm dwunk and goin to sleep..sweet dweams......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---Hump day

    Mary u'r post made me laugh. Funny

    Nothing much is happening here (thankfully) but cold weather is coming in tomorrow like 30's and 40's --Oh I do have to check the elections thos-I was watching it last night for a little bit and I love the way all the EXPERTS tell us what everything means--Chit they're politicians who can predict anything. I just like to know the numbers cu whatever they promise is usually not done anyway. Well at least this Governor stayed out of jail (barely)

    Lara I hope u have a wonderful day today.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Mary, so glad that Molly helped you realize that the relationship you were in was so wrong. I know the two of your enjoyed your evening.

    Nancy, if you are in that much pain, I would be throwing a big ole hissy fit at the doctors, in front of all the other patients too. That is just not right. If I had some, I'd send them to you.

    Dork a Doodle, what doctor appts. do you have. And I espect you to be here more, since you not woyking. Jes kidding, I really jes miss you pwetty face. Hoping you are having some drama free days. You have a lot on your plate, wif you DD and Daddy. I wuv you.

    But I wuv eberyone here.

    Lara, ER? I'm so sorry. What is "blow up on the arm a frozen shoulder"? That is so sweet that you were your moms birthday present, I just love that.

    Cami, did you make it to your appt? Looks like you slept in just a tiny bit this morning!

    NM, I no see you, I hope you are not still without power!

    Julie, where be you?

    LOL at Mary being dwunk!

    LDB, I hope you are gettin pampered and habing LOADS of BURPday fun.

    DOTD-Lara's choice!




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


    happy birthday lara