how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good sunny Saturday ayem, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?Today's job is to go to pick up a case, that's about 40 pounds of skinless, boneless chicken breasts and process them for the freezer.Nice drive for me and Sadie. Then will have a bunch of chicken ready for thawing and using.

    Goldie--love the curls!My research for cutting down on oil use is focusing on other alternative heat sources.A heat pump maybe.The electricity being out is not a big issue if I have heat.

    Mema--yup, have to move Sadie, or use her as a pillow!Except her legs and feet aren't very comfortable as a pillow.But she does warm up the bed really good!

    Collett--was originally predicted for snow this weekend, but got sun right now.I'll take it!Love the funnies!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Screaming Chicken

    1 oz Jose Cuervo 1800

    1 oz Wild Turkey 101

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Any choice of tequila and any choice of Wild Turkey will work. It all depends on your tastes, but Good Luck....After 3 of them you will be running around the room "Screaming like a Chicken!"

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    4 - puleez forgibs me for not addressing you.  You really rocked it with the bday posts.  Thank you thank you.  Hope you are feeling and doing well.  How's it going with the son issue?

    Nancy - LMAO at the funnies you did good!  I pay $40 for 1 hour.  She works at the spa in the Casa Blanca here.  If I went there to see her it would be $90 for 50 mins.  You'll be able to get back to getting ur massages soon mese tinks so.  I love that tatoo, I mean really love it.  So classy, wish I could get one but my dh wud kill me.  I say go for it.  Havin never had one I can't tell you where it hurts the least, mayb one of the other girls.

    Hi Julie!

    Lowee - thank ewe, I kno I'll have a gr8 time and am staying positive that all is ok come Monday.  Still so sad about your buddies dad.  My stepdad was years ago but funny how you remember every detail of stuff like this FURB!!!  It sounds like he is somewhat comfortable tho, that is good.  Prayers always! 

    Lara - LOL very funny funnies.  Hope your pain is easing up.  (((Lara)))

    NM - That chicken process sounds like it would take all day.  I try to separate and freeze 2 lbs and my back is killing me.  But it is nice to have them in the freezer easy access.

    Gotta get going....big bash tonight.  Lubslubslubslubs & lotsa prayers to all ya'll!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good afternoon, Loungettes! Taking a break, got the chicken about half processed. Got 3 pounds of teriaki chicken packaged up, probably a dozen half breasts with slices of lemon, lime or both ready for the freezer. Got another batch of half breasts rinsed and drying, thinking about putting some garlic in with some of them. My back is aching, so I'm going to sit down for a few minutes and catch my breath. I never realized until the last time I did this (which was also the first time) that what I consider a chicken breast is actually a half a chicken breast. I did manage to cut my thumb a tiny bit, so there are little drops of blood all over the kitchen and probably on some of the chicken. Hmm, maybe I better not say anything about that to any, they might freak out!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    hI gOILS i AM WITH MY FRIEND the one who got diagnosed that have been talking about she is joining are drking thread

    We are in the perco fountain now

    lets help her get updated on are thread k?????????

    love u all

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    hey ladies. A full day of gardening kicked my ass. Two pain pills.

    Thinking of you all.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Evening girls, going to be short, Nora kicked m butt!! I'm so tired and she is tossing and turning, hoping she'll sleep thru the night. She went down at 9 last night but stupid me not till 11 and she was up at 5. She is just the sweetest little thing but boy she wears me out.

    To Lara's friend, I want to say welcome... and so sorry you have to be here. It's such a great thread, I'm a newbee here but I don't know if I would've made it without these women.

    Sue, hoping your birthday was wonderful and wishing ou the best for Monday.

    Everybody else, can't keep my eyes open, love to all, I'll ketchup tomorrow.... sweet dreams

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls!

    I have missed you all. I got back from Atlantic City, a loser I might add, and crashed out at 8 pee em. I woke up an hour ago and have just posted for some mortgage positions. And I am dwinking some hair of de dog, albeit a widdle late in the day. I had a fantastic time, lost 25.00 gambling. Seeing Ian Anderson was just awesome. The dude is almost 70 yrs old and has ten times more energy than I do. I was very impressed that he can play some kick ass flute, dance around the stage and sing at the same time. I got in a teeny tiny bit of trouble, was taking video of the show towards the end and got popped by security. The ahole dude told me that normally he would let it go but this band gets upset. Oh the poor band hehe! I am a rebel and proud of it. I missed my goils here.

    A big heartfelt welcome to Lara's friend, we have heard about you and have been praying for you already. I hope you really pop in. We will not discriminate you for being Lala's fwend hehe!

    Nancy and Genny, always praying for you girls. I saw the pics of the foobs and OMG, mese heart jest bout esspoded with grief. You are both in my prayers.

    NM, glad you got your eclectricty on. I was tinking of you when I woke up tonight by an outdoor fire that had burnt out .... it was 42 degrees out and a tad bit chilly. But I was toasty enough under my covers with the warmth of mese puppy. Nothing like puppy love eh?

    PRN, I can relate, hadda take pain pills tonight and they knocked me out. Be careful not to overdo things.

    Sue, big prayers for your results on Monday, hope you are voted Miss America hehe. oops, well I am close in praying for great results. You continue to amaze me girl, muah. Hope your turdieth bday bash of de year was fun as yer first.

    Lori, still sending up prayers for your neighbor and his family including your sweet lil buddy. I am praying for a peaceful painless passing and hope it is soon. No reason to hang in if suffering. Makes me tink of that young goil in Utah, I tink from NJ, who ended her life b4 the RB was able to torture her. That is a tough story to take but I tink she did the right ting despite what certain religious groups are saying. And tanks for sharing the hair pics, love em. You look so cute curly or straight (when are you straight anyway bahahaha). Thanks for your comment on my facebook video, the one that nearly got mese incarcerated ~ jk about the jail part but duh.

    Camille, oh Camille, what are we gonna do about this clarinet? Hmmm, they are wood and they are flammable. Jest saying. Your posts jest crack me up to no end. I jest lubs you.

    Hi Julie, hope work is being good to you. When is your surgery again? and more impotently, when is yer next Disney trip? I must say that I agree that you are a Disney ho. Hey, do you know Elizabeth, ya know, de ho Eliabeth? I bet ya do!! ha!

    Lara, good for you in speaking with an attorney, it is empowering eh? It is not about money, it is about doing the right thing for our fellow breasties. I hope you are feeling better too.

    Mese DD is doing better the past few days. She finally got her tank ye notes out, I had been nagging her bout that. And goils, jest around two weeks before mese be a grand parent, oh de sweetest ting ever, I so furcited. Although whilst at mese shrink last week, I tailed him that I am gonna drop the baby off at the local fire house, there is a Safe Haven law here in Kansas. Ennyway, I changed mese mind. We can do dis. ~big sigh!

    Well I am ready to sleep in my darn bed, it has only been three nights sincen I slept dere. And falling asleep in front of the fire was jest awesome but nothing like mese own bed at home. And iffen I do not go there now, I gonna pass out right here at my desk which is not good for mese head. Ya see, I get bruises on mese head from passing out against the computer. I have one now on my eye brow that is jest healing and it ugly. I look like a victim of sorts.

    Hello to all goils I missed, I love all of you and please, do not forget, I am on yer sides, k? Wishes of peace, love, health and happiness to all. chEErs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    ps Genny, hope Nora sleeps late for ya

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!I know I am out of shape, but yesterday's chore has really made my back hurt today, as in hard to straighten up, and hurt enough when I moved to wake me up during the night.Got the rice pad on and that is helping, but moving is going to be slow today.

    ORLA--tell your friend we can't wait to meet her!

    PRN--I'm thinking I need some pain pills too, need to find the tylenol!

    Genny--another one of us who's had a busy Saturday!Bet you had fun with Nora.

    Dara--you are such a trouble maker!One of these days you are going to be posting from jail looking for bail money!No, there is nothing like puppy love!Except maybe grandbaby love, but I wouldn't know about that.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Pain, Pain, Go Away

    6 pints Irish Whiskey Whiskey

    5 splashes Irish Cream Liqueur

    2 tbsp Tabasco Sauce Extract

    4 oz Ginger Ale Mixer

    Best served in a Margarita Glass.


    Pour tabasco sauce into a large container, add whiskey, cream, and mix well. Pour into appropriate glasses, drink and chase with ginger ale and lemon peel. (Drink the mixture, take a swig of ginger ale, and bite the lemon peel.)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Lara, running nekkid into a cactus, not so good! I don't see your friend, but of course we can welcome her, and she has someone to esplain to her who we all are!

    NM, I HATED those curls! Good luck on your search for alternative heat methods. I hear ya on the back pain, from working with the chicken. It gets to me when I do canning, as I am standing the sink doing one thing or another and usually for the entire day! I hope you are feeling better today....moving around helps me.

    LDB, dat Screaming Chicken DOTD looks right up your alley! I hope you had a fantastic party!

    PRN, what all did you do in the garden? I didn't know you had one? But I hear ya!

    Mary, you will be feeling better soon and then Nora won't be so wearing on ya. We love that little munchkin.

    Dork, you iz a rebel foa shoa! I'll nebber ebber foyget our time wif Chip and Dale!!!! That young lady that ended her life, had to move to OR, where assisted suicide is legal. she was only 29, so so sad. I see you wuz a big loser in AC, a whopping $25.00. And I try not to stay straight for too long! And you are right about my neighbor, no reason for hanging on. LOL about the clarinet being wood!

    Meeting again with the possible busness assoc. this morning then heading over to Laughlin.

    Love and Huggles to everyone.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    OMG I missed so much, did have a lot of access to my puter yesterday--goofy day, but fine.

    It seems like we all do something one day and the next day it pain med time--how ironic--wrong word but I always liked using that word.

    Lori my sweet u looked beautiful in those pics--do any of u take bad pics.

    Lara I hope we get to welcome u'r friend in person, she's feel good here.

    Dara 25.00?25.00? oh u are a rebel but 25.00? Will u need a garage sale to make up this money? I hope u don't do anything drastic to get it. 2 MORE WEEKS??? Holy shmolley--this is so exciting and we're so happy for u. Another spoiled baby added to our list and we deserve to.

    Nancy and Mary I hope u'r finding relief, but again I've never seen burning like that, and oh we all tole u u didn't have a yeast infection, we knew what it was. I shiver when I think of it.

    Well Nora like Lori said when u get stronger, it'll be easier with Nora, but she's so adorable. Nancy do u notice when u look for clothes for Jackson they have about 40 pages of oh so cute for little girls and about 5 for boys.? That has always bothered me.

    NM I hope u and Sadie are taking it easy for the day, please u deserve to.

    Lori I feel so sorry for u'r neighbor, but know that feeling of letting them go and hoping he doesn't feel the pain. This is so cruel.

    Oh my Julie, TAPE THE CONCERT MADE OF ALL NOISE. Do u know there are all the instuments at one time, ONE TIME so magnify Joey's insane sounds by 20 and we have to sit thru it. I think I could make a fortune by selling some meds that night. Remember I'm the one that told Joey when the ice cream man comes and he's playing music, it means he's out of ice cream and that lasted for a few years too. So I can sell the idea to Joey he sounds good. 

    PRN I don't remember any gray in u'r hair, so what's happening now? It kind of does come and go with all these things--so just hang in there.

    SusyQ ok now it's time to rest u party animal--remember there is always another drink calling u'r name along with all of us. It's amazing how we all try to answer quickly too. Sounds like u had some good fun tho. 60, never could tell.

    OK I think my fingers are numb or my whole body is, not sure yet, But I'm gettingStarbucks coffe today, then I can tell and maybe even type or talk. We'll see.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    Welcome to LaLa's Friend!!! So very sorry you have to be here Sad

    :-) myslutbelongstome: Because I can't stop laughing at this

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, Hope you are all having a magnificent Sundey Fundey. Me, I slept until 2 pee em.

    NM, I hope your body feels better, take some advil or aleve or sumting stronger if you got it.

    Camille, OMG, you crack me up, you gonna sell drugs at Joey's concert, that is too funny. And telling him the music on the ice cream truck means they are out of ice cream, that poor kid lol. I hope you enjoyed your Starbucks coffee.

    Lori, sounds like you are having a fab time. Enjoy your time in Laughlin. And what's this about joining a bidness association? Essplain please.

    4, hello and nice to see you. HOpe the kiddies are doing fine.

    I am praying for my rad goils, hoping the pain is easing up. And Genny, I would listen to NM, she knows what she is talking about. If she says STOP the insanity, please, please have confidence in her logic. She has done so much research and is very knowledgeable on the subject of radiation. She is talking about the fact that if you continue, you are more likely to have permanent damage to your skin and pain that will never go away. I hope and pray that you will consider taking her advise. I know it is a lot to ask when it is such a big decision. But if I were you, I would wholeheartedly take her advise and be confident that it is the right thing to do.

    My DD's ob/gyn told her that she may go 42 weeks so I mighten be waiting until sometime in December to be a nana. The whole thing is just surreal to me, I have to continuously pinch myself to believe this is happening!

    My oldest sister brought over a ton of food for us. I am having home made baked mac n cheese tonight with burgers and beans, mese dad's favorite. it is about time to preheat the oven. I then have to run to the grocery store as old mother hubbards cupboards are quite empty. I am out of coffee creamer and out of JD and out of diet pepsi. We can't have that!

    I will be back later to partay with you all, hoping someone joins me. I just made a jack n diet using the few drops I have left. I toast all of my is to good health, joy and here CHEERS!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    Looks like Stella put soap in the fountains again and the Tenders are trying to clean it up!


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Good evening everybody. Its been a cold day here in Indy. I have the best honey in da world. Even though he has a cold and isnt feeling good he made me dinner and had a nice fire going in da fireplace and brought me a Hard Cider Beer. Nummy! I have had a hard weekend. I was in a lot of pain yesterday but today has been better. My RO wants to see me tomorrow and look at my burn under my breast. Im a little worried about the open area underneath as I am diabetic too and it doesnt seem to look any better to me. I also felt a small hard lump on my upper left breast that I need to have them look at. Is it possible to have cancer in the same breast that they may have missed?

    Dara I hope your a nana soon. Im telling you there is nothing in the World like it. Jackson came to see me today and the hugs I get everytime I see him just warm my heart. And even from Samara and she isnt really mine yet. I just love them.

    Lara Im sorry your friend has to be here but I hope she finds as much peace and support here as I have. I wouldn't have made it without you and everyone else encouraging me.

    Genny I know what you mean about those little ones wearing us out. Especially right now. Dont you get to ring your bell this week?

    NM I so glad your electric is back on. I hope your winter wont be too bad.

    Cami what kind of Starbucks did you get? I like the Carmel Macchiatos or the Gingerbread Lattes at Christmas time. You really cant go wrong at Starbucks.

    Lori and Mema love you guys and anyone else I missed love you all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, so happy your honey cooked for you. I hope he feels better too. Have you flat asked asked your RO for some percocet? I hate to keep bothering you but geez girl, you deserve some relief. Advil works great along with the percocet for me. Advil alone does not cut severe pain. Let him know that your pain level is over a ten and that the advil is not doing the job. You should not be in such discomfort when there are narcotics out there to help. And if HE is a jerk and say no, why not try asking your primary care doc for help? So glad you got Jackson hugs to help you feel better. And I liked the way you said that Samara is not yours YET. Hmmm, I assume things are going well with her Mom and your DS? I sure hope so, sounds like a win win to me. I hope and pray that you feel better. and more, I hope that lump is NOTHING girl, please do get it addressed asap. You poor dear!

    4, bad Stella knows how to make our tenders work, eh? haha. Stop back in more often and talk to us, let us know how YOU are doing. I miss your face here in the lounge.

    Our dinner was a great success, I just love my sisters baked mac n cheese. I pig faced too much of it though, I feel my gut expanding. Well I have to get to the grocery store or I do not drink tonight. That my goils, would be sinful lol.

    Cheers and titties up, if ya got em! (cept for Nancy and Mary, you keep yers down and make it bottomz up)!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    GoodMonday morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this morning?Didn't get the snow I was expecting this weekend, it was actually a very nice weekend, weather wise.My back seems to have recovered, at least I can stand up straight this ayem.Major improvement!

    Goldie--moving around certainly does help, I had to keep myself moving yesterday.If I sat too long straightening up was a job and a half!Much better today, though.

    Cammy--we do all seem to have to recover the day after a big job, don't we?Oh, well, at least we all know we aren't alone in that!Sadie and I did take it pretty easy yesterday, just enough moving around to keep from getting too stiff.That meant getting up and playing a quick game of fetch with Sadie, who was very happy to help my physical therapy.


    Dara--I took some tylenol at bedtime last night, and had taken some yesterday ayem, too.That and lots of heat did the trick!Yikes, sounds like you are out of all the essentials of life!You must get to the story ASAP!I bet your Dad will be very happy with the dinner.

    Collett--The hard thing you are feeling in your breast is probably fat necrosis.The rads has killed the tiny blood vessels and a part of the fat in the breast has died and is now turning into scar tissue.This damaged area is now at risk for developing radiation induced cancer in 20 years or so.Removing it surgically isn't likely to work due to the destruction of the blood vessels, it won't heal well, if at all without hyperbaric treatments,due to lack of blood circulation.Your RO will probably tell you it's nothing, mine kept telling me I was just experiencing "the expected sunburn effect." Ask your RO directly how this treatment will affect your chances of needing a mastectomy in the future and recon if you choose that option.If he's honest he'll tell you it will be a lot harder to have recon come out well after rads due to permanent damage it does.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Naked Sunburn

    1 1/2 oz Coconut Rum

    1 1/2 oz Creme de Noyaux

    1 1/2 oz Melon Liqueur

    1 splash 7 Up

    4 oz Cranberry Juice

    4 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 splash Sweet and Sour Mix


    Pour the melon liqueur, Malibu rum and creme de noyaux into a hurricane glass 3/4 filled with ice cubes. Add the 7-Up and sour mix. Fill with equal parts of pineapple and cranberry juice, to taste, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Good morning my lovelies! Not going to address everyone, just stopping in for a few dwinks and to see what kind of drugs Cami is selling!!! OMG, that is hilarious!

    Wacko, one of the companies we buy tubing from used to make soaker hose for us. The owner is selling, well filing bankruptcy, and a young guy there who we have become close with wants to start his own business from it. He has worked there for a long time, but he is going through a divorce and doesn't have the capital. So we may go into business with him.  And we might move our business there, and pay someone to ship our stuff and we will just handle the internet of things and phones. We'll see.  No Duck Farts yet, but had LOTS of wine yesterday!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    Effing Gremlins!!!


    Looks like I'm starting be back this afternoon!!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Afternoon everyone! I got some good news today from my RO. My open wound isn't infected and since I'm so damn burned and tomarrow will be my 25th treatment that will be my last full breast tx then Wed we will start my boost instead of doing the entire week of whole breast and then boost. He said I cant tolerate any more burning. thank God! He wont give me anything for the pain except for Motrin or Advil. We are supposed to get real cold weather this week and snow this weekend. So I'm thinking of putting Christmas lights outside today. Maybe...

    NM that drink sounds real good. Thanks for the advice on the fat necrosis and it makes sense now you stay that. I think I'm just freeking out over every little thing right now.

    Dara things are great with my son and his gf! She's awesome! I'm ready for things to move on lol I love her so much already!

    I'm gonna take a nap, love you all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hiya goils, happy Monkeydey to ya's!

    Nancy, congrats on having your last full breast rad this week, you will be ringing that bell sooner than planned, eh? Did you say there was no bell at the place you are at? Chit, I would bring my own damn bell and ring it over and over and over. Good news that your son is doing well with Samara's Mom. I see a new grand baby in your future, wooop wooop! Am I bad for projecting? Glad to read that the lump is nothing more than a necrosis.That damn RO not giving up narcotics for you, curse on him. May he stub his big toe whilst getting out of the shower in the morning and make him feel some pain so that he thinks of you, the basturd.

    NM, I am glad you are feeling better today, I was skeered for ya. I find that muscle pain is worse on the 2nd and 3rd days, good job in managing the pain. Great DOTD, yum yum yum. I am happy that Sadie assisted with your exercise program, dogs are great in so many ways. I have never owned a cat so I am prejudice to dogs. I did see the cutest kitten on facebook, he was up for adoption. I thought about it for a whole minute. They are cute but I can't imagine me having cats and dogs too. Plus I tink cats are mean to dogs. Have you ever seen the youtube video of cats blocking dogs from going up stairs? It is hysterical but made me sad at the same time. Those poor dogs tried so hard to go up the steps and the cats stopped them every time. ok, cat rant over, dogs rule! I will say it again and again and again.

    Lori, you funny, stopping in to see what drugs Cammy is selling lol. I hope this bidness venture of yours works out. I said a prayer to the bidness Lord that this partnership is everything you expect and more should you move forward. And I need not tell you to consult an attorney, right? Have some duck farts, I would drink them just so I can ask for them. A ROUND OF DUCK FARTS please, then I'd say Pull mese finger hahahaha. I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Laughlin. Isn't that where you have a bartender friend?

    4sew, sorry those gremlins got you, they got me recently too. and they know to come out when we have made our most heartfelt posts, addressing all and being impressed with our words. The gremlins never steal just a pop in post. I hope all is well, look forward to an update from ya!

    where are my other goils today? Lara, Cam, Mema, Genny?? Sending rounds of hugs to all mese goils ((((rounds of hugs from the DorKster)))))))


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good evening all, had a personel training session this am which kicked my butt after a busy weekend in work.nm i feel your pain ,literally, thank you god for heating pads and mobic

    cammi, whats the actual day of joeys concert so i know what day you will need bail!

    nancy so glad no infection and you finish sooner, ps samara is already yours your ds and future dil just haven;t made it official yet

    lori-if you change your business site does this mean more time for trips?

    hello darla,lara ,4, mary, 4 and sue,who did i forget?

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    Dara, I heard you were looking for a new job!!!

    myslutbelongstome: No, nudity *will* be required <img class=" />

    I'm not sure why but this also made me think of you and smile Happy


    Thanks for thinking after me too girls. I am ok, just cray cray busy. 4 kids, 3 schools, 29 teachers to keep track of. Add to that my oldest turned 17 on Friday and he has been freaking out because one of his grades is a B. Yes a B. He is in 7 AP classes and taking Japanese. Both my High schoolers are taking 9 credit hours this school year instead of 8. The 15 year old rolls with the punches a little better though. Actually had to take E (17) to doc and get him some lexapro because he has been starting to have panic/anxiety attacks while testing. Some of the teachers area not so helpful and this is really hard stuff! He has set these super high standards for himself and really takes it hard if he doesn't do well on something. Needless to say when the Dr asked him if he ever thought about hurting himself and he said "I wouldn't ever go through with it though", things sort of moved to a new level.

    I also had a hysteroscopy and D&C on 10/27 thanks to Tamoxifen. After a bunch of scans and stuff I met with a Gynecological Oncologist and he told me there was no reason whatsoever to do a hysterectomy since I am asymptomatic and NOTHING showed up in the D&C. I mean she even had trouble trying to find something to remove. I tried to tell her before the procedure, but whatever, not going down that road again. I do have the 24th marked off for the UFO to take us to Julie!!!

    As if that's not enough, my parents were here twice last week to drop off and pick up their two 9 week old puppies for me to babysit. Of course all I hear about is what a colosal screw up I am in so many ways but I guess I am qualified to take care of dogs, cuz I am most certainly not equipped to take care of my children properly. In fact when they got home I got an email that I should sign my 12 year old over to them and he could live there so they could "fix" him.

    I am also dealing with the Sales Tax Man trying to finish up the crap from the shop I closed. Who knew I was supposed to pay them the sales and use tax I collected! I thought that meant I could "use" it!! Just kidding, but Cami I might need you to write a letter for me!!!!!

    Tomorrow I go for ankle surgery. They are removing the hardware they put in when I shattered it. Hopefully this is going to take care of the eternal swelling and tendonitis and let the little bit of residual neuropathy go away!

    So that is the cliff note version! I miss you girls and really try to keep up! Nancy and Mary, So glad the rads are about over! NM, Sorry for the crappy weather everyone is getting so early. Bummer on UTI Cami! They suck. Dara, when Logan arrives DO NOT let Stella babysit! Julie, cool your sister is coming, sorry it is for surgery. Hope you get to feeling better soonliest! Prn, candy looks super yummy, some of my faves! Lori and Sue hope the test results are coming back good this go round! My TMs are 17 and 11 WooHoo!! LaLa, glad you are back too and feeling better I hope. Welcome to your friend. I hope I didn't miss anyone?

    OK gotta go Krogering before tomorrow. Surgery at 8 and I'm back in the air boot cast thing for a month. My daughter and I are going to BeDazzle it this weekend!!!

    I lubz you girls and think of you and say my prayers often. I try to keep up even if I can't get time to post. I'll try to pop in in the ayem with coffee before I head out. Tea for Princess or are you back to coffee???

    Peace out, Titties Up if you got 'em.Hope Nancy and Mary's don't glow in the dark much longer.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Hi Ladies,

    Its been forevah since I've pooped in to say hey and see how everyone is ya'll fill me in on things?  I would go back and read but by the time I got done I would be as behind as I am now.  Love everyone's new avatars...Dara...lovin the hair girl...everyone looks happy...whats new/old and who is new and old??  I'll fill you in about me once I hear about you..Im boring anyway.  Heading into my weekend but Im planning on setting at least a little time aside for my lounge seesters!




  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    WooHoo it's


    Back in de lounge!! Tenders get the Natties!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Yippee Cay-Aye mudder focker, look who's back! Cyn Cyn!! woo hoo. I will fill you in if you return one more time. I can tail ya who is who and who is not who. hehe. are you dwunk yet? I love your avatar/pic, hugs to ya goil, it has been too long sincen you parktaked in de lounge fun, wooop wooooooop! show me the money! hehe! I been dwinking ya know?

    4sew, geez louise, you have yer hands full. But I know you will get through each and every ting you need to get through and come out brighter and better! Your kids are jest fine and very impressive. So what if one has to take some meds, I tink Einstein took meds goil and he wuz a jeanious! tanks for de update.

    Julie, I hope you are managing yer pain with some good drugs or some likker....or poyhaps, chocolate, yeah, that always helps! I will be on that UFO and keeping an eye on yer docs. foygive me in advance if mese has an impluse to touch their secret body parts, I am wacked and cant resist sumtimes. I am humbarrased of dis fact, ya know? Hope you feel betta.

    So I dwink more and gotzta check on mese Dad. He is working on a piano and I worry he gits on his knees and cant get up without help. I go now. bbl I hope! join me goils, it a partay to welcome CyndieLouWhowHO HAS BEENmia.


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014



    New furniture for the lounge!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Oh CindiLou great to hear from you--aha the words sounded like each other. We all miss u and u'd better join us more---I know u'r having a good time right now and that's how it's posed to be. I tink dough Nancy and Genny are new to you--maybe not, but it's the same old goofy gang.

    Lori I really like that idea about u'r business, I truly hope it works out--it'll be easier on you.

    NM I'm glad u'r feeling better soo u know exactly what to do, I just wallow in pain. OH maybe it's Sadie that gets u going.

    4444 Oh wow u've got so much going on--what can I say. And I'm sure u'r kids are fine, but it is hard to have a perfectionist for him and u, U feel so bad cuz they seem to think they disappoint themselves and yet everyone wants those grades--Hopefully the meds will help him. And now u'r having more surgery? Jeez--Good Luck and let us know how it goes.

    Nancy I'm glad u'r finishing up with rads, u've had enough, but I really don't understand why this dr. thinks u have to rough it out--WTF is he thinking.?

    Julie when is u'r sister coming? And u could be right abut bail so everyone stay ready that nite. But I'm pretty god t it. Right......

    Dara, Dara do u ever change drinks, I onlu ask cuz when I drank I never changed drinks- Now I try different drinks when I feel like it and some are so good and there are so many things to pick from now, it makes it funner for me. I just love u.

    OK u all know I Lub u all--Hey SusyQ, Lara--I think tht's everyone--Just Lubs 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, Only poppin in quick but I have read everything. I'm really tired, going to bed soon. I'm still doing rads but none to the breast, only to the axillary which really healed up those few days I was on break. The boob is still open and oozing, glad i stopped that when I did, thanks NM. Still not sure if doing the axillary is the right thing to do but I only have 2 more, tomorrow and Wednesday, then I'll be ringing the bell!! Appt not till 6:15, DH going with me then we'll check out some of the new stuff in downtown Cleveland and go out to dinner. We never go downtown just for fun. My weekend with Nora kicked my ass, I slept for 3 hrs after they picked her up yesterday. She is starting to talk, points at everything and says "whassat?" Anyway, I'll try and jump on tomorrow to catch up with everyone but right now I'm beat. Love you girls...nighty night

    My DS says she gets her six pack abs from him...haha...

