how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    THats me cam

    jeesus Genny WTF OMG wtf OMG

    I pray for u my god how the fuck do we deal with this crap

    I wish I could come now and give u a hug in person

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Lara, looks like you got LOTS of nice goodies for your BURPday. I hope you had a wonderful day. I can't see your puka, but can see how swollen you are. And you can leave BAD REVIEWS about her on many websites.

    LDB, hair or no hair, I know the beautiful lady you are, inside and out, I love ya girl. We will leave here Saturday morning, 7.5 hour drive to Vegas, meet up with the person we are coming to see and then heading to Laughlin Sunday morning. So we won't even be there for 24 hours, then home on Wednesday. Results on Monday, via phone call?

    Haha Wacko, wanting snakes to infest the penis's of yours and Lara's docs. But hers is a female, so how about we just give her a penis first, then have it get infested!!! Maybe we should have it in the middle of her forehead.

    DW (Julie), mese thinks doze panties are big enuf foy ALL of us!

    Mary, I hope Nora doesn't wear you out, but I know you are excited about having her for an entire weekend. And Happy Birfday to your DS. We're leaving on Saturday (see my comment to LDB). Loved the newest video of Nora, but thought for sure she was gonna tumble off the stairs!

    Nancy, those doctors work for YOU! If the pulmonologist won't give you pain meds, then INSIST to your RO you want them. So what did he give you for the yeast infection, that he THINKS you have? Do you wash all of that off before your rads?

    4, hoping you can get back to some normalcy soon and I hope the "needy" child is for a good reason. Good to see you.

    NM, glad to have you back. I can't imagine being without power for 3 days, speshully when it's cold. Unfortunately a pellet stove won't work then either. About the only thing that does help in those situations might be a generator! Did you stay at your house? LOL, I did NOT notice Ms Sadie hoggin all 3 pillows, too funny! The Electric Margarita will be poyfect for Mema, since she likes her Quilla!

    Click over to the next page and WHOA!!!! Mary!!! OMG!!! I don't even know what to say, other than Holy PHUCK. And I think the radiation continues to "burn" when you are done. Correct me nurses if I'm wrong.

    Cami, so sorry about the UTI, you get them alot don't you. My mom does to. What's up wif dat! Joey learning any new songs?

    Happy BURPday Lil Doyty Butt, aka Pwoud Mary, aka MemaSue! I lub you girl and I know you are a partying fool!




    Hap to find you some cute lil doyty butts fo yo birfday. All the sexy ones were a little to risqué to put here! Singing



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    no pain meds mary thats not good

    You basically have to beg for them in NY state

    doesnt look good

    Thanks goldie... what websites? Yes I was showing the swollen and Dr. chit said I looked normal

    Im seeing a new plastic surgeron Tues

    Illl trash her everywhere

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    I'm in the middle of doing laundry and running the dishwasher.  Actually, my dh started the dishwasher b4 he left for work.  I was sleeping in.  I cant believe he did that.  So tickled.  Then I have a massage at 2:30, woohoo.  Then I'll probably go have a cocktail or two.  Mayb go out to dinner, I refuse to cook today.  LOL.

    Julie - love the big panties!

    Lara - you have some chitty docs in your area.  Hope the new one can help you.  Has the swelling be there all along?  If not, something else is going on.  Prayers and (((Lara))).

    Dara - thank you for saying I don't look 60.  I feel pretty good too.

    Mary - it does look worse, don't do rads for a few more days at least.  Bet you have to really handle Nora gently with that swollen foob.  Hey, it's 5 pm somewhere even if jes 2 at your house.  Sounds like good time with Molly am sure her hair turned out fine.   It's today...60 years young!!

    Nancy - Yahoo....Dec 8 should be a doc and tx day for me, meaning I'll b in LV.  Should be anyway, unless thanksgiving messes up all the schedules.  So keep me posted.  And you look like you are in so much pain and you are not as far into it as Mary.  I just don't understand why it has to burn so much.  And yeast?? WTF, they the ones that gibs you all that stuff to put on, have they never had a yeast case from it, hard to believe...idiots!!  I'm done ranting....(((Nancy)))

    4 - glad to see you.  Hope issue with your kid is not tooo serious.  You certainly have your hands full.  Hope you're feeling OK too.  Muah

    NM - thanks for the bday wishes.  1 foot of snow and no electricity wtf....glad all back on now.

    Cami - not all uti's exhibit the burning.  Hope you are on very strong anti-b's you don't want it spreading to the kidney, trust me.  LOL love my bday cake...lmao.

    Lowee - I understand completely, sides I'll b smashed most of Sat at my big bash DD is throwing.  Results in person, is doc and tx day on the 10th.  Thank you for your sweet words, the card, lol on buttday and love the ldb's.  And yes...let's do a shot of jose or two or three four and on da floor.  hahaha....I love ya too!

    Back to my chores....lubslubslubslubslubs and prayers and positive healing energy to all my ladies!  HUGZ!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


    happy birthday mema ,hope your having a wonderful day

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Good God girls...Genny, I hate the way your foob looks. phucking ouch girl. Load up on more percocets. Same goes for you Nancy, I feel so bad for you girls.

    Mema, hope your birthday dinner is spayshall as you are, that means it should be phenominal. I just love you. Here are some big birthday hugs (((((((((( M E M A    S U E ))))))). 


    I have to be quick. Been a busy day, had to accompany mese Mom to the infectious disease doctor for her UTI's. They found bacteria in her urinary track and are trying to get to the bottom of the reoccurances. The doctor told me nothing, said he would fax his findings to the home. ugh.

    I am leaving for Atlantic City tonight and staying through Saturday morning. We are seeing Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull tomorrow night. I will have my lap top so will try to check in for some Mema Sue partay time, wooo hoooo, 60! Love you! 

    Remember Sue, 60 is the new 40!!! 


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014




    Mema Sue!!! Happy Birthday!! Hope it's as wonderful as you!!! Love ya!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014










  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, just a quick pop in for an update, DH is taking me out to dinner! RO and I talked for awhile and decided no more rads to the foob but I will continue the boosts to the axilla. I told her no matter what I'm done by end of next week. So I had rads today, and again tomorrow and 3-4 more next week and then I'll be ring-ding-dingin' dat bell! Refilled my percocet and my Silvadene today and got plenty of Mepilex(the pad i wear under my clothes) so I'm good to go. Going out for to all!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    OK, back from dinner, I ate entirely too much, I'm stuffed. We even split it, ugh..but it was yummy. So where was I?? Oh yea, suzie's birtday.

    OMG Lynn, nice presents!.. Holy Moly.., trained my little dog well, didn't I? Hope all is well with yer busy life and yer bizy kids. 

    Dara.. what's going on with yer DD? When is her due date? Have fun in Atlantic City. Hope they get your mom's UTI's figured out.

    Juliet, nice job on Sue's cake's. love the Ken and Barbie!.. so funny.

    Lori, quick bizy trip to Vegas, hope you get to have some fun. Getting my sweetie tomorrow, my DH says we'll take turns and I can nap when I need to. Really chitty weather here so no golf for him. Haha about the snakes... well said!

    NM, so glad your power is back on, 3 days, Wow, that's a long time without power! What did you do for heat? At our previous house we put in a $6000 generator, powered the whole house, switched on automatically 15 seconds after a power outage. We lived there 8 years and the power went out twice for less than an hour. Now that we live in the condo we have no generator... we all know where this is gonna go, I'm sure we'll lose it for days, just cause that's the way things work.. Murphy's Law. Anyway, did you stay home? How'd Sadie do? Lori did a good job with the DOTD's. 

    Cami, hope you're staying warm and safe and clean and smellin' good. Funny cake!

    Lala, thanks for the hugs, virtual ones are good too. The pain meds are working well, I'm really not that uncomfortable as long as I keep take them on time. So sorry about your foob, I sure hope you like your new doctor, so sorry u have to go thru this. Here's a big hug right back at ya.

    Nancy, my prayers are with you everyday, I hope you get thru the rest of rads without too much more burning. The break did me a lot of good, don't be afraid to ask for one if you need it. I sure hope you get some pain meds, I depend on mine right now. Hope little Jackson and Samara and her mom and your DS are all doing well. ((Nancy))

    SuzieQ!!! Hope you're having a wonderful time on yer birthday...hope your massage was wonderful and have a great time at your party on Saturday..WOHOO...PARTAY!! Talked to Molly today and she didn't mention her hair and I forgot to ask so I guess it's OK. love and hugs and prayers for Monday!!!  Lubs, Lubs and Muah!!!

    Everybody I'm missing.. sweet dreams!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hello everyone! Happy Birthday Mema I love ya and hope your having an awesome day!! 

    Genny I am burning more. The skin underneath pealed off tonight and man did it hurt! My Pulmonologist friend is going to talk to my RO. He thinks I need a break too. Im calling my PCP in the am since he is the one who ordered the Motrin I am taking and seeing what he can do for me. Im glad your almost done. I want to hear that bell ring here in IN when you ring it!! Have fun with baby girl this week end. I think i will be seeing Jackson and Samara. 

    I had an exhausting day. Dara have a great time in Atlantic City. Dont do anything I wouldnt do :) Lol

    Love all you girls.... night

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    sue...HB!! 60 is great!!

    4.... Man those boys.  

    Genny and Nancy... You're in my prayers everyday.  

    Hey to everyone else.  Herceptin. Day today. Stomach.  Joint pains.  Wanted to try Cymbalta for the pain.  Too afraid of the SE.  Lol. Thats s funny one isnt it. After effin chemo and tads. Im afraid of a pill. Neuropathy in right hand. Nails lifting again. Eyelashes and brows dropping again. Head hair though thick brown with grey and very curly. 

    Love to you all...

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    hIGH gOIls, hic!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    so we got a smoking room, thought we heard someone at our door, peaked and it was someone stalking the willie, had to tell them to go away. dumb kids. !burP

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    "does not smell like cigarettes in this hall" then laughter then 'lets crash the partay: then more laughter. ugh, my nerves are fine. yep, jack n willie no vitmin v yet, tinking not......more willie? who's in? MARY?? MEMA??

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    PRN, Nancy, Mary, FURB, dat is my one word. well hmm, mybe three or four werds which ryhmes with turds hehehe~ I am drunk Lara. wish you were hERe here in AC, de casino capitol of kansas. the willie capitol tongith here at de golden whereeber I am, I foyget. will be at harrahs tomorree if anyone wnts to join de partay. NM? CALL OUT SICK AND COME ON OVER!! I will show you de best partay eber. and Sadie can come if you top stop at mese house and pick up mese Belly Boo Bella so that our firbabes have fwends, k? ugh, me needs  dwink but could not find de ice. xdh steve is gambling but mese needed some real dwinks, not watered down cheap a$$ casino dwinks (from the kansas city Kanasas asses casino hehe! come one come all and why not join me? for realsies, not voyshirley, oh no heail no. 

    CHEERS!!!  effecd up


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    OK someone's up awful late Miss Dara--I think everyone is sleeping/

    I'm telling u those pics of everyone is stuck in my mind--I've never seen anything like that ever. U have to stop for a while and u need pain pills If u have a woman dr. Nancy I'm actually more surprised, and if u have a man dr. tell him when he grows boobs he can have a vote about pain meds. Mary and Nancy I would think u'r skin disease is the real culprit for the sensitivity of u condition. But I know nothing, I'm just saying it makes sense.

    Be careful on u'r trip Lori.

    NM all that time I can't believe that's a long time, that's the only thing that really freaks me out no electricity.

    I know u nurses understand UTI' and I thought I did til now have to have a couple of samples, my culture is showing something and my bladder? is showing something that doesn't match--I'm on an anti-b but I think this means I might have to be on another one and yes they watch it very closely cuz I get so many and if it gets more painful go to the ER--Yes I rush there every chance I get, right.

    OK get this in 4 weeks I have to go to Joey's concert--I did tell him it's best to practice with his door totally closed so he can hear the notes better, he believes me. Can u imagine in 4 weeks he will not play like Kenny G--it will be more like Moose the Moose and in front of people--yet he thinks he's great. Tht's my fault--Marty is going thru a little lucky time with Joey--My SIL needs a new hearing aid and now his other ear is bad and needs one for that----Actually poor guy he was born with this but now both ears.

    Well TGIF I hope everyone has a Sparkling weekend, mixed with something good.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Friday ayem!

    positive nodes are gone, been taken out.This much radiation damage could cause permanent damage.The pain may never go away.You may end up having to remove the damaged
    tissue and starting over again with recon.Please stop now.Please.

    Cammy--most of that
    snow is now melted, thank goodness!Hope
    you are on something for the UTI, those can be miserable.

    Goldie--I am
    thinking a generator is more reasonable than a pellet stove for power outages,
    but I still need to do something about the cost of the oil to run the
    furnace.Oh well, something will get
    sorted out eventually.I did stay home,
    went to work Monday and Tuesday,stayed
    home Wed to go to Mom's to refill water jugs, was going to spend Wed nite at a
    motel so I could get a shower but the power came back.Sadie has taken to taking over ALL the
    pillows at night, sometimes I wake up and have to push her over so I have SOME

    ORLA--good luck with
    the new PS!

    Mema--I haven't had
    a massage in so long, need to arrange for one.Don't blame you for not cooking!

    Dara--Make sure the
    home gives you copies of the ID doc's fax, and make sure they follow up on the

    4-WHAT is that doggy
    carrying away?????????

    Genny--so glad you
    are almost done.Did you not have clear
    margins?If you did please question why
    the boosts.The boosts were developed back
    when women weren't taken back to surgery for clear margins, so unless the
    margins are dirty boosts are only money makers for the Rad dept.Eating too much once in a while is a good
    thing, glad you did and enjoyed!

    Collett--hope you
    get a break, and get done soon, before permanent damage is done.

    PRN--it is funny how
    we can focus on one pill's possible SE's and not worry so much about really
    poisonous stuff isn't it?

    Cammy--Joey will
    have a blast at the concert, I'm sure.He sounds so resilient, probably doesn't care what people think any way!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD:

    Feel The Burn

    1 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Coffee

    1/2 oz Bourbon

    1/2 oz Irish Cream

    1/2 oz Ouzo

    Best served in a
    Cocktail Glass.


    Layer all
    ingredients and light on fire to warm. Blow out flame and drink in one gulp.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good morning all

    are you going to record joeys concert?cammi

    there's a good article from a onc on the radiation thread about burns, but your skin looks so painful  .what are they giving you for the skin and for pain

    sue and lara -hope you both had wonderful birthdays

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Lara, Google her name and look for sites that have reviews. For instance "reviews for dr biotch". You might need to include your state, or the facility she's at.

    Sue, you def. don't look 60. I so wish I could come to your big bash party!!!! Waaaaaaa!!! Praying for all good news on Monday. And yay for hubby starting the dish washer. How was the massage? Sorry about the patchy hair, I guess it just goes along with all that we have to deal with, with the RB.

    Love the trashy cakes!

    Dara, who you going wif to AC? I hope they can get to the bottom of your mom's uti issues. Ok, I see you are wif your X. Too funny about the kids in the hall and Willie!

    Ha ha 4, that smiley face is postioned perfectly over the the headless male bod, to look like his!

    Mary, we will all be wif you when you ring dat bell next week. Did RO actually SEE your burn? My DH and I sometimes share a meal, especially if we are away, and no way to keep a doggie bag. One of our faves is to go to Outbacks, pig out on a blooming onion, then share a steak. Ha, I had to scroll up to see what I said about

    Nancy, did ya some drugs?

    PRN, I have heard of those same things coming back, or should I say "leaving" again. Lashes and nails and such, from others that did Taxotere. I did Taxol. Joint pains are no doubt from the Arimidex. And yep, I had the curls! But they are long gone now. I too hate pills. Check out my curls in the first pic. This is one year out from chemo.


    Cami, I know you hate going to ER, but glad you do when it's necessary. I hope they can get you the right drugs to clear everything up. OMG, LMAO....telling Joey he needs to close his door so he can hear his notes better!

    NM, a pellet stove will do you NO good if you lose power. I'm sure if you could afford some other alternative energy you would have it. You've dealt with it this long, and know how to manage with it and the power outages. 3 days is just a long time! And it sure didn't take long for a foot of snow to melt! Sadie needs to learn to share.

    Julie, you better duck before Cami thumps you on the head for asking if she will record Joey's concert!

    We're heading out in the morning, will check in iffin I can. Talked with my neighbor, her DH is now not able to keep anything down, even if it goes in the G tube? Can't get out of bed, and sleeping a lot. She said she doesn't think he is in much pain, so I was happy to hear that. His voice is almost totally gone, he can only whisper. She is like a zombie, just totally worn out. It sounds terrible to say, but I'll be glad when it's over. I picked all what I had left in the garden, gonna try and do some salsa today, I just hope I have enough.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Wow ladies, those were some yummy yummy cakes and not to mention dwinks and barbie and ken, bet they had a good time too.  Loved all the eye candy too, jes love a nice ass.  Thanks again so much.  Went for chinese yum.  Massage was heaven of course.  Going to be in LV all weekend. Come home after Doc appt on Monday.  Will of course let you all kno the results asap.  But no phone calls so that is already good news in my book.

    Mary - oooo what a relief, altho you look so sore in the axilla area too, but light at end of tunnell...sooo sooo happy for you.  (((Mary)))

    Nancy - still praying for you, hope you get decent pain pills and get a break from this madness.  (((Nancy)))

    Prn - thanks for the update.  Is Cymbalta for like arthritis n the like?  That is ironic about the pill, I feel same way about Linzess.  Haven't started it as the Smooth Move is working fine.  Think its just that we have enuf pills to take everyday that we don't want to add another, that and the se's.  Congrats on your hair, I'm still waiting.  boo on nails n lashes but I can relate to those too.

    Dara - LOL about the kid and his willie too funny.  Surprised you did share with  Wish I was with ya in AC.  Will they serve ya jd up with a diet coke back?  Then u kno you getting the full shot.  Or order da coke and next go round order the shot. 

    Cami - yes, 1st infects urterer then bladder then kidney.  Glad you rush to the er..haha. and have some anti-b's.  Hope you feel better soon.  Too cute about Joey, sorry about your sil tho.  Loss of hearing isn't fun.  My mom was totally deaf since childhood, only in 1 ear, that was bad enuf, yet as she aged the other ear deteriorated... what fun.  Lol at Julie asking if you gonna record the recital.

    NM - Have to laugh at Sadie story. Have to wake and move my two often too, like they gotta be right ON me.

    Julie - Thanks for the bday wishes.  One more party and I wont get to party no more...who am I trying to kid eh?

    Lowee - thanks ye too muchly fer de complimente.  Breaks my heart about your neighbor.  Sounds like my step dads last weeks.  Cept he couldn't lay down, pain too intense even with morphin pump, so sat on edge of bed with pillows on the hospital rolling tray and slept bent over like that.  Well was like that constantly.  Mom went to church that morning and told God to take him.  She crawled in bed later for a nap and when she woke he was gone.  And this was on moms birthday.  Nothing good about any ot it.  Stay safe on your travels and try to fit some fun in der somewheres.Muah!

    May be not be able to keep in touch but will if I can, otherwise ya'll have a wonderful weekend and be back Tues morning.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Afternoon girls! 

    Dara honey I would have partied with you last night if I had the energy lol. I was sleepin.  But you can smoke one for me and I will drink one with you tonight for sure!  Hope your having a good time in AC.

    Genny how are you doing? Hope you get to have some good time with sweet Nora this weekend.

    Mema I am so glad you had a good day for your birthday. All the cake and eye candy was excellent wasnt it?  I love getting a massage. I usually get one once a week. Except right now I have not done it since I have been in Radiation as I could definately not lay on my stomach . I found a massage school that charges $25 for 55 min $50 for 80 min and $55 for 110 min. Its great!

    Cami - I laughed and laughed about Joey closing his door to practice. I hope he has a good concert. 

    PRN I am sorry about what your going through with your pills. I am worried about some of that too when I start taking Tamoxifen in a couple of weeks. Im praying for you too.

    4 sew I love the pictures :)

    Lori I am sorry about your neighbor I hope he is in peace. I will be praying for him and his family and for you too. Its hard on everyone. ((Lori)) and no no pills yet :(   They did tell me I could take two of my script  Motrins though instead of one and it does help

    NM are you still getting snow?? Its been cold here but so far no more snow yet. 

    Juliet so far they just they have given me Domebreo soaks, lidocaine cream, Radioplex, Aquaphor, hydrocortisone cream and cooling gel pads and I take 800 mg Motrin two every 4-6 hrs PRN and I am on Diflucan right now because my RO thought I had a yeast infection underneath but today he told me now he doesnt think I do its probably just burned bad. These men!

    Ok I found some funnies for us.





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    good ones they were funnyHappy

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014


    I am thinking of getting this tat somwhere Im not sure yet but I want to add fighter and maybe a small butterfly for my dad and one for my aunt and one for my grandma Im not sure though what do you all think and where do you think I should put it. I want it somewhere it wont hurt much.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    nancy-Happy,tat very pretty,your ideas are good one

    lori-hope and pray for your friend that is passing is peaceful and painfree

    in work today so see you later

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    LDB, everything sounds in place and you ready to party. So happy for no phone calls and praying real hard for you lady. I hope you can enjoy your weekend and not think about anything but FuN STUFF. So sorry about your step dad too.

    Nancy, not sure a massage for almost 2 hours would feel all that good, but an hour...YES! Never had one. Well, I did when I had to have it as therapy for my back, but it hurt. Love the tat, but can't offer any help as to where to put it, cuz you don't want it to hurt too bad. I have no tats, only a belly ring. But I do like where she has it. And great funnies too.

    Early day for you Julie! And thanks to all again about my neighbor. I think I mentioned that his wife said she didn't think he was in much pain and mostly sleeping. She was hoping he would make it until Christmas, but I don't think so. In fact, I'm not so sure he will make Thanksgiving.

    Dara, hope you are winning and having a ton of fun.

    Mary, have fun with Nora. Is she getting into everything yet?

    Vegas for us today, and Laughlin tomorrow, home Wednesday. Will be having me some Duck Farts this trip! CHEERz

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    You Win Some, You Lose Some. These 13 People Just Lost. 

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Looks Like Body Parts Are in Fashion Now and It's Real Confusing