how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Hi genny..who is that sweet little baby?? Innocent. Beautiful. Dear dear Dara....miss you..Yes..think I may be drunk now...hindsight ...I signed up for oT day off....regretting but I need to do it..bell ,Heya Cammi!!!!!! I loved the pics of Loris visit with you! Face time rocks! Happy belated to SueZQT! WEBK! Julie T.....what's going on with you and pain?? We need a visit..I can come see you this time? NM. Snow????? Real .?love seeing silly Sadie on FB...cute idea.

    ORLA!!!!!!!! What's going on gf? Work?

    Lori Lou??? How are you??? Loved the pics of Moab! How are you feeling?

    Anything from ms. Vino?...words from benius?

    Christy down underish?

    Great to be back...I need a drink

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Oh dark hundred here.Even Sadie gave me a dirty look when I put her out to piddle.Sigh.

    Goldie--Wow, business opportunity!Good for you!

    4--sorry about the Gremlin!

    Collett--What you are freaking out about is not a little thing. None of it is.So glad the RO is stopping the rads, but it is malpractice not to give you pain meds.I still say you should tell him no more rads of any kind without adequate pain meds.

    Dara--I have seen the video of cats not letting dogs go by.It is funny, but it is sad, too.I've seen some cats and dogs that get along great together, though, so it CAN happen.But I prefer dogs.I guess I'm just a doggy girl.

    Julie--heat is a wonderfulthing, isn't it?

    4--Wow, lots going on for you!Good luck with surgery.

    CynCyn--Welcome back!

    Cammy--yup, it's Sadie that keeps me moving!It's amazing all the ways she has to motivate me.

    Genny--Nora is so adorable, 6 pack and all!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Lemon Drop

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Lemon Juice

    1 cubes Sugar


    Add sugar to the rim of an old-fashioned glass, and drop a cube or packet of sugar into the bottom of the glass. Pour vodka and lemon juice into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Pour into the prepared old-fashioned glass, and serve.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Morning everyone last day of full rads shoot whoop! Hey Cindy Lou Whoo what up?

    NM I hear ya I just wanna get t frick done. I'm so glad I have you girls here by my side to encourage me though. Tomorrow night is the INSO end of year party and that will get my mind off things. That's my row boat team.

    Dara I just love you. You crack me up and always make my day.

    Genny I love Nora's picture and will be thinking of you today.

    4 sew I love you too. Sounds like your a great mom to me and I love your pictures.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning ladies, well morning anyway--it's getting colder now,

    NM good drink, they're getting better,

    Oh it's so nice to see Cyn, with a bottle in her hand especially.

    Mary love the Nora pics.

    Nancy glad u finishing all this nonsense to u'r body.  I'm sure NM is rigt about Dr. and pain meds, that just down right cruel.

    OK we having a debate about cats and dogs, well when it rains there is no debat, it rains cats and dogs and both are on their own thinking. I don't even know wht I'm talking about, since we have a dog and cat.

    OK everyone have a good day and I hope 444 let's us know how she's doing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    4- will be in your pocket,

    nora is an angel

    have to renew my drivers license so hopefully it wont be to late by time i get back

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning,


    GL Collett with your last day of RADS....time to celebrate!!  Bottoms UP! must have an old license...don't they last like 15 years now or something crazy like that?? 

    4....why are we jumping in your pocket? You ok? 

    Putting in a little OT this morning ...haven't done that in months and months..time to buckle down and work my ass off for a while..when it gets snowy and white up north it gets greener down south for me.with the $ I mean and OT...hope it keeps on coming.

    Thanks for the WB NM...if the weather this season so far is any indication on whats to come you are in for a hella winter...glad you have silly Sadie to cuddle up warm with.

    Dara..saw you been doing some travelin...SC and AC....when will you fit in FL???  Spring?  I was hopin to see Pwoud Mary at some point.. JulieT...I may be headed down near CC in a couple of months to take the Key West Express..have you ever taken it?  The friend Im going with is afraid she will get sea sick and is considering wanting to drive...2 day or one lonnnnggg day drive in an uncomfortable car both coming and going or 4 hours on an air conditioned luxury catamaran with drinks...I say suck it up buttercup....I'll buy you some ginger and Dramamine.

    Hope everyone has a good day!




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Anudder quickie from in Laughlin. Yes Dara, we have a cocktail waitress friend here, going to her house today and hang out with her and her son. And YES, we will have something written up by a lawyer iffin things go forward with this new business venture. Our hopes are that it will free us up to do things we want to do, sort of like retirement. If something happens to me, DH would not be able to run our business by himself, it's hard enough with the 2 of us, impossible for just one. So this would be huge for him.

    No gremlins for me, I type in notepad first, then copy and paste to the site.

    LMAO at whoever said Stella couldn't babysit Logan.

    Julie, the business site won't change, and I will still be doing the phones and taking orders. We are hoping we can move it to Vegas and have them do the majority of our shipping. And we will help him with web stuff, probably some capital, and help him to grow more. They already have an pretty good size customer base with some big names. I'll chip in for the bail money for Cami. We can't have her in jail.

    4, Not sure I can relate to how your parents think you are such a terrible mom, especially after reading about how smart your boys are and the high goals they have set for themselves. Good luck with your surgery today, we are there wif ya. 17 and 11 are some good TM numbers, I didn't even ask what my last ones were. Love the new furniture for the lounge, but mese thinks in time it will disappear!

    LUCY! I CAN'T TELL YOU HOW HAPPY I IZ TO SEE YOU! REALLY REALLY, YOU ARE COMING BACK? DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT YOU'VE MISSED, JUST COME BACK. PLEEEEEEZE! Oooooh, dere you are again, YIPPEE SKIPPEE! I am feeling fine, tank ewe beery much. No, we have not heard from Mrs. Vino or da Beans. Iffin I bremember correctly, you and Donese get to have some face time soon?

    Cami, we got your back girl, we won't let them haul you off when Joey performs....LOL. How's that infection doing? I hope it's clearing up. And Wacko (I think) will have some Jose on occasion. Me tinks dat Suzie QT turned her on to dat. Otherwise she might change from plain ole Jack to Gentleman Jack.

    Mary, so glad you are resting when you need to. I am also so glad that you and Nancy share pictures of those little darlings. And whoop whoop for both of you being almost done.

    NM, Sadie is telling on you, how you are making her go out and piddle in the dark! That was too cute. I love Lemon Drops!

    so much for a quickie! Need to scoot, gots a little bit of business to take care of, shower and get ready. Took a nice pic of DH and I yesterday, will post later or when I get home. Also need to call and see how my neighbor is doing.


    Many thanks to all of our veterans who have and still serve for our country!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Good morning my goofy goil friends!

    Cyn, sorry you have to work but hell, it is OT, time and a half, beer money....ching ching cheers! So Cam sort of essplained our group. It is de usual suspects plus Genny and Nancy. Both girls are nearing the end of radiation and both are blistering and very sore. Genny's real name is Mary, she is the grand mother of the beautiful Nora whom we have followed sincen she was a wee widdle baby. She is just so cute. Nancy has a grand son named Jackson who is also just too cute. Her son has a girl friend who has a sweet little girl named Samara, you will see pics of her too. Nancy is hopeful that Samara will be officially part of their family meaning that the son and mother of the cutie marry, I hope I have that right. Both girls have a skin disease, pigmentation, called someting like vertiglio (?) and are jest oozing and so burnt up. Nancy's RO refuses to give her good pain meds while Genny's RO has been keeping her comfy. If you scroll back, you can see the horrible pics of their burnt boobies. So that is my version of who is who. The rest of us goofy goils, well as Cammy said, you already know. I hope your work day goes well and is fast. And more, I hope you continue to join us. Tell us about the abundance of life extracurricular activities that you partake in including drum circle which I had the opportunity to join you. Are you still taking hoooping lessons? Would love to see a video of ya on here. Oh, both Nancy and Mary (genny) are facebook friends of mine, if you want to get to know them quicker, just find them through me. I am speaking for them in saying that I am sure they want to be your fwend cuz you are good people and one of us. So that essplains it.

    And our Julie is having surgery soon, is it this week? Someone tail me so I know when to board de UFO.

    Julie, hope the DL process goes quick and easy for ya. I have a hug for you, jest because I love ya (((Julie)))).

    NM, sorry you had to wake up before the birds, that jest sucks. Poor Sadie having to go outside in the dark and piddle, that jest sucks. But I am sure she really does not mind, it beats piddling in the snow, right? Have a good work day. I wish you could stay home and slack jest like me. It looks like I will be returning to work on Dec 5th. Its about time, eh? I see the hand/elbow doctor on fridey but I am not sure if I have the balls to go on another disability leave this year. My PCP thinks the company will can my ass if I do it. Hmmm, I mighten try to find the balls to do it anyway.

    Nancy, congrats on the last rad to the boobs. It is time to heal. Can you essplain the boosts? I do not quite understand. And can you post a pic of your little grand babies for Cyn? She needs to meet them asap, it will keep her coming back! She is a great goil, I spend a week with her last February in Florida, at de same time, there was like the 14th blizzard here which I missed. Cyn lives in beautiful Venice FL. She will invite you too (Cyn ya like how I speak for ya) lol. Let the healing begin.

    Mary, lol on Nora's six pack, she does appear to be well fed. She is just adorable, I love our lounge babies and can't wait to bring my own here. Yippee, any day now it could happen. You too girl, are at the finish like, wooo hoooo! I hope the two of you rad goils keep coming back here after you are all healed up. I hate when mese goils nessappear (Cyndie) lol. jk or not!

    Lori, are you winning big? I miss your aye em posts here, hope you are having a blast.

    Camille, I love your debate on cats and dogs. I tink you prefer your kitty to your puppy, is that so? Your kitty is more like a dog to me though. From what I know, cats usually do not shivagit about their owners but I know your cat follows you and watches over you. Give him a kiss from me, that is IF he will accept it. When is JOey's concert? Can you please have your DD tape it? We wanna see! I remember my first concert, I was only in third grade and playiing clarinet. I now wonder if I tortured my parents as much as you are tortured. How have you been feeling? I pray and hope for no D. Let it be a no D month then a no D year if ya know what I mean.

    Ok, this is my rant, it is the truth, the whole truth so hailp me God. Amen.


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Download IMG_20141108_164517_090.jpg (819.1 KB)

    I'm back, but not much time this am.  GOOD NEWS.  My MUGA (Heart) still in really really good shape to continue TDM1.  Brain scan showed NO new activity and the old turmors are smaller then on previous scan.  Party was outrageous will post more pics as I get them.  So many  peeps I didn't kno where to sit, stand, be....LOL.  Weather was POYFECT too.  Then had the 3 grandkids on Sunday afternoon.  I am worn out.  But cleaning crew due w/in hour and I have to grocery shop...which I hate by the way. 

    Hope all my goils are hanging in there...will read and catch up later...lubslubslubs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    oops. I bumped both Cyn and Lori, sorry girls, had not seen your posts when I wrote. will be back later, time to feed my Dad. he is high maintenance!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    chit, now I bumped SuzieQ. CONGRATS on all that great news, time to sailabrate!!!! CHEERS!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Of course I will still be on here when Im done with tx.I lub you girls and really made it through all this crap due to all of you all! And really do we really know that its truely all gone? So in my book we all have a bond that kinda keeps us together. :) And Dara you know I love Florida so we can have us a party down there any time.

    Mema YAY on the awesome news!!!

    Heres my babies for Cindy


    Samara and Jackson




  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    congratulations sue,

    cyndie lou having a hysterectomy on the 24th, haven't done the key west express yet but it is on the list. do you have a new number now you moved ot is it the same one? here's to ot!

    well its veterans day so drivers license place not open, so do that on thursday, back in work tomorrow

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this dark and foggy morning?At least it's still pretty warm.

    Collett--Hooray for last full rads!Enjoy the party, too!

    Cammy--I've met some very nice cats, I must admit.I think wet cats smell better than wet dogs!

    Julie--such fun renewing the license, isn't it?

    CynCyn--yup. Probably gonna be a killer winter. Can't wait.Not.The Key West Express sounds like a hoot and a half, I'll go with you!

    Goldie--Yup. Sadie has discovered Facebook.No more secrets for me, I think!Who knew a dog would have so much to say?

    Dara--I don't mind waking up before the birds.It's waking up before the SUN that I object to!Usually Sadie doesn't mind gong out, light or dark, but the other day she gave me this look that just said "Really?"It was so funny.And you are turning into the Bionic Woman with all your surgeries!Or maybe you are turning into a surgery junky?

    Mema--GREAT NEWS!Yeah!

    Love those baby pics!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Key West Song

    1 1/4 oz Spiced Rum

    2 oz Orange Juice

    1 oz Coconut Cream


    Blend all ingredients in a blender with a scoop of crushed ice, and pour into a highball glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    OK girls, I typed this up yesterday, then took the dogs out and never got back to it. Went to rads and Trader Joe's then golfed 8 holes with my DH cause it got too dark for the 9th and then we went out to dinner and then home to anudder glass of wine then bed. So the following post is from yesterday and it is incomplete. But now I have to get ready for work so I have to play ketchup .....again...and I'll pop back in again real soon.

    Morning girls, DH outta town, drinking my coffee and sitting in bed till they insists on going to the park, 30 minutes I figure. I'm off today and it's sposed to be bootiful out then tomorrow comes winter. It'll prolly take me all day to finish this post going back and forth to get caught up. I think I'm finally rested up from my weekend, I felt like I had been working out after lifting that chunk all weekend. What a weakling I've become!

    CyndiLou, I never really got to know you but glad to see yer back. That little sweetie is my first grandbaby and the light of my life and prolly a big part of the reason I've agreed to continue all this tx chit. So belly up to the bar and tell me and Nancy a bit about yerself since wese the newbies here. For starters, what's yer favorite drink? I'm buying.

    Lori, good luck with your new business venture, hope it all falls into place, sounds as tho it may make things a little bit easier? Hope you enjoy some your time in Laughlin, yeah to the wine!

    NM, wish my dogs would want to sleep in. My DH has them so used to going to the woods at 6ayem when it's still dark, but that's not in my makeup. Gotta wake up and have it be light out. My cat absolutely loves my dogs, if they would let him he'd sleep on top of them. He tears around the house to get them to chase him, always sounds like a herd of buffalo. But when he doesn't want to play he's the boss, he will give them that get the hell away from me look and they will not cross his path, just like the dogs on the video. I've had the Lemon Drops, they are yummy. Hope you have an easy work day.

    Nancy, we're almost there.....I do not understand the no pain meds. My RO gave me morphine and Percocet..and I take the ibuprofen too, can't imagine not having it. Our lives will start returning to some sort of normalcy soon, I can't wait to start exercising and dieting again, who ever thought those words would come out of my mouth! How's your little Jackson and Samara? Have you gotten to see them lately?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    PS... I have rads at 6:15 then I RING THE BELL! After that DH and I going to a nice restaurant for a celebration....but I'm gonna try and get back here to ketcup before then...

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    yea for genny ringing the bell

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG jen and I were so drunk she will post when she feels up to it

    Cyn wtf???????????????????????????? PM me wtf????????????

    Scheduled my next revision with a new PS fking PS went to her its in my armpit doc is going to giv eme normal implants nipple and tat

    thenovaries are coming out

    big sis u ignored my PM

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014


    Quick poop in ladies!!

    Surgery went well but after the nerve block wore off it hurts. In fact it hurts worse than when I broke it and he put it back together! Wish pain meds worked for me. All they do is give me a headache, then I hurt from top to bottom, literally!!

    I hopped down to the computer to make the tax man happy and get my form filed. Now I am going to scoot back up to bed. I am afraid I won't be making anyone happy there tonight!

    Hope everyone has had a good day! I heard that bell ringing all the way down here Mary!!!

    Love and Hugz girls!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    i started my boosts today and fhey informed me that they are doing 8 boost instead of 5so I wont be done until next Fri. More Skibs comming off. Im gonna se my PCP in da am. I gotta have some helpSadand he will give it to ,e. Jackson told me tonight he saw Santa and his reindeers flying in his tracter. and it was bwue. lol, night all. lub you guys

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    Genny--Sounds like all your fur babies get along really well, that's a blessing!Funny how cats always seem to rule the house, isn't it?Hooray for Ringing the Bell!

    ORLA--glad you've got a new PS!

    4--praying for aquick recovery!

    Collett--why the increase in boosts?Where the margins that dirty?Santa's got a blue flying tractor now, hm?How funny!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Southern Bell

    1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort


    2 cubes Ice

    Best served in a Highball Glass.


    Fill the glass with ice and pour in Southern Comfort. Fill with Root Beer.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Great essplanation of some of the new goils there Dara. And almost time to go go back to work for you. We certainly don't want you canned. My gosh, how much time have you been off this year, due to all of the problems and surgery you've had? You shouldn't have missed my morning posts, I think I only missed yesterday SillyHeart. Our biggest win was on a slot called The Titanic, we put in $10.00 each and cashed out for $55.00. That just goes to show ya what big gamblers we are.

    Cyn, we have anudder new goil, PrincessRN. She is also starting her own bidness, she makes candy! Like carmels. I went to visit Cami, and she stopped by with some of her goodies, and boy were they yummy.

    LDB, I couldn't wait to log on and see if you had posted. I'm lifting glass to ya goil, that is some great news and WOW, what a party! If you save the pictures to your computer, you can post them from there. In the past we couldn't do that but we could post ones from FB. Now it's the other way around!

    Nancy, you asked a question that can't be answered "do we really know that it's truely gone?" I often wonder if those that don't get mets, are they considered "cured". If so, then we HAVE found a cure for some. I will say, I thought I was after making it 6 years. So you just never know. I sure hope you can get those pain meds, albeit a bit late!

    Julie, hope you will be able to enjoy turkey day when you get home, and I know there is Disney trip in there soon too.

    NM, the only thing we don't have is the fog. It's dark and cold! LOL at wet cats vs. wet dogs. As for the Sadie being on FB, do you remember KittyCat (Heather) her dogs have a FB page, but one passed away not too long ago. I can't imagine Sadie having ANYTHING bad to say about you, other than you are gone too much.

    Mary wow, you are out golfing? I can tell you that Cyndie's favorite dwink is BEER, Nattie Lites. Congrats on being done and ringing that bell. Time to carry on with life!

    Lala, is your friend lurking among us? If she is.....a big hello to Jen. So glad you found a PS to work with you. WHEN? Ovaries coming out, are you saving eggs?

    4, so sorry for all the pain you are enduring. And I wouldn't worry about anyone else not being happy. I'm pretty sure you're NOT. Rest up and heal girl. I hope your children help out.

    NM, dat was a BWUE tractor that Jackson saw!

    I was not able to post yesterday as we were up and outta there by 6 ayem. DH likes to get an early start! My neighbor has finally passed and is no longer suffering. His wife said his last 2 days were really bad, excruciating pain and no help from the morphine. He was a vet and died on Veterans Day. Please keep his family in your prayers. We went to the movies and saw Interstellar (didn't care for it, walked out early even), then saw Gone Girl. That one was long, slow to get going but gets real good. Hated the end, so I hope there is a sequel. Here is the pic I said I had of DH and me. Feels like Monday! Time for a Southern Bell!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning GirZ,

    Collett...I love the pics of your grandbabies...beautiful...cute cute cute!!  I'll keep my eyes out for Santa and his blue tractor this year...LOL.  Things they come up with hu?

    Oh JulieT...good luck with your hyst....what hospital will you be at?  I swear as soon as they took my parts I got instant hot flashes that haven't stopped since..people were telling my my hosp room was freezing and I was just cumfy. Why are you needing to have this done? Are you ok?  Yes, my number is the same tho I lost all of my contacts including your number when my phone stopped working and had to get a new if you want to pm me your number that would be great! A friend of mine is coming down from Maine in Feb and her sister lives in Key West and she has a sister who just moved to CC also..she is going to visit with her and then we are going together to visit the one in KW. 

    Love the pics Lori...glad you had a good time in Laughlin and good luck on your new business.  I do remember PrincessRN from before ...I think. Trader Joes! 

    NM....if you come on down i'll take the KW Express with you. 

    Oh Dorkey....a course you can speak for me

    Heya SuZ....nice to see your smiling face...WEBK.

    Looks like I'll have lots of time to poop in come Jan when my new shift starts....overnights....nice...trying to wrap my head around it ...Im getting there.

    Orla!!!  heya girl.  wtf , wtf?  you fucuse me.





  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    lol glad to see you cyn

    my shoulder is frozen hard to type

    so new PS will fix me and finish my recon

    hope everyone is doing ok

    kisses to all

    goldie love the pic

    Hi 4 nice pics

    genny she is so cute

    ncollett hope u get relief

    hi cammm where have u been???????

    Nm we are getting snow tniteBawling

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    nm if your coming ,i'll see you too!

    lori-glad that he's passed but wish he didn;t have to suffer first,how's your buddy doing?enjoy your couple of days off

    lara, -are they going to give you pt for your shoulder? i know it really helped me with my rotator cuff injury, do you have a good ortho person, glad the new ps is going to help.

    cyndie-going to cape coral hospital, grew a cyst so the ovary was coming out and as the uterus is way too bigbut the biopsy was b9, , thats going too.

    cammi what's todays smell?

    4-hope you have had a better day

    have a good evening ladies, need to do some housework

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Hi Juliet,

    I need a ortho badly.. How are u feeling

    I scheduled ovary surgery Jan.6 my parents have the house in Florida and I want to go but I need this done then the revision

    ugggg all this chit I need to figure out I graduate in 4 weeks I cannot beieve it

    love u all


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, been having a tough time getting back here. First, let me tell you about the ringing of the bell. Ca you say cluster f#@k? My rads appt time was 6:15 but then the RO called to ask if she could see me at 5:30. So we decided since so late we'd get all spified up, go downtown for the rads then I'd ring the bell and we'd go to a 5 star restaurant to celebrate. Oh, I was so excited! Got done with the RO at 5:50 and at 6 the rads tech tells me they're 15 minutes behind, so we wait 40 more minutes but still they don't come to get me. At 7 she tells me that the only breathing machine is in the other rads room and they are waiting for it, finally at 7:10 the machine shows up. They get me on the table, start lining me up af the f@#king machine won't work. No signal found!.. plug, unplug, plug, unplug... By now I'm starving and my happy mood has taken a serious turn. So I told em, I'm getting dressed, ringing the bell and going out to dinner. By the time I got dressed they had called the RO and she says she feels very strongly that I need my last tx. So I rang the bell, we went out to dinner which was very yummy. And yes, they talked me into going back again tomorrow for 1 more tx at which time I will ring the bell again. Only me.....but I'm still about done and will be at this time tomorrow. DH said not to expect another 5 star restaurant... Emma will come for the bell ringing and all the techs I've come to know will be there and I can say goodbye, I'm picking up some lobster tails and filet and make a dinner like the one I cooked my DH on his birthday. It's super cold here and we've so far got about 2-3 inches of snow. Gonna be a good weekend for hunkering down in the house. Now I'm going to try to do a quick hi to everyone before I go off to bed.

    Lori, love the new pick, you look so young. You and your DH sound like the same kind of gamblers that we are. We're all big spenders next to our Dara tho. I'm so sorry about your neighbor, I pray that the end was peaceful and that his wife and son will learn to cope, so sad.

    Dara, hope you get to switch back to your old job that you were so much more comfortable when you go back to work. You did such a good job on filling Cyn in on me and Nancy. You were very close it's vitiligo and you described it perfectly. Good luck going back to work, I'm sure it will be tough getting back into the swing of things.

    Julie, I'm glad I'm done with rads so I will be available to be in the spaceship and in the doctor's pocket watching him. I know that you are going to do just fine, hopefully you'll just be able to think of it as a paid vacation.

    Lynn, glad the surgery went well, sorry about the pain, boo for the taxman. Thanks for the bell support. Hope your kids are helping a lot.

    NM, I'm afraid the cold and snow and dark has reared it's ugly head here too. Yuck, even Moose doesn't want to go out tonight. Polar vortex chit again, ugh.. wish it would go away. Hope you have an easy Friday and you and Sadie get lots of cuddle time and she lets you have some pillows.

    Nancy, you're getting closer, hope you finally get the pain killers. My skin is looking pretty good now, only that open spot on my foob but it's healing well. You'll be amazed at how fast the non boost site heals I think. Your babies are so cute, love seeing the pics and hearing about the bwue twactor. Nora said cereal, banana and flower last weekend. Oh she's so much fun... it's amazing how they steal our hearts isn't it?

    Cyn, hi nice to see you again. My mother in law lived in Venice, went there a few times, it's really nice there septin' when the snowbirds take over.

    Cami, thinking about you at Joey's concert, did he have it yet? Are you gonna tape it? So funny you telling him the acoustics are better if he closes his door. Love my cat and my dogs, my cat was always snuggled with me after my surgery but of course only when he was in the mood. I hope you're feeling good and the phone is quiet.

    Lala, sorry about the frozen shoulder. When are you going to see the new plastic surgeon? Hope your friend's tx's are going ok.

    PRN, hi, hope the candy bizness is going well. When are the next conjugal visits?

    Sue WOOHOO!! on the good tests results, I am so happy for you! The party sounds like a blast, can't wait to see some pics.

    I'm thinking I forgot somebody so hi and goodnight. Hope to stop by the lounge tomorrow night for some sailabwation dwinks... love you goils. Sweet dreams.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hello everybody Im gonna be quick an just give a quick update before

    i fall asleep but I saw my PCP today and I have a severe rad burn. More skin comin off and Finally some damn Norco, I love him! Genny Im xo glad yoour done. I bet it felt good to ring that bell. I gotta go girls falling quick. love yas

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014