how about drinking?



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Oops don't know who bumped who in the pool Nancy... don't tell our RO's we're not sposed to be swimming.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good snowy morning, Loungettes!3 inches of snow overnight.Everything is very pretty this ayem.


    Goldie--Big winners!As long as you had fun does it matter how much (or how little) $ you play?As to being "cured", medicine does not consider breast cancer curable, cuz it can crop up decades after diagnosis and treatment.If you die without being diagnosed with a recurrence, new bc or a met you can call yourself cured.Like that really helps, right?I didn't remember Kitty Kat's doggies having a FB page, but I certainly believe it!So sad that one has gone on.So sorry for your neighbor.Praying for him and his family.

    CynCyn--I may have to plan a Florida stop during my next vacay!

    ORLA--How much snow did you get?Frozen shoulder sounds like a royal pain.Doing anything to make it better?Graduating in 4 weeks?Yahoo!

    Genny--What a cluster F#Ak indeed.Is one treatment really going to make that much difference?After all thatcrap I'd tell them to go to he## with the last treatment and it's hundreds of dollars.I'd just not show up, but then I can be a vindictive bit@# at times.So glad you are (almost) done, the effects will continue to build for the next couple weeks than you will start healing, hooray!Sadie and I seem to have come to an agreement about the pillows, she gets the biggest one, I get the little one and we are both comfy and happy.

    Collett--FINALLY, someone who will tell you the truth!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Champagne Celebration

    1/2 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    1/2 oz Cointreau

    1 cubes Sugar

    Peychaud Bitters


    Add Cointreau, Brandy and a sugar cube saturated with Peychaud Bitters to a champagne flute. Fill with your favorite champagne. Garnish with an orange twist.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Nancy, sorry about the extra boosts.
    Lara, good luck with all of it. And ya, why aren't you getting PT?
    Julie, I don't know yet about my little buddy. I didn't want to be a pest, Bonnie was getting bombarded with phone calls from people and even some come over unannounced. I will talk to her today.
    Nancy........can you hear me cheering? YA FOR SOME NORCO! My mom had that recently and hated it, said it kept her up all night. I know meds hit people differently, I hope that will not be the case for you.
    Love your bell pic Mary.
    NM, it does NOT matter how much we play, I DO have fun. And thanks for your input on being cured or not. Only the first snow is pretty (in my book) lol.
    Gotta run, going to town early. Thank you all for your kind words, re my picture and my neighbor. Love you goilies bunches and bunches.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good morning all,off to the mo today ,

    glad you got some good pain meds FINALLY, nancy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    imagethey wanted an offical statement off a k9 officer so they got one

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014


    This is what I woke up to. this morning, still coming down.... UGH! I not ready, in my opinion it's only pretty on Xmas eve and Xmas day...other than that it can stay away. Of course I live in Ohio so my opinion doesn't count. I was going to cancel the rads appointment, my DH really wants me to keep it...says he has a "feeling" about it. So... I'm going to go, I'd hate for it to come back and him think that was the reason. My brother called my bell video on facebook "premature ringulation".. Ha, what a goof.

    For some reason I have this sudden urge to go horseback riding, don't know what's gotten into me...??

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    genny you two are a handsome couple I would of been freaking out and very grumpy,but u rang it !!!

    well my friends needs 4 months chemo DEC.5 shes all over the place I need to show her how to get on here

    She got me a pink ribbion brighton bracelet for my b day its gorg love it

    I hate my pain doc,I need to call today to see a ortho goldie I did PT only one.

    about time Nancy wtf for pain meds now u can join us in the perco fountain

    Thats a lot of snow we got a dusting NM

    I am moving my shoulder as much as I can but its not really moving I hope I did not F myself


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Happy Friedday ladies.

    No snow here and hope there not to be ...ever.....but I love to see the pretty pics of the white fluffy snow when it is new..I get a brief warm nostalgic feeling ..but then it goes away.Genny..right on with the snowbirds and it is can see it really kicks in just about Thanksgiving and then just after Christmas and lasts until what seems for forever.  Love the bell pic....sorry you have to go back and ring it again...I would have not been so gracious. You have horses Genny?

    Orla...sorry that your shoulder is F'd up....what happened to F it up?

    Yeahhhh!!!  NM come on down!  I so wish I could have made it up there in September but I was needed here.  I think I would like to go up there in the winter time but this year is all booked up and busy...maybe I can get a long weekend or something..don't know..One of the friends I was to visit got a BC dx in June and is going thru her chemo..wouldn't be a good time to visit anyway right now.

    Dara...did you change jobs ?  When do you go back?  How are you feeling?? Hows your puka?

    Busy day at woik...see ya's later.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    met my new mo , she seems very nice, having the hyst because its too big and i've got a ovarien cyst but all the test negative so far for frb

    lara- how's your shoulder today?

    so tired time for a nap, i agree with you cyn-snow is pretty in pics only

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Happy Napping...Im off of work in 25 minutes (whos counting??)....DS1 is coming over to watch some Walking Dead and eat some Pizza....Have a great night...maybe poop in later..xo


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Afternoon ladies. I'm done!!! It's official! I want to just put it all behind me as much as possible. I will be going to the PS next week to start the expansion on my right foob, will probably need about 3 appts to get it caught up with the left, then the exchange sometime next year. Will go see the MO sometime but no one else wants to see me till after the first of the year. I'm free!!!! WOO F--king HOO!!! Emma went with us to the rads center and then DH took her to see a patient in her 20's that had been requesting a dog visit. DH said it she got up in bed with her and the woman just buried her face in Emma's fur and kissed her and Emma was kissing her back. He said she just laid there with her for about 10 minutes.

    Cyn, I was referring to Juliet's pic, apparently you didn't notice the horses!

    Below is a pic of my rads team, love these people, everyone of them was crying with me when I rang the bell today, it was all very emotional.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Hi u bootiful ladies.

    Ha final some good news---YEA for SusyQ-things look good, I'm so happy to hear u'r news,

    Mary ur pic is so pretty and ur done, I don't think u'r ski can take aymore; but u'r golfing, that must hurt something along the way. And it's wonderful to have adorable Nora, it's such a joy for u.

    Nancy it's about time u finally got some meds to hopefully help u, and just take them. And u now have 2 (almost), it is funny how different they look both just to cute.

    Cyn I love that u'r back, it's so nice for all of us and Dara really has the word on everybody--she should be a detective.

    Dara I hope all is going well for u and u'r job--were al used to having u home.

    Lara I'm not sure what frozen shoulder is but it sounds horrible, I hope it eases up. but u sound pretty good.

    Lori u'r  pic is beautiful and what does count is having fun and enjoying each other/

    NM u'r getting to much snow already, I don't like this--we've had snow but it hasn't lasted so far. Oh and I like beer drinks that are mixed with something else, much better than I thought.

    Julie u are so precious, what else can I say. I'm glad there is no FURB involved but it's still an operation and of course well all be with u.

    I've hardly been on my puter I know, I'm still dragging from this stupid UTI almost finished with my meds so it better be it. And work is busy, furnaces are going off all over the place and everyone wants someone there now and it's been a crazy week here all around.

    4444 just take it easy and take pain meds on time.

    If I forgot someone u know I don't mean to, I forgot Joey's name today and called him kid, he knew I forgot. Oh well.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    OOPS I just saw the new pic.   It's wonderful to be done YAHOO

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Helllllllllooooo, is anyone here??? I am partaying and looking for someone to partay with. Hail, we need to be sailabrating the real bell ringing, wooo hooo Mary, I am so happy that this is all behind you. You no longer have to fight traffic, leave work early, get home late etc etc. A big heartfelt congrats to you.

    And Nancy, I believe you are down to just the boosts, right? I am still funcused over how these boosts are done, are dey de same as radiation cept targeted directly to the area with the rat basturd?? Anyway, my prayers are that both you and Mary heal quickly and love every minute of life and FEEL better every minute of life. As NM said, it may get worse before better BUT you are done, D O N E, finale, ende' el dolce bravo, woo hooo, yeeee haw and wooP FN wooP!!!!

    Mese jest wrote one of mese longest and mose sincere posts ever and the FN gremlins got me, damn it to hail and back again.

    I have my cousin Cheryl here this weekend. Poor thing drank a widdle too many chots of Jose and is passed out. Ya see, we were toasting airplanes (Mema Sue has done this with me and there is a lot of air traffice tonight. And poor cux, she did not get any sleep last night. I was supposed to wake her up to call her hubby by 11pm but I can't wake her up. I am just going to let her be, I will testify under oath that she was sleeping.

    I really need to start using notepad when I do long posts, so stewpid of me. I was down to writing CHeeRs when I hit something and woosh, my post was gone. SOB mofo effing gremlin, mese gonna send mese people after dem. I be back, gotsta find mese peeple. "PAGING MESE PEOPLE, please report to 31C, C for cottage lol)" ughhhh. I will be bock, or at least try. Gonna try again to wake up mese dahling cousin! chEErS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    I do not have it in me to repeat my prior post so I am just adding some photos to honor both Mary and Nancy. You ladies have gone through so much yet you both kept your sense of humor alive. That is amazing considering the damage, pain and mutilation you have suffered. Not to mention the many days of driving back and forth day after day after day. I lift my glass and honor both of you brave woman. I am proud to call you both friends.....same goes for all of my fighta goils, I love you all so much and I wish I had the words to express what I am feeling right now. I am so proud of all of you, to those who have been there and supported all girls, welcomed newbies to the actual newbies who will be playing it forward with new dwunken breast cancer survivors of de future. Here is to all of you!

    I perpoze a toast to all mese goils, I toast the bond we have that none other will ever know unless they have the misfortune of having to walk in our shows. shoes. I toast my fellow survivor sisters for their unique bravery and the God given ability to laugh when we feel like crying, screaming or punching a hole in the wall when we can no longer take the pain OR beating the shit outta our spouses/sig others etc. I also commend each of you and namely our nurses, NM and Julie for sharing their wealth of expertise and helping each of us through this by answering our questions. I toast you all and wish we could all be together at this very moment ....(well maybe you all do not wish that as I am not easily shutting up lol. I had three cups of coffee with dinner so that I could stay up all night with my now sleeping cousin) lol.

    Here here!


    Here are some more photos that I selected, these come from the bottom and TOP of mese fart ♥ heart ♥


    The survivor ribbon, wear it proudly!


    The bell and a poem ( I like this one, simple and to the point)


    and what is a partay without cake?

    Breast Cancer Quotes

    Very profound words by my goil and mentor, Eleanor R.


    and this one is for Nancy, sincen there is not a real bell, ring this one!!


    We are ALL WINNERS!


    Yep, describes each of us!!



    Breast Cancer Awareness Cake

    and a chocolate cake sincen I know Julie prefers chocolate!


    for all mese goils, a brand new pair of Louis Vuitton shoes, wear them proudly (as if my poor feet will ever see a pair of these on mese own feetsies), hey, they have a retail value of 1425. so iffen ye can't wear them, sail them for likker money, wooo hooooooooo!


    much love and chEErs, I am beaming with pride. WE HAVE ALL BEEN THROUGH HELL but we have come out better people, stronger and prolly happier than people who have not endured a breast cancer diagnosis....That's all, don't ever ever foyget it biotches! LET's DWINK~hicccccccup

    oops. 'esscuza mese~burp

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Nice hienies there Julie. Did one of them take you bareback to the MO? And how did it go? Oops, there I go, speaking before continuing to read. But if I continue and don't respond, I'll likely foyget.

    Mary, I no likey the snow either, or the cold, or the dark so early. Bring on summer! I saw your brothers comment, very funny! I highly doubt that missing one rad would be the cause for the RB to come back. OMG, your story about Emma and the young lady, how very sweet and special. LMAO, Cyn not noticing the horses. I would think she would notice those first!

    Lala, are you scheduled for more therapy on your shoulder? You girls that are in so much pain and hate your doctors, I just can't imagine. But I thought you sorta had your pain under control?

    Lucy (that's my nick name for CyndieLou), I'm so sorry to hear about your friend and her RB diagnosis. Was it the friend that was living with you for a while? How are the boys doing? I just kinda know that your DD is most likely doing just fine.

    Cami, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you never cease to make me laff. Calling Joey kid! I'm glad you are about done with the anty B's, but shouldn't you be feeling better by now? Nurses????

    Dara, boosts are directed right at the nodes. So cool to have your cuz come and spend time wif you. And you two party party party. How is your DD feeling these days, besides HUGE! As for mutilation, I don't think anyone comes close to the mutilation that you have endured with and life with daily, not to mention the f'ing pain that goes along with it. So I toast you my darling. And about us having a special bond that no one else could understand, THAT is an understatement. And also the reason I stay here. I just could not leave you girls. Even though most of us are friends on FB, you can't share what we share here on FB. And tank a ewe for the new shoes. Have you heard about the Louis red soled shoes? Some as high as $3000.00!

    NM, you and Sadie must be sleeping in. Or just relaxing and cuddling in bed still.

    Well, I'm on the run again next week....UGH! There is the National Irrigation Assoc. show in Phoenix on Wednesday. The guy we might be doing the business deal with will be going too and we still have lots to discuss with him. So plans are to leave here either Tues. or Wed, and stay for one night. This show is SO BORING. I told DH that I would rather stay home. He says he wants me to go, cuz he doesn't want to stay by himself! I have so much cleaning I am trying to get done, for HIS daughter's visit with fiance for Thanksgiving, and this takes away 2 days of cleaning I could get done. Not that I'm doing it just for her, but it's stuff that needs to be done.

    DOTD-The Red Carpet


    A handful of fresh French raspberries
     15ml of fresh lemon juice
     A splash of Himalayan goji berry liquour
     1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger
     70ml measure of Cherrygood
     35ml measure of Grey Goose Le Citron
     Crushed ice

    This cheeky little cocktail number was commissioned by Elton John for his famous Grey Goose Winter Ball, in honour of legendary shoe designer Christian Louboutin. Here's how it's done:

    Combine all the ingredients. Don’t shake the cocktail mixer - the ice will dilute it. Finish with a sprinkle of pepper and garnish with a cherry.

    Ladies it's not essential, but wearing 3-inch heels whilst you sip this, probably takes it up a level.



  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Lori, love the DOTD, so pretty, makes me want to put on some heels and have some! Well ifin it wasn't 8:30 in the morning. The National Irrigation Show? Oh my that does sound exciting!! Yikes....Makes my DH's National Bakery Show sound like vacation. At least at those there's lots of good food sampling. I hope you get to see your Lil' buddy and his mom this weekend. Who was the other friend you spoke of on FB that recently lost their life to the RB? I agree with you about all of us and the bond. I don't really like to talk about my FURB on FB. I have recently cause of finishing and people wanting to know about that part, but I don't want to talk about details there. Too many are people I really don't know that well, like ones I went to HS with and such. So thankful for you girls. Wish I could meet each and every one of you. That'd be a great bucket list goal.

    Hiya Dara, sawry I couldn't stay up and pertay with ya lsst night. I'm just a party pooper these days. Did you ever get your cousin to wake up? As Lori said my boosts were directed at where all the positive nodes were under my arm. I believe in Nancy's case since she had a lumpectomy with no nodal involvement the boost are aimed directly at the tumor site and on the incisional line. Tanks so much for the toasts and cheers. It was a wonderful and emotional day, I'm kinda glad I went back just so I could say goodbye to my techs and ring the bell with them there. I'm healing up really well, the boosts didn't burn me at all and my foob is looking better every day. Sorry about the f-ing gremlins, I just hate them and I always say I'm gonna be smart like Lori and use notepad and here I am right now and not using it. Anyway, I'm sure you're sleeping in after playing toasting airplanes... ha too funny. Thanks again for all the bells and ya girl.

    NM, enjoy sleeping in I hope.

    Well I'm on my second cup of coffee, still in bed. DH took the dogs to run in the snow for over an hour this ayem, they are home now and furbabies are quiet as church mice. Moose was in and out in the cold last night so he's passed out next to me, We started letting him out again, we have kept him inside since we moved here over a year ago but he was so miserable, crying all night that we finally gave up and started letting him out. I think the assaults on Gloria have been cut in half. She's prolly relieved. (Cyn, Gloria is my cat's 8 yr old stuffed schnauzer, that he humps... alot!, even tho he's neutered). Hopefully he won't piss off any neighbors come spring, I told Molly he may have to come live with her for spring and summers. We'll see. Anyway...blah..blah, pretty boring stuff. I'm gonna sign off now, gotta get the heavy duty winter clothes outta the basement today and put the rest of my light weight clothes away cause it looks like winter is here to stay. My DH is going thru golfer's withdrawal, this is his first weekend without it. We ended up getting about 6 inches of snow. My DS lives 1 hour west and they didn't get so much as a snowflake. Crazy Lake Erie weather. See ya all later....have a great Saturday!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Just got this one, had to share.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    I don't know these cats but I love this pic, was on FB

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good sunny Saturday morning, Loungettes!Getting a late start on the boards, got caught up in looking at crochet patterns for baby hats, office baby Daniel needs hats for this winter.So much fun to make baby stuff!But I'm here now!

    Goldie--Maybe you can go see your little buddy and play secretary for Bonnie for a bit, answering the phone and door, let her get a break and some rest.When my Dadmy sister0in-law did that for us for a couple days.She took all the calls, was very sweet to everyone and took notes so we could answer everyone later, let through the calls we wanted, let in the people we needed to see.It was a huge help. The first snow is the prettiest, but snow is pretty, as long as I'm warm and snug!

    Julie--gives a whole new meaning to bareback riding!

    Love the K9's report!

    Genny--YIKES!You're really getting snow! If one more treatment will make your DH feel comfortable then it will be worth it.Premature ringulation, so funny!

    ORLA--around here 3 inches of snow IS a dusting!

    CynCyn--hmm, maybe we should think about arranging a long weekend get together somewhere mid-East coast.There's a group of women here on BCO who meet up in Vegas every year (or maybe even a couple times a year).We could start something similar on the right coast.Maybe in the spring time--decent traveling weather, not extremes of weather, not prime vacation time.Can you imagine a bunch of us getting together at Disney?The place would never be the same!

    Julie--glad for no frb, sorry you have to go through more surgery.Have a good nap!


    Cammy--We've gotten about 15inches of snow so far, but it's melted down to just a thin covering on the grass and bushes, it's melted off the roads, not much of an issue at all, yet.Rest up and take your Auntie B's, you'll feel better soon.

    Dara--sounds like you and your cuz are having a good time, another reason to salibrate!

    Here, Here!

    Dara--do those shoes really cost $1425.00?Really?Wow.

    Goldie--Sadie and I did sleep in this morning, stayed up late last night, then enjoyed a nice leisurely cuddle before climbing out of the bed.That Red Carpet sounds DELICIOUS!!

    Genny--we do cater to our furbabies, don't we?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls,

    Just popping in quickly before we head out.

    NM, I made up the price on the shoes but know I am close. And I am not sure if they are Louis Vuitton but i know they go over 1k to buy. Geez, must be nice. I once found a pair of sandals that I fell in love with, they were over 1k. I was bleeding money at that time but still could not spend that for a pair of shoes that would likely hurt my feet.

    Lori, thanks for essplaining about boosts, that is sort of what I thought. You going away again, darn, I will miss ya. SOrry it is not for a more firciting reason.

    Genny,, so glad you are done and so happy to just move forward. The pic of Nora is adorable as always.

    NM, sounds like you are having a relaxing day, woooo hooo! Making the office baby a hat sounds relaxing.

    Where are all mese other goils this saturdey? Check in please.

    My cousin did wake up at about I gotta fly, gotta get my Dad dinner then get out partaying. am and we finished partaying at 6am then slept until noon. It was ironic that I was nursing and caring for her last night as it is usual her dragging my sorry ass out of the car or out of the bar. One time, she drove my car home and I crashed out. She had to pee so bad but could not wake me up to get the house keys. She finally got them from me after peeing in my yard, poor thing. Paybacks are a bitch lol. I just love her so much, we have so much fun. We have a DD for tonight so the sky is the limit. Hope you all have a great night.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    That toast made me cry'

    I am honored to be around such strong women hugs to u all

    shoulder got a cortizone shot today

    who knows how it happens its tendinitis not frozen doc said

    Love th epics

    wow disney would be great my parents are in florida until april

    Good thing juliet about the cyst negetive

    Hi cyn I want pizza so bad right now yummmmmm

    Nora its like shes not real shes so cute I love her

    Cam no scary movies as of late


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hello everyone!! I had an exhausting day. I had my little Jackson man Thursday and Friday night and today Lindsay had her Scentsy party for me and both Jackson and Samara were with me there so I am plumb wore out! I just came home took a pain pill and had to say hello to my bestest buds here in the lounge before I pass out!

    Dara I love your tribute and you are so right. We all do share a special bond. I feel the same. I love you all and am so glad you are all in my life. Cheers and night all. See you in da morning.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014
  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Wow Nancy, that does sound exhausting... hope you get a good nights sleep.

    Sweet dreams to all...g'night!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Mary, the other friend that passed was a gal I met from here. When I joined BCO, I was almost done with treatments, just finishing up with radiation. I joined up with a group here that did chemo the same time I did. I became FB friends with a few of those girls, and she was one of them. She lived in Canada. Ya, the irrigation show is terribly BORING! I still crack up over Moose and Gloria! And those pictures of Nora...WOW! They look professional!

    NM, I dint know you crocheted? As for helping Bonnie out, she lives 4 hours away, otherwise I most definatley would! Her husbands son and wife were there, so hopefully that was a help. He was layed to rest on Friday, they had a very short grave side service, no funeral. I lived with snow in MI, and I just don't like it! LOL, do ya think Julie would be in for a meet at Disney?? And YES, those shoes are that expensive!

    Darling Dara, yes I am going away again! To Phoenix for an over nighter to do a trade show. I hope you and your cousin had a fun night out and didn't get into too much trouble.

    Lara, hopefully that cortizone will help your shoulder. Is there anything else that can be done for it? Is it something that can go away?

    Nancy, I think having Jackson and Samara make it worth being plum worn out. Are the pain meds helping? You finish up this week with rads, right?

    LDB, what up? Where be you?

    Went to bed early, so I was up early.....1:30! That is insane! Layed in bed until 3 trying to go back to sleep, just wasn't gonna happen. Suppose to have snow here this morning, but it won't be much.

    DOTD for Lara-Pizza on the Rocks


    L.A. restaurant Trattoria Neapolis has rolled out the Pizza Cocktail, described by Time Magazine as "pretty much a pizza in a glass." Created in honor of National Pizza Month, which is celebrated in October, the drink is made with tomato water, porcini mushroom powder, ghost pepper-infused vodka, basil-infused vodka and muddled basil. It's all shaken together and topped with a Parmesan and mozzarella foam. According to L.A. Weekly, it's "a scarily accurate drink that tastes as if your slice jumped into a Vitamix with a bottle of vodka."

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    That was weird! Made my post, hit submit, page refreshes and my post is not there. So I post it again, now it's here twice! So I deleted one. So glad I use Notepad! 

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Morning goils, wow quiet around here!

    Hi Lori, sawry about the insomnia. Ok, I'm funcused, I though we were talking about your lil' buddie's dad who lived next door? Or do they have 2 houses? Or is it someone different altogether? That drink is pretty amazing sounding.hmmm, I think I'd rather eat the pizza and have some wine with it. But I wouldn't mind trying it.

    Hope everybody is snuggled under the blankets and sleeping in this ayem. Or maybe sleeping it off in our Dara's case cause I think her cousin is still here.

    DH is out with the dogs, I'm under my electric blanket, for now until the next hot flash. Moose stayed out all night , came in, ate, had his way with Gloria and is now passed out next to me, typical male. Well ladies, tomorrow is my day, starting my diet which means no least until Friday. On Friday I'm gonna babysit my sweetie then meet up with 6 of my peeps from my hometown for celebration drinks and dinner, then on Saturday do a 5k in memory of my nephew's girlfriend who committed suicide when she was 19. What a waste. But the proceeds go to helping senior girls with college expenses. Ok, hot much for the electric blanket, I knew it wouldn't last long. Anyway, hope you all have a great Sunday. I'm going to clean my very messy laundry room. I know how to have a good time...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014


    Mary, my lil buddy and his family live down in Phoenix (Mesa actually) and they have a single wide up here by me. The dad, the one who just passed away, came up here every weekend. He LOVED it up here! His wife and son (my little buddy) come every now and then. Neither of them like it as much, they are more city people! I'm with you one EATING the pizza instead of drinking it, but I'll take a beer with mine. Electric blanket? There is NO WAy I could handle one of those. Oh dear, LMAO again over Moose and Gloria, you must try to get a picture for us! DIET, anudder horrible "D" word. Party with 6 peeps, we want pics! Good luck on the 5K, and so sorry for the loss of your nephews GF to suicide, so so sad and so so young.

    Pizza, beer and wine for everyone.

