how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is every one this sunny morning?Going to be making some Finnish coffee cake today, a new recipe for me.One of my patients is Finnish andtalks about missing having Finnish Coffee cake, so I'm going to try it.It's a sweet yeast braided bread with cardamom and a glaze.I'm looking forward to this adventure.

    Dara--I would never dare wear shoes that cost $1K or more--I'd be afraid to hurt them!Have a good trip.I actually made the office baby 2 hats, an aviator hat and a football hat.Hmm, need to see if I can get pics.

    image alt="">

    ORLA--tendonitis is bad enough, my Mom has had tendonitis in her shoulders off and on for years.Some days she could hardly move at all.I don't' know if she ever got cortisone shots or not, though.Watched 2001, both movies yesterday.I had forgotten how downright odd the first one was.

    Collett--Glad you had a lot of fun, both babies AND a partay!Yeah!

    Genny--love that spot in life!

    PAGE 1500!!!!PARTAY time!

    Goldie--I didn't realize your friend lived so far away.In my head I had you as next-door neighbors.Probably mixed up with someone else's friend, as usual!Yup, I love to crochet, can't knit, never could learn.Maybe we could get a group together at Disney and include the babies?What a hoot that would be! I cannot imagine any parent in their right mind letting us take their babies on a trip like that unchaparoned/unsupervised!

    Pizza on the Rocks, WOW!What a drink!

    Genny--Ok, so I'm not the only one who thought the friends lived next door.But then, funcusion is the normal state of existence here in the Lounge!Enjoy the electric blanket as long as the hot flashes let you.

    Goldie--Aha, mystery solved, they WERE next door to you, just not all the time!Oh, my , I may have to make pizza dough along with the Finnish bread and oatmeal bread today!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Hmm, looks like the pic didn't post, let me try again:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Well, so much for trying the new recipe. No cardamom, not enough flour in the house. I see a shopping trip in my near future!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning Ladies

    NM u are soooooo sweet to try that recipe, how thoughtful and u'r hats are adorable. OK another talent found here.

    Lori I'm so sorry about u'r friend, I know he was in so much pain, bug it still sucks. So going to Phoenix is work related for just 1 day? U really cover that state, but u'r happiest where u are I think.

    Nancy that has to be exhausting but we know u love it, so just rest up for next time--they are such a joy. But it's funny you and Mary have GC that look like brother and sister--so cute.

    Mary u've got lots going on now, please take care of urself too.

    Goldie that pizza looks good right now.

    Lara I hope that shot does the trick, I never think to ask for one, I have that too and it can be painful, except like tennis elbow I call it volleyball shoulder, well u all know I was a pro with volleyball for over 25 yrs. OK not a pro but we did have referees so that means something. I still remember when the opposing team would spike the ball back we'd all cover our heads and bend down. Maybe that was one of the reasons out of 16 teams we continued our last place pretty regularly. But did u ever get hit by a spiked ball in the face, WOW that hurts.None of us would take that chance again. It was kind of silly cuz when we'd see them setting up a spike we;d all yell spike and duck  That was another stupid story.

    I have a feeling Dara might be on late today, if at all. LOL

    Lara I found a couple of scary movies yesterday, kind of cheesy but OK.

    I went to sleep with 3 covers on I was so cold and during the night I wke up and could hardly move my arm (the one with LE) and I thought WTF is going on now and under the cover (one) I see 2 little ears all cuddled who would not move so I was fine and she was happy.She was like a little baby sleeping in my arm.

    Where's Julie and SusyQ, I hope feeling good. And 44444 is going thu a lot of chit too. Don't like tht.

    I've been so busy with work--Furnaces and genertors and everyone wants someone now--its  a mess and the funny part is they think I can get everything figured out--booy am I going to get fired.

    OK I'm going to leave for now but remember and never forget


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Good Afternoon lovlies. (was afternoon when I started it )...Im with Lori...I'll foiget if I dont comment after I read something. 

    Congrats Mary on your second bell ringing and the end of that chapter of torture.  No..I must have missed Jul's pics
    of horses...I miss a lot...short attention span. what is it about horses?

    Oh Lowie...seems like there is always someone getting that dreaded DX....what the hail is going on??  I have had a
    of friends telling me they have been going thru wasnt the girl who lived here for a mentor when i
    graduated travel school and a close friend in Maine...another drinker...I wonder how thats been going..havent talked to
    her about that..I mentioned to her this site and my BCO sisters but she is more of a really private person who I know
    keeps to herself and wouldnt be comfortable in a forum such as this.  Boys are good...Reese is good...Im great! Jodi is
    doing awesome!

    Not a fan of the cold but snow is pretty.

    Dara..why are we toasting Airplanes??

    Thanks Cammie...its great to be you girlzes

    I need a drink.

    We should make a plan ...Disney sounds awesome...its been a couple of years for me....we would wreck the place.

    Glad your shoulder isnt frozen Laralou.

    Almost out of work again....yippie skippie...Natties here I come! 


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Oh mannn I missed a whole bunch of posts..and all that pizza


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Lori pain meds are definitely helping I have been sleeping a lot! I spent the day today in bed.

    It snowed all day today. I did love being with both the kids. Its funny how radiation just sucks the life out of you. Especially towards the end. I will be done this Friday. Thank Goodness!

    Mema hope your doing ok . Falling asleep again so I will check you all later Love ya girls.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    HI goils~hiccup, oh sorry.

    Just skimmed through the posts. I had a fantastic time and the good news is that I was not arrested! woo hoo! I ended up not being able to show up at the mini reunion due to a stupid issue. And I lied to my friends so that I could spare my cousins feelings. I can tell you later what happened, I am super tired but could not go to bed without sharing with my lovely bwesties.

    Lori, I am so sorry about your 2nd friend who was taken by the RB. FURB. And I was skeered to ask who as I had a feeling it might have been someone from this thread who last I knew was not doing well. It is the goil who name is berry berry secret. Although it sux when anyone looses the FN battle, I am glad it was not who I thought it was, makes it easier for me as I love that goil. Oh so selfish I am but hope you get it. I hope your trade show goes well. I would wish you fun but uh, nope, fun is for when it is over! It will go by fast and maybe you and DH can sailabrate after. I am beyond happy that you are 100% done your treatments. Now to wait for Nancy to finish up and have another big blast of a partay here. I have invited willie hehe!

    Genny, I am so sorry for your nephews gf's suicide. That has to be so painful. LOL on the dogs mating, I had to read your post twice to figure it out. Nora looks like she could be a baby model, especially with that hair and those vivid blue eyes. I wish you could have snuggled under de electrifed blankie without having to deal with a hot flash, hate them so much. Hate the AI's so much and feel for all of my fella goils who have to take the estrogen blockers. I hate losing estrogen. Mese skin is so dry, mese nose is growing hair and before you know it, mese will have a manly voice, ugh. I am beyond happy that you are 100% done your treatments. Now to wait for Nancy to finish up and have another big blast of a partay here. I have invited willie hehe!

    Hi Cyn, I am coming in February or at least dreaming of it.

    Lara, glad you got to the doc, hope your shoulder feels better.

    DW (Julie), hope to see you in Disney soon. I can be Goofy, maybe they pay well hehe!

    Nancy, so glad the pain meds are making you more comfortable. If only you listened to me.....blah blah blah. Oh never mind, no sense pouring salt into the wound. Ooops, I did. Love your little grand/step grand, cant wait for more pics. They both photogragh well.

    NM, Lori told you that I was not kidding bout the cost of those dern shoes. I have always loved them and dream that when I get rich, I will own at least one pair. Cuz if I was wealthy, I would not be frugal, for at least a day. Kisses to Sadie. Love the baby hats, you are amazing.

    Cam, you were right, I did not get on her until late. I mese skeered of oversleeping, I have a brunch date at 11am with a friend. If anyone who has my cell wants to give me a wake up call at 9:45, I would be so grateful that I would buy you a pair of Lois Vuitton shoes. hehe. When is Joey's conceRt? I can't wait (sorry) lol/ oops, jest hit sumting that made my message to you indent or wuteber than word is. wtf?

    Speaking of getting rich, things do not look good with my law suit. I do not want to talk about it jest yet as I am too biddy beating myself up. iT was EZ numbing the pain this weekend, I dwank so much and met with willie for way too many hours. It was super fun though. I will cry tomorrow again over the suit. I do have one last hope but it is grim.

    I hope I did not foyget anyone but if so, a pair of designer shoes of yer choice with a value over 1k, the sky is the limit, not restricted to Louis.

    I must pass out now. I only had two dwinks tonight but the chit is still in my blood from last night and de night before.

    Love you goils, hope you all sleeping soundly and comfortably. Sweet dreams!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    HI all,

    That shot is making my face very red and my chest very red and hot, so I am up cant sleep and its snowing.Dh is about to get up for work.IDK the doc said my shoulder would hurt its killing me.I looked up this redness I mean I feel so Hot and so red they say that cortizone can do this.IDK

    Cam you were a volley ball player love it!!!!

    Goldie thanks for the pizza and wine yum.

    Mary feel better

    yes disney Juliet

    NM I crochet too my mom sews and is very crafty she taught me I love it.....

    Cyn u need surgery????

    Hi big sis tell us the story,I like your stories.Not in jail lmao

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning, Loungettes!Another get up at Oh Dark Hundred, had to drag myself out of bed, YUCK!Oh, well,Gonna be yucky today with snow and rain but not supposed to amount to much, mostly rain.More yuck.Oh well.

    Cammy--Spike and Duck, that brings funny pics to my mind!And who would want to get a spiked ball in the face?That's just nuts!Isn't it amazing how unmovable a comfy furbaby is?

    CynCyn--Julies pics of horses also had nekkid men in them.I didn't see the horses the first time I looked, either!

    Collett---Hooray for being so close to done with the rads!Rest up, your body is working hard to repair the damage the rads does to healthy tissue.

    Dara--if I could afford a $1K pair of shoes I would probably not worry about getting them dirty, I suppose!Not that I could stand up, let alone walk, in a 3 inch heel. . .

    ORLA--frozen shoulder, shot in the shoulder, now red hot face and chest, so not fair!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle' DOTD:

    Cortina 1500


    3 Parts Cognac

    1 Part Dry Vermouth

    1 Part Whisky/Honey Liqueur

    1 Dash Bitters

    How to mix

    Fill a mixing glass with ice cubes. Add all ingredients. Stir and strain into a chilled c

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, quick pop in then I hafta get ready for work, working a full day since no rads then grocery shopping. DH going out of town for a day or 2 so furbabies are my job next few days.

    Dara, sounds like lots of fun, by tomorrow you should be back to your normal sober self! I was talking about my cat and a stuffed schnauzer, don't remember dogs. Boo on the lawsuit, hope the longshot pans out.

    NM, snowing here, I think we're supposed to get several inches again...ugh, just now ready for it for some reason. Thanks for splaining about the horses. No taking babies to Disney for me...adults only..

    Lori, pizza looks good, thanks for splanin' about your lil' buddy. If he and his mom don't really like it there does that mean you won't be seeing them anymore? I can't keep up with you are you home? 1500 pages,'s to 2000.

    Cyn, I think NM filled ya in about the horses, it's back about 2 pages if you want to check it out yourself. See if you can find the horses. I've never been to Disney but it works for me.

    Nancy..woohoo to finishing on Friday! I feel so free!

    Lala, so sorry about your pain and SE's, hope you find relief soo.

    Cam, 4, Prn, Julie and anyone else I'm missing, I have to get going or I'll be you girls! Have a good day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    NM, the hats are adorable. You did such a wonderful job, wow! My neighbors are not too close to me, and they were part time neighbors. That's how most of the people are out here where I live. NOt too many live out here full time. Oh bummer, on the shortening of ingredients. No store near by to grab some? Never heard of cardamom.

    Cami yes, Phoenix is just for over night. But that makes for 2 days that I lose to get stuff done around my house. And yes, I like staying home. Volleyball to the face, not good! I'm sure you take good care of your customers when they call. Is that business doing well for your cousin? I think he's your cousin?

    LOL Lucy, it wasn't the horses, it was the nekkid boyz walking them! Glad to hear that everyone is doing so well. I think you was quite stressed there for a bit. I don't think toasting airplanes is anything other than "it's time to do a shot". And if lots of planes are flying over, that's lots of shots!

    Ha ha, mention Disney and look who shows up?

    Nancy, looking forward to Friday for you. You will continue to be fatigued for a little bit, but it WILL get better!

    Dorkiedoo, I think I know who you are referring to, as someone that might have passed. I have not heard from her in a long time. I've sent a card and emails, but no response back. I think of her often and miss her too. You mention being happy that I am 100% done with treatment. I will never be done, treatment for the rest of my life. But I think maybe you meant Mary? Oh my, you as Goofy at Disney! Uh oh, sorry about lawsuit, I can't believe it. I hope that one last hope does the trick.


    Lara, not fair to have a reaction to something that is suppose to help you, and instead causes you MORE grief.

    Mary, what does your DH do that he goes out of town so much? Yes, I am home for the time being. Will be gone mid week for 2 days. My neighbor will keep the place up here for now, it will be hard to sell, I'm sure. She doesn't mind coming in the summer, as it is so hot down in Phoenix. But eventually she may sell. Then I would have to visit with her down there.

    Beery cold here dis morning, a whopping 8 degrees! BRRRRRRRRR!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    HI DahhhhLinks!

    Jes poopin in for a sec. Still in Phx. Saw my niece twice and will see her again tomorrow. She's very down so am glad I came. Will be home late Wednesday afternoon. Will try and catch up then. Hate typing on this Kindle too. Love n prayers...Muah!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014 that you mention it I think I remember seeing that photo...I don't linger long on nekked men..don't do a whole lot for me so I musta just foigotabudit.

    I hear you with the cleaning Lori.....happens to me all the time..I feel like its one step forward and two steps back....Yesterday I had so much to do after work I didn't even get it all own fault..I leave things piling up...throw in a two day trip that Im not all that excited about and it would put me back way far ....I'd be irritated..but it doesn't really take much for that.

    Oh Nancy (not getting the names just yet) Rads does suck the life right outta ya.

    How are you feeling today OLara?? 

    NM, Odark hundred seems even darker when its freezing cold out , doesn't it?

    Would love to make a Disney plan....hang out with bad ass Mickey and get DorK a job as Goofy...wait a already have that job doncha know.

    Listen to the wise wise words of Julie and don't ever trust a fart...hear that Dorty???

    What kind of shenanigans has Stella been up to?


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hello everyone! I am officially on radiation countdown. Four more days and counting. I slept most the day yesterday but am still very tired today. WTH.... It snowed here yesterday and today and its supposed to get down to 8 degrees tonight with a wind chill of - something too damn cold. I hate this kind of weather!

    I know I should have listened to you Dara honey... I tried to get pain meds from my RO first but I guess I should of just knocked him in the head or better yet told the techs to radiate his gonads and then see how much pain he was in and say oh they are just a little pink. lol. Im glad you didnt get arrested girl.

    Genny I bet you do feel free! I cant wait. I think we get a teddy bear to take home. I saw a lady with one today and she was saying today was her last day and was showing the nurse her new friend.

    Cami I used to play volleyball too! I love it and wish I could still play!. Did Joey have his recital yet?

    I think I read right but I may not have you all can correct me if not but did someone mention getting together a Disney trip or was I tripping on my Norco? Lol Anyway I think that would be an awesome idea though if we could do that sometime. Organize a little get together at Disney World. What a better place to meet and greet and forget about all this chit for a bit and have some fun. I love Disney so and have been in many times so I would be in.

    Love you guys heres some pictures of Jackson and Samara. Jackson likes to take his socks off and put them on his hands. Oh and he cracked me up saturday. My burn was itching on my boob and so I was gently itching it and he knows thats my boo boo. So he looks at me and says Oh I dot it Nana and starts to gently scratch my boob. Lol. I said no its ok Nana has it honey. He says Oh you dot it. You dot you boo boo. I said yep I got it.


    Notice the socks on his hands


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    lovely pics nancy, we are starting the countdown!

    had my pre op today, so on for next monday, but he now says i will be in until wednesday but i do get a pca!!!!!!!!!

    i will scout out the best places to visit in disney this weekend, the things i will do for my friends!

    love those hats nm,i can crochet but can't follow a pattern, have you seen the booties on fb,look great

    have a good evening ladies

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    chit where be my goils?

    so pg 1500,,,,seens like yesturdey we were at pg 1000. I like the current crowd better, tanks Cyn Cyn for making it bettlery.

    i dwunk n blind sorta. i has mese contact lenses in and too dwunk to take em out. dey is all fogged up

    remind me to tail you a nother story other than the cousin story. it is my ' deputy dawg' story where I halted a robbery of dwugs at de pharmacy. or so I tink i did. cheers.

    cheers, sorry i cant read irght now. i blind n handicapped in menny ways. hehe. cheers!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    it is willie fualt too. hehe. oops, gotta take out mese right contact, me tink it jest folded in half in mese poor eyeball. ouch. bbl. hope to see at least one of my goils else I cry and make mese other eye watery from tears, not to be funcused with tears as in ripped fabrick. my tears are coming out me eyes. and me eyes has seen the Glory of de coming of de Lord, ooops I singing now and skeering my dog. hehe! chips!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    i jest close me bad eye , dats de ticket.

    I had sumting important to say, berry berry impotent and now mee foyget. damn willie n jack. I try hard to tink of it.

    oh I recall..... "calling 911 dere a fire on de dance floor" I mean mese eyes are on fire. now two on fire, ouch. dern eyes, mines sux water mellon n apple pie too. i gitting fat on apple pie, anudder story for de future. happy pg 1500 million or sumeting like that.

    love dopey ! hey I can be dopey stead of goofy, suits me weller. chops!

    ps i not portending to be impaired but I am. and i am cracking my damn SeLF up! cheers! and some love too, i do love you goils, tanks for toleracaping me dumpass!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    ps///// i tink it time for a anme i mean name change and avita car change too. ok, tootles noodles! me high like a airplane. and ps again, I have been toasting airplanes for years. ya see, when ever I outside with my peeps, i see an airplane and I dwink. I am in de path of philly airport, it is awesome can see de planes but dey far enough away. love best when dey banking meaning turning sideways on take off and land. landing oops, yes landing.

    willie nelson, welcome to de lounge heheheheeh bahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!! you basturd, i got chit to do, peeple to see and it yer fault. k, i go now. for now. chairs!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    trying to post an image but it aint fn working. kk, i give up. carry on................

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Managed to drag myself out of bed again this ayem.Having the alarm go off in the middle of a dream is a real bummer.We got a little snow yesterday, then rain, than sleet last night.Almost half an inch worth.This ayem it's foggy as all get out.Welcome to winter in Maine!

    Genny--Hope the full day of work was a good one, and the dogs are behaving.Ok, so the Loungettes Do Disney will be adults only.Wouldn't want to corrupt the little ones, after all!

    Goldie--thanks--Office Baby's Mom put the aviator hat on him yesterday, it was soooo cute! Normally I would have run out and grabbed the stuff I needed, but cardamom is hard to come by, usually need to go to a health food store, none in the area open on Sunday.Should have checked on Saturday!

    FYI--I'm not taking pics of office baby, he is a foster child and there are lots of legal issues about posting pics, so I am opting to not take any until his foster/adoption status is finalized.Better to not complicate an already complicated situation.But boy do I wish I could post a pic or two!


    Mema--Kindle's are great, but typing on one, not so much!See you when you get home.

    CynCyn--yup, the darkness at that time of day is directly related to the temp!

    Collett--I've been fantasizing about a Disney trip.It may become a reality at some point but right now it's just in the "nice to think about" phase.I think it's so nice that your rad centers acknowledge your last treatment day!Jackson is such a cutie!

    Julie--I have seen the bootie patterns, love to make them, too, may make a couple ofpair this coming weekend.Or evenings.

    Dara--Deputy Dawg foiling a pharmacy robbery?Wow! How high are you, Dara dear?You are certainly amusing!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Jack Daniel's Lynchburg Lemonade


    1 part Triple Sec

    1 part Jack Daniels

    4 parts Sprite

    1 part Sweet and Sour Mix

    Best served in a Mason Jar.


    Add ice and stir. Garnish with lemon slices and cherries.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    LDB, I wondered if you were away, but naughty goil, you did not remind us. Mese tinks a spanking is in order. I'll let you choose the villan! I'm glad you are there for your neice.

    Lucy, what was your unexciting 2 day trip? Stella has not been around, so not sure what she's been up to. Did I tail you how happy I was to see you back in da lounge?

    Nancy, love having the horrible male medical peeps going in for rads on their gonads!!! We will have to remember that one. I just love all the stories of our little ones here. Glad to know that Jackson has your back!

    Well Julie, I'm gonna have to google PCA. Well, I found Porshe Club of America, Presbyterian CHurch in America, Principal Component Analysis, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, and then I found a Patient Care Assistant. Oh wait, I think I got it....Patient-controlled analgesia. I had one of those when I had my historectomy. Never used it.

    Dwunken Dara, how are weze pozed to bremember all of these stories you iz pozed to tail us? LMAO "fire on the dance floor". What picture were  you trying to post? I have the best luck if I just save them to my computer and then post.

    NM, hopefully you will be able to get some of that cardamom and make that bread for your patient. Can you ask for permission to post a pic of the office baby. Can never have too many babies around. Even if you just leave it up for a day, then delete it. That is what I did with my lil buddy. Well, there I go again, not reading ahead. I totally understand about the foster sitchiashun, I have friends that are foster parents.

    Cami, I saw where you DD posted the story about Joey going with his mom to the smoke store and the guy inviting them to the hooka bar, and he thought the guy meant HOOKER bar!!!

    Well, we are up in the air as to what we are gonna do. My meds are suppose to arrive at doctors today, but I'm not due to get them until Thursday. DH wants me to go today and then we drive half way to Phoenix tonight, and the rest in the morning, that was I won't have to get up as early. He has skin doc appt. on Thursday, which is part of the reason he wants me to go today. Our pellet stove is not acting right, so we don't like to be gone too long, as it might not light. We do have a propane fireplace that will kick in case the pellet stove does not come on, but propane is expensive.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls,

    I was super drunk last night, sorry for getting all weird with my posts.

    So my drug store story: On sunday night, I was picking up take out from a little Italian restaurant that is right next door to my pharmacy. I had an RX to pick up. Well when I came out of the pharmacy, I saw this man sort of standing between two dumpsters. What really caught my attention is that he was wearing sun glasses and it was dark, just before 6pm when my pharmacy closes. So I proceed to get the food and find this man starring into the door of the pharmacy. I got in my car and just watched for awhile. He opened the door then closed it as another customer approached. I had a strong feeling that he was about to rob the pharmacy so I called the pharmacy from my car and told on him. They thanked me for calling. The guy ended up leaving after yet another customer came in the door. I watched him walk away, he cut through the township municipal center and walked up a street. I would have continued to follow him but wanted to get the food home while it was still warm. That is my deputy dog story.

    The not too exciting story about saturday night, my cousin and I were supposed to meet up with some friends from high school. Backing up to earlier in the week, my cousin had her six front teeth pulled and got a partial plate. Well come Saturday, she could not find it. She remembered putting them in a dixie cup and putting them on my counter top. I found the empty cup in the trash but no teeth. Mind you, she paid cash for the temps, at over 1k so that insurance would cover the permanent teeth (since they will only pay for the temps or the porcelain permanent denture). I had a feeling that my Dad might have put the cup in the trash and put the temp plate in my recycle which he took outside at some point. So we tore the trash apart and the recycle and came up empty. We decided by 7pm that we could not go out, she was not going out without her teeth, go figure lol. So I facebook messaged three of the people with no response then called another to tell them we could not make it as we thought my daughter was having contractions, just could not tell the truth. She WAS having braxton hick contractions so not a total lie. After hours of looking, I told her let's take a break, make a dwink and schmoke some willie. So we did. I then asked her to go through her belongings and walaa, she finds her teeth wrapped in wet paper towel then in foil, stashed in her overnight bag. She totally forgot that she had put them there. I was bummed but very happy that she found them. Lesson learned, no smoka de willie and take out the teeth cuz willie makes us stooopid as hail. The two of us together are such a shit-show lol.

    Lori, I now can't remember the pic I was trying to post. I can usually copy/paste from facebook but it would not work. It was funny, so funny that I can't remember but i was determined. Oh well.

    Nancy, the countdown is on, woo hooooo! Thanks for sharing the adorable pics of Jacks and Samara, they are so cute.

    Mary, I hope you are healing and feeling more energetic. It might take awhile. I hope you get to see your little Nora and can pick her up and play with her. She is adorable.

    oops, I have to tend to my Dad, he is bleeding, be back later.