how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


    trying to get my housework done has it will be the last time i vacuum for a while

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Hi Ladies, I'm so far behind.

    Lori Can u get u'r shot now? That would be good so u don't have to go again, if I got it right, cuz I get confused so easily.

    I LOLed when talking about DW Julie just pooped right in.

    Wait my phone, I'll be back

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    OK--this job has turned into full time, I guess its that time of year.

    dara u'r one brave dumpling and if u didn't have to get the food home warm, u would have finished the job. But prioritities are  always more important. And to funny about the plate, good thing u found it.

    Lara I didn't know u get SE's with that shot, I hope it's better by now.

    And how in the hell can anyone work going to rads. I couldn't move wow that's something. U gls went thru so much with these rads I'm so glad it's about over now.

    Julie Monday is the day and I still don't know what those letter mean, even tho Lori was kind enough to look it up, still don't understand it tho.

    Cyn it's so nice seeing u post again, missed u a lot here.

    NM how's the snow there, somewhere way north they got 6 feet???? That's way to much. They had to call the National Guard.

    Joey's recital isn't for a few weeks yet, but just to let u know--the cat was in his room and when he took out the clarinet she ran like hell down the hallway--way out of the way.

    I has gotten very cold here and Les is at school, I always feel better when she's home at night. Tho it is funny I'm reminding Joey and her about homework, I really don't have to remind Joey, but she feels bad when it's just her---she's like a little kid with this chit.

    SusyQ I'm glad u drop in when u'r busy just to check in for us.

    Oh we're having Christmas eve here for Marty's family--so this year should be interesting--It's only about 20 people but it's stil crazy, then Christmas day we go to my nieces and that's my favorite day, so Ill just cme in my room when I've had enough otherwise I'll be miserable the next day--Damn I can't do 2 days in a row anymore and I used to do all weekend. Oh well


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Getting ready for bed last night I accidentally unplugged the clock radio.So I plugged it back in, reset the time, reset the alarm.Well, I got the time a bit fast, so that alarm and my Kindle alarm went off at the same time this ayem, made both me and Sadie jump up out of bed!Supposed to have a gentle Kindle alarm first, the clock radio 15 minutes later.Definitely need to reset that clock radio before tomorrow ayem!

    Julie--AMEN to strong women!

    Goldie--I never realized how many things PCA could stand for!I will find some cardamom, hopefully will get a chance today.I would love to post a pic, even for a day, but not possible right now.I'll look into taking pics now and posting when the foster/adoption issue is sorted out, that may work.

    Dara--wow, sure sounds like you did foil a pharmacy robbery!Good for you!OK, temp dentures wrapped in wet paper towel, then foil, then put in overnight bag.Almost sounds logical!Glad they were found.Dad is bleeding?Hope it's not serious!

    Cammy--full time work, yoohoo!Does that mean full time pay?No more snow here yet.Rain expected next week.We'll see if that turns into snow by then.No 6 feet yet.Hopefully not this season at all!6 inches is plenty! Sucks to grow old and have to schedule rest days between fun days, isn't it?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Bleeding Weasel

    1/4 oz Beer

    1/4 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Tequila

    1/4 oz Brandy

    1/4 oz Triple Sec

    1/4 oz Coconut Rum

    1/4 oz Gin

    1/4 oz Rum

    4 oz Lime Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice

    4 splash Grenadine


    Pour all ingredients into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well, and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    we have a baby boy, born 5:58am, weighs 5 lbs 5.8 oz

    will post pic lateer

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    congratulations Grandma!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Good morning lougettes, looks like most of us got hit by the polar vortex from hell. Course hell is supposed to be hot so maybe it's from somewhere else. Got the day off, getting my house cleaned and nowhere I have to be...ahhh, life is good. DH gone till tomorrow so got the house to myself and plenty of leftovers. Only no wine because I'm trying to cut back so I have to wait till I meet with my peeps on Friday. Problem is we got a half a bottle already open which was calling to me last night. Don't know if I'm that strong, may hafta finish it off tonight. It's about 10 degrees here but with the gusty winds, wind chills are below zero...brrrr. And I'm on dog duty, they are getting impatient as we speak...err ..write...whatever.

    NM, love the baby hats, how cute! So glad that boy is hopefully getting adopted, I hope it goes thru without too much complication. Certainly reuniting with natural parents is often not the best option. How old is he? Maybe we should push for the Disney trip before we hit page # 1500.

    OK, so the above post is what I started yesterday, then got busy with dogs and such and never got back, so I'll try again. Still cold, DH is home now and he is out with dogs. Good Morning again. I am having bad neuropathy in both hands for about a week now, just a minor aggregation during the day but bad at night. It wakes me up all thru the night, I have to reposition and shake out my hands. They feel as tho they are asleep and get really numb. I'm so worried it will get worse and affect my ability to cut hair. I talked to RO about it last week and she doesn't think it's from the rads, she says it would likely be only the left side from rads and would not have shown up this soon. She thinks it must be a delayed reaction from chemo. I've been done with chemo for 5 months…not sure that I buy it. I read it could be thyroid related and I am hypothyroid so she wrote me an order to get it checked but I haven't gotten to it. It'd be nice if thats what it is. Anyway, other than that I'm feeling better every day. So where was I yesterday, gonna try and catch up on what I remember before I read new posts.

    Nancy, woohoo on finishing Friday. We will both be able to put this miserable year behind us and move on with our lives. Life is to short to be thinking about the damn FURB all the time. Lets have fun with those grand babies and start enjoying ourselves again. You will be amazed at how fast the redness will fade and the wounds will heal. I still have an open area on my breast but the scaling and redness just about gone. Fatigue is dwindling everyday, they told me about 2 weeks total. It's only been 5 days and I'm feeling so much better. Hope you recoup just as quickly.

    Lori, My DH is a manufacturers rep. He is self employed and reps 3 companies that sell chain link belting mostly for food processing. They are large room size belts that go through ovens like chickens for Tyson. Or pizza's, Hot Pockets, potato chips, etc. That's the quick easy explanation. He covers OH, IN, MI, western PA and northern KY. He's usually gone 1 or 2 nights/wk.

    OK, now it's 6 at night, I just can't seem to get caught up so I'm going to post this and go back and see what I've missed.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Dork, I likt your not so interesting story (about the teeth), more than your Deputy Dork one. That was nice of you to call into the pharmacy to alert them, but you be careful girl! Glad your cuz found her teefers. I too can no longer post from FB. We used to be able to. Uh oh, why is dad bleeding?

    Julie, I tink you iz telling a fib, about getting your housework done. I saw pics of you at DW!

    Cami, I will get my injections on Thursday, which is when I am due. And I can go first thing in the morning, and not waste my day. Julie will have pain meds, and to have them go into her IV, all she has to do is push a button, and it's released into her IV. But you can only push the button every so often. OMG, Katy Cat running for her life at the sight of the clarinet!!! What is your DD going to school for? Good for her.

    NM, I know you would like to post pics of the office baby, but certainly understand! Those foster parents could get in some big trouble.

    HOLY THE that is some drink!!!! WHOA!!! I think that has every alcohol available in it!

    Oh dear Mary, that wine will go better drink it! Hoping you don't have neuropathy. I know of some that do, and it sucks, just like the LE. I recouped rather fast from ras too, and it was amazing how quick the burns healed too.

    Well, the pellet stove was acting up again last, which we decided to stay home and leave this morning. So DH was up at 1 am messing with it, running the vacuum ect. But we think he figured it out. Then he got me up at 3:30 to start getting ready and leave the house by 5 am. Show was boring, but I already knew that. He is now sitting with the guy from Vegas, discussing the new business venture. I went and got mese a 6 pack and brought my happy ass to the lounge! CHhhhhheeeerZ!


  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Hi again ladies, where was I? Oh yea…
    Lori, whatever you decide to do, have a safe trip and I hope you manage to fit in a little fun around those Dr appts.

    Cami, I'm so far behind to, can't seem to get caught up. I think I may have even missed some Joey stories here and there. So a lot more practicing before the big recital. Yikes, maybe you need some headphones… maybe some AC/DC to calm the nerves…or you could just run your head into a wall. Poor furbabies. Your Xmas sounds like it's gonna be lots of fun. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

    Dara, you were purdy funny last night too… or was it the night before, I'm so funcused… Glad that guy didn't rob the place, sounds pretty suspicious tho. Good job at Deputy Dog. Love the teeth story, that sounds like sumptin I'd do. Glad she found her teeth but sawry you missed da party. Sounds like lesson learned, unless yer a slow lerner like me then some tin like it may happen agin. Braxton Hicks? Getting close, hmmm, I have to read down further and see if there's any new news. OMG!! whoop whoop we have a baby boy! A tiny boy, 5 1/2 lbs… oh I can't wait to see pics! Is his name still Logan? How is your DD? Oh I'm so excited for you… congrats Grandma! Hope your dad is ok.

    Julie, The surgery in the 21st if I remember, is the spaceship ready? I forget who's in charge of getting it ready. Looks like you were having a good time at Disney. I know you're gonna do fine, keep us posted as soon as you can.

    I think I'm kind of caught up, at least got the last couple of pages read. Still fighting with this damn neuropathy, I had to stop and shake my hand about 3 times while wrapping a perm today, fingers numb and giving me a helluva time.

    Cyn, prn, Lala, lynn, Sue, hope all is good, sweet dreams to all.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Opps just caught your last post Lori, glad you get to stay home and enjoy your time in the lounge, I like my alone time too. Got yer cleaning done yet?

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014
  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    aww, thanks Mary. Here is a pic. I have so many more but left my stupid cell phone at the hospital. I am soooo happy to be in the club, I just love him so much already. He is so teeny tiny but very strong and healthy.


    I am loading the UFO but could use some help, we need A LOT of likker. Julie's surgery is Monkey-dey, the 24th, I have it on my calendar.

    My Dad is just fine. He had a cut on his hand working on the player piano. He bleeds so much from the plavix he takes, I think that is the drug, it is a blood thinner. It looked like a scene from a scary movie though.

    Lara, are you snowed in? OMG, I can't believe the amount of snow that upstate NY got. And I hear it will continue for possibly a few days.

    Mary, so glad you are healing so well, woooo hoooo! I am so happy for you. It is now time for Nancy to get done and feel better.

    Nancy, I am praying for you. I feel so bad that your skin in peeling away. I have seen pics in the last of another loungette, Bernie, whose skin just peeled off when she pulled her shirt off. I will never forget that image. Remember, This too Shall and WILL pass quickly now. You are at DE FINISH LINE! Let the healing begin.

    Lori, hope your treatment goes well. And yes, I mispoke about you being done treatment, I think I was talking about Mary being finished. Good to see you in the lounge at night, let's partay!

    NM, glad you did not get bombarded with snow although I know you, of all people, are prepared for it. I am already counting down the days until Spring. I wish you could post a pic of the office baby but I understand. Maybe a PM? Nah, I mighten share it iffen I dwink too much. Or if Willie visits again, he is a bad influence on me!

    4, thanks for the congrats, it is all surreal right now. I have been literally pinching my damn self.

    Camille, you crack me up. When is the concert? I better see it on facebook girlfriend, tell your DD that I am begging for her to record and share. I hope you are feeling well and NO D. I confess that I am not caught up on all posts.

    This place has been quiet, were are all of our loungettes hiding? At the percotini fountain? The casino? The pool? Hmm, I suspect the MIA goils are at the heated pool with the hot tenders!

    Hello to the rest of you, I might stop back for some JD and tail ya the story of the birth. It is cray cray how it went down!!! Love you all and thanks again for your kind words of congrats! I am sooooo fircited and happy!


    Nana K.

    (not sure if I like that, Grandmom sounds more natural)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    here is an exerpt from an email I send to my MIL. essplains it all!

    The labor started at around 11pm last night but Jess thought they were Braxton Hicks contractions, false labor. She had some of them over the weekend. She did not realize it was real labor until she got sharp pains in her back. She googled the pain and sure enough, finally realized she was in full labor. She did not get to the hospital until about 20 minutes before the birth. I got there about five minutes after. I did not get a call until about 5:15am and I got up and went straight to the hospital after having one cup of coffee. Darn coffee habit made me miss the birth. I called the hospital first to make sure she was there and they confirmed but would not tell me the status. When I got to the ER and asked how far the contractions were apart, they told me we had a baby boy! I was quite surprised and cried a bit. Jessica is doing really good, she was so brave and delivered naturally.

    My favorite thing was watching baby Logan take his first bottle, watching his tiny lips moving was so precious. Jess did really really well. She had the baby at Kennedy Hospital ********* but she and baby were transported to +++++++++ as Kennedy does not have a maternity ward. Everyone there and at +++++++ were just great. I spend the morning with her then went back this evening and spend a few more hours with her. Logan is a lot like Jessica was, very docile. He sleeps a lot and cried very little. I am hoping he is like Jess in that he starts sleeping six hours at a time by three weeks! I have only seen his eyes opened a few times, the last being when the nurse changed his diaper. He did not even cry, his eyes followed the voices, so so cute. He makes the cutest sounds when he sleeps. I like when he grasps my finger with his teeny tiny fingers, he is just adorable and so tiny, I just love him so much already. I think he looks like Jess in the eyes and forehead but otherwise looks like Danny. He is so very cute and sweet. I can't wait for you to meet him. I will send more photos tomorrow when I get my cell phone back. I took some really cute ones of Jessica feeding him. I am bummed out that I left my phone behind with all of my photos.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Oh Dara u'r grandson is beautiful, how can he not be. It's so exciting and I hope u'r DD is doing well too. I'm sure they'll be home now or soon. Where are they staying at first, anyways. Such a precious time in u'r life, it's golden, u'll be so happy teaching him all you know, forget about what u'r DD says, just always teach him what u want. LOL I'm so happy for you and yes more pics.

    Oh just to let u know Lori I taught joey what  hookers are, Leslie didn't LOL see what I mean.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I hope u slept well. Again I'm not all caught up and NM  no raise, I'm lucky I get paid at all--It's such a crazy business. It's just that I've never been this busy day after day, but I know it's the wether getting so cold and I never realized so many people have 2 furnaces. some people just need maintennce and they don't know that. Marty did ours a couple of weeks ago so ours is done.

    I'm up early guess what woke me up--yes my D brightened my day so I took a handful of pills and we'll see.

    Mary u crack me up u are always so busy I don't know how u do it.

    NM good drink, I already decided I'm going to drink for the holidays, I think it's only right.

    Oh Lori Les is going for Estiticion (sp) she already has the cosmetology down, but this is the newer going thing and she loves it so we're just praying she can get thru this without getting sick--she puts to much pressure on herself so I'm trying to lighten it up a little anyway. And she can practice n my wrinkly old skin anytime she wants. LOL I loved it when I had chemo and all my skin just fell off and at first I was like OMG, but then when it was ll coming off it was like new skin--it looked stupid while it was peeling but felt great after, not anymore, it's dry as dust. OH well Les will make it better--yea right.

    My oldest brother is in the hospital he either fell or tripped out of the shower so they are doing tests. I hat this stuff, I know it al happens but he's always been the strongest of the 4 and I feel so sad and so far my other brother isn't letting us know much--he doesn't want any one there, he's like that. So I'm going to be nosy today anyway.

    Well Hello to everyone and I hope u all have a good day and Julie don't worry we'll be packed with plenty of likker.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?Dark and coldhere, but no more snow for a bit.That's a good thing.

    Dara--CONGRATULATIONS!!!Saw his pic on Facebook, he's adorable!

    Genny---Office baby is 3 months old.Adoption here in Mainethrough DHS/Child Protective usually takes years, unless the bio parents decide to voluntarily give up parental rights. While the system is supposed to be for the best interest of the child, there are a lot of protections in place for the rights of the parents, lots and lots of chances for the parent(s) to complete a reunification plan, a lot like the years of appeals when a criminal gets the death sentence.Many kids live in foster homes for 3 or 4 years and then go to their bio Mom whom they've visited with once a week for all that time.I can't imagine the confusion and upset that must cause a child.Getting chemo related neuropathy this late jn the game would be a real bummer.I'm glad you are getting other things checked out but don't forget, or let your docs forget that carpal tunnel syndrome is a known side effect of the arimidex and that class of drug.Another to have checked is your Vitamin D level.Be sure to get a copy of the report, there are a couple of Vit D level tests, the one you want to know is the 25-hydroxy vitamin D test."Normal" is considered to be 20 or 30 to 74 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml).For people with or at risk of cancer the lower number should be at least 50 ng/ml.Or you can just start taking Vit D3 supplements.Make sure you get Vit D THREE, not D2.D3 is the form the kidneys convert to the active form.Taking Vit D3 supplements makes a huge difference for me, even after coming off the arimidex.

    Goldie--Like that dwinkie, did you?I thought it was fun!Happy Lounge time!

    Genny--Playing ketchup here is often a losing battle.Just jump and move forward!

    Dara--Logan is so handsome!Glad your Dad's bleeding is more messy than problematic.I thought about the PM approach to sharing Office Baby pics, but I think it's safer to not have any pics on my phone at all.No way for a pic to get out by accident that way.Don't want to mess up the chances of adoption.Poor Gramma Dara so besotted with Baby Logan she left her phone behind!Get some sleep, pick up the phone and then start posting, there is plenty of time and there will be plenty of opportunities for pics to enjoy!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:


    1 (0.13 ounce) package blue berry flavored unsweetened drink mix

    1 (2 liter) bottle lemon-lime flavored carbonated beverage

    1 (64 fluid ounce) bottle white cranberry juice

    1 bottle Jack Daniels

    8 scoops vanilla ice cream

    1 cup white sugar, or to taste


    In a large punch bowl, stir together the drink mix, lemon-lime soda, and white cranberry juice, Jack Daniels. Taste, and stir in sugar to your liking. (I like to add the whole cup.) Float scoops of ice cream on the top. The ice cream melts somewhat and turns the punch a beautiful baby blue color with frothy white clouds floating on the top.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Mary, I only got to stay home an extra night. The guy that was out looking at our generator was their until later than we wanted to leave, so we left yesterday morning in stead.

    Dara, I can hear the excitement in you, in your post. So glad the delivery went well. Was baby daddy there?

    Haha Cami, I'd I know you had a hand in how Joey knew what hookers were!!! Good for your DD going back to school and I hope your brother is ok. Go ahead and be nosy. But really, it's cuz you luv him.

    NM, my friends who foster, just had one of their children die. He was given back to the mom, had open heart surgery, was abused by mom's boyfriend and the baby didn't recover from it. So very sad. So I know all about these kids being given back to the parents.

    Ahhhh, nuttin like some JD and ice cream for breakfast!




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Dara congrats to the new baby


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    THat is just awful having a foster child go back to their mom and get abused there is something wrong with are system.

    Hope everyone is ok I am very hungover my friend who starts chemo the 5th is having it on friday chemo they normally do not do that but she insisted so she ha=s the booster shots in her fridge she will give herself after chemo 10,000 grand a needle they are in her fridge

    kk going bk to bed im so hung over

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Im scrolling through my dad is in Buffalo cant get home thurway is closed he said he has never seen so much snow

    We hav eno snow but cold

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    Hello Ladies!! I have been lurking but not posting.... so much exciting news

    I am off today and have a candy show tonight..a private Catholic school fund raiser. Should be nice. We just finalized our company logo! I am really excited and will send a picture when I have it to post.

    Overall I am feeling good. I have to say I have such pain in my hands and shoulders. I have Reynaud's and that really effects my hands in the cold but it used to have to be super cold, now it seems even at about 30 I am having pain. It is manageable but still a drag. Saw a new gynecologist as mine retired. She was nice and knowledgeable. I started taking something for sleep and that has seemed to help. I was in the rabbit hole for a bit. Overwhelmed. Wanting to sleep..I will get over it I am sure. Hair is coming in still thick and curly, dark with grey. My nails are lifting again on about 3-4 fingers and my eyelashes and brows have fallen out agin.

    Lori...I am sorry about your friend. Trade shows are very boring after you have been to one..LOL. You asked about my garden. I have a large yard and an extensive flower garden around the house and grounds. It takes a lot of work in the fall to cut everything back and prepare it for winter. So it was tough on me and I was really grateful for my son's help. Loved the pizza martini!

    Lara...I am so sorry about your swelling, LE and your friend having to join us. I hope you are finishing up school soon and that you have gotten some relief with the new MD.

    NM..I was a pediatric nurse for 8 years and did all of my registry( extra hours for you non-medical girls) hours in Newborn ICU and PedsICU. I saw some horrible things in my years. I am thinking of you and Sadie in this horrible cold...stay warm.

    Cami..I gotta say that I will never think of Mary Had a Little Lamb the same way again! How is the boy and his clarinet? Super sorry about the D, damn shame that you are always bothered by that.

    Dara..aww he is beautiful! It is amazing isn't it? Amazing that we can do that? We are lucky as women to be able to bring life into the world, to feel them grow and move within us, it is truly a miracle from God. I am excited for you. We are getting a grand baby for my sister from my niece in March. It is our first baby in 10 years so we are pretty pumped too! Sounds like Jess did so well and I am thrilled that it all went so well...Congratulations! Sorry about your dad but glad it is minor and most importantly, that goodness the teeth were located! LOL My DH wears invisalign braces and has lost those trays so many times since they are clear!

    Jenny..such great pictures of our little Nora..that's how I think of her! AS ours!. She is so stinkin' adorable and photogenic. I am so happy that you are completed! It seems that I still felt beat up for about 3-4 weeks. After the chemo and all us, it just lingers. I am feeling good now but seem to need more sleep over all. My skin did heal but you can see where it is darker at least for now. Next conjugal visit is next week, happy holiday for me.

    Nancy... I am praying for the last two days to go quickly. Then the healing can begin. Jackson and Samara are too sweet, my youngest son is a Jackson too, not sure if I told you that already.

    Mema..I am so so happy for you and your great scan news! How wonderful a way to start the holiday season. And as for the hair, I would wear the wigs if you can. I got SO many compliments on my wigs, every time I wore them..LOL Kinda makes me think my real hair must have been pretty chitty..LOL.

    Julie..I will be thinking of you on your pocket!

    4, Cyndielouhoo, and anyone else...HEY!!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014



    Here's a couple of pictures of some of the pretzel work that I've been doing and a box from the last shower we did!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Got back to Mesquite about 4pm yesterday.   Was so ready for my bed.  Went to bed early and realized I didn't have any more coumaden or xanax.  I didn't sleep but mayb 4 hours and that's after taking a painpill about midnight.  Have chit to do, gonna get it done and nap.  Or try to anyway.

    Cyn - good to see you hanging out more.  LOL what u say bout DorK...lmao.  Are you back on a night shift? or am I funcussed?

    Nancy - by my count just 2 more rads?  Yippee, I just wish you weren't in so much pain.  Love love love the pics of Jackson and Samara, jes too stinking cute!

    Julie - I'm planning on jumping on the UFO and being there for your surgery.  Hey only 2 days in hosp not bad.  Back in the day it was a week.  You'll slide right thru this.  ((Julie))

    DaraDorK - what u decide on new name and avat-car??  LOL  Saw on FB that you a granny now....Congratulations!  I got new glasses last month...they don't work for too much eyes get to watering and burning.  They are making a new pair, we'll see.  Good Deputy Dawg...u did zackly the right thing.  Funny story about your cousin and her teeth.  My brain memory is mush too, really gets to me.  Glad dad is OK!

    NM - jes too cold for me.  Heck 40 is too cold for me.  I loved getting on the plane at 1pm and getting into LV at 1pm....only plus I can come up with for daylight savings. 

    Lowee - Weren't you there on one or two of those days?  I'll take that spankin from Jock...Jock...I'm ready for ya!  Thanks for the splaning of PCA...I didn't kno it either.  I can't get a pic to post whether from my puter on line...jes don't get it.   Stay safe, and I hope you get your meds.  Good luck to DH too.

    Cami - I'm behind too am doing my best to catch up, but I kno I missed alot. Still LOL about Joey and the animals running away too.

    Mary - please call and get thyroid checked.  I don't buy it either that it's from chemo 5 mos ago.  Glad to hear your burned foobs are healing and you are recouping at a great rate.  You ROCK!

    Now I have to sign off....will yak again tomorrow - CONGRATS again Granny D!  He is adorable.

    Latah - lubslubslubslubs everyone!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good evening all

    congratulations darla ,he's gorgeous

    trying to get my stuff together before i go to disney and monday's little jaunt, just warmed up my curry and dumped it on the floor!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!I have been having the oddest dreams about having a baby, trying to secretly nurse a baby while at work, trying to keep the baby hidden, I guess Dara's new grandbaby, my nieghbor's new grandbaby and the Office Baby are sneaking into my subconscious?Odd dreams, though.

    Goldie--oh my, how horrible for that poor baby and the foster parents.

    ORLA--10,000 a needle for the chemo or the shots in the fridge?Go get some good sleep!

    OH, Lord, another fatal fire on the news this ayem.A woman walked on of her children to the school bus, came back and found her home in flames, 2 children found dead in a back room of the home, no batteries in the smoke detectors.I just cannot imagine.All the other deaths so far this season have been adults, and one dog.The guy was using gas to start a fire in his stove, the fumes exploded.He died right there, the dog was found in another room.Both man and dog were seniors.Just so sad.

    PRN--glad you are feeling good overall, that's good!Glad the candy store is working out, too.You do see some sad stuff in NICU and PICU.Fortunately, we're not getting the killer cold the middle of the nation is.And temps are predicted to hit 50 next Monday and Tuesday!Crazy weather indeed.It's just cold enough to make cuddling with Sadie at bedtime a real treat.Wow, those pretzels look like lots of work, and the boxes at the shower are adorable!

    Mema--getting into a plane at 1 and arriving at 1--must have been quite a trip!

    Julie--is dumping the curry on the floor part of the preparation?No wonder I don't like curry!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Baby's Bottom

    1/2 oz Creme de Menthe

    1 1/2 oz Whiskey

    1/2 oz White Creme de Cacao


    Stir and strain into a cocktail glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Lara, good luck to your friend on starting chemo. The shot in her fridge is probably Nuelasta. It's an expnsive one for sure, but why is she giving it to herself? I had mine mostly in the arm, then tried the stomach. Stomach was much better. I hope your dad makes it home ok. On their way home from FL?

    PRN, I hope your candy show goes well, and we can't wait to see your logo. I hear ya about cutting the flowers back, often half of mine ends up waiting until spring. What did you get for sleep? Sorry about your hands, and lashes, and nails. Unfortunately this is the disease the keeps on giving. Happy conjugal visit! Beautiful display, love the pretzels. LOL at our hair not looking good before BC.

    LDB, we got there Wednesday morning and left Thursday morning, so only about 24 hours. How is your niece doing? I surely enjoyed the warmer weather down there, that's for sure. Jocks is waiting for you at the Banana Hamock.

    NM, I'm cracking up over your dreams and you trying to have a baby. Really funny how that has set into your subconsciious. Hmmmm, as for the expensive shot Lara mentioned. I thought it was the Nuelasta, but maybe it is the chemo?

    Mary, I think it was you that asked if I got my cleaning done........NO!

    Nancy, this will be your last day for rads.........PARTY TIME!

    So I'm waiting at the doctors for my injections, been sitting there for a few, and one of the gals comes to the counter and says Laura (my nurse) had to leave for a minute, she'll be right back". At the point, the door opens and it's Laura, calling for a patient back. Why did that gal tell me she was gone? I wasn't upset that I was waiting. There was no need for anyone to say anything...sheesh. So, I got my injections, today is labs. No coffee for me this morning. Thyroid will get checked on this as well. I wonder if the bad thyroid could be cause of my meds not working completely, therefore causing my tumor markers to go up? If my markers are up, it's going to be hard to be happy and thankful for Thanksgiving and trying to entertain. I might email my onc and ask if it can wait until the after the holidays. After all, I doubt they would change anything right now, and I am due for scans around xmas time. Arrrggghhhh!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    LDB, posting pictures from my computer, from my documents. I go click on the picture link that we have here in the boxes at the top, where the font, emoticons and such are. It's the square box with what looks like mountains in it. Click that, click browse, find your picture on your computer, choose it, and then click insert.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Morning ladies!! This is my LAST day of the dreadful Rads!! Skin is still peeling and nasty but I am ready for the healing to begin!

    Dara Congratulations Nana!! Logan is adorable!! I am so glad everything has went so well. I love them when they are that little and you can just snuggle with them. Jackson will just snuggle for a bit now then hes off to do his thing.

    I gotta go glow one more time but I will be back later on to celebrate with you all tonight!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014


    Congrats Nancy, wooo hooo!

    My DD would shoot me for posting this since her nails are not manicured. She had an appointment on the day Logan was born. I love this pic though.
