how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hello girls,

    Just another quick update. My daughter and Logan were supposed to be released today but it was delayed until tomorrow. Jess is having a blood transfusion. She lost so much blood during birth and was not able to rebound without new blood. She woke up feeling very weak and dizzy. I stayed with her most of the day and it was amazing to see her rebound once the blood went into her IV. She could hardly talk and could not move. She has now eaten and is feeling a lot better. My poor baby! I will be heading back tonight after dinner. This is cutting into my drinking time lol.

    I will report back later. Cheers and lots of love to all.

    Waiting for an update from Nancy so that we can start a big sailabration!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!    Congratulations Gramma Dorkie!!!!!!   He is precious!!!  You are going to be da bestest nanna in all the land!

    Love the cake by Lowie.....!

    Yippy SuZQT!!!   Love your good news....I may be going on over nights starting in January but not sure yet..I applied for another position and will know on Monday if they are going to offer it to that case I will have normal we will see.

    Those pretzels look yummmmmo!  Good Luck Princess.

    Havent been feeling all that great...I didn't drink at all yesterday...I know..must be sumptin wrong with me.





  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Evening everyone I am officially done with Radiation!! I got a cute little bear from my Rad techs. My brother and sister took my to lunch and my husband and daughter and Jackson took me out for a really nice dinner. I had filet and scallops and a Cosmo to celebrate. Jackson says I want a masmo to Nana. I said how bout you have some chocolate milk ok. He oh ya makwat milk ya ok. Lol he cracks me up. Im still peeling but it is looking better.

    Dara I hope your daughter can go home tomorrow. Logan is so tiny. You forget how little they were.

    I am so thankful to God for all he has truly blessed me with. I believe he puts people in our paths for a reason. I thank him for putting all of you in my path. You all have blessed my life and I thank you for it. God bless all of you!. Lets have a great weekend ladies and a great Thanksgiving week!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    it is fried dey night, where de hail are my goils? I guess I will take mese partay elsewheres. take dat! hehe!

    I tink you all in Disney without me. well guess what? Disney not my ting, been there in CA and Fl multiple times and it is too exhausting. So you goils go ahead and partay without me. I will jest grab a tender and exit this place. take dat, disney-hores SillyHeart

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    Lori. I'm taking elavil 10 at bedtime and a tramadol. At least sleeping 4-5 hr stretches. Better than in the last 10 months.

    Dara.... Sorry about Jess and the transfusion. Glad it perked her up. And he a real doll

    Yippee woo hoo Nancy!!!

  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies.... Here is the Goodman Sweets logo!!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Dort, ain't nobody lookin at her goodness! Look at that beautiful baby. Hoping the transfusion worked and Jes and lil Logan can go home, and this is nothing serious. I'm not in Disney, but I will agree that the one if CA is quite lame. Julie knows where to go! And you are not allowed to party by yourself, so dere, take dat! SNAP!!!

    Lucy, I hope you just had an off day and you are NOT getting sick, ain't nobody got time fo dat! Hoping you get that other position.

    Done with rads! Whoot Whoot Nancy! Was that a mimosa that Jackson wanted?

    PRN, glad you are getting some somewhat decent sleep. I've heard of tramadol but not the other. I switch on and off, with OTC night time pain relievers, trazadone and Vitamin V. If it's not a hot flash waking me up, it's time to potty. Ohhhhh, your logo is darling, I love it. So simple but says it all.

    Cami, where are you hiding? Git you butt in here girl. Are you dat bizzy at work? We miss you.

    My neighbor is suppose to be coming up here today, it will be nice to see her and my lil buddy. I'm sure we will share some tears. Did my labs yesterday, thinking of emailing my nurse to tell her I don't want to know the results until the week after Thanksgiving. I have company coming in on Wednesday, staying until Friday. They won't get results until about Tuesday and I'm sure they are closed Th and FR, and there isn't anything that can be done by Wed. if the TM are up. So I don't want to know! I may have said that already, but oh well...y'all understand that memory thing.

    Today is the birfday of our MIA goil Beans. So I want to say Happy Birfday to my friend whom I miss here so much.



    I made you a BEAN cake, I hope you like it. And you don't have to share....LOL!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Good morning girls,

    I have been awake since 6:30am and did not go to bed until after 2am. I have been having hard time staying asleep. It is odd how I went to not being able to wake up to not being able to sleep in. ugh.

    Lori, I might have been bummed out last night that no one was here. I miss the good ole days where there was always someone to talk to here. My vote is for a meet up again in Vegas but I tink I outvoted. I will go to florida but will not do Disney (no offense Julie). The last time I went which was in 1979, I did not have fun. It would be fun experiencing it through Logan's eyes though. I will be praying for good results for you. You are brave to wait until after the holiday to find out, I would not have the patience.

    Princess, sorry you are having issues sleeping and having issues with the after affects of treatment. It will get better. I like your new logo, I hope to see it as much as I see Godiva! which btw, I know someone who has limo'd the CEO of Godiva and I am told he is a dick, yep, name is Richard or something. I want to see you take his numbers down, wouldn't that be sweet!

    NM, hope you are having a restful weekend. Oops, it feels like sunday to me but den again I have trouble keeping up with what day it is. Yesterday I told a neighbor that I think my Grandson was born on Monday lol, chit, it was wednesday but feels like it was nearly a week ago. He is only four days young! I sent you a PM, hope you see it soon.

    CynCyn, did you dwink last night? I so hope you are not sick goil friend. YOu not ddwinking deeply concerns me. Please update.

    Cam, please tell me when this concert is. OMG, I can't wait for your review. YOU lady, crack me up so much. I soooooo want to meet you and it might be sooner than you tink. I am scheming ways to get outta work. I hope the dreaded D hits the FN high road girl (((((Camille))))

    Nancy Nancy Nancy, wooooo hoooooooo! Congrats on being finished with your rads. Let the healing begin. I hope you start feeling better quickly as our own Genny has. I am so proud of you girl, you just never let the rads get in your way despite all of the blistering and burning. A hug for you too, a big big DorKy hug (((((Nancy))))

    Anyone else need a hug? I will take any offered btw.

    Mema, how are you doing honey? I am sorry I have not stayed caught up with you. I do know that you got great results and could not be more happy for you. I will try harder to keep up but not sure how easy it will be. I got chit going on which will make it difficult. I have to help with baby Diverse and that will also take a lot of time.

    oops, Dad is awake, I need to talk to him. I will be heading over to the hospital in the next few hours and need to get him squared away through lunch. I have to utilize my people to make sure he eats and takes insulin etc.

    will be back latah. Sorry to anyone I missed. Peace out goils, all we need is love.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sadie got me up early this Saturday ayem. Not sure why she wanted to go out in the dark, but she did.Oh, well.Chilly this morning, up to 29 degrees now, will be in the 50's early next week.Remember that fire I spoke of yesterday?There's more info today--2 women in the home, one walkedher children to the bus stop, came back, the trailer was engulfed.The other woman, her 2 year old twins and 3 year old son died.Turns out the 3 year old had lit a book on fire earlier in the morning, the woman walking her child to the bus put the fire out, Fire Marshal says the boy set items in the living room on fire and caused the death of himself and his family.All four found in the back bedroom. No battery in the smoke detector, back door blocked by styrofoam.So sad.

    Goldie--Definitely weird dreams lately, not sure why, but at least they are entertaining.Sort of.Last night I dreamt about trying to make out an ICU staff assignment, kept getting it "wrong"--couldn't make it work out so that all the patients were assigned to a nurse and the nurses would all accept the assignment, all the while the patients were changing rooms.It was bizarre.Personally, I don't see any reason not to reschedule your labs until after the holidays, and closer to scan time.Get the scan labs and the tumor markers all done at the same time.

    Collett--HOORAY FOR LAST DAY OF RADS!So kind of the staff to note your last treatment.Makwat milk, is so cute!

    Dara--Oh, so sweet!What a loving armful!So sorry DD had to get blood, being low of blood will make any one feel pretty crummy.Glad that's over with!

    CynCyn--better have a tonic and get better quick!

    PRN--tramadol and elavil sounds like a good nite-nite combo!


    Dara--got the pm, sent you a reply.Got a nice baking weekend in the works.Love baking when it's cold out! {{{hugs}}}}

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Big Hug

    1 oz Irish Cream

    1 oz Creme de Cacao

    1 cup (Hot) Chocolate

    1/2 oz Whipping Cream


    Pour the irish cream into an Irish coffee cup or glass filled 3/4 with hot chocolate. Add creme de cacao. Add whipped cream and garnish with shaved chocolate on top.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Hi Ladies, I don't know what I hit but I keep loosing posts Chit.

    Oh dara  really laughed at that one about u'r dd's nails never would have noticed them, u'r beautiful grandson was in my eyes.

    PRN u'r display and logo look great, maybe u need to slow down a little, it's not easy ding al u do.

    NM that is so horrible about that fire, what a horrible thing to happen.  Are u snuggling goo today or baking up a storm? I like the DOTD today, sounds good

    Cyn I hope u'r OK now and certainly hope u get what u want for work.

    YAHOO rads are done and u celebrate in style---come to think of it when I was done with anything no one even mention it--How blessed u are.

    Lori I do understand why u don't want to hear results, u r amazing, if it were me I want to know, then I would let everyone know,--but very dramatically but I do have a feeling u'rs will be good. (realy)

    Wow Dara u'r poor Jess loosing that much blood Are they home  yet? How exciting

    I was on the compter al nite shopping, and ooking for as much %'s off and free shipping and handing, so I was in every store possible. My eyes fee likesore.

    Joey's latest his CONCERT as he puts it is Dec. 4th, believe me they should wit til next Dec. 4th--He decided to play a couple of songs, well he calls them that, for us in the kitchen of curse the cat ran in my room and the dog just sat there then started with his paws up and howled ike crazy, actually he was much better than Joey--so we think Joey should have him at the concert. See this is when it's hard to tell a kid quit now, u'r raping this instrument and yet u smile and say u'r doing better and better.

    OK my eyes are stil drippy and I really can't type today, beside I just got a phone call and his accent was so heavy I didn't understand his name or anything he said, but I have the number. I'm so bad with names yesterday this lady told me her name and I repeated ok Ava and she said NO it's Susan, I said well u can understand my confusion they sound so much alike.And I could not understand her last name and I wrote something like Lonvandrake van dyke--Oh Lord I'm so bad

    LUBS LUBS YOU ALL--if I missed someone I'm sorry I got 2 calls while writing this, boy do I hrry to get my job done.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    nancy, just saw your fb post ,do you think your son will take the hint?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Almost 20 degrees warmer this morning than yesterday.Found a new cranberry bread recipe yesterday that I really like.Going to try Finnish cardamom bread today.Got one loaf of oatmeal bread done, probably do a second one as I work today.

    Cammy--baking yesterday, more today.Joey must be excited about his concert!And so many people do not speak clearly on the phone, add an accent and you get instant confusion!

    Quiet in the Lounge this weekend!I'm going to hang out in the pool for a bit while the Tenders set up our Sunday Brunch.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Russian Brunch

    1 part Vodka

    1 part Champagne

    1 1/2 parts Orange Juice

    Best served in a Beer Mug.


    Mix vodka and orange juice in a blender with ice, and pour into a large container. Add champagne, stir, and serve.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    I've had no Internet they r coming today stupid cable company here and are channels are off annoying

    Dara love the baby so sweet

    Love the biz prn how exciting ! Are you making a website?

    Yeahh to no rads

    Goldie that's what they are the shots she is doing it because chemo fri then she will inject it sat no ones there sat. She's fine with it, she had to inject herself for a couple weeks to freeze her eggs

    Dh is going crazy hates his new account so I'm stressed over health insurance now. If he leaves ill have new insurance or Medicaid I can go on

    I'm feeling stronger every day


    Lol the loop post💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    oh prn tramodol made me not sleep at all it's very strong and I started to feel whacky

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Dara Dear, sawry you were bummed with no one to party with. I would, but I so go to bed early. I can't wait to see more pictures of Logan and you with him. You didn't say if baby daddy in the picture.

    NM, what a horrible story about the family that burned, so very sad. Prayers for their families. I will get labs right before my scans, so the onc has results when I go for the scans, then they call with the scan results. What all are ya baking this weekend? Ahhhh, breads.

    Cami, I don't want to hear about your losing your posts, I showed you how to use notepad!!! LOL! I don't tell anyone (except you girls) about my tests unless they ask, mainly because I don't want to talk about it. I don't even tell my DH. Love the Joey and clarinet story and the dog. I wish your DD could get a little video of that! Too funny.

    Julie, I assume the girl you are DW with is your sister?

    Lala, glad you are feeling better. My mom took that tramadol too and it kept her up, she couldn't sleep. Hoping you can get the insurance issue figured out.

    Lovely DOTD, thanks NM.

    A bit breezy here this morning. Need to see if my neighbor made it up and go see her, didn't get to it yesterday. Busted my butt cleaning, with NO breaks, was in bed and asleep by 7, woke up at 11 pm and could NOT go back to sleep. Tossed and turned for 4 hours, finally went back to sleep at 3 am. Ya see, I can not bring myself to just get up.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Cami - how is your brother?  Hope it wasn't too serious.  Congrats on DD going back to school for esthetian (sp).  Always love the stories about Joey and his music and then the reactions of the cat and dog...tooo funny.

    NM - good info to kno on the Vit D.  Didn't kno there was so many types.  Hope office baby finds a good, loving home.  Just horrible about the fire and those kids.  And the mother  OMG I can’t even imagine.

    Lowee - my niece is doing OK.  Had her 1st liver chemo Thurs.  She said it was painful but was doing better Fri.  She will do this chemo every 3 weeks x3 I think.  She is having a complete hystorectomy on the 26th of this month.  Personally I think that is a lot to take on, but she trusts her docs.  Did the same thing happen in a diff docs ofc not too long ago, or am I dejavu’n?  I just hate to hear about the possibility of high tm’s.  You are brave for waiting, I just kno you’ll have a fab holiday cuz u are strong and resilient too.  ((Lowee))

    Lara - Did your dad make it home safe?  Prayers to your friend.  Glad you are feeling stronger...HUGZ!

    Prn - Am sooo glad you are climbing outta dat wabbit hole, not good to be down there.  I got my meds refilled yest and slept pretty good last night.  Think I’m gonna wean off the Xanax as it has an ingredient (benzodiazepine) that causes Alzheimers.  Several meds in xanax class have it.  Gonna stick to my friend willie for my anxiety. 

    I had to LOL about your hair being chitty...i doubt that.  I hot flash too much for wigs, so will just be patient til it grows out.  Pretzels look wonderful!  Good luck with the show.  Love the logo!

    Dara - what a precious pic of Jessica feeding Logan.  You are blest girlfriend!  No worries about me...I kno u have a full plate...Muah!

    Nancy congrats on being finished with rads.  Oh what a relief, right?

    Think I’m finally caught up.  Sorry if I missed something or someone.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    this nanna stuff is just exhausting.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    6:30 AM

    Good early morning ladies, I went to bed at 10:30 last night so now I'm awake and feeling pretty chitty I might add. I feel like my cold from 6 weeks ago is coming back, I'm not sure I ever really shook it. Oh, these animals! I sat down with my cup of coffee, reclined my chair, put my blanket at the back door...get up feed him, back to chair, recline, blanket on...Junior rings the bells, put Emma on the leash, Jr doesn't need one, I hear Emma fussing, she has wrapped herself around the bird feeder, so I go out unhook her, she comes in, runs to lick up the cat food and all four GSD paws covered in mud....wipe her off, clean up the floor. Coffee is cold, reheat it and now I'll try again..geesh! Anyway, I can't get rid of this sore throat and my sinuses are a mess. Wah...wah..wah..right? Today I'm having Thanksgiving dinner so I gotta shake it off. 7 of us in all plus Nora, I'm doing cornish hens except for stepson's GF who won't eat poultry with bones!?!...... whatever, I couldn't find a farm in Cleveland that raised chickens without bones, must be a Columbus thing, so she's getting salmon. Had fun with my peeps the other night but I think all day with my Nora and than a night of over-indulging has caught up with me. I'm not very patient, I want my old energy back. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm only 9 days out from my last rads and it will take awhile. I want it to just ...Poof!!! .....go away, and we all know that's not the way it works. Nora is cuter than ever and developing such a personality! There is quite a budding sense of humor there too, which her dad has plenty of! Dinner with the girls was great and my DIL came which was nice too. Her grandparents babysat and I think she enjoyed the night out. After dinner 4 of us went to a local watering hole that I haven't been to in prolly 10 year. My DIL's dad goes every Friday night so she got to hang out with him. He's a really nice guy. Then I went back to stay at my friends house and she poured me a glass of wine and next thing I knew it was 5 am, I was still in my clothes, on the couch having a monster hot flash and a mother of a headache! So that's when I got in my jammies and washed my face and took motrin and went back to sleep. I'm still not recovered, I'm getting to old I guess....when did I turn into such a lightweight. Of course it may have had sometin to do with the manhattan and 10 glasses of wine.

    So now time for ketchup.

    Cami, sorry about yer stupid D, hope it's gone today. You crack me up with your stories about Joey, our budding musician! It reminds me of a tv sitcom, I can just picture it like I'm there. The dog howling!! Too funny. I'm not good with names either, especially when there's an accent involved, and I think Ava and Susan do sound a lot alike. We have 1 customer at the shop, she is a german lady..anyway there are 2 of us that work there, I have been cutting and coloring her hair for about 2 years now. I am 5'3, and blond. I have been bald and now have 1 inch hair for almost a year now and before that I wore it pretty short. Tina is 5', very Italian looking, big, black 80's hair, way past her shoulders. The woman cannot tell us apart. She came in to change her appt last week and I wasn't there and she looked at her and said Hi Mary, I need to change my appt. She calls her Mary all the time. So don't feel bad, everybody forgets names.

    Well this was as far as I got this ayem, now it's 7:50PM, the family is gone and my feet are killing me. I've been going since 8 this morning, glad Thanksgiving only comes once a year! Nora can sit in a highchair now and feed herself! That helped a lot!

    NM, thank you so much for the advice, I am taking 5000IU Vit D3/day. I had my vit D tested about halfway thru my chemo and all I know is that it was in the normal range. I have all the records I just have to look it up. I did not know about the AI's and carpal tunnel. It's pretty much in all 10 fingers tho so I think that rules it out. It's worse in the middle of the night when my hand and half my arm goes completely to sleep, then I wake it up, roll over and an hour later it's the other arm. Most of the time during the day it's just tingling on my fingertips. So sad about the fire, oh things can change so much in an instant, such a shame. Hope you got lots of baking done. It's been in the 40's here and I want it to freeze the hell back up. Muddy paw prints...nonstop! Can't keep up with em!

    Grandma Dara, so excited for you and yer daughter. I never did hear, did babydaddy come? Is your daughter doing ok now after the blood transfusion? Is she home? I've never been to Disney World, it prolly wouldn't be my first choice for a girls out vacay either but I'll go with the group. Hi Lori, hoping tests come back poifect. I wouldn't be able to wait, but that's just me. Glad you get to see your neighbor and little buddy, hope it was ok. I gave myself the Neulasta shots, just did them in my hip, they were $5700 each.

    PRN, love the logo, sorry about the eyelashes and fingernails, that just sucks. I hear ya about the wabbit hole, one day I'm feeling good like it's all behind me and then bam I feel like shit again. I just want the old me back. Woohoo on conjugal visits!

    Nancy!!!.... CONGRATS!!!! yay!! so glad yer done! Love the picks of the sweet little ones, and that Jackson, so cute! Nora has added owl to her vocabulary only it comes out ow-will. Doggy and daddy sound the same but she points to the one she means. Still working on gramma...

    Lara, cyn, suzie and everbody else, I'm out of steam, have to go to sleep now. Love to all! Sweet dreams!

    Pics to follow

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Me and my DIL


    Me with my peeps.


    Me and Molly


    And of course, my Nora!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Oops, missed a lot since this morning, all cought up reading... love you all

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited November 2014

    Hiya Girls!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I am trying to play ketchup too. Maybe now that the kids are out of school for a few days and I am walking without the crutches and just have the air boot, I can get back on track. I am in my holiday funk though. I just HATE them any more :-( Family drama fo shoah.

    AnyHoo! I just wanted to pop in and say Hello and wish DW-Julie bestest of luck tomorree! I be ready for the UFO when it swings past GA on de way to FL!!

    So glad it appears things is on the up swing for the Loungettes !!

    LUBS and HUGZ tot all.


  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hey everyone I had to get caught up! Im healing well. My underneath is almost healed but my side where my boost were done is still very raw and red and blistered. I am still very very fatigued but I know it will get better with time. I started my Tamoxifen yesterday.

    Lori Jackson wanted a Cosmo. Lol. He is in this copying stage where he wants what ever Nana or Papa has or is doing. Papa drives a Blue Ford Truck so Jackson thinks he has a blue truck too.

    Genny I love your pictures and you look great! I wish we could all meet up sometime. But when its warm or somewhere where it is warm. I cant handle this dang cold weather.

    Cammi I cant wait to hear about the concert.

    Dara I cant wait to see more pictures of little Logan. I hope your DD is doing better.

    Mema lubs ya and hugs hope your feeling good!

    Love all you girls!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good morning all,glad to hear you girls are all healing.

    really want my cup of tea this morning!

    hows the nanna business? darla

    genny you look great ps ,magic kingdon is dry but there is booze in all the other parksHappy

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Morning girls, ahhh, feeling rested. I went to sleep at 9:30 and it did the trick. Very windy and dark here, I'm gonna take furbabies to daycare today. DH is going out of town and I don't want to deal with them when I get home from work. "school" usually wears them out. I'm only working today and Wed this week, DH off after Wed and I'm buying Thanksgiving dinner already made since it's just DH, me and MIL. So we are prolly gonna paint our bedroom next weekend.

    NM, I think you asked me about Junior and the bells and I don't remember if I ever answered. We bought a long thing of jingle bells on a leather thing that hangs on the door knob. Every time we let him outside we took his paw and rang the bells and them let him out. He caught on pretty quickly. I'm not sure that Emma gets it but when she wants out, Junior rings them for her.

    4-lynn, good to see you back and glad to hear you're off the crutches.

    Sue, I hear ya about the hot flashes and the wig. My DH payed $500 for mine and I wore it maybe 10 times and always took it off the minute I got in the car. I can't entertain the idea of going off my Xanax right now, I need it to sleep, I didn't know about the relation to alzheimers but I'll have to take my chances. The willie just makes me eat everything in the house.

    Lala, I tried Tramadol when I was getting chemo, it would put me to sleep but only for a few hours. Good luck with the insurance thing. I hafta call about mine tomorrow, I hate dealing with it so much. Hope your friend is tolerating the chemo ok.

    Nancy, glad you're healing, it does take awhile, I still have a small open area but the redness is almost completely gone.

    Julie, in yer pocket!

    Everybody else, gotta get ready for work, have a good day all!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Rain coming in today, and lots of wind, Yeah!Exciting weather!At least it's warm.

    ORLA-- it is very annoying when the TV and internet are out, isn't it?

    Goldie--yup, baking breads.Made 2 loaves of oatmeal bread for me, 2 loaves of a new recipe of cranberry orange bread, both "failed", burned on the edges, not cooked in the middle, came out of the pan in pieces.Tastes really good, though.Did one in a glass pan, one in stoneware.Either I messed up somehow or the recipe needs tweaking somehow.2 Loaves of Finnish Coffee Bread, one going to the office, one to one of my patients.And a pot of chicken dumpling stew.And I'm with you, not likely to get out of bed in the night unless I really need to pee!

    Mema--Time will tell about Office Baby's ultimate placement. My co-coworker and her DH would like to keep him, they just finalized adoption of Office Baby's older brother.In the meantime, Office Baby is getting lots of attention, socialization and lovin' on.Praying for your niece.She has a lot going on, praying all goes smoothly for her.

    Dara--{{{{{hugs}}}}} for tired Nanna!

    Genny--Agenda for the day--Let animals in, let animals out, let animals in, let animals out, rinse and repeat.I hear you! Stepson's GF will not eat chicken with bones?Does that mean she doesn't eat chicken or only boneless chicken breasts?Talk about picky eaters!No, the rads recovery will take a while.For the first two weeks after rads is over you are still getting the effects of the last 2 weeks of treatment--there is a 2 week lag from time of treatment to time of feeling the effects.You won't start improving until week 3.I've read that a body needs 2 weeks of recovery time for every week of rads treatment.Be patient with yourself!I can just picture little Nora in a high chair stuffing her face with the rest of the family, what fun!What you are describing in your arms and hands sounds very much like the carpal tunnel like syndrome that the AI's can cause-- I had it, it would wake me up at night if I didn't wear a wrist brace, and it did affect the whole hand.


    4--I hear you about the holiday blues!Glad the mobility is better, though!

    Collett--It's such fun when little ones get to the copying everything stage!Does little Jackson get kool-aide Cosmos to drink?

    Julie--Hmm, Magic Kingdom is dry?Maybe our get together will need to be at Epcot or one of the other parks.At least in the evenings, right?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    International Bartender's Association Official Cosmopolitan

    4 cl Vodka Citron

    1.5 cl Cointreau

    1.5 cl Fresh lime juice

    3 cl Cranberry juice

    Preparation Add all ingredients into cocktail shaker filled with ice. Shake well and double strain into large cocktail glass. Garnish with lime wheel.

    Notes The drink should be a frothy bright pink colour

    Standard garnish:Lemon slice, lime wedge

    Standard drinkware: Cocktail Glass (Martini)

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Just saw this on Facebook:

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    LDB, a complete hyst. in 2 days? AND doing chemo? Painful chemo? Does she have a port? Sending her prayers that this chemo kicks the RB to the curb. Yes, the same thing happened to me at that doctors office, with that same nurse! I not brave for waiting, I just don't want it to ruin the holiday, especially since my step daughter and her fiance will be here.

    LOL, exhausting being a nanna!!! But you gotta love it, right?

    Wow Mary, you have to fix something separate for SS's GF? Hmmmmm! AND you got Thanksgiving dinner done in the middle of your post....LOL! Nora is getting to be so grown. Sitting in a high chair now. Funny how the price of those Nuelasta shots vary so much, I think mine were like $7000. I did not get to see my neighbor. There was a little front that was coming in and they were afraid of running into bad weather, so they left very early, and it did nothing. They just peeps! Love all of the pictures. The DIL, that is Nora's mommy, right? How cute that Junior rings the bells for Emma. YOu mentioned the insurance thing to Lara, and it made me remember about the trouble you had cuz they sent you somewhere out of pocket for your chemo...whatever happened with that?

    Hey 4, I hear ya about not liking the holidays. This Thanksgiving is good for me, as we have company coming, then right before Xmas, we'll be heading to CA. How is that foot feeling? Sorry bout all the drama. No drama for this mamma, that's for sure.

    Nancy, that's a bwue

    NM, sorry for the fail on  your bread. I don't bake, so I wouldn't have a clue what needs tweaking, glad it tasted good tho. I hope the Finnish bread is yummy and your patient will be so grateful. Any plans for Thursday, or are you working TH and FR? Ya just can't copy and paste from FB anymore.

    Ahhhhh Monday.....UGh! I need to crack down on my paperwork. Started it last week, got through half of the month, went to put the folders away and I had spent half the day doing Octobers paperwork, which was alread done!!!! I needs a cosmo!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls,

    Baby and new mommy are home, were discharged on Saturdey. DD is doing a fantabulous job with the baby. I am just in aw over this.

    Baby Daddy is back in the picture but thankfully he is working in Washington DC for the past week and wll not be back until late Wednesday. I expressed my opinion on him and upset my DD. My hands are tied, it hurts so bad.

    Sorry all about me, I have caught up reading but gotta fly. Jess and Logan stayed with me last night, we are heading back to her house. I have a dr appt for a test on my hand this afternoon and a hair appt tonight. I took my first shower today in two days, I smell good now, just like Cammy. The sent is Irish Spring. Men like it but woman love it. so they say or sumting like dat. anywho.... love you girls and thanks for all the kind words.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    DW Juliet, I am in your pocket too. Prayers that everything goes perfectly and for an easy recover.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014

    Wahhh ...cant see anything NM..what is it?

    stopping in to say HEY!!!!

    Glad to hear you are healing a little Nancy..remember those Rads are still doing their thing at least 2 weeks after TX will feel chipper again in no time atoll.

    Julie..crack me up with the booze in other Disney parks....true that! 

    Oh we forget how tiring an infant can be..he is precious tho and you don't mind.. hehe...Im envious.  How is Jess doing now?

    How are you feeling Orla?

    Genny..what is your real name again?  Im funcused. Love your pics and what a sweet little girl your Nora is..awesome blonde hair. cutie patootie.

    Lori..when do your guest arrive? 

    What are everyones plans for Turkey Day?? Im working so I'll be cking in here with you all.

    My Turkey day will be Wednesday.

    Lots to get prepared for now with the holidays approaching fast.  Saturday is the Venice Holiday Parade...Its one of my fav things this time of year and this year I am a participant .  I'll post pics after the event..

    Hope everyone has a great day..

