how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    We all in da UFO for Julie's surgery.  I'm on my Kindle, will have to leave on da ship after I'm shrunk cuz I'll b too little to hold it...teehee.  We're here for you JULIE!

    Mary - GR8 pics of you and gf and Nora.  Just too adorable, jes wanna grab her up and hug hug hug.  Think NM had the answers to your fatigue.  Don't rush, it'll dissipate soon.  Great story about the bells on the door knob and too cute that Junior rings them for Emma, LOL.

    4 - good to hear from you again.  No more crutches,just an airboot, woohoo.  Sorry u feel funk during the holidays but I kno what PITA's family can be.  My DD dropped a frozen turkey and smashed her big toe to bits.  She too is in a boot this week.  But she is still going to host our Turkey dinner.  She's a trooper.  Hope you manage to keep your spirits up thru the holidays.

    Nancy - Funny about Jackson.  Bet he keeps you smiling!  You are healing and the fatigue will pass, still keeping you in my prayers.

    NM - Aww, how sad the bread didnt turn out pretty but sounds like the Finnish Coffee Bread is OK.  Chicken dumpling stew....mmm mmm mmm.  Thanks for prayers for my niece, guess I should tell ya'll her name is Anne.

    Lowee - I tried again as per your instructions and still no pics, so I jes dunno.  And yes with my niece Anne.  Glad you are having company this year...sometimes makes the holidays easier to take.  And then CA for xmas, sounds like fun too.  LOL, did you get your cosmo?

    Dara Dahling - makes my heart swell with pride when u talk about how well Jess is doing with Logan.  Wish baby daddy wud stay in DC permanently.  Just keep letting Jessica kno that you'll b there if she ever needs you.  HUGZ!

    Cyndielouwho - Genny is  Sticking out my bottom lip in a pout cuz u have to work on Turkey Day but good you gonna celebrate day before.  Gonna have the boys right?  Oh boy oh boy, bet the parade will b a blast, can't wait to see pics.

    Have to go now, git in pocket make sure Julie is ok.  Hope we don't make too much noise....clink clink, bottoms up!

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    it is quiet in here.

    just popping in quickly. glad to hear that Julie did well, she cracks me up. I tink we put a little too much alcamahol in her IV.

    I just got Logan to sleep, he is good for 2-3 hours. DD is still very weak but is doing an awesome job. I have to git to bed, I am taking the early am feeding.

    miss you all.

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hello everyone!!

    NM Jackson does get Koolaid Cosmos lol! And Koolaid Margaritas and Koolaid Mojitos lol. He gets hot chocolate coffee too. He has to have everything Nana has the little stinker. He does make my day. And when Samara is over she has to do the same too. She cracked me up the other day because she says Nana your not a girl are you? I said why do you say that? She says cuz you dont have long hair like me. I said well all Nana's and Mommy's are girls but some have short hair and some have long hair and she said Oh well some boys are girls too then cuz they have long hair too huh Nana. I just laughed.

    Cindy I am having everyone at my house on Thanksgiving and we are making Turkey, dressing, sweat taters, taters, cheesy taters , mac n cheese, green bean casserole, rolls, broccoli casserole, corn, apple pie, pecan pie and pumpkin pie and deviled eggs. Of course I told my DD and my SGF that I will need help if they want all this food so they are coming over Wed night to help get ready and also coming over early Thurs to help cook and then my DS and my DD BF will do the dishes.

    For Christmas this momma wants to have two Engagements dam it!! lol My DD and her BF (Jacksons daddy) have been together about 5 years. My DS and his GF are obviously made for each other and in love so when you know it go for it right?

    Mema it's official Im coming to Vegas Dec 8-12 for the AARC National conference so I can get my CEUs and wont loose my license. I just made my flight reservations and my hotel reservations. I am going to be staying at the Luxor. My brother is coming with me. He needs a couple of CEUs too and I told him I didnt want to go alone. He is the one that started the DME company with me. He is our CEO and I am our Clinical Operations Officer. I got good news from my PCP today too. I can go back to work PT on Dec 1. No patient care but I can work in the office doing in-servicing and can go to physician offices and market and in service them on our equipment etc and get us ready for our accreditation.

    Dara I am glad that your little Logan and DD are home. Now you can relax some and enjoy him and the Holidays some. Have fun snuggling with him. Cole sporting his Christmas Sweater

    This is my baby Cole sporting his Christmas Sweater




    My Snowman Tree


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Great photos Mary and Nancy, love seeing them here.

    I just did a 2:15 feeding and my little genious is already holding onto the little bottle, I just could not believe it. He has such personality. when he does not want his binky, he flings it across the room. we clean it and try again and he does it again.

    So Nancy and Mema having facetime, woooo hooooo.

    I am beat, going back to bed.

    cheers mi ladies!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Julie, as I wrote yesterday morning, I was thinking of you the entire time and throughout the day. I went back and read my post, and see that I wrote NOTHING of being with you at the hospital. OF COURSE I WAS THERE! I think I was thinking so much of you, that I felt as though I posted. Anyways, I hope you are doing well and I think we need to have another party there in your room. BTW, how are you feeling?

    Dork, my prayers are for all good things for your DD and baby Logan. What exactly did you say to baby daddy. And lets just wait and see if he can live up to that name...DADDY. Lucky you, getting the early morning feeding! Funny that he doesn't want his binky.

    Lucy, my guests arrive Wednesday afternoon and will be here until Friday. Let me guess, you are hooping in the parade? Who are you spending Wednesday with?

    LDB, your poor DD, dropping the frozen turkey on her foot. Oh boy, I'll bet she let out a whole lotta words, I know I would have. Well shoot on the pictures. Now I don't have a clue. You can email them to me and I'll post for you, iffin you like. I had my Cosmos in the surgery room.

    Nancy, you just never know what little ones are gonna say. LOL about long/short hair from Samara. I hope your Christmas wishes come true and you will have 2, well really 3, new family members. Cole looks very handsome, and I love your decorations, especially the stairs with stockings.

    NM, waiting to hear how the finnish bread turned out.

    I have to quit going to bed so early! Up again in the middle of the night....ugh!

    DOTD-Raise a glass to the new Royal arrival! IT'S A BOY!

    Celebrate the birth with a cool blue cocktail. Simply mix a dash of Monin Blue Curacao syrup, 20ml lime syrup and 40ml gin. Pour ingredients straight into a glass filled with ice and top with lemonade, stir and serve.

    Cheers, your highnesses!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Julie....breakfast is served! Good morning. Do you go home today?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!It rained like a sun-of-a-gun at times yesterday, but surprisingly little accumulation.Very warm this ayem, with a winter storm watch in place for later today into Turkey Day ayem.Gotta love weather in Maine!

    Goldie--there are 2 things I look at first when a new recipe fails, first is did I follow the recipe as written (I'm notorious for tweaking recipes) and the oven temp.My oven tends to run a bit hot, andI've unconsciously adapted either the temp or the baking time on my regularly used recipes.The cranberry orange recipe also calls for peeled, cut up orange sections, and the oranges I have right now are VERY juicy, so it may have needed more flour to offset the extra fluid, or less fluid added.The FinnishCoffee Bread tasted pretty good, but got baked just a tad too long, gonna make another batch and watch the baking more closely before I take it to the patient.I am not working tomorrow, am working Friday.Woops, didn't realize the pic didn't work, looked like it worked!Hmm, got to see if I can find it again.

    Dara--Glad DH and baby are home, hopefully sperm donor will not work out and go away.But like you say, hands are tied.Prayers aren't, though!

    CynCyn--I'll go look for it again in a minute! Turkey Day was going to be with Mom and Dick.Dick has a new great-grand baby, baby's grandmother, (Dick's ex, with mental health issues) will not allow Dick to see the new baby at her home (where baby and baby's mom live).Dick's son is having the whole family over to T-day feast tomorrow, so Mom and Dick are going so as to see the new baby for the first time.So I 'm staying home, watching the snow, probably baking.Don't feel bad for me, though, my brother and his wife are coming up in December and we are doing a combined T-day and Christmas celebration, so all I'm missing is a second turkey dinner!

    Mema--Praying for Anne, still.And yeah, the breads tasted good, but weren't very presentable!

    Collett--ah, the innocence of babies!Hooray for back to work!Part time/light duty is a great first step!Baby Cole is adorable in his sweater! Love the Snowman tree!

    Goldie--Great baby boy drink!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    The New Royal Arrival

    Celebrate the birth with a cool blue cocktail. Simply mix a dash of Monin Blue Curacao syrup, 20ml lime syrup and 40ml gin. Pour ingredients straight into a glass filled with ice and top with lemonade, stir and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Found it, lets try this another way: (apologies if it posts twice)



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Good morning!

    I am baby sitting while my DD goes to therapy for her depression. I am loving this, reminds me so much of the days when I was right where Jessica is.

    Julie, thinking of you.

    Have not read everything but will catch up.

    Prayers for the innocent in Ferguson MO. The St. Louis area was my territory at work for a number of years. It was a great territory although I do not remember doing any loans in Ferguson. I am sick over what is happening. Perhaps I should turn off the news.....

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    Free Thanksgiving meals in Lancaster and Palmdale

    by K. Enrique • 


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    OMG Im so far behind, I thought I was here yesterday, but then again I woke up this morning thinking it was Saturday. I'm messing up more than usual.

    Oh all the pics I always like ur pics, makes me feel closer to everyone too. And I can just imagin Jackson being somewhere and asked what he's like to drink and him saying a Cosmo, cuz it will happen.

    Dara u mommy instincts are all returning but this time it's funner, when they are born and so young all u can see is purity and almost a glow around them, it's hard to describe. I never saw it with my own, but grandchildren are different. I swear my own had their hair shaped like little horns.

    Lori my sweetheart u know U showed me what to do and u've got to know I forgot, Joey tried to show me again and I'm useless trying to learn, well anything much more.Thinking about the xanax and dementia I've been on it since 1988 so who knows now I have more reasons for my brain not living up to it's standard So Lori I'm having a hard time learning anything new or remembering maybe that's why.--and don't forget I'm almost 70. I just love u so and I hate disappointing you

    Nancy and Mary be patient u'r bodies have been thru that old time washing ringer (as far as I'm concerned), but u 2 are so active it's amazing.

    444 I hope u feel better and have time to heal properly.

    Julie I must have known it was Monday yesterday cuz I remember saying a special prayer for u and Dara said everything went well and now we're anxious to hear from you and tell the truth how u feel.

    SusyQ I love u'r posts, u can make throw up sound like fairy dust. Sounded disgusting but I hope u know what I mean

    Lara u'r better, I hope--scary movies are scarce this time of year, all happy crummy ones are on.

    NM I can't believe u'r rebaking some things u have so much patience and how nice that u bring them for u'r patients. And so many good DOTD's  I want to taste every one.

    Well everyone has plans for Thanksgiving one way or another I still don't I might want to go somewhere but I don't know where yet--Oh I am going out with my sister and cousing Sunday one of our GF's is coming in frm FL so that's good

    Oh my poor brother--U know he's had a few operation over time and he never ever said anything hurt and always said fine. Well his knee was operated on 4 months ago and he said the pain is excrutiating so they can't figure it out, they clean it up but they are still waiting for cultures and he's kind of doped up. I didn't realize he was already in FL now and my other brother is leaving today to come back for the holiday and now they are basically alone there. My SIL has some kind of chronic vertigo so she's not much help--I don't know what they are going to do--they have friends there but a lot are coming back for the holiday and he's still in the hospital. What a mess

    Oh Cyn this Sat. sounds like lots of fun and decent weather---good.

    OK I've got some calls here I let go to voice mail and I have to get back to. I think I told u my Boss (cousin) had their baby last week but to early so he's still in the hospital but doig well, he's 5lbs so that's pretty good, so I try not to aggrevat to much, not easy, not easy.

    I Lubs u all so much.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Dara - too funny about Logan throwing his pacifier.  Gonna b a smart kid mese tinks.  Turn off the news...too depressing.

    Julie- waiting to hear from you.  We didn't notice anything unusual during ur surgery, course doc had such a cute bootie we spent most da time in his back pockets.

    Nancy - sounds like you'll have a busy holiday.  Cool on coming in on the 8th.  I have to be in too for a doc and tx appt on Monday the 8th altho I don't have the time yet.  What time do you arrive on Monday?  Love love the pics you are definately in the spirit!

    Lowee - LOL yea I bet she let go with a stream and the screams.  Not funny but it is, I can't hailp it.

    NM - Love the pic.  Jealous I can't get one to post, but I'll keep trying.

    Cami - Your DD not cooking?  Sorry to hear about your brother, prayers going out to him.

    Gotta run girls, lubslubslubslubslubs ya all!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    Hello all,on my kindle so apologise for the spelling,or I could blame the drugs,I did hear a lot of clinking yesterday,you could have the do make you to all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    yay Julie in the lounge. girl YOU are funny, you should take pain meds for fun more often lol. Sending more prayers for an easy recovery.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    I took a photo of Logan holding his bottle but it was a selfie and did not come out well. I will try to share it anyway.

    Love you all. Sorry I am so short. which btw, I just found out yesterday that I have shrunk an inch and a half. wtf, I am no longer 5'6! I am the incredibly shrinking Dara Diverse, queen of DIversity. hehe.

    I pray for all of my goils who are on the mend. Peace out girls.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014


    five days old and look at my big boy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    He,s gorgeous

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    tha nks Julie!

    I saw something funny on facebook today, it said "I am not addicted to alcamahol, alcamahol is addicted to me" lol.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    geez, you girls are party poopers. I bese dwinking with Logan. I did two feedings, such a great feeling. Please try not to be jealous of me, I know I am awesome tehehe!

    Hello all, come on in and join me~it is boring here again tonight. I mighten make a motion to throw you so called dwunks outta de lounge ~ jest kidding! Love you all so much.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014


    "I will find you"

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, it's finally, really Wednesday. Treid to make it Wednesday all day yesterday.Long day, too.But over with now, today will probably be a long day again, but such is life, right?Still warm out, but should change through the day today.Again, we wait and see.

    OMG time--just saw an item on the news. There was a bunch of people protesting near the police station in the big town where I work.They are protesting a police officer involved shooting that happened somewhere else in the US, and chose the PD as their protest ground because they have such a good relationship with the Bangor Police and know they would be safe there.Carrying signs with messages dissing the police.Oh, the irony!

    Dara--enjoy baby time!

    Cammy--I enjoy baking and I enjoy cooking in general, like playing with, and sometimes even creating, recipes.Now if only I didn't like to eat what I cook so much!Your poor brother!I am praying for him and for your family.So confusing, sometimes, this medical stuff.So exciting to have a new baby in the family, glad he's doing well!Will be praying for baby, and family, too.

    Mema--to get pics to show sometimes I have to copy or save the pic on my computer, then sometimes I can copy and paste from My Pictures, sometimes I have to click on the little square with the mountain in it, browse to My Pictures and double click on the pic I wantNot sure why one way works one time and not another, but there it is!

    Julie--Hey, there, Lady!Glad to hear from you!

    Dara--Oh, my, how DARLING!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Turkey Feather

    1/4 oz Amaretto

    1/2 oz Drambuie

    2 oz Bourbon


    Stir and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice. Add a slice of orange, and serve.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2014

    image kk I am trying to post funny pics its not letting me

    Anyway I hope everyone is getting ready for Turkey day

    Ill b at my fathers and then moms later when she gets bk from visting my brother, She makes her own food its funny, she does not like their food.

    We are getting slammed with snow today they say.....................

    Love the baby Dara, No disney???

    I have a tatoo about dreams, they are very interseting portals to your sub-conscience. Grab a dream book or you can look them up online the meaning.

    uggg I am trying to think of the posts, sounds like everyone is OK

    kk I will try to post pics

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    NM, so sweet of you to want to make another loaf of the Finnish Bread for your patient, as you want it perfect. I think I would be the same way too. Good luck. I believe you are off today, of course I'm typing as I read your post from 24 hours ago, so I may get my answer in a bit. The juicy oranges make sense for the middle of the bread not to be cooked. Such a shame that Dick is not allowed to see his grand baby. Nice that your brother will be there in Dec. Love the wine truck. I'll get one of the Tenders to get in front of it, in a vehicle and slam on their brakes, causing an accident! And another to bring cheese and crackers! So how are you posting pictures from FB? Nevermind, you answered. Pretty much the same as what I do. Ok, you are off and up early on your day off! What about tomorrow?

    Dara, I sure hope your DD doesn't go into a deeper depression. My ex SIL had terrible depression after her last baby, and for no reason. I know you are enjoying every minute of him. What does your dad think? We know you are preoccumapied with that bundle of joy, so it's good to see you poop in for just a few moments. Love to see pictures of him. So so cute. Give him a kiss from me, make that several. In his neck and on the bottoms of his tootsies.

    Oh gosh Cami, your clock was really messed up. But you have an excuse...Xanax. And you my darling are anything but a disappointment to me, or anyone else for that matter. But I must say, I think you remember things pretty well! Hmmmmm, throw-up sound fairy dust? Too funny. Have you figured on any plans for tomorrow yet? Will you have some turkey somewhere tomorrow? At least you have somewhere to go for Sunday. So sorry about your brother, I hope they can get it all figured out. And a new baby in the family? Boy or Girl?

    LDB, I'm wif you on turning off the news. We have it on in the mornings, but I'm here wif you goils, so not really listening to it. And certainly not watching it.

    Wow, DW in the house, and just after major surgery!!! You must be doing well Jules. When do you get released and how long is your sister there?

    Good morning Lala. Are you doing any cooking? Pictures have just become a big PITA. I hope you don't get too much snow. Weather here during the day has been sunny and will be in the 50's and 60's for the next ten days. I'll take it!

    My step daughter and fiance will be here this afternoon. Looking forward to the company. DH has been having some numbness in his leg, so went to the doctor yesterday (I stayed home). He left in the morning and didn't get back until after dark! They sent him for blood work, then an ultra sound and then x-rays. We still don't know what it is, but it is NOT a blood clot, which I think was their first concern.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Good morning girls,

    Mommy Dara here reporting for doooty. I slept for four hours last night, prolly the most sleep I had in a night over the past week. My little angel is one week old today.

    NM, nope your work day is fast and easy. I hope the protests your way are at least peaceful. I will not say much about this whole thing, people have a right to their opinions. But I will say that it is such a shame that this has become such a racial thing. This is the year 2014 and we are all equal regardless of race or color. And to see people burning up their town and looting just makes me ill. The business owners did nothing wrong and had nothing to do with the incident. My opinion is that some thugs are being opportunists with the looting and others just causing their fellow townspeople and our government so much money. The protests are fine but no need to violence. Enuff about that, I could rant on about it.

    Lori, my DD is feeling fantastic mentally, I could not be more proud of her dedication as a mother. She has not even been on her facebook and blocked her wall from comments so that she can focus all of her attention on Logan. I had horrible PPD and it started right away. I am hopeful that the PPD does not add to my daughters issues. Thanks for your thoughts and good vibes. Thanks to all who have commented. Enjoy your company Lori. I have been praying for good results. I love your tude goil, you go!

    Camille, congrats on the new baby cousin! I hope you get to meet him soon. And i am praying for your brother. I really hope you are up to getting out tomorrow and joining your family. I assume your DD is going elsewhere? I want you to be with Joey too. You crack me up but please be kind to yer darnself woman. Dont make me send the tenders to spank ya.

    Lara, good to see your purdy face in here. It is now raining ice balls here, supposed to get ugly. I have to drive my DD to group therapy at 10am and pick her up at 1pm, hope it does not get too bad. Enjoy TG at both your Mom and Dad's house ~ gooble gooble google says the turkeys. I am staying home with Jess and Logan. It is too soon to take baby out into the world of germs. I will prolly have a wawa Turkey Gobler sammie lol. Not really, I will eat a lean cuisine, prolly fetucinni alfredo with chicken and give mese tanks for the food and more tanks for mese new grandson. I hope you are feeling well, miss ya here.

    Nancy, loved the pics you posted, your tree is beautanimous. I have to get to your fb page to see what all the excitement is about but it sounds like you mighten have a new DIL and a new sweet step-grandbaby. I hope you are feeling better. You are very brave with hosting TG. I hope you are healing well too. Enjoy your family, espcially those gorgeous kiddies!

    My dahling Mary, your last post is on another page and I cant remember what you said. I can though remember that beautiful photo of Nora, she is just beautiful. I tink mese Logan gonna be a smart one like your Nora. But of course all of our kiddies are the best arent they? I hope you are not working too hard, good to hear that you are back to work but I imagine it is still exhausing. It is time to move on, so glad the treatments are behind both you and Nancy!

    DW, you are a funny goil. I loved your desisner gown you posted on FB, I lol everytime I see it. You are in my prayers, keep taking the good drugs and add some wine and some chocolate and you will feel great and be back to whoring at Disney in no time at'all.

    I have been copying my text as I type into the clipboard, take that gremlins. well I am hearing a peeping sound so better get moving. Hello to everyone I missed, sending much peace and much love to all of my goils.

    Peace and love, love and peace!


  • princessrn
    princessrn Member Posts: 270
    edited November 2014

    Julie... Hope you felt me in your pocket? Enjoy your drugs for a bit!!!

    NM.... Too bad on the breads. I do the same with recipes a bit

    Dara.... Super cute pookie baby.

    Everyone stay warm. Happy holidays

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    Good Morning my Ladies---HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVE.

    Lots going on but it's the season.

    Dara I can't get over how wide Logan's eyes are, aren't they usually half closed at one week? He's beautiful and his skin is poifect. I always notice strange things It's amazing how much they always change and how little they are--Look when we started with Nora this tiny little beautiu baby and now she's grown so, and I think Nancy started a little later and his smile is infectious--how thank full  for this Holiday/--Our baby is a boy but doing good in the hospital shoud be home soon, but did I tell u his mother (who is a dream) has epilepsy, So I really don't have much of  a clue how this will be handled.-

    And I talked to my brother last nite he culture still hasn't come thru, they are putting a pic in him today for anti'B's so it's still a mess and my SIL has not been there she has a form of vertigo and can't go anywhere herself and all their FL friends came back to Chicago for the Holiday, including my other brother. He just wants to be here so he can be with his own Dr's so he's pretty much doped up---the first time in his life he's taken pain meds hahaha We talked for a while and he actually said how smart I am--he has never said that I called my sister and she didn't believe me--I said I think he should live on pin meds forever.

    Oh Julie I loved reading u'r post, u must be feeling well OK at least but have to tell us exctly how it went cuz most of us were drunk in that pocket.

    Genny and Nancy so glad u'r done, personally I have never seen burns like that, I can't imagine how painful that is, and u both kept on pluggin along

    Lori the minute u know anything tell us, but I pray it will be good.

    Hi SusyQ, I love u'r avatar BTW u llook so happy so when I read anything of think of u'r smiley face.

    Lara u seem better and that's so good to hear.

    Again NM good DOTD. I didn't know u like to bake AND cook, OMG the thought of either one just tires me out. But when I was younger I did have fun baking and decorating- Joey and I do some at the Holidays but he does most of it.

    And I don't know if or what I'm doing Tomorrow yet, so I'll just see .But I hope every one here has a joyous Thanksgiving.

    LUBS U ALL. 

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    Mommy Dar'est - that is a gr8 pic of logan trying to hold his baba.  I think he has his mothers eyes.  What?!?! no turkey on Turkey day, unheard of.  Jes go get a frozen breast and roast it for u, dad, Jess and Logan.  Or is dad going to be at your sisters?  Mayb they can bring ya a plate of turkey?  If I was there'd I'd cook ya up a big feast for Logan 1st Thanksgiving.  We are driving into LV jes for the evening, come back later Thurs night.  DH has to work Thurs & Fri so it'll be a quick and tiring day but worth it to be with my family.

    Julie - hey hey, went pretty well didn't it.  We tried to pop out and share our dwinkies but was askeerd we'd spill.  Glad you back among us crazies!

    NM - protests going on all over for the Ferguson, MO grand jury decision not to prosecute the police officer.  I'm with Dara, the thugs were just looking for opportunity to steal and destroy property, and from their own mind you.  Outrageous!  Those directions for posting is exactly what I do so I jes dunno.

    Lara - Hope you don't get snowed in.  Funny your mom takes her own food...LOL.

    Lowee - Been about same temps here too.  Not too shabby.  Hope your DH gets some answers, but good it was not a blood clot.  Enjoy your company!

    Hi Prn - Do you have Goodman Sweets up and running on the internet?  Getting close to time for me to order some goodies.

    Cami - It is cool that we can all be involved with the little ones on this thread.  Does my heart good to see all the cootiepatootie pics of the babes and kids.  Praying for your baby boy and your brother.  And you are smart, bout time he realized it!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014


    We'll see if this works!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Well I'll be.  I swear I've been going it same way all along.  It's the gremlins!!!