how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    i'm home,so off to bed for a nap. path back -all Happyb9

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2014
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    imageI hope everyone has a great day.

    YAHOO Julie.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Happy Snowy Turkey Day, Loungettes!  I am indulging in one of my T-day traditions of watching the early morning news team cooking a Thanksgiving Meal.  It started a few years ago with deep fried turkey that didn't cook through. The next year it over cooked.  The third year the turkey fried well but the lemon merange pie caught on fire while they were using a propane torch to brown the merange peaks.  Something has caught on fire ever since.  It's a running joke that the Fire Dept has a pool every year about what time during the 3 hour show something catches fire.  They usually send a couple guys over with industrial fire extinguishers, as a joke.  This year the FD is busy with downed trees and power lines, car rollovers and extrications, so no one at the studio.  This year the news team is cooking everything in brown paper bags.  Turkey, apple pie and asparagus.  It's hilarious to watch them "following" a recipe.  The steamed asparagus called for a lemon sliced paper thin and added to the bag, they cut a lemon in half, then cut a thick slice off one half, tossed the thick slice and the rest of the half, left the other half on the counter.  I'm pretty sure the lemon was supposed to provide some of the fluid for the steam, gonna be interesting to see how that turns out.  The recipe said to "throw" the asparagus into the bag, so the guy did just that, held the bag with one hand and THREW the asparugs into the bag.  Every one was cracking up.  On the counter is a very, very baked potato.  They found it in the over when they went to put the turkey in.  Now it's a paperweight for the recipes they are using. Just laughable.  On a not so funny note, I'm listening to the scanner and there was just a call come through about a power company truck has rolled over, originally someone was still inside, second page indicates he had gotten out of the truck, no apparent injuries.  Lots of people without power this ayem.  I haven't measured yet but it looks like about a foot of snow and still coming down, but supposed to taper off and be done by lunch time. 

    ORLA--I've done that from time to time, looking up things in my dreams on line.  Get some funny interpretations, but some are really intersting.  I'm looking forward to a very leisurely day today. 

    Goldie--It's actually a good thing that I decided to retry the Finnish Coffee bread recipe, the patient gave more info about how she made it.  She didn't braid it, she did indivudual balls in a baking pan, sounds like a pull apart bread or similar to Monkey Bread, so I'm going to do it that way this time.  I've got to admit I am having a lot of fun with this project!  I am off today, not going anywhere and not at all unhappy about that.  Going to enjoy the pretty snow and do some baking.  I have the news on in the mornings, but mostly use it for timing and to try and catch the weather.  Sometimes a particular news item catches my attention.  Glad DH doesn't have a blood clot!  Have a good day with the family. 

    Dara--the local protests are peaceful.  In fact, they are generally so laid back you don't even know they are there unless you look for them.  I just find it amusing that people protesting police actions choose the vicinity of the local police department for their protest site because they feel safest there! Can you say contradictory? 

    PRN--at least the breads tasted good, right?  So not total fail. 

    Cammy--sounds like your brother is on some good drugs!  Praying the infection clears up quickly.  Yeah, I think cooking is fun--when I have time and energy to do it and deal with the cleanup.  got to get back in the habit of prepping freezer meals and getting a week's worth of stuff ready on the weekend.  A crock pot is a wonderful thing for a working gal!

    Mema--it is fun to be involved, even virtually, with the babies on this thread, isn't it? 

    NICE PIC!!!!! 

    Julie--I laugh like that, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Pumpkin Pie Martini

    2 ounces vanilla vodka
    2 ounces white creme de cacao
    1/4 cup heavy cream
    1.5 tablespoons of pumpkin puree (pie mix)
    1 dash of ground nutmeg (for garnish)
    Powdered graham cracker (for the rim)
    Rim two martini glasses with crushed graham cracker. Fill a shaker with ice and add the vodka, creme de cacao, cream and pumpkin puree. Shake well until it’s chilled. Strain into the martini glasses. Sprinkle the ground nutmeg on top for garnish.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    GranDara, I hope the weather cooperated for you, and you didn't get stuck in dangerous driving. Wow, a 3 hour group therapy session? I pray for no depression and only happiness for your DD.

    Cami, your cousins wife has epilepsy, I'm sorry to hear that. But certainly she is on drugs to help control it? That would be just terrible to be holding your baby and then have a siezure. My prayers to them. Oh, and I'm sorry your brother is stuck in FL and his wife can't drive, what a mess. I hope they can figure out what's wrong. My prayers are for them as well. I will prolly hear from the docs on Monday.

    That's a lot of runnin around there LDB. You and DH be safe and don't let your van get dwunk! That is just so flippin weird that you can't post pictures. I can't figure it out. Please send them to me, I'll post. OMG, you got it! I LOVE IT! ANd YES to the babies and little ones here. Speaking of, how are yours doing? About time for a pic of them. I just love your little Maddie, she is such a sweetheart. And I'm sure AM is too.

    YAy JULIE, all B9, but we kind of knew that, right. Rest and heal girl, Disney is waiting for you to come back! I laugh like that sometimes when there's not even anything funny!

    Hiya Alyson, is it Thanksgiving in your neck of the woods?

    NM, that sounds like a good tradition. I'm assuming it's a local news station? Glad you can stay home and not have to go out on those trechorous roads. Let us know about the news station and if anything went awry. Cooking in brown paper bags??? Oh dear, a foot of snow! Sweet of your patient to share her ways of the bread. I hope it turns out poyfect for you, when you attempt it again.

    The Pumpkin Pie Martini is perfect. Ok, who is cooking and for who. Who is going out? Where and with who.
    I'm home cooking for my DH, his DD and her fiance. Turkey, sausage stuffing, mashed potatoes, local corn that I put up, green beans from the garden, cranberries (from a can), grands bisquits and gravy. I think that's it, nothing too extravagent. Wanted to do deviled eggs, but I don't want too much going on!

    I think I'll have some whipped cream on mine. Anyone else? And I toast to all of you wonderful ladies that have come into my life. I only wish that every woman who has to go through this, could have a support group like we have and I thank God for putting you all there. I love you all.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    happy thanksgiving all, hope your day is full of good food and good company

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving girls!

    NM, your story about the news station's cooking fiasco's over the years is too funny! Sending prayers for safety for those in your area. A foot of snow and still coming, wow. That is winter in Maine for ya. Enjoy the peace of the day.

    Lori, I am going to jump on the UFO and join you for dinner. I am staying home this year. Logan is just too young to take him out. Sending prayers for good news for you come Monday. Enjoy your family today. I echo your sentiments regarding the girls here and the support we get. I would be insane without you all.

    Camille, I happen to think that Logan is the prettiest baby ever. He does not look like a baby born vaginally, his little face is shaped so perfectly and he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I am so thankful to have him in our lives. I think we all need to hop on the UFO on Dec 5th and enjoy that concert with your family. I hope you are able to get there or at least see a video. I remember my early concerts when we all sucked. I was of course better than anyone else (patting my own back here). I was born with a God given musical talent. I always wanted to be a professional musician. God only knows how I ended up being in the mortgage bidness. Give Joey a kiss and a hug from me.

    This is for all of you but especially for Julie aka DW! And girl, it is about time that you had a new name. CONGRATS on B9, wooo hooo. Are you having dinner with family today? I hope you are feeling well. And I hope the pic I posted below shows.



    Mema, I LOVE the photo of you, ~cat whistle~ looking good mamma. Your DD's pool is most beautiful. I love the landscaping. I wish I could have a pro redo my landscaping. And I just picked up one of those outdoor propane heaters, it is the best. I am envious that you are able to sit by a pool in the winter time. I could always UFO myself to your place for the day for some warmth! And some sugar from you too, that would be just awesome.

    Lara, Genny, Nancy, 4sew, Alyson and all of my other goils, wishing you the best THanksgiving ever. We all have so much to be thankful for. For starters, the fact that we are all here on the side of the grass is a blessing in itself. We are all warriors in our own way. I just love you all so much and can't imagine life without you.

    Here is a pic of Logan that I stole from my DD and posted to my facebook page. He is just tooo cute. I miss him today, he is with my DD and the sperm donor. Both DD and the SD are getting therapy so here's hoping and praying that they can coexist, get along well for my baby Logan's sake. I hope the pic posts!


    Cheers, love and peace girls. Have a great day all!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving DahhhLinks!

    Julie - yahoo on B9!  Now just rest and heal.  Gotta get started on my projects just wanted to wish all my girls a GR8 day as we count our many blessing.

    Dara - Logan is too precious, praying they both get the help they need.

    NM - love the stories of the morn show foul ups, or should I say 'fowl' ups. 

    Lowee - Thanks.  Maddy should be able to come by for a short visit today.  Am hoping anyway.  Pumpkin drink sounds yummy.  Enjoy your day and company!

    Cami & Allison - and the others I'm missing, Hope you all have a Wonder Wonder Wonderful day....muah muah muah


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2014




  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014


    Happy Thanksgibbing from Jackson and Samara!! We Wubbs all of Nanas friends on da lounge! Nana is sweeping so she will check in water.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Happy Black Friday!I'm working today and NOT looking forward to the traffic, planning to take the long way around any shopping areas.

    Goldie--Yes, it's a local news station.No fires this year, but the turkey didn't get done in time--also not unusual. They also made Dolce de Leche by simmering unopened cans of sweetened condensed milk for I think they said 3 hours, then cooled. The bags are rubbed with oil to keep them from burning.Apparently you have to be picky about the bags you use, something about non-toxic glue and clean, new bags.The food is put in the bag onto a cookie sheet and then put in the oven.Except the turkey is put in a baking pan to catch the drippings.The weather man was disappointed cuz they couldn't make gravy from the drippings!It's always funny.

    Julie--Happy Black Friday! Are you working?

    GrannyDara--The snow finished up by mid-morning, pretty much all cleared up for the most part.Some places still without power, but that's being worked on, too.Not even enough to measure after I cleared off yesterday morning.Of course you think Logan is the prettiest baby ever!He's a handsome boy!

    Mema--LOL "fowl" ups!

    CynCyn-poor Tom Turkey and his nightmare!

    Collett--Adorable!X 2!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Black Friday

    3 part(s) Broker's London Dry Gin

    5 Blackberry (ies)

    3 Grapes Red Seedless

    1 splash(es) Passion Fruit Syrup

    1 dash(es) Grenadine


    Muddle the syrups and fruit together in a shaker. Add ice and the gin, shake and pour into a rocks glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Oh Dorothy, he is so cute. I wish I could hold him. That is awesome that SD is going for therapy with your DD.

    LDB, I hope you got to see your lil sweetie.

    Jackson and Samara sure get along well! 2 cuties!

    Safe travels out today NM.

    We are heading out too. DH ordered a tablet from Amazon, but it won't connect to the internet. So he wants to head to Verizon for an iPad. The kids are still here, dinner was FAB, everything turned out perfect. I think the kids are going to stay an extra day. And we may be heading back to Vegas on Tuesday. CA in about 3 weeks. I JUST WANT TO STAY HOME!!!!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Good day after TG to ya's. I bin popping in and reading and every time I start to type sumptim comes up. Now I'm not leaving this spot till I get done. Pups are restless, tearing around here like maniacs but DH has dog duty and he's sleeping in so I'm ignoring them. OK so see if I can ketchup.

    NM, hope your finnish bread came out good this time around/or will come out good, can't remember if you were doing it or had done it. Oh ok, I just read yesterdays page, you are making the bread and enjoying a leisurely day at home. The news show does sound funny, a foot or more of snow huh? We only have about 2 inches out there. My DH was all set to go golfing yesterday and them we got a dusting overnight, just enough so he couldn't see the ball. He kept hoping it would melt and he could go but it never did, I think he's crazy but he'll golf in just about anything. I've been wearing a splint, alternating it then last night I found the other one and wore both to bed. I do think it helps, numbness woke me up a couple of times but they feel better this ahem. So how long did you have to wear them? Did it just go away? Are you still taking the AI's? Well, hope your day was great and you got lots of snuggle time with Sadie, are you working today?

    Lori, sorry to hear about your DH's leg, glad it's not a blood clot. So far to have to go for emergencies. I'm so spoiled, anything over an hour seems like a long way to me. Hope you all enjoyed your dinner, seems like even a few people can end up being quite a bit of work. Love the martini, definitely extra whip cream on mine.

    Dara, what a wonderful TG for you! He is sooo beautiful! I'm so happy for you and your DD and I hope the SD will grow up and get his chit together for his boy, maybe little Logan will be just the motivation he needed…. fingers crossed. I never did get any PPD, hopefully she won't. So you didn't even pick a turkey Lean Cuisine? I know you are super busy now. When do you hafta go back to work? I think you said it was soon, bet that's gonna be really extra hard now. Please keep the pics coming.

    Julie, seems you came thru your surgery pretty good, so glad it's behind you now, yay for benign! Hoping you just had the TG dinner at your house but others were doing the work? That's a lot so soon after surgery, you shouldn't even be picking up a turkey yet at this point I wouldn't think. Sounds like you'll be back to Disney in no time. How much time did u get off work?

    Cami, don't know what you did yesterday, hope you got lots of good food and no D. Prayers for your brother and SIL. Congrats on the new baby in the family. Are you off till Monday, or are you manning the phones?

    Sue, you look great! Love the pic by the pool. Hope you enjoyed yer turkey day in LV and got to bring home plenty of leftovers.

    Nancy, love the pic of Samara and Jackson…so cute! We are so blessed and have a lot to be thankful for, don't we? All done with tx and these beautiful sweeties! I'm feeling more like myself everyday, hang in there. The fog is lifting and I'm starting to feel energy that I haven't had since before chemo.Your dog is so stinkin' cute! And your trees are pretty, I have barely put the pumpkins away, I'm so not ready to decorate for xmas. Hoping you are announcing some engagements by the end of the year.

    PRN, not sure what you were doing for TG, conjugal visit? Hope it was great. Do you think your recent fingernail and hair issues are from the AI's? Or are you on Tamoxifin? I was reading SE of AI's and I noticed some of them like that.

    Lara, hope you had a good time at your dad's and then at your mom's. Hope you're not too snowed in. Night before last I dreamed my mom was on a date with Frank Sinatra and I was at a hotel and had to share a room with Frank Sinatra's daughter (no it wasn't Nancy) and she was a snotty bitch and I didn't like her and my mom told me I had to be nice to her.???wtf was that? Don't think a dream book will help much.

    Cyn, yes as NM said my name is Mary. When I registered to the BCO site I used my mom's name cause I was missing her a lot. It never occurred to me that I would make friends here and it would matter. Hope your Wednesday turkey day was great and don't work too hard. Are you off for the weekend?

    Ali, 4 and whoever else I'm missing, hope your turkey day was great and have a good weekend!

    DH at the park with the dogs now. I'm hoping to have a super lazy day today. Yesterday I did the Turkey Dash 5k with Junior. It was barely a stroll for him, he kept looking back at me like "come on, it's a race!" That was my 3rd one since I started tx last March and the 1st on that didn't kick my butt. I think I'm coming back. I have another one tomorrow back in my old town. The one in memory of my nephew's GF I told you about. I'll probably pop in and see my girl after. And I'm going out to lunch with one of my gf's. I cooked yesterday for my DH and MIL. I found a half turkey on top of stuffing all ready to cook at Costco. It took way longer than I thought it would but it was good. Ready-made mashed tators, all I made was the green bean casserole and deviled eggs but it still ended up being a lot of work. Oh and I made this soup in a pumpkin bowl that I saw Marta Stewart do and it was so pretty and easy. I used Trade Joe's pumpkin soup and then added roasted butternut squash and used my mixer. Then you cut the tops off the pumpkins and hollow them out and bake them and put the soup in em'. I was pretty impressed with myself. So Dh and fur babies are back, I'm going to get off the puter and hone my skills at being a slacker. Have a great day girls!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014
  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2014

    Morning DahhhhLinks!!

    CyndieLou - LMAO at that turkey on the shrinks couch..LOL.  Hope you had a nice Turkey day.  Muah!

    Nancy - very cute pic and caption.  Looks like Jackson Really like Samara, too cute!

    NM  - sad you have to work today.  I don't blame you for making a wide berth around all the stores and malls if you can.  What a crazy bunch of peeps, but I guess to some it's worth it.  Not shopping is where it's at in my world.

    Lowee - oohh I kno how that traveling is.  DS wants us to come in 12-20 for his big white elephant xmas bash, then again on xmas eve or day.  Told him I just can't make two trips in one week like that.   Glad your dinner was FAB, ours was too, DD did a gr8 job as always even with her smashed toe.  We draw names on turkey day, each of us adults pulls anothers name and that way everyone gets a gift, but we don't have to buy for everyone else.  DH pulled DD name, he gonna hit the thrift stores and pickup a pair of work boots as a joke.  Tell her she has to wear them when preparing turkey so as not to break another toe.  LOL.  Stay safe in your travels...muah!

    Mary - Thank you for ur sweet words on my pic.  Sad to hear you still having trouble.  What is a splint, is it like a sling for your arms?  I'm funcused.  We did enjoy the evening in Vegas, was a smaller gathering than DD thought, so lots n lots of leftovers so I packed a bag.  My Maddy did not show up, very sad.  Hoping to see her over xmas holidays now.  Love your holiday workout.

    Lubs and Muah's to everyone.  Have a GRRR8 weekend.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hiya goils! Happy Black Friday to you all.

    NM, glad the snow was no big deal for you. Sorry you had to work today, I hope the commute was not too rough. I tried to stay put today but ended up going to my daughter's house to watch Logan again while she went to her therapy session. Thankfully, her place is just a hop, skip and two jumps from here and no malls or shopping centers in between. I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend with lots of Sadie time and lots of dwinking time too!

    Sue, Glad you had a nice time with your family for TG. I wish I could have been there. It is too cold here. Me and mese Dad were jest talking about an eventual move to Florida. Yep, he wants a second home. He is dreaming but who knows.

    Cyndie, very funny post from you, your turkey visiting his shrink be berry funny. Tanks for poopin in whilsst you working and hope to see you again here soon.

    Nancy, what a cute pic of your "grand babies"! Both children are official children of the HTL! You sound great, how is the healing going? I have been thinking of ya.

    Lori, good Lord, you and your DH have done more traveling lately than usual, ehh? I saw your family pics on facebook, posted by your step DD I tink. When I saw the name of your city, I forgot that your SDD was a friend of mine on FB (as we play the vegas game and gift to each other lol). Anywho, I thought for a second, my goodness, someone else lives in de same city as you. And I wish you could hold Logan too. It is great therapy holding such a little bundle of love!

    Mary, great to hear from you and more, glad you were able to do more than stick yer foot in the door of the lounge. And ever better is that YOU are finally starting to get back to life as you knew it, wooo effing hooo for that!

    Julie, how are you feeling, when do you return to work? And when in yer next trip to DW?

    Funny ting, I wuz emailing CynCyn and it was discovered that we both had meatloaf for our TG dinners, funny ehh? Well I taught so enyway! I had meatloaf and stuffing that my sister made. I enjoyed the alone time tremendously although it was my first TG ever wtihout being with my family. It was a tad bit depressing but overall, still a great day as I was able to love on mese baby Logan. Having him is such an amazing feeling. You grandparent breasties told me that it would be awesome but I could not imagine the feeling I have in my heart in advance of baby's birth.

    Ok, gonna hit send cuz I keep hitting buttons and my computer wants to jump out of this page. I need to keep the gremlins away so I shall say Cheers then hit submit.

    CHEERZZZZ !!! Tis the season to be Mary hehe!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    and where might my goil Camille be? I do not tink she has posted sincen wednesday or so? I do not know what she did for TG.

    Dr. Cammy, PHD, pleaze report to the lounge asapliest.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2014

    Mary, glad to hear the splints help. I get funny tingling in my arm sometimes, but it goes away. So I don't know if it's just real mild LE or what. I hope yours doesn't stick around. We DID enjoy our dinner. Been a long time since I made a turkey. Almost an hour and half to the doctor, and that is close. Our special docs in Phoenix, that's 4 hours. LOL at the Sinatra dream. Oh, I think you should change your name to GennysGirl. And then I shall call you GG! Did Gloria get to go on the 5K Turkey Dash? LMAO! I'll bet the soup in the pumpkins were beautiful as well.

    LDB, I'm wif online. But that's mostly for ourselves. Kids and parents get money/gift cards. They're grown and too hard to buy for, then we have to ship. Too funny about the work boots for your DD. But is that her Xmas gift too? I wouldn't mind drawing names, but no one close enough to spend the holidays with. You did not get to see Maddy, bummer. A slint keeps your wrist, or whatever kind of splint you are using, in a postition, you can't bend it.

    Dork yes, step daughter and her fiance both posted a few pics. They are going to Vegas soon, and using some things they got from the My Vegas. The traveling is all business related, but like I said, I just want to stay home! Wish he would just go by his self. We do have our friends from Lake Havasu meeting us there, DH values his opinion. He also owned his own business and knows machines. My DH would have much rather had TG with you, as meat loaf is one of favorites.

    Julie, get a pillow for those sneezes. I think I even use one when I laughed, as that hurt too.

    Quiet around here on the holidays, but I know my girls are busy with family and grand babies.

    Cami, Joey and his friend, and of course you DD, did a great job on your tree. Does he still believe in Santa? I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

    Lucy, you spent some time with your folks, I think. What about the boys?

    NM, it's the weekend, so I know you aren't always here before me. Hopefully your travels yesterday for work went without a hitch.

    Kids are leaving today, been nice having them stay with us. DH ordered himself a new iPad and me the iPhone 5S, I think that's what it is.

    DOTD-Shoot a Wild Turkey.

    To make the Shoot a Wild Turkey, add 2 oz. Wild Turkey, 1 oz. butterscotch schnapps, 1/2 cup canned sweet potatoes and 1 tsp nutmeg into a blender. Pour the smooth liquid into shooter glasses (this will serve 2) and garnish with mini marshmallows. Take this as a shot in one gooble gulp.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!Lovely, sunny, chilly ayem here.Silly Sadie's been out playing in the snow, now she's gone back to bed.

    Goldie--too bad about the tablet, hope you get to stay home soon!

    Genny--Still working on the Finnish coffee bread recipe, almost got it down, hoping this weekend will be the charm.I'm having fun with it, though!I used the splints off and on until a few months after I was done with the AI.Since then it has beenproblem only rarely.So there is hope, hang in there! So glad the Turkey Dash didn't kick your butt, improvement is showing!Great holiday workout!

    Mema--I am a big fan of onlline shopping myself. Not a fan of big crowds.Definitely not a fan of all the craziness and meanness that goes on.

    Dara--the commute wasn't bad, and I could stay out of town, so I didn't have much traffic trouble yesterday.It's really sad how empty nursing home parking lots are on the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas.Definitely going to enjoy the weekend!


    Goldie--traveling was ok yesterday--I didn't go anywhere near the Mall!

    Love the Shoot a Wild Turkey dwinky!

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited November 2014

    Good morning my dah-ling loungettes. I wimped out on the race, still sore from the turkey dash and I'm outta Percocet and silly me went to the PC last week and he said he write me a script and I walked out without em'. I'm not having much pain in the way of my foobs but my joints....ugh I get up looking like an old woman. Anyway, I was just feeling to lazy and I already paid for it so they got my donation. It's an hour away and I just don't feel like there! Pups are trying to get my DH outta bed and to the park, whining and jumping on him. He's got them so spoiled, nothing else will do anymore. It used to tire them out for the whole day, now barely fazes them.

    Dara, oh I'm so happy for you! There is nothing like bein' a gramma! I wish I could've done it first and then been a mom, I would've been so much better at it! Wait until Logan gets to the age where you see him recognize you and light up at your face...oh and when Nora reaches for me when someone else is holding her. Now I'm missing her again. On Friday I'm going with my DIL and Molly and her grandkids to have dinner with Santa at the hospital restaurant where Molly works. Hopefully I can get a pic of Nora and Santa. You are lucky to live so close, you won't miss a thing.

    Sue, I am having numbness in my fingers, all 10 of them. NM told me it sounded like carpal tunnel from the AI's and that she had it. I already had wrist splints cause I have bouts with tendonitis from time to time. I've been doing hair for almost 40 years so it's no surprise, so I've been wearing them as much as I can. So sawry you didn't get to see Maddy, I sure hope you get to see her on Xmas. I miss my Nora all the time.

    Julie, hope your recovery is going well and you didn't overdo it on TG

    I'll pop in later, bet I'm prolly bumping someone in da pool. See ya in the lounge later.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Hey, Genny, sorry to bump you into the pool, swim on over to the pool bar and I'll buy you one!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Oh oh, look whose in baby jail!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2014

    good morning all

    FREE NORA. she is so cute, don't jackson and samara make the cutest all the pics of the htl kids, joey is looking very handsome in his mum's latest fb post,logan is so cute, sorry you didn't get to see your s sue but christmas is coming

    hope all the family members are recovering

    hope your dropping plenty of good stuff for sadie, nm. off work until the 29th dec right now

    my sister went home yesterday, so unsupervised right now. went to a friends house for tg, so was waited on hand foot and finger there and sent home with leftovers.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2014

    Hi all goils!

    I hope you are all having a fantabulous holiday weekend. It definitely is quiet in here.

    Julie, glad you got waited on hand, foot and toe. You sound good, please take care of yourself and stay out of trouble. You been mighten high on dwugs and alcamahol too I hope! Sending you healing prayers. Baby jail, now that is funny!

    Genny, Nora is soooo cute, makes me wish I had a little baby goil. BUT I love my Logan so much, would not trade him in. I jest portend he is a goil hehe!

    Lori, you sure have been busy between traveling and entertaining. I am glad you still find time to post here. Still praying for great results for you. Let us know right away when you hear. We are here for you and hope to be sailabrating for you. (((Lori))) You are so brave! I could not wait, just could not. But good for you in being so patient. You are right in that you can not change anything so best to go ahead and enjoy the holiday...

    NM, I hope you are having a leasshirly day. I agree that it is sad to see the nursing homes lacking visitors. I think back at my patient friends at Mom's prior place and how so many had zero visitors, ever. It saddens me so much that people place their loved ones then just nessapear. I know that my Mom does not know who I am but I know also that I KNOW who she is and know that she enjoys company...well some days anyway. We just show up and hope for a good day. If all days were bad though, we would not stop seeing her.

    Hello to Sue, Nancy, Lara, Camille and anyone else I might be missing. Please check in ladies, I see you all reading hehe!

    I have got to go back over to my DD's house as I need some love from my grandson ♥ SMH, hard to believe this is surreal...simply amazing and difficult to believe I am a grandparent.

    Talking about weird dreams, I had a dream that my DD's neighbor was cutting his lawn at 3am in the dark. I wanted to scream at him but my voice was gone. I think the dream came from the fact that when I brought my dog to stay over with us last week, she was barking in the yard and it was after midnight. I had planned on apologizing to the neighbor when I saw him but did not get past sayiing Good Morning to him. He totally snubbed me, I nearly answered myself for him; I wanted to say Good morning Dorothy, how are you then say fine, thanks for asking. The snotty SOB. I later found out that he does not speak to anyone yet his wife is a doll. People....uhh.

    Well gonna pack mese bag of stuff and head over to see my baby boy! Stay tuned for pics. Gotta love the babies of the lounge, we have more than ever right now and I am so happy to be a poster of new baby pics.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2014

    I Gals, I hope I had a great Thanksgiving, mine was wonderful but went pretty late, so I slept all day yesterday just got up to pee/

    I'm so glad to see Julie posting and hoping u feel OK. and good u'r off now for a while.

    Dara u'r right all of a sudden we are loaded with The lounge babies and they are all so precious. Even tho maybe some are kept in jail. But for a good reason.

    Lori I hope u'r doing OK, let us know.

    I hope everyone has a rest of a good weekend

    lubs u all

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753
    edited November 2014

    Hey everybody I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! Dara Logan is so cute! I bet your having a lot of fun with him, I went shopping with my sister Friday and we had a lot of fun but I got so worn out by the afternoon. Guess its just gonna take a bit to get back to normal. We are going to my brothers today for my families gathering. Love you all night


    My niece Emily with Jackson and my nephew Matthew and my niece Morgan


    Jackson and Santa. He told Santa thank you five times lol


    My daughter Lindsay my sister Jenny Jackson saying one more and me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2014

    Good Sunday Morning, Loungettes!Warm enough here to be foggy and make the snow melty.38 degrees on my back deck.Had a nice white Thanksgiving, now to see what color Christmas will be.

    Julie--Off work for a month, good!And who says I drop stuff for Sadie?I don't allow Sadie very much people food, not good for dogs, you know.I like getting sent home with leftovers, so much yumminess for so little work!

    Dara--Had a very leisurely day yesterday, today probably won't be much busier.It is sad how many of our elders have no visitors.And while the dementia may not let your Mom know who you are in her mind, I firmly believe that her heart and soul know who you are and know you are there regularly, and loves you still.Keep looking for those golden moments of lucidity that sneak through from time to time.They can be very, very brief, but they are there.Has Logan been in to see Great-Grand Mama yet?Watch her face when he gets put in her arms, you'll see magic, I promise!

    Time to add a new room to the HTL--a room for the babies to be safe while exploring their world!So I propose a Baby-safe room with lots of toys, a soft but very stain resistant rug, Lots of rocking chairs and gliders, a few puffy couches for naps, an endless supply of burp cloths, diapers and wipes, bibs and adorable baby clothes.Shoes off when going in, everyone, there's a supply of adult booties to wear to keep our tootsies warm!

    Cammy--must have been a great Turkey Day if you needed this much time to recover!

    Collett--Great pic!Give it time, it hasn't even been 2 weeks since you got done with rads, right?Recovery will start soon for you!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD:

    Christmas Cheer

    1/2 shot Peppermint Schnapps

    1/2 shot Eggnog

    Best served in a Shot Glass.


    Stir it up and shoot it down. HO! HO! HO! Tastes like christmas with a pine tree twist.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2014

    NM, it prolly won't be until Jan sometime, when I will get to stay home! Then in March business will start to pick up. However, if this new business venture goes, I will be busy building a website for it. Not one of my favorite things to do! I agree with you on the empty parking lots at the nursing homes on special holidays.

    Mary, no worries about not doing the race. You did NOT whimp out, remind your self of what you just had to put your body through this past year! Dinner with Santa, how fun! You know we all want to come to too. Nora looks happy in her baby jail, or is she just happy to see her grammy? Love the 2 lil toofers.

    DW, I'm impressed at how well you are getting around. How big of an incision they did they make? And I'll bet you really loved having your sister there.

    Dorothy, EXACTLY...waiting until Monday is not going to change one thing. It's not a matter of being brave, that is not me at all! It's sort of a Cami thing, I just don't want to know! Little goils are fun for sure. When I gave birth to my first, I wanted a girl so bad, they had to tell me 3 times that I had a boy, as I had my brain waiting to here "it's a girl". Haha, I had to Google SMH! Shaking My Head? I don't get to see our grands much, only a few pics on FB occasionally and my g'daughter usually looks like a rag-a-muffin. I'll see if I can find a decent one of them.

    Hey Banana Brain! Good to see you! LOL! But how did you get your font so tiny? I know, you have no idea!

    Nancy, doesn't look like Jackson was the least bit skeered of Santa! Cute pictures of you all in front of the tree.



    Smacking of cinnamon, butterscotch and cream, this snickerdoodle-tini is a delectable, yet modestly-sized, dessert drink.

    1 ounce Partida Resposado Tequila
    3/4 ounce Baileys
    1/2 ounce butterscotch schnapps
    3/4 ounce cream
    Splash of cinnamon schnapps
    Cinnamon stick for garnish

    1.Combine all ingredients except cinnamon stick in a shaker and shake with ice.
    2.Strain into martini glass and garnish with a cinnamon stick.